tv Cavuto Live FOX News July 11, 2020 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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griff: have a great saturday, everybod, and be safe. jedediah: yeah. we will see you back here bright and early tomorrow. go get some barbecue, that's what i'm doing. pete: ooh, we can agree on that, that's for sure. are a great saturday, everybody. see you tomorrow on "fox & friends." i'm out of here. ♪ ♪ neil: well, it is a small and now open world after all. disney world opening today. it's not quite fully open, and there are limitations, and you do have to wear a mask, and it is hot, and it is humid, and it is florida in the summer. but the fact that it is opening while out in california disneyland is not and while in both locales we have been seeing a spike in cases, it's happening anyway. we are on top of that. we are also on top of the roger stone commutation of his sentence by no less than the president of the united states. the implications of all of that. it's not only democrats screaming about it, mitt romney
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just now voicing his displeasure. we're on top of all of that. welcome, everybody, happy weekender i'm neil cavuto. if -- welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto. disney world is reopening today, and there are a lot of caveats with that. bottom line, it is reopen. let's go to orlando correspondent with what the crowds are looking at there. matt. >> reporter: good morning. well, there hasn't been as much traffic in and out of these gates since the park's been shut down since mid march, but that all changes this morning. the latest word we have from disney is there are still some tickets available, but it is fully booked for all annual passholders. this, of course, against the backdrop of the coronavirus cases that we're seeing across the sunshine state. more than 11,400 reported just yesterday. park officials say they're doing all they can, they're limiting the number of people who can even get into the parks. parking spaces are farther apart. you need to check your
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temperature before even going inside and once there everyone's in masks. hand sanitizing stations and warning signs are everywhere, and strict social distancing throughout the parks. we talked with some lucky annual passholders who got a preview earlier this week. >> temperature screening could not be any faster. i think maybe a second. monorails have limited capacity, but we got on pretty quick, and it was an ipad scan to get us into the park, and that was it. we haven't been sat nearby anybody, everyone's on smaller ride vehicles you get your own car or boat, bigger rides you're several rows away from everybody, same for theaters. several feet and rows away from other people. >> reporter: now, we've got four parks of disney in the central florida area. now, only two of them are opening today, that's the magic kingdom and animal kingdom. disney's hollywood studios and end cot reopen on the 15th --
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epcot reopen on the 15th. neil: neil thank you very much. stay cool. it is hot there today. imagine wearing a mask. anyway, jerry demings joins us right now, mayor of orange county. mayor, thank you for joining us. how are things looking there todaysome. >> thank you for inviting me on the show. things are looking very well here. i will say that even though the virus is still within our community, we have to learn to live with the virus. and so what disney is doing is a really, i call it, akin to a living laugh because this is a wonderful experiment to figure out if we can reopen business and reopen our theme parks and do so in a safe manner. if there's one place on planet earth that i believe could get it right, that's them. they have been reworking on this reopening plan for four months now. and so if we're able to
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successfully pull this out without creating any kind of outbreaks surrounding the reopening of the park, it will stand as a shining example of what perhaps we can do in other localities around the world. neil: you know, mayor, there have been some people concerned that given the recent spike in cases that maybe disney world should have put this off a little bit. the same spike in cases and problems out west in california, disneyland, has delayed that park's reopening. finish how do you feel about that controversy? >> well, i think the difference is here is that we're well within our hospital capacity. while we have within orange county a data a little over 16,000 cases, to put that into perspective with miami-dade county here in florida, they have over 58,000 cases. and even though we have a significant increase in our cases here locally, what we're not seeing at this point is our
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hospitals being overwhelmed with individuals who are critically ill. the median age of the persons who are being primarily impacted the greatest by the virus in our community is now around 33 years old, and that really is something that shifted since the memorial day period of time. so they have put a number of sanitary protocols in place including mandates about wearing a mask, a number of hand washing stations throughout the park itself and then enforcing social distancing within the park itself. so there will be these safety ambassadors located throughout the park. and so we believe that they will be are able to do it successfully. but believe you me when i say that we are monitoring this very closely with the department of health. neil: you know, mayor, i'd be remiss, your wife, of course, is val demmings of florida, she is on a very short list of possible
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running mates for joe biden. do you want to reveal anything today when are she's got the job, would take the job, if she was offered the job? >> well, let me just say this, it's an horn for her and -- an honor for her and our family for her to even be considered as a potential vice presidential running mate. my wife comes from very humble beginnings. she grew up in jacksonville, florida. she's the youngests of seven kids. her parents were but collar work workers, they never had a whole lot, so she has pulled herself up by the boot straps and not accepted any type of excuses for not being the best that she can possibly be. i believe that she's well prepared. she has served now in public service for 30 plus years. she spent her initial days as a social worker here in florida working for the state, and then she became a law enforcement officer and worked her way up
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and became the first and only woman so far to have been chief of police in the city of orlando. and then she ran for the united states congress. and we got to look at her, i believe, up close and personal as one of the impeachment managers, you know, may have differing opinions about how that went, but suffice it to say she was on top of her game during that period of time. she is a person that leads with her heart. she's authentic, she's sincere about what she does, and so i'm excited about the potential. we'll leave it up to the potential nominee, you know, who he selects. stand by, you know? we're excited either case. neil: so i'm going to push my luck here, mayor, if you'll indulge me. if she were chosen and the ticket were elected, would you go with her to washington and move into the naval observatory, the vice president's home?
