tv FOX and Friends Saturday FOX News July 4, 2020 3:00am-7:00am PDT
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>> not today. ♪ >> the radical ideology attacking our country advances under the banner of social justice but in truth, it would demolish both justice and society. it would transform justice into an instrument of division and vengeance and it would turn our free and inclusive society into a place of repression, documentation and exclusion. they want to silence us, but we will not be silenced. [cheers and applause] pete: we will not be silenced. it is the 4th of july depends on
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where you are from. independence day we begin this hour with a fox news alert. we will not be silenced. president trump back at the white house this morning after vowing to protect american values at a fiery speech at mount rushmore. griff: the visit was not without tension with native american protesters blocking the entrance to the monument. police and the national guard called in and at least 15 were arrested. jedediah: the president continues his patriotic celebrations tonight with a salute for america. he will speak from the white house's south lawn before a huge fireworks display. welcome, everyone, happy independence day. happy fourth of july. we are here at "fox & friends." i'm here with pete hegseth, griff jenkins. we have a great fourth of july celebratory show. i see you have your 4th of july tie on. >> every fourth. i got my camo shorts on because i can i won't show them to the viewers right now. we want you to show your
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patriotic photos all morning long please send it to friends at if you have a shot of our show in the background, you get extra credit and you are more likely to get on the show. isn't that right, griff? griff: it is, indeed. our viewers should be teased and stay tuned very closely for that reveal of the total ensemble that you are wearing, pete. it's quite shocking. i will tell you what else is shocking is the fireworks display shooting high above washington, roosevelt and lincoln last night. a significant remind in celebration if you will of what the president put in his executive order for monuments where he says our present greatness is due to our past sacrifice, jed. jedediah: yep, that's exactly right. trump making some big and bold statements. check out this one where he talks about setting history's record straight. >> the violent mayhem we have
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seen in the streets and cities that are run by liberal democrats in every case. it is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions. our children are taught in school to hate their own country and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes but that were villains, the radical view of american history is a web of lies. all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured. every motive is twisted. every fact is distorted. this movement is openly attacking the legacies of every person on mount rushmore. today, we will set history and
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history's record straight. pete: guys, it was a fantastic speech. the "new york times" calls it dark and disturbing as they always will. ultimately, it was late and it was late at night because it was right before the fireworks. if you didn't get a chance to watch it, watch the whole things. he lays out what america represents. why we revere these men and women that we put in granite or in statues and ultimately he -- i mean, i can't help but think of the declaration of independence. we hold these truths to be evidence evident that all men are created equally endowed by crater with certain inalienable right. we are not perfect we know that education of our youth. went back to that last night where being taught that our heroes are villains as opposed to the men who set us on a course to a more perfect union. to more equality, to more justice.
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and we fight for that every day and last night, griff, was an awesome testament of that. griff: you mentioned inalienable rights. life liberty and pursuit of happiness. the fact that 56 patriots of the congress had that secret document that we now quality declaration of independence has the will, drive and tenacity to deliver it for future generations is something that we recognize today and if you are not filled with immeasurable pride and unbelievable gratitude for those that serve in the fight and sacrifice for that freedom that we have today, then you are really just denying history, i think. jed. jedediah: yeah. that's exactly right. it was a very patriotic speech. this is a very patriotic day. it should be a day where the country is united in celebrating our history and celebrating our freedoms. of course that history is flawed. of course there are people that are part of that history that made decisions that should not have been made or that we can in
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2020 can look back on and say this was not what was best for our country or people of our country. that's what history is, right? it's a learning experience. and when we know better we do better. the thing is though, i would -- this is a speech that is very much catered to his base, the way that i heard it anyway, that is important that his base is very enthusiastic there are people people around the country that i talk to every day though that aren't happy with joe biden. they congt want to vote for joe biden. they are concerned about social justice. that is something that rings true for them. just, you know, a word of caution, when he gives these speeches as we move toward a general election, you are talking to people in the middle, too who have legitimate concerns about confederate statues who want to have a real conversation about our his destroy contextize and this look at how far we have come. those people are looking for leadership as well. and i'm hoping that they find that in some of these speeches. remains to be seen whether they will. lots of those people exist.
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pete: yeah. we will get to the idea of social justice. the nba recently approving what social justifiable is acceptable. of course, that's the issue the left decides what is social and what is justifiable and we're going to litigate that. joe biden we will see how he does in his basement attempting to do. so we will find out. as we celebrate our independence day. america's birthday, protesters, will they turn into rioters? we will see. they are planning to hit city streets across the country. garrett tenney joins us from washington. rapid deployment to protect federal monuments. >> garrett, good morning. >> good morning, y'all. in this latest response to push down monuments. last night president trump new monument, national garden of heroes. vast garden of the statues of the greatest americans of people who ever lived. susan b. anthony. john adams. martin luther king jr. jacque robinson and christopher
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columbus. now, columbus is notable because activists have targeted several statues of him across the country over the past several weeks. last night president trump fired back at those who are responsible for these kind of actions. >> we will never let them rip america's heroes from our monuments or from our hearts by tearing down washington and jefferson these radicals would tear down the very heritage for which men gave their lives to win the civil war. >> across the country today including in seattle, l.a., boston, d.c. and richmond, virginia, the department of homeland security has assigned special rapid deployment teams to those cities and others specifically to protect federal monuments and statues from vandalism. here's acting dhs secretary ken cuccinelli last night on "the story." >> we also have teams
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predeployed to cities or areas where we think we are more likely to be problem areas. we will be very forward leaning in maintaining the peace and keeping americans and our history safe. >> this is part of the trump administration's broader effort to crack down on these efforts to van doize or to tear down our monuments and includes law enforcement, federal law enforcement agencies beefing up their presence going in to the fourth of july weekend. back to y'all. griff: all right, garrett, thank you very much. garrett is talking about that rapid deployment team. this is this is something we haven't seen on the fourth of you'll federal forces protecting monuments. order calling for dhs to use their law enforcement agencies, cbp, ice, and the like to support the federal protective services in this effort. it's the joint department of interior and justice department effort and it comes on the heels
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of that arrests we saw of that individual jason charder ringleader trying to tear down that statue in will the square. not only point trying to preserve our history protect if and enforce and it uphold the law and prosecute those who seek to do vandalism is really quite significant development. pete: yeah, it's not social justifiable to tear down washington and jefferson and lynn son. you can have a conversation about where we are as a country but to try to erase the founders of our nation, the folks who fought civil war that's not social justice, that's about tearing down america. that's the point the president made yesterday on july 3rd going into july 4th can we have that conversation without saying america is a bad place? that's the question the president is asking. jedediah: yeah. you can certainly have that conversation without desis he creating everything and destroying everything.
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this idea of the national guard and american heros is something that may appeal to a large majority of people say this is a place designated to pay tribute to our history where these statues are contextualized. of course that will not appeal to people who just want to sikh to destroy. they will not be happy unless it is completely destroyed there is a segment. john adams, susan b. anthony, frederick douglass that will be housed in there and could appeal to many people. we shall see. we have to get to the latest on the coronavirus now. independence day celebrations a r. a little bit different this year as several cities are closing beaches, banning fireworks displays and gathering back large gatherings. the number of new covid-19 cases sores to over 50,000 third straight day. 50 states seeing a rise of a dozen states including florida, california, texas and arizona break single day records for new cases. griff? griff: yeah. you know, i mean, look, there is no doubt that this is going to
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be fourth of july like no other when it comes to the fireworks being canceled. even the music acts are going viral. i want to get to one more thing. and that's it. being the fact that we are about 120 days from a national election. it reminds me being on the campaign trail in 2016 and, believe it or not, we now have one of those voices coming back in. that is former secretary of state hillary clinton talking about she would have handled the controversies a little bit better. she is talking here to the hollywood reporter, listen. >> we wouldn't have been able to stop the pandemic at our the way that trump claimed in the beginning but we sure could have done a betterrize, modeling better, more reasonable behavior. pete: she went on to whether she could wheat the president. >> if you were on the ballot in
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2020, would you beat him? >> yes. but i think people believe that this is a referendum on him. pete: i could also beat steph curry in a 3 point context in my own mind. i like failed presidential candidate now attempting to pretend like she would have done something better. we are in a difficult time. i get it but why will see if they try to resurrect hillary clinton as their savior in this moment might be tough. there is your daily dose of hillary clinton. you didn't know you wanted tonight 4th of july but here we delivered it to you but we are moving on. turning now to a few additional he had headlines starting with a fox news alert. a sad one. a police officer in ohio shot and killed overnight. police in toledo holding a news conference right now to give more details. here is what we know officer andy shot and killed in a home depot parking lot. not sure what led to the shooting. we will bring you more information as it comes. in god bless him.
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all those who defend us this day and every day. jedediah: chicago mayor lori lightfoot slamming president trump saying he has failed to lead as crime escalates in her city is it his fault that her city is under siege? david webb is here to react and he joins us coming up. with no artificial preservatives or added nitrates or nitrites, it's all for the love of hot dogs. i thought it had to be thick to protect. but new always discreet is made differently. with ultra-thin layers that turn liquid to gel and lock it inside. for protection i barely feel. new always discreet.
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j. >> if the president was really interested in helping cities like chicago, he wouldn't be trying to attack the affordable care act. he wouldn't continue to demonize our immigrant and refugee community. the president has failed to lead. griff: that's chicago's mayor lori lightfoot pointing blame at president trump amid the spade of violence rocking her city. here to react fox news contributor and radio talk show host david webb. good morning and first, happy fourth of july to you. >> happy fourth of july and
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happy independence day, america, griff. before we get into this why has that pete hegseth guy always got to outshine the guy on the panel with the smart bow tie and his look. griff: wait until you see the whole ensemble. i'm telling you stay tuned it gets even better. but i digress. let's get, to it's going to be all eyes on chicago in a violent spiraling out of control last year on the fourth of july weekend there were 33 people shot. four killed. let me show you the violence so far this year. 324 murders. 1364 shooting incidents. but, yet, mayor light foot, david, is pointing the blame at president trump. >> we have seen this game before. these liberal progressives and further, which mary light -- mayor light foot is one of them. they file cities. it loads to more destruction and
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destruction. we are not just talking about shootings and murders. you look at weak over week comparisons over the last few days 50-something people shot in chicago. the total count. some fatalities in that. and that isn't tied to the protest and the riots at all. this is commonplace. but it's increasing. crime increases when the summer. we get those spikes. coronavirus didn't get rid of crime. criminals don't seem to fear it. but now they are even more emboldened by what they have done when it comes to the police department. they are abandoning their police officers on the street. they are changing the rules daily. the various police organizations and frankly the officers are speaking out. but, trump is somehow the bad guy. president trump has been in office for three years. liberal progressives have been running chicago and other cities like baltimore around this country for decades with their policies. minneapolis with their policies. and, yet, they blame the right. president trump just happens to be the republican president of
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the moment. i have got to warn new yorkers on this, griff, that you need to pay attention. because fear city and at some point i used to have a copy of that from the 1970s. this is what is happening. you get a fear city manual, you better read it, folks, and understand when you go in these cities and look around, you could be a random target of a criminal. griff: quickly, david, in the time we have left, what advice could you give mary lightfoot? >> work with the federal authorities on the anticrime efforts when you talk about gangs, cartels, illegal weapons coming into your city that are crossing state borders, and work with the beat cops in the neighborhoods. get them back on the ground so they can work with the community and get back to stop question and frisk so we can take the bad guns and bad people out of the streets of chicago.
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griff: david webb, thanks for joining us. have a great day. >> you too. and jedediah and pete. griff: june jobs report shattering records adding 4.8 million jobs. what do those numbers mean? professor brian brenberg is on deck. he joining us coming up. ♪ ♪ given my unique lifestyle, that'd be perfect! let me grab a pen and some paper. know what? i'm gonna switch now. just need my desk... my chair... and my phone. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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guilfoyle is dating donald trump jr. he tested negative for the virus. is he self-isolating as a precaution. 100 students test positive for the virus at the university of washington. a school council says all of the students live in frat houses near the seattle campus. the school is working to confirm the cases. over to you, pete. pete: thank you, jed. june jobs report shattering expectations 4.8 million jobs added the biggest increase on record. here to break down the records is fox news contributor and chair of the business and finance program at the kings college in manhattan professor brian brethren berlg. good morning, happy independence day. the big lead of this segment, brian, for the first time in 96 years, the forest lake fourth of july parade has been canceled. where am i going to get overpriced cheese kurds outside of the american legion? >> pete. you are right. that is the tragedy of the day. but the good news is the north branch fireworks are happening tonight, so you can get the brenbergs are going to be the tangor outlet mall parking lot
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to watch them. you know every word of what i am talking about. pete: i know exactly of where you speak. this is the upper midwest news for you folks. let's get to the jobs report here. 4.8 million. what do you take away from this victory. >> what i take away is the energy in the economy right now, pete. it's so funny. the experts continue to get this wrong. think were way off last month. they were way off this month. but if you have been out in your community. if you have been out and, about you have seen it. you can feel it. there is an incredible amount of enthusiasm to get back at it. and it's translating into jobs people were not expecting to come bang. morback. more than 2 until in leisure and manufacturing. taken us two months to get the same share of jobs back that it took us 20 months to get after the 2009 recession. we are moving quickly. the key is we have got to keep it up. pete: speaking of keeping it up.
