tv Outnumbered FOX News July 15, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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aliens. they come in now through -- although it's harder to get across the border, but traditionally they've come across the border into houston and then fanned out across the united states into different centers of activity. today, we were talking with the president about three actions we took. diaz was indicted in the eastern district of virginia. first time we've used terrorism charges against a member of ms-13. he was responsible for activities in 13 states, 20 speech 20 cliques in the united states. he would also green light assassinations in the united states. the orders come from el salvador, or the request to assassinate would go down to el salvador and he would green light the hit. we also took down an hsi case in
las vegas. we took down the hollywood clique, which operated not only nevada but in california and in the eastern district of new york. again, long island. we took down 21 members and leadership of that organization. and then, finally -- these are the new york indictees. finally, i announce we are going to seek the death penalty against a leader in the eastern district of new york. a leader of ms-13 there. the president made a trip to brentwood new york earlier in his administration, and he met with the families of victims that had been killed by ms-13, including the family of two young girls who were butchered with machetes. the person that we are seeking the death penalty against was
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involved in those murders as well as the murder of two african-americans who they just saw on the street and thought they were from a rival gang and just butchered. those are the actions we are taking. there are more coming as we target the leadership of ms-13. we are working very closely with the el salvador ends on this. they been very cooperative. we have the hsi and the fbi with operations down in el salvador. >> president trump: and past administrations, el salvador, honduras, guatemala, did not cooperate with the united states at all. they wouldn't let us bring people back. under this administration, a long time ago, almost my second or third day, i said, "that's not going to work." you bring the back and they say, "get them out of here, we are not taking them." they don't even come close to saying that anymore. the operation is going to be very good.
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this is probably the meanest, worst gang anywhere in the world, the ms-13 group. a big dent is put in them. it took place over the last few days, and really over the last year. a heavy focus on ms-13. there are an evil group of people. they are sick, they are deranged, and we are taking care of it. i want to just thank these great crime fighters with us today. thank you. >> the attorney from nevada, u.s. attorney from the eastern district of virginia, obviously another director of the fbi. and i.c.e. from the bureau of prisons. you might ask why the bureau of prisons. because they do like to try and operate out of prisons, and we have to make sure we collect intelligence in the prison system. and then regina lombardo of atf, tim shea of the dea. of course you know the secretary of dhs, chad wolf.
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>> president trump: it's like central casting. we forgot one person. >> the head of this program is john durham jr. from the eastern district of new york. who has spent -- how many years? >> 15, but i've been doing ms-13 for ten years. >> on long island, which is one of the hotbeds of ms-13 activity. or at least it was. [laughter] >> president trump: that's really great. you are so important. it's like central casting. people are like central casting. you are going to do a great job. we appreciate it, and we will be meeting you in a similar vein but a different subject next week, and that concerns our cities and, again, people who have lost control of some of our great cities. we are going to straighten things out. thank you all very much. thank you. >> reporter: is that what next week's announcement is about? >> president trump: you will see next week. we'll have a conference and tell
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you in great detail. it's something that, at this point, the american people want to see. they have been run very poorly, these cities, whether it's seattle, where we were ready to go in and they decided to go in, and that's good. minneapolis, where we had the national guard go in. as soon as they did that, we straighten that mess out. they should have been able to do it locally with a police. their police are good, they were told not to do anything. or many other cases. we are doing a great job in portland. portland was very rough and they called us in and we did a good job, to put it mildly. many people in jail right now. but we have other cities that are out of control. they are like war zones. if the city isn't going to straighten it out, if local politicians or, in this case -- i don't say this for political reasons, they are all democrats. they are liberal left-wing democrats, and it's almost like they think this is going to be this way forever. in chicago, 68 people were shot and 18 died last week. we aren't going to put up with
