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tv   Bill Hemmer Reports  FOX News  July 10, 2020 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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guy that wants to race but was very troubled with what was happening in the country and he just wants the world to hear his heart. >> dana: we want to see that, too. we will put it up on "the daily briefing" page as well, thank you, lawrence. and thank you for joining us, everybody paid i will see you on "the five." hey, bill hemmer. >> bill: how you doing, dana? have an awesome weekend, okay? i'm bill hemmer, president trump capping off the week in florida, coronavirus cases rising in that state and the president right now wrapping up our roundtable, the topic there, freedom and democracy in venezuela. meanwhile, the trauma team postponing tomorrow's rally in new hampshire because of tropicals t storm faye. we will speak with white house economic advisor at larry kudlow, jonathan serrie has the latest on the rising covid cases
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but first, kristin fisher back from the north want to kick off our hour. good afternoon. >> right now president trump is wrapping up a roundtable down in florida with a group of venezuelan americans and he's really using the crisis in that country, the devastating impact of the socialist regime to attack his 2020 opponent joe biden. >> joe biden and the radical left are trying to impose the same system i'm a socialism plus, in america. biden is a puppet of bernie sanders, joe biden has pledged to reinstate the pro-communist policies of the obama-biden administration, procommunist policies, the deal he made with cuba is ridiculous, it's ridiculous. >> but yesterday when joe biden unveiled his economic plan in pennsylvania he used some language that sounded very trump-like. the president has been talking about the great american comeback, joe biden's tagline is now "build back better."
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now, joe biden is using that same buy american message. >> it starts with a basic idea, when we spend taxpayers money, the federal government spends taxpayers money, we should use it to buy american products and support american jobs. my plan would tighten the rules to make this a reality. >> so today right before landing in battleground florida, president trump accused joe biden of plagiarism, of stealing his message and before this roundtable, president trump visited u.s. on a command where he received a briefing on a counter narcotics operation in the caribbean which led to about a billion dollars worth of illegal drugs being seized, also a fund-raiser in florida tonight and tomorrow he was supposed to go to another big rally in new hampshire but that campaign has just announced that it has been postponed due to tropicals tstorm faye.
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>> bill: i want to get to covid, another bright record-breaking day of new cases, nine states have now reached more than 100,000 cases which is more than some countries including sweden and argentina, jonathan serrie, part of the story live in atlanta today. >> we continue to watch covid-19 surge across the sun belt with 11,433 new cases, florida reported its second-highest one-day increase among 93 newly-confirmed deaths, an 11-year-old broward county girl, we were told she had numerous underlying conditions. disney world is moving ahead with plans tomorrow to reopen its magic kingdom and animal kingdom theme parks to the general public, they will be reservation only, attractions have been reconfigured to promote social distancing and everyone two and older has to wear a face mask. citing an uptick in new cases in every region of michigan, governor signed and executive
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order requiring businesses to refuse entry to people that don't wear face coverings, also imposes a $500 fine for people who fail to wear masks in indoor public spaces in crowded outdoor settings. ahead of a tuesday primary run-up, alabama's top elections officials warning counties that they cannot require voters to wear face coverings at the polls because the state constitution forbids restrictions on eligible voters. in a letter, the county election officials, ray "well it can be strongly recommended that an individual wear a mask it cannot be required. at the urging of a group of international scientists, the organization updated its guidance on how covid-19 spreads to include the possibility that the virus may remain infectious in the air for a long period of time. the w.h.o. says further research is needed, and how it it now
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acknowledges infected individuals can spread the virus even if they have no symptoms and south carolina governor henry mcmaster issued an order that will require restaurants and bars to stop serving alcohol after 11:00 p.m. it takes effect on saturday and the idea is to prevent young people from getting involved from late night gatherings, there is a concern that a symptom attic young people are furthering the spread of this virus. >> bill: back to the white house, larry kudlow is with me now, welcome back. good afternoon to you, nice to see you. let's sto start with reopening schools, what with the administration support in order to get that done? >> what would they support? the broad goal is president want school to open, it's essential for the kids education, number one, you don't want them to lose a year, for heaven sakes, there's really no substitute for in person schooling, i think all the experts agree with that and
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also, the parents, what are they going to do? you talk to a single working m mom, she's got to send her kid to school, the kids at home, she can't go to work, she may not be able to afford help, it's also true with working folks who are two person families and i think that's an important part of this, the economic component but there is a kids component for education and social development, you see this stuff from pediatricians association, the social development part is very important. >> bill: there's a push by some republicans to give day care support, that's for my question is coming from, what with the administration do in order to make sure this happens in august? >> i don't want to do what if, bill, as much as i enjoy our interviews with the fact is we just want them to go to school. now, monetary issues will be