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states taking different approaches. increase in cases which doesn't mean increase in deaths or hospitalizations. they are very different things. florida is saying we are vowing to basically stay reopen as best we can california is locking back down. how will those changes have an effect on next month? >> well, look, small businesses are trying to make plans. they are willing to fight for whatever the new future needs to look like. they are making big investments right now. and the question they have is it worth it. to my politicians, t do my mayos and politicians and governors have my back? if i make this effort will they have my back? the answer has to be yes. if local leaders don't have the back of small businesses, they can't keep it up. they are physically drained. they are emotionally drained. they are financially strained and they are willing to keep going. they can't do it with the kind of uncertainty that says all of this could be rolled back. we have got to look at the date a and be smart. nobody is opposed to making smart moves where it matters that may include masks or other things. if we move backward, that's the
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kind of thing that can squash the momentum. the momentum is real. it's not going to last forever unless people believe that going back to work is the future. it's not just some temporary step here until things get closed down again. pete: i mentioned it briefly, brian. here is two different approaches. ron desantis florida. gavin newsom, california. watch. >> we are not going back closing things. i don't think that really is what is driving it. i mean, people going business is not what is driving. >> it we have specifically targeted our efforts to close indoor operations. pete: the message is we are opening. we are pushing, we are being cautious or we're closing down and what impact will that have? >> imagine if you are a small business owner and you are watching both of those messages and you ask yourself which state would i rather be in, which state can i actually do business, hire people and get back at it? and the answer is clear.
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we need smart leaders here. we need courageous leaders. they have got to understand the people in their communities are business people. they need to earn a living. they don't want to live in government largess. that doesn't work. america's business its making that clear last month's job numbers showed it emphatically. pete: knot branch always been a little bit more scrappy than forest lake. of course they are having fireworks today. >> i hope their fireworks are especially scrappy today. that's what makes them great. pete: thank you for your time we appreciate it. statues are toppled have. been illegally across the country. and protests essentially cheered by some in the media. but when the feds arrested the so-called ring leader of some of the vandalism, the rioting. where is the media? they are silent. joe concha calls out the blatant bias. that's next.
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nobody. >> that's our own doug m |1 ckelway my colleague here in d.c. well done, doug. calling out the media blackout after federal officials charged a man they say tried topple. anna: drew jackson statue in d.c. pete: media going awol after weeks of breathless coverage of staat do yous being targeted and torn down across the country. >> statues being torn down as america confronts its racist past. >> it's not destroying history. it's actually presenting the real history. >> taking active and aggressive steps to actually make us better. jedediah: here to reacted media reporter for the hill joe concha. welcome to the show as always. a little media bias to spice up your morning. why do you think there is no coverage of that ringleader or little coverage i should say of that ringleader? >> first of all, jedediah, i think that doug mckelway is
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having one hell of a week. only guy that asked joe biden about dog anyive decline and that report was perfect in the way that he set it up that the media just doesn't care about the fact that jason charder is linked and actively supports antifa. we don't see antifa get almost any press coverage. lara logan profiled this group but given everything and all the unrest in this country right now that "60 minutes" or some evening newscast would do a lot more in terms of coverage of antifa and the destruction that they are doing to this country. but, instead, you said it's contradicts and seems to be complete apathy of this while statues of lincoln will fall throughout this country. you will. griff: doug having a fantastic week. other party of doug's life which was so brilliant to visually illustrate it we have the u.s. attorney for the district of
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columbia, michael sherwin who said basically they charged more than 150 people already in cases just like this with destruction of federal property in that the early signs are that many of them are self-radicalized in groups just like antifa. jason charter's twitter account has him identifying with antifa. what won't our colleague in the media and other channels and outlets report on it? >> i would think that, griff, probably because some have defended antifa. we saw one prime time cnn anchor who actually compared antifa and there is a tweet to prove this to troops storming normandy in other words they are anti-fascist and we freed the world from nazi takeover so, therefore, they must be equal. and obviously that's simply not the case. this is a very, very destructive group that deserves attention because that's a story, right? i mean, it's the story.
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who is doing this and why? let's see some more coverage on that. pete: because much of the media, joe, is on their side. the president yesterday was in south dakota talking about -- speaking at mount rushmore. here is part of what he said and we will get some media reaction. listen. >> their goal is not a better america. their goal is to end america. in its place they want power for themselves. but, just as patriots did in centuries past, the american people will stand in their way. and we will win and win quickly. pete: just as they did the president's inauguration, here is the failing "new york times." breaking news, president trump delivered a dark and divisive speech at mount rushmore leaning into the culture wars and barely mentions covid-19. dark and divisive is their
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headline, joe. >> when the president, when he was a candidate actually won the republican nomination. when he delivered that speech four years ago, they loved the word dark apparently at the "new york times." his tone dark. g.o.p. takes the g.o.p. mantel. the "new york times" has not endorsed republican candidate for 64 years. that means they endorsed mondale and mcgovern who won one state each that's all you need to know in terms of disconnect between the "new york times" and the american people. nice bow tie by the way, pete. that he was going to be a running theme. pete: fourth of july and homage to tucker always happy fourth. god bless america. >> i got it,. jedediah: thanks, joe, so much. we will turn to some headlines for you now. three colorado police officers are fired over this photo. it shows them mimicking the chokehold used on elijah mcclain who died in police custody last year. the police chief says their
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actions won't be tolerated. >> it shows a lack of morals, values and integrity and a judgment i can no longer trust to allow them to wear this badge. jedediah: a fourth officer reportedly resigned over the photo. and the owner of the washington redskins says he is open to change the team's name. dan schneider promising a thorough review of the name after fedex which owns the naming rights of the team's stadium called for a rebrand. baseball's cleveland indians have similarly promised to determine the best path forward for their name. the steve retired cartoon mascot chief wahoo in 2018. and a man is charged with setting his own home on fire with illegal fireworks. take a look at this. police say that is dame i don't know setting off fireworks in his new york city driveway. one round of the roman candle shoots through an apartment window. can you see flames quickly erupting from the first story window. the home burned to the ground.
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luckily no one was hurt. he is charged with arson. and a marriage proposal gone wrong. a woman says oh no instead of yes when a plane drops a banner reading will you mary me summer? it detached from the plane crashing to the ground in orange county, california. police tweeting, quote: this is not a sign of a bad marriage. our community wants to know will you mary jeremy, #proposal gone wrong. a woman claiming to be summer's aunt replying saying she said yes. and those are your headlines. griff: that's awesome. now it is time to go to our weather man who will travel. he has been in parks, his apartment, and today rick reichmuth is live from coney island? rick: is that clapping i hear? pete: yes it is for you, rick, well done. rick: i came out here i know this is jed's favorite place. thought we would come to the beach for the morning for the show. perfect place to be for the
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fourth of july. not testimony that people out here yet. serve social distancing and a lot of people exercising. not me. talk about weather. we have got actually a really great day for almost everyone in the country today for your fourth of july. take a look at the map and show you what's going on. temperaturewise it is hot. great day if you are able to get out to some water somehow as we are starting out right now warm in florida, 83 in tampa. as far as precipitation goes we had big storms move overnight across parts of the central south across areas of louisiana. those are for the most part gone. i don't think we will see major rain there. one thing we're watch something severe weather this morning across parts of north north dakota. not across a huge hop plated area. storms across parts of new mexico and colorado and arizona that is the monday soon and we're starting to see some of that moisture coming into southwest that will eventually help with some of the fires that we have been dealing in across parts of the southwest in the short-term. brings about some lightning and the ground is still very dry.
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hasn't had much moisture yet from the storms that will be one of the problems. take a look at your temps today. we have 90's across the high plainplains from north dakota dn through texas. hot week, things eu78 proving a little bit four. looking ahead tomorrow cool down a couple of degrees. overall we have a great day in store for the fourth. jedediah: thanks so much. rick. rick reichmuth in coney island. i am supremely jealous leave it at that. [laughter] still want to celebrate the fourth but keep it safe? dr. janette nesheiwat joins us next. we honor this great nation this independence day. ♪ will. [anchors away] ♪
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jedediah: welcome back many staying home or hosting small gatherings for independence day weekend. what are the best way to celebrate? heres with dos and don'ts is dr. nesheiwat. welcome to the show as always and happy fourth of july weekend to you and your family. >> thank you, good morning. jedediah: we are all excited about celebrating fourth of july weekend and we want to do it
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safely. we are in the midst of the pandemic. you see some spikes in some states. what are some of the dos and don'ts you can share with us to help us make it a safe weekend? >> yes. that's the key. celebrate safely. first and foremost. we want to make sure that if we're outdoors and not able to physical distance and social distance we want to wear a facial covering or a mask that's really important then, of course, keep your hands washed and clean not to touch your face and 6 to 10 feet away from other people. the virus likes to jump from one person to another. we just learned that for every person that tests positive, there are 10 to 20 part-time that are undiagnosed. so on top of that disinfect a common area. that's really important and then, of course, summertime would want to stay hydrated. er with sun block. and if you think have you been exposed, go ahead and get tested. those are. so do and of course don'ts. jedediah: what about some of the don'ts that we shouldn't do?
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>> you want to do the best can you to celebrate at home celebrate with your family of the try your best to avoid large crowds and clusters, that's how this virus jumps from person to person through talking, sneezing shouting and cheering. it gets through the air and aerosolizes and gets to another person's eyes, ears, their throat. don't go out if you are sick. if you are not feeling well. if you have a sore throat or runny nose, a fever, cough, stay home get well. try to avoid hot spots. don't travel to areas where there is a known outbreak like arizona, miami, certain parts of california. then, of course, again, make sure you don't forget your mask and don't forget to physical distance. all those little things together can help keep you safe and enjoy the holiday with your family and your friends. jedediah: one of the things that you mentioned most people
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celebrating fourth of july weekend will be outside which we know helps to spread the minimize the spread of the virus. is there antibody testing. people go and get those tests saying i have antibodies does it mean i can't get it again? there still seems to be no answer on that. >> that's a great question. if you become ill, your body develops antibodies. little soldiers to protect you if your body encounters this disease. this virus again in the future. but, because, jedediah, this is such a novel new virus, we are still learning more about it. when i test some of my patients, the longest duration of antibodies i found was six months. still too early to tell. even if you do test positive with the antibodies, which should protect you against future infection, you should still act as if you don't have the antibodies, as if there is no long-term protection. i tend to say act as if you are asymptomatic carrier and act as if everyone around is you asymptomatic carrier to make
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yourself take those preventative measure precautions. jedediah: that's what i have been doing. i have been tested i have antibodies but i'm acting like yoof them. thank you for updating us and please keep us posted if anything changes the on that. i know that's a big story we will all be following. thank you so much for your tips, too. >> thank you. jedediah: appreciate it, doctor have. >> a good one. my pleasure. jedediah: as we celebrate american independence, we are honoring the thousands of high school students enrolling in the u.s. military. we will salute that coming up. ♪ my brother and my sister ♪ proud to take a stand ♪ where liberty is in jeopardy ♪ i will always do what's right ♪ i'm out here on the front lines ♪ ♪
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>> thank you for what you are doing and going to do. >> what an important part of our organization. >> standard because of leaders just like you. pete: as we celebrate our nation's independence, i, along with a few other familiar faces, take part in america salutes, an event recognizing the more than 150,000 high school graduates in who enlisted right out of high school into the u.s. military. dr. kenneth hartman and 2020 graduate gregory smith hone listed in the army and leaves for basic training in just a few days. dr. hartman, congratulations, what an awesome effort. share with our viewers what it is awful about. >> so, pete, first of all, thank you very much for having us on and for you to be a big part of the show. this is america's time to come together to thank a group of
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high school graduates that barely get recognition. covid-19 knocked all of my ceremonies across the country off. we decided we are going to do something virtual. i have got to tell you something, people like yourself and all the different celebrities came out and said happy to be a part of it i have got everybody from the secretary of defense to the second lady to celebrities, craig morgan, everybody involved in this all of which to come out and say thank you to the class of 2020 like greg. pete: greg, you are heading off to boot camp in a couple of days. what does it mean to you that dr. hartman and so many others are saluting you who are saying hey, i'm going to go to a big job and put america first and put the uniform on. >> it's great to see everyone's support and everything for all the future soldiers out there. when i watched a video of everyone thanking me, it really like warmed my heart and everything. it was great. pete: gregory, why do you want
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to serve our nation? >> it's always been a dream of mine to be a soldier and join the u.s. army and to finally be doing it and everything is amazing. i'm excited. pete: dr. hartman when you hear voices like that and there are a lot of them in your program, what does it bring to mind? >> so, pete it, brings me great warmth. but here's the other issue the most important thing. the military is having a really hard time right now recruiting new social and airmen even those that are in because they can't get into high schools. even those in due tokes term circumstances right now. many of them are deciding that maybe this is not an option for them so here is what i need all your viewers to do. we have created a virtual thank you card to the class of 2020 high school. our goal is to get a million americans. 1 million americans to go to america's [inaudible] and sign our virtual thank you card. pete: i love it? >> these kids like greag greg
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♪ ♪ ♪ pete: that is the 78th army band out of fort dix, new jersey i spent more time there than i care to admit grand old flag as we honor our nation the greatest nation on the planet on this independence day. happy fourth of july to jedediah behl and griff jenkins who is in our nation's capital. i should point that way. i still haven't figured out this covid screen thing. happy independence day, guys, welcome to the wh show and of course a big speech last night at mount rushmore. jedediah: yes, happy independence day to everyone. let's be honest that pete has won the wardrobe contest today with that tie. griff andly take a second place happily and maybe we will get to see the whole ensummable later in we're lucky. i hear griff has teased that it's something to see.