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>> i would spend time in washington, d.c., but i would also remain the mayor of this county. you know, i have an obligation. i ran for public office, and so i would stay here and go back and forth. i would leverage the relationship for the residents of orange county, the 3.4 million -- 3.4 million people who live here are taken care of. that's what it's all about, it's about leveraging the relationships that you have. neil: got it. mayor, i just wanted to put you on the spot, that's all. always good seeing you. best of luck on all frontiers. hope the opening day of disney world goes smoothly. thank you the, mayor. >> thank you. we're with watching closely. neil: okay. i bet you will. i want to go to mark meredith with other news and that is, of course, the president commuting the sentence of roger stone. he's a free man now, will not be going to jail this week. he was supposed the start a long
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jail term here, that is not going to happen right now. there's been a lot of back and forth as to the timing of this, should the president have done this, criticism even from some on the right. let's go to mark meredith with the latest from the white house. >> reporter: hey, neil, president trump deciding to commute, not pardon the sentence for roger stone. he was set to report to jail to serve 40 months after being convicted on multiple counts. now, stone, who is 67 years old, is a longtime friend of the president and also the commutation does not erase this case altogether, it just simply means he won't have to go behind bars. the white house says the investigation into stone's behavior was part of a deliberate attempt to harm those close to the president through the russia investigation. president trump tweeting about this this morning saying roger stone was targeted by an illegal witch hunt that should never have taken place, it's the other side that are criminals including biden and obama who spied on my campaign and got caught. now, the president has hinted for weeks that it was possible he could do this, but the news has sent shock waves up on
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capitol hill with democrats accusing the president of abusing his power to protect friends. among those we're hearing from is house speaker nancy pelosi who says president trump's decision to commute the sentence of roger stone who could directly implicate him in criminal misconduct an act of staggering corruption. congress will take action to prevent this type of brazen wrong doing. as for president trump, his weekend plans have changed just a little bit. he was supposed to go up to new hampshire tonight for a campaign rally. that has been postponed. the campaign says it was because of bad weather. he's going to be going to walter reed later on this afternoon, and we'll let you know e if the president stops and talks to reporters about this roger stone news or anything else top of mind. neil, back to you. neil: all right. mark meredith, thank you very much. not only were democrats bashing in this move on the part of the president, these things always ignite passions in the other party here. you might recall when bill clinton in his final hours in
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office pardoned mark rich. republicans were haggling about this. but at least one republican, mitt romney, did tweet this out concerning the move similar to do this. unprecedented, historic corruption. this is quoting governor romney if, now senator romney. an american president commutes the sentence of the person convicted by a jury of lying to shield that very president. former federal prosecutor on that, what do you think of that? >> well, look, there's a lot of hyperbole. and at the end of the day, stone's case really be confused with, like, general flynn's because the evidence was different, the behavior was different. i think it was a very strong case that went to trial. he could have been represented by atticus finch and perry mason, and i think he was still going to get convicted. but the prosecution did overreach. they took it personally that he went to trial. they recommended a 7-9 year sentencing range, and he ended
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up getting 40 months. i think the president probably was looking at not just his relationship with stone the, but irregularities in terms of the prosecution's approach and their reliance on these false statement cases left and right to take down people in his inner circle. you didn't see that when it was the hillary clinton probe. neil: that's a very good point. and democrats are charging that this, you know, reeks because it hints that the president was going to try to make a preemptive move, roger stone avoids implicating the president. the die was cast. he was going off to prison one way or the other. he couldn't change those facts short of a commutation or outright pardon, right? >> right. i mean, look, this is a presidential power, it's an unchecked power. and, again, for the people screaming the loudest, i wonder how loud they were when mark rich as a billionaire fugitive who had real victims in his case, you know, actual people that lost their retirement money and their finances, they got
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that -- they saw that pardon take place at the 11th hour kind of mixed in with a bunch of others. this was a pretty open and transparent move by the prime minister he'll have his detractors, but commutation of a 40-month sentence on a case hike this doesn't seem crazy to me. neil: real quickly on the michael flynn situation especially now that the judge in the case where he was refusing to drop kit even though the appellate court said he should, not giving up the ghost here. i'm just wondering whether this might push the president into an outright pardon to end the debate. >> yeah, look, i would go poor if i tried to predict every move by president trump when it comes to pardons very quickly. but what i would say is, look, it's not even a done deal that they take themen bonk petition. -- en banc opinion. i think if they do accept it, they're probably going to come down on the side of the panel and say the law clear, the executive branch chooses whether to go forward, and a judge can't
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make himself into a prosecutor. neil: jim, always good catching up. i learn a lot. all over my head but, luckily, not remotely over yours. have a great weekend, my friend. be well. >> you too, neil. neil: jim trusty. all right, we're going to be looking at some of the states that are seeing spikes in cases particularly in texas where governor abbott is not only fighting lawsuits from business owners that claim they -- [inaudible] but now talk the of still more restrictions to come, and that would be reversed. the lieutenant governor with what's at stake after this. at fe indicators of brain performanc: memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference.
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>> american investment in education is really a promise to students and their families, and if schools aren't going to reopen again, that's, you know, breaking that promise. and so why should they receive funds for something they're not going to do? in that case, perhaps the -- neil: but they are, but there are extenuating circumstances, right? i mean, they don't willy-nilly
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break a promise. we haven't seen a school system yet that has defied that, but, i mean, there was this little thing called the coronavirus, right? >> yeah. but a very good example right here in the neighborhoods of washington, d.c., fairfax county. one of the most wealthy school districts in the country has, they made a disaster of their distance learning this spring, and then they've given families two options for the fall. your kids can come to school zero days a week or they can come to school two days a week. now, those aren't choices, those aren't really options, and that's not really reopening school. neil: all right. the education secretary, betsy devos are, complicating matters when states go both ways or even counties are contemplating go both ways leaving parents to go full time or break it up between virtual and in-person learning. that's the kind of thing the administration is trying to
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avoid and have everyone under the same umbrella. for regions, states and municipalities, counties that are seeing an uptick in cases, is it wise to at this point commit to opening schools if those spikes were to continue? right now the governor abbott of texas says schools will be opening as planned in the fall even with the spike in cases that the state has seen, and he hopes to get it under control if everyone just follows common sense wisdom when it comes to distancing provisions and the like. dan patrick with us right now, the texas lieutenant governor. governor, always good having you. >> yes, sir. neil: where do you stand on this and the schools reopening in light of what's been happening in the lone star state? >> well, the chair of education -- i was chair of education for eight years before i became lieutenant governor, so it's an issue i'm passionate about and fairly knowledgeable about. can never be an expert at everything in politics. but i've looked at this, worked
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on this with our commissioner and with the governor extensively over the last couple of months, and we have set forth guidelines on everything from how schools should operate into their time coming back to school, but we're giving flexibility to our school districts, neil. just to put this in perspective, we have more kids in school, k-12, about 5.5 million, than about half the states have people. to we like to give flexibility to the local school boards, local superintendents. right now we're scheduled to go back, most of our schools go back somewhere around mid to late august. they have the option to slide that back a week or two. we have about 100 counties in our 250, for example, that have less than 20 cases of covid, so they a may want to go back regular time. we're going to give some i las disty. we want our students back in the classroom. online only when needed and where needed for short periods of time because in-classroom
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learning is so important. and we want to make sure our parents and teachers come back to a safe environment. the school districts will make those decisions, and i think that's the way it should be. neil: as you know, the president saying you delay this or push this off, there goes your funding. do you support that? >> well, neil, in texas we are fully funding, in fact, we added $3 billion to education this year including giving teachers the biggest pay raise they've had in a long time, we're fully funding our education as well as paying for all these covid expenses without the federal government. we thank them very much. but if you start late, you're going to have to make up those days. we fund schools based on the number of students in the classroom and the number of days they teach. so if they decide to start late, they'll have to make up those days. either shortening their breaks during the school year or adding some days at the end. we want our kids to have a full education this year. very crucial, neil. neil: dan patrick, lieutenant governor of the state of texas,
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hope this works out. thank you, governor, again. you know, want to leave here with a flash of the markets this week, very strong week. nasdaq hitting a record, but the president weighing in on all that to say you can kiss those records good-bye if joe biden gets in and even attempts to push that $700 billion economic plan of his. after this. whether it's bribes to roll over. ...or an overdue makeover. get all your pet essentials right when you need them, with curbside pickup at petsmart. just order online, drive up, check-in, and pick up.
