tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News July 7, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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and how great socialism has failed. the failed 2020 democratic agenda, the mob and the media how corrupt they are. the damage democrats have done to the country entrance promises and successes. let not your heart be troubled laura ingraham, take it away. >> laura: hey, hannity, fantastic show, right? >> sean: thank you. >> laura: i keep checking the mail, and i don't get any new versions, old version, proof copy of your book. you promised it weeks ago when i got nothing. >> sean: other people don't have a copy of the book yet. we have a whole chapter on the coronavirus. about laura the fastest medical response in history. >> laura: okay, you are updating. >> sean: no, i'm done. now, it is at the printer. listen, i will make you another deal. i will give you one of the first interviews. how is that? it's all yours. >> laura: where are you going
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to go, talk to "the view" or "the today show," you better be coming on my show, done deal. >> seanawesome show, sean, see u tomorrow night. >> sean: thank you. >> laura: i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. what an amazing show. covid myth debunked to bring us the real truth about her immunity. plus nike is demanding the washington redskins change their name. they should change the record which is usually bad. clay travis details the company's human rights double standard when it comes to china. and dinesh d'souza how cnn is lying about the black lives matter movement. we are going to show you a video of blm activists storming a church, okay? you will not see it anywhere else, but first, sacrificing the kids to beat trump. that is the focus of tonight's
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"angle." in early april, i began to warn about the damage extent of lockdowns would have on america. since then, we have experienced millions of job losses, added trillions to our debt, and experience terrible riots. but one of the first things that happen and the worst things that happened was how much learning was lost by our kids by being locked out of the classrooms. so with the trump recovery fully underway, democrats are shifting back to their default position. shut the economy down, yes, that is where they are now. that includes, of course, or schools. now they say the rise of covid infection rates in certain states to sell their latest cattle corn. speak with the united states and prefloral from the coronavirus the infectious disease is warning today and right now as we speak the number of daily cases is double what it was.
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take that double what it was a month ago. >> laura: one about the mortality rate? well, when people say all of the science, take it with a grain of salt because science by its very nature is always evolving. as our understanding of the world around us, improves. despite this, it is never difficult to find an expert who will try to scare you into giving up your freedom. because so many states where the number of cases in the thousands per day, it is absolutely impossible to do contract tracing and isolating quarantine and those numbers. in those areas, you have to be moving back to everyone shelter employees, everyone stay home if you really want to get this under control. >> laura: did you hear it? going back to shelter in place. now, you sense don't you wear the democrats will be heading? and that president trump come he will either say endangering america by insisting that we stay open. in other words, we must close
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down for the national good. now, this is a scorched earth approach to this virus, and one that we already know doesn't work. now, most states did issue stay at home orders with only a sensual business is open. guess what we discovered? a virus is still out there when people start moving about again. well, yes, people get sick and some will tragically died, especially those vulnerable. people are elderly or struggle with diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cancer or a high bmi, they are all vulnerable, but thankfully the overwhelming majority of people will tolerate this virus. some have adapted or native communities and they will not even get sick or sometimes even test positive when exposed. now as for kids under the age of 18, they have a 0% chance of becoming seriously ill or dying from this virus. again, lesser than one of those special categories.
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but pay no attention to actual facts. liberal school superintendents and blue state governors are, of course, opting towards keeping schools closed as long as possible. >> i will not open our school system. august 24th. if the conditions are what they are today, our reopening plan contemplates a face to reality. we are still in phase one train phase one trend that has degradr the past few weeks. >> laura: well, they talk about what is reckless like opening is reckless, well, stealing face-to-face education is reckless. in miami-dade to come about 60% of parents prefer the in school model, 30% say it's okay to go virtual. siding with parents who see the enormous long-term damage many children face without regular in school instruction,
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president trump cited with worried mothers and fathers today. >> we want to reopen the schools. everybody wants it, moms moms wanted vote, dads won it, kids wanted to. it's time to do it. >> we don't want people to make political statements. i think it will be good for them politically so they keep the schools closed. >> laura: but rather than focusing on addressing the brain drain that occurred last semester with hundreds of thousands of kids in virginia, the governor ralph northam is addressing really, really important issues. in a letter that has the school board yesterday, he said some names and mascots have "traumatizing impact on students, families, teachers, and staff." traumatizing impact? how about not going to school for traumatizing impact, ralph? and still trying to recover from that infamous photo. you bet.
