tv Cavuto Live FOX News July 4, 2020 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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our present greatness is due to our past sacrifice. we should be grateful and remember today, jed. jedediah: i will be growing some vegetables in pete's honor, so that's good. don't forget to catch the president's salute to america tonight, 6:30 p.m. right here on the fox news channel. ♪ neil: all right. go forth and have a good time. well, that depends on where they're allowing you to have a good time. you're looking at this country, a cross-section of clearwater, florida and beaches around the los angeles area where they're dealing with spikes in cases in all of these regions here. but it's what's going on in florida right now, even though clearwater not affected, where many of the beaches are closed, particularly in the miami-dade area. what triggered this move. also talk about other things that are being contracted as we
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peek right now to get us over -- speak right now. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto and, well, happy 4th. and with everything we've been through, it is remarkable that we keep going through it, and we keep smiling in the face of it and dealing with it all. a hot dog eating contest still on at coney island today. i don't know how those guys do that. and gals, it's a big undertaking and an international audience ready for that one. but this is about celebrating our country's history and how we all got started. but let's yet a read right now on some friction that's out there, protests being planned, most of them peaceful and orderly, but nevertheless things on the docket including what to do about monuments, something that the president addressed last night at mount rushmore. lucas tomlinson has more on what could be in store. >> reporter: neil, good morning and happy july 4th as the nation celebrates its 244th birthday. all is calm here on the mall, but last night president trump threatened the nation is under
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assault from what he called a left-wing vast conspiracy. >> our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heros, erase our values and indoctrinate our children. we will expose this dangerous movement, protect our nation's children, end this radical assault and preserve our beloved american way of life. >> reporter: the president's visit was met by protesters who blocked an access road. the president said ominously the protests are designed to overthrow the american revolution. >> their goal is not a better america, their goal is to end america. in its place they want power for themselves. but just as patriots did in centuries past, the american people will stand in their way,
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and we will win and win quickly. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: while july 4th celebrations have been scaled back across the country, president trump is ramping it up, at least in the skies over cities of the american revolution. beginning at 4 p.m. eastern, a flying armada of b-1, b-2 and b-52 bombers will fly over boston, then after the statue of liberty near you in new york, neil, at 5 p.m. followed by philadelphia at 5:15 and baltimore at 5:30. in addition to the air force fighters and bombers, the marine corp. jets, the navy's blue angels will also fly over the mall. the show begins here in the army's golden knights will parachute next to white house at 6:30 p.m. we'll also keep an eye out for more protests, dhs will be deploying a special task force to guard if the monuments. neil: happy fourth to you, my
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friend. ken cucinelli joins us now, it's under his responsibility and watch that those monuments will be protected. secretary, always good to have you. if things get out of hand -- we hope they don't, but if things get out of hand, how are you charged as acting secretary of homeland security to deal with that in. >> so for all the monuments on federal property, we have primary responsibility if they're not in a park where it's national park service, and we've been teaming up with them even in front of the white house. we've actually had some violence overnight in portland where some of our agents were forward deployed with local officials. that was handled effectively. and we're ready for that anywhere in the country. we have go teams deployed that can be anywhere or in a matter of hours in the continental 48, and we also are forward deployed to some of the areas where we have a greater concern for the potential for violence. and, obviously, this is to
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maintain peace and keep americans safe in addition to our history. neil: apparently you guys do have a handle on the ringleader of that effort to bring down the statue of former president andrew jackson in lafayette square right across from the white house. can you update us on that, ken? >> yeah. so, you know, everything that happened yesterday, right? investigations do take a little bit of time. i will tell you i think department of justice, park service and our secret service folks all working together there made that happen very quickly, and it was a great demonstration of what president trump talked about and signed an executive order on that we are going to be ayes, sirrive and forward-leaning in prosecuting people who are breaking the law, creating violence, trying to destroy federal property and destroy our history along with it. there are hundreds of other investigations running right now, neil, from all across the country. so people should know that this is not something that their federal government is going to take lying down.
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we're going to reestablish peace, and we're going to bring consequences to those who violate the law. neil: ken cucinelli, thank you very much. ken, i appreciate it. >> have a great fourth. neil: you too. we'll be monitoring the developments very, very closely, particularly of the states and the regions that haved had the more controversial attack lines on either the emancipation if lincoln statue, of course, that is in washington, d.c. and, of course, the andrew jackson statue just across from the white house. let's go to dan gelber right now because, for people who want to swim in the miami area, good luck. major beaches are closed, certainly in miami-dade, also in broward county. the mayor had to make a tough call in his own neck of the woods to do that, and it was concern about people, you know, flay grantly ignoring distancing and other restrictions. mayor, very good to have you back with us. how long will the beaches be closed? do they reopen next week? what's the latest? >> well, the county mayor has
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closed the beaches through the weekend. we've closed liquor stores, this is a curfew countywide at 10 p.m. we've had enormous spikes in south florida and miami, and the result has been if we don't take really substantial action right now, i think it's prosecutor pretty clear the trajectory's going to be something we can't control in a week or two. neil: i'm getting the sense, and some people are, that maybe things are getting out of control in florida. the spike in new cases, it's hit a daily record i think for three days running. i'm just wondering what you think is going on. >> people aren't listening. frankly, you know, we've had a mask order, my city has had a mask order in place for a month or two. but frankly, you know, people aren't doing what they typically do. a crisis is bring out the best in you or the worst of you. certainly, for many people it's brought out the best. we see that in our hospitals and all over the place. but for some people, they're listening to mixed messages from washington, and they're deciding
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they don't need to wear a mask, and the result has been unlike with a hurricane when we all listen to exactly the same messaging and worry about everybody, we're not as worried about everybody as we typically are. it's really a very sad message to have to say on the fourth of july. neil: you know, mayor, i also wonder not only the effect on your residents and those who go to the beaches, visit from nearby, you know, communities, travelers as well, vacationers who might be hearing this and saying, all right, well, i can scratch miami off my list of places to visit. what do you tell them? >> well, listen, right now we have a problem, we have a virus in our community. i'm not going to be the mayor in jaws and say come on in the water right now, we just can't do that. we have a very serious health care issue. we have over 1400 people in our hospitals right now, our intensive care is increasing, our people on vents is increasing. so we can't just ignore that. and, you know, look, i'll say
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this, on july 4th we celebrate freedoms, but we also celebrate sacrifices. there's nothing more american than sacrificing for, you know, for your loved ones, for a neighbor or for a stranger. and it's time that people just follow these guidelines and wear a mask. it's not a political statement. if wear a mask and we'll get through this, and then we can get back and open you up our ecy in the glorious way we lo it opened -- love it opened. neil: mayor, thank you very much for taking the time, hope all goes well there, dan gelber, the miami beach area there. a beautiful neck of the woods. again, beaches across the country are dealing with similar pressures. in the case of california, 19 counties are seeing their beaches either curtailed or shut down entirely because of a spike in cases. we'll keep track of that for you. also keeping track of what's going on in new jersey. it was a week ago at this time that we got news out of the blue
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neil: all right, i want to show you asbury park, new jersey, for you among you might be to officionados of bruce springsteen, this is where he launched his debut album, did many of concert there. it's an iconic venue for those who like the beaches and the wonderful weather and the boardwalk. decidedly subdued activity right now this holiday weekend. a lot of it has to do with the governor, phil murphy, putting off indoor dining. it was supposed to go into effect, but because of what the governor said were a number of folks ignoring distancing and other rules and restrictions in effect, he's going to have to put that off indefinitely.