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primary reasons that i created the greatest economy we've ever had. neil: all right. you heard the president say it, go ahead and let joe biden get into the white house and get crack on that plan to raise corporate taxes up to 28% from 21% now, and you can kiss these market records good buy, your 401(k)s good-bye. peter doocy has been following this closely on that plan that generated so much controversy. peter. >> reporter: good morning, neil. president trump has been pushing an america first policy for years, so he and some white house officials are now saying biden's $700 billion taxpayer pitch is plagiarism. >> when we spend taxpayers' money, when the federal government spends taxpayers' money, we should use it to buy american products and support american jobs. >> reporter: that does sound like something president trump would say, close enough that the
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new york post wrote an editorial on thursday saying biden's economic plan is to, quote, paris trumpian slogans -- paste trumpian slogans on obama plus policies, although biden insists his fan is far less friendly to wall street as president trump's. president trump says the two men have completely different ideas about how to spend that three-quarters of a trillion that ares. >> the difference is he can't do it, and he knows he's not doing it. can't be the same because he's raising taxes way too much. he's raising everybody's taxes. he's also putting tremendous amounts of regulations back on. and those two things are two primary reasons that i created the greatest economy we've ever had, and now we're creating it e again. >> reporter: this back and forth between biden and trump proves that both campaigns are betting americans dealing with covid-19 are starting to look ahead to the issue that has decided many presidential elections before now, the economy and who is going to help businesses bounce back better.
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neil: neil you know, peter, the president wins in these polls when it comes to the economy. who would be a better steward of the economy. trailing at least on all other key issues for the time being, but it's very early. i'm wondering if this is biden's attempt to reclaim that round to say i won't be paying attention to the markets, just the opposite. couldn't that boomerang since so many americans are invested in the markets? teachers and police officers, they have plans that are pegged to wall street. >> reporter: yes, there is something to that. the way the biden campaign is making it really simple to understand his perspective is main street instead of wall street. but there are a lot of people, as you said, with 401(k)s invested, and they are very aware of what is happening on wall street. kind of like the president is. but to your point about the polls, biden does lead on issues like race relations and immigration and handling of the
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coronavirus. in recent fox news polls of battleground states, president trump does have at least a small edge on the economy in every single one. neil: all right. get on the main street versus wall street thing, i don't know if fox business ever got a patent on that, peter. [laughter] i might have to sue. all right. thank you very much, my friend. peter doocy working very, very hard, following up on this story. ed renzi with us right now. where do you think this goes, ed? what's the fallout? >> well, the reality of it is main street wall street. if you look at all the major pension funds in the united states, 401(k)s, they're all invested in wall street. so we've got to keep this in mind, no business ever pays one dollar in taxes. they collect money through goods and services and sales of products, they take that money, they put it into the system for reinvestment. and one of the things they use
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that for is to pay -- that money for is to pay taxes. people like biden want to kohl those tax dollars because they believe inherently that the elite, entrenched in washington, d.c. and statehouses can better spend my money than i can. they just don't get it. i'll spend my money my way, let me grow the wages, let me grow benefits for employees, let me give great jobs and reinvest in jobs, and the world would be a lot better place. government is inefficient by its very nature. neil: so going forward here, you know, a lot of fast food concerns, restaurants, they've been stymied like everybody else by, you know, the virus and everything that's limited the number of people who can come into their stores, if you can come into their stores, of course. but would this environment change let's say once all the virus limitations lift that they're back to the races? how do you see it going?
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>> well, everybody business in the united states is going to have to reset its strategic direction because we've learned a lot during this pandemic how to become much more efficient than we were in the past. i think a lot of quick service restaurants are going to really take a hard look at how many sweets they're building in their dining -- seats they're building in their dining rooms and emphasize drive-through and pick-up more than they have in the past. i was talking to a guy who owns a small chicken restaurant, he's going to stick to carryout and drive-through only. so there's going to be a resettlement but i tell you what, we start driving costs up with increases in taxes and assessments and regulations again, the margins are already extremely difficult. this minimum wage nonsense is driving people out of business like crazy. in fact, 50% of the people that are on the yelp platform that own restaurants say it's likely or pretty likely that they're not going to reopen their restaurants at all. that's a very dangerous thing.
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but a confirmation of those cases continue to rise by 10,360 as of today right now to a 254,511. as we mentioned earlier, the magic kingdom and animal kingdom are reopening today to limited capacity, limited crowds. you're not putting up a with -- with a lot of traffic. but all of this where it's a wise -- whether it's a wise move. also keeping an eye on the fallout of the supreme court's twin decision stlearmingly could set the stage for the president's tax returns and financial records getting out. very unlikely before election day, in fact, it's possible no one ever sees them in the light of day as a lot of this was punted back to lower courts. cel ily jane, a lot -- kelly jane, a lot of democrats
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expressed are frustration they could get their hands on these documents in congress, even the southern district of new york is going to have to wait a little while for this to be resolved. we're not going to get any action on this anytime soon. to who really won here? >> yeah, it's a good question, neil. certainly, democrats were not happy that the supreme court decided congress would not get trump's tax returns. but they thought, hey, cy vance here in manhattan might be able to get them because they did rule that president trump does not have any sort of special claim that he does not have to respond to a subpoena. of course, they quoted the decision that john marshall brought down in 1807 when thomas jefferson, then-president, was subpoenaed. that was the same that set the precedent for bill clinton, richard nixon and now donald trump. one thing i thought was very
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interesting what they didn't say was that the prosecutor here in manhattan would get trump's tax returns. they said it was possible. it was passed down to a lower court. they can object on the basis of scope, and they can object on the basis of relevance. so, yes, there are some legal arguments i think we will see soon, and i doubt that it will be resolved before the election. and even if it is, you know, i think cy vance is running a pretty decent shop or at least he should be, and there shouldn't be any leaks. that would be the only way for it to come out to the public in that case. neil: i'm just wondering what ever comes out unless it's blatant illegalities, this was never an issue for the electorate. donald trump still elected president of the united states throughout this controversy, hand over the returns, give us
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your financial records. so i'm wondering if the worst that comes of it is that maybe he wasn't paying taxes or paying a lot less in taxes because of the casino and real estate losses that the firm in the, you know, early years, is that going to move the needle much in. >> yeah. neil, we're all wondering what is in those tax returns that trump doesn't want -- neil: right. >> and, you know, one theory is that he is not as rich as he says. and i certainly don't think the american people would be too upset about that. but you're right, the electorate basically have already spoken. trump did not release his tax returns in 2016. it's not a legal requirement. it's become sort of a tradition in the last number of years, but it's not a a requirement. and the public decided they knew enough about him anyway to decide they preferred him on the whole over hillary clinton. and so in a way, it's been litigated in the court of public opinion. the democrats, i think, hope that there's something in there that will change the public's mind, but i think the public has
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a pretty good idea of who donald trump is and how he, you know, runs his office, and they'll make that decision again this november. neil: all right. kelly jane, good read of this. we'll see what happens. by the way, tax returns don't indicate how rich you are. of course, he built a real estate empire and others, so it would not show much about assets as much as it would the income. also work backwards sometimes to try to guess what the value is of an underlying writeoff. the fact of the matter is the returns themselves won't say much of exactly how much of a billionaire the president is. we're also monitoring developments in ohio where they are strockly urging -- strongly urging -- i think ordering, wear masks. hear from a sheriff who's saying do you think i'm going to go around town and ticket to enforce that? no. beat it.