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in fairfax county, left-wing officials just announced that parents would have two options in the fall "one, they could go two days a week in school for their kids, or number two, four days a week, a virtual instruction. okay, two days no school or four days virtual. by the way, there is zero of the ability to switch once you've made the choice by next week's deadline. so what are parents who work outside of the home, what are they supposed to do? >> we will always have networks informally but now more than ever, we need the community to wraparound families. i really hope we can have our communities of faith and our nonprofits find ways to help support these families in greater amounts than we have ever done before. >> laura: now, that is scupper a brand who's a real piece of work. let's get this right, it is too dangerous for kids to congregate in class and learn and interact with each other's but it's okay
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for them to congregate in church basements? what? as usual, if you're looking for culprits in the school regarding the length biased curriculum or the question of reopening, the road always leads back to the real democrat fiercest most loyal donors. the teachers union. williams had a fairfax county of teacher say we want kids back in school as quickly as possible, but that also means as safe as possible. okay, if that were the case, you wouldn't have sent them to school but even anthony fauci cold a terrible flu season for 2019-2020. and there is kimberly adams, president of the fairfax education association, she says a vaccination or a widely available treatment for covid-1a full return to in person instruction. hey, news flash, again, anthony fauci has to admit, we might not
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ever have a vaccine. so should kids just be kept out of school forever? this is ludicrous! tonight, the vice president called the union out. >> when we hear some word about teachers unions beginning already to say they will not be willing to come back and some jurisdiction around the country. look, we all ought to be working together on this. >> laura: welcome a fat chance. new york where infections and hospitalizations are declining, governor andrew cuomo still has parents and students in total limbo. >> we have some time. this is a very fluid situation. when we get the data, we will make the decision but in the meantime, i'm telling all school districts to come up with a reopening plan. but we don't yet know if we are going to reopen. >> laura: this is unbelievable. this is like child abuse at some point. from a medical and comments and standpoint, the decision to put
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kids back in school should be a slam-dunk yes. but since joe biden is bought and paid for by the teachers union, he will rubber-stamp whatever they decide. the biden campaign officials tells fox news we need to make sure we can do it safely in line with the recommendations of public health experts. translation, the unions want more money. >> we need the money for a pp. need the money for extra teachers. we need the money for extra cleaning and extra buses, but my members really want to be with their kids. they just want to be safe for both kids and for themselves. >> laura: is anyone fight anything that that woman says? is that all the taxpayers will be funding by the way and the cleaning crews and how do we know that money will be any enough? what if they plan on waiting for
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a vaccine? again, schools could be shut in for years. and that brings us back to the big question: are these schools going to open in many communities across the country? at least for now and donald trump, we have a president is putting parents and their children first. but that could change in november. a vote for biden puts teachers unions first and it is a vote for more shutdowns, government edicts and control. and that is "the angle." we are joined by a parent in the middle of this mess. amber and her children attend fairfax county public schools. amber, do you get the sense that counties like fairfax really have the best interest of your children in mind? >> i feel very frustrated with the schools and how fairfax county has handled it. really, i'm just saddened that it doesn't seem there is a push to get kids back in school
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because there are constantly these changes sent down by the governor where we have to, you know, abided by some new role and they have to change their game plan again. it just seems like, or even going to open? how long until the kids are able to learn? >> laura: amber, when i put it out to some friends that it would be doing this topic tonight. i got a lot of response. and a couple are moms with middle school, high school and so forth. they said when fairfax county was having this big online, virtual meeting about this, they didn't tell the parents it was limited to only 250 people at a time. so basically, thousands of parents, a huge school system, thousands of parents blocked out of participating in this process leading one want to say "this thing was baked in. we had no ability to give real, meaningful input in real time."
