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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 17, 2020 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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great seeing you. >> lisa: that's about it for us tonight. so much fun. tune in each night at 8:00 for the show that's the sworn enemy of lying pomposity smugness and groupthink. also don't forget to dvr the show if you haven't said it already. have a great evening. ♪ >> all right, welcome to this special edition of "hannity," the road to 2020. i am tammy bruce intimate for sean. for the hour we are going to preview what's at stake in november. we start with troubling news from the u.s. supreme court. 87-year-old justice ruth bader ginsburg is once again battling cancer. joining us now with the very latest is the host of ""fox news @ night"" shannon bream. shannon bream >> the justice is at home and we are told she is resting comfortably after being hospitalized this week for what we are told is an infectiot today after that seeming pretty
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routine, some very different news, telling us that justice ginsburg has been undergoing chemotherapy after suffering a recurrence of cancer. in a statement from the oldest member on the court, she says that she had a scan in february. there was also a biopsy that followed up on that and that that led her to see that there were lesions on her liver. immunotherapy we are told initially which he tried did not work with the chemotherapy seems to be doing the trick. she remains fully engaged, doing work, it's been a very, very busy term for her. she says she is "fully able to continue to do so." just a reminder for folks, she's a tough cookie. she's had a long history with several battles for cancer in a. a decade later it was pancreatic cancer. in 2018, she underwent lung cancer. it was found after she fell and broke a couple rooms. today this announcement about chemotherapy for a recurrence of liver cancer. she's been hospitalized this term also with gallstones and with an infection related to that. but she is home tonight and she is always said listen, i'm going
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to keep doing this job in the court as long as i can. her words as long as i can go full steam. tonight she says she is able to in her work continues. tammy. >> tammy: there you go. look, we may disagree with her politics but this is a woman who is a tremendous role model and clearly life is worth living and she's made a commitment to that. shannon, thank you very much for that tonight. we are 190s away from the pivotal 2020 election. during an interview with chris wallace that will air on sunday, president trump highlighted the critical decision that americans must make in november. take a look at this. >> you've seen deaths. in new york come up in chicago, shootings. how do you explain it and what are you going to do about it? >> i explain it very simply that they are democrat run cities, liberally run, stupidly run. >> liberal democrats have been running cities in this country for decades. >> poorly. >> why's it so bad right now? >> they run them poorly.
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it was always bad but now it's gotten totally out of control and it's really because they want to defund the police and biden wants to defund the police. >> sir, he does not. >> look, he signed a charter bernie sanders. >> he says nothing about defunding the police. >> oh, really? it says abolish. let's go. you give me the charter please. >> tammy: make no mistake. america's liberal cities are a disaster. that seems pretty clear and with biden, this lawlessness will only get worse. just last week he agreed to "redirect funds" away from the police. one biden staffer just got caught mocking police as worse than pigs. with this meme on twitter. this comes by senator elizabeth warren is reportedly shaping biden's policies. in bernie sanders is praising biden for his hard left turn. take a look at this. >> well, as you know, as you mentioned, we put together a number of task force with the
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biden campaign. one was on health care. he moved a whole lot in many areas. >> tammy: look, you've got to appreciate his honesty. joining us now is arizona commerce minh andy biggs. senior political advisor janelle s. and joe concha. let me start with you, jenna. interesting arguments. joe biden really has been hiding. hasn't been a lot of opportunities to ask him questions and pushing on these issues. do you think perhaps he's being misrepresented or is in bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and his own comments, do they speak more truth than others are giving him credit for? >> well joe biden is no moderate. listen, tammy, we are all familiar with designer labels having brand ambassadors that are civilly recognizable faces and designed to sell a product and joe biden is the brand ambassador in the face of the bernie bros brand.