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negotiated when congress comes back to work, i guess that's the week of july 20th and we will try to get something done quickly in the next couple weeks, secretary mnuchin said earlier today at, or yesterday. we just want to get back to school. and by the way, these universities, these fancy universities, maybe you went to one of them, i went to one of them. >> bill: oxford, ohio, 18 oh nine. keep going. >> the fact remains, we've learned that in person, in-classroom is extremely important and you can't do it all by computer in distant places so why don't the dash look. let me just step back for a minute and make this assertion, okay? this is a difficult time with the epic of the virus in the south and west. the next couple weeks are going to be very important. now, let me put it to you this way. if you want, not only education but if you want every business to reopen and stay open, if you
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want folks to go back to work and we have big job creation, if you want to rebuild the economic health and prosperity we had, there are four things every citizen should do, particularly those in the hot spots. number one, face cover. number two, distancing. number three, testing. and number four, personal hygiene. those are the things that will beat the virus. as we beat it last winter and allow the economy to function as the great american machine. >> bill: you recognize that's the quickest way to make it happen but that hasn't always been the message. have you and others, the president included, made an about-face on that? >> no, i don't think so it all, i don't agree with that, the president has been out front and a vice president as leaders in this pandemic, it's been a very difficult. not, he was early in travel
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restrictions to china, we were early to build an infrastructure mitigation. >> bill: but there has not been, i'm sorry, there has not been this message of everybody wear a face mask and keep the distance. >> i have and we will continue to say. i'm talking about, i'm not talking about mandatory. i'm talking about the guidelines and i'm saying, if you are in a hot spot and folks know that they are, it's in the papers every day. if you are in a hot spot you've got to take them mitigation efforts and guidelines that worked in march and april and allowed us to open up the economy and the beginnings of a v-shaped recovery so we will do it again. face covers, distancing, personal hygiene. i don't think we wavered on that message at all. i'm just here to emphasize, there is. education and business and
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economic growth. to me when i get it. speak on the guidelines all go together, they are all integrated. >> bill: on the folks getting money from the federal government. i'm catholic, i love the church but $1.4 billion is the report. did too much of this money go out too quickly? >> i'm catholic, i love the church most of the time. you've got something against kanye west, bill? >> bill: me? can't say i do. i'm seeing developers and hedge fund managers popping up all the time, you remember from 2009, banging on the obama administration when the stimulus checks went out back then. you know when washington throws out a load of loot that the devil is in the details, can you defend the payments today? >> give me a shot. first of all, the ppp program, all the credit in the world to
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secretary mnuchin, probably saved 50 million jobs, we are already seeing the fruits of that program, the last two months we put on 8 million jobs back in the economy, that's crucial. if you met the eligibility requirements which was a 500 or less employees and if you met the conditionality that 75% of the money has to go to keeping payroll, it was dropped a bit to 60% but if you met those two, you're fine. we didn't distinguish, we didn't have income caps, this was a bipartisan issue and it was meant to somehow keep temporary layoffs temporary and that's what we're seeing, folks are going back to work, gratefully. the 2 million and above recipients are being reviewed by the oversight group but you know what? the fact that someone might not like someone or this one is too rich or this is not enough is not the way that this program is designed, to keep small businesses open open as much as possible and i think it all work very well with very few
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glitches. the one all right, last point here, joe biden went public yesterday. how do you see in 30 seconds or less the economic plan he started to reveal yesterday measuring up against your own in less than four months, larry? >> look, i will say this, mr. biden is going to raise taxes humongous lay across the board. corporate taxes, individual taxes, investment taxes, he will be putting additional taxes on top of that. what sense does that make? we just had a pandemic that has damaged the economy, not through individuals fall because it was a natural disaster event. how are you going to get economic growth by raising taxes? moreover, he has a whole program of re-regulation, they're going to shut down fossil fuels among other things and we are going to lose our power abilities, that made us number one in the world
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and energy, re-regulation, governments going to take over health care and there's a whole laundry list, those things are not for growth, they are for stagnation, i'm sorry. >> bill: there's the campaign. i really appreciate you coming on today. thank you and i'll give your regards to kanye very soon. our friday economic team will debate the conversation at the bottom of the hour. i will talk with the superintendent of miami-dade county on florida's plan to get schools back open despite the rising number of cases and new york city's mayor facing a lot of heat for making an obvious exception to a ban on large gatherings for the next three months. we will tell you about that. ♪ because heart and kidney disease shouldn't prevent you from pushing your limits. because every baby deserves the very best start in life. because a changing environment should mean caring for the land that takes care of us all.
