tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News July 5, 2020 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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leland: the morning after president trump's salute to america, you can see the fireworks there over the national mall, screen right. the president watching, screen left. this came after he gave a wide-ranging speech on the south lawn of the white hours. welcome to america's news headquarters in washington. stalking about the -- talking about the political fallout not only of the speech last night but also what he said on mount rushmore on friday. nice to be with you. alicia: nice be with you. i'm alicia acuna in denver. the president touching on several issues as he addressed the nation including his response to the coronavirus pandemic. and mark meredith is at the white house with all the
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highlights. hi, mark. >> reporter: alicia, it was quite the celebration last night as the president and first lady welcomed hundreds of guests to the south lawn for the salute to america event. this year's event felt a little different because of the coronavirus pandemic. the president and the first lady welcoming the guests including a handful of doctors and nurses, first responders, guests they were not required to wear masks but many people did. i was surprised at how many did. over concerns about coronavirus. the president addressed the country's battle with the virus directly during his remarks. >> and we've made a lot of progress, our strategy is moving along well. it goes out in one area and rears back its ugly face in another area. but we've learned a lot. we've learned how to put out the flames. >> reporter: meantime interest, the health crisis to the economic crisis, there's a lot of questions about what the next potential stimulus bill would look like. the president said he supports a direct payment, more assistance
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for small business. some of the details have to be worked out with the congress as well as within his own administration. we got the latest jobs report out for june and it showed where we are right now with the unemployment rate at 11.1%. and some 4.8 million jobs added. labor secretary eugene scalia says he believes there are more signs that the economy is bouncing back. >> overall spending, retail spending, consumer spending generally, new home starts, all of these have been actually very encouraging economic indicators. >> reporter: the president's campaign eager to promote the economic story that we were just talking about. we heard that time and time again, they released a new ad on friday targeting joe biden on the economy. but alicia, there's a lot of questions about what the campaign is going to look like in the next four months or so. they have not scheduled another campaign event after what happened in tulsa a few weeks ago. alicia: it will be an interesting four months. thanks, mark. leland: we pick up about the
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president's campaign and what that means for down ballot races, with illinois republican congressman, adam kin singer, also lieutenant colonel. always good to see you. you have been at times praised and also criticized for being one of the more independent republicans on capitol hill when it comes to the president's moves. this is how the washington post writes it. some republicans fret to avoid his wrath. the trump's fix is fixation ons leaves their party running against change. these republicans fear he is not only seriously impairing his re-election chances, but also jeopardizing the gop senate majority and its strength in the house. fair characterization? >> i don't know if it's a fair characterization. i'm certainly concerned. and the reason is because -- okay, so coronavirus obviously is surging.
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i think where the president could do better is explaining the process. so it's not as much about the fact that more covid cases means a failure, it's about do we have hospital capacity. at no point did we ever think we would stay in lockdown until this disappeared. we just have to maintain the hospital capacity. i think things like the explanation of that could be better, like reaching out at a time when we feel so divided even though i'll watch the news and get really angry when certain things are done like washington statues are torn down. we need a nat can rise above it -- need a president that can rise above it. we're going to have to get through november. everybody's really angry. everybody's in their corners and hopefully after november this fever breaks because if it doesn't we just can't keep going down this road. leland: we are at a fundamental difference in terms of what americans believe. people believe in equality of outcome, people believe in equality of opportunity. when you listen to the
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president's speeches, he put himself squarely in one of those camps, that is the equality of opportunity camp and says america is doing a pretty good job. 40% of america, his base, loves that message. there's a group of america, though, that is on the fence here. is he doing enough to talk to them and therefore keeping republican hopes alive for holding some seats in the house and not losing the senate? >> so i think some of those on the other side are really going to be hard to talk to. i don't think they want to hear anything that, have their mind made up about the president, about republicans. a lot of republicans have their mind made up about democrats. we need to look beyond november long-term. we should be winning the hispanic vote, you know. we are the party of opportunity. we have to go back to the basics because we haven't a really good spokesperson for the free market. go back to the basics of what it means to have a chance, what it means to be pulled out of poverty, that it's not government programs that do it, it's opportunity and i just
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think we-car we're in a moment in this country where we don't have any real debates. it's like sound bites on twitter and for the president to do a better job, yes, could i do a better job, yes, could everybody do a better job? yeah. i think we need to get back to debating the basics and taking this seriously. leland: speaking of twitter, you announced that you were sponsoring bipartisan legislation to open america's doors to a wide range of hong kong-ers affected by china's latest power grab, at the same time you've got the ussnimitz along with another carrier strike battle group the south china sea, challenging china. they put out pictures in the past 24 hours of a b52 mission over the south china sea. b52 flew they said more than 24 hours as it headed overseas. is america doing enough in the trump administration specifically to challenge china? >> i think we're doing pretty close to enough.