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pete: oh there is more. griff: whole ensemble is quite breath-taking much like the fireworks were high above mount rushmore last night, washington, jefferson, roosevelt and lincoln beneath this unbelievable display that we saw last night as the president, many say was dark and divisive, that's "new york times." we will get to that but the president really took on what we have been witnessing across the country with respect to vandalism and rioting, here is some of what the president had to say. listen. >> angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our founders. deface our most sacred memorials unleash a wave of via violent crimes. people from their jobs. shaming dissenters and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees.
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completely alien to our culture and tour values and has absolutely no place in the united states of america. we will expose this dangerous movement, protect our nation's end this radical assault and preserve our beloved american way of life. pete: the speech was late last night. few a morning show like we do you probably weren't up watching it. if you didn't watch it, watch the whole thing. i rewatched it this morning. here is the key themes. america is a great and virtuous country. a good country. if we tear down our history, we will not be able to understand ourselves or what america's destiny should be in the future and then, of course, as we played in that clip, the left wing mob and those who practice the cancel culture they are engaging in their own form of totalitarian behavior fascist behavior and completely alien to what america represents and we
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shouldn't accept it. we with stand for washington and jefferson and lincoln and teddy roosevelt believed in the promise of america. putting america first while under understanding our past without unnecessarily amplifying it without understanding what our history represents. of course, the "new york times," the former paper of record, which is now just a left wing rag had this to say about the speech. said, breaking news: president trump delivered a dark and divisive speech at mount rushmore leaning in to the culture wars and barely mentioning the pandemic. jed, so, that's their view. of course, we know what "the washington post" thinks. they redid their entire motto democracy dies in darkness because of president donald trump. they are going to come out no matter what. the question is how does this speech connect with people who have been watching rioting for the last five or six weeks and believe if you want to take down statues, there is a way to do
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it. or we can just remember and recognize our path and try to fulfill it even better. jedediah: yeah, that remains to be seen. a lot of these people have also seen enormous upticks in crime in their cities. look at cities like new york. cities like seattle and they are saying hold on a second, i'm afraid for my children or myself or my business. so i think a lot of this stuff is going to ring true for a lot of people. a lot of what you heard in that speech. particularrably cancel culture and this idea of not only canceling history which we see but also canceling people. if someone says something 35 years ago that they now apologize for or have grown from, that's not acceptable to anyone anymore. if we have somebody in our history that we can look at and say you know what? we have learned from this and gotten better. this is part of our history and why it's important to study it and learn it. people have no appreciation for that anymore. that's why conversation is dead, too. regardless, i do think there is a big disconnect between what the "new york times" says and what a lot of the country feels when they listen to a speech
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like what we heard last night. we talked to gee concha early in the show and this is what he had to say on it. when the president was a president candidate delivered that speech four years ago, they love the word dark, apparently at the "new york times." tone dark. g.o.p. takes the g.o.p. mantel. the "new york times" has not endorsed a republican candidate for 64 years. that means they endorsed mondale and mcgovern who won one state each. so that's all you need to know in terms of disconnect betweens "new york times" and the american people. such a good point about the feeling disconnect "new york times" larger article they basically accuse the president of waging a culture war against a straw man version of a far left that's seeking to reek mayhem in the streets. they are. that's what they're seeing on their televisions. it's very poignant to raise that and to point it out.
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turning now to a fox news alert. president trump [inaudible] celebration tonight at the white house. it's expected to be met with nationwide protest. >dart tenney joins us from washington. good morning. garrett. >> good morning, y'all. and happy independence day. not only is president trump bound to protect our current monument. last night he announced plans for a new one. a national garden of heroes. which he described as a vast garden park to honor the giants of our past with statue us of the greatest americans who have ever lived a preliminary list of those who will be enshrined includes people such as john adams, davy crockett, susan b. anthony, martin luther king jr. christopher columbus, amelia earhardt and jackie robinson. at the feet of mount rushmore the president criticized demonstrators and called on americans to rise up.
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>> from our monuments or from our hearts. by carrying tearing down jeffer sorn or washington. very heritage for which men gave their lives to win the civil war: more protests are expected across the country today including in seattle l.a., boston and d.c. and richmond virginia department has assigned a federal special unit. teams it protecting the task force from those cities and others specifically to protected monuments and statues from vandalism. here is acting secretary ken cuccinelli last night on the story. >> we also have teams predeployed to cities and areas where we think are more likely to be problem areas. we are going to be very forward leaning in keeping our history
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safe. >> a salute to america. featuring what the white house describes as a one of a kind air show with flyovers from world war ii era air craft. the u.s. air force thunder bird and u.s. navy blue angels and capping it all off will be more than 10,000 fireworks and what's being billed as one of the largest fireworks shows ever. should be something to see. back to y'all. pete: garrett, great job. you undersold it a little bit. you will get flyovers from the world war ii. the korean war, the vietnam era aircraft dessert storm, global war on terrorism and future aircraft, garrett. you 1u78d it all up. you didn't have all the time to hit all that it's going to be a great program. >> i'm glad you got it. pete: thank you very much. good stuff. salute to america today and fireworks just like we had yesterday. well, joe biden, who is trying to run to be the commander-in-chief, he gave a virtual address yesterday as he always does. he was speaking to the national education association the nea.
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he is all. in he is all against school choice, don't worry and all for that terrible common core curriculum your kids are learning. that's what he affirmed other remarks i'm quite sure even though i didn't listen to it. you know what he stands for and what he said. here is a what he said though talking about our current president trump during that virtual assembly. >> the bon bottom line is we are not 50 different nations in the united states and territories. beyond that territories. we are one nation, one nation and we [inaudible] the way the president tries to turn this all in to some kind of racial contest, it just -- it's -- it's immoral. pete: was that moving, inspiring, riveting. and who is making it about a racial contest? standing up for our founders and
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lincoln and grant and understanding our history is not making it a racial contest. it's simply saying we can love america while also recognizing we have moved past things that have happened in the past. it seems, jed, it's joe biden that wants to make it all about race. jedediah: yeah, truly difficult to decipher what joe biden is saying there. in the country. people feel differently about these issues. people have different opinions about what is happening right now. principles the country was built on. people feel differently about that. some want to change things, others don't. people feel differently about statues. that's okay. the fact that joe biden paints this as, yeah, it's going to be divisive, that's why there are two presidential candidates by the weighed because you both have different visions about what would make this country better. that's what the whole thing is about. this whole country is built on
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dissent and conversation and trying to grow. the unfortunate reality is that there used to be a common thread that i think held everybody together. a common sense of patriotism. a common sense of love of country that seems to be vanishing very rapidly. and that is what is scary. griff: you know, jed, we have got to point out joe biden is leading substantialfully many of the polls. but leave it to the miracle from massachusetts, and former tank commander michael d dukakis. pete: i love what you did there, griff. well-played. griff: is he warning biden not to pay attention to polls. particularly this year polls should be studied cautiously. biden can and should win but being at 50, no matter how weak your opponent is no guarantee of success. he certainly should know. we should also point out dukakis endorsed early on elizabeth warren in 2020. by now he is trying to give
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advice to joe biden. pete: do you remember president dukakis? 53-38 in the national polls in 1988 against george h.w. bush. turns out those polls not reflective about how the people felt of the reagan era. very important warning. griff: indeed. turning now to your headlines starting with a fox news alert. a police officer in ohio is killed in the line of duty overnight. officer anthony dea was shot in a home depot parking lot while responding to a disturbance call. the mayor says his death is a stark reminder of the sacrifice officers make every day. >> please take time today and reflect on not just his sacrifice but on the sacrifice that the men behind me make every day putting their lives on the line to protect the citizens of the city and this country. griff: police say the man who fired was drunk. he was able to fire back killing the suspect. officer leaves behind a wife and
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2-year-old child. our thoughts and prayers with that family. also breaking overnight. two run over by a car in seattle. can you see the white car speeding down a highway before slamming into protesters launching them into the air. we froze the video right before that happened. both are in serious condition. the car was stopped. police arrested the driver. jed? jedediah: wow. a number of truck drivers nationwide are refusing to go in and out of states seeing covid-19 cases spike. one trucker says she will step up and deliver much needed food supplies to those areas. she is going to join us next. don't miss it. [ thunder rumbles ]
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jedediah: a number of truck drivers across the u.s. refusing to travel in and out of states seeing a spike in coronavirus cases, but our next guest says those states need food and supplies now more than ever. she will continue to step up and deliver joining me now trucker-driver becca coons. thank you for being here today and behalf of all of us what you do every day. yoyou have that amazing truck behind you, patriotic truck looks so fantastic. i need to get me one of those, becca. >> absolutely. i love very prideful about, you know, all the pride that we have in our veterans and everything. i wanted to show it off a little bit. i love it and i know our viewers will love it as well. why do you go into these areas that have covid-19 spike and keep delivering to those areas at this time. >> as you said everyone needs supply and these place need these supplies more than ever
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both food, water, sanitary supplies to make sure they are maintaining the quarantine and isolation environment. they absolutely need what we bring in so there is no reason that we -- or there is no way that we can stop what we're doing just because of the risk. there is risks every day on the road. this is just another one of them that we have to learn to manage truckers have faced pretty extraordinary challenges. you are often sometimes times delivering medical equipment, devices. stuff to sanitize that enable other people to stay safe during this difficult time what are. so challenges have you faced for yourself while you are driving? >> well, as far as isolation and quarantine goes. a lot of us are facing still the same shortages of masks, gloves, sanitizing. a lot of companies have stepped up and a lot of the truck fueling stations have really also stepped up they are
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improving their procedures and maintaining a social distance, wear masks inside to try to limit the spread as much as possible. as far as other difficulties, i will say that the nation has really stepped up in how they handle. this and they have really realized that we as truckers need to, you know, fuel and feed and so on. so they have really stepped up to make sure that we're getting the essential needs for ourselves on the road. jedediah: well, bekah, i love your spirit. you love your job and it shows. >> absolutely. jedediah: very inspiring to see. thank you so much for all you do. i absolutely love your truck. that was inspired me. i'm going to need to get a cool car after seeing that. >> oh, yeah. i love it. thank you. jedediah: thank you. still ahead, black leaders in minneapolis are slamming the city council after voting to dismagetsz the entire police department. our law enforcement panel is here to react, next.
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griff: time for news by the numbers. you can now read thomas jefferson's original rough draft library of congress available online. 2400. that's how many legos went into this american flag, lego lands see live aquarium. 4-foot flag took 10 hours to build. finally 3,000 pounds. that's how much the world's largest american flag weighs. the length of nearly three football fields. the flag is flying high this fourth of july weekend in south dakota. pete, what do you think of that.
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pete: good stuff. thank you, griff. the city council moving forward to dismantle their police department in the wake of george floyd. now some black leaders in the city are speaking out claiming the council's move doesn't represent the needs of their community. here to discuss our law enforcement panel seattle police officer guild president mike sole alan the chief of police for manchester township in new jersey police chief parker and always nypd detective dr. oscar odom. doctor, i decided to copy you this morning with the bow time you looked too good in it and i had to steal it once. let me go to you first, doctor, your your response that they are pushing back you can't dismackets the police department. >> first of all, always like to thank the men and women in blue and nypd across the country for doing such a great job and keeping us safe. i think it's finally the voices of reason are stepping forward to realize to say that this is not a white or black issue but this is a human issue and not all black people are monolithic,
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you cannot make decisions based off of emotions. it must be based off 6 refinery and also data. when you look at all of this taking place and this is the oxymoron to say we are going to defund you but we want you to do things differently and do things better. police officers ourself we are upset with police officers who abuse their rights and involved with police brutality and things of that nature we disagree with that and majority of police officers are not like that. by us stepping forward and saying as they realize the need for public safety. they realize the need of what police officers do for their communities and this is why they are stepping forward. and i applaud them for this for not being thrown in a box and stepping back and saying no, we are just going to join this group who are trying to hijack public safety. so stepping forward is a great thing. it's a positive thing. it's based off of data and it's based off of decision. based off all the reports that they're reading.