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that. we are not going to put up with that. so that is for our next discussion. thank you all very much. i get along very well with dr. fauci. i get along very well with dr. fauci. i have a very good relationship -- that's peter navarro, but i have a very good relationship with dr. fauci. thank you very much. >> melissa: all right, that is president trump wrapping up remarks at the white house. ostensibly, talking about ms-13 and how it now ag barr is pursuing that group is a terrort group and how they now believe they have the leader of the group and they are going to seek the death penalty. by far, the biggest news coming out of that was once again taking aim at the democratic leaders leading cities seeing a surge in crime. the president saying he's going to have a very interesting news
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conference last next week with youwill address s running out-of-critical cities. a lot of follow questions about what that means, what exactly you're going to do. let's get into it. this is "outnumbered" and i'm melissa francis. here today is harris faulkner. "town hall" editor on fox news contributor, katie pavlich. fox news contributor, jessica tarlov. joining us today, host of "making money" on fox business, charles payne. he basically just dropped a bomb right there. we are going to have a very interesting news conference next week. "i'm going to explain what we are going to do about these cities, like the one i'm in, new york, where crime is spiraling out of control. what do you think he is talking about there? >> charles: we could see some form of federal intervention with the national guard, or troops, certainly additional help and aid, logistics. which is ironic, because a lot of the cities are saying they
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don't want that, but it's been pretty clear that they have invited the sort of lawlessness that has gotten these cities -- we are talking about covid-19, a recession, but even if you want to be open, people are afraid to go out. you certainly don't want to be out past nighttime. it's one of these things that festers. i'm glad they started off, melissa, with this ms-13 thing. long island alone, they killed over 15 people in a 10-year period. the names, 27, 30, 16, torres, two years old. they were killing people in their own community. young people. it got out of control. we don't want our cities to become what long island was for ten years because of ms-13. >> melissa: yeah. jessica, new york city is in the free fall right now. they are watching crime skyrocket all across the city, not just in specific
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neighborhoods. i mean, certain neighborhoods are certainly hit harder than others, but it's not safe anywhere in new york right now. is it time for federal intervention, when you have a mayor like mayor de blasio, who does not seem to have any sort of a plan at all? >> jessica: i'm not sure it's time for federal intervention, but i wouldn't mind if governor cuomo took a few of the powers back that mayor de blasio should have and got into this. he's been very clear -- the governor, that is -- that mayor de blasio is doing a piss-poor job of managing the city. it's obviously hitting more poor neighborhoods in black and brown communities at the highest level there. in terms of what president trump is doing and having this press conference today, whatever he'll say next week, is that it's clear he wants to run this election as a law and order president. he's been talking about it extensively. we will see if it has a pick-up. has base will be there for it. but he would be smarter to be focusing on the health pandemic that is going on right now.
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he got big praise for finally wearing a mask when he visited walter reed. i feel like that's a smarter strategy than having press conferences about ms-13, which is certainly serious. if you're running against joe biden, who you can't call a socialist and you can't say doesn't care about law & law and order, it'll be adiffic. >> melissa: it seems like a law in order and the rule of law sews together themes of the trump campaign. it's the reason immigrants come to our country, because it is a country that has a rule of law that gives you freedom, that gives you safety, so you can go out and live your life. you can pursue happiness, you can be an entrepreneur, you can try and have a job, you can make life better for your family. if you don't have law and order, you don't have anything. why wouldn't he start there? >> katie: keep in mind that this election is not just about president trump trying to take a position in the oval office.
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it's also about republicans trying to take back the house. last time around, when president trump criticized ms-13 and had a big push in announcements against the international, transnational terrorist organization, according to the justice department, in a lot of ways, nancy pelosi criticized the president for calling them animals. she said he shouldn't be talking about them that way. i think when you are in a community where you are teenagers are being caught up in this kind of violence, and killed in some of the most gruesome and horrific ways, as the attorney general mentioned, by machetes, people care about those things happening in their communities and local leaders aren't taking care of it. the federal government has stepped in and done a good job. on the issue of federal intervention in places like chicago or new york city, i was actually at the white house yesterday for an interview with president trump. he brought this up, he said he's going to do something comp or offensive. he says he needs to do it for the sake of the country moving forward. despite these being democrat-run cities and communities.
