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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  July 16, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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at the wedding, my friend. thank you jonathan, i've got to run, but great to see you and we wish you all the best. isn't that great news? before we go, don't forget to watch or listen to "the untold story." my friends the broadway producer, what's going to happen to broadway? when we come back. physical physical >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight," i'm brian called me to. tucker dubbed him the creepy lawyer and right no cpl will be. but first, major sacrifices during the coronavirus lock stones. businesses by the way were destroyed, unemployment record high, still had 1.3 million today. and now after months of restrictions, the virus is back and politicians want to do the
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exact same thing again. >> so the sectors that were closing stay why do, restaurants, wineries, museums and bars to outdoor activities to the extent possible. now with counties on the monitoring list, we have this list. fitness centers, places of worship, offices for noncritical sectors, critical care services including hair salons, barber shops and indoor malls. >> brian: at the news is they have the full screen built already from a month ago. so with so much shutdown fatigue will people actually obey the second wave of shutdown? some business owners like barber shop owner wanda mia's didn't want to debate the first wave. >> i read something where my producer said i don't care if i get it, meaning covid-19. do you still feel that way? >> absolutely. a lot of us are going to get it.
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most likely we are not going to die, we have 99-point something percent of living if we contract it or not. >> hang on, juan. let me jump in. neither of us are doctors, there are numbers being thrown out. i've had it and it was not fun. >> brian: that's easy, one of them is still getting paid. we saw that interview and we've invited him want to defend his position >> the cops came in here today and to give us a cease and desist order from the city. >> brian: are you going to abide by it? >> definitely i'm not. i will continue to work and stay open, my barbers will continue to serve the community. do i expect them to come and dislike me, absolutely. they said they were going to. there's no plan in place so i'm
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just going to be the scapegoat for the city. >> brian: it so here we go again facing a second round of shutdowns. the man that you just saw, juan demerits joins us now. the news is especially distressing for business owners like you. what are you going to do? >> we will stay open and continue to serve our community. we will not be bullied or live in fear and we are going to continue on. we are not going to let this stop us. >> brian: will your customers come? >> we are booked solid, we are the busiest shop in town. we have people coming from all over the state and even out of the state. we are booked and it's not slowing down. >> brian: juan, since you went back online against the law and then they released you to do this, how many of your clients and customers tested positive for the coronavirus? >> as far as i know, none.
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no one has ever come in and told us, none of my barbers have tested positive, my self hasn't tested positive and none of my family members have tested positive. these tests are just going to confuse everyone, especially for the fact that the tests are proving that the death rate is going down at a great rate. there's absolutely no reason to keep shutting down our economy, shutting down our state or shutting down >> brian: this if california had 2011 new cases coming in the past week. what else do you want them to do? >> if you test more there will be more positive cases, that's a statistic fact. no one is arguing that. but it's not detrimental to our health, it hasn't been detrimental to the death rate. we have lived with tb and whooping cough and flu for our entire lives. that never shut down a nation
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before and there is no reason to shut it down now. the only reason that gavin newsom is doing this is because he enjoys the power, and he will continue to flex it as much as he can. >> brian: hey juan, how much does gavin newsom get paid if there's a shutdown? i believe the same amount. how much do you get paid? >> we get paid nothing. there's no unemployment for us, there's no ppp in line for us. all these big major corporations are getting paid and little corporations and small businesses, they want us to break our backs and not get paid and step away from what we do. unfortunately there is no good leadership and either of the parties including the republican party. i feel like right now the only one using any type of common sense is president trump and his white house staff and unfortunately for us he's not
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around here so we are going to stay open. >> brian: over the last five months, i've had a chance to talk to a lot of small business people between paying your rent and paying utilities, between paying more employees, taking care of business and worker's comp., you have your hands full every day. all you want is a chance to be successful. how does it feel that someone is robbing you of that chance and telling you you are selfish for fighting to make a living? >> listen. i'm not going to be bullied by anyone including governor newsom, all of our senators and congressmen that are unwilling to make a stand on this. i tell them, i'm not asking for a penny, i'm not asking for a handout and i will continue to charge on. and i'm not going to be bullied, that's not the american way. >> brian: i hear you, juan. best of luck, we are going to track you. i know you will stay safe because if you are not, and
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people start testing positive, they won't come back. but you are in control of your own fate and you've done a great job doing that. meanwhile, california making it very hard to worship. first the state band singing in church and now they are shutting down the churches all together again. pastor arthur hodges leads a pentecostal church in san diego. he was able to get his church going despite strict restrictions. pastor, they are shutting you down? >> while they are not shutting us down, we are continuing, the church is alive and well. >> brian: are you refusing to be shut down? >> you know, the church has never shutdown. we are looking at all of our options right now but the church continues. i meet with organizational leaders, there are over 10,000