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is that an accurate description of what happened? >> well, i was not on the call but i found out from a neighbor and it seems like a lot of people could not get in. >> laura: well, this is by the way come i will read this for you, this is what the school board chairman said about what kids will have to do if they are back in school. watch. >> put a mask on your child and asked them to wear the mask during the day for about six hours, 6:45. that could help you figure out whether they will be comfortable because they will be asked to wear a mask. they will be further apart from their friends, but the nice thing is they will be in person but they will be talking to a mask. >> laura: i have two boys my 12 and ten and i can't even get them to put their winter hat on when it is 0 degrees out here. but we are going to have a play time with a mask for six hours a day. amber, as a mom who wants the
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best for your kids and you want them to learn, keep them safe, is that realistic? >> i mean, my kids can't even keep it on for 5 minutes. we are dodging out of things if we have to wear it. honestly, it makes me so upset. i feel like children are suffering because of all these crazy policies. >> laura: and you decided to homeschool your kids, amber, as some other mother and fathers have said they are also doing. and that is just because this is unworkable, in your view, correct? >> well, i mean, i'm not comfortable with my kids not being able to play with other children, touch them and having somebody refereeing them all the time. so i decided we would do homeschool co-op and they can be with other kids. you know, they can figure out and we can take responsibility for ourselves. if my kid is sick, i cannot send them. it doesn't have to be a government mandated craziness. >> laura: well, i wish you
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could try to sue the school system and get your tax money back. and they actually want to allow your kids to get the real extrication they deserve. i think the school system will have lawsuits on their hands. amber, thank you for the perspective tonight and we will check back with you as we get closer to the beginning of the school year. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> laura: scott flatley is a go to expert on covid in addition to think tank in american enterprise institute, has a spot on the board of pfizer. one of the companies racing to develop a covid vaccine. so shouldn't that be disclosed when he says things about reopening schools like this? >> it is going to be very hard for states with epidemics and people will be uncomfortable sending them to school. you will not want to put them at risk. >> laura: my next guest said what you heard is the most disgraceful lie yet from scott gottlieb. the committee to unleash
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prosperity, phil, given the data, given other countries experiences, you see what france is doing, sweden never took the kids out of school, how uninformed, purposely because he's not a dumb person. he's a smart guy, was that statement? >> he knows it's not true. he knows it does not place them at risk. he was the earliest and strongest cheerleaders and proponents for school closures. when he was demanding them, he said we needed them to permit dominic to prevent transmission. even though they were not at risk they could pass around the infection and give it to others and those people would be in danger. we have data that that doesn't happen very much. children are poor transmitters as well, but we have always known children are vanishingly small risk from this disease and effect much, much slower risk of hospitalization and death and seasonal flu. if you think the risk to your children is too great from covid, logically you could never go to school ever again because
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the risk is greater, the flu risk than covid risk. >> laura: and tonight, phil, message me and almost had like they want, meaning the democrats, want there to be so much internal chaos in the country both in homes and businesses with rolling shut downs that this is what they will demand no matter what the daddy is. it is like this is a purpose bold attempt and that's how parents are feeling. they are smart and they know but the truth is about this. >> the weird thing is these are the people telling us listen to the cdc, that cdc is wonderful, the cdc and the experts and authorities. robert redfield, the head of the cdc said today the greater risk to society as school being closed. he was unambiguous on the fact that the risks are vanishingly small to children and little to no path no generosity to children which means it doesn't cause disease among children. and i have a moment to speak to him aside, do we need to have
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the containment measures for something? he said the cdc never recommended school closures. that is pretty interesting, isn't it? >> laura: fail, they want all the money. the units that we need money for dividers and the only thing they will spend it on but i don't buy that for a second. here is what concerns others, phil, including cnn wolf blitzer about opening schools. >> and even elementary school, they can be totally asymptomatic positive for coronavirus. they might not feel a thing that can pass it on to their moms, dads, other family members, anyone. so you have to be really, really careful. >> laura: in other words, the disease vectors, right, phil, why is that wrong? >> very unlikely almost all households have been done internationally show the opposite end children are almost always impacted by the parents and out the other way around. in fact in sweden where school
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never closed the lewis pediatric infection rate in the world may be because children are not at home with her parents and they have been in lockdown. so that is a very poorly supported statement. the flu is transmitted that way and covid it looks like is not. >> laura: h1n1, kids can get that, we had a horrible, regular flu season that dr. fauci stop talking about in january. we didn't shut most of the schools down for that. a few here and there but this is a toxic mix of purposeful disinformation and ignorance. i think both together. phil, you are great. thank you for coming on tonight. >> thanks. >> laura: we expose how train is turning america's most iconic sports leagues and peer makers against town & country? mike pompeo last night, started a national conversation over the chinese app tick tock so what exactly is it? we will show you
