tv The Greg Gutfeld Show FOX News July 11, 2020 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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gutfeld is coming up that i will see you next saturday night. ♪ greg: it's time for cancel party the cancel culture to target people who unlike them create stuff that people like and care about defined as boycotting something objectionable is now much more than that. it's public shaming by mobs to humiliate a person until their careers are ruined cancel culture is an electric fence
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to be owned by the mob who put it there and got help if you put into it now people are targeted because the gaffer believe it's ominously citizens who can't fight back for a children's hospital but he tweeted bad stuff years ago he's canceled the reporter who nailed him also gets canceled. cancel culture is like over 19 contagious and airborne i have to do is tap into the universal vice and add a big heap of cowardice and presto risk-averse if you join the mob and target you i will be safe for a while from being targeted myself but that no longer works which is why the lids on - - liberals are freaking and nothing is safe even and hamilton and the media's favorite musical diverse cast in hip-hop but now critics point out hamilton
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is a white guy who owned slaves. who knew? wielded. now and mob erupted forcing the creator to kneel before the faceless mob. what a wimp i am a solution guy of the critics have a point but could you do? the make it about this guy instead with that tan he's always been a person of color and never owned slaves in the technical sense how about this lady? margaret hamilton in the original wicked witch of the west from eyes who doesn't love a good hamilton beach blender? but it's too late hamilton the movie is already on disney
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just higher :-colon cap next has hamilton here who says protest doesn't pay? wonder how he feels about his new bosses to put our the movie glorifying slaveowners maybe they will nailed in the meantime - - during the main street parade. so as they hit them to take a stand jk rowling and other liberal writers signed an open letter to and cancel culture. even of these are very much that they were attacking me so why a change of heart? they are terrified they realize the mob is finally getting around and until now they never lifted a finger. a lot of they are literally safe who didn't sign a list? dave ruben, scott adams, joe rogan, weinstein, a clint eastwood, they on the tip of the spear. listens a book deal might be in danger we get this bunch
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instead but good for them even if it seems cowardly they claim to enter want to cancel culture so i say that because they want to justify this without passing off the mob and try to say if you keep canceling people trump will win so they are not actually opposing the enemy just appealing to them. to even apologize asking to have their names erased from the article because the act itself is a cancellation. the truth these elites could stop this monster years ago but they let it grow to avoid the spotlight landing on them. but now we have an open letter. how amazing. i say they are brave but i don't want to offend native americans. if only these warriors stood up for the regular folks they
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harass because they voted trump the guy beating up with a red happened they said nothing than. say something now. grow a pair. right now there are millions of people frightened into hiding their beliefs. they say you vote for they could lose their livelihood the mob once them . unlike the group of letter signers. will they defend them even though they are all never chompers on that letter? great letter. glad you are here i will help you because you will need it. we support those who despise trump? we could fight this together. there are opportunities. the mob now calls for a boycott of goya because the ceo said nice things about trump. >> we are blessed to have a leader like president trump who is a builder we pay for leadership our president and our country. greg: he says that about trump just pledged to open economic
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opportunities for hispanics and yet he is boycotted what you believe the hamilton dude it just shows when you are targeted by the mob you have two choices. fight back you were rollover he rolled over like a beach ball than a windstorm. what a coward by sound beans they would rather stop trump and the cancel culture. taking bad to worse. >> welcome tonight's guest hunger in the bunker former cia officer start of black files he classified on the science channel, and mike baker. whitty as the mona lisa is pretty. she is hideous. his latest special t15. more quips host on vaccination
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teetwelve and not impressed. tyrus. joe, you are a comedian and kind of funny looking you saw this coming a long time ago because in your profession you had to worry about this. are you happy about this letter? >> the good thing is whenever you get a letter signed by jk rowling you are guaranteed five sequels. she is very prolific. [laughter] and against any type of cancellation it is weekend it shows you they are worse than haters. what kind of rapport about a guy who is raising money for sick kids in think there has to be something i can dig up on this guy?
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glad that reporter got fired he didn't get canceled but fired because he was bad in his job these people there problem is with achievement. not this purity test. if hamilton can't pass the test with other test could they are be? may be the hamiltonian if your skintone is on a scale then they give you a pass but as far as the ideology they are just losers . greg: if they can't create something they destroy it so scott adams came up with a solution mutually assured destruction of anybody cancels tyrus by going to foxy can find out where they work and do the same to their employer. based on the idea you don't punch somebody that will punch you back it has to be a two-way street.