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churches in california and basically we have gotten to the point where we say enough is enough. we were told in the middle of march the goal was to button the curve and not overwhelm hospitals. while guess what? in san diego county with flat and the curve in three weeks, and after four weeks the curve ihas had it downward and hospitals are underwhelmed. churches are not part of the problem, they are part of the solution and hospitals are treating people with this medical condition which is needful. their spiritual well-being and mental well-being, emotional well-being, the church will not be marginalized any longer. the church is here to help our society heal. >> brian: now you were also part of a lawsuit suing the state to stay open come correct? >> yes, we filed that on may tht governor newsom, and all the respect of persons below. that lawsuit went to the ninth
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circuit court with an injunction along with it, an emergency injunction request. the emergency injection request is considered the suit is held in advance and we narrowly lost that and a 2-1 decision. judge dennis collins is the dissenting judge and wrote a scathing 18 page dissent. we took that directly to the supreme court. after may 8th to the supreme court it was fast tracked, and a decision came down within 21 days. unfortunately we did not get the favor of that decision regarding granting our injunction but again, a narrowly divided court 5-4, and we are now back before the ninth circuit and amending some of our original filings at the district court. and we are still in that lawsuit, yes. >> brian: do you think these politicians are being dismissing of the church? >> i'll tell you brian, up until
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now i've always said no. that's how i'm wired but now it really does give us pause. this recent spike in california is not being caused by churches. the fact l.a. mayor garcetti came out and admitted that the coronavirus bike in los angeles is most likely caused by the protesters. finally admitted that in public press conference. churches are not the problem, we are the solution. i would argue that the church i pastor in san diego is the safest place to be in town. one of my daughters is a nurse at one of our hospitals and she has worked the covid ward as well and she said your intake procedures for church are stricter than ours at the hospital and i said, amen. that's the way we wanted to be. we are not looking at it out of any safety standards but we are saying, we have constitutional
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guarantees and we cannot be shut down. you cannot abridge are invaluablunalienable rights. >> brian: they will have to shut you down physically because you are staying open. thank you so much and best of luck in the fight. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: stay safe and stay healthy. we are not done with this topic yet, california's largest school district will remain shut down this fall at least at the beginning. they say it's about the coronavirus but in reality the teachers unions are using the crisis to extort the government. what do i mean by that? the l.a. union for example says they will not return to work for the kids until the government passes medicare for all, defines the police, bans charter schools and get some $116 billion. really? does that have anything to do with learning? victor davis hanson is of fellow at the hoover institute. this manifests itself with l.a.
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teachers. why do they think they can get away with this? >> they get away with it because they have a hundred million dollars in pensions for california teachers and they've been bailed out. they have among the most dismal test scores in the nation and they are among the most highly compensated. so it's a good thing if they keep doing it. in all the stories there are about two or three things that summarize all of them. one, we have a class divide between the self-employed, middle class and those who work for the government. and the other, this is antiscience. it's very ironic because teachers are supposed to be pro-science. california has a lower death rate per million population than any major european country including germany. it's well under 200. in fact it's only a fifth of new york and we have the twice the population. we are doing very well. we know why we have a spike,
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they told us to be locked down and they said politics trumps science. and then they came back and they infected people. then third, and i think this is really important, if you take donald trump out of the equation, we wouldn't have a lot of the grandstanding. a lot of this is predicated on the idea that the economy will never recover if the fifth largest economy in the world to come california is not fully operative. if your kids are not in school and you have to provide day care at home and will not be able to work or work efficiently so a lot of this has been weaponized and it's pretty obvious now, because of its rejection of science and embrace of politics. >> brian: you just mentioned kids for the first time, and it's all about politics. lisa kreger, she's a writer for
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the san jose news. she says kids aren't the dirtbags, and they get it from us. so you take the teachers with underlying conditions and you pay them and say we can't work until you get the vaccine. that's if you put kids first. final thoughts? >> that's what my colleague has pointed out, children are the cooling rods of this reaction and they don't get the virus at all very often and they tend to not be very infectious and they don't transmit it. so in some weird way it's good that they are around. the people who are vulnerable are just what you said, but they don't want to do that because that would mean the economy would be fully operative and they wouldn't have a political agenda. they are getting paid now not to teach and everybody knows it.