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he also said what i asked him, does that mean nationalizing the national guard? he didn't answer that question but he's serious about it. he's going to push through with it. as you saw in seattle, maybe some of these local government officials will finally start acting if they think that they are going to get their authorities somehow taken away or superseded by the federal government. >> melissa: harris, i know your journalistic ears perked up when he said we will have a news conference next week. it will be very interesting announcement about the cities. what are your thoughts? >> harris: well, both my ears, did realistically, don't always perk up when the president wants our attention and he wants to speak. one of the things i would ask about if i were there is simply how much conversation has been had when the national guard was called in and they were able to come after some bumps, quell what's going on in the streets. that is minneapolis. if you want to look at
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intervention and not letting it get out of control for weeks and weeks looks at, look at where all of this started. the very spot where george floyd begged for his life for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. let's focus in on that. that is what got this going. but it's also a place when the governor and local officials realized, "we are going to need some help doing this." they called in the national guard. smart for two reasons. it gives the second line behind police to shore them up, but me, because your foreign military, are from the communities in which they are serving. you've got people who understand the streets in their own home. it is mind-boggling what has happened in oregon and the state of washington, in those beautiful cities, portland and seattle. mind-boggling that it would go on this long. the president has been hitting this for a while. i know, katie, you just spoke with him. now we will see if -- i don't know if he is reaching out to
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minneapolis. i don't know what he's doing, but now we will see what he does next. >> melissa: we will, absolutely. all right, you just saw president trump at the white house, but yesterday the president going off script in the rose garden attacking joe biden as perhaps the most radical party nominee ever, whether this kind of barrage can stick as the biden camp fires back. speak of the biden -sanders agenda is the most extreme platform of any major party nominee. ♪ usaa is made for what's next no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and that's just one of the many ways we're here
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travel ban on chinese nationals, to stop the spread of the china virus. a month later he admitted i was right. last week, joe biden released his unity platform, developed with socialist bernie sanders. biden has gone radical left. there's probably never been a time when candidates are so different. >> harris: president trump's critics are saying that it was a bit more of a rally than a rose garden event. president trump did veer off script after announcing new legislation against china, to attack joe biden, accusing the former vice president of aligning his campaign with bernie sanders and alexandria ocasio-cortez. the biden camp fired back. "today's statement that was ostensibly supposed to be about china, but there was one topic president trump couldn't seem to get off his mind. joe biden, whose name the president invoke nearly 30 times. the whole site affairs is more about donald trump then he said
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about any particular topic." that's a quote from the biden campaign. charles, i come to you first reaction on that. >> charles: we know president trump, when he speaks, it is streams of consciousness. it's not uncommon to go off script no matter where he is speaking, per se. i've got to be honest, when i think about china i think about joe biden when it comes to this election. and how he has been very soft. only recently has he tried to muster up stronger rhetoric, if you will. i don't think he is going to be as tough on china as president trump has been. here's the thing, everyone's coming around to the president's way of thinking on china. last night one of the biggest news stories in the world, great britain is now saying, "huawei, we don't want you." it's a dramatic reversal from where they were. australia, which relies heavily on china for their economy, has a push against china and the origins of the lawn virus or the covid-19 virus. you've seen over and over again.