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♪ >> laura: china is buying the silence of the most famous sports leagues and apparel companies leaving the team prayed to wax on and on about how rotten and racist america is. take nike. just a few days ago in response to a letter from investors calling the nickname "dehumanizing," they pulled all washington redskins merchandise from all their online stores. washington products won't return them, they added, until the football team changes its name. fighting injustice and racism is important to nike until, of course, racism and real atrocities are committed by the chinese government. now nike hasn't stopped selling its products there despite the comments parties ongoing and
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brutalization of all sorts of minorities, including the muslim leaders. they haven't so much as raised public objection over nike. why is that? well, that is easy. nike made over $6 billion in revenue from china last year, a lot more than they make off of redskins gear. nike is so deeply enmeshed in china, ceo mark parker said september 2019 earnings call that nike is a brand of china for china. quite the sentiment displayed by a company founded and propelled to prominence in the good, old u.s. of a. it's not just ports apparel companies but the leagues they serve, and the general manager was castigated viciously by the league, coaches and players after he spoke in favor of democratic protesting in hong kong. china punished the nba by pulling their games off tv. but don't worry. speaking with "time" magazine
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last week, nba commissioner adam silver, assured fans the relationship with china has greatly improved. >> we have continued a dialogue with the chinese, with the business partners there in certain cases with certain government officials. you know, we will just keep at it. amnesty and also they have a different form of government and a different view how things have been done. how things should be done and hopefully, we can find mutual respect for each other. >> laura: just let that sink in for a moment. find mutual respect with a country whose communist party literally has what, hundreds of thousands of men and choke chains around the neck. i'm talking about what they do in these muslim reeducation camps. but those atrocious comments were not made in a vacuum. they were coincidently made on the same day china carried out its brutal takeover of hong kong. the next time your favorite leek
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or locust brand decides to pop off about trump saying he doesn't care about people and demand obedience to blm, think about the atrocity they willfully ignore in favor of the almighty dollar. 20 may now, fox sports radio host and founder of out kick. clay, how did we get to a point where it is iconic sports brand and leagues with chinese league interest ahead of american interest? >> well, it is because we allowed the nba to be run in a despicable way, laura. i'm glad you are drawing attention to this because i've been talking about on my radio show. do you have been writing about it out and so many in the sports media have been ignoring it. what the nba did not mention, it will allow players to make social justice statements instead of their names on the
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back of their jerseys. they will not allow anybody to say free hong kong because if that happened, they would actually have to acknowledge that they are doing the bidding of the chinese government in tearing down american institutions, sports leagues are working in favor of china and producing propaganda that totalitarian government uses against us even while they have concentration camps. it drives me crazy that all of these athletes, lebron james, the coaches, steve kerr, greg popovich go around ripping donald trump and the united states when really, if they wanted to stand up to anybody, they should stand up to nike and say, hey why don't you make your own shoes in this country that you are asking people to pay $200 to put on their kid's feet? why don't you allow us to actually criticize in a good way and a legitimate way what is a new cold war between america and china? the sports league all too often
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particularly the nba, target when it comes to the redskins. they are tearing down american institutions and in favor of the chinese authoritarian government. it is despicable. it is disgraceful and is to be called out. >> laura: a lot of american companies do this, but at the same time, they are not lecturing everybody else about their morals. just a reminder, here is how lebron james responded to the hong kong tweet last fall. >> at times, there are ramifications for negative that can happen. when you're not thinking about us and all you think about is yourself. so many people that have been harmed, not only financially but physically, emotionally, spiritually. so just be careful what you tweet and what you say and do. >> laura: on the fourth of july, lebron retweeted from colin kaepernick, black people have been criminalized, terrorized by america for centuries and are expected to join commemoration of independence? well you enslaved our ancestors
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we reject your supremacy and look forward to liberation for all. clay, i have about 15 seconds, the hypocrisy is astounding. >> you got to stand up to it, laura. i read in "new york times" they want to tear down the jefferson memorial, all part of the attack on the american institutions. real american sports fans have to say no and hold tran accountable in the league and players as well. spilling clay commit is great to see you and congratulations on out kick. it is really cool. speaking of china, a debate about chinese smartphone app, specifically tick-tock. after mike pompeo told us the administration is considering a ban of the app. so what exactly is tick-tock? here is a sampling video of the highlights on a trump page. >>♪ [phone ringing]
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spin when he seems kind of harmless, kind of fun, until yoe despite the silliness and new s, intelligence officials are wanting your information can be controlled and accessed by chinese government officials. joining me, turning point usa, charlie hurt's looking into this, charlie, what particularly worries you about tiktok? lots of teenage girls are on tiktok and guys, girls and college kids. what do you tell members looking to use at? >> first of all want to thank you laura for bringing attention to this issue. >> this is not significant and an app where people share funny videos of their favorite artist. this is something direct from what many intelligence officials are telling us from the chinese communist party.