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that does not go down well with david burke, concerned about his restaurant colleagues, what this could mean. very good to have you. how are you putting up with this? >> well, neil, thanks for having me on. if you know, it's very difficult. we dealt with for several months and then we got the green light that we could open which should have been this thursday. so we prepared for that, you know? we followed the guidelines up until then, then we prepared for reopening, we rehired, we restocked, we put everything in place with social distancing standpoint, made the preparations, investment in dollars that we don't really have right now to make all four of my properties in jersey compliant. luckily, i have outdoor seating. if i don't, which some of my colleagues don't, all we're doing is basically taking business away from them, and we have an opportunity to feed
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their customers for the next couple months. the real spike in the back is the pulling of the carpet a day or two we were supposed to open. neil: you know, and a lot -- you're a little more secure and, obviously, famous. that said, a lot of people will wait it out. you do have outdoor dining which you said a lot of your colleagues do not. i was reading how 80% of new york city restaurants right now can't pay all of their rent. i don't know what the comparable figures are in new jersey, but i would imagine kind of in that neck of the woods. do you think your industry's going to survive this, or it's going to be dramatically winnowed down? >> you know, is a whole other problem because of there is no outdoor dining for most, and the rents are substantial. neil: right. >> even a reduction in represent, it's impossible to make it happen. i think there'll be a huge
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fallout. there's tons of discouragement for veterans, chefs like myself that have, you know, worked very hard over the years and even the new guys and girls that are opening restaurants. you know, we work on passion if adrenaline and enthusiasm, and we're enthusiasts especially down on the entire city shore to get open for the city -- the jersey shore. some of the players that can't get open this season, it'll probably put them out of business for good. it's disheartening. it's hard not to look at it through the lens of there's something wrong here when the amusement parks and the casinos can open, the airlines are working, and yet the restaurant business -- which employs many people. it takes about 30 restaurant employees to run a small restaurant. so there's a lot of employees that could get back to work, and my suggestion, there should be some panels, the new jersey restaurant association, that comes up with plan. we could have health inspectors
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or covid inspectors, two of them paid by the government and put 30 people back to work and get them off of unemployment, but nobody's talking about solutions. it's just what the governor seems to think is best. that's what's really upsetting to most of us. neil: yeah. we'll watch it closely, david. i wish you well. you have a good reputation, your restaurants. but like you say, for some of your lesser known colleagues, it's a very different and tough story. david, thank you very much. david burk, celebrity chef and much, much more. all right, even with this backdrop of delayed reopenings and some that are reversed, the economy's doing quite well. some of this period where states were drawing back, we still saw nearly 5 million in new jobs. that's about 7, 8 million new jobs in the past couple months. so despite everything, we're humming. now what? that if this happens...
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♪ muck. >> today's report is positive news, and i'm thankful for it, for real. but make no mistake, we're still in a deep, deep job hole. because donald trump has so badly bungled the response to coronavirus. you know, a million more americans, millions of them, would still have their job if donald trump had done his job. neil: what did you make of what joe biden said? we'd be in much better shape if the president had handled the virus better. >> i don't want to get into a debate with joe biden about it, but it was a terrific number, one we should be very happy about it. 7.5 million jobs added over a two month period now, unemployment dropping also a lot more than had been projected.
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and here's another good thing about this report, we saw gains across demographic groups. neil: you know, that was a very good view from the labor secretary where we really stand on this, no matter what you think about the president or how he has handled the coronavirus. people were not anticipating even by now that we would start seeing job gains. but over the last couple of months, we've seen nearly 8 million of them and fears that the unemployment rate would rival what it was back during the depression when we got as high as 25%, the highest we got was a little bit north of 14.5%. we're down to 11.1% right now. yes, things are still tough but, man, oh, man, not nearly as to have tough as some feared. bill simon on what might be going on. bill, it is a little surprising that the strength this jobs -- in jobs is happening as quickly as it is. what do you make of it? >> yeah. happy fourth, neil.
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i would agree with you, it is a bit surprising, but, you know, it honestly shows the resilience that the consumer has had throughout this whole thing. particularly, you know, the consumer went into the if coronavirus hockdown in a -- lockdown in very, very good shape, and i think we're seeing them follow through with it. there's still a lot of money in the market. the unemployment, enhanced unemployment's still in effect. the stimulus is out there, and i think people are feeling better about where they were. and now this latest spike, i think we're going to need to digest that and see what happens. but, by and large, the consumer's still very strong. neil: yeah. you mentioned the latest spike and whether some of the states that have had to rehave verse reopening plans -- reverse reopening plans, whether that might show up in next month's data. it's hard to say. what is confounding is the9 fact that it is as broad based as it is. so, you know, obviously pent-up buying and enthusiasm, we've seen it in some of the retail
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sales figures, we've seen it in some of the early mortgage application numbers, we see it, you know, in future home sales, penning sales -- pending sales. so there's something beneath the surface that show americans are a little stir crazy and may be more inclined to buy and to do the kind of things that we thought they weren't going to be doing for months to come. what do you think? >> yeah, i agree with. i think everybody has reached a point where they want to move forward. i was going to say get back to normal, but i don't know that we'll ever get back to whatever normal was. what we really want to do is move forward. it appears no matter what we do, katrina virus is going to do -- coronavirus is going to do what coronavirus is going to do. we need to figure out how to live with it, move around it, avoid it as best we can until a medical solution comes to get us true -- through it.
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locking down and doing nothing, i think, is gone. i believe what we'll see is, you know, as flare-ups and spikes occur, there'll be a dial up and dial down the activity to try and keep people as safe as they can. and, please, by all means, follow the guidelines. wear a mask, wash your hands, do the things that, you know, we know work so that we can move forward. neil: do you worry about, and do you worry -- it sounds like a weird question, the strength in the stock market, walmart's stock has been doing are well, other retailer like amazon, they've been doing very, very well on the notion there is still this strong, pent-up demand to spend. but the markets are now kind of back to levels they were before all this began. nasdaq's in record territory, and yet we're still down a net 20 million jobs even with the comeback. something's gotta give, right? >> well, you would think. but, you know, markets typically, you know, move based on what people project is going to happen, not what's happening.