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communism of socialism. so what we see joe biden's face, we should all have the unmistakable stench of the recognizable brand of bernie sanders communism. that's the facts of his policies. if you look at what joe biden has put out when he's not hiding in his basement, he has signed this pact with bernie sanders. he is teaming up with elizabeth warren. beto o'rourke, the squad. he's for taxpayer-funded abortions on demand, open borders, all of these extremist liberal leftist socialist marxist policies. he can't hide behind the face of a moderate. he's absolutely the faith of bernie sanders campaign. >> tammy: yeah, and he sent a difficult position because he clearly has to deal with the far left in his own party. representative bigs, we have a dynamic here where someone might argue he's pandering to them and will govern differently. do you think that's the case? clearly joe biden has been in public policy and government
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fumbles 50 years. do we know him well enough to know what he would do if he was elected? >> yeah, i don't think he's going to come back to the middle on this because normally what you do is after you secure the nomination, which he has done, then you start moving back to the middle to try to win back the independents and moderates in your party. he's done the exact opposite. he's gone hard left. when you get beto o'rourke who wants to take away guns, that resonates with the middle. they don't want that. but it sits wonderfully with the hard left of the democratic party. he's not even moderate anymore. he's not liberal anymore. he is now hard left. you bring in aoc. you bring in the squad. you're going to remake this country. you're going to have higher crime, higher taxes, more regulation. that's what you're going to get with the biden presidency. >> tammy: i think what we have seen and especially with you being a media watcher, in fact it seems apparent that the democratic party has been now, the far left is taken control of
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it. donald trump was one candidate for the first time ever really who espoused a policy position, had an attitude and approach during the general election, during the primaries, and didn't change and didn't tag back to some other position for the general election. but we see maybe a joe biden is just going to take this and run through the general election. what do you think, especially with how the media seems to be trying to position him in a strange way as a moderate. >> it's interesting because tammy, media has gone left just as joe biden has gone left and look, joe biden shifts to whatever is politically expedient. he was against same-sex marriage in 2006. he voted for both iraq wars. his crime bill will get him ostracized from the party, the one he helped write in 1994. a biden victory and even some democrats will tell you means that your president will probably be elizabeth moore and his art helping out as far shaping policy, could be his vice president to pick as well.
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and nancy pelosi because obviously she's house speaker. good chance democrats keep the house in the fall. decent chance they could even take back the senate, and if joe biden is saying yes to everybody and his party just keep them happy, the way of going to work is the bill in the house goes to the senate, goes to biden and he doesn't even blink. president needs to make it a two issue race and he's trying to do it but really these are the only two things he should talk about. who will keep your taxes down? who will keep the economy are boring because right now we are already seeing a v-shaped recovery a lot people them -- faster than people expected. next year gdp could be 6%. who's going to keep you safe? all he has to do is point to new york, portland, seattle and say this is what you'll get if you elect joe biden and essentially make nancy pelosi and elizabeth warren your copresidents. >> tammy: that's an excellent point because there does have to be a focus and jenna, i just have to say the mount rushmore speech, if that was the
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template, because that's heart and soul of the president. he's not pandering to anyone. he's being himself. that speech really laid it out. wouldn't that be the focus because well we know joe biden has problems it's clear what the left has in store for this country and americans do not like mob violence. wouldn't that be the best approach for the president to use that speech as a template moving forward? >> or 100% and i think that he's going to continue on with that t american heritage of liberty and freedom and being the best country for the most opportunity to pursue happiness, to pursue freedom and liberty in this country is our heritage. and that mount rushmore speech, i was there with the president. he was amazing. everyone loved it. i think at that turned a corner in terms of the contrast between him and joe biden. this is, really a single issue race. it's either that or you want to preserve and protect the freedos and liberties that we so enjoy in this country that our government is obligated to preserve and protect. or we want to completely
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transform america and totally sell it and give it away to joe biden and a reasonable american understands president trump's america first is all about protecting and preserving our fundamental individual rights moving forward. >> tammy: it's interesting here in the left has done this for the president, he's once again the outsider. you know, we see what the democrats have in mind and in some cases they are saying joe biden is going to be just a placeholder and they are effectively admitting that the establishment has been running the country or they want to get back to running it, and donald trump of course ruined all those plans. i think americans didn't put him in as a lark. it was more of a challenge in a statement that we don't want with the left was offering and now of course we see what everything has come to which is unfortunate for so many of these liberally run cities. everyone, thank you so much. congressman, jenna, joe, things were being with me. i appreciate it. look at your screen right now and you can see the aftermath of