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i think the president -- this administration has really stepped up its game on china, compared to the last administration. the recognition of our issues with supply chains in the south china sea -- leland: stepping up with confronting china vis-a-vis the obama administration is a low bar. >> there's plans that are really good that haven't been announced yet. the operations in the south china sea is huge, having the two care yes, sir there. what it's -- carriers there. what it's saying to china is you're no longer going to go unchallenged with this. i think there's been massive increase. compared to the last administration, it's an extremely low bar, this one is doing a great job on china. but we have a long way to go. i think we're really just waking up to how susceptible we were in things like the supply chain that we hear about, the threat of cutting off ppe. we should never be in that position again vis-a-vis china.
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leland: you've been a china hawk for a long time, talking about these issues, talking about rare earth minerals and the like. safe travels as you head back to illinois and we'll see you back in washington. >> thank you. alicia: escalating violence this holiday weekend including chicago and new york. garrett tenney is tracking it all. hi, garrett. >> reporter: hey, ali shaft 4th of july weekend is -- alicia. 4th of july weekend is historically a busy one for police in chicago. after several violent weeks, city officials were hoping to avoid a repeat of that by deploying 1200 additional officers for the holiday weekend. despite those efforts, so far, 67 people have been shot and 13 have been killed since friday. one of those, a 14-year-old boy who was celebrating with neighbors in the street when several men opened fire on the crowd, shooting eight people, four of whom were killed. a few hours earlier, a 7-year-old girl was shot in the head while playing on the sidewalk outside her
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grandmother's house during a 4th of july party by three men who got out of the car and started shooting indies cream chicago's mayor reacted, saying a 7-year-old girl joined a list of teenagers and children whose hopes and dreams were ended by the barrel of a gun. we cannot grow numb to this. we are making progress in slowing shootings but we have to do better, every single one of us. so far, no arrests have been made. earlier this week, chicago's police chief was begging the public for help. >> when we have young innocent lives lost, we all need to be outraged. all of us, by this violence. i will never accept, never, this level of violence. never. someone knows something about the murders r. if you have any information,
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reach out to our of detectives. >> reporter: in new york city on thursday, 13 people were shot and one man killed in a single nine-hour period. shooting incidents overall are up significantly in the city this year with 540 already compared to 365 at this point last year, according to the local abc affiliate. the chief of the nypd and others are expressing concerns that these trends could continue with other city officials and demonstrators calling to either defund police departments significantly or to abolish them outright all together. alicia. alicia: garrett tenney reporting from washington. thanks, garrett. leland. leland: adam kinsinger was talking about this a couple minutes ago. protests across the country this weekend including in baltimore where a statue of christopher columbus was toppled and thrown into the harbor last night.