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neil: all right. mission scrubbed out of cape kennedy, florida, we're getting indications that that spacex launch, that was the one that had 67 sat lates -- satellites packed in the cargo bay as well as two other sat late -- satellites, that is going to be delayed presumably because of weather in the area. this was scrubbed on wednesday because of rain, thunderstorms. this one put off, they've not indicated a date, but it continues to push to get a network or a band of these satellites that would be able to provide faster internet to all regions, even the most december hate regions of the planet. desolate. so they're going to take another shot at this, but for today, mission scrubbed. a couple of other developments, and that is all the states that are reimposing restrictions because they're looking at a spike in cases and at the are least urging people
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to wear masks. in fact, it's coming with a very, very strong sense of urgency in the state of ohio. richard jones is the butt her county sheriff -- butler county sheriff, but if you are expecting he's going to be the mask police, don't anticipate that. sheriff, very good to have you. so what do you do if you go around town, sheriff, and you see a lot of people not heeding add advice to wear masks? what do you do? >> i tell 'em hi, how are you, have a nice day. i'm not the mask police. and people are fed up, neil. down here in the heartland and all over the country. i wear a mask when i go out in public, i wash my hands, but it should be your right to wear a mask. and the police are so decimated. they've had their budgets cut this year because of the covid, places are closed now, people are angry, and the police don't have the resources. i told 'em don't call 911, don't
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call my dispatch centers, we have all we can take. the governor's a nice guy, he's a good guy and he believes in what he's doing, but i am not going to write citations, i'm not going to go ahead and arrest people for not wearing a mask. period. neil: you know, when higher-ups hear that, sheriff, are you afraid you're going to get an earful or worse from people? >> oh, listen, i've been the sheriff going on my fourth term. i'm unopposed this time. i'm the 8 ott after 88 -- 8th of 88 counties in ohio, one of the large, and i expect the governor will call me. he's called me before. i'm a very outspoken individual, but i'm not the only one. people are tired, but i'm the first one, and i expect i'll get an earful maybe, but i'll be very respectful. he's not my boss and i'm not going to be the mask police. and when he done the first regulation and locked businesses down, i told him i'm not going to be the bar police, i'm not going to be the restaurant
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police. if they want to do it, they can call the governor's office or they can call the health department and give them a yellow light. they can go around and give people citations, but i promise you, neil, the people are tired, and they won't like it. period. neil: i can appreciate that, sheriff. you hear from those in the medical community that say the very least, however you feel about wearing a mask, it does go a long way to making sure the people around you don't get anything. protects you and them. ing so they're flirting with, you know, cases igniting in your state, even in your county. what do i you say? >> we're doing more testing. that's all it is. ing you can drive up and get testing. our hospitals respect -- aren't full. in our county alone we're not even at capacity, 10% are in there for the illness, and the others are not. most of them are all getting tested. if they have it, they go home. we've not had anybody that dies from it. it's terrible, it's a tragedy, i
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agree. but we have shootings, we have car crashes, people die every day. it's all a tragedy. but our community cannot do any more shutdowns. people are laid off, they're not working, they're angry as hell, and i wish the governor would come down and talk to people. i believe he surrounds himself with people think like him, which sometimes people do, but you need to get out and feel what people are feeling. i do. i feel it and they're tired and wore out. and they're confused. wear a mask, don't wear a mask. i talk to hospital people. hospitals have laid off because during the covid they went ahead and put people, they done all the elective surgeries and cut 'em all down. i went to the emergency room the other day because i was, hurt my leg doing an athletic maneuver because i'm not 22 anymore and it caused me some grief -- [laughter] but i had to wait two hours, neil, which is normal. but the lady that checked me in
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wasn't a receptionist, he was the nurse. so they're all doing double duty. wings are closed down because of this. so it's a catch 22. people are tired but people want to go to work. barbers aren't back to work, restaurants aren't going to open even when they give them the go sign. restaurants only allowed to have so many, you know, 25, 50%. they can't make a profit. so there comes a point we've got to go back to work. if you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. neil, i like to wear a mask when i go places because people don't know who the hell i am. [laughter] i was somebody and they said i'm glad there's no police in there, i looked around and said, me too. so there's a good thing about wearing a mask. [laughter] neil: a lot of people recommend i wear a mask all the time. sheriff, thank you very much. we'll watch how this goes. >> thank you, appreciate it. neil: you never know. sheriff, thank you very, very much. all right, in the meantime, you know, bars upset, sheriffs
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upset, gym owners upset and not just in ohio, throughout the country. clamping down on those who want to work out has gym owners is saying enough already. after this. get all your pet essentials right when you need them, with curbside pickup at petsmart. just order online, drive up, check-in, and pick up. did you know prilosec otc can stobefore it begins?urn heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. prilosec otc uses a unique delayed-release formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. it then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection. prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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♪ ♪ neil: all right. we told you a little bit earlier about the spike in cases in the sunshine state, this, of course, as walt disney world is opening in the greater orlando area. not all of it, some of it. and capacity half at the two parks that are, magic kingdom chief among them. we're also learning that bed capacity at intensive care units is surging once again ask that a lot of hospitals, dozens of them throughout florida, are now at maximum capacity. that does not mean that they're
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all covid-19 cases. remember, they had reallowed elective surgeries. so between that and some of these covid cases, it's been sort of pushing out a lot of available beds. but none of this has been enough of even telegraphing that those problems are spiking for walt disney world to change plans about reopening today. it's on a very limited basis, but it is happening. and also another thing we're seeing across the country, there are a lot of business owners and the like who were protesting governors' efforts to, you know, reimpose some restrictions on operations that had already been allowed to open. gym owners are chief among them. they've been very vocal, particularly in some states where they were allowed and then they're disallowed. and right now the gold's gym ceo, of course, having a very -- joins us right now. you know, adam, you made a very compelling case talking about the health benefits of having gyms, of working out. and, you know, building, you
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know, endorphins to fight anything bad that might come your way including covid-19. but invariably, it falls on deaf ears. what do you do? >> neil, thanks for having me, appreciate it. you know, we all came together, and we've been working on this for months now. and we voluntarily shut our doors even before the mandate because we knew we had to do this for the betterment of humanity. but we've been working for months to deliver strict sanitizing, cleaning, guidelines and protocols, and to your point, exercising, it is medicine. it's very important to people. and as gym operators above all, we absolutely value the well-being of our communities. we want governors to know that. and a gym is an essential part of people's lives. like you said, it helps them feel better, function better, sleep better, all those things, including their mental and physical health, both of them. we've got to keep gyms open. people need that outlet and need to stay healthy. neil: some of your members have
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actually sued governors to force the point. do you support that effort? so far it's not yielding results, right? >> you know, it's a difficult, it's a difficult road because you've got to respect the governors, you've got to respect people in charge of our states. but also they need to be presented with evidence, and there's no evidence that shows right now that gyms are spreading covid. absolutely none. in fact, we had a survey of 135 gyms with over 3.5 million check-ins by the end of june, and it was the fraction, .004%, will his than a fraction of a fraction of a percent of people that had positive cases. we've got of the data, and when presented with that draw that, the mayor of miami reopened gyms earlier in the week because he was satisfied with the data, and that's very important. neil: all right. we'll see what happens. adam, be well. the gold's gym ceo, practices what he preaches there. seems like a very fit guy, and that's they want. they want to be fit, stay fit and battle this disease.