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so i think where the market, the levels the markets are at today indicate that most investors believe there'll be a recovery, a substantial recovery in the next 12 months, and they're putting their money in place in order to take advantage of it. it's really hard to imagine that we could have gone through the shock to the economy that we've gone through and the markets be where they were and the consumer be where they are. thankfully, that's what's happened, and i think that bodes pretty well going forward. neil: well, i mean, this couldn't just be my wife alone, so obviously people have been helping her out. we'll see what happens. very good seeing you, my friend. good health, good everything this fourth of july weekend. >> yes, sir. same to you. neil: all right. bill simon, the former walmart ceo. boosted sales there dramatically by just get back to value, doing all of that stuff. obviously, planted some seeds here and has residual power right now. as the economy comes back, you know, so too are travel plans on
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the part of a lot of people. remember when a lot of the ourlines were saying that middle seat's going to be empty? well, in the case of american it's not. they're going to stuff you in there like sardines because they think that you're all gung ho on it. well, that depends. after this. usaa is made for wt no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and that's just one of the many ways we're here to help the military community find out more at
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neil: i want to take you to dallas/fot worth right now. texas is dealing with a serious spike in cases, this as the dallas/fort worth airport, you know, travel is has certainly picked up steam there. it's still down anywhere from 50 to 20% to what it was about a year ago. in some airports, a lot more than that. so i don't know the exact specifics, but i do know that is an important regional hub for american airlines which reintroduced this week packed flights. the middle seat, some of the precautions that were taken by the industry post the coronavirus, lifting them. other airlines as of yet have not followed american airlines. mark murphy on some of the things you're going to have to get used to, or not, as you return to normal travel or something like it. what do you think, mark? >> well, i i think it's kind of funny because i just flew from denver to new york and back, and i had the middle seat open, but the person directly behind me was literally breathing down my
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neck. so i don't think it really matters too much. to be frank, it'd almost be better if you separated rows as opposed to the people sitting next to you. united, southwest and other airlines are still blocking that middle seat, and i think that gives people at least mentally peace of mind. they're all basically requiring face masks onboard, and in many cases they won't let you board or will take you off the plane if you're not wearing a face mask, so you need to comply with that if you choose to do air travel. neil: i always think the pain in the neck factor, even though it might be safe to fly and this is a chance for people to get back, when they hear news like this, that you might be encountering packed planes, again, i don't think anybody has followed american's fill 'em all up approach, but they might just say i don't need it, i really don't need that. >> right. and i think it's a great part of it. the great thing about covid for travel is the fact that you get through an airport security
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screening really fast, you don't have to take your laptop or toiletries out, they don't want you touching stuff. when i got to den v ors it was -- denver, it was wide open. the downside, yeah, you're going to be around people on those planes, they worry about the she ricklated -- recirculated air despite the fact they have hepa filters. what could be floating around you, it might freak you out. that, i think that's the thing that's dragging down air travel right now. it's going to get if gradually ticked up, but some of these airports are down 75, 80% in terms of passengers. neil: right. >> so the numbers are just staggering, and the effect it's having on those businesses in the airports, the businesses that supply the airports, the taxi guys, it's just a huge domino effect. neil: yeah. and then there are flights that you can't go, like europe right now has sort of a limit on american tourists coming to that
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continent. i was just wondering, a, how long that lasts because, you know, tit for tat and all of a sudden people are flying in limited areas, right? >> well, i mean, we have the same thing going on in u.s. states. you can plan a trip and then arbitrarily things change, and it's fluid. so the biggest issue travelers have is how do i know if i book something two weeks from now, now all of a sudden i've got to quarantine if i go to new york for 14 days? most people don't get 14 days' vacation, let alone being able to quarantine, so i think that's why you're going to see a trend for people staying closer to home, doing quick getaways, in many cases staying within their state and just having a massive impact. last time i looked there was about 50% unemployment in the hospitality industry. they're bringing people back onboard but not very fast, and i continue see lay areoffs and furloughs from major companies in the travel industry that can't continue to staff the way they staff until things are
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dramatically better. neil: yeah. and we're a long way from that. mark, have a great 4th. thank you very much. safe travels wherever you go. >> thank you. neil: he's always flying somewhere. mark murphy. we've told you about the spikes in cases, 40 states now have seen some increases, about of which double-digit increases. what's the effect on people's psyche and more, on their health? after this.
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♪ neil: all right. happy 4th of july, everyone. it hasn't been happy for those wanting to see number of cases subside as regarding coronavirus. again, it's in the eye of the beholder, but the u.s. has set a seven isth record in nine days for new coronavirus cases. furthermore, the spikes have been very pronounced in states like arizona and florida, south carolina, nevada, louisiana and
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texas where they are already reversing phased reopenings in those regions just to be on the safe side. i want to discuss this with st. joseph university hospital doctor, the doctor always helps me out understanding the bigger picture here. doctor, thank you very much. >> hi, neil. it's great to be here and happy fourth. neil: to you as well, my friend. let's talk about these spikes a little bit. you hear the number of cases, but more testing begets more cases. and when we look at the spike in hospitalizations with the exception of texas, there's been no comparable uptick when it comes to deaths. i know, sadly, a lagging indicator. it's actually versing. so how, how serious -- reversing. is so how serious in your eyes are these spikes in the aggregate? >> well, very, very serious. the interesting thing is the reason the death rate seems to be flat is because more young
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people are being infected, and although young people can certainly die from this disease -- and we don't know what the predisposing factors are, it's likely to be immuno-genetic meaning that it's built into your dna. however, young people generally don't get hospitalized, don't do badly and don't die. the elderly population, and those with co-morbidities, are smart enough to be inside and stay inside particularly on a holiday like this. you don't see them wandering around the beaches, bars and clubs. is so that's a good thing. so the death rate has flattened out. i think we had 649 deaths yesterday and about 23,000 -- wait a minute, 53,000 cases. and just in one day. but as bad as that sounds, it's not, we're not talking thousands of people dying every day now. that doesn't mean that that couldn't happen in the near future. neil: and we should posit as you've reminded me that young people, though they feel they're