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b1 back in florida, schools are set to reopen despite a surge in coronavirus cases in that state, miami-dade public school is the nation's fourth largest school district. the school superintendent is with me now. how are you doing and good day to you? just remind me, what are the conditions for phase two? >> number one, thank you so much for the opportunity. there are two challenges we're facing right now. of all the hot spots in america, we are in the hottest spot with a positivity rate of 35.5%.
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secondly, hospitalizations are on the rise, thirdly, the number of patients in icu beds also at a critical juncture but the key element right now is miami-dade on the basis of that data finds itself in phase one of reopening. not according to miami-dade county public schools, not according to miami-dade county, according to u.s. guidelines specific to the white house's own reopening america plan which says that you are in phase one and remain in phase one until such time as there are 14 days of improved conditions that lead to a lowering of hospitalizations, lowering of the positivity rate in any one community, that is the conundrum we find ourselves in, we are ready, willing, and able to open, our plan is in place to reopen schools. >> bill: you want to do this but you've got to meet a few more metrics, that's what i hear. you've got a month to pull it
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off and i know you said yesterday, one-size-fits-all does not work for you. i think that's been recognized and what i'm hearing from the big education leaders at the high level of the white houses they are saying, use your imagination, figure it out on the local level, can you do th that? >> the number one hurdle as i said is that during phase one we cannot open schools physically, even though our plan to reopen schools includes a five-day week in the school house, there are restrictions as far as the phasing end of the metrics associated with transitioning towards phase two, look, nobody more than me, my teachers, my principles want to welcome kids back into the school house, it's where they are best taught, where they best learn, cognitive development, social and emotional support, it is the best option. it we need this community, quite
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frankly to take the restrictions on social behavior seriously to reduce the positivity rate so he is our community can transition to phase two and to be allowed to physically open schools. >> bill: i've got about 30 seconds, the parents are going to decide a lot of this. based on what i understand, next wednesday there's a vote for parents, is that right? >> actually, we have been engaged in a parent survey for every single school is actually asking parents for the option that best suits their needs and right now, they are split 55% of parents are saying we want kids physically in school, 44% want kids through remote continuous learning and that's the feedback that we are getting from parents at this point. >> bill: march the 13th was a friday, the last time kids were in school in miami-dade. thanks for coming on, we will check back in later, thank you for your time. thanks.
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one of america's largest companies telling employees to delete a social media app called tiktok from your phone, get rid of it. joe biden once again bypassing reporter questions but he was on the trail, will that still be the case as we get closer to election day? fox news sunday anchor chris wallace is coming up in a moment, next. ♪ veterans everywhere are refinancing and saving $3,000 a year. by making one call to newday usa. our va streamline refi lets you refi fast, with no income verification, no appraisal, and no money out of pocket. and you can do it all right over the phone. the newday team is standing by right now to take your call. are your asthma treatments just not enough?
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♪ >> is the time for a few questions? >> no, no. >> bill: joe biden on the campaign trail yesterday passing up questions from our own peter doocy. he did sit down with a local media outlet in scranton, pennsylvania. i want to bring in chris wallace fresh off nice vacation, we miss
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you, you look fresh and young and vibrant and here we go. joe biden went two hours in 30 minutes in a black suv yesterday, delivered his speech on his initial economic plan, went to the house where he was born and clearly did not take any questions from the national media. how long can you sustain that strategy? >> the last time i looked he's leading by about a dozen points in the polls, why fix what ain't broke? he's going to have to come out at some point, he's got the convention, after labor day people are going to expect him out more and of course we expect that there are going to be three presidential debates so this won't go on forever but so far, so good from his point of view and i think it's driving the people of the trump campaign a little batty. >> bill: i think you are right about that last point, it's a
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campincampaign we've never seen before. do you think joe biden would be eager to defend his economic record, as with most things he knows his record is indefensible. the trump team are recalibrating by the day as well, they are making adjustments every day if not every week as well, chris. >> yeah, but look at the trump response to biden's economic speech. on one hand he saying he's going far left, he's a puppet of the left, he said he's pro-communist and on the other half the president comes out of the white house today on his way down to florida and says he's plagiarizing my plan. how can it be far left and plagiarizing at the same time? the answer is that biden is doing everything he can to blur the lines particularly on issues that work to trump's advantage and one of the few areas the
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president leads is of who will handle the economy better. biden comes out with a plan, by america, hundreds of billions of dollars to be invested in rebuilding the american base, he's going to get to it a little different than donald trump would but for a president who is trying to draw distinctions, biden in this particular case is doing everything he can to blur those lines. >> bill: in the meantime, social issues reverberating across american cities week by week and i imagine they will continue. here in new york the mayor is out in front of trump tower yesterday, painting "black lives matter" in front of fifth avenue paid in the meantime he says no large gatherings until the end of september but when asked about whether or not the protests can continue, he clearly gave a nod to that new york city is going to see its fair share of street protests for the next four months. that is an obvious and apparent