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amazon taking tiktok off the platform, telling all their employees, "if you use it, you can't work for us." president trump was the only one saying anything remotely like this a year ago, even a few months ago. so, yeah, i do think about joe biden and china. i always think about his economic platform, which is more of the same. tax and spend, tax and spend. there's nothing innovative. i'm seeing and hearing nothing innovative about any of these proposals except that the numbers are higher than they were when hillary clinton proposed them. >> harris: wow. charles, i haven't seen you in a while. those books behind you are not stopping you from speaking your mind. they are not props. [laughter] i want to get to this, because just moments ago the president tweeted. i don't know how he finds the time, but he did. listen to this. "joe biden and the radical left want to abolish police, abolish i.c.e., abolish bail, abolish suburbs, abolish the second amendment, and abolish
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the american way of life. no one will be safe in joe biden's america." katie, i come to you. >> katie: well, if you look at the people who have surrounded joe biden as his top advisors, aoc being one of them, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, she has called openly for all of those things. the left wing of the democrat party that is running things on capitol hill, led by house speaker nancy pelosi, has introduced legislation to abolish i.c.e. we have seen aoc cutting a billion dollars from the nypd was not enough, because d fund means defund. she's the one driving to biden to the left with her policy positions. that's what the unity program is all about. for the campaign to come out and say, "president trump just can't seem to get joe biden off his mind," president trump yesterday was reacting to a speech that joe biden gave that was sold as a press conference, introducing his new economic plan and attacking the president. the president responded to that. if joe biden is so confident
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that he is still immoderate, but he's not far left politician who has been in washington for far too long, why aren't we hearing from joe biden? if he is so confident in his plan, why isn't he answering any questions as the president has about his plans? we've heard a lot from bernie sanders, we've heard a lot from aoc, but we don't hear a lot about joe biden when it comes to defending his own proposal that he is supposedly running on as a "moderate." >> harris: you know, i want to pick up on that last salient point that katie just made, jessica, and come to you on what you do in your political party -- or in any political party -- if you are a democrat, and that party is lurching beyond the reach of your original platform and you are trying to morph. which is what it looks like might have to happen if joe biden plans to be a centrist, and do you have the likes of aoc on that list of people katie just gave. i mean, who do you bend to?
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do you bend to those progressives in your party or do you try to stay tru true-we areo yourself, whatever that looks like with joe biden, and reach e voters that way? and take on a president is not going to be shy about taking you on it every second of the day. >> jessica: i think you do all of those things, and that's what joe biden has done. >> harris: can joe biden do i it? >> jessica: it certainly looks like it. if you look at the reaction to him from every major demographic group getting pulled right now, he's at 8.7, i think, and the national average. he's up to ten in pennsylvania, with seniors. president trump won seniors by 10 against hillary clinton for a look at this "unity platform." bernie sanders did not get medicare for all. he did not get the green new deal. he did not get the legalization of marijuana in this country. that's because joe biden meant what he said on the campaign trail, that he was going to govern this country as a moderate like he has been in his
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four or five decades-long career. have there been some moves to the left as a party has become more left? absolutely. is that a good thing? i think so. it speaks to the needs of his voters. he's going to get back to the people who supported him, especially in south carolina where that primary turned in his favor, to say, "i heard you and i understand you." that's what he says no to defunding the police. do we need reform? absolutely. using that talking point doesn't make any sense. guess what? 77% -- go ahead. >> harris: i'm going to step in because i want to get a response to some of what you are saying, because it has so much to do with the economy. melissa? >> melissa: it does, because biden, on tuesday, outlined and updated climate plan which aims to achieve carbon-free power sector by 2035, and invested $2 trillion to boost clean energy in the infrastructure. it comes after days after a
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joint task force by biden and bernie sanders set out a more ambitious approach, and biden using his time yesterday to also slam president trump on that issue. >> when donald trump thinks about climate change, the only word he can muster is "hoax." when i think about climate change, the word i think of is "jobs." good-paying, union jobs to put americans to work. >> melissa: meantime, the president also using his rose garden event to bash biden climate agenda, calling it a hard left crusade against american energy. charles, oh, my gosh, where have we heard this song before? >> charles: [laughs] >> melissa: we are going to go to clean energy and create all of these jobs, and then hillary clinton accidentally says, "and we are going to put all those coal miners out of business." jessica is talking about him