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bulletproof and all that, if they have issues, obesity, diabetes, any other related issues, they're just as vulnerable as the older folks. and they could risk, you know, giving it to older folks. what's your best advices? >> yeah. so everybody should keep their social distancing and wear a mask. everybody should wear a mask. now, i say that often and often and more and more than i like to say it. but it should be mandated by most of the governors of the states. the interesting thing that nobody should be in a bar or a club or in a closed space, especially not wearing a mask, especially not sharing food or drink. which a lot of young people like to do. that's bad. that's a recipe for disaster. so i think that using prudence here and being very careful if you're out on a beach, keep your distance. you don't have to wear a mask if you're outdoors and you're among your very close members of your family because you know them,
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and you know that they may likely not be infected. but you can never be sure about anything with this condition. so that's my advice, wear a mask, keep social distancing. no need to wear face shields, that's for the hospital. neil: you know, moderna, one of the more promising companies that was working on a vaccine or a treatment, the stock was falling yesterday on news that it was delaying phase three trial study, and i'm wondering with a dozen or so potential treatments out there in various stages of pro depression and tests -- progression and tests, are you optimistic by the end of the year there might be something available? >> i'm cautiously, and i'm quoting tony fauci, i'm cautiously optimistic that we'll have something by january or february. i don't know about the end of the year. again, these phase three and phase four trials, that's where the rubber hits the road, that's where the problems occur, that's where the side effects and data come forth which show maybe the
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vaccine is not so great as we thought, although no dern that has a very interesting vaccine with their message rna -- messenger rna vaccine. there are others out there that use the attenuated virus and those that use the carrier virus to bring the fragments of corona 19 into the body. they're all promising, they're all out there, but again you hit the nail on the head, neil, phase three is a little dicey, phase four certainly is a lot better. and once we get out of phase four or are into it, i'm sure we're going to be producing millions and millions of vials of vaccines. i'm very hopeful about that. if. neil: i noticed high driving while intoxicated color quinn is back in the -- hydroxychloroquine is back in the news, there was a study that said those who were treated with it did a lot better than those who were not. it seems hike a silver bullet
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here. you have your concerns about it, particularly for those with underlying heart, respiratory conditions. i believe that group was excluded. those with serious heart conditions, which is my big concern, that they were a vulnerable population. they were not included hire. what do you make of it? >> right. i think it's an interesting thing. it's the first real data that we have. now, you know, it doesn't mean that this is a panacea. the clear panacea is the antiviral products, the remdesivir. but what they're currently doing at henry ford with 3,000 patients is they're testing it as a preventive. and that's what everybody was talking about. a lot of my friends who are physicians were talking about giving it to people in families where one member was affected and everybody would get the drug, and the drug is taken, it's a very easy drug to take. i use it all the time on my rheumatic patients. but therein lies the issue. the issue is, is it prophylactic? that would be very positive, and president trump will be very happy with that because he used
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it prophylactically for two weeks. we found that in the hospital with our acutely ill hospital, it really didn't make a big difference at all. we saw no big change. now, we didn't conduct a clinical trial. at henry ford they had 2500 patients, and they looked at it, and within two days of the patients being in the hospital -- and they weren't clear about whether they were in intensive care or not -- about, i think they used the number 91% of the patients within 48 hours of admission were placed on hydroxychloroquine. and they did see senate changes. -- significant changes. you know, 13%, interesting, death rate with patients on plaque by nil alone and 26.4% of patients dead not on it. so this was a clinical trial that was quite interesting. i don't know what the drugs because i haven't seen the original paper yet, but there's data out there to suggest it may if, in fact, be of some benefit. the lancet study was
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disaccredited, the french study was thrown out the window and so on. neil: my big issue when this first started and having talked to a number of cardiologists is if you do have these underlying conditions, it's very risky. in fact, it can, 23469, lead to death. the university of michigan's health system is still each after all of this not known to use high driving while intoxicated city clear win on coronavirus patients. it echoes readings from the fda that it yanked emergency use, the nih, a u.k. study in oxford. so when you advise people on it, is the underlying rule kind of what we thought at the beginning, you don't have any of these extenuating circumstances, it's worth trying? if you do, don't consider it? what do you tell people? >> well, if you have any of these extent waiting circumstance, you definitely should not be on the drug. i would tell people that, you
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know, if the data come out from the pro prophylaxis study whichs in progress that the drug actually prevents you from having bad symptoms, which a lot of people say, prevents you from having significant lung disease which i highly doubt, then i say go on it. but development advise it. -- i don't advise it. we, again, in our several hundred patients that we took ad hoc, not in a clinical trial, to be fair, nothing happened. the drug did nothing for our patients. now, if you're out there at home and you're sneezing, coughing and running a fever, the question is would you go on it? that's up to your position and you because only -- physician and you because only she or he, the doctor, knows your clinical condition, whether you have heart disease, die bites, hypertension -- diabetes, hypertension and those are mitigating factors that will make a difference when you're on a drug like hydroxychloroquine. for the most part, it's a pretty
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safe drug, so that's not to be, not to make it a terrible drug. however, the supplies of that drug have dwindled considerably since every tom, dick and harry has been taking it regardless of what we've been saying in scientific medicine. neil: all right. doctor, thank you very much, very much for that clarification. for those of you who have commented to me on this particular study, i point out that my original point remains the same. if you are a vulnerable subset of the population with underlying heart or respiratory issues, not included in this particular study. the findings of the university of oxford infectious disease specialists, and i quote: although it's disappointing that this treatment has been shown to be largely ineffective, it does allow us to focus care and research on more promising drugs and methodologies. so there is promise and hope, but the blanket view that this is a magic bullet defies other
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studies that say wait and see. that's what i've warned about, and i'm still warning. after this. it's been 75 years since your ancestors served in world war two. many of their stories remain untold. find and honor the veterans in your family. their stories live on at ancestry. neuriva has clinically proven oingredients that fuel five, indicators of brain performanc: memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference.
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♪ neil: you know, they are still trying to understand whether this russian bounty story on u.s. soldiers, forget about whether it ever reached the president's desk, whether the story the itself was accurate to begin with. dan altman joins us right now, former cia chief. yeah, dan, hearing what you have been hearing and from your background at the cia, intelligence comes to you heft and right. is so -- left and right. so you have to verify it. does this look like it was ever verified, ever got to the point where the president was alerted?