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what you think about that idea? >> i thank you should just like anything else i'm sorry this is really embarrassing. hello? joe wants is look back you cut the beard off he wants you canceled now. shave your beard. mr. vegas. your hair is substantially longer than the last time i saw you you are canceled. and you would not cancel a guy we are all dead. we are all dead. don't cancel me. >> tyrus actually made a good point. surprising the editors in
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chief it was the writers because they didn't want to lose their job. >> this is like the saturday night massacre. it was all in one quick move. and with malice and reeducation camps and the cultural revolution. so this has to happen down through the years before people understand whether the righteous mob is on the left or the right you are never pure enough. so the fact they are cast into the woodshed because of hamilton shouldn't be a surprise to anybody and then the reaction likewise there is no reaction. what drives me nuts about cancel culture they look the
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person they are canceling makes them feel unsafe. like there is a physical danger because the person makes them uncomfortable or something. >> i bought this hair and i have been buying here for six years. i'm supporting the economy every time i do so. it's unsafe if you are in danger uncomfortable there is no right you have to be comfortable all the time it is impossible actually. i hate that phrase because you say i find that offensive personally. somebody else might think it's funny we all have different beliefs and different values and a different sensibility to say i am offended and therefore you are canceled is not altruistic that selfish because you think the whole world should been to you and your feelings. that is narcissistic.
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greg: nobody should stand with your feelings. >> no. >> how dare you answer my cancel culture with facts. how dare you. greg: weeks away from my new book self-help for people who hate self-help. it will be in stores on july 28 preorder now what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ in a highly capable lexus suv.
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back here where we need ya welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. you say that customers maklet's talk data.s. only xfinity mobile lets you switch up your wireless data whenever. i accept! 5g, everybody's talking about it. how do i get it? everyone gets 5g with our new data options at no extra cost. that's good. next item, corner offices for everyone. just have to make more corners in this building. chad? your wireless your rules. only with xfinity mobile. now that's simple easy awesome.
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greg: he gets points for making the joke but what is with biden and birds? the geese - - honking outside his basement. maybe the birds are translating a speech into their language. i feel terrible for making a joke. back to his idea. did he plagiarize from someone? >> he plagiarize for me be could never pull it off. he likes plagiarizing. a plan a very radical left. >> it would be the first time he has been accused of that. be careful. in the next speech tell them they want to make america a pretty nifty again.
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>> i have no idea what we just showed there i don't know if i will ever know or want to know. mike, trying to pretend we didn't hear that. focus on joe biden. you are seeing big liberals talk about how joe does not have to debate trump because they are trying to eliminate that one kill shot he has to show how much faster and smarter he is do you see the debate happening? >> i do. they cannot keep then hidden away speak and then they tried to limit it to one debate. that will be the caveat. but i don't think without
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putting him on stage with trump. biden like every other candidate and every other president. he hires teams of scriptwriters and speechwriters and communications personnel and over the years biden has a problem because of this plagiarism thing bothering him. that it is an indication he has never had a button-down system or group of advisers around him. i think he also has a real problem it is hard i think in his heart he is a modernist one - - a moderate centrist no way he can walk the line with the direction to the hard left. he is a serious problem despite with the polls may say
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right now. >> yes. what do you make joe's plans or his motto back better? >> that's great. this really is an election choice between trump and joe biden but trump and ?-question-mark vote for joe biden is about four we don't know. none of this is in coming up with himself which is not unusual in any presidential election. what makes this unusual is i don't know if he has any position at all now offices in the past without any real explanation why he has changed his mind and now they tell me to say this. we don't know maybe he is a moderate. but joe biden as president
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what would we see? appalled to the progressive side may be moderate. and then we may or may not know where he is. >> i have a theory democrats are counting on trump exhaustion the fact he passed for terms into one with the constant fighting. and that america craves a slow sleep be forgetful mail like biden. >> first of all you have not been paying attention to my investigative reporting on these crafty old white man. but i think we are missing the real story. it's about plagiarism not joe biden who is plagiarizing. you need to really be worried
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about kanye west. be worried about him. running as an independent and what is he running on? what kind of. which is basically president trumps entire platform. we build a wall. but money into military. we don't outsource. we only do trade deals for us. we don't allow immigration. literally into kinda you are outside the wall with a lion chewing on your leg and said you have an id? so sorry we need to worry about president elect west and the republican party platform and nobody gets it. what kind of forever. greg: there you go. that is a genius analysis. last word.
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what you make of joe's chances? >> it was nice to see joe out in the sunlight i'm surprised he did not collapse into dust. the birds that we heard were the vultures waiting to circle overhead. [laughter] he goes off script and when he does biden ends up on someone else's script. his slogan, he should do the original draft it it wasn't build back better it was bed bath and beyond. part of that platform everybody gets 20 percent off coupon that's the kind of change we can all appreciate. [laughter] >> new towels. greg: the pandemic versus the avon lady. did you know that feeling sluggish or weighed down
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could be signs that your digestive system isn't working at its best? taking metamucil every day can help. metamucil supports your daily digestive health using a special plant-based fiber called psyllium. psyllium works by forming a gel in your digestive system to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. metamucil's gelling action also helps to lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so, start feeling lighter and more energetic... by taking metamucil every day.