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this has been downloaded over 165 million times. let me repeat that 165 million times by americans. this is used more than any other app of young teenagers, people in this country. this is an infiltration into the smartphones of america's use. mike pompeo said it best. he said i would not use tiktok unless i want to head over all my personal information to the chinese communist party. so the parents watching this right now, if your teenager has tiktok on their phones, they may very well handed over personal information, not just their information but the families information, where you go on vacation, what you are buying, what you are talking about. tiktok in a lot of ways is a brilliant chinese strategy and how to get the westerners to use our technology so we can learn about them to eventually impose their values? that is the second part, laura. besides the data harvesting, they are banning pro-trump content. they banned live-action of content and a social justice left-wing agenda. >> laura: i want to read this
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to you. this is from ford's a few days ago, charlie. if tiktok is active on your phone while you work, the app can basically read anything and everything you copy on another device. passwords, work documents, sensitive emails, financial information, anything. that is when apple suddenly caught tiktok secretly spying on millions of iphone users. the american ceo of tiktok here in the u.s. said, that is not happening. i wouldn't allow it to happen. and tried to reassure people when this was brought up today. >> very quickly, laura, does anyone trust the chinese communist party after this cet, while way or other companies involved in the last couple of months and we seen what happen ? americans need to wake up and tell teenagers to delete this app and the federal government should do a complete ban of tiktok in the country just like the indian government did. it is time to put our country first and the longer be deceived
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by the chinese communist party. >> laura: i have another question. who has time to do all these videos? these are elaborate videos. i don't have time. i barely have time to know what to eat at 4:00. >> they are not in school. they are not in school. >> laura: if that were the only problem not being in school. people have a lot of time on their hands even with school and session. charlie, great to see you tonight. up ahead, despite the many contentions in country, what is one dr. think covid herd immunity might be around the corner? he will tell us next.