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jacqui heinrich is following this as it develops across the country. >> reporter: yesterday, there were protests in more than a dozen cities across the country. in baltimore, they chained and toppled that monument to christopher columbus. the statue was dedicated by president reagan in 1984. a little italy group hired private unarmed security guards to guard the statue after the threats came toward it but it's unclear whether police or anybody else tried to stop the protesters. republican maryland governor larry hogan tweeted while we welcome peaceful protests and constructive dialogue on whether and how to deal with certain statues, lawlessness and destruction of public property is unacceptable. it should be condemned by everyone, regardless of politics. hours earlier, another columbus statue was beheaded. a 24-year-old protester and another was critically -- died
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and another was critically injured after a driver went through a crowd of protesters on a busy interstate. in portland, a riot was declared twice in 24 hours. people burned american flags, shot fireworks at the justice center and threw bricks and shined lasers and officers. police allegedly found a pipe bomb and machete. at the white house, more flag burning with protesters chanting "america was never great" at black lives matter plaza a group called revcom reportedly organized the flag burning. in gettysburg right wing maly sha and other groups -- militia and other groups showed up. the post said there would be an antifa face paint, small flags for children to safely throw
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into the fire. hundreds showed up to prevent this from happening and ultimately none of the protesters showed up. leland: jacqui heinrich in new york. it will be a long summer of this. thank you. alicia: small businesses are trying to navigate a changing landscape as coronavirus cases rise across the country and joining us now is tina hewitt gordon, general manager at a resort in kennybunkport maine. ladies, thank you for joining us. i was check out your properties online. absolutely beautiful. and also very dependent on tourism. and i'd like to put up this map here that we can show you of all the different states that have travel restrictions right now. there are currently 15 states that have some sort of travel restrictions and tina, i'm going to begin with you. so many of them are surrounding the area of your business, all of those surrounding states and you reopened about a month ago, i think a month ago today.
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can you tell me how has it been going? >> well, it's nothing like we've ever seen in the past. it's slow. in the month of june, we typically would be sitting at around 70% occupancy. this past june we recorded 8%. and our forecast going into july and august, normally would be around 90% occupancy and we're seeing numbers anywhere between 25 and 30% for this coming season. alicia: so hard. and you have some issues, correct, with some of the restrictions that your governor has placed on people coming into your state, because it makes it seemingly impossible for some people to even get there and vacation, correct? >> that is correct. the current guideline is that they have to quarantine in the state of maine for 14 days or they have to have a covid-19 test within 72 hours of their arrival. and so the issue with that is the testing is not readily available. it's leading to a lot of
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frustration and resentiment on the people who normally come to maine. this is a destination where they have made their memories over the years and they're not able to get back or they just don't feel safe coming back. so for us, it's frustrating that although we're very grateful that we're able to accept our residents from connecticut, new york and new jersey, the fact that we can't accept residents from massachusetts is very frustrating because the message is not clear as to how the governor is determining what states can and cannot come in because massachusetts numbers are actually lower than some of the other states. alicia: that 14 day quarantine seems like it would be next to impossible. renee, i want to go out to wine country now because you have had to change the way you're doing business a little bit. can you explain how things are going in call important for you in wine -- california for you in wine country. >> we're able to be open but we can serve our guests outside. so here we're lucky enough to have a big patio and we have
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everybody at six feet apart, all employees are wearing masks, guests where masks. we are being careful, cleaning everything in between. we're able to be open but clearly is not as usual. we're not getting guests from other states like we normally would. we usually have quite a few visitors from all over the country at this time and we noted that most of the guests are from the local bay area. alicia: south of you, in san diego, the san diego union tribune, a headline was out regarding restaurants and the hospitality business, the headline saying we are getting destroyed, restaurants and bars react to a looming shutdown and the idea behind this is the that restaurants are opening and closing. we can continue to talk about this. they talk about how they have -- the hospitality industry has been thrown and their employees are in an emotional and financial tailspin and while you are able to remain open right
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now, as cases grow in california, how concerned are you about what it is doing to your business that these business -- that your business could close, reopen, and then possibly close again? >> well, of course it's concerning because we're always concerned about our employees and all of our guests and making sure they're all safe. if the governor in california decides to close business, we will comply happily because we want to make sure everybody is safe and healthy. luckily, alcohol and wine business has been actually quite good during this virus because people are staying home of, i believe and drinking out of their wine cellar. people has moved from in-person to online so we were able to deal with that. of course, we would love to see our guests again. with the cases increasing at any time, our governor who has been quite good about making sure that we stay safe and that we're