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>> live from america's news headquarters in new york. 's special counsel robert mueller defending the prosecution of roger stone in the op-ed. president trump on friday just four days before he was due to reporter federal prison. convicted seven charges including line to congress and witness tampering .
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mueller pushes back against the president's claim he was treated unfairly and was a victim of a political witchhunt. >> he was prosecuted and convicted because he committed federal crimes he is a convicted felon and rightly so also writing that the women and men who conducted these investigations and prosecutions acted with the highest integrity and claims to the contrary are false. now back to "the greg gutfeld show". log onto the most powerful name in news. fox news channel. greg: time once again the latest product to take ahead things to the viruses lipstick the fact with we are using face max and working for how they are skipping their makeup but not my house they pick up a lovely shade of raspberry
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dream. now that parts of ohio are under a mask mandate they are asking people not to call dispatch with complaints about who is not wearing one because the cops have been told how to enforce it yet. so don't think. >> i always hate to see fox and friends house doing that to each other the ivy league my favorite lee has canceled all fall sports for next semester including football and soccer which oddly is still considered a sport. in the meantime figuring out a
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temporary replacement. >> i had no idea the ivy league has fall on - - football. >> i had every idea something about that harmless game. here is your question creepy one. [laughter] you pick tell me what interests you. it's sad to see where sports will be going with the smaller schools i get it. my concern is for the young
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men not just for higher education but to play athletics with a not lose a year of eligibility to give a 2020-mile again for everybody? that's the real story. #2020 let's get them all again. you have to be safe and smart. football is the one sport i don't know how they stop so much contact that's tough to stop the spread. it's too bad. i get it. greg: i you make me feel bad for making jokes. >> it would be sexist for me for me to ask you about the lipstick story so i should ask about sports but then again
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you could drop the lipstick story because you probably know more about that which is not sixties on - - success. >> i lipstick on my face right now. i read the lipstick article and paragraph and paragraph. this morning wasn't wearing lipstick. i feel pretty much the same way that got lip injections in february? to spay $1000 filled of the needle full of chemicals nobody gets to see it really sad stuff. tragic. greg: that is the biggest injustice we have ever experienced with covid to go
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find me for swollen lips. i am from ask with the potential for fights and thinking. it's like fighting at walmart but it's a huge boon with them on - - the high school students dealing with acne. there is the upside to anything. i will go with what tyra said. and how sad it is for the boys and girls and men and women who are in sports throughout the country. as an example, the godparents of my youngest boy, their son was the goalie at princeton. in march and then they walk out to the practice field and it is all blind and he is a senior. if there is a wider sentence
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than what i just said. [laughter] stick assess if they have lip injections. >> that is a white person's problem. it's every person's problem. what is your thought on the pandemic story? >> it is for for those who try to make themselves look more equipped on - - attractive because now it's all on the eyes. 's if you have a lazy eye you are screwed. [laughter] we are in trouble. [laughter] >> i feel that all sports have been canceled that the cabal
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is on skull and bones they don't need to get onto the playing field. it's not the unreasonable request we are now split into reasonable people and unreasonable people and this idea we are all in this togethe together, we have never. some of the summer in the hamptons and this is what we need to keep in mind. [laughter] greg: still ahead who will buckle under pressure? [ engines revving ] ♪ ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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i'm an associate here at amazon. step onto the blue line, sir. this device is giving us an accurate temperature check. you're good to go. i have to take care of my coworkers. that's how i am. i have a son, and he said, "one day i'm gonna be like you, i'm gonna help people." you're good to go, ma'am. i hope so. this is my passion. if i can take of everyone who is sick out there, i would do it in a heartbeat.
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if1 in 5 people you meet wear whoyeah. that many!re, but right now, is not the time to talk about it. so when you're ready, search 'my denture care'. poligrip and polident. fixed. fresh. and just between us. greg: they demanded ford stop making cars as the media amplify the narrative of the anti- police sentiment around 100 employees at the ford motor company demanded a stop on the production of vehicles for police.
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what did the ceo say? in a polite way, get lost and in the internal memo the ceo said the ford police interceptor helps officers do their jobs and forward will continue to build them for the please. they currently manufacture two thirds of all enforcement vehicles and the executives are open to discuss practical solutions but not this bs. they will not kowtow to the mob and this is leadership. >> how do they expect cops to answer 911 calls? on horseback? gingerly walk over to the house as it's being robbed? >> i am befuddled i'm not say
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nothing needs to be done with qualified immunity there are issues that we could reform and work on but what you mean is to see one of those issues that police often traveled by car. i cannot think of a single example of anything that has gone wrong or any injustice due to the fact that he was driving in a motor vehicle correct me if i'm wrong. i understand it's not the problem. greg: exactly. a lot of people aren't settled they are always the subtle. but it takes a lot more work.