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clashes between police and protesters in chicago near a columbus statue. this has just been happening. we are monitoring the story closely just with what we were talking about, very good example of this. coming up next, more from the president's interview with chris wallace and will discuss the importance of getting our kids back to school. that is key obviously. with kellyanne conway. she joins us after the break. staying with us. it's pretty inspiring the way families
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we're committed to helping all families stay connected. learn more at >> tammy: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." the president is continuing to earn school to save the reopen of the fall for obvious reasons. warning that a failure to keep
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kids in class could do serious harm to their futures. let's take a look. >> what do you tell parents and teachers who feel that it's unsafe to go back? >> i would tell parents and teachers that you should find yourself a new person, whoever's in charge of that decision, because it's a terrible decision. mothers can't go to work because all of a sudden they have to stay home and watch their child. and fathers. what's happening, you know there's a tremendous strain on that whole side of the equation. >> so it's a balancing act? >> it's a balancing act but we have to open our schools. >> tammy: now it comes as joe biden and the lawless left continues to use the virus has a 2020 cudgel instead of putting public health before politics especially on the issue of masks. chris wallace asked the president about all of this in an interview that you're going to be able to see this sunday. here is a short preview. >> do you regret not wearing a mask in public from the start? would you consider, will you
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consider a national mandate that people need to wear masks? >> no, i want people to have a certain freedom and i don't believe in that, no and i don't agree with the statement that if everybody were amassed everything would disappear. dr. fauci said don't worry mask. our surgeon general, terrific guy, so don't wear a mask. everybody was saying don't wear a mask and elves that never buddies got to wear a mask and as you know masks cause problems too. with that being said, i'm a believer in masks. i think masks are good. >> tammy: sure to react to all of this is counselor to the president, kellyanne conway. kellyanne, thank you so much for being here. i appreciate it. >> hi, tammy. >> tammy: look, this interview is going to be great on sunday. every time the president has a chance to speak his mind, the american people realize how serious he is and what he wants to get done. that conversation in particular is very important because he was talking about dr. fauci, who flip-flopped on the issue of masks as an example. now i've got the president, he's
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not doing those briefings that he was doing every day but we've got dr. fauci with his big spread and in style magazine. he's going around, kind every and perhaps a lack of seriousness are vanity. that's impacting him. what do you think of the president's opinion, his voice, being able to get out there out there lament more when it comes to this continuing conversation about the coronavirus? >> i am a volunteer and i've been very public about including today. the president had a 51% approval rating handling the pandemic when he was doing the daily briefings. they don't need to be two hours long. with confrontations instead of information with a press car that just venerating him and trying to battle him for their own book fees in speaking fees and fame. he can provide information to americans because nobody does that quite like president trump. he's already provided what i call the democratization of information through his twitter feed and all the social media platforms.
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he has 170 million or so followers on social media. he's cut out the middleman, tammy. everybody gets the information from the president at the same time, stay-at-home moms, billionaire ceos, the plumber on the job checking his phone. the only people who don't like the fact the president has cut out the middleman is the middleman. and that's the media. but i think when the president provides basic information about where we are coronavirus and look he and the task force were doing at a reasonable day when the information was devastating, we had over 2,000 deaths per day. we were there. the president was there every slow day every weekend. he was in the white house with the coronavirus task force. all of that were there was put forward really now needs to i believe be carried through. i want to say this. people try to separate president trump for members of his task force including dr. fauci. they are all on the same task force. dr. fauci is part of the presidents government now, as is dr. redfield, dr. birx and others. but also our great economist, secretary of labor and treasuring other people are trying to get the economic
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relief going. this president's handling of dual financial and medical crisis has been excellent. people don't want to give them credit for a surging ventilator capacity, i see you capacity, exercising their domestic production act, working -- working with democratic governors. he's don't trickle down so many great things that people don't want to give them credit for but the american people see it. >> tammy: the american people don't necessarily see it all because the media covers it up, right? they don't talk about those things. it's always the panic porn, if you will. negativity. even the muni deletion of the numbers. we thought polls were many related but now we have the actual data we are finding out that was manipulated about the coronavirus. it's clear the president should at least have a voice in making sure that people know exactly what it isn't going on because they appreciate it. but in the midst of that, as we heard with the president's