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not overwhelming our hospitals, we feel very lucky here in california. alicia: i want to ask you, what kind of impact do you think this is going to have on future travel seasons, if you think patterns will change with the way people are traveling? >> we really do think that patterns are going to change. i received numerous e-mails from guests saying we love maine, this is a place we wanted to be but we don't feel welcome so i don't know that we're going to be coming back or the alternate where we're getting, well, we always wanted to go to new hampshire so i think we're going to try that. i really do believe this is going to change people's booking patterns and the impact it has on our industry is devastating. obviously for the employees as well. we're only at about a 20% staffing level right now. alicia: it's so hard. and renee, what about you, for the future of travel to your destination? >> if i only had a crystal ball. i personally feel like this is going to go on for quite a while so we're going to have to adapt our business and we have made so
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many changes to business over this time of making virtual tastings and a lot more face time and a switch in business, every day i feel like i have to reinvent my business in order to stay up with things. so we will adjust. obviously, it's a problem for the future and that we love our guests to come and visit. we live in such a beautiful place here in california, we love having visitors. so it doesn't look like we're going to be back to normal any time soon. alicia: that's the truth. ladies, thank you to you both and good luck to both of you. >> thanks so much. >> thank you. alicia: and fox news sunday has an exclusive interview with labor secretary eugene scalia, he talks to mike emmanuel about the coronavirus outbreak and the possibility of of another complice relief package, that's come -- another economic relief package, that's coming up after the show. leland: a closer look at the u.s. carriers in the south china sea and what message they're
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that's just the beginning of what you can experience with hulu on xfinity. tv made simple, easy, awesome. leland: fox news alert. what had been a relatively quiet border between israel and the gaza strip is once again the site of rocket attacks coming out of gaza. at least two, if not more rockets fired from gaza into
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israel on this sunday night. trey yingst in our jerusalem bureau and trey, i guess what's most unusual about this, isn't that the rockets were fired, that's fairly common but there had been this pause or calm for three or four months during the coronavirus and now this begins again. >> reporter: leland, that's exactly right. what we are seeing tonight is uncommon in recent months for the region, rocket fire coming from if gaza strip into southern israel. tonight, we have seen two volleys of rockets, one just about an hour ago. the israeli defense forces confirming that two rockets were fired into the southern part of the country and just moments ago another volley fired in and at least one confirmed interception by israel's missile defense system, the iron dome. there's a lot of chatter online about who might be responsible for this rocket fire from gaza. we do know hamas, the group in control of the gaza strip, has talked about annexation, which
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has been talked about as a declaration of war. so far there's been no moves on the annexation front, despite passing the july 1st deadline that israel's prime minister arbitrarily chose for moving forward with planned israeli takeover of not only settlements in the best bank, close to here in jerusalem, but also potentially the jordan valley. as you mentioned, tonight rocket fire coming from gaza is very common but it has been very quiet. the last major escalation between the countries took place earlier this year and then back at the end of last year in november after the israeli military took out a key rocket commander in the faction inside gaza. it led to a few days of fighting between israel and gaza. the big question is why the rockets are being fired tonight. it could be related to annexation, it could be related to iran and tension that's been going on between the israelis and iranians or it could be
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related to something smaller such as money of coming from arab countries such as qatar into the gaza strip. it's something to keep o an eyen tonight and into tomorrow. leland: so far, the rockets have been going from gaza into israel. we have yet to see is really retaliation that we know of. as complicated as the situation is in inside gaza, this could be iran having their proxies begin to make a nuisance, given what's happened in iran at their nuclear sites over the past week. it could be because of israel's strikes on syria and iranian assets inside syria and those militant groups. it could be because of in-fighting in groups inside of gaza. what are your sources saying inside of gaza in terms of how good of a control hamas has over other militant groups and perhaps more importantly, how willing hamas is right now to try to mix it up with the israelis? >> reporter: you mentioned the
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possible israeli response. as you know from reporting for years in the region, it's only a matter of time this evening before we see an israeli response. often times when it's small amounts of rockets fired into israel, the israelis will use the air force to hil hit outpos, ensuring there are no casualties. when you talk about hamas control of gaza, hamas has a lot of control over smaller factions including islamic jihad. there's chatter online of smaller factions being responsible for the rockets we're seeing tonight but no confirmation yet as to what group actually fired these rockets. leland. leland: israelis always used to say, calm will be met with calm and see if that can't be restored. trey yingst in the -- and the jerusalem team will be on it all night. trey, thank you. alicia: one jeffrey epstein accuser is breaking her silence in the wake of ghislaine
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alicia: florida passing another grim milestone, setting a new daily record for coronavirus infections, this as health officials fear this holiday weekend could bring another national surge of cases. christina coleman has the latest numbers. hi, christina. >> reporter: cases in florida rose by more than 10,000 since yesterday. arizona is seeing its eighth consecutive day of record highs for covid-19 hospitalizations and texas and tennessee recently shattered records for single day increases in coronavirus. tennessee is said to be under a state of emergency until august 29th because of the spike in cases. the order includes limits on social and recreational gatherings in some counties and urges emplo employers who allowr require people to work remotely. tennessee is one of more than three dozen states, seeing a spike in covid-19 infections right now.