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and finally somebody is reading it. because apparently other people are not reading statistics and data. the last thing i will say that, of course we know that everybody has had some sort of contact with a police positive. be it you, your family member, your cousin or yourself be it responding for a robbery, murder or delivering a baby. positive responses that's the part they leave out. pete: chief parker any surprise that it took this long for the groups to stop the insanity my community effects as much as anybody else? >> i think when this first came out and we heard about defund the police, everybody knew that this was not a sustainable theory and really the fact that it even got any traction, i think, surprised us all. so i'm not necessarily surprised that it took so long and i do think that there has always been a silent majority in the united states. but they do come to the table and they are stakeholders in that matter. i'm glad to see that they're coming forward.
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pete: it is. you can't be silenced if you are the majority. eventually you need to speak up especially if it comes to the police. mike, this is a take from nikima levy armstrong. civil rights attorney former president of the minneapolis naacp speaking to the star tribune saying they have shown a complete disregard for the voices and perspectives of many members of the african-american community. we have not been consulted as the city makes its decisions. even our community is the one most heavily impacted by both police violence and community violence. they are seeming to say, listen, we can take issue with maybe some ways in which the police operates, but without them, our community is under siege. >> i tell you what was under sneej seattle was the failed socialist experiment known as the chaz and chop, oscar is right, the reasonable community's voices being geraldo now. when we went in there to liberate the city of seattle who was held hostage by these unreasonable activists, people cheered and applauded.
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and the reasonable community is right on point, they are the ones who are requiring and who are demanding professional public safety service and police officers are human beings. we go above and beyond that. we do a will to that supervisors. pandering right now divides us more than unites us. pete: mike, we don't have much time left. update in seattle, will police hold that precinct? is chop done? >> well, we are holding because we want to serve the community. the community is demanding that we hold it. and it's been tenuous the past few nights. i'm a little bit worried about today. i think the fourth of july, the reasonable community will support its police department to hold it and not allow chop to come to fruition again. pete: let's hope so. chief parker in milwaukee, a defund the police muller was changed to defend the police. your reaction to how people feel about this movement?
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>> first of all, can you imagine every day you walk into your place of employment and you see a sign that says defund what you live and breathe and love to do? if i recall, i think law enforcement probably really appreciates that. the sentiment seems to be changing and they can actually see it. so when they walk in to their police headquarters they are not looking at defund their position. it is great to see that great to see people speaking outs. i have also seen protests that were pro-police. where they were looking to. everyone get together and show support for law enforcement. it's overdue. it's appreciated and i know my brothers and sisters in law enforcement look forward to encouragement. pete: really quick, fourth of july, independence day, why do police officers defend this great nation? >> first of all, this is a nation that we love. we like to see law and order. we like people to go on with their normal lives and enjoy themselves with their family. the very freedoms country fought
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for. allows everybody to enjoy it. like i said, if you get in trouble, who are you going to call? it's not going to be ghostbusters. it's going to be law enforcement. pete: very true. thank you for your time this morning we appreciate it? >> thank you, happy fourth of july and pete you won the award. pete: thank you. i'm just coin the good doctor here. i have been seeing it enough. it was time to do it. thank you all. it's an all-american barbecue for the fourth of july. chef brian duffy grilling up his favorites. that's next. ♪ ♪ small town ♪ throw down ♪ ♪ if stress worsens your digestive issues, try new align digestive de-stress. it combines align's probiotic with ashwagandha
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tribute to the country in style. jedediah: love that barb sent this photo in of her grandchildren walter and rosemary and enjoying a patriotic summer treat. pete: that's great. here is steve dicked out in red, white and blue while watching "fox & friends" this morning. steve, you got the memo. extra credit. i was going to shame our viewers for not sending in pictures with the show in the barack ground. that's a proof life and up and not from yesteryear. this is 2020. send them. in friends at we want to see what you are wearing. how you are celebrating and the family you are sharing it with on this independence day. jedediah: absolutely. we want to see your animals as we often do. at least i do. let me speak for myself on twhawnget all right. we will turn to some headlines for you now. an 8-year-old boy is shot and killed in a mall in alabama. three others, including a man, woman, and young girl were also injured. their conditions are unknown. witnesses say several shots rang out near the foot court at river
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chase gallery a the state's biggest mall. >> a guy was there and said you all should clear this out right now and he shot five times. jedediah: it's unclear what led up to the shooting or if police have made any arrests individual joe showing a police rushing to help a woman helps her seconds after she falls. police stopped incoming trains as they helped the woman off the tracks and back. she was evaluated at a hospital but has been released. and a dad's explosive trick leaves his son a little shell-shocked, watch. oh, you got it. [laughter] >> i need to try that at home. the man's wife cracking up after she dared limb to break an egg
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between bicep and forearm causing it to burst all over the boy's head. those your headlines. hopefully we will get some video of pete hegseth doing that at home that we can share with all the viewers at a later time. pete: i will share it for you tomorrow morning. i will try it today. although, griff, you can try it and do you know who he else should try it rick reichmuth. is he live from coney island. i know there are stands there that serve breakfast sand witches, rick. get an egg, put it between your biceps and show us what you have got, all right? [laughter] rick: i will do my best. everything is closed still. i know the restaurants, a lot of restaurants and stands here are open, which is great news for the people coming out to coney island for your fourth of july. the rides still not open yet. other things which is great beautiful abeautiful morning out here. beautiful day for everyone in the country. one little area of concern and that's across parts of the far northern plains and northern rockies.
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areas of north dakota it, south dakota, far northern minnesota severe weather threat mostly strong winds gusty winds with some storms that move through. that is not any major problem. also not an area with a huge amount of population. so also good news. we have pretty much a beautiful day in store aside from some really warm temperatures. you will see that warming up all across the eastern two thirds of the country for the most part today. it's summer and july and warm. storms across parts of the deep south. most of that has kind of moved offshore. for the most part a little bit calmer today. we also have that twinning to see that monday soon moisture. see those thunderstorms pop up around the four corners beautiful and desperately need that moisture. one of the rainy seasons across the northwest and it is beginning. here is your temps today temperatures as i said across parts of the high plains. 92 in amarillo, 110 in phoenix. warm tomorrow and in dallas 94. really hot week this week across parts of texas and things
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cooling down a little bit. guys, we could not ask for better weather for the fourth of july. >> rick, enjoy coney island it's fantastic. thanks. griff: today celebrating nation's independence with barbecue. joining us is host of food network's best show opening night and owner of arard more q. what do you have there. >> happy fourth of july to you guys as well. it's absolutely beautiful in philadelphia right now. but we are not here to talk about the weather or really the fourths of july. we are going to talk about some hot dogs. we are talking about coney island the oldest hot dog. inventer of the hot dogs happened in owen island 1867. we have a couple different things we are going to play with today. can you go as simple as a classic hot dog. this is a classic feltman's connie right here. got some coleslaw and raw
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unnuns. really nice stuff. this is where guy crazy. i call this is the smoky dog. this is a smoked tomato sauce with smoked pastrami and a whiff of cheese goes on top. because we are in philly i had to do my version of a philly dog. this is the connie,elan with smoke mushrooms and cheese whiz sauce which we use to make our mac and cheese in the restaurant. pete: impressive. impressive. >> we try to play and have some fun. the whole key about these is that feltmans are smoked in all natural lamb -- every time you get that feltman's dog what you are looking for snap because of all natural lamb casing. this is the stuff i love. come over here for a second. when i do my hot dogs i keep
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things simple. a lot of people grab those hot dogs and put them right on the grill. man, when was the last time you saw somebody in new york city with a hot dog right directly on the grill. start it off with some water. drop your hot dogs in there when your friends come over and want to grab a dog all they got to do is get it out of that water. pop it on that grill for a brief second. all right? get that nice and warm and get that little bit of a khari crust on there that i'm looking for. and you know what, man? pop it right in the center. for me, a huge favorite, man feltmans has their own mustard. if you are ready, a little bit of a squeeze right across that top and get in there get that snap that is perfect. >> i will say, brian, that mustard is legit. it's got vinegar in it it's good. i have had it and i need to order more. what is that huge meat you had that you moved aside as if it was nothing? >> this is a texas beef rib that i smoke in the restaurant.
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we do them every week. typically run out of them in about one day. this is about a pound and a half of meat. smoked for over nine hours. for me this is like the ideal right here. this is what i like to dig into. pete: that is a hot dog for a dinosaur. chef brian duffy, thank you very much. >> i heard that -- where is gwinn? i want to talk to gwinn. i heard gwinn is like a lover of hotting toes. pete: my daughter loves hot dog. >> she is the true winner. pete: she chose feltmans in the taste contest. >> she did. you guys want to choose a feltman's as well go to feltman's connie islands get those dogs over there or take a look right over to here can you get them on the west coast and costco or if you are on the east coast, man, can you get these at whole foods. pete: love it. got it. chef, thanks a lot. >> have fun, happy fourth of july. pete: in philly on independence day.
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>> violent mayhem we have seen in the streets and cities that are on run by liberal democratsn every case is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination, the radical view view of american history is a web of lies. griff: president trump calling out chaos and destruction as he vows to preserve this nation's history. our next guest, a democrat, turned trump supporter, says the left's attempt to erase history will destroy the country. georgia state representative learn none jones joins us now.
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vernon, good morning to you. happy fourth of july. >> good morning to you. happy fourth to america. griff: well, the president there talking about not succumbing to the web of lies. i thought it was maybe, vernon the most important part of the president's speech. right before that he said that our children are being taught in school to hate our country. and that the men and women fought so hard to build and sacrifice not heroes but villains. what was your take? >> first of all, i think this president has a message and went to somewhere this particular park that nobody has done an event like this in recent times that i know of. but he had a message of protecting monuments. protecting history but making sure our children are properly educated on these monuments, the history of these monuments because, in order to maintain and protect and preserve america, we have to be able to think about the past, learn from the past so we can go forward. griff: vernon, let me ask you a question. when you, personally, see the
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statues of jefferson, washington, lincoln, what do you think when you see them? >> well, first of all, i have never been there. i would like to go. but it represents primarily, what, birth, growth, development, and preservation. that's how i see it. that's how america should see it. those four presidents led american major wars. they is a distinguished record making america great and so we honor them. we have to have individuals like that to honor to have as a part of our history. so our children coming forth can protect our history. protect our heritage. and realize america is the greatest place on earth to live. and so i think it's a good thing. and we all should get a chance to go by and visit that monument and all the other ones. griff: vernon jones, enjoy your independence day. thanks for joining us, sir. >> thank you. griff: all right. with large gatherings canceled the fireworks industry has been hit hard since the pandemic started. one fireworks and business owner says his business is booming.
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he's here to show us with a live fireworks display that you do not want to miss. that's next. ♪ ta-da! did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i should get a quote. do it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the sleep number 360 smart bed. prices of the season on can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it's our 4th of july special the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only $1,299 plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday.