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the people who have to pay their salaries, the taxpayers don't have that luxury. it's very selfish what they are doing and it's ironic because a progressive teachers are always lecturing us on, let's follow the science. well science is clear from scandinavia, switzerland and china that children are not the problem, it's just who you talked about. people my age over 60, and you can treat them without something down the entire economy and school system. >> brian: we can do it for target but we can't actually do it for grammar school. it's unbelievable and unacceptable. when you had a 4.8 million jobs in june you have to make sure it doesn't happen in july. how do you do that? shut it down. professor, always great to talk to you. >> thank you. >> brian: a big story just came out of washington about the washington redskins. a live report is next. also, creepy porn lawyer michael avenatti is returning to fox news tonight, and his wild appearance is just minutes away.
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what you are making? >> brian: that was tucker's legendary interview with creepy porn lawyer, more of it coming up. he's actually out of jail in home confinement. but first it's been a tumultuous week for the washington redskins. first they came to the mob and change their name and 15 former employees say the organization is a toxic workplace for women. reporter dax holt has been following the story and he joins us now. this looks terrible. >> if this is a pretty serious story, thanks for having me. basically the washington redskins owner daniel snyder has faced a lot of controversy. first the pressure to change the team's 87-year-old name and now like you said a 15 former female employees have come forward in a "washington post" exclusive detailing numerous instances of sexual harassment and an unhealthy work environment. in the article the women described culture of fear and belittlement and they say it was a place where executives berated
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them, made comments on their appearance and let the women feeling helpless when complains about executives were ignored. one full-time staffer for about 220 full-time employees. the women told the post that there were often informally told by other veteran employees which males to avoid in the hallways and stairwells to avoid because it could lead to men looking up their skirts. as for daniel snyder himself he was not accused of sexual harassment but more as a boss who belittles his senior employees. one former employee went on to tell a story where h they allege that snyder after a meeting would berate one of his senior management members saying he would make fun of the fact that he was a cheerleader in college and made him to cartwheels down the hall. snyder declined to comment on the story and they now have two law firms working on this. one to handle the situation and the other, the name change.
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>> brian: what kind of reputation does daniel snyder have besides underachieving on the field and firing coaches? >> no, there has been a lot of stories over the years so you know, sometimes these things catch up with you and that's all i can say. >> brian: three employees accused of improper behavior, alex santos and the team director of personnel. this could get really bad, it is like -- it reads like animal house. except no john belushi, it's not a comedy, it's deadly serious. meanwhile another big story straight ahead. what college football return this fall to the gridiron? lsu coach, coach l is ready to return right now. >> i do believe we need to play football for many reasons and first of all i think the country needs it. i think the state of louisiana needs that come up the economy needs it. we all needed. i think our children need to get back to school and we need to
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get on the right track and find a way to fight this thing. >> brian: lou holtz is one of the greatest to ever coach college football and he joins us now to talk about this unprecedented time. coach,s great to see you. i imagine you agree with coach oh, they got to play? >> absolutely. but i don't think they are going to play this year because they are even talking about shutting down the university and giving courses by internet. plus the rules and regulations that they have for college football are absurd. there is no way in this world when one player has a positive, the other players are quarantined for two weeks. in the nfl if i test positive they go test 20 players immediately and they know within a day whether they can play or not. so i know when we talk about economy and sports, it's a far
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left, let's do everything we can to disrupt this country. that's my personal feeling. >> brian: coach, the sec has decided in a few weeks whether they will play. it discussed a potential plan to have a ten-game season consisting of eight scheduled conference games and two nonconference capital gains. is it possible that there's so much money at the line is so much at stake steak between the networks and the sponsors that they do find a semblance of play despite the ivy league's counseling and despite the mid-eastern athletic conference canceling? >> let's make no mistake about it. money is the big factor. the big five on average will earn 60 move billion dollars and they will lose that 60 billion if they don't have football. they don't have football you aren't going to have one in soccer, cross-country, nonrevenue sports, et cetera.