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>> well, i think there's really three things here happening simultaneously. first of all, there was tactical intelligence that was obtain thed on the battlefield indicating that russia was paying taliban militants to kill u.s. soldiers, coalition forces in afghanistan. that information was obtained from captured taliban militants, not exactly known for their trustworthiness as intelligence sources. and so while the threshold for sharing that information is extremely low and we would have disseminated -- and we did right away -- to our soldiers on the front lines and coalition forces, we also need to test the veracity of the reporting, and that's really the second thing that's happening. we need to do that before we take any sort of policy countermeasures like expelling russian diplomats, officials from the united states or piling on the sanctions. and so i think those two things for sure were happening. is it in the realm of the possible? for sure. the russians have been providing
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material support including small arms and training to the taliban for years, and we've protested that. they've also hosted taliban peace negotiations as recently as september 2019 after our own peace negotiations kind of hit a hard stop there when a u.s. soldier was killed just before the taliban was to be invited to camp david. neil: i just find it odd, the double standard though on this particular story where many in the media, for example, wanted and criticized president bush, you know, for the story of weapons of mass destruction were being hidden in iraq, and he was going to deal with it. then it turned out the intelligence might have been faulty, and here just with on the insinuation about something that sounds like, yeah, i could see the russians doing this, respond to it, do something about it. and it's just, it doesn't seem very valid. >> well, you need to be careful before you take policy measures. and the third point that i would make here is, look, it's a
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relatively small step to go from providing a sniper rifle and some money to the taliban and then asking them to kill u.s. soldiers. of course that's what they're going to do with those capabilities. the question for me too is whether this tactical intelligence might have been indicative of broader russian strategy. vladimir putin has said that the collapse of the soviet union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. he wants to be perceived as having greater influence in south asia, afghanistan in particular. let's be clear that pakistan has provided far more material assistance to the taliban with safe haven and arms and other things, but putin wants to be perceived as having influence. and knowing that the united states is planning on pulling out our troops, i think putin wants to be perceived as the guy who made that happen. it would the elevate his stature vis-a-vis the united states. neil: so it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility here for something that sounds like incredible intelligence, people might suspect, yeah, i could see
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the russians doing that, to your point, and then sharing it with the president who would have to act a on that or presumably would act on that, you've got to dot your is and cross your ts if we've learned anything from the whole weapons of mass destruction thing. not enough people were doing that, right? >> yeah. i mean, i would have advised the president right know orally -- right away orally. we don't assess that it reaches the threshold for you to take action because we're still testing the veracity of the intelligence, but we want you to be in the loop here in the early stages. look, intelligence analysis is like putting a jigsaw puzzle together where some to have pieces are missing and some of the pieces you've got are from another game entirely. sometimes it's good to bring the president in. and also since we shared the intelligence with coalition partners, we don't want the president to be blindsided when he has considerationeds with the prime minister of the u.k., boris johnson. that's another important
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>> all right. happy fourth, but not happy if you're worried about coronavirus spikes. 40 states across the country right now are experiencing them. some more than others. about a dozen states are seeing double-digit increases. you've probably heard the most out of florida, it ex, texas. but in florida, miami-dade curfews 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., beaches closed including in dade county. to give you an example 9400 cases were reported. about a month ago the state was averaging about 1300 cases a day. so, this is the kind of stuff
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that jars folks. and anyway, we've got a look at what's happening across the country and what they make of some of the restrictions that come with those spikes. aisha. >> hi, neil. in new york city, new yorkers about this hour are usually making their plans to figure out where they're going to sit and watch that big macy's fireworks display tonight. plans have changed across the country, really. and instead the show was split up into smaller five minute pop-up shows across the city across the past week in order to prevent people from crowding around in one place and communities like orlando, daytona beach in florida canceling displays altogether now. and some beaches and bars are closed and other communities like chicago suburb naperville moving locations where people can social distance. there are concerns that without public displays, folks will hold private displays and cookouts for family and
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friends, which could further the spread of this virus. according to local reports, in fact, florida is seeing a spike in fireworks sales since it legalized for the holiday. at least 40 states so far are seeing a rise in coronavirus cases and more states continued to reopen in the next couple of days, easing restrictions. health experts are really worried that proper precautions, right, are not going to happen at some of the cross-generational gatherings. >> it's a family tradition and coronavirus wasn't really going to stop us. >> you've got the kids and the mom and pop and grand mom and grandpop in the same group and that's the challenge, that's the group we really want to protect. >> now, neil, back here in new york city, the macy's big fireworks display will be televised, the finale will be televised tonight and i want to mention the case of the illegal
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fireworks. they continue to rise, keeping new yorkers awake at night and according to local reports just one night ago, police responded to a stabbing of multiple people over illegal fireworks. a lot going on, neil. neil: all right. thank you very very much. i appreciate that. of course, the fireworks are gone and new york has been doing something funky with the fireworks, spreading it out over six days and never know where and when they're coming from, that's the idea. but it's sort of like where is waldo, where are they coming from. and it will be tonight, and a lot of new yorkers don't know where to be which is probably the intention. we've got a number of items to update you on, florida, record number of spikes just reported today, all-time high in spikes. and in texas, again, a spike in cases as well. and in california, where they had at least a dozen beaches closed right now, governor newsom has ordered all wineries
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closed. 19 counties are pausing indoor dining as well. eric joins us, the california congressman sits on committees. thank you for joining us on a saturday. how are things looking now? >> you know, neil, we're seeing about a 56% increase in hospitalizations in california, in my yier, about 200 each day in alameda in california. it's not we're increasing the testing. we're increasing the testing, but the rate of people testing positive is going up and that's what's most concerning. neil: how is it breaking down, congressman? more younger people? that's a trend and some say that's good news, but if you have underlying issues, diabetes, obesity, a vulnerable
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lot of folks. how does it break down in california? >> actually, it's not just young people. of course, we're seeing an increase in younger people. it's across the spectrum, neil. as you warned. the risk is when you put young people with their parents or grandparents over a holiday weekend, that's where the risk is much higher. i have a family member who is very sick and i have not been able to see her for quite some time now because i don't want to expose her and that sucks, frankly, but it's just what we have to do right now to keep each other healthy and alive. neil: do you think-- a lot of people said we've got to reopen the economy and governor newsom was a fan of that as well, doing so carefully. democratic governors are dealing with this, republican governors are dealing with this, but with some of the measures the government has taken, congressman, over the last couple of weeks leaves me to believe he could go even further and he could really, you know, pull in the carpet here on other restrictions that
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have since been lifted. what are you hearing? >> most important is to follow the science. and the calls i have been on with the governor, he's going to let the science dictate this and you saw a number of counties open up in california for in-room dining, for bars, for hair salons, and nail salons, and then have had to roll it back so we really are evolving, neil, but the best thing we could do personally is to wear a mask so i've got my fourth of july mask here, that a friend made for me. and if we wear a mask and keep investing in the testing, tracing and treatment, we can come out of this. neil: you know, congressman, nancy pelosi had urged earlier in the week that maybe it should just be a federal policy every, mandatory, wear a mask. most governors, i believe your own included kind of left it up to folks, but can force the issue, that's an option that he has, but they don't want to pull that trigger. do you think it's wise that we have a nation-wide mask
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mandate? >> i think we should have a nationwide masked mandate. i don't think that we should have mask police, but i don't think you should be allowed in any, you know, public place without wearing a mask. you're not doing it for protecting yourself, you're protecting others and that's what being, you know, courageous is. that's what is being caring and kind is, is worrying about protecting others and look, the sooner we do this, the sooner we come out of this, but we can be our own worst enemies if we're not going to wear masks. neil: obviously, you're following the presidential race closely and you were a candidate yourself. we're told that joe biden is very close to narrowing that list down of potential-- within largely african-american women he's considering, including your senator kamala harris. who are you plugging for? >> i've had the privilege of serving with senator harris. she and i both come from the same prosecutor's office in
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oakland. i've also served with value val deming and she's a former police chief, rides a harley, a woman of deep faith. there's no shortage of good options for the vice-president. neil: all right. that's a very judicious politically safe answer, congressman. >> good seeing you. neil: good health to you, be well. thank you, congressman eric swalwell of the beautiful state of california. we're monitoring that and protests planned today, be careful with the protests and distancing issues because they're coming up again after this.