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being up in pennsylvania. you want to kiss pennsylvania goodbye, you unveil a plan we are going to go to all clean energy by 2035 and you are going to put the carbon economy out of business. that is how you lose swing states. what are your thoughts? >> charles: listen, he is writing this amazing tight rope right now where he wants to talk about so-called clean energy jobs, and jessica just talked about not defunding the police. i forgot the term, maybe redirecting? he wants to have it on both sides. it really makes him seem like he doesn't have any firm footing or belief in any of them. it's a farce. so-called clean energy jobs are just a farce. under the obama administration, if you drove a bus that use natural gas, that bus driver was in the driver. he was a -- he or she was a clean energy worker. it was a farce. if you look at pure job
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creation, you can't tell me you're going to make this investment and we are still going to need a lot of people to operate it. that would make a lot of sense anyway. we're going to build gigantic solar farm and wind farms? that must mean that it's an investment. we don't need anyone to run it by definition. the whole thing is a farce and he's trying to have it both ways. by the way, all of this is part of the build back better. when i heard that i thought sir mix a lot came out with a new record. give me a break. it is so boring and there's nothing here, folks. except a rehash of everything else. he's trying not to anger aoc. he's trying desperately not to anger the bernie sanders crowd. i don't think he can have it both ways. >> melissa: exactly. when i heard about that investment, all i can think is that he's going to bring back solyndra. what a great idea. jeff sessions' political comeback is over. after losing his bid for an alabama senate seat to trump
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>> melissa: tommy tubervillehasr attorney general jeff sessions in las last nights alabama geocs senate senate primary runoff. the former auburn head football coach he was endorsed by president trump will now take on and commit doug jones in november. the president to eat in, "tommy tuberville one big against jeff sessions. will be a great senator for the incredible people of alabama. doug jones is a terrible senator who is just a super liberal buffet for schumer and pelosi,
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represents alabama poorly. on to november 3rd." sessions was the first senator to endorse president trump in 2016 in the presidential race and was once a prominent figure in the trump administration, but he became a target of the president's attacks after he recused himself while serving as attorney general from the investigation into the russia collusion. katie, i will start with out of these local races. do you see any big this? did the president's way it? did sessions have a chance? were you surprised? what are your thoughts? >> katie: i thought sessions would have a better showing in alabama because he was a popular senator there when he was there before he joined the trump administration. but i'm not surprised he lost and that president trump, with a record of 88 endorsement to enact wireless so far in this election cycle, that he would
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come out victorious. it's no surprise president trump actively campaigned against jeff sessions. i think he may dislike him more than he dislikes robert mueller, even. he will never be forgiven for choosing himself and allowing rod rosenstein to take over that investigation. moving forward, the real goal here is for the republicans to take the senate, and he has taken his role as that of the republican party very seriously and trying to win back the house and keep the senate. of course the president wants to get reelected and be able to get his agenda through an easier fashion then he's able to now with democrats controlling the house. if doug jones does lose to this new alabama candidate, tommy tuberville, i believe you sayame board for republicans are going to have a hard time in places like maine, colorado, even iowar joni ernst moving forward. they look they need to flip that seat to make it easier on themselves.
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>> melissa: harris? >> harris: what katie was saying is so true, when you look at the wider landscape, how important that particular seat is in that state. i am wondering, and i will open this up to anybody would know. maybe jessica, maybe katie. but this can't come as a surprise. or does it, to campaigns? do you think they had a heads up with jeff sessions early on? especially with him sparring with the president in recent weeks. publicly, about where they stood with each other. the president never said he didn't like jeff sessions, he just hated the fact that he recused himself from the russia investigation. jeff sessions he was so fun of the president but needed to recuse. they never worked that out. didn't they be cut into their internal polling? what do you think it showed? >> melissa: jessica? >> jessica: i think it showed exactly what katie was referring to, that the president does have incredible sway and a state like alabama. there are some states that are still read where he is and
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haven't done as well as this in terms of endorsing candidates, but i think his stamp of approval still matters a lot and i'm sure the president of alabama people of alabama argus quite bitter because there was an alleged pedophile on the ticket and they couldn't bring themselves to vote for roy moore there. i would be surprised if we lose the seat. saying "we" as democrats. katie is right, the map is open up. arizona looks good for mark kelly, as well. added to what's going on in maine. jamie harrison has raised an incredible amount of money against lindsey graham. you have hickey looper, steve bullock and montana, and joni ernst also in trouble in iowa as a key reference. i think the president, what he says matters in alabama, which it should be. in the map is opening up her democrats. mcconnell knows that. >> melissa: charles payne, i'll give you the final word. one thing that we have seen no matter who the president is, yom congress.