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answer regarding schools is that there's also this misinformation about the danger of schools. europe has open up their schools. they've not found a surge. pediatricians in the united states are saying you must get children back into this environment. what can we do? and obviously i think the president's right but he must take some action to be able to move this forward. otherwise it's going to be a lost generation. forget about a lost economy. this is going to go on as a problem for 20 years. >> it's true and you know was disproportionately hurt by this, some of our lower income students, those who rely upon school choice, opportunity scholarships, charter schools, they don't have the certainty that they are going to have the continuity, tammy. some of us are pushing for legislation to make sure that if their schools aren't open they can take that money with them and go to another school. so we stop this interruption in their academic schooling but also in all the services that so many of our school children across the country rely upon. in the first three weeks in
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march, 75 million students stopped going to school. nearly 100% of our students weren't in school. we saw the digital divide they bear. so many of this kids could not access basic digital assets to let them learn remotely. the statistics are worth repeating that our schools report about one in five child-abuse cases. it's a place where many of our students get their nutrition. it's where they are able to see another adult and tell them something. they get their mental health services, basic health services. all that is so boring because we can't create a pandemic within . everybody wants it done safely and securely. i've talked to school districts and superintendents and board members and some people are being very creative with solutions that are coming up with to be creative and innovative and get these kids back to school. it won't maybe feel the same. maybe if fewer assemblies. mom and dad can't come in and do reading timer cupcake parties for birthdays. we can be innovative. we are america. we have to get kids back in school and joe biden's against
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school choice, opportunity scholarships. standing in the schoolhouse door traveling kids inside of it. can't get a better education. preventing other kids from going in and starting the school year. it's terrible. >> tammy: the choices been clear and remains clear. kellyanne, thank you for joining us. we know virtual learning is a big failure. we've learned a lot that we have to move forward knowing what it is we must do and obviously the president, kellyanne laid it out quite well right there, knows what needs to be done and it's great that he's on this. we are monitoring a situation in chicago where you can see live pictures of protesters right there clashing with police near a columbus catcher. that city remains lawless. more on the surging violence in our democrat led cities. all of it is coming out all of a sudden. we will have a live report coming up next. stare there. -- stay right there. (announcer) now more than ever, it's important to lose weight,
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>> tammy: welcome back, everybody, to the special edition of "hannity." i am tammy bruce in tonight for sean. interest has been made in the gruesome murder of a taxi io right here in new york city. joining us now with the latest is our own bryan llenas. bryabrian, what's up? >> tammy, good evening. will begin with another incident. the 25-year-old man caught on camera salting the nypd chief of department terence monahan as well as two other nypd officers on the brooklyn bridge on wednesday was released without bail by a judge robert rosenthal in the decision chief monahan is called "reckless" one that endangers er and the officers who risk it all to protect them.
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the manhattan d.a.'s office had recognized that karen campbell be held on $75,000 bail. the second suspect involved in that attack was not freed and is being held on the $10,000 bail. meanwhile the nypd did make an arrest today and the horrific murder of fahim saleh. the ceo's former and personal assistant, tyrese has bo, was arrested today for teasing him, stabbing him and chopping his body up. he'd reportedly stolen a hundred thousand dollars from that seal. murders in new york city are up 23%. the number of shooting incidents are up 60% and the number of shooting victims is up 70% from year to date data that we have checked tonight the nypd. tammy. >> lisa: bryan llenas, i want
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to say thank you but boy, it's gruesome news. it's good at least some of those bad guys are off the streets. thank you for joining us. thank you. we are continue to monitor reports of violent protests in chicago. near the columbus statue writers you see right there in grant park as lawlessness groups liberal run cities across america. that statue i believe that park is next to the museum in chicago. especially now in portland, oregon, there are major problems were last night hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets while reportedly threatening to burn down a nearby police precinct. now portland has suffered weeks of violence. he noticed the media is not bringing it to you, right? this is prompted a visit from acting dhs secretary chad wolf who's making it clear that federal authorities will take needed action to protect federal property from destruction. take a look at what he told hannity last night. >> what i'm asking all state and local leaders here in portland,