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trump's address at mount rushmore. griff: while many other public displays are being put on hold amid lockdowns. we are getting a live display right here on "fox & friends." jedediah: joining us now with how his business is doing chris buehrle manager for phantom fireworks. welcome to the show. excited to have you here. we will see fireworks from you
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in a couple of minutes. i have to ask what has been the impact of covid-19 on your business? >> hi. thanks for having me. i really appreciate it. the impact this year is something that's been very unprecedented. something i have never seen before. we have had an unprecedented demand for our product. and just people that have never coming in to have their own displays. griff: you got safety tips for us? >> i'm sorry? griff: do you have some safety tips as people plan to shoot off their own fireworks this year? >> absolutely. yes. some good safety tips, children should never use the fireworks. they are for adults only. always use a flat, hard surface to light the fireworks on and especially with this year with so many new consumers, check out our website see all sorts of safety tips there
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another big one that isn't necessarily a safety tip. respect your neighbors. let them know what you are doing and make sure that you check things out all around you before hand. pete: chris, you are right about demand. it feels like the fourth of july all month of june in my neighborhood. fireworks going off all over the place. but as the resident firks commissioner. no degree no training. show us to you to do it. it's still dark in nevada. show us off some of your fireworks here. >> okay. yeah. we will show you some right now. pete: let's see it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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and they're actually pulling out the minerals from the enamel. i like to recommend pronamel to my patients. pronamel will help push the minerals back into the enamel, to keep the enamel strong. i know it works. and i hear nothing but great things from my patients that have switched to it. >> 1776 represented the culmination of thousands of years of western civilization and the triumph of not only spirit, but of wisdom, philosophy, and reason. and, yet, as we meet here tonight there is a growing danger that threatens every blessing, our ancestors fought so hard for. our nation is witnessing a merciless gin wipverseless histt our history, erase our values and indoctrinate our children. they think the american people
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are weak and soft and submissive. >> no. >> but know the american people are strong and proud and they will not allow our country. [cheers and applause] and all of its values, history and culture to be taken from them. jedediah: it is the fourth of july, independence day. welcome, everyone, to the 8:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends." and we begin with a fox news alert. president trump back at the white house this morning after vowing to protect american values in a fiery speech at mount rushmore. pete: the powerful speech, of course, the whole seen itself not without some tension. protesters blocking illegal once they are not abiding by law enforcement anymore so some were arrested. trying to block the entrance to the monument. police and national guard called in and as i mentioned 15 arrested. >> president continues his patriotic celebrations tonight with a salute for america. he will speak from the white
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house's south lawn before a huge fireworks display display and massive fly over that i know, pete, you are very excited about. streets here in d.c. already starting to close down. happy independence, everybody. pete: happy independence day, that's right. the salute to america world war ii planes, korean war, golf war, iraq and afghanistan and then future aircraft as well, as well as the air force 1. so the celebration of america continues and, jed, yesterday, at that speech at mount rushmore, the president laid out his belief in america. it's legacy, it's history and founders why we should revere them and remember them as opposed to try to tear them down. jedediah: that's exactly right. it was a very patriotic speech. another thing that the president addressed was law enforcement. as we know there has been a defund the police movement that has erupted in some cities across the country backed by some appeal leaders. the president weighed in on
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that. take a listen. >> we will never abolish our police or our great second amendment which gives us the right to keep and bear arms. [cheers and applause] we believe that our children should be taught to love their country, honor their history and respect our great american flag. [cheers and applause] we stand tall, we stand proud. and we only kneel to almighty god. [cheers and applause] griff: we want to bring in now jack brewer spokesman for the national association of police athletic leagues and advisory board member and black voices for trump. jack, i think we have got you -- there you are. good morning to you. the president talked about a lot of things last night. happy fourth, by the way. >> happy fourth of july. i'm here at until cable, wisconsin at my mother-in-law's
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house. and we are about to pop fireworks and celebrate america today. griff: good. indeed. what did you make of the president's comments with respect to law enforcement? >> you know, i think he is spot on. people have had enough. no matter what color you are. you want your community protected. you want law and order. we are a nation of law and order. and we are a nation of rules. being orderly. we are a nation under god. and being under god means you have order and you can't just go around doing what you want to do. so i was proud the president i think we need to as a nation continue to lock arms and but one nation, become that one america but stand up for our law enforcement officials. our tea parties and all of our public officials. you will. pete: jack, our current moment much of it started in minneapolis and a lot of the riots and protests we that you have the defund the police movement has had its roots there the city council voting
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unanimously to attempt to do so. we will see whether they can. finally now the star tribune which is the left wing paper of record they call it in minneapolis had this to say. here's a headline from the star tribune. some minneapolis black leaders speak out against city council's moves to defund the police. it goes on to quote a number of black leaders who that voice wasn't really represented when the fervour pitch was at its highest saying let's get rid of the cops all together. what are you hearing from the black community, from other members about the idea that law enforcement we don't really need them? >> you know what that's the left quieting our voices like mine and some other voices. african-americans are for law and order, too. we want our safety, our community to be safe for our kids to go to school. we are americans. and so this is no different. no matter what color you are, they can't quiet us for too much longer.
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i'm telling you. people are going to start standing up against this madness. you know how it is, pete. folks want to label us all and use race to divide us. we are one blood. we are a nation under christ and we have got to get back to speaking that same message and that starts with us african-americans standing up for the word of god. getting god back in our kids and locking arms with our brothers and sisters. when i text you i say i love you i do you are my white brother and we are going to continue to fight for america together. pete: amen, you know i love you, too. jedediah: jack, today is fourth of july. it's should be a day we should unite and celebrate freedom. unfortunately that's not going to be the case. you are going to see a lot of protests erupt. hoping none of them go to the violent route. with every never does know if you look at our history. unfortunately we have seen ugly things happen.
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do you have advice to leadership today how to manage it and people who may be inclined to destroy any reflective advice for them today? >> i have a lot of advice, starting off with love, man. this is a day to celebrate. history is not going to always be pretty. we know we have some evils in our history and no one is denying that the word of god teaches us that we have to reconcile and we have to repent. before we lay our head down at night, we have to give our brothers and sisters, whoever gets something against us, would veto forgive them. forgiveness is what we need to start doing in this nation. jesus told us 70 times seven. if someone sins against us seven times. 70 times give them that represent back. we need to give that as a nation. we have to -- we are black today and nowear blacktoday and not rd blue. we all bleed red. let's stop pretending.
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get back to god and start being america that we know we can be. griff: you mentioned messages. let's go to the nba where the nba and union have agreed on 29 approved social justice messages for the back of players' jerseys. scroll through and show you some of them. here can you see black lives matter, say their names, quote, i can't breathe so on and so forth. what is your take? >> i like this. let players express themselves on their jerseys. they have worked hard. we should all be able to have our peaceful voices be heard. i love what the nba is doing here. i don't think this is divisive. i think players can go out and express themselves. i saw a couple talk about education reform and some of those kind of things. that's what we need in this country. actual policies. we can't be hypocrites. we know we are allowing the policies causing the racial disparities in our country coming from. coming from leftist policies. the same politicians nau calling
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to defund the police refuse to do anything about it before when the problems were happening. wee have got to get back to voting for folks in office who are bold enough to pass policies like criminal justice reform. passing policies like the first step act and so many others. hvcu funding. president trump has raised the bar. he just doesn't talk the talk, he walks the walk. it isn't just about personality. it is about policies. policies is whether a is it going to bring change to our children. pete: jack, i love you. i don't like it because i don't want that i want their name on the back of their jersey. you know fnkts league is approving messages. is it really all that powerful? what about god bless america? what about free hong kong? what about other justice causes people might have? you can't put those on the back of the jersey. is it really a protest if the league approves? i just don't know how this brings us together it only makes people say really? come on. >> pete, if people are hurting
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let them express themselves house they want to. as long as they're not violent or divisive. some folks feel good for different reasons. we are in a feel good society. let them feel good. as long as they don't disrespect our country tri as long as they don't come out and pro-minnesota violence. pick our battles, brothers, show them we can love them. pete: they can put it on the back of the expwrers dr. if they can stand for the anthem. a two for. trade-off i will take it. [laughter] we will see jack, i love you man. thank you s so much. enjoy time your family we always love having you. >> thank you so much. god bless america. griff: indeed. thank you so much. all right. turning it to your headlines starting with a fox news alert. a police officer in ohio is killed in the line of duty overnight. officer andy dia was shot in a home depot parking lot while responding to. the mayor says stark reminder of the sacrifice officers make every day.
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>> please take time today and reflect on not just his sacrifice, but on the sacrifice that the men behind me make every day putting their lives on the line to protect the citizens of the city and this country. >> police say the man who fired at dia looked drunk, he was able to fire back, killing that suspect. the officer leaves behind a wife and 2-year-old child. now, to the latest on coronavirus. the u.s. reporting over 50,000 new covid-19 cases for a third straight day. this as new yor ceased 900 casee day the most since june. dr. nesheiwat told us earlier how to safely celebrate the fourth of july. >> do the best can you to celebrate at home, celebrate with your family. do your best to avoid large crowds and clusters. that's how this virus jumps from person to person. griff: several cities are closing beaches, banning
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fireworks displays and dialing back large gatherings this holiday weekend. and to extreme weather we go. millions of americans will see a major heat wave this fourth of july weekend. record temperatures are expected to be broken in parts of the midwest. mostly over the northern plains. forecasters say the hate could create a ring of power which creates wild thunderstorms. check out the rough draft of the declaration of independence. thomas jefferson's original draft is available online library of congress. 86 edits including ones from john adams and benjamin franklin. they edited the phrase we hold these truths to be self-e. how cool is that those your headlines. pete: i wonder how much people would poopore over every. i don't know if i would have the
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courage to say mr. jefferson i have an edit. probably not. jed justified i think you would have, pete. pete: maybe. you are right. i stand corrected. jedediah: all right. well, jeffrey epstein's ex-girlfriend an alleged acome political science expected to be extradited to new york monday. some say she knows a lot. what are the chances she will take a deal and talk? a former federal prosecutor is going to weigh in coming up next. retirement plan ride out turbulent times. learn more at and you may have a lot on your mind. we want to help, with real questions from you, and real answers from experts. we can get through this together. visit
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same jail where epstein killed himself. what are the chances she will take a deal and talk? here to discuss is former federal prosecutor and first national coordinator for child exploitation and train dition addiction. francey fraks. the question on everybody's mind is will she talk? >> yeah. think she will. i think there is almost 100 percent chance that she will take a deal. she is looking at 10-year mandatory minimum penalty for one of those charges transporting a minor aross state lines for the purposes of criminal conduct i there she will take a deal in order not to face that 10-year penalty. jedediah: charges are pretty outrageous here. she is not only accused of recruiting and boring in these young girls sometimes ages as young as 14 which is a startling number. also accused of sexually abusing those girls as well.
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do you have any predictions with respect to you see here the charges we put up against maxwell. six counts, including perjury by the way because she lied already. but do you have any predictions when it comes to sentencing or consequences or how this might evolve? >> yeah, jedediah, that's a great question. i think that what is probably likely to happen is the next thing that happens her attorneys will contact the u.s. attorney's office and tell them to make a proffer. in federal terms a proffer means that an attorney possibly alone or with maxwell will go into the office and tell them everything she knows and under a protective agreement. that is that she can't be prosecuted for any crimes that she admits to but she has an opportunity to tell them everything that she knows criminally. and then the u.s. attorney's office will take that, will evaluate it, decide whether or not she has information that
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might inculpate or incriminate other co-spirits. remember the indictment says co-spirits known and unknown to the grand jury that could mean that the u.s. attorney's office suspects there are many other co-spirits who have never been named or who are even unknown to them but are known to ghislaine maxwell. if she gives information and lead to prosecution she could get a reduced sentence. jedediah: that's exactly right. a lot of very powerful people right now stand to potentially be implicated in this who were potentially involved in these horrific atrocities remains to be seen what she will say. we will follow the story and of course we will have you back for updates. thank you so much, francey, as always. >> thank you. happy fourth of july. jedediah: happy fourth to you and your family as well. still ahead this independence day. we honor those who put their life on the line every day to defend america. rick reichmuth is helping with his weather man umbrella. my favorite umbrella in the world by the way. he is going to tell us how you
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can help, too. coming up next. ♪ otally blind. otally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late. or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. i don't have to worry about that, do i?are irritated. harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. it works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. gum detoxify, from crest.
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performing at fort dix, new jersey, they are performing "the washington post" march. it's not the march for "the washington post." it's general washington march as we honor our great nation this independence day. well done, generals. and lady. this independence day we recognize the military members who protect our freedoms all year around since 2007 folds of honor has helped raise money for families of fallen or injured heroes. jedediah: our very own rick reichmuth has been supporting their cause raising over $155,000 from the sales of his limited edition american flag umbrellas. griff: he joins us now to debut his brand new folds of honor umbrella. hey, rick. rick: guys, good morning. this is a really exciting day from us from weather man, the side gig i have. fox has been so incredibly supportive allowing me to go in and try to support folds of honor with our umbrellas. and it's been an incredible honor to do that for the last
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couple of years. i got interested in folds of honor, obviously so many of our viewers know so much about them. they do such incredible work. today i wanted to do this by bringing in a number of guests major dan rooney and alex, one of the recipients of scholarships that folds of honor provides. alex, thanks for joining us this morning. i want toed to bring new and talk about the story that the sacrifice that your family and father has made and what folds of honor has done to help you achieve your dreams and to help you in your education. alex? >> yeah. absolutely. so, right out of high school, my dad enlisted in the united states air force. that is where he became a senior airman and became a crash rescue firefighter. he also served in the international guard. folds of honor has been absolutely tremendous with helping me continue my education. they have not only enabled me to go to college but helped ease the burden on my parents and i. with all the giving they do it really compels me to want to give back to my community and
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we'll be foregrateful for all that they do. rick: alex, you are continuing your education. your plan is to go on to law school. what do you plan to do with your career after that? >> yeah. so, i you want to go to law school and study family law. i have see a lot of family separation happening lately. and i -- you know, that's not what i like. i want to keep families together as much as possible. you know, families biggest tie that you will ever have to anyone. i feel like family is the most important thing that you can have. i really want to help out with that. rick: it's awesome, alex, you are giving back to your family by continuing to get your education which then in turn will continue to support your family. major dan, i wanted it to talk to you about that. that's really the mission of folds of honor is to allow these families to continue to expand and to educate generations after it by the work you guys are doing. >> yeah, rick. we started 13 years ago above my
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garage in broken arrow burr our mission never wavered. that is to honor the sacrifice by educate the legacy of our fallen and disabled veterans. i'm coming to you from mount rich more. i hijacked john rich's house from our fox nation special last night it. is independence day. important to remember that freedom isn't free. i want to throw a huge salute to you, rick, and weather man umbrella for supporting folds of honor and the awesome product not only is it the best umbrella you will ever have, professional i appreciate that but more importantly, is the cause. and donating percentage back and weather man umbrella has donated $160,000 to help kids like alex go out and get an education. it's independence day. we all feel patriotic. and something that says i love my country what an easy thing to do to go out and get a weather man umbrella. you guys will give the gift of an education to folds of honor
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recipient. rick: exactly, dan. thank you so much. this is it. this is the 2020 version of our folds of honor patriotic umbrella. so under the waving of the stars and stripes we are incredibly excited about this $5 for every umbrella $5 go back. weather man get this available today. we are so excited about this. guys, back in the studios, jed, pete, and griff, here it is our latest version, third in a row. i can't thank our audience enough for how supportive they have been to folds of honor and supporting us to be able to pass this on to them. pete: rick, you are a patriot. thank you so much for everything have you done. weather man and folds of you make that umbrella look good. rick: thank you so much. griff: very well done. still ahead president trump vows to preserve history and slams destruction of monuments during mount rushmore address.