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so when you look at this, the problem with young people, they think if they get covid-19 it's like cancer, we aren't going to live, it's a death sentence. that's not true. there are like 30 people that have died under the age of 25 from this i think. 30 years ago from the influenza flu, 350 people died. they tested and not a single one has been hospitalized. my feeling is, if you are sick or you have an asthma condition, don't come here but other than that, show up and let's play the game. don't keep me alive by keeping me from living. i don't come in 2,020, and let
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me live my life. you need association, you need recreation, you need to do these things that we are taking away from people. and yes, you have to be protected, but let's move on with her life. >> brian: coach, you always talk about in sports, don't complain about the raft, don't complain about the field, don't complain about the crowd to come overcome it. that's what we do in life and that's just the fact, coach i think you motivated a lot of people today. hopefully events and minds into shape. i'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your wife, it was so nice of you to do the show. i know what a great couple you are and thanks so much for your time tonight. >> thank you for having me. the sad thing now, i watch tucker carlson and sean hannity and laura by myself rather than with my wife but life goes on. we all have challenges and that's one thing, the older you
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get, you will always have problems that you learn how to handle. it was the government would learn how to handle it rather than worrying about the election in november. >> brian: you're the best, thanks coach, talk to you soon. and now come a man who planned to run for president and then it all came crumbling down. tucker carlson was one of the first people to call him out. creepy porn lawyer is back and on the show, next.
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>> brian: at the 2020 election is just a few months away and things haven't turned out as expected for former prospective presidential candidate creepy porn lawyer, you know who he is. a few years ago he was a household name, but now he's in prison. but while he was exploring his beta, creepy porn lawyer and continue to reject requests for interviews on the show and then finally cpl agreed to face off with tucker and this is part of
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what went down. >> you said that russia has done something that is the equivalent to putting a hundred thousand troops on our border which is an act of war. i wonder two things. one, what you would do as president if that happened under your watch and a comp number two, what do you think russia thanks watching public figures like you saying we are at war with russia? >> first of all there's no question that russia interfered with the 2016 election in a very serious way. the only question is, what was the involvement by donald trump and his cronies in the process? and that's what bob mueller is in the process of getting to the bottom of. >> tucker: but how as should we as a country respond? >> there you go interrupting me again. >> tucker: i asked what you didn't answer. you're the protector of stormy daniels. she is right now working in strip clubs and little towns and people are throwing things at her. you're wearing a thousand dollar suit. why are you not paying her?
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you've profited from stormy daniels, you've done tens of thousands of free media on the basis of your relationship with her and she's working and strip clubs. you are exploiting her, you know that. why aren't you paying her some of what you are making? >> sir, this is absurd. you don't know the facts. are you going to continue to interrupt me? >> tucker: i do know the facts actually. >> you just demonstrated your ignorance because you didn't even know michael cullen pled guilty - -- >> tucker: i don't believe what he did, and i'm not defending him, i never have come up with a campaign violation. >> he pled guilty to two felonies. >> tucker: i don't think it was a campaign finance violation. stormy daniels was to perform enrichment in a depressing strip club, and you say you are her protector, why is she working in cd strip clubs while you are on television wearing expensive suits? why are you exploiting her, why is she doing that?
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>> because she wants to come with tucker. this is america and if a woman wants to perform in a strip club even though -- >> tucker: you are getting rich. >> i'm not getting rich. even though people demean her like you will come and call her -- if you refer to her consistently as a star and to me as creepy porn lawyer, and meanwhile you give the president a pass who had unprotected sacks with a star with a 4-month-old son at home. >> tucker: you are a moralize her for a guy who does what you do. >> no. >> it's like we are in church now. with a 4-month-old son. i'm officially shocked by trump's behavior, it blew my mind. but why is she working in cd strip clubs? >> do you have any money how much money i earn? >> tucker: wino you don't pay your taxes? >> you don't even know your facts, tucker. >> tucker: i'm just saying,
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why is she -- >> why do you have a show and you are just this ignorance? >> tucker: i know for a fact that your client isn't driving. and if you look at me and say that she wants to perform in strip clubs with people throwing things at her, and people do that when they don't have a choice, but she just likes it? >> you don't know anything about my client. >> tucker: i know she's working in a strip club in richmond. >> i've done a remarkable job for my client, and she will be the first one to tell you that. how do you listen to any of her interviews or seen any of her comments, you would know exactly what she thinks of me. i am not done. i am not exploiting my client, i'm representing my client to the absolute -- i'm still talking. >> tucker: do i have to pretend to be a from cnn to get through to you? >> that's disgusting. why don't you show some respect to my client and me and stop calling us a star and a creepy
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porn lawyer. >> tucker: i'm not making fun of -- slow down. >> went the last time you saw? >> tucker: you busted me, i'm actually into humiliation, that's why i watch on cnn. >> the last time you watched it? do you have a problem with it? >> tucker: you are dodging the question that i have asked you repeatedly. >> do you believe that people that view should watch your show? >> tucker: i'm not even sure with that question means but i will say this sincerely, i have never attacked stormy daniels. i think you are exploiting her as i have said five times, and you haven't answered the question which is, why is it that her life has stalled and your life -- if you are planning a new career as a politician. and like so many lawyers, you are taking advantage of her. you pose as a feminist hero because you are shameless and the other channels let you get away with it, but you are an exporter of a woman and you should be ashamed of it.