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♪ >> a long way to go before we have a herd immunity here. >> we have very little immunity across the country. >> herd immunity, it would mean well over 1 million american deaths. >> laura: but could herd immunity be actually closer than we think? "wall street journal" says anybody may significantly underestimate the people infected with covid-19. if so, it is possible early hot spots like new york city, northern italy already have a degree of herd immunity but the same may be true of other places in them. here with reaction scott atlas, the senior fellow from a former chief of neurology at stanford and dr. atlas, great to see you tonight. why is there so much resistance, even the president himself has
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pooh-poohed this idea of the herd but why so much resistance tonight? >> thank you for having me. because there was confusion like many of the covid-19 in the beginning when everyone assumed you could only have immunity from antibodies. we see that the testing has range from say 4% in parts of the u.s. all the way up to 21% in new york city. but what has not been said and now it's coming out more as there are other ways to be immune. first of all the antibody test were not completely sensitive even slowing a study about one-third of patients had antibodies that were not detected. but more importantly, there is something called t-cell immunity. this is sort of very important, actually an coming out study from the carroll institute in sweden and two times the number of people with antibody immunity have t cell immunity. so for instance, in new york city which was a hotbed for the world, we see there were 21% of people tested positive for antibodies and if there are
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another 40% of people with t cell immunity, that is about the number of 60% of people talked d immunity. it is sort of interesting if you look at the cases rising in parts of the u.s. most of which actually correlates more to the protest marches to any reopening. but you have to wonder why in new york and are there no real rises in cases? and i believe and there is a good chance it is due to the fact that they will not have it because ultimately, ironically, it will become the safest place because it may have already herd immunity. >> laura: with the t cell immunity, another member of the medical cabinet has basically said the u.s. government should be testing for t-cell immunity. it is not as complicated as the study indicated. anna and of the thing could be say with one apparent come as in my getting that right, it should not be as complicated as it's made out to be but critical
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for the reopening and for confidence, dr. atlas. >> i think confidence, that is true, but i think there is more value in inspiring confidence by knowing and stating the facts very succinctly. the risk of this has been grossly overblown. we know the fatality rate is 0.04% for people under 70. which is less then the seasonal flu for people under 70 years old. and i saw earlier in your segment, virtually 0% for children appeared when you are given the facts and state them succinctly, the public understands the logic. so we really hate to try opening to some sort of testing. i think that would be a big mistake. there was no reason for that. >> laura: the facts are the facts are. but it is hard when you have experts with big degrees who won't state the facts more who are telling the facts. that is very difficult about it. they listen to the science and you stated that science has we
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know it now. dr. atlas, come back soon. wonderful to see you. the past few weeks the newest wave of covid cases in states like arizona, florida, texas but the media want you to panic. the next guest says they are actually encouraging trends in this new way. dr. mark boone, joins us now, dr. blum, what are you seeing in this wave of cases that is actually giving you hope compared to the initial wave? >> we are seeing the disease spread very rapidly through the community, but the good news is within the hospitals where we have seen a ton of patients, they tend to be a little less sick than before, they tend to be younger. i believe the treatments in place are making a significant impact. so the mortality is down, and i see utilization is down. thank goodness because without that, we would have a hard time managing the patients we have right now, 100 patients on memorial day to over 706 weeks
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later which is quite the stress on the system for sure. >> laura: dr. boom, do you expect those numbers to stay down? do you expect them to rise in the coming 14, 21-day period? >> that is a great question. we are watching that carefully. a couple of points of concern a big shift towards people and part of the explanation but as a enough younger people get sick in the community, we were a vulnerable older people may get people with mortality to tick up. the other issues we have had of my mortality is a lagging indicator. so we see cases go up and then we see mortality go up. most people who die don't die instantly. they die after a very significant fight will end over a long period of time in the hospital. so with this big surface in the first few days of june, we have people in house quite ill and we just don't know the outcomes yet. i expect that actually will go up. we will definitely see more deaths in the next three weeks occurring that we are seeing.
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>> laura: excuse me, one of the things we are seeing them again close, continuous personal context. and large families, number of families living in a couple of apartments joining, but you have that a lot and seasonal workers. we are seeing that issue. what can be done there given what we know about vulnerability, hypertension, diabetes, et cetera? >> there is no question we see key vulnerabilities that you stated and in fact younger group obesity and diabetes are the big risk factors we are seeing. and you are right close proximity for a significant period of time is a big risk factor. one of the trends we have seen is a lot of people getting infected and you stand and we hear stories of family gatherings, social gatherings come and other activities like that where people let their guard down. family from across the city come together for birthday parties. nobody thinks about the fact they've been in different orbits
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around the city. they come in and don't wear masks, sharing chips and dip and all sorts of things like that. many of the family are getting sick. so really key that people exercise social distancing, where their mask and be careful where it is. >> laura: dr. bloom i have to avoid the chips and dip. i would have violated that over the weekend, i would have saved. dr. boom, thank you so much. coming up, dr. don lemon come i'm calling him a doctor now, don lemon condescending lecture and shocking video blm taking over a church? dinesh d'souza breaks it all down next. woman: my reputation was trashed online.
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i felt completely helpless. my entire career and business were in jeopardy. i called reputation defender. vo: take control of your online reputation. get your free reputation report card at find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. woman: they were able to restore my good name. vo: visit or call 1-877-866-8555.