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disconnect between the covid matter and the protests leading up to this election, how do you view it, chris? >> well, clearly the mayor doesn't have as much control over protests, spontaneous protest as he does over a planned gathering sprayed on other hand, you know, there are a lot of public health officials who i think have been very consistent and said any large gathering especially without mask is bad, doesn't matter if it's pro-trump or pro-black lives matter. bill de blasio is not one of those people. well i like political stunts as much as the next political reporter does, getting out and painting "black lives matter" on fifth avenue in front of trump towers struck me as kind of bush league on the part of bill de blasio, the mayor of the greatest city in america, certainly the biggest city in america and you're going to sit there and do something like
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that. at least the mayor of washington did it on a street, yes, close to the white house but it wasn't right in front of the nose of the white house and to do it in front of trump tower which is a different deal, it's a private residence, i don't know. as i say, bush league. >> bill: we are going to check the box for bush league on that. see you on sunday, thank you, sir. on sunday, the director of the johns hopkins center for health and security, check your local oxidation and tv listings for the time in your area. fox news' confirming amazon as ordered employees to delete the app tiktok for security reasons. a chinese tech company owns the app. earlier in the week secretary of state mike pompeo saying the trump administration is considering restricting americans access to the app as
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well, watch that story. joe biden unveiling his plan to boost the economy, how does his agenda compare with the president? plus the big ten making a big change, the conference as a warning about college sports this fall. ♪ come on in, we're open. ♪
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>> the parents, what are they going to do? you talk to a single working mom, she's got to send her kids to school, if the kids at home, she can't go to work, she may not to a be able to afford help. i think that's an important part of this. >> bill: larry kudlow talking about getting kids back in school. i want to bring in our friday economic debate team and they are a good one. stephen moore, advisor of president trump's campaign, austan goolsbee, gentlemen,
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welcome back to both of you. i think i gave you the first crack last time, steve, the service to you, what did you think of the conversation with larry kudlow and the effort to try and urge school districts to bring the kids back to class? >> we've got to get kids back in school and not just because it's good for the economy, we can't have a fully functioning economy if you don't have kids back in school, obviously you have to do it in a safe way but you know, we do have pretty good evidence right now that kids are not susceptible to coronavirus and by the way, if these school districts don't want to open up, if they find that they, even the teachers don't want to teach for one reason or another, let's give vouchers to parents so they can send their kids to school. it will be almost a year of lost schooling for children if we don't open up the schools in the fall. >> bill: talking to the superintendent of miami-dade, they left school on march 13th,
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think about that. what's your idea, what's your plan, what did you hear? >> well, look, we wanted to move into an environment where people can go back to school and we'll reopen the schools in a safe way, you will remember five weeks ago on this very program in our very friday debates, we talked about the insanity of trying to push to reopen the economy before you have control of the virus. remember, i said, the danger is we are going to put ourselves back to square zero and we will have destroyed our credibility. now we will see this with the schools, for president trump and larry kudlow, a person i am friendly with, is a friend of mine, to get up and say it's perfectly safe to reopen the schools.
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they are literally the same people who said the virus was contained, was that it would be safe for their republican-lead states in the sun belt to reopen where they now have raging infections so the undermining of our credibility makes me question the motives of their plan. >> bill: a lot of their message, use their imagination and try to figure it out at a local level because states, counties, school districts are all different, all different needs. gentlemen, here's a clip, 24 hours ago when he made this statement. >> during my first term alone, we will invest $400 million in purchasing products and materials our country needs to modernize our infrastructure, replenish our critical stockpiles, enhance national security. >> bill: we got a little detail yesterday, not a ton but $700 billion, steve moore writes
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about biden's tax plan is an act of supreme economic masochism that erases 40 years of pro-growth progress." steve, first crack. >> we want this election to be all about economics and who can lead this economy back to the kind of high growth we had in the last two or three years and it should be all about that end americans should look very closely at these two different plans. if you think higher taxes in our businesses and corporations increases capital gains, taxes, over 50%. if you think that's good for the economy you probably need to vote for joe biden but i think most americans look at what trump did, cut the business taxes, brought masses amounts of capital back to the united states, created the best economy in 30 years so let's have this debate. if you think either taxes and more regulation are over the economy, biden is your man. >> bill: were his ideas fresh? where they knew?