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>> it's a small world and now an open world after all. disney world opened two theme parks at magic kingdom and animal kingdom. the others aren't slated for opening soon. it's a start at a time when florida sees a spike in cases and icu beds. as long as disney was taking precautions and crowd control, wearing masks, seems tough to do in the florida heat and
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humidity. phil keating is there. hey, phil. >> it's been 118 days since walt disney world closed its gates to the public. well, the public is now back today, but they are discovering that the happiest place on earth now offers an entirely dinner experien-- different experience. everybody has to have a face covering, the kind that loops around your ears and no one gets inside without first passing a temperature check. if you don't follow the strict rules, you will be escorted out. tuesday park employees did test runs of the new pandemic system. some dressed up on characters, up on stages no longer close to the ground next to people and there won't be touching of each others. others played the roles of customers. other things people notice, fewer people on rides, empty seats in between families to keep social spacing and plenty of plastic partition toss reduce the chance of virus spread. annual pass holders were
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allowed inside both parks thursday and friday and one woman in chicago felt quite comfortable. >> the safety procedures there are incredible. the best i've seen anywhere so far. i felt safe, i didn't feel at risk at all. >> disney, which has lost about a billion dollars globally in revenue over the past four months would typically see 200,000 guests inside their parks on any begin summer day. those crowds will be about half of that now. so it will be a smaller world after all. and that's why anyone wanting to come will have to have a reserved ticket. disney's goal to make the happiest place the safest place. as you know, florida is seeing a surge of coronavirus cases, brand new numbers out minutes ago, 10,300 new cases coming after yesterday's above 11,000 total, which was florida's second highest day since the pandemic began. so, really, for disney, everything is on the line with
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this reopening plan. epcott and hollywood studios, they'll open next wednesday and out in california, disneyland, still no target date for its reopening. neil. >> so i'm curious, how do they enforce the mask thing. is people are running around without the masks. does goofy tackle you or what happens? >> well, i think, you know, they have a lot of security and staff will be monitoring this very orderly. and i would guess, other guests, if someone is not wearing a mask, they'll vocalize that as well. everybody wants to be safe. neil: that's true. got it. thank you, my friend. great job. phil keating in orlando with the opening of disney world. as you pointed out disneyland in california are not ready to do this just yet. how do you get people to comply with this especially when we heard from the sheriff on the prior outing, if he doesn't want to be part of the mask police. and let's go to the colorado governor who joins us right now.
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they've had some bit after spike in cases going on there. governor, great to have you back with us. how do you enforce issues like this of crowd control, distancing, indoor dining, all of that? how do you juggle that? >> well, it's tough. we don't have anything like disneyland in colorado, but we do have worldclass ski resorts that have a summer season. we have hundreds of thousands of tourists in our state. so most of the mountain towns that people visit have mask ordinances, people have to wear masks in public. you do have officers who usually gently remind somebody, but there could be a fine if they don't comply. we want to host people and do business, but we want to do it in a safe way. neil: so what do you do -- i know you have fines if people don't, but a lot of them will risk that and not pay that. it hasn't escalated to the point where it's getting nasty in your state, i want to emphasize that, but eventually when push comes to shove, what
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do you do, governor? >> we were one of the states that adopted mask wearing earlier and we advised it, we have 70 to 80% mask wearing. the enforcement is for tourists in the mountain towns. the volume that we we want to make sure it doesn't get to the restaurant industry and stores and we have requirements that they wear masks and i think is one of the reason we've been able to control our numbers better than other states. neil: you know, governor, are schools still set to reopen in the fall in your state? >> the way i put it, most schools will be open most of the time, meaning of course, unfortunately, just as there are outbreaks at factories and companies, there well be outbreaks at certain schools and they will need to convert to online for a week or two while they get through the incubation period and they test people to readmit them. in general, most colorado schools, i'm optimistic, will be able to return to something
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close to the normal format this fall. neil: all right. so you've probably heard the president saying he wants everyone back in school in the fall. and those, those schools that are not open, he's going to take away at least the federal part of their funding. what did you think of that? >> well, it's unfortunate to put it in those terms. there's not any governor, not any democrat or republican that doesn't want schools to be open, but when there's an outbreak at a school, look the parents aren't going to send the kids to the school anyway, neil. there's not going to be anyone there. you need to convert to online format week or two weeks and make sure it's reasonably safe. this is kind of the real world that we live in, if the parents aren't confident that the schools are reasonably safe, they're not going to send their kids. there's no school without kids or teachers. neil: this is a little outside the box, governor, indulge me. a lot of people are worried about the upcoming democratic
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convention and republican convention. do you think there should be conventions this year given the concerns out there? >> well, there's going to be some sort of nominating event that both parties are going to do. the question is how many people are physically there versus virtually there. you know, there's ways to do these things in reasonably safe ways that involve social distancing and virtual. so, clearly, i hope, from a public health perspective, there's nothing like the normal convention. you've been to those, i've been to those. those are free for alls. so i get sick of the -- i think we all do, but we can't afford to do that right now and accept that. neil: governor, thank you. always a pleasure, thank you for taking a time on a saturday, appreciate it. dr. jared pol-- governor jared polis from colorado, and some of the ski areas are more popular in the
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summer. and the nebraska governor now, good to have you. how are things going in nebraska these days? i know there was a bit of a spike, i don't know if it was continuing, spike, i put it in quotation marks. generally compared to other states, you seem to have it under control. what's the latest? >> good morning, thanks for having me on. we're doing really well in nebraska. things we focus on is hospitalization, our hospitalizations are as low as they've been since we've been able to get good data. probably as low as the middle of april. about 100 people in the hospital right now who have coronavirus and that's out of 4,000 hospital beds. we've got over 40% of our hospital beds are available and 40% of icu and 40% of our ventilators. we're in very good shape. cases remain reasonably steady. a little bit of increase last week, but the average of the last seven days 160 cases so you can see it really wasn't
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that much. we're going to continue to monitor it and continue to make sure that if anybody is infected we get them isolated. but you know, we struck that balance here so that we've had, you know, been able to manage the hospital systems and cases being steady and we've got the lowest unemployment rate in the country. last week the bureau of economics says our state has been least impacted of all 50 states. neil: i'm wondering where you see this going if we talk nationally here, governor. many have argued that republicans will be judged, the president more particular, about how he/they handled this virus. we just don't know until this is all resolved, i guess. but that it will weigh on him, that he does very well when it comes to the economy, high marks for that. not so much for handling of this virus. what do you think of that? >> well, i think all governors are going to be judged with regard to how they handle the virus and that really is the part of our, you know, government here in the united
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states we're decentralized. we rely on the states to take this. and i'm a states rights guy and i think that's where it should be. as governors we know our state better than anybody else and should be left to us to manage this. i think you're going to see 50 different responses in different ways and each governor will have to answer to their voters, you know, with regard to, you know, how did you handle it. neil: do you think that-- without weighing too much into the politics going on, governor, joe biden has been critical of the president on this and also critical of that economic stewardship even with the results the president has delivered. now, i understand it's in the eyes of the beholder, but he's advocating that-- joe biden raising corporate taxes from 21% rate now to 28% so he wouldn't be beholden to wall street and wants to end what he calls shareholder capitalism. how does all of that go down in your state? how do people feel about talk like that? >> well, the president is still
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very popular in nebraska and before this pandemic, we had the best economy we've had in decades because of the policies the president put in place. so, i don't know, if it ain't broke why would you fix it, seems contraire toy common sense, if is something is working, don't change it. obviously we've got to manage the pandemic here and it's something that we're going to have to continue to manage. this is a virus that's not going to go away. this is something that we have to continue to figure out how we deal with. and figure out how we get back to a more normal life so people can get back to work and get back to doing more of the things that they want to do in their lives. i think the quicker they can do that, the better it's going to be for the president. neil: thank you, governor, be well. and we want to give you an opportunity, how the republican and democratic governors are dealing with this and they have the same task, keeping the residents safe and they all seem to be delivering on that.