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rooms. neil: when is the last time you have? >> i'm not a trained physician. what i am, however, is someone who can read data and-- >> and get out and get off the commission, we don't need you. >> what i'm saying is, neil, what i'm saying is the task force may not be necessary anymore and what i'm saying is dr. fauci and dr. birx have undermined what this president is trying to do. neil: you think in the middle of these uptick in cases. in the middle of these uptick in cases you think it's a good idea to disband this in the middle of it. >> yes, i think it's a good idea, but for different reasons. neil: all right. on, you know, replaying that i had with the arizona congressman biggs, i didn't mean to be rude there, many thought i was, but i just don't think this is the time right now to be disbanding a coronavirus commission or to say that dr. fauci or dr. birx should be contemplating or reinforcing the president's agenda on this.
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he had the task force for a reason to defer to the doctors. when they raise concerns it's probably best to listen to those concerns, but to say that they have to toe the president's economic line, i think the president would say there's a balance between economically what we can do with this virus and how we could save lives at the same time. anyway, a good reason of sorts, dr. nicole, the best selling author, new york city physician, much, much more. doctor, you might want to settle this debate for me. i found it a tad ludacris to say fi ludicrous to say fire dr birx and fire dr. fauci because of an economic agenda. >> happy fourth to you, neil. i do not believe that the health experts are contradicting the president's goal. i think the goal of mitigating this virus is a small piece of the much larger puzzle that the president is tasked with putting together.
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the question is not to socially distance or not. we know that social distancing works. what we need to know is moving forward, what are the best policies for our country, and president trump is going to have to listen to the public health experts as well as the economic efforts, experts and then come together and say, what is the best long-term solution to keep america healthy physically and economically and what we have seen from studies out of uc berkeley, the economist and others studies, social distancing matters to stop the transmission and harsh lockdown orders only slightly more. we need to use that going forward and how to balance the equation and appease the public health officials and making sure our country is strong long-term economically. that being said, should the white house task force be dispann dispanned--
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disbanded? >> nih and others are working together strongly to make sure the country overcomes the pandemic. and more for optics making sure they are communicating to the united states. so, but a couple of days ago i will say that the white house announced they're putting together a pandemic response group through the state department so maybe they're just transferring from department to department. whatever they're doing, neil, it really is for optics. the truth is they're not disbanding in the sense that all of a sudden the nih and c.d.c. aren't going to be working on covid-19 anymore. it's really in my opinion, partisan politics at play. neil: well, i notice in the case of dr. fauci, for example, when they appear to go rogue if that's accurate or possibility, dr. fauci said if we're not careful we could get 100,000 a day and his concern about a mutating virus.
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some, especially some republicans wince at that and that it destroys the narrative we're getting through this, we're reopening. could there be some credence to that, that the message that the white house wants isn't the message that sometimes you hear from dr. fauci or dr. birx? >> well, speaking truths, what dr. fauci does do is not going rogue, neil. unfortunately, the truth hurts for a lot of people. what you're making a good point of, you're talking about the message of it all. it could be 100,000 more deaths. that's true. however, we're seeing-- even though that there's truth to that, worse case scenario and for the messaging side of that, you have a lot of people not wanting the worst case scenarios out there because it does fear monger and instill some panic. we want to make sure we have a levelheaded interpretation of the truth. that's important here. while dr. fauci speaks about
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the possible mutation, the word mutation in itself could pro vote fear in certain people. but most means that the virus is less severe, less deadly. so it's crucial that we continue to speak the facts, but also make sure that the american people have a good understanding of those facts because we do not want unnecessary fear because unnecessary fear and those harsh lockdown orders are what promotes the civil unrest which we know can actually have negative consequences and increase viral transmission as we have seen with the large gatherings. now, also, neil, one of the things i want to talk about, we talk about having to balance certain things. when dr. fauci says that it's possible to have x amount number of viral transmission or deaths, we also have to remember the unnecessary deaths that have occurred because of the lockdown orders. this is a very fine balance, neil. all over the world they are reporting more domestic violence deaths, significantly more drug overdoses, and suicides as well as hindrance
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of social development of our children. those are massive factors that have to be taken into consideration. neil: real quickly, i want to get your droughts on hydroxychloroquine. the white house seizing on this that found that early administration of the drug helped hospitalizations and those who were in hospitals. now, it left out patients who were treated had no serious heart or other related conditions, which was my point at the outset that that is a submarine set of vulnerable population. but your thoughts on that? because it does go in the face of nih and recommendations, oxford study, all of which had their doubts about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine to treat this. your thoughts? >> so, listen, neil, when it comes to hydroxychloroquine i can tell you the scientific community and the media has done an injustice to the public regarding it.
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the bottom line, if the president hadn't touted it early on everyone would look to it with studies and hope. that's what we have vaccines for. when it comes to hydroxychloroquine we have a handful of studies saying it's really not effective and a handful saying it may be effective including the most recent one you mentioned from henry ford institute. but here is the thing, all of these studies are small, mostly retrospective and as you alluded to, there is bias on it. in both sides of the equation there's bias in the studies. great one coming out significant significantly decrease deaths within 48 hours, it looked like the patients with hydroxychloroquine did not have heart issues and those who did have heart issues did not. and those with pre-existing heart conditions have an increased risk of death with covid-19 so it does introduce bias there. here is the thing, neil. the big thing circulating
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amongst physicians who are practicing with this is what does this do for pro pholaxix. brazil, and others involved in this. those i'm interested to see. we need the blind studies to get an idea where hydroxychloroquine fits in this scenario. just as i'm optimistic about recommemdesvi remdesvir, and i wish it wasn't so political, but it is. moving into the fall months, we're in a much better place now than we were a few months ago. neil: doctor, thank you very very much. >> thank you, neil. neil: on this issue there's a
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back and forth whether there's a political agenda. someone who deals with medical maladies, i come from the perspective of are there risks for you that outweigh whatever you're dealing with right now and with some of these underlying conditions that i pointed out and the doctor reminded us of, and the doctor before her, if that is the base that you're worried about, that's not the to take, dr. alito said, amy point remains now, there's a reason why those with serious heart conditions were left out of this. they are vulnerable. we'll have more after this.