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you need to get out there and endorse people for your party that are going to get elected that you can help your agenda succeed. see 60 out. first and foremost i will say roll tide. [laughs] not against auburn, but roll tide. this might have been a bigger battle between trump and the never trumpers out there. the two parts of the republican party, obviously overwhelmingly pro-trump, but they are spending tens of millions of dollars, the dissatisfied republicans who used to be able to tell folks how do you think it republican party. they've been kicked to the curb and they will spend tens of millions of dollars to try and get back into some sort of influential leadership role. in my mind, the never trumpers lost a big one in alabama yesterday. >> melissa: dr. anthony fauci weighing in on the reopening of schools in the fall with in the nation's top infectious disease specialist is saying, and wheths daylight with president trump. ♪ place that you laughed about
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>> we should try, as the default, to get the kids to stay in school. if you are in the part of the country where the dynamics of the outbreak are really minimal, if at all, then there is no problem at all and getting back. if you're in a situation where you are in outbreak mode, then you leave it up to the local individuals. >> harris: dr. anthony fauci there with the task force weighing in on the debate over when schools should reopen. the debate is raging across america right now. you know that. in some areas we are seeing big spikes in coronavirus cases. this, as several major school districts have announced they will resume online learning in the fall despite the trump administration's push to have them reopen, all reopen for in person. former education secretary margaret spelling says reopening
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school is a mixed bag and that online learning may work for some students but not all. >> i am encouraged when i see communities around this country who are going to put -- use our physical plans have in person learning, socially distanced, young kids are less likely to get and be seriously harmed. so let's get those kids in person. let's have our middle and high school students doing online learning, and we are seeing a lot of that creativity around the country. >> harris: charles, when you look at this it does -- and you can merge two things. was going on now and the economy. i'm just wondering why we didn't try some of this over the summer as we were coming into this reopening mode with the children. let's focus in on tablets, getting tablets with those kids in depressed areas. if they do have to do a hybrid of it at home and in person school learning or all-digital in those middle and high school ages, they will all have what they need. but we didn't do that as a
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country. we just sort of -- i don't know what we did. >> charles: and yeah, you're right about that. one of the big problems here is that if you can do this work at home when you have the equipment, there is a great laptop and high-speed internet, if your parents have time to help you, you might be able to keep up. but those students in this country are suffering from the achievement gap, particularly black and hispanic students who probably can't afford the best laptops and things like that. this is going to be devastating. >> harris: or any at all. >> charles: we talk about setbacks, that have an impact on people for their entire lives. we are talking about education here. there's got to be more elegant, smart, honest solutions, instead of just blink it "we are going to keep everything close." i'm just surprised that large cities like los angeles can't be
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more creative or at least attempt to be more creative, because the poorest, brownest, blackest parts of the population will suffer immensely and it's going to be the kind of suffering that spills over into their adult life. >> harris: you mention los angeles, the superintendent of schools they are billing's politics. let's watch. >> we've got to get out of the politics and get into the realm of solving the solution, solving the problem. we all want to be back in school as soon as possible. that's when the best learning occurs, and whether that's the white house or here in los angeles. i think we can all agree on that. let's focus on with the federal government can help us get back to school quicker. >> harris: katie? >> katie: well, it's a big mix of whose advice are going to take. you have the teachers who are concerned about the spread of the disease, if they have some kind of pre-existing condition, which is understandable. but you also have doctors like
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anthony fauci now at odds with pediatricians who believe that there is a whole other side of this in terms of the mental health for children, the environment that they are in, and the consequences of that. we saw that, harris, on the larger scale during the shutdown with the lack of surgeries and treatments for cancer and screenings that people didn't have. well, now children are not engaged in a number of things that are healthy for them during school. so, there is a push-pull here. ultimately the appeal the decision of the local school districts whether they do or they do not open. kids need to go to school because people have to work hourly wage jobs. they are not going to be able to do that unless they have a place for their kids to go learn. i have talked to teachers who are having a really tough time with this because each kid is so different and they are not all in one place. even children who have the high-speed internet aren't as engaged, and maybe the parents