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in oregon, come out specifically and publicly condemn these violent anarchists. we've had enough of it. we are going to continue to protect the courthouse and do our mission at the end of the day. >> tammy: all right and meanwhile back in chicago, mayor lori lightfoot is continuing to put petty politics above the safety and security of our own citizens and city, telling kayleen mcenaney "hey, karen, watch your mouth." after the white house press secretary slammed the mayor for failing to rein in violence in the city of chicago. because in the last month alone you guys, hundreds have been shot, dozens have been killed, including a 5-month-old baby boy shot just last night on the city's north side. so look, let me be clear here. safety and security, peace and prosperity, all of it is on the ballot in november. a vote for a blue wave becoming rather obvious is a vote for a crime wave. too many people already know that. a vote for joe boyden is a vote to bring the high crime from the
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states of major cities like new york where i am right now or chicago to your front door no matter where you live. now joining me for a reaction, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett along with former florida attorney general pam bondi and newark city councilman joe borelli, one of the few conservatives on that council but i think a good example of how even new york knows good leadership when they see it. gregg, let me start with you. chad wolf says that the president has had enough and they are going to be taking action. we see this chaos in great american cities, every city is a great american city. what exactly can the dhs do are the president do to stop this kind of violence? >> well, if there is insurrection in a city and people's lives are at risk, the government under a congressional act is allowed to go in. there are also allowed to protet federal property. a lot of this is happening due
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to the protests. you know, let me say this. black lives do matter, this is an important movement because it brings needed overdue attention to the fact that there is racial injustice and that african-americans are in many cases unfairly targeted by police. so people need to speak about it. they need to protest and demonstrate for better government, better policing, training and reforms. but the constitution and these cherished rights of assembly and to protest your government doesn't give demonstrators a license to turn themselves into criminals and engage in rampant acts of looting and vandalism and arson and assault and battery. mayor de blasio is doing nothing about it. as joe well knows because he voted against this, the mayor and the city council cut a billion dollars of police
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funding. de blasio disbanded the very successful anti-crime unit. 600 cops that managed to get many of the guns off the streets. instead what the mayor does is paint a mural on fifth avenue. it's insidious. the irony of that is extraordinary because as you've got the mural being painted, the violence is taking lives of people of color. and it says that when we got apparently police protection now joe borelli for the mural whereas we finally caught the person that murdered allegedly the dad who was walking his little girl across the street. he gets shot down. we finally arrested that person. maybe that man would still be alive of the police were able to actually do their job. it's people of color who are being victimized in this process. so that's the other thing that of course turns this on its head. joe, what are you seeing exactly here in new york? >> sure, you're certainly right. 94, 95% of the victims of shootings are people who are
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nonwhite in new york city. but you mentioned earlier in the reporter just before, the attack on chief monahan. take that on its own for a second. that person was released without bail for assaulting a police officer. that wasn't done at random. that was done because democratic politicians here in new york city and new york state decided bail was something we should not have been any circumstances even in circumstances like this where it's clearly warranted. now we also and the mayor just signed this law yesterday, we also criminalized basically the movement of a police officer putting pressure on the perpetrators diaphragm. they call it a choke hold bill. it also makes a crime out about police officer leaning on or kneeling or sitting on. it makes it impossible. we have change the balance of criminality in a fight. >> tammy: and we have signaled of course to the population that the police are the problem. now we have criminalized them if they do their job. pam, as a former attorney
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general, you see this. it's not just in new york. these are liberal policies. it's not just a bad judge. are you seeing this everywhere? do you think this in some ways can be stopped or is the president going to have to stop and? >> well, it's certainly not happening in florida. i think the common denominator, these liberal politicians. the mayor in chicago. look what's happening, what you said tammy. a 5-month-old baby a shot in the eye. from this time last year, homicides are a 417%. oh and what kayleigh mcenany said is completely correct, that mayor is derelict. what's the definition of derelict? grossly negligent in your duty. she's letting these crimes run rampant. she will not enable her police to do their job in chicago. look what's happening right now as we speak in chicago. look at portland. we have the mayor, the liberal mayor in portland, telling the federal authorities stay inside, don't come out and protect the federal courthouse. that's not going to happen under president trump.