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actually larger numbers than the democrats. >> you want the direct payments larger or uninsurance benefit. >> i want the money getting to people to be larger to spend it, i want the money quickly and in a noncomplicated fashion. neil: that's the president with our ben burman about more stimulus checks. the republicans by and large not completely in lockstep with him on that. and i want to jim demint, best selling author, and the idea of more checks to folks. you know, republicans say let's see the impact of what's already gone out stimulus-wise before we jump to writing more checks to folks. what do you think? >> well, neil, it doesn't make sense to suffocate the patient while you're trying to resuscitate that. in some cases we're still
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trying to lock down the economy and trying it push money in behind that doesn't make sense. i've talked to people all other the country as part of this economic task force and people who are opening up, whether they be car dealerships, or restaurants or bowling alleys. when they open, people are ready to come back. i think it needs to be a complication of opening, but as the president said, just issuing checks is not necessarily the best way to do it. there are great economists like steve moore, and the president agrees with this, a payroll tax holiday incentivizes people to go back to work and they make more money and innocecentivize $employers. and it puts incentives on the right side. we need to be careful not to create incentives for more people not to work and for businesses to stay closed. neil: are you worried about the spikes in cases when it's delaying a lot of governor's
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reopening plans, in the case of california and texas and florida and arizona, actually reversing them. >> well, actually there's good news behind the spikes. some of it is a result of more testing and better access to testing, but we're seeing younger people are getting it. many don't have symptoms at all and this is telling us and confirming the data that healthy working age americans have almost no risk from this. the average age of older who die are over 80 years old and most in nursing care. that's not any risk, if we wait until we eliminate all the risk to go back to work we are going to bring this country down more than any virus could do to us. neil: given the job surge we've seen, it doesn't cover the governor going back.
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i wonder if we could slow the recovery more than we appreciate, the uptick in the markets and the uptick in jobs, that could reverse itself? >> well, it could and a lot of the jobs, the quantity of jobs will come from retailers and restaurants. others, a lot of these are starting positions for younger people, and this is where social distancing is the most difficult. so, i think we'll see that come back a little bit slower, but we see all over the country, businesses of all kinds who are learning how to go back to work responsibly and safely, and most of the spikes are not attributed to people going back to work, it may be rallies or people on the beach or what else, but we are seeing that social distancing and all kinds of circumstances are recuducing the infection rate. neil, we've got to balance the risk after economic complete meltdown versus the risk of going back to work carefully
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while this virus is here because no matter what happens in the future, whether the virus gets worse or better, we cannot keep the country locked down. it just-- we can't pay people enough, i mean, to stay home and be idle. there's a melting down point for our economy and our currency. so, i'm not sure we put enough weight on the concern of what's going to happen if we don't get the economy back in good gear pretty quickly. >> senator, always good catching up with you. be well and safe this fourth. thank you very much. jim demint. >> thank you, neil. neil: on these fast-moving developments. you as well, sir. we've got lee carter, she's been crunching numbers and polls on how the virus is sorting out, protests, destroying statues is sorting out.
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>> on the night of the election i got a great call from president trump and you know, i assured him by no means did i think my election victory was a referendum on his influence here in western north carolina. i would say the vast majority over 99% of my voters will be voting for trump. neil: all right. that was 24-year-old, you heard me 24-year-old madison cawthorn
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who the president hand picked for the nomination to run for a congressional seat open in north carolina. mo davis is his likely democratic opponent right now and a congressional candidate himself. mo davis, very good to have you with us. what did you make of the non-trump picked candidate winning? >> well, folks in this district didn't like being told what to do and if you followed the chronology of how mark meadows timed the announcement he was not going to ru, and meadows promised he was not going to endorse anyone and he endorsed linda bennett, and people were angry he tried to rig the outcome and there was a backlash and madison cawthorn was the beneficiary of that. neil: and when i talked to your republican opponent he was trying to dispest whatever cur
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-- kerfuffle, and that had been a bad reflection on the president and he's counting on the president's support. do you think he'll have it, do you think he's going to move the needle much? >> it will be interesting, there was a freedom pack and there were negative ads against cawthorn favoring linda bennett. it will be an interesting pivot, going from trashing the young man to supporting him. neil: for you as the democratic candidate are you going to recruit or see if joe biden could help you out? do you need him? . >> i would like to, i'm thrilled to be on the ticket with joe biden. got joe biden at the top of the ticket, cal cunningham running against thom tillis in the second slot and then i'm in the third slot and the governor in the fourth. so, i'm really happy to be those teammates and batting third in the lineup.
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i'd love to have joe biden's support. people in the district are tired of the chaos and looking for a steady hand. that's what he and i both offer and i think folks here want some moe-joe in this district. >> and there have been spikes in cases in north carolina and other states, it's not unique, how do you think the coronavirus attack line is going? >> it's had a tremendous impact in this district. this 17 county district is heavily dependent on tourism and as you in, in a crisis like this, tourism is the first thing to go and the last to come back so every county in this district, 17 counties, you know, the double digit unemployment, poverty was high in this district before coronavirus hit so folks are suffering and need help. governor cooper i think is
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getting pretty good marks in being prudent in the way he handled it and i would love to see us do it right the first time and not going through the process again. it's made campaigning difficult, but i think that pales in difficulties that ordinary folks are suffering around this district. neil: real quickly. i looked at north carolina, great fascination, at the very least it's a purple state now. i don't know if it's fully, fully blue, but i'm wondering your take on that and what has been changing in the state? >> yeah, i lived up in virginia. when i moved there 14 years ago, it was a solid red state and when i left a year and a half ago, it was solidly blue. i think it's kind of the reverse effect, it's creeping south and i think that blue is creeping this way. this district, i think i'm probably about a six and a half point underdog that's still a republican-leaning district, but it's more blue than it used to be. and i'm really optimistic. it's a purple state and i think
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that it's one that both parties will be working toward come november. neil: maybe it's something you started. moe davis, thank you for joining us, the democratic candidate. i want to emphasize we talked with the republican try to talk to the democrat. we have the democrat on, we try to get a republican. a bull on, try to get a bear on. someone for hydroxychloroquine and someone-- on either side. lee carter, and digesting the political data that's come in, maybe a microcosm of the battle royale going on in the country and a number of states and remind me that polls are snapshots in time and can change, but some of the traditional states that would be lay-ups for republicans might be tough. >> yeah. neil: polls are tight for the president, in georgia and texas and all of that.