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here's senator marsha blackburn on sunday morning futures on tennessee's outbreak and getting kids back in the classroom during this pandemic. >> kids have got to get back to school and kids have got to get back to colleges. if you are not putting kids back in colleges, you don't have young teachers coming along to help teach children, you don't have young medical students getting through medical school and then getting out to do those residencies and practice medicine. >> reporter: getting kids back into school is a major issue right now as districts across the country hold virtual meetings with parents and staff to figure out how to do it safely. here's the director of the harvard global health institute on fox news sunday. >> if we see large outbreaks happening across communities, it will be very hard to keep schools open. we think kids transmit less. they're certainly less likely to get sick. >> reporter: president trump touching on how dangerous covid-19 might be. during his remarks yesterday at
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the white house independence day event president trump said almost 40 million people have been tested for covid-19 in the u.s. and by doing so they showcases are 99% totally harmless but the fda commissioner did not defend him on that claim today on cnn. >> so i'm not going to get into who is right and who is wrong. what i'll say is we have data in the white house task force, which show us this is a serious problem, people need to take it seriously. >> reporter: 20 states are pausing or rolling back reopening efforts including california. the governor here ordering a stop to indoor dining in many counties for at least three weeks and indoor dining will also still not be allowed in new york city just yet. the governor's office today saying that decision was made out of an abundance of caution. alicia. alicia: christina coleman in los angeles. thanks, cry tina. leland: a jeffrey epstein accuser sharing her story in
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detail for the first time, speaking with fox news days after ghislaine maxwell's arrest. brian llenas spoke with her. >> she is just as evil as jeffrey epstein. >> reporter: for the first time, this woman is speaking publicly alleging ghislaine maxwell began sexually abusing her in 1991 when she was just 14 years old. >> she did rape me. i would say it's more than 20 or 30 times. she is a rapist. destroyed my -- what was supposed to be the best years of my life, being a teenager, being a cheerleader. >> reporter: she claims maxwell would abuse her with epstein and sometimes alone, coaching her how to have sex with men. the abuse stopped when she was 16 after she became pregnant with epstein's baby and had to have an abortion. her attacker grew fearful she would tell grandparents or authorities. she was gang raped one last time as punishment. >> ghislaine was a part of it and jeffrey epstein was a part
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of it and i was drugged, gang raped and left on the lawn and they put a gun to me and the man that drove me home said which never come back alive if i spoke about it. >> reporter: the legal team is researching whether she can pursue criminal charges. she is willing to serve as a witness against maxwell in the upcoming trial. >> absolutely, i would definitely take the stand and testify. >> people felt cheated when mrn prison, they didn't get a chance to sit in a courtroom and see the judicial system play out and they're hoping that there's a different result here. >> reporter: according to her lawyer, jane doe's gran grandpas corroborated the claims when asked about the specific allegations. an attorney for ghislaine maxwell said, quote, no comment. brian yebrian llenas, foxes new. lelandfox news.leland: we brinn mersin, the attorney who you saw in the piece and who represents
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eight other epstein accusers. as we look at this, it appears as though the victims you represent have three prongs to deal with, the civil case against epstein, because he's dead, so there's no criminal case. the criminal case against maxwell, the one person that brian interviewed said she would interview and in a civil case potentially against maxwell. which one are you focused on most and how did the timeline of all three play out? >> well, thank you for having me. and that's a very -- we call that a compound question. there's a lot going on in that question to kind of decompress. but, yeah, i would say that all three of those things are -- they're three different areas that we're all looking at. obviously, we have the civil case against epstein, the criminal case against ms. maxwell that everyone's focused on now, which is brought by the federal prosecutor, and then a civil case against ms. maxwell which we are -- has not been filed but we are