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jesse is from south dakota and wants to codification of mount rushmore into law. he joins us next. when you start with a better that's no way to treat a dog... can do no wrong. where did you learn that? the internet... yeah? mmm! with no artificial preservatives or added nitrates or nitrites, it's all for the love of hot dogs.
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again as we did 244 years ago that we will not be tyrannized. we will not be demeaned and we will not be intimidated. >> that was the president last night at mount rushmore honor nation's history great day and evening in south dakota. jedediah: the president's visit met with heavy criticism protesters blocking the entrance to the monument while calling for land to be returned to native americans. griff: south dakota congressman dusty johnson is working to protect mount rushmore. he joins us now. congressman. good morning to you. happy independence day. >> good morning. absolutely. happy independence day. griff: now, so what is it that you are working on so much coming from the president's speech last night about the need to preserve our history. but you are working specifically on something from mount rushmore. what is it? >> absolutely. i did think the president's comments tied in with my bill
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very i thought incredibly well. america does not have a perfect history. recalling there are activists and not just a few of them. a lot even in south dakota. they don't want context with history. they want to erase it and remove it when you look at those four great presidents on mount rushmore they did as much as a person can as anybody can to build toward a more perfect union. now is the time we should be rallying around those values, freedom, independence liberty. equality. people want to tear them down. my bill would make it clear not one american nickel could go toward changing the name of mount rushmore or blasting off or altering those spaces. pete: congressman, what does it say about where we are as a nation that we are not having a conversation about context? we are having -- you are having to propose a bill that would
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prevent the destruction of the faces of four of our greatest presidents. can we walk back from this. >> frankly i think it's exhausting. we get they are not perfect people. why do they want to focus on the flaws and imperfections. i love this country. it's the greatest country in the history of human kind i think there is incredibly powerful story there to tell to our young people about the aspirations of this country. not about the flaws of abraham lincoln but about his -- the steps he took to become the great emancipator. yes, by all means let's not ignore the flaws. i'm concerned some of my friends on the other side get so enamored talking about the imperfections of america they forget outline unbelievablably lucky we're to be living in this country in this century. jedediah: congressman, the president last night unveiled a
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new executive order establishing the national garden of american heroes. essentially creating a garden where you are going to have a place to honor these -- as he claimed giants of our past. these leaders. and to pay contribute many fought to remove to destroy, to desecrate. do you support the zortd? >> i thought it was one of the most exciting parts of the evening and as he was rattling through all of those great americans it was remarkable how diverse those body -- that body of individuals were. i mean. all race, all creeds, all religions, you know, great human beings in music, in art, in history, in military achieve wanted, in science, the president, this was really a clarion call celebrating the diversity diversity of this nation. i thought it was incredible. it's going to be a teaching tool that millions, frankly billions across the globe are going to
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look to to better understand american exceptionalism. jedediah: congressman thank you so much for being here and joining us on this particular day and very happy independence day to you and your family. >> hey, thanks. happy birthday, america. pete: well said. thank you, sir. jedediah: thank you. we are going to turn to some headlines for you now. beginning with a fox news alert. a suspect is in custody after running over peaceful protesters overnight. you can see the white car speeding down a highway before slamming into two women launching them into the air. we froze the video right before that happened. both are in serious condition. the driver was reportedly being chased by police when they struck the protesters. and surveillance video catching good samaritans and police rushing to safe a woman who fell on to a philadelphia train track, a man jumping down to help her just seconds after she falls. police quickly stopped incoming trains that he helped the woman off the tracks and back on her
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feet. she was evaluated at a hospital but has been released. have you seen big foot? not the mythical creature but this statue an oregon family is offering $200 for the return of their statue, no questions asked. >> he was part of our family and it -- i keep thinking i wake up every morning thinking is he going to be back. the statue became a staple of the community after the family bought it two years ago. and family is making sure patriotic pride fourth of july. they painted a giant american flag on their lawn even writing parts of the declaration of independence on their driveway. they won the decorating contest in their illinois neighborhood. pretty cool. amazing. those are your headlines, beat that pete hegseth. pete: they won it in their neighborhood they can go well beyond.
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well done. griff: indeed. check in with rick reichmuth. see anything like that on coney island,. rick: rick nothing. nothing at all there is a lot of good things to see if you come to coney island, let me tell you especially if you are out here early in the morning. pretty good. a lot of people exercising which is pretty impressive. take a look at the weather maps. tell you what's going on today. i will tell you as far as weather goes, we have great day. almost the entire country is going to be warm but it's july. it's summer. so we can all kind of expect that it's great for getting to the beach. the pool or maybe just being outside in your backyard. overall, not bad. we had some big storms overnight across parts of kind of the central gulf coast. those for the most part are gone. we will see a few spotty showers today. north dakota. expect to see those fire on later on today. moisture coming into the southwest which is great news. man soon beginning to get going right on time around the fourth of july is when that begins. mostly pretty strong winds
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across montana north, minnesota. far northwestern minnesota throughout the day. even that is not going to be anything too extreme. temperaturewise though plenty of 90's all the way across anywhere say east of the rockies and out across parts of the desert southwest 110. tomorrow. we cool down parts of the far northern plains. all right, guys, back to you. griff: all right. rick. the heat is on. thank you, sir. all right, as global covid-19 cases top 11 million, how can we hold china accountable. white house trade advisor peter navarro sounds off when he joins us live next. so when you're ready, search 'my denture care'. poligrip and polident. fixed. fresh. and just between us.
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as the cleveland indians tries to determine the best path fox all star for their name. wants to replace a christopher columbus statue with chef boyardee. the petitioner is demanding the monument be replaced in cleveland's little italy neighborhood chef boyardee immigrant success enrichard the community with his food. pete, ravioli for you today. pete: griff, i'm going to lose my mind. i like his food in a can. really? all right. covid-19 cases reaching new highs in the u.s. at least that's testing confirmed not hospitalizations and deaths. this independence weekend. and his critics focus their attention on the president's response as they always try to do the w.h.o. world health organization admits the chinese government never reported the outbreak's existence. so is it time for change to be held accountable? have they been? here to discuss white house trade advisor peter navarro. happy independence day. appreciate what you are doing
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for our nation. >> on the glorious fourth here, pete. pete: on the glorious fourth. may there be 244 more. >> yes, sir. pete: as we sit in this moment and look backwards we know china lied. we know they covered up and deceived the world. i know we took strong measures at the beginning to prevent people from traveling to this country. what is being done now to hold china to account for what they have unleashed on our country? >> i think, you hit it exactly right. i think in order to hold the chinese communist party accountable for what they have done to us, we must unite around this simple fact. chinese communist party lied. americans died. it's over 130,000 americans so far, pete. and do you know what? there is nothing on that death certificate that has party affiliation. the cause of death is the china virus. and what i'm sensing in this country, i thought last night the president's speech was actually a call for unit. and what i'm seeing now is anger, in the american people
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over the lockdown. anxiousness about an economic future and fear of getting the virus. what we have done is taken all of that negative industry and directed it all against each other. then have you got radical elements that want to basically have another chinese cultural revolution to destroy our culture, our habits, our customs, our ideas, what mao called the old kill. and what we have to do is unite around this central fact, china lied. people died. the ccp lied, americans died. so what do we do here? first of all, we have to recognize besides killing over 130,000 americans, they have put over 30 million americans out of work and inflicted trillion dollars of dollars of damages. so, capitol hill, which is just a little ways that way, and the white house need to unite on holding china accountable for that literally making them pay for that. they also have to come clean on exactly what they have been
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doing with that virus. is it an engineered virus, for example or did it simply slip out of a lab? where did it come from? until we know the answer to those questions we won't know how to fight this virus. the other thing i should on glorious force today we're are brating our own independence americans want to reflect what has happened china's brutal hand of the china communist party. the party is doing that to us right now with this virus tearing us apart. pete: not to mention the propaganda pumping into our country. >> information wars. pete: what they are doing in our universities. you mentioned hospitalization congress. this new national security law from the communist chinese now allows them grab dissidence inside hong kong breaking the
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agreement and effectively putting them into prisons in communist china where they will never see the light of day. again to the previous question. what more can we do directly as a country to confront the scourge that is the communist chinese? >> with respect to hong kong, president trump on may 29th in the rose garden announced that they -- we no longer treat hong kong as a separate entity from communist china. what he did was set in motion a process with all the government agencies to figure out exactly how many ways hong kong gets that preferential treatment expect within the coming days and soon that the president will complete that process basically what we have now is hospitalization congress being absorbed into what is effectively a great fire wall concentration camp that these people people of china are good hardworking people. they live under the more worst orwellian kind of nightmare you can imagine.
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i can tell you this: with this new brutal law that the chinese communist party thousands of pee in hong effectivefully concentration camps. this country and the rest of the world cannot stand for this. they are doing this behind the cover of the communist chinese party virus. china is known for this exploiting. ambitions. they are at war with india right now. last time they did that was during the cuban missile crisis. we have got to get tough on china. this president is the only president that has ever done that. and i can't imagine a world where beijing joe biden gets the keys to the oval office because that will be the death of this republic and i think it's worth saying that on july 4th. pete: it is the fight of our lifetime. truthful staring down the
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collectivists who agree in everything but freedom and they want total control. peter navarro, bluck, thank you for joining us on this hollywood. >> yoholiday. pete: kurt the cyber i do with gadgets to enjoy including augmented fireworks. you will have to do some work on me, that brother, i don't know. i'm skeptical. see if we change our mind. ♪ ♪ ce, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ freedom ♪ pete: well, we, the people love to party. and this independence day weekend many of us are celebrating freedom from our own backyard. jedediah: kurt the cyberguy is here to show us exactly how to do it. kurt, welcome as always. i hear you are going to show us how to party today. i need some tips. >> jedediah, it's true. happy fourth, pete, griff, good to see you. welcome again to my backyard. how cool is this for 24.99 on amazon. i picked this up. because when you want to create your own outdoor movie theater, have you got to set the tone. this let's you choose from 252 different letters and symbols. make your own sign. be if he has been about it. hey, it's movie night put the name of the movie you are going to show out on that. and then have you got a set also the tone for the bugs. this is a cool high tech
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mosquito repellent called thermacell they have disks inside they call mats. $18. four hours, goes from white to blue you know it's time to change the little filter. get 12 hours out of that one. let me show you what i set up here in the backyard. this is crazy how easy it is for anybody to do this. the first thing you start with, is you pick a projector. i have a little portable projector. doesn't really work when there is daylight out. i went for this one. this is a little bit more money. this is an epson. what you end up with is a range of about you can go $100 or up to $2,000 for a fancy outdoor projector. what i love is don't spend the money on, well, first, let me show you what you can spend the money on because everybody is doing it. they are sold out everywhere. take a look at thin flightable
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16-foot movie screen. so easy to set up in your yard. deflate it and store it so simply that will run but $209 on amazon. and then, what i did, i like to use just a bed sheet or found white material. that works just fine without spending a lot of money to throw up your movie screen. and then, at the end of the day, on a day like today you have total ar that has come about. now that is a company that is going to be showing fireworks all around the country today through your phone, which is so cool. so, it's free for everybody. i will show you the link at and jedediah, i'm just -- i know pete is just yearning to be in his backyard and look at the virtual fireworks while seeing in the distance the fireworks. griff: i will welcome pete on that augmented fireworks thank
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you very much. >> thanks, griff. griff: happy fourth. still ahead president trump is set to host his salute to america tonight at the white house. a live report from washington on what we can expect at the top of the hour ♪ rock in the u.s.a. [♪] are you currently using a whitening toothpaste, but not seeing results? try crest 3d whitestrips. its enamel-safe formula lifts and removes stains to provide 100% noticeably whiter teeth or your money back. try crest 3d whitestrips.