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that might sort out and go back to norm here. what do you think about what polls are presently telling you? >> i think what polls are presently telling us is that the president had a very, very difficult few weeks. that said, when you look at a lot of the states that are actually critical to the election, they're still within the margin of error. if you look at michigan, wisconsin, ohio, pennsylvania, we're still really, really close in the polls and so that's good for the president. the president undoubtedly has struggled. a few things i'm looking at closely in the polls, one is this, who do they think is best able to go gb able to handle the economy. the pew foundation released a poll this week and president trump still wins on the economy, only by a couple of minutes, but still wins there. joe biden wins on what the people expect him to be able to do for covid and also expect biden to do better bringing the
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country together. and you talk to those who are voting for trump, they support him. only one third of biden saying i am voting for biden. two-thirds say i'm voting against donald trump. that's not good for biden. he needs them for him. that's difficult to predict because it's happening in a few weeks right before. people are really, really angry, they're going to vote. if they're feeling better, they're not so joe biden has to galvanize the state. neil: you know, i watched where he took questions from the press, that is joe biden, in delaware and a lot of people i know, traditional media, it was great, practically, you know, winston churchill. i'm stopping myself and objectively saying, he had a lot of hemming and hawing and pauses and losing his train of thought and i'm thinking in a give and take in a debate,
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could that be a problem? i'm not casting aspersions, i could forget what i had for breakfast, but i'm not running for leader of the free world. i wonder if that gets any attention? do you think that people back home say, you know, i like joe, but i'm a little worried? >> yeah, that is-- it is a big concern. i think there's about 40% of americans right now who are concerned about his energy level, his ability to do the job cognitively because he doesn't come across as energetic at all. i'm not going to-- i don't want to project into what they mean by that, but i think a lot of people say they feel like he's a little bit slow and are concerned about him. and so, i think that is going to be an issue for him. he's going to have to come out very, very strong and you can remember during the debates in the primaries, some night that joe biden came out a little bit weak and some nights a little
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strong. when he comes out against president trump and they have their debates in the format, he's going to have to have pitch perfect night, because the one thing that president trump does-- actually two things, as far as that goes, one is energy and the other is -- and we are going to have to see energetic decisive joe biden, he can't be wishy-washy, can't be slow. this is going to be very, very challenging for him because he's never actually been that great of a speaker, this isn't new. when you hear joe biden when running for office, he's often stumbling and misspeaks, and gaffes. it's going to be a lesser concern or he's going to have to overcome it quickly. neil: because it's there. you can talk about whatever their positions are, but how you state those positions and how you state your case, that matters, too. so we'll watch it closely. lee carter have a great fourth
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and your beautiful family as well. >> thank you, happy fourth to you. neil: all right. lee carter on all of that. i've been looking forward to that, we've got clint black with us, a great country singer, but it's what clint is going to help things out and to help a lot of folks out. he wants to share that with you. so do i, after this. usaa is made for what's next no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and that's just one of the many ways we're here to help the military community find out more at
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>> a lot of you are familiar with clint black the country music singer extraordinare. that's a voice from god right there and when a voice from god hooks up with the uso to start helping our troops and to thank them, that's a powerful combination. clint black with us right now, the country music sensation. very good to have you, my friend. thank you very much for coming. >> thanks for having me back. good to see you. neil: tell us a little about what you're doing with the uso
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here in this concert series. it will still happen, right, virus or no virus? >> yeah, well thanks for the complement on my voice. the men and women who sign up for our armed forces are really the godsends and nobody looks after them outside of the military community better than the uso. we all remember those images of bob hope entertaining the troops from going way back. neil: sure. >> and it's like you said, there is no better audience in the world. we're not able to get to them with the entertainment so we're doing it virtually. chris jacobs is hosting and i'm going to be performing a lot of songs from here in my studio which i can make much bigger for shows if i need to. [laughter] >> and have a lot of fun making it and there are shoutouts from around the world and this is going out to all of our bases. neil: yeah. it's a nice thing to do. how do you pull that off virtually? i've seen a lot of variations
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when they're raising money in terms of right after the virus, too, and superstars from around the world does things from their home and all. that's pretty cool. how is this going to go? >> how we pulled it off i sat here mostly and they did a great job on the technical side. i have my dslr camera here and my studio rig so i can sit here and play songs and they put together a fantastic show. neil: you know, we talk about people in the military right now and we have them doing everything, you know, from dealing in hot spots around the world and we're going to get into that in the next segment and a new one with china, but we even have them playing a role in dealing with these protests around the country. they need a break, don't they? >> yeah, they always need a break, and that brings us back to the uso, you know, if they're on their way to somewhere or coming home, there
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are uso lounges in hundreds much airports around the world that keep them connect today their country, to their families, and their friends, and you know, god bless them. yeah, i've been overseas with them. i can tell you, they need a break every time you can give it to them. neil: you're right. clint, as great as you are, you gave away your age when you are making the bob hope references. you and i may have got that, but you've got to be careful. thank you for all you're doing, my friend, this is wonderful. >> thank you. thanks. the uso t-shirt, how you help show you're a force behind the forces. so check it out. neil: awesome, flint black, thank you very much. doing the lord's work right there remembering the people who make it possible for us to celebrate days like this. stay with us. you're watching foxx. fox. vation dieting, processed foods, shakes,
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>> all right, i hate to end on some worrisome news here, but we've been following china and they're militarizing all of these islands in the china sea. and the reagan and nimitz are carriers that neck of the woods. there's a little bit of tension here, a lot has to do not only with the militarization efforts, but the crackdown on hong kong and what have you. the under secretary of state. secretary, thank you for taking the time. this thing with hong kong is escalating and what's weird about it, secretary, this time the chinese really don't care what we think or the world thinks or how much it is being criticized. they're still doing it. what do you make of it?
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>> neil, happy fourth of july and thank you for having me on again. by the way, this is classic in terms of what the chinese communist party has done. they've stepped up their aggressive tactics since the pandemic and i think that citizens of the world are waking up and seeing that, and understanding that coercion and the aggressive tactics. the pandemic is a result of concealment from of the virus and in hong kong, they extended their security forces and totally eviscerated their freedoms. i think what you're seeing, whether it's skirmishes at the indian border or the south china sea, it's just absolutely classic in terms of what they're doing. and the list goes on and on, as you know. neil: you know, i'm just
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wondering, i understand putting out a warning to u.s. companies be careful with whom you're doing business and i get all that, but again, we want them to deliver the goods and buy more goods from us, separately on that trade deal. would this kind of a threat or policy make that less likely? could it boomerang on us? >> you know, i think first of all, the question is are american values and as you think about it on the fourth of july. and what we've seen over there in the concentration camps, in the west of china, with the uighurs, now we're getting reports of forced sterilization and abortion. it's in essence cultural genocide. so, you know, being a former ceo for 30 years, i wanted to send that letter out to all ceo's in the united states that go into business advisory that
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secretary pompeo issued a few days ago and really, to have companies be aware. they all want to do the right thing. neil: all right. >> they've identified 83-- they're using used in slave labor, what we're asking them to do, do a thorough analysis of the supply chain and governance principles and established principles along those lines and disclose it and use their leverage and do something about it. i think they could affect that as well as financial institutions that invest in these companies. neil: all right. we'll watch how it all goes. secretary, thank you. in the meantime, yourself. i want to bring your attention to something planned on fox business later in the week. i'll be with barbara corcoran taking a special look at real estate where it's hot and where it's not, like in the new york
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>> extreme left, fireworks over mt. rushmore last night where the president spoke, saying the fundamentals. american experiment are under threat. screen right, one of the many flyovers this weekend as we celebrate america's independen independence. ♪ i'm leland vittert in washington where we're getting ready for a big celebration this evening. hi alicia. alicia: hi, leland. happy fourth to you. i'm alicia acuna. the president will deliver a address
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