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the 9,000 plus federal buildings in our country will be protect protected. >> tammy: yeah, and i think that's a given. americans are unfortunately having to see the extreme differences between the law and order that we want and must have for our families future versus what is unfolding illiberal cities because it's not natural and it certainly not the american way. gregg, pam, joe, thank you for the work you do and for joining me. the left won't give up on trying to boycott gioia. a hollywood actor wants to start a conservative movie studio. leo terrell and larry elder will be here with more on the backlash to cancel culture. stay with us. ♪ don't just think about where you're headed this summer. think about how you'll get there. and now that you can lease or buy a new lincoln remotely or in person... discovering that feeling has never been more effortless.
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>> tammy: hey, welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." this so-called cancel culture continues to hit new lows. a group called citizens for a responsibility and ethics in washington filed a ridiculous
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complaint against ivanka trump accusing her of misconduct over this tweet showing support for goya and the work that they have done for the hispanic community. i made calls to boycott their products over their ceos support of president trump. also new today, nba star james harden is facing backlash for wearing a thin blue line face mask. it shows support for police. god forbid. harden responded to critics saying "i thought it looked cool. that was it." that's a shame, right? there may be suing some changes to the left's stranglehold on culture and entertainment. this morning actor antonio sabato jr. join fox business' mornings with maria to discuss his plans for a conservative movie studio. that's kind of interesting. joining us with their reaction, civil rights attorney leo terrel and radio talk show host larry elder. gentlemen, thank you for joining me.
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i appreciated. >> thank you, tami. glad to be here. >> tammy: now i have to say leo and i know each other well, both of us were on the left for an extended period of time. i come from the left. we know larry might still be a tiny bit but he's seen the light. when we see this kind of, we see, we are familiar with it, this idea of operating through threats or intimidation, punishing people who don't conform. it's difficult to watch. leo, what do you think overall when it comes to, like with the goya boycott and everything else you're seeing here? >> let me give you the answer in 45 seconds. first of all the democrat party is the party of racism. they are the ones who say if you are, you vote republican, you ain't black. i'm black. i'm voting republican. they are trying to intimidate hispanics to stay in the democratic party. that's why you have this silly attack on this goya food company. because they are afraid that
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blacks and hispanics are going to start thinking and saying you know what, we are going to bolt from the democratic party and we are going to vote for trump and that's out of fear and what they are doing right now is trying to intimidate blacks and hispanics. james hearn situation is outright ridiculous. you know why? it's a false assumption that if you're black you're not supposed to support the police. that's ridiculous. because police officers support us. >> tammy: leo, it comes down also to the fact that he was too afraid to actually own that mask, the fact that -- >> he had to back down. that's the pressure. >> tammy: we see this. it's part of the framework but it really is now at an intense point, don't you think, larry, that there's this generalized fear and it seems like it's really taking hold. do you think it can be reversed? >> i think it can be in tammy, that's exactly why i've done a film called "uncle tom" to
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address all of this. the film talks about black conservatives and how black conservatives are ignored or called all sorts of names i can't say on a family show just for suggesting as leo did that maybe we ought not be in the bed with the party of roe v. wade. we maybe ought not be in the party of porous borders. maybe just maybe we ought not be the party of anti-school choice when so many of our public schools are lousy. you've got 13 public schools in baltimore where 0% of kids can do math at grade level but you're mandated to send your kids who just graduated from middle school to that school. republicans want to give you an option and democrats, 95% of the black vote. what's up with that? my movie "uncle tom" available on please check it out. >> tammy: it's good stuff. at the same time, we have to look at the fact that the republicans have never well they've never very little very few opportunities to put out the
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options for people in the inner cities, the republican party has dropped that bal ball. they've not had options. the rate of voting is low and the expectation that people of color don't speak for themselves or don't think for themselves of course in and of itself is racist. gentlemen, thank you. larry and leo, things for joining me. thanks for being here and coming up, explosive new evidence of deep state abuse. i know that won't surprise you. more details after the break. - i'm jeff anderson.
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for 37 years we have been fighting for survivors of child sex abuse. even in these uniquely challenging times we're still fighting with dedication and devotion. california law gives survivors a chance to take legal action, but only for a limited time. if you were sexually abused by a priest, scout leader, coach or teacher contact us confidentially today. it's time.