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grace on thee mug -- ♪ and crown thy good with brotherhood -- ♪ from sea to shining sea. ♪ america -- pete: that is a member of the 78th army band out of fort dix, new jersey, performing america, the beautiful, as we honor our great, the greatest nation in human history on this independence day. happy birthday, america. welcome, jedediah bila, griff jenkins on this fourth of july, the final hour here of "fox & friends." good morning. griff: well, good morning. jedediah: good morning, and happy 4th of july to everyone at home. i mean, you know, i've been looking at social media on the breaks, and people keep sending me pictures of their pets in
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fourth of july costumes. just letting y'all know, i love it. i'm waiting for more. [laughter] griff: jed, you talk about pictures and images. now for three hours, ultimately pete with his bow tie would reveal the entire package that i was privy to at five a.m., now would be the time for america to see -- pete: yes! these are, this is the flag belt, and these are my camo cutoff pants from guantanamo bay. griff: pull out a little bit. these are actual camo shorts. this is true spirit right there, please look at that. pete: we love you, america, we love you. griff: this is how we do it. pete: why not? happy independence day, wear it like you love it. jedediah: pete, i was going do can why that budget the outfit on -- wasn't the outfit on the book cover. pete: well, there's a third book coming. you may have just seen the cover shot right there. you never know.
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i know america will be wearing the same kind of patriotic gear, and if you're like me, i didn't get a chance to watch it live last night, it was late, the president at mount rushmore hitting patriotic themes in what is one of the most p breathtaking shots you can imagine with four great presidents behind him. he urged america to love this country, to recognize its history, to recognize those who built it and then take on this cancel culture that we see pervasive today in america. if you missed what the president said last night, here's a portion of his what i call a great if speech. listen. >> angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our founders, deface our most sacred memorials and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities. one of their political weapons is cancel culture, driving
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people from their jobs, shaming dissenters and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees. it's just completely alien to our culture and to our values, and it has absolutely no place in the united states of america. [cheers and applause] we will expose this dangerous movement, protect our nation's children, end this radical assault and preserve our beloved american way of life. jedediah: yeah. this was an important point because she's addressing cancel culture -- he's addressing cancel culture. not only monuments, statues and history, people have decided to cancel them, but it's also people who made a comment 35 years ago that they've since evolved from, apologized before, no, not good enough. your life is over.
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that's where we are right now, a place where many are choosing fighting, destruction and canceling as opposed to accepting that people grow. much like history involves and people learn, and when we know better, we do better. people go that route as well and sometimes make mistakes, and we used to be a nation that valued that. i don't know that at large we are anymore. griff: yeah, and, you know, we're going to probably hear more of this same message from the president, but whether you agree or disagree with the president, he is carving out a message that is going to resonate with many americans into what they're seeing in the streets with the absolute destruction of history is not sitting well with them, particularly on a weekend where we want to galvanize around our national pride simply because we are the greatest nation in the history. pete: you know, we've been texting this morning about what would it have been like to be in that hall, and those beer halls
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in philadelphia 244 years ago while those men, imperfect men, but they were setting about to create a government that gave us rights by god. recognize that our rights are given to us by god, but that the government exists to protect those rights, not give them to us. they pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes if their sacred honors. they knew by signing their name to that declaration, they were effectively signing their death sentence against the most powerful government, the british empire, the world had known at that time. if they were here today, i think they would be both elated with the free, just, equal society that we've evolved to become but also mortified by the fact that we're attempting to rip away the learning we've had, the history we've had and not celebrate. if you want to compare america to heaven, it's always going to fail. if you want to compare it to the other countries around the globe, she's a shining beacon of freedom. god bless her.
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may we have 244 more. griff: yeah. life, liberty and pursuit of happiness notion. and that's why we turn now to a fox news alert because president trump -- [inaudible] american celebration tonight at the white house. it's expected to be met, though, with nationwide protests. garrett tenney joins us live from washington as the dhs moves to protect federal monuments. governing, garrett. >> reporter: hey, good morning to you. no canceling of monuments. last night president trump announced the creation of a new one or plans for a garden of heroes which he described as a vast garden to honor some of the greatest americans who have ever lived. a preliminary list of those who will be enshrined includes folks like john adams, davy crockett, susan b. anthony, martin luther king jr., amelia earhart and jackie robinson. last night at the seat of mount rushmore, the president also took aim at demonstrators and called op americans to rise
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up -- on americans to rise up. >> we will never let them rip america's heroes from our monuments or from our hearts. by tearing down washington and jefferson, these radicals would tear down the very heritage for which men gave their lives to win the civil war. >> reporter: more protests are expected across the country today including in seattle, l.a., boston, d.c. and richmond, virginia. the department of homeland security has assigned a special federal unit, rapid deployment teams from the protecting american communities task force to those cities and others specifically to protect federal monuments and statues from vandalism. here's acting dhs secretary ken cucinelli last night on the story. >> so is have teams pre-deployed to cities and areas where we think are more likely to be problem areas. we're going to be very
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forward-leaning in maintaining the peace and keeping americans and our history safe. >> reporter: tonight president trump will celebrate the 4th with a salute to america featuring what the administration is describing as a one of a kind air show with flyovers from historic aircraft from almost every era going back to world war ii. and then to cap it all off, more than 10,000 fireworks in what's being billed as one of the largest fireworks shows ever. should be exciting. happy independence day, y'all. pete: absolutely. garrett, thank you. jedediah: thanks so much, garrett. appreciate your reporting, as always. and now to the latest on coronavirus, celebrations looking different this year as several cities are closing beaches, banning fireworks displays and dialing back large gatherings as the number of new covid-19 cases soars to over 50,000 for a third straight day. nearly all 50 states now seeing a rise of more than a dozen states including florida, california, texas and arizona break single-day records for new
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cases. griff? griff: yeah. you know, it's going to be a different 4th, unlike any other. certainly a lot of people are going to be out there wearing masks, doing what they can because that's what we're going to have to do. pete, i want to know, though, if we give you a mask with an american flag on it today, will you wear it out? pete: don't make me answer that, griff. [laughter] i will be with friends and family, let's put it that way. it is sad to know that the 4th of july parade which has develop on for 96 years in my hometown, and it's the pride of the upper midwest, is not happening today. it is happening across the country. but one person who was never president of the united states and won't be, failed presidential candidate hillary clinton, has come out of the woods, occupant of her -- out of her basement to respond to what she would have done about covid-19. in case you wanted to hear it, you probably didn't, here's hillary on covid-19. >> we wouldn't have been able to stop the pandemic at our borders
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the way that, you know, trump claimed in the beginning. but we sure could have done a better job with saving lives, modeling better, more responsible behavior. pete: so, jed, she says she would have -- modeling would have been better although i'm sure all the failed models that were relied upon this time would have been used, and somehow she would have had a magic wand to make the virus go away. jedediah: yeah. i'm to not really sure what she would have done to make it all better. as we know with this virus, every day was different news. we were all learning about it. that includes doctors, that includes the administration. but this is what hillary clinton does best, which is that she loses these elections, and then she comes back in to say, you know, i didn't really lose. that was all, you know, fabricated behind the scenes, russia was involved. and also to say i would have done it better. that's just not leadership are, it never has been leadership, and i think people democrat and republican alike pretty tired of her and her behavior at this
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point. all right. we're going to turn to some headlines beginning with a fox news alert, a police officer in ohio is killed in the line of duty overnight. the officer was shot in a home depot parking lot while responding to a disturbance call. the mayor says it's a stark reminder of the sacrifice officers make every day. >> please take time today and reflect on not just his sacrifice, but on the sacrifice that the men behind me make every day, putting their lives on the line to protect the citizens of the city and this country. jedediah: police say the man who fired at the officer looked drunk. the officer was able to fire back, killing that suspect. he leaves behind a wife and a 2-year-old child. and breaking overnight, a suspect is in custody after running over peaceful protesters. you can see the white car speeding down a highway before slam aring into two women, launching them into the air.
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we froze the video right before that happened, and both are in serious condition. the driver was reportedly being chased by police when they struck the protesters. and breaking just moments ago, president trump signs an extension for the paycheck protection program. the house unanimously approved the extension earlier this week. the deadline to submit applications now runs through august the 8th. the program provides loans to small businesses to help keep their work force employed during the pandemic. those are your headlines. griff: all right. big news there. still ahead though, the biden campaign has a huge fundraising haul in june. will those transhate into votes for the form -- translate into votes for the former veep? don peebles here to react next.
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i'm a performer. -always have been. -and always will be. never letting anything get in my way. not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. and certainly not arthritis. new voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving. and it can help you too. feel the joy of movement with voltaren. ♪ >> we built the greatest economy
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in the history of the world, and we're now doing it again. unless somebody comes along and says let's raise taxes on everybody, you'll have a crash like you've never seen before. you put the wrong person office. it'll be a 1929 situation. pete: president trump making that prediction, warning of dire economic consequences if he loses in november. this comes as the june jobs report shatters expectations with 4.8 million jobs added, the biggest increase on record. here to react, the founder, chairman of the peebles corporation, don peebles. don, thank you so much for being on the program this morning. is so when the president says we have, we created the great economy, we had to shut it down, now it's bouncing back, and he points across the podium and says i've got a guy who's in bed with socialists who wants to crush the energy industry, who's, you know, the green new deal is all about new regulations, is he not making a good case that we might put, we
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might actually turn the economy back? >> well, i think he's making a good point. look, before the pandemic we had the lowest unemployment rates since we've been keeping statistics, and the economy was expanding very rapidly. and that is in part due to policies of to-business, reducing -- pro-business, reducing taxes and putting more of americans' money into their own pockets. policies shifting to the green new deal and other things certainly would put an end to that recovery and put an end to that economic expansion. so, clearly, policies do make an economy. and i agree with him that extreme policies to the left would certainly slow down the economy and probably in this particular situation put it if some form of recession, if not a depression. pete: don, do you think the president -- vice president biden's team knows that? you were a member of obama's national finance committee. are they aware that the types of policies they're peddling would ultimately push the economy backwards, or do they believe
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they can recontribute their way to some form of -- redistribute their way to some form of prosperity? >> i think biden is trying to recyst the pull to the left, and the -- resist the pull to the left, and the danger is they disengage with that portion of the party to the left. the problem is now in this current environment the left has gotten increasing volume x it's going to be very challenging for the democratic nominee to ignore them. so i think what's going to happen as we settle into the fall elections, your going to have -- you're going to see biden pick some of these policies that are least intrusive, if you will, to the economy. but i think the democrat -- i know the democratic party understands that if they come out with the green new deal for the fall elections, it would be very challenging for them to win. i mean, i don't think this election is by any means over. i think biden's front-runner status going to hold up as we get into the fall unless the president makes some mistakes in terms of dealing with this
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pandemic and the economy. and right now he's been doing everything he can to move the economy forward and reenergize it. pete: we saw the very same polls be very wrong in 2016, so national polls don't hold a lot of weight right now. i have to scu you -- ask you though, the former vice president has raised $141 million in unithanks to former president obama and others. does that money, do you see it translating into energy for the former vice president who's still in his basement and still, you know, the president still calls sleepy joe? >> i mean, this presidential campaign for 2020 has been going on for three and a half years. the moment donald trump came into office, the whole country -- especially the party to the left -- has been focusing on dismantling -- [inaudible] and they've been vilifying him. and so i think that you can see that in biden's fundraising. but the country has to run the country, so he can't sit in the oval office and raise money.