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you can cast aspersions on the right or left. it's not an easy job. by the way in the middle of this whole covid-19 and worrying about people reopen and reopen, 7-eleven, the free slurpee day canceled due to covid-19. there will be protests. more after this. i give to shriners hospitals for children
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- thank you. - thank you for giving. - thank you for giving. - [child] please call right now to give. if operators are busy with other caring donors, please hold patiently, or go to - [child] your gift, no matter how small, shows you care. . kristi kristin:. neil: you know what's happening at disney, slowly coming back and seeing if travel picked up. it has indeed picked up. we told you during the july 4th holiday weekend, american airlines, united, delta reported the strongest numbers they've seen. they're down in excess from 45% bookings a year ago. i'm sure it's similar tore disney world as it reopens here, but it's a opportunity for the entire industry, hopefully, to see its way forward to pickup and economic
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activity. and david thinks other, the best western ceo. thank you for coming. >> thank you for having me. neil: at best western-- thank you. how do you see it for the hotel industry, tourism industry things couldn't have gotten worse. where do you see things ago? >> our industry was among the first to be decimated by the pandemic. in april our revenues were up by over 80% and according to the bureau of labor statistics, we laid off 7.7 million people. that's more than many factory, construction, retail, education, health services combined. so, you can see there was tremendous carnage in our industry and thankfully, as you mentioned, the industry start to go recover, and albeit at a very, very slow pace. right now we're still up by about 45%. neil: what kind of restriction-- it's tough for you because you're all over the world, obviously.
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there are different restrictions in this country and even within those states. i don't know, even if you had the opportunity to fill your hotels to the brink, there are limitations, right? >> oh, you're absolutely right. when i talk about our industry still being off 45%, that's the average. so in some states and in some locations, the business is back in a big way. however, in some of the parts of the country our business is still up by 20% depending on the restrictions imposed by the government. so you have cities even, like chicago, that have imposed the 14 day quarantine requirement that affects business. you have states like new jersey and new york city that-- new york and with similar restrictions, and closings of bars and different attractions, that really tremendously affect the recovery. neil: you know, i didn't think of that. that's a good point, david. you could be doing everything right and all of a sudden the
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states take over with these restrictions for people visiting from other states and that was supposed to be the big theme because a lot of people would be focusing on domestic travel not so much flying abroad or whatever. so this hurts that, right? >> that's correct. and we very much need help from our government to be considerate of the small businesses. you have to be mindful the vast majority of hotels are owned by working men and women and these are their businesses and pour their life savings into the businesses and fighting for survival. we need to help them. neil: one thing i noticed, it's still early, a lot of that paycheck protection program money has not made it to smaller members. it's made it to the catholic church, i'm not going to judge good or will, but made it to the catholic church and successful ventures, even wall street firms, but it's not gotten to those guys. are you worried about that?
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>> yeah, i am distressed over it and on top of it, the ppp was supposed to be a six to eight week program and as we all recognize now, this pandemic has been with us for a very long time. and we're talking about survival, not just a six-week bandaid. and so, we need help from our government and i really like the bill that's introduced by senators bennett and young, that would provide funding for our small businesses, provide a seven-year loan. that loan is up to 45% of our revenue from 2019 for fixed operating expenses and that's guaranteed by the government. that kind of help is very much needed for survival. >> yeah, it could be in the next wave. we'll see, david. dav david, kong best western.