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looking into. leland: we'll try to break it down a little more concisely. what's the chance that maxwell skates krim nailly because of the open -- criminally because of the epstein plea where co-conspirators were part of the plea agreement? >> well, i mean, the -- for the government to bring a case, i'm not a criminal prosecutor but for the government to bring a case like this, they have to be very confident that they can succeed and i would imagine that the government believes they can get past those defenses and move on to the actual case at hand versus ms. maxwell. leland: for a long time maxwell was called epstein's madam. if you listen to what your client had to o say, it went far beyond being a madam. she was an becauser and rape -- an abuser and rapist as well to use your client's words. does that jive with the accounts you heard from the other victims that you represent? >> well, you know, i mean, we
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represent more than nine women. but it is different but it's not different from what other women who have come out publicly have said. you know, by and large, ms. maxwell was considered to be, to use your term, a madam. but, yeah, i mean, my client has never wavered from her recount and it definitely takes it a step further for ms. maxwell. leland: big part of this case has been the continued rumors and allegations against other men who are in or were in epstein's orbit, one of the largest names that comes to mind is prince andrew. have your clients shared with you any other names or any other situations they were in where epstein's friends were something other than friends and they were offered to those friends for sex? >> well, without getting into any specifics, i mean, yeah, i
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mean, i have clients who were offered to other men. yeah. leland: names that we would recognize? >> yeah, i'm not going to get into that here. but some other names, yeah. leland: wow. and their stories you feel have enough corroboration that at an appropriate time the world would have to pay attention to them? >> well, i mean, look, like some of the names that you mentioned have not been mentioned to me. leland: okay. >> so i don't know what other people would be interested in but i think that -- leland: let me put it a different way. based on the information you have from your clients, are there people out there who today should be talking to their attorneys about potential criminal and civil liabilities because of their behavior that epstein and maxwell enabled? >> yeah, i'm just not sure how
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to answer that question. leland: okay. >> you know, i don't think that -- look, my clients by and large, we don't have really any information. i know there's been a lot of -- a lot discussed about prince andrew and other famous people. my clients from my understanding, we do not have any specific claims against any of those people. leland: understood. last thing to clear up. when we think about the other sort of famous men that have been taken down in the me too movement, you think about the harvey weinstein trial that was unusual because other women were brought in to testify about things he wasn't being accused of in that trial for the sort of pattern prosecution that was being used. is that the kind of thing that potentially your clients are going to be involved with as it relates to maxwell? >> yeah, well, what happens in a criminal case, i'm not a criminal lawyer so we don't
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control what the prosecutor will decide to use as evidence or as victims. leland: suffice it to say your clients would be willing to cooperate as that, the one that brian talked to with us. >> the one that brian talked to told brian she would be willing to help. so what that specifically means, i can't tell you. like i said, we will not control the criminal case. that will be the job of the federal prosecutor. so we will leave it to their very capable hands. leland: i'm up against a hard break. we appreciate you being here. thank you and obviously as you point out this has a long way to go. we'll have you back to discuss it. appreciate it, sir. leland: alicia. alicia: a busy week ahead for the supreme court as the justices prepare to rule on several key cases. we'll take a closer look after the break. 1 in 2 kids is underhydrated. wabba wabba! all new, plant powered creative roots gives kids
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alicia: we are expecting several high profile rulings from the supreme court in the coming week as the justices work to wrap up this year's term and david spunt has more about what's on the docket. hi, david. >> reporter: hi, alicia. good afternoon. several big cases with major implications leading up to the election. the clock is ticking. now, had covid-19 not come to the united states, the nine justices would be on summer break right now. that is not the case, things have specifically been delayed. one of the cases, though, that we're expecting to learn more about in the next few days dealings with the electoral college, specifically called faceless electors. the group of people across the country that select the president of the united states, the question is whether electors are required to support the popular winner in their state's presidential race. around 30 states currently require it. clinton electors in washington state and colorado refused to support in 201 2016 despite thet she won the popular vote.