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in fact, he's precluded from doing that. so i think when you see the campaign pick up in the fall, i think that you'll see the president catch up. but also money doesn't make a difference in this race. i think it'll be all about where those people who are kind of undecided, i think that will be when you see a change. pete: don peebles, thank you very much for your insight, sharing it with us on this independence day. happy fourth of july, sir. >> thank you. you too. pete: he first gained national attention after painting a nag so big it could -- flag so big it could be seen from space. now the mural ifist is here to -- muralist is here to celebrate a 25 years. ♪ ♪ it's pretty inspiring the way families
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redefined the word 'school' this year. it's why, at xfinity, we're committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. and help college students studying at home stay connected through our university program. we're providing affordable internet access to low income families through our internet essentials program. and this summer, xfinity is creating a virtual summer camp for kids at home- all on xfinity x1. we're committed to helping all families stay connected. learn more at
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griff: back with some quick headlines. seven-time nascar champion jimmy johnson has tested positive for covid-19. he's the first nascar driver to contract the virus. johnson did not show symptoms but decided to get tested after his wife was diagnosed. the mlb cancels its all-star game after 31 players and 7 staffers test positive for coronavirus, it's the first time the game has been canceled since 1945. the l.a. dodgers were set to host it next week. instead, the team will host it next year. ♪ muck if -- ♪ ♪ jedediah: first caught the nation's attention one year ago today when he painted old glory
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outside nike's headquarters after the brand recalled -- [inaudible] shoes. >> we're here to get better. that's what this flag represents. we've been through this already with nike. do we want them to lose their business? no. we want them to change, understand everybody. this flag, we are not going to lose this flag. this flag going to fly for 20,000 years. pete: i remember that segment from last year. now the muralist, scott labedo, is celebrating 25 years of patriotic home makeovers. griff: scott joins us live from staten island, new york. good morning to you. what have you got? look at that. oh, my gosh, scott, that's amazing. >> good morning, america. yeah, this is my latest masterpiece. it's in a residential area. every couple years i'll reach out to the community on facebook and who say who wants their home -- i've done businesses and
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veterans' posts, but it's nice to put a flag in a residential area. this is a nice little quiet street -- [laughter] pete: scott, a lot of people paint flags, you paint larger than life. what makes you want to paint the red, white and blue on the largest and most prominent possible canvas? >> to me, the american flag is, it's a work of art. we don't think of it as a work of art. now, i have flirted face to face with the mona lisa at the louvre, i have seen the sistine chapel, amazing. i've actually touched the painful brush strokes of a van gogh. but to me, the most beautiful work of art in the history of civilization is the star spangled banner. think about what it means. think about what that piece of art means. i'm not a genius or a master artist. my job is for the last 25 years is to celebrate what that
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represents, what that flag represents. like no other flag. italy's flag represents italians, french and so on so on. the american flag represents all of us! we're not, you know, i get criticized because i'm a a -- he paints these symbols of, like the nazis did but their flag -- no, no, no, no. this flag is humanity. every person across this earth comes to america for a better life. that's what that flag represents, freedom. is it always perfect? if no. we're just a puppy on the stage. we're 244 years old today. we are a puppy on this world stage. just like a family, a new family, there's going to be some bumps. and if there's anywhere in the world that you want to have some bumps and you want to have a struggle, it's in america. jedediah: yep. griff: well, scott, that's
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amazing. jedediah: big, big fans of your work for a long time. pretty amazing to see. grateful for all you do. and people should check it out, it will completely blow your mind. it brings tears to my eyes. thank you for joining us -- >> thank you. i'm lucky because i'm in america. that's why i wear this shutter. god bless america. happy birthday, america! griff: great job, scott, great job. still ahead, lawmakers have just been briefed on russia ordering bounties on u.s. troops. congressman devin nuñes was one of them. he is here with what we know, coming up. usaa is made for what's next no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service
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out of fort dix, performing -- i believe it's a medley. it is. all the great branches of our military honoring this great nation this independence day. jedediah: and we asked you all to send your patriot you can photos this morning. here is. jackie: celebrate -- jack jack celebrating in style. i love it. griff: that's great. and bob and lisa sent this photo in of their patriotic garage in connecticut. pete: outstanding. and heather's granddaughter, delilah, is wishing everyone a happy independence day this morning while watching "fox & friends". they followed the instructions. well done, delilah. keep 'em coming. and now let's bring in california congressman devin nuñes who needs no photograph, but there he is right there with the beautiful stars and stripes behind him. congressman, thanks for joining us. i'm depressing you had a chance to see at least a portion of the president's comments last night. he'll be hosting a 020 salute to
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america -- 2020 salute to american, talk to us about the importance of civic ritual and honoring our traditions especially where we are in 2020, reflecting on our past. >> well, thanks, pete. good morning to everybody. happy 4th of july. i woke up earlier this morning and was watching you just prepare, i'm on the west coast. so, pete, in your honor, i wore this tie. it was the closest tie i could get. [laughter] i didn't have the fancy bow tie -- pete: next year, congressman, we'll give you another shot. >> i got prepared, and it was inspiring just to watch the bands that are playing throughout your show. and i will say last night was a phenomenal speech of the ages, probably donald trump's very best speech. pete: i agree. >> and here's why. he pointed out some key points that many of us have been making for a while that we need the american people to understand. i think one of the challenges that we have in this country is that people are getting 90% of
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their content coming from very liberal creators that work at all the usual outlets, and then it's being funneled in to us through social media outlets that are now censoring. i've talked about this a lot. last night, i think, was the first time the president talked about how the universities are a challenge. journalism schools have a challenge for us. they're trying to cancel our culture. and he even brought up how fascism has now reached the corporate boardrooms. those are all serious issues that i think american people on july 4th need to understand and fathom and, hopefully, last night that speech will be played over and over again, and we can share it with our friends because what's happening is if you have opinions like conservatives and republicans do, those thoughts and those ideas and those concepts are not making it to a majority of the american people. and that's why you're seeing the tearing down of statues and the removal of portraits from the u.s. capitol. it leads to this cancel culture
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because it's about the democratic party that's now the socialist party trying to take over this country. griff: congressman, let me ask you about some news this week about the russian bounties on u.s. troops. you were briefed by the cia director among others. what can you tell us about what you were briefed on, and did what you were briefed on warrant, in your opinion, a response? >> well, thanks, griff. the way i look at this is the intelligence agencies have been politicized since at least 2016. we know that because the clinton campaign was able to run a dirty operation to actually spy if on the trump campaign and effectively the republican party. so, you know, with that said, that's really never stopped. if you go back to the impeachment hoax, you know, those were people that supposedly were whistleblowers, yesterday they'd actually been coordinating with the democratic party that led to the impeachment. this has all the same hall a marks.
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it's the same -- hallmarks. it's the same reporters. at first it's a bombshell and then, of course, after a few days you figure out the intelligence never even made its way to the president's desk. and what pete can tell you is, is that when there are threats to troops, even if it's proven and corroborated or not, it is inherent upon the intelligence officials to get that information up and out to our forces to that it can be implemented. it doesn't mean it's true, but you want to get it out. and i would also just say this, it's no secret especially to republicans who have been following this issue for a long time that vladimir putin is a dangerous person. i mean, my god, he's got a very powerful intelligence force, he's knocking off people in the u.k. and other, ukrainians and anything else, anybody who disagrees with him. he's a dangerous guy. so of course if something comes up, you want to get it out first to the force. and then you want to take the process to look at it and see is it true, can you corroborate it.
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the idea that this would leak likely -- and i'll say this, and i think this is the most important thing i'm going to say this morning -- this leak probably came from the area of our intelligence agencies that look at counterintelligence. these are the very people that are actually going to be investigating themselves. i think we have a real problem in the intelligence agencies within our counterintelligence capabilities when they are not actually, when they have to actually investigate themselves. i don't think we're going to find these leakers who were just helping the left build a narrative to try to take down the republican party. pete: time and time again. congressman devin nuñes, thank you so much for joining us, and i could not agree more, that speech last night was one of the president's very, very best. congressman, thank you very much. >> my pleasure to be with you all this morning. happy 4th. pete: turning now to your headlines, fox news alert, this is a live look at a guns right rally at virginia's capital, protesting the state's new gun
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control law that went into effect wednesday. it allows one handgun purchase per month. the state capitol remains closed after the governor declared a, quote, state of emergency in may over the violent riots. and leadership slamming the minneapolis city council for defunding the police. they're calling the move absurd, crazy and ridiculous. of course, it is. saying city leaders rushed to dismantle the department. >> i think it's finally the voices of reason are stepping forward to realize and say this is not a white or black issue, but this is a human issue. to stepping forward is a great thing, it's a positive thing that's based off of data the, it's based off decisions. pete: the minneapolis city council unanimously voted to replace police with a community-led public safety system. no word yet what that actually means. senator jeff merkley writing a bill to ban the middle seat on
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flights during covid-19. the oregon democrat came up with the idea with after blasting american airlines for a crowded flight he was on. life difficult. he said the ban would be part of a package of airline accountability reforms. american airlines has not responded to merkley's comments. they respect him enough to run their own jet company. jedediah: yeah, you know, i've never been a fan of the middle seat was i need to look out the window or go to the bathroom. let's ask our expert on middle seats on planes, rick reichmuth. [laughter] do you like the middle seat? rick: yeah. no, of course not. nobody likes the middle seat. listen, i'm a gee toking my person, so -- geography person, so i want to look out the window all the time. nothing that i like more. let's talk a little bit of weather. we've got a really great fourth of july day for everyone. take a look at the maps, and we do have sweer weather towards
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the northern rockies. that said, pretty sparsely populated area, and it won't be incredibly severe, mostly strong winds. overall, a great day. little bit of showers overnight across parts of the deep south. that is mostly gone. of we'll see a few showers later on in the day. and storms this morning coming across north, -- across north d, we'll see those refire. we want to see moisture. temperature wise, it is a warm day, but it is the 4th of july. everybody wants to see temperatures that feel like summer. we've got a great one in store. guys, do you like the 90s in mid july? do you appreciate that? griff: yes! absolutely. that means it's warm enough to go surfing without a wet suit. that's all i heard. pete: i also like '90s music, i thought that's what you were talking about. yes, both. jedediah: so did i! [laughter] griff: thank you, sir. all right. if there was ever a contest held
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guilfoyle is dating donald trump jr. he tested negative and is self-isolating as a precaution. and more than 100 students test positive for the virus at the university of washington. the school council says all of the students live in frat houses near the seattle campus. the school is working to confirm the cases. over to you. pete: yes, all right. thanks to our next guest, celebrating the fourth can be free. griff: for nearly 24 years, a first generation american has given away free american flags every fourth of july. this year he's not only giving out 1,000 american flags, but patriot ig face masks as well -- patriotic face masks as well. griff: joining us now is the opener of alamo flag store, mike ismael. we love having you for this. this is such an amazing endeavor. tell us what inspire you this year to include the face a mask?
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>> well, this year, unfortunately, a special year because we've got the crisis going on. i wish, i want to, first of all, i want to give my condolence out to people who lost their lives in the covid if my condolences, and it's just a special year, and i decided to make masks for usa. i already gave away 1,000 of them, and i brought in another 1,000 because i hate to refuse anybody. i love to give flags and masks, make sure everybody has their mask to be safe and social distancing. pete: mike, i see your son dean is there as well who's also involved in this effort to share and spread patriotism. why do you do this? why do you honor old glory the way you do whether it's flags or face masks? what is it about the flag that has you doing this? >> you know, the flag, the flag basically represents unity. so we are all one regardless of your race, color, what you eat, you know, we all breathe the same air, eat the same foods, and we're all under america down
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here. pete: you sound busy too. griff: mike, let me can you, those that don't get america as exceptional, as great, what do you say to them? >> you know, there's a -- you know, a lot of people take this as a negative, but we like to take out the positive every year. pete: mike, how about you? why did you start this, and why have you done this every year? >> sir, i've been doing it -- i got a call from the local -- [inaudible] and they've been covering for 22 years. they called me on a call to give away a flag, somebody stole a flag off a person's house, and they said, will you replace it? i said, 100%, i'm going to replace it. then because i'm in the flag business, i decided to say, hey, i'm going to give back to the community. what better than to have a gift on america's birthday than the usa flag?
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i said i'm going to start this and give away a thousand flags every year, first come, first served. and it's the big one. so i started giving out flags. i continue. i wish i could coit nationally. jedediah: well, both of you -- >> yes. jedediah: yeah. both of you have have just done an amazing job with the flags, with the masks, stepping it up. such a patriotic, great message to have on this independence day. we want to wish you a happy fourth of july to you, to your whole family, and thank you for your patriotic -- >> and i want to -- pete: alamo flags. i can hear the phone ringing off the hook. give 'em a call. jedediah: yeah. and today we celebrate america's birthday with an incredible rendition of our national anthem performed live by the 78th army band. that performance is coming up next.
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♪ pete: lady liberty still sounding proud and tall. happy birthday, america. thank you for joining us. thanks for chiming in. we've been asking for your photos, and if they've poured in. ely e ya already -- elijah already enjoying the festivities. griff: and this is isaac with a flag on display. jedediah: and last but not least, here is another patriotic pup. mitchell watching fox and friends, i love it! pete: well, happy independence day, everybody. gr are iff, i know your day will include a beer, like mine. i'll have some pork shoulder, some fireworks. grab your kids and remind them why this day so special. it's not just a party, it's a gift given to us by our founders. griff: that's right, pete.
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our present greatness is due to our past sacrifice. we should be grateful and remember today, jed. jedediah: i will be growing some vegetables in pete's honor, so that's good. don't forget to catch the president's salute to america tonight, 6:30 p.m. right here on the fox news channel. ♪ neil: all right. go forth and have a good time. well, that depends on where they're allowing you to have a good time. you're looking at this country, a cross-section of clearwater, florida and beaches around the los angeles area where they're dealing with spikes in cases in all of these regions here. but it's what's going on in florida right now, even though clearwater not affected, where many of the beaches are closed, particularly in the miami-dade area. what
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