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>> i thought they were pretty fresh, you know i'm a biden supporter, they were pretty well thrilled with the way that this rolled out, the focus on manufacturing, the focus on infrastructure, national security, rebuilding the medical stockpiles, all of that is critically important and when the trump administration has been announcing its infrastructure week, that's been mostly leading the rest of the country to get down in their basement for what horrible thing is going to happen, they keep declaring that they're going to have an infrastructure plan and don't. joe biden actually produced one so i think steve is right, we are going to have a debate about this. i think when you've got massive unemployment in the u.s. economic experience had been way worse than any other rich company in the world are responding to covid and manufacturing was already in a recession before covid even arrived, i don't think that's going to be --
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>> $400 billion on u.s.-made products, research and electric cars and ai, sound like america first and sounds like that model was taken four years ago but gentlemen, thank you for coming back, we will do it again next friday. until then. dave moore aspe austan goolsbee. a showdown between two college football power houses, not anymore. the big ten conference announcing it will not play nonconference games one some sports return in the fall, if they do it all. the move affects football, field hockey, men's and women's soccer and others. for now the big ten is the only major college conference to announce such a move. basketball back in action, disney complex, orlando, florida, some of these nba teams returning to practice after a four-month hiatus. all 22 teams have checked into their hotel and started isolating which will last for at least a few weeks, games scheduled to start up again in
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late july and yes, lebron james is there as of yesterday. republican senator tim scott talking about a possible compromise on police reform. what would that look like? plus this. >> big it, let's see what we have in terms of monuments, i'm more interested in what people have accomplished. i think that it's up to the communities to decide what statues they want to see. >> bill: speaker pelosi reacting after protesters throw down a christopher columbus statue in the city where she grew up. kevin mccarthy has thoughts on that, he's up next, live. ♪ your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques.
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>> bill: tim scott out of south carolina, very
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disappointed. now he's talking with house democrats trying to bring back his police reform bill. mike emanuel has that story from washington. is this going to happen? >> good afternoon, the big revelation is police reform on capitol hill may not be dead after all. senator tim scott told reporters he's been having conversations with the chair of the congressional black caucus and others, has not responded to our request for comment so far, one area where scott is willing to compromise is on qualified immunity allowing victims families to sue police department some cities but not the police officer. talks continue. >> i'm hopeful that the next couple weeks may produce the type of outcomes we are looking for. i am an eternal optimist, the conversations that are now, folks who are talking to me, we may not. >> senator scott and attorney general bill barr met with community leaders and
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law enforcement, talked about putting checks in place but not going too far. >> it is striking a balance, it's not doing away with the police are demonizing the poli police, nor is it giving short shrift to the legitimate concerns that are out there about police abuses and overreach. >> so far, prominent democrats are still backing a house-past measure that goes further than the senate bill. >> i think we can move on and do what is necessary to respond to the people who are marching in the streets demanding one system of justice in america, demanding we are one step closer to the ideal of equal justice under l law. >> senator scott is telling reporters democrats may prefer having two-thirds of a boat over having done so conversations continue to see if they can strike a compromise. >> bill: good deal, thank you. i want to bring in the house
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minority leader kevin mccarthy, welcome back and good afternoon to you you. >> thanks for having me. >> bill: is there a an opportunity here for a lazarus moment? >> yes there is, there's a number of republicans talking with democrats. the real challenge was that the democrats, the way they brought it to the floor, not allowing from either side so it's hard to find compromise if you don't allow the debate and the opportunities so now we are having that and it's outside the scope of speaker pelosi so there is a real chance that we can find common ground. >> bill: there's an appetite to get this done because last week when it came up in the senate there was a lot of disappointment. >> a lot of disappointment because the senate has different rules, the minority is very powerful and the democrats denied the bill to even come up even though the republicans over there offered more than 20 amendments for the democrats so the complete opposite within the house but i can't thank tim
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scott enough, not just for the work he's done in the last month but his entire lifetime when it comes to these issues and that's really an opportunity we can find common ground, and make this happen. >> i want to get to the second topic, you have concern about the statues and monuments coming out around the country, nancy pelosi was asked about this man a columbus statue came down in her hometown of baltimore, that's where she grew up. her dad was the mayor. our producer asked for this question and this is the response we got. >> i don't care that much about statues. they will do what they do, it is... i do think from a safety standpoint, it would be a good idea to have it taken down. >> bill: she said people will do what they do, what you think of that response? >> i think she's defending distraction. that's where she grew up, she is an italian-american heritage and christopher columbus was torn down but think about the district she represents in san francisco, there was a
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statue, this is the individual who created nine different missions, a statue inside the capital that the speaker, myself and joe biden along with the pope was stopped and prayed at, it was torn down and she said nothing, this is appalling to me that she would defend the distraction in a world that we believe in a rule of law, adding to the mob and allowing it to be taken over. speak to max me when you are going to propose a bill to block funds for states that don't protect the statues. you do support child care options in the next phase of relief to try to get kids back in school, we had a long conversation with larry kudlow at the beginning of this hour, what do you think washington can do to push the ball forward over the next 30 days? >> if we do another covid bill, this is something we should be focused on. the democrats don't want to go to work, unfortunately.