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they are actually trying to get their coworkers to lose their jobs. >> it's not like making cars is afford sideline. is actually a business this is what your job is. if it bothers you so much go work somewhere else. the idea that we will not make cars that cops use or feed cops at fast food places, it's so stupid if you've never seen a cop on a segway you know how important it is to have a good car. it's part of the idea to want it both ways these are the same people who already had that experiment they still wanted to complain 911 was not showing up to bail them out you cannot have it both ways.
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>> if i get murdered i want them to be in a car. >> exactly. this is like the again working in mcdonald's demanding they stop serving meat. >> we will disagree a little bit on this one. i will give you that a lot are complaining not wanting to build police cars but there is a lot to be said for when police menus to walk the be they were more in touch with communities. they had friendships , now in the cars there is no longer the one-on-one recognition of necessarily knowing your neighborhood or who officer johnson was at 1:00 o'clock he will walk at this place. there is something in the less
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humane aspect of cops and cars. but the other side to say we will stop making cars for the police without even that argument in their makes no sense to me but there is a need for police back to be in the neighborhoods so the neighborhood can get to know and recognize and not fear the police officers. >> they may have to drive them their first. greg: absolutely. greg: twirling the baton was that call the baton? last word. >> first of all we do have community policing and we do have be cops. we can do both and another point is ford isn't making
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self driving please driving into the protesters with the self driving vehicles also if this conversation after george floyd and other wrong incident said let's take on the protocols in the process and better training programs and disciplinary action but now we have to go to purity of thought and to ensure to remove racism in our lifetime. that is a wonderful theory but it's not practical and it doesn't help people. greg: i believe the reciprocity if you believe it and you should sign a waiver knows please car comes to your house. that's almost impossible to enforce but i can dream also the senior version.
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the bachelor. earlier in the year abc was running promos casting seniors looking for love but then everything shut down producers are confident it will happen then at some point who knew a bachelor to bring so much more to the table like contestants who have wisdom and life experience i will even give abc at tip. >>. >> i love them at every particle of my being. >> if you were happily married
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you would be the perfect bachelor. i have the perfect spouse. i'm not a big fan i don't have to watch twentysomethings tell me something that he for senior citizens and their with life experience and have kids and relationships, maybe go to war, and also mess around in the hot tub i am all in. >> me to. the problem is they are just at that age with no life experience but in this case we will have people who have lived lives which i look
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forward to. i apply - - applaud the decision to do the show and derrida forgot p.m. [laughter] when you are single pass days single pass teenager to make those stupid choices and i say this someone who was as a certain age and single i cannot look at a 25 -year-old bikini model and think that's a chance at a legitimate relationship although that is a chance i am willing to take. [laughter] greg: of course. you are so brave. tyrus we are suffering from a wisdom shortage the more seniors on tv the better. >> this is a great idea
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unfortunately this will bomb horribly because most reality tv shows is about the train wreck how is it exciting for someone for those who make real decisions and say i heard he text somebody at 3:00 o'clock in the morning. all the things that we attribute like 90 day fiancé i cannot pay my bills but i will bring somebody over from another country. people will literally do you want to be monogamous? may be. >> okay we will do this. >> pour a glass of wine. old people don't have time for that. i will enjoy it. i learned something about the seventies or the sixties.
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but nobody is pregnant. what's going on? that will be the issue it will be a huge issue. wears the fireworks. greg: he has a point because the reason why we hate the bachelor is a reason why people like it because the tantrums and the stupid commentary. so it could kill it. >> i guess but it gets boring. i can't believe there are so many seasons and it's always the same. a bunch of 20 something real estate agents all fake boobs we peeing and crying over sound guy with a human protein shake with a spray tan. nobody is looking for love with the man who has avenue's
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- - absent that washboard ab requirement and he doesn't have review in his heart. that's why i'm not attracted to men with tabs. what i see i imagine my future want to get dinner? i need to go steams on chicken and broccoli and brown rice. if they have abs they cannot love you. >> she said real estate agents when in fact they are studying for their real estate license. they are not quite there yet. [laughter] everything else she said was 100 percent spot on. i myself have a beer gut just for that reason. i don't want to be judged that way. 100 percent. thank you. greg: stick around more stuff next.
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greg: we are out of time. thanks to kat mcintyre is pretty great show. i'm greg that felled and i love you america. jesse: welcome to waters world i'm jesse watters. staying focused that's the subject of tonight's waters word. don't fall for the roger stone hysteria this is a distraction just like the russia bounty story. the president power commute sentences almost absolute. george washington, graduated clemency to traders andrew johnson pardoned confederate soldier bill clinton pardoned his own brother that's what brothers are. bill clinton pardoned former cia director and his business partner suzanne mcdougal and biggest tax chute
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