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thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. neil: pending home sales up better than 40%, record high in mortgage applications the likes of which we've never seen. how sheltering got people thinking about sheltering like never before after this. usaa is made for what's next no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and that's just one of the many ways we're here to help the military community find out more at
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everything was going smoothly and all of a sudden, the governor reinvoked the restrictions, said that bars had to shut down, all, but shut down, i guess. where are things now? >> hi, how are you. neil: very good. >> thank you. the governor, he only give us a three-hour window to close down whereas, he gave 24 hours to put a mask on for his mandate to that, obviously that wasn't as serious to him as shutting down our bars. we're still closed. he did it on a sign 51% sign red or blue, and he said, if you're 51% red, you have to close down. now, if you notice it's a bar and grill. we have a full kitchen. we serve food every single day. my 51% sign was based off of the previous owner as i had just-- we had just purchased the two weeks before the first
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shutdown. so it wasn't based off what our sales are. over 1% he closed me and bars across texas, not just myself, over a 1%. and so, we're still closed. we lost thousands of dollars, we had an event planned the next day for child leukemia and purchased so many inventory like most small bar owners we purchased weekly and we lost that. he also, and the reason for the lawsuit is because it's arbitrary. he imposed a sarpnction, if you're a bar owner and don't do what i tell you because i'm king abbott, you'll get a-- if you don't do it again it's 60 day, and then it's 90 days. he didn't impose that for any other inside industry, but the bars. so i did get that first
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suspension and told to shut down three hours on the 26th. on the 28th we had a small peaceful assembly outside at my bar and tadc did not come. on july 4th after we filed the lawsuit. tac served me with a 30-day suspension back dating it to the 28th and cited the only reason they were giving me the 30-day suspension was based 0 of of the governor's orders. within 12 hours before and after, tadc hit five other bar owners within my lawsuit and did the same thing. neil: so let me ask you, i do remember the governor intervening when a judge wanted to throw a salon owner in jail for defying a statewide order on opening, i think she was opening her salon out on the sidewalk rather than inside. and he stopped that. do you think if you were to
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continue ignoring these state orders and you know, the fines weren't doing it and they threatened to throw you in jail, that he would prevent that from happening? >> you know, i just don't think so. shelly luther is a friend of mine and she stood her ground. i like shelly, i'm glad she's not in jail and glad she stood her ground. i want to touch on that quickly. she made national news and not only did he come running to her aid and say, hey, you know what? i'm the boss of this state not the judges, no one else. but ted cruz had his hair cut there, you go ted cruz, you know, and then we had someone else who paid her fine from go-fund-me. let me tell you something, i don't see him paying my bills. let me tell you where i'm at, okay, so i saved for seven years to open, not only is my
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cafe closed, the bar and grill which is a kitchen is off as well. the electric is off at one business, gas is off for the other, rent is piling up. i have an eviction on my personal apartment. depleted by personal savings and didn't get a ppp and i don't see him donating to my $2600 go-fund-me. i think he would let them put me in jail and and shelly not by her even doing, he gained popularity. i think the problem with the governor, he hasn't been consistent. i'm not angry at governor abbott, i'm disappointed. i voted for him. i'm disappointed that he, if you go back and look at the timeline since covid started he hasn't been consistent. he's taken the power away from the police. they don't even support him. look at the counties that
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refused his mandates because they don't have a consequence for anyone. he says you can't put a texan in jail if they violate, but tadc can take your license and shut you down. that's arbitrary. do i think he'd leave me in jail, i think he'd leave me in jail. neil: i hope it doesn't come to that. we'll follow that closely. >> i want to tell you something-- >> you have a great place. go ahead, finish that thought. >> neil, i want to tell you something. you know, everybody has portrayed me across the media, newsweek, they're a joke and i hope they hear me they took a picture of a riot back in april and stuck in an article with me and tried to pit me against someone else we don't compare to. they said bar lives matter. this isn't about bar lives this is human lives and i want to say this, this is absolute suffrage when a human can't eat and that's what he's done. he's taken our ability to eat away so here is what i want to see happen, i want to see there
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be a solution. so everyone says she's lawless, she's down in texas some country chick, that's not true. i believe that covid is real and i'm prepared to go by every guideline i need to go by as is most bars and restaurants to keep people safe. we want to keep people safe and keep ourselves safe, but he won't allow us to do that. he won't allow us to work. there needs to be a solution. you know, there's a bill right now that's in congress for restaurants that ted cruz and they need to get behind it and there needs to be a solution, a panel for small businesses and restaurants. and we have 70% of bars and restaurants are independently small businesses. after us a solution and we don't open because people are
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getting sick, but say we're going to help with you this. neil: fair enough. >> is he bankrupting us because he wanted on national tuesday and open the state too early. that's his fault not my fault. he opened the state too early and we keep asking for data. show me that somebody contracted covid from a bar. he says oh, the counties and cities tell me. back up the data with a chart. you can't tell me-- >> all right, tee allen parker, we'll keep on top of this and we have calls out to governor abbott to get his take on this and the urgency of the situation you outlined. i promise you we will not drop this. hang in there. a little more after this.
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>> you know, barbara, when you pick apart the numbers, they're undeniably strong. that doesn't seem to fly with, you know, a virus, concerns about protests, all this other stuff. how is that possible? >> people have had a lot of time to spend at home. they're expecting a lot more from their home and they've made a long list of everything they don't like about it. even those people who went into the terrible chapter of march onward thinking they love their home and coming out thinking they don't like it so much.
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everybody's got change on their mind and always makes for a rebust real estate market. neil: all right, barbara corcoran on the fox business network says that housing is coming back strongly, everything that americans have been going through change their thinking where they want to work and lot of you don't want to work in big cities so that isn't necessarily great for new york metropolitan real estate, but for outside the cities, not only cities like new york and chicago, and atlanta, and philadelphia, the trend is their friend. right now mortgage applications soaring by levels we have never seen. not just during robust times, any times. all of this, as we're getting early indications that housing starts, a sign of future construction are picking up. existing home sales are picking up. pending home sales, moving at a blistering 44% pace, so, that's one side of the equation we don't hear a lot about. steve moore though has talked about and isn't surprised by
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any of it. the wall street journal writer and much, much more, confidante of the president of the united states joining us now. steve, when you pick apart the numbers, they're strong. that's a given. it's remarkable, a shift going on away from cities. i wonder what you make of that? >> well, there's no question that it's happening and the suburbs are doing much better in terms of, you know, really inflated housing values. the problem is that those inner cities, new york, my hometown of chicago, seattle, san francisco, los angeles, minneapolis, by the way a lot of the states that had these tragic riots are states that people are fleeing from and when you cut police and you can't keep people safe, guess what? people leave. we saw this in the late 60's and 70's and what's a tragedy about this, neil, is that for the last 20 years or so, there's actually been a trend of people moving back into
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cities as you have mayors like rudy giuliani who brought safety and order and law and order back to the cities and now you're seeing the reverse trends. so, yeah, suburbs are doing well and i'm worried about the future of our cities like chicago and los angeles. neil: you and i can remember what life was like in 9/11 after, and the city, that the future were doomed and people would want to be in the city and definitely not downtown. within months it started flourishing again. barbara corcoran had an interesting comment when i had her on. she doesn't expect a repeat of that. there's something more going on when penthouses have been on the market. and it's just not the same and that it won't play out the same. what do you think? >> yeah, look, i don't want to characterize all cities as the same. so this weekend there's a number of cities that are going
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to have pro police rallies. did you know that, neil? you're going to have people celebrating the police for keeping us safe and keeping law and order and keeping businesses from being looted and burned down. i think those kinds of cities, cities like omaha, nebraska, you just had the governor on your show, i think those kind of cities will do well. but look, you need three things in cities for a comeback. you need law and order, right, you need better schools because families can't live in cities when you've got rotten schools and you need lower taxes and unfortunately, new york has none of those things right now and many of these liberal cities don't. but, look, the example of rudy giuliani who came in and did basic things show that cities can make a comeback. look, i love american cities, these cities are awesome places are culture and art and sports, and things of that nature, but you've got to have the basics right and it requires