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how do we open up schools and child care safely for the students and the teachers? those are things we can do. it won't be a blanket across the country but in other locations we can do it, we should not have a whole generation not being taught. if you want the economy to get working again you've got to provide child care to the parents, those parents today are more than just parents, they've now become the teachers, the coaches, the tutors. we've got to get back to -- >> bill: to those who suggest you're pushing them too quickly, what would you say? >> i'm not pushing too quickly, i'm saying we should start the discussions now to see how we do it in a safe manner in the areas we can. the worst thing we can do is not plan at all, it is going to open back up so how do we do it safely, how do you provide the resources to make it happen, how do we secure the ppe, make sure these schools are not going to be sued in the future so you've got to have protections from liability at the same time. these are the things we should be discussing in congress but
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unfortunately the democrats now stay home instead of come here and do the essential work that is important that we should be doing. >> bill: kevin mccarthy, thank you for your time on a friday, thank you for coming back. early to earlier in the hour we spoke with the superintendent about reopening. what about college campuses? we met the university president in lexington, kentucky. we will talk to him again when he comes back in a moment, next. and it's bigger than pizza because for every shaq-a-roni sold, $1 is donated to the papa john's foundation for building community.
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come on in, we're open. ♪ all we do is hand you the bag. simple. done. we adapt and we change. you know, you just figure it out. we've just been finding a way to keep on pushing. ♪ >> bill: a few months ago, we met the university of kentucky president on this program. he told me then his goal was to bring students back in the fall. eli is back from lexington. sir, good day to you. it is your goal, it is your quest. will it happen? >> bill, i am confident that it will. we have reached out to our
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students. returning to a residential experience that they want to be safe. and we have taken many measures so that i can look at a parent when they arrive on campus to bring their student for a quality education and say to them we have done everything possible, and we are going to make being safe as easy as possible. >> bill: i understand your priorities. why is the university of kentucky so different from harvard university? >> bill: i have a couple of degrees from there, but i can only tell you about the university of kentucky. we've invested $2.6 billion in infrastructure, 6 million square feet of space. it lends itself to the distancing we need. where students live and learn, those spaces are adaptable to what we now can be safe. we have secured the supplies of
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ppe so that it is readily available. we are infusing technology into everything we do. every day, to fill out your -- be able to complete whether you have any symptoms, and we will be able to track that and tell you know what? you're not feeling good today? stay in your residence hall. nearly all of our classrooms are going to be accessible via digital connections. we will be able to project lectures. stay home, be safe. we will get it to you. don't go out and rest spreading possible infections to anyone. those are the kinds of things we are doing. >> bill: very interesting. you've got a plan. we will see how it goes. take good care of my nephew, grant. you are lucky to have them. he is a good young man. >> we feel the same way. >> bill: brand-new podcast out this week.
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the covid contrarian is my gue guess. you can find it on itunes or check it out. up about 400 points. not bad. enjoy it, it's friday. here's neil. >> neil: thank you, bill. a lot of it might have to do with the magic down in the magic kingdom because disney world will begin reopening. it starts tomorrow. might have already had an early jump on that. this, despite what has been an incredible spike in cases. what we are told are manageable spikes, and precautionary measures have already been taken. let's get the latest. how does it look there? >> hey there, neil. right now,


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