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aren't telling them to be engaged because everybody feels like at a cause. it's a very difficult situation that i think everyone is trying to work on. >> harris: dr. fauci is saying to leave that decision to reopen schools at the local level. you are making a compelling argument for why that might be the case, just in general. i want to talk more specifically, and that is about where we are with the president of the united states, jessica, and the task force. we haven't seen, outside of interviews, dr. fauci with that group, with the president. >> jessica: i think that's a very big deal, and i think the president doesn't like to be side by side with dr. fauci, who has much higher approval ratings and trust ratings with the american public, and for good reason. he's earned that over decades of work and service to this country, trying to keep us healthy and safe. i'm glad he has been more visible the last couple days. he spoke remotely with stanford and georgetown, giving these interviews. i hope to see more of that. we also have to note that peter
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navarro, an advisor to the president, went after dr. fauci. now the white house is trying to distance themselves in that opinion saying, "no, we love dr. fauci. it wasn't sanctioned." but if you have the administration attacking the top health official in this country, the person everyone is looking to for guidance along with dr. dr. birx and the director of the cdc, dr. redfield, you have a tremendous problem. i just want to say that i absolutely agree with what katie was saying about the nuance and difficulty of this problem. i would like to note as well that we had our first teacher death in arizona, a woman who was teaching in a classroom with three other teachers, all three got covid. this was a summer school class. one of them passed away. the president was asked directly about this yesterday and his response was, "kids have to go back to school, people are dying by not doing this." woods makes appellee no sense. it shows no emotion about what happened. a woman lost her life during this period >> harris: we know the president has been, melissa,
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meeting with the task force. maybe what this can get all of us to do is take a big breath in and say, as much extremes as we all may have in these different lanes, there's a lot that needed to be learned about coronavirus. we are in this together. >> we are in this together but i would say the things that worries me most is we are actively expanding the gap between rich and poor in this country with what we are doing in education. i go back to my days studying labor economics at harvard. you don't need to have study in the classroom to understand that we, right now, the disparity and harm between children who have money, means, and supportive families, and those who don't, is enormous. and we are really, really harming the children that are most vulnerable by leaving them at home. >> harris: that's what charles was saying, as well. i think we can all agree that we have to have more of an even playing field no matter what is going to look like in person or
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located in washington, d.c.,'s lincoln park. the statue has been the target of recent protests and forced removal. the group seeking to save the statue says, "claiming races about the statue shows the ignorance of the movement. black folks like d.c. mayor bowser and congressional delegate eleanor norton need to learn black history." charles, i'll get your reaction real quick. >> charles: real quick, it is a painful reminder of where we were and a very joyful reminder of where we are going, and the transition to both. it's american history. we can't rip all of the statues now because all will be left with is a t-shirt and the same history we try to hide. i think we can enjoy it and learn from it and embrace it. this whole thing has been misguided, and this is where they probably should draw a line in the sand, i hope. >> melissa: all right, we'll see. thanks to everyone for watching us out there and joining us here
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♪ >> harris: president trump tore into democratic mayors over crime plaguing some major cities. you're watching "outnumbered overtime" right now. i'm harris faulkner. violence raging in new york city where one person was killed and five others hurt in a brooklyn shooting early just this morning. and among 13 shootings citywide over the past 24 hours. let's go to chicago now, at least 14 people were shot on monday and two people killed. the president says enough is enough. speak out look at what has happened to new york. crime is out, shootings are up, at numbers nobody has seen before. look at chicago,
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