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leadership. one thing i would add to what you're saying, neil, yeah, the housing market is doing really well. the commercial real estate market is, i think, in real danger right now. apartment-- i am i mean, not. neil: just the opposite. who wants to go ahead and convince the corporate, when you're looking at the wisdom of having so much especially when people are doing fine working from home, right. >> it's a new world, isn't it? i haven't been in in almost three months and actually i'm finding, actually kind of getting a lot done. i'm sitting in my kitchen right now, you know, so you're having a lot of people who are starting to adjust to this new reality and i think that's going to be really tough for offices and especially downtown areas. but we-- the good news is, neil, we are making a comeback, and you look at the job numbers, you look at what's happening, the declining number of people filing for unemployment. if we do that pay roll tax cut which i've talked about many
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times on your show, a big search in the fall, a big job search. so donald trump if you're watching the show, cut the payroll tax and do not extend these unemployment benefits. we should give benefits to people unemployed, no question, but neil, we cannot pay people more for not working than working, that's a formula for disaster. neil: yeah, they've got to find a way to fix that. good talking to you again, steve. thank you very much. steve moore. i want to talk to kat, a new york city resident and you know her sincerely kat and fox nation and popular on this. and kat if you'll indulge me, the notion that city life as we know it and attractiveness to young people like you, it's not just what it was, it's not ever again. what do you make of that? >> from personal experience, i absolutely agree and i say this as someone who-- my dream always, even as a little girl, with as to live in
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new york city. i was all about it, i came in the fourth grade. i was like this is for me, this is perfect and i love the city, i always say i will die here. well, now i'm like maybe i might want to die somewhere else. you pay so much in rent and the reason for it is, because there's bars and restaurants and culture and theater, and concerts and all of these things. now there's none of that. there's a new business boarded up every time i go out and walk the dog. why am i paying so much money for so little space where there's nothing to do. neil: and that's the difference between you and me. my dream was to go and live in hershey park pennsylvania because there's chocolate, but you probably had your strategy a little moore fine tuned and advanced. are friends of yours feeling the same way, kat, look at it and say, yeah, it's exciting being in the city and around all of this culture and activity? but,man, it's changed. everything has changed. >> every single one of my friend that i've talked to that
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lives in the city have said that. not just year. in los angeles they went back down under lockdown and they're struggling with that. particularly new york when everyone knows new york apartments, very small, and very expensive and again, you pay for what's going on around you. right now, that's nothing. you know, there's crime, and it's not a pretty city, it's not like a beautiful, gorgeous-- it smells like trash especially in the summer. it's about the culture and there's none of that happening and we don't know when it will happen. neil: all right. kat. always good catching up. i apologize, you know, maybe what steve moore is saying, and the dynamic staging of barbara corcoran, let's talk to kat and get the skinny on this. be safe, be well. we're showing you what's going on midtown manhattan and not a whole lot of traffic coming back. it could be slow, very, very slow.
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>> fay no longer a tropical storm, but wreaked havoc all the way up into new england. laura engle there following it all as she has from the beginning and getting pounded with winds and rain in new york. how does it look there now? >> hey, neil, well, we're finally getting some sun. man, we've had a foggy and damp morning. of course we were with you there yesterday when we were pounded with rain and heavy wind gusts, but the good news is that tropical storm fay has moved out. it's been downgraded two times this morning, and now, it's all about the cleanup. let's show you some of the video that we got in overnight. man, a bunch of areas really got hit. the storm system caused problems all over the northeast. in new york city some subway stops across the city were
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totally flooded. one station had flood water pouring down the stairs. others had pools of runoff, leaks and puddles all over the city. in number some areas got up to five to six inches of rain, you know, that's more than the combined total of rain jersey usually sees in the whole month of july. some people seemed to enjoy it. >> we were around during sandy, so, anytime there's a storm. we come to see what's going on. >> everyone is home, i love it. it's all to ourselves, the best time to come out, bad weather. >> you've got to be careful. riptides. the sights of streets turning into rivers. and fay made landfall in the garden state and people were trudging through the water and at the intersection and water and wind usually means downed trees and power lines, spotted in baldwin. and in new hampshire, the storms were so severe, caused
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the white house to postpone campaign rallies. and they'll take place in what they say will be a week or two. forecasters say the remnants of this will dissipate by tomorrow so now businesses just have to kind of pull out those tables. everybody put stuff away. the restaurants and the businesses and now they're going to try to salvage what's left of the weekend. neil: you know, laura, you've been going 24 hours straight. you've got to rest. >> thank you, i was out here. neil: and just know that. thank you very, very much. following all of that better than anyone else i here. all right. we told awe little before and heard from a bar owner in texas who is sick and tired of these restrictions on, restrictions off. a top doctor on whether she can make a case. whether she has a case after this. - i didn't know why my body was moving on its own.
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welcome back, everyone. when we look at the coronavirus, every morning i start getting stuff together for the various shows here. i look at the new traditions kicking in and trends, states requiring masks in public not only in new jersey and kansas, kentucky, and texas, georgia wearing something similar. virtually all the states have dabbled in and out of phases that are either delayed or they're adjusted. some are a little-- they don't have any cases of great worry and other are more repressive as you heard from a texas bar owner, when they reshut down bars in the
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lonestar state. the wisdom of this right now with texas hospital center for vaccine development. doctor, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. neil: i'm wondering what you make of these measures, particularly what's going on in your state. you might have caught it, a bar owner is sick of it, it's killing her business and a lot of businesses and people should use common sense, but that the government-wide edicts are a bad idea, what do you think of that? ments it's heartbreaking and there are a lot of businesses, especially small businesses who are suffering and it's tragic. the problem is this when you're in a state where covid-19 is accelerating so aggressively and so many cases around and viruses and people are piling into hospitals and icu's and overwhelming icu's and the hospital staff is getting tired and a lot of hospital staff themselves are getting sick. it's not just the bed. we don't have the hospital staff to take care of them.
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you have to take strong measures. no other states, you know, up in new england where things are weighed down and they've taken care of business and contained, or come close to containing the virus, and in many many parts of the state. that's a different story, but when you're in the middle of chaos, in the middle of so much virus swirling, you know, the governor of texas really had no choi choice. neil: you know, doctor, a children hospital expert on kids and this whole virus as well, there is a concern about an an uptick in young kids and that's an uptick and that's come to the wisdom of problematic areas allowing them to go back to school. you know, the president's policy everyone go back to school. the numbers warrant it. your thoughts on that? >> more or less the same thing, and you know, the american academy of pediatrics came out with a great document a couple of weeks ago, stressing the
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importance of kids going back to school. and we all know this, right? kids need that structure and it's not just for educational reasons and in many cases it's for food security, this is the place where kids get their nutrition or for adolescent mental health counseling, people do so much. the issue is how do you do it safely in the states where there's lots of virus transmission. all it takes is a few teachers to get very sick or parents and then this becomes very demoralizing. so, what the plan needs to be is we need to look at all of the states in the country and create this unified road map for the country where we bring us all down to some level that rese resell-- resembles containment, and no limit to what we could do. we could open up schools, open up colleges, and open up the national football league potentially and have football games and you know, not completely normal, but some semblance of normal life. and that's what we need, a
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federal strategy to bring this all down with different measures and different states. some states we're already there and we don't have to do. other states we have to have more aggressive measures, if we do that we could have an incredible fall. neil: doctor, thank you very much. fox continues after this. tryr 30 days and see the difference.
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