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the one cnn and msnbc could both got up past for booking him repeatedly without doing a background check. he owes $300,000 to stormy daniels i believe so tucker was right on the money, and that's why he went to jail because he tried to extort a major company. he's out on a coronavirus -- i guess they are worried he's going to get him in prison but tucker nailed that and also his lack of character. it never gets old. and speaking of others with absurd dreams of becoming president, new york city mayor bill de blasio has now lost control of his city, the city i work in every day. he seems to have no idea what's going on. a "tucker carlson tonight" investigation straight ahead, don't move. ♪ - i'm jeff anderson.
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for 37 years we have been fighting for survivors of child sex abuse. even in these uniquely challenging times we're still fighting with dedication and devotion. california law gives survivors a chance to take legal action, but only for a limited time. if you were sexually abused by a priest, scout leader, coach or teacher contact us confidentially today. it's time.
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♪ >> brian: it's shootings in new york city are up 277% this week compared to this time this last year, rate is up 50% and burglaries 32%. tuesday night it got worse. a woman walking down the street with a stroller put into a headlock, wrestled to the ground and stabbed. get the point? crime is spiraling out of
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control in new york city and yet somehow mayor bill de blasio, surrounded at all times for by his arm security detail has not noticed. >> people said that if we reduced incarceration and ended the era of mass incarceration, we would be endangered. it was the other way around, my friends. we now have fewer people in our jails then any time since world war ii. and we are safer for it, and better for it. >> brian: it because you let them all out. safer and better than before? maybe the mayor doesn't watch the news. >> early monday morning a one year old baby boy was pronounced dead in the hospital from a shooting sunday night, some other victims from over the weekend as young as 12 and 15 years old. the ambitious tech intrapreneur is up body was found it decapitated and in pieces on the seventh floor where he lived.
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sources say his head and limbs were placed in plastic bags near an electric saw. >> is the car slowly pulled up next to a group of people and a man sitting in the backseat rolls down his window and starts firing. >> 48 new york city police officers including the police chief injured in protests on the brooklyn bridge. the officers were hurt after encountering an occupy city hall rally during a pro-police in march. the chief reportedly suffering a broken finger and police say at least 38 people are in custody tonight. >> brian: it was actually a unity mark with religious leaders. surveillance video outside of city hall shows so-called protesters receiving a shipment of baseball bats. you probably haven't seen this video. just before the cops were attacked. this is a deliberate attack on law enforcement. not just an attack on police, an attack on the rule of law, build civilization itself, on the city. let's hope new york prosecutors realize that. he said we went from the state
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for city to the most chaotic city, how did this happen? >> part of it happen through criminal justice reform over the last year or two, there has been a steady decriminalization first of public order crimes like public, sleeping in the parks, and steadily it has gotten worse and worse. they rolled back and instituted bail reform so you can't detain people pretrial. the prosecutors in new york city now divert a lot of gun charges. new york city is supposed to have very strict gun laws and it does if you are a law-abiding person and you want to get a gun, that's tough. but if you are arrested and illegally have one, they usually defer your prosecution and put you into some kind of nonjail type of rehabilitative program. so all of these things have
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contributed to this new environment of chaos essential essentially. like you said we seem shootings and stabbings, crime, even when the subway is up but nobody is writing the subways. >> brian: so if people come back to work or come back to their apartment in september, if they continue to suppress the virus numbers. but i've got something else to bring it to. with got 1600 men and women crime unit disbanded. we have a situation where stop and frisk stopped about a year ago and the mayor believes that was a vesting thing ever happened. there was a time when a giant player mistakenly shot himself in the foot, calexico burris, and that was gun news. he went to jail. gangs know they can't be infiltrated because the anti-crime unit is no longer in
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plain clothes infiltrating is even on the job. so chaos has broken loose. what i'm stunned at and maybe you aren't is a short amount of time in which this happened. >> well, you know, there's a lot of ruin in the city. it takes a while to break -- for things to break down but it's been there for years. you could see it fraying with homelessness and the homeless being allowed to take over the subways but now it's really an full collapse. de blasio's plan in lieu of having the anti-crime unit as to have these violence interrupters who are community people going out and supposedly interrupting violence. but even they say this can take ten years to have an effect on getting people to, you know, put down their guns.