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another focuses on obamacare and the birth control mandate. the case deals with little sisters of the poor, a catholic organization. authorities believe that religious objectors should not have to provide health plans that include contraceptive coverage, it violates the religious freedom act. the biggy that everyone is waiting for, can congress and the state grand jury get ahold of president trump's financial records. the democratic controlled house wants the president's tax records, the house oversight and reform committee wants to know if the president possibly exaggerated financial holdings before becoming president. michael cohen claims president trump overstated figures when running for office. cy vance is probing allegations of hush money payments to two women who claimed they had affairs with citizen donald trump. he denied the allegations. the justices will be back at it, issuing opinions tomorrow at 10:00 in the morning.
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previously they did so in person. it's always a tradition for more than 100 years where they would read this in the courtroom because of covid-19 they have been teleconferencing to hear different oral arguments. the opinions come online tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. alicia. alicia: big monday. david spunt, thank you so much. with traditional parades and other holiday events canceled this year, one town in ohio thought up a new way to celebrate. we'll have more on that, coming up next, ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. and nutrients to just between us, you know what's better than mopping?
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alicia: while coronavirus restrictions kept some towns from holding their annual independence day celebration, one community found a safe and creative way to keep the festival's spirit alive. joining us now to explain how this town celebrating is montgomery ohio mayor, chris debrose. your town held a reverse parade. we're going to show video as you explain. tell us, what's a reverse parade. >> reverse parade is we all gathered in the parking lot of our local high school and all the entrants were stationary. we lined up residents in their cars and drove through to experience all of the floats and entries in the parade. so it's a little different this year. i'll tell you, it exceeded all expectation, alicia. as i walked up 20 minutes prior
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to the event, there were over 20 cars in line. i knew we were onto something. two and-a-half hours later, and over 1,000 cars, incredible turnout. alicia: you had more than 1,000 cars turn out? that's fantastic. >> 1,000 cars, approximately 3500 people drove through. cars decorated, homemade signs, people dressed in red, white and blue, holding banners and flags. it was true americana. alicia: your regular 4th of july parade, this is a long tradition for montgomery, isn't that true? >> decades and generations of tradition for our independence day pa a rai parade. we have a two mile route that's typically lined with people of all ages, dressed in red, white and blue, having flags with all the kids ready for the next handful of candy which couldn't happen this year. typically it's led by our mill rivet rains. obviously includes local politicians, sports teams, youth sports teams, baseball, soccer,
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swimming, boards and commissions, classic cars, bands, you name it. typically at the end of that we have a festival in the park which is also incredible. alicia: that's so nice. everyone still got to participate and you still had the marching bands, i did -- i was reading an article on this and i heard there was one kid who was upset because they wouldn't get the candy that's normally tossed to them. it did look like a good time. the parents didn't have to stand outside in the sun. it that was the 90s yesterday. they got to enjoy the air conditioning. everyone looked like they were having a good time you repurposed the floats from last year and still set them up and were able to drive by and still enjoy them, right? >> correct. yes, typically we have seven entries. we had about 50 entries. many bringing their own floats, some of those are also city put together. we lined them up, stationary in a parking lot.
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i want to give a shout-out to our sic sycamore school districr allowing us to use the parking lot to make this happen. alicia: thank you so much. our best to your community of montmontgomery. looks like a fantastic time. >> thank you. take care. leland: we had a virtual parade from chatham, massachusetts yesterday. now we have the reverse parade today. folks are getting creative. good to see. alicia: people will celebrate any way they can. leland: celebrate for small reasons these days. it's worth remembering why we're free and why we're happy and enjoy the rest of your july 4th weekend. alicia, great to be with you this weekend. mike emmanuel is in for chris, next.
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mike: i'm mike emanuel in for chris wallace, u.s. adds record number of jobs but also sees record numbers of new coronavirus cases. ♪ >> this is the largest monthly jobs gain in history. mike: president takes a victory lap as u.s. gains millions of jobs but 2020 rival says it's too soon to declare victory. >> we are still down 15 million jobs and the pandemic is getting worse and not better. mike: states with hot spots are pulling back and enhanced unemployment benefits could end within weeks, we will talk with labor secretary and coronavirus task force member eugene scalia about whether
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