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he used to worry about how to fix the world's oral health problems. - i think i've got it. - [narrator] then he invented therabreath formulas. - you want fresh breath? i'll give you a fresh breath. - [narrator] for fresh breath, healthy gums, dry mouth, and healthy smiles. - whoa, that's fresh. - [narrator] now, the world's mouths have never been healthier. (sighs contentedly) - works for 24 hours, i guarantee it. therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. - [narrator] available at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ >> laura: last night after terry crews explained to don lemon why there was a gaping
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hole in "black lives matter" messaging, the cnn host came back with this stunning response. >> when you look in the city of chicago, there are nine children who died by gun violence, by black on black gun violence from june 20th all the way to today. the black lives matter movement has said nothing about -- >> it has nothing to do with the quality. though "black lives matter" was started because talking about police brutality. if you want all black lives matter movement that took talks about gun violence in communities including black communities, start that movement. >> laura: that not only is condescending and dismissive it is not true. according, building spaces from sexism, with patriotic goal practices and disrupting the nuclear family and getting rid of heteronormative sinking. notice none of that has anything to do with police brutality.
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joining me now is dinesh d'souza come a commentator and author of "united states of socialism." i want to play this for you first, dinesh, watch. >> [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [chanting] >> laura: dinesh that was the same great baptist church in new york last week. why are pml activists harassing churchgoers? >> well, it is very clear they are escalating their tactics in response to the past 70 of the other side. our side to come if you will. they have gone from attacking monuments, which are things, lifeless if he will now
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attacking people and the ordinary conduct of our lives. these are people exercising basic constitutional liberties, speaking of going to church, practicing their religion. so these are fundamental constitutional liberties that are not even up for democratic referendum. in other words, even a majority of people can't cancel out our rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion let alone a mob to show up to in a sense terrorize us. this is crossing a line. it is a bad sign. >> laura: dinesh, you can see the people are trying to figure out what do i do now? will i be put in jail if i stand up for myself or if i ask a question, will i be called a racist? they feel like they have everybody in a box. i guess one of the things the preacher said at one point from that church online -- it's just how can people sit by and let this happen because they have. and i think you are right. it emboldens them to move to the
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next level of escalation. dinesh you have been all over the race hoaxes and tell us what happened in oregon where we had another instance of someone i guess sending himself a racist letter to boost his political fate. tell us about that. >> well, it is very clear what happened to josie small lead to an bubba wallace, this is part of you may call it an inglorious tradition, the latest was a democratic official, who sent a racist letter from a latino guy to himself. the talks of course, the usual fanfare, the usual uproar but i think the way to understand this, you can look it in economic terms. there is a great demand for hate crimes because it has to say it, satisfy the pressures of people who think we are living in a racist society. but the supply of racist hate crimes is very low appearance of racist hate crimes have to be sort of manufacture.
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when the real thing is not available, focused things have to be made to. >> laura: dinesh, obviously bubba wallace is not a jussie smollett but false allegations can cause trouble. up next, "the last bite." don't miss this. i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late.
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moms love that land o' frost premium sliced meats have no by-products. [conference phone] baloney! [conference phone] has joined the call. hey baloney here. i thought this was a no by-products call? land o' frost premium. a slice above. >> laura: a couple that allegedly painted over black lives matter mural in california on the fourth of july were charged with a hate crime earlier tonight. finally cnn found a type of
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vandalism that is worth covering and prosecuting. >> people can't get away with these things. they had to know that they would get caught up maybe they didn't think the guys wearing a make america great again hat, he's screaming those sorts of things about -- i think is like make america great again or something of that nature. and this is where we are in this country right now. >> laura: teardown of stature, thomas jefferson or lincoln or some general and they're not going to worry about that one bit. depends on what you're protesting. that's all the time happening. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it all from here. shannon. >> shannon: laura, thank you very much. we are going to continue that debate, whether they can do it safely. we begin tonight with a fox news alert. children, parents, teachers, everyone is in limbo tonight as the country tackles the divisive issue of whether your kids could go back to the classroom this fall. the president vowing to ramp up the pressure to make that happen but can we do it safely? with got e s
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