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>> tammy: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." senate republicans just released a trove of bombshell documents surrounding christopher steele's dirty dossier. according to the material, steele's primary sub source said the dossier was unsubstantiated and unreliable and that's not all. these documents reveal the anti-trump leaks in a 2017 "new york times" piece were wrong nine times in the same article. it's kind of like a weird theater, isn't it? joining us now with more is the ranking member of the house intel committee, devin nunes, and the coauthor of the new book
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"fall out." john solomon joins us. thank you for being with us. it's a crazy time. john solomon, let's start with you because animals can become overwhelming sometimes, we get pieces of information that tells us all the times of this is wrong, that was wrong, that was a fraud, that was fake. how is it now, what is the new information and how are things proceeding? what's being released and what we can expect to have come up. >> listen, these documents today deliver a devastating blow to the credibility of three central figures in the russia case. "the new york times" which drove the theory of russia collusion that was false. nine errors, nine substantive errors in a single story. they should retract that story. christopher steele, the dossier come his own source disowned much of the information when he met with the fbi. either christopher steele made it up or didn't take very good records and was a lousy intelligent agent. third, you have an entire example of the fbi knowing for months that everything they gave
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to the fisa court was wrong, everything. yet they never retracted it. they renewed the fisa application two more times. >> tammy: you know, it's amazing. i know will are waiting, representative nunes, we are all waiting for the durham report, the action when it comes to indictments possibly et cetera. but the american people, this affects the legitimacy of the government when we see this going on in the conclusions that we have to drive now we know everything we see shows that there was some kind of weird collusion to do something bad to stop donald trump. with everything you've been through in this regard, what is your take on where things have landed at this point? >> well, i think i'm not too interested in the durham report. i would like to know everything for the four plus years that went on including even the mueller investigation. but really what we want is we want indictments. we have made 14 criminal referrals. we have another investigation is ongoing. i would say the take away that i have tonight, john hit it on the
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head with those three important topics but also we have suspected for a very long time that steele maybe had only two russians. but we believe they were actually kind of real russians but he didn't really know them. the question is, how was it that steele found these suppose it russians and was able to use them? we have asked the fbi and the cia about these russians. i've set for a long time we are interested in two russians. it won't surprise you, they have yet to allow us access to these two russians that we now believe our -- >> tammy: gentlemen, we are really tight here but clearly americans are hearing that very serious things are continuing to go along and we clearly still need the exposure of them. both of you are doing a very good job in that regard and justice is coming. i think it's safe to say that. gentlemen, thanks for being here tonight. will we come back, ordered from sean hannity.
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stay right there.
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♪ >> tammy: welcome back everyone to this special edition of hannity, before we go we have a sneak peek, sean hannity recently sat down with harris faulkner, take a look at. >> i look at the george floyd video and the officer who knelt on his neck, he has a track record. right? >> sean: how many times? ten? >> it's north of that, double digits. people knew about him. with your family history of law enforcement, why doesn't that get picked up? >> sean: george floyd was in handcuffs, he didn't need a knee on his neck for one second, you see his face pushed into the ground, autopsy with abrasions
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on his face and you can see it. you're referring to to the tape of the other officer trying to do crowd control and crowd of people, everyone should look at this tape, that makes me angry. will you please stop it? he's going to die. and that officer had a responsibility to turn around and say -- take him off that m man. >> tammy: make sure to check out the full special this sunday at 10:00 p.m. eastern time on fox. we are still monitoring the situation in chicago are protesters attempted to take down a statue of columbus before police intervened. more on this story on monday. all of this is predictable, i wrote a book i want to share with you -- the death of right and wrong back in 2005. it's in paperback and it predicts what is happening right now. it would be great if you could pick it up, it's still relevant unfortunately but it is there and my thanks to all of you, my
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thanks to the entire hannity team. that's all the time we have left this evening and thanks to sean for letting me sit in this chair. i will see you next time, i'm tammy bruce here for sean hannity, have a great weekend everyone. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is a special edition of "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. georgia governor brian kemp has come under huge fire for suing localities in his own state over mandating their own covid-19 rules. he is here to respond to them. it also tonight, raymond arroyo digs into biden's latest mask add, and anthony fauci on the catwalk. first period of there is no getting around that, according to most polls, president trump is running behind joe biden.