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>> brian: someone is handing out the radios and someone during the looting handed out the bricks and dropped off pallets of bricks and someone else is pulling up with bats. this is organized chaos created to take down the city and they have a compliant mayor and everyone around them. thanks so much for joining us and continue to follow the story, we proceeded, seth. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: just about everything is political these days so you will not be surprised that the left is freaking out about a bean company. yes, you heard that right, a being company. if you have to watch out for those racist beings, at that story is straight ahead. his musical so what's going on?
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♪ >> brian: first they came for confederate statues, then they went for christopher columbus, now they're coming for our founding fathers. i'm serious. a university in new york is removing a statue of thomas jefferson. he said the statue's placement
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in the student center has been a consistent source of pain for many of our black students and allies. it cost $45,000 a year to attend. not sure if it's worth it anymore. the statue will be moved to a museum. when you saw the statue of jefferson, you still chose to go there. why? pick another school, it's cheaper. leave jefferson alone, we wouldn't be america without him. switching gears, and supermarkets across united states of america and latin america, we could go to the company's president went to the white house and had the audacity for praising president trump for being a builder. naturally there was a bunch of outrage and backlash. speak of the backlash to goya was real. it was fast and it was furious, as it should've been. what robert did to praise the president at the white house was a slap in the face and a spear in the heart of the latino community. >> brian: praised the president of the white house.
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a blow up after ivanka trump tweeted a picture of her holding up a can of goya b. chelsea handler responded, tweeting, if you want your beings without a side of racism, try other brands. i am. alongside her a hol, picture ofr holding a different brand of beans. heart, he prays to president at the white house, what's the problem? >> absolutely what we are being asked to do is to disregard every tradition, every acknowledgment of respect. it is a very high honor to meet with the president of the united states. i had an opportunity when barack obama was president to actually get a chance to shake his hand. i was polite, i was respectful and it wasn't something extra that i needed to do.
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even though i wasn't personally a supporter. i respected and honored the office. this woke crowd is asking america to completely reject all of its values, all of its traditions and in this particular case, they are actually attacking a minority-owned and operated company which has done amazing things in the community to help minorities. >> brian: you know what i think it is? the president and the hispanic community, who we are told hates him, is actually pulling higher than he did in 2016 and b6 would only up those ratings. is this democrats making sure the latino vote doesn't get too high for this president? >> here is the thing, what the woke people don't understand as americans, black, white or brown i'm a look at elections and they
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look at washington and they say, how is it working out for me? all of the language and the cancel culture and all of those things mean nothing. what i'm hearing is that goya now is a hotter product than it's ever been. more americans, white, black, and brown, are reaching out and buying these items and that is a good thing. if you offer a quality product in america you ought to be welcome. what the woke crowd wants is for us to break off into little segments. that's not what america is about. that is not what martin luther king said he wanted us to be about and that is not even what our founders wanted us to be about. then it's a radical agenda. >> brian: horace, thanks so much. you always make a lot of sense. meanwhile, that's it for us tonight. don't forget to tune into the brian kilmeade radio show on fox news radio from nine to
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noon. and you know in each and every night, each and every morning to a fox & friends and don't forget the show, the sworn enemy of line come pomposity, smugness and groupthink. don't forget to dvr the show because tucker makes money every time someone dvrs the show. that's what i think. >> sean: three seconds late but who's counting? i am buying goya products for my local food bank. after b7-19 come a lot of people need help. fascinating, great show as always. welcome to "hannity" tonight. major new endorsements for president trump. alexandealexandria ocasio-corteg my dream in your taxes through the roof. bernie sanders heaping massive praise on joe biden's hard left


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