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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 21, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> we are not going to let new york, chicago, philadelphia, detroit, baltimore, were not going to let this happen in our country, these people are in our guests. these are people that hate our country and we are not going to let it go forward. >> it is tuesday july 21st. happening at 4 am, federal intervention in portland may be just the beginning as donald trump's ouster crackdown on violence in liberal cities but democrats are pushing back
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despite weeks of unrest, we are live with a stunning proposal to block the president's law and order mission. >> people who broke into my neighborhood, they are all trespassing, none of those people are charged. it is a bizarre upside down world. i've been a little irritated by this process until today. now i'm just fired up, this is gotten to be outrageous. >> the same was couple waving guns at protesters outside their home criminally charged. outrage from top leaders as the governor vows a pardon is on the way. >> probably not rihanna's intended words but we will say it anyway. we found love in a frozen place, chilling study linking your favorite ice cream flavor to wendy's. find your soulmate. "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning starts right now. ♪
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jillian: is that the original? sounds a little different. good morning to you. what is that? it has to be the remake. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning. todd: you know it will be a rough day when you hit confusion at the music. thank you for starting the day with us. a lot of news to get to, protests raging, eight weeks of unrest in portland, oregon. jillian: protesters in chicago rally reports the the end to t
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federal intervention. >> reporter: mayors in the biggest cities are sounding off on the move to deploy federal officers, six mayors including portland, oregon, atlanta, and seattle pending a letter to william barr demanding immediate removal of the officers in portland and asking a congressional investigation in what they call unconstitutional terror tactics. ted wheeler saying the president is attacking progressive cities with a classic divide and conquer tactic. we must not fall prey to it. democrats proposing a bill locking with a calm military occupation in portland, the proposed bill would require agencies, prevent unmarked vehicles from being used during arrest, limit crowd activities and inform the public of federal officer deployments within 24 hours. donald trump is doubling down on
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his efforts to curb crime in those cities. >> we are not going to let this happen in our country can all run by liberal democrats. portland has done a fantastic job. a lot of people in jail, their leaders, these are anarchists, not protesters, people that hate our country and we are not going to let it go forward. >> the department of homeland security reportedly planning to send 100 federal officers to chicago after chicago police were ambushed during a protest near christopher columbus statue, protesters throwing objects at the offices. >> we have to change the way we deploy resources and expectations of protest have to include this level of violence as part of what we are seeing, we can't ignore this. >> in new york donald trump pledging to step in if the governor does not take action in
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the spike of violence, bill diblasio pushing back tweeting we've seen the chaos secret police are creating in portland and we won't let it happen here. this as the appointee eliminates two key enforcement units, traffic congestion and homeless outreach, 200 officers being reassigned to work on gun violence prevention. >> thank you. congressman jim jordan of the house judiciary committee says it is for any liberal leaders are letting the mayhem continue. >> for goodness sake, the mayor of portland says this was improving, this has been 53 days, 7 weeks of rioting, looting, violence, attacks on police officers, destruction of property and they don't want any help, they just want to let this continue to happen to their constituents, the business owners in their city, this is scary to me. >> acting deputy of homeland security, ken cuccinelli had this to say in response to the portland mayor's demand that dhs
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leave the city. >> they want to see our presence reduce than the violence needs to come to a end. that the point. we are not there because it is portland or mayor wheeler but because violent criminals are doing damage every day and threatening federal presence that is already there in portland. >> reporter: the protests started in late may following the death of george floyd. >> reporter: michael cohen and the aclu sue attorney general william barr over why he sent back to prison, they argue it wasn't in retaliation for plans to release a negative book on donald trump before the election, the president's former personal attorney was released in may to serve the rest of his 3-year sentence at home due to the covid-19 pandemic, he returned to custody earlier this month after the bureau of prisons say he broke the conditions, he was seen dining at a restaurant, the doj has not responded.
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heather: was man speaking out after the top prosecutor filed charges against him and his wife following a confrontation with protesters. >> i'm not going to be bullied, i'm not going to be intimidated. the left, the mob uses social intimidation and threats to get people to knuckle under and apologize for doing what is right and we are not going to apologize for doing what is right, we are not going to back down. >> reporter: mark and patricia mccloskey say they displayed their firearms in self-defense as hundreds of black white matter protesters storm their gated community. governor mike parson pledging to pardon that couple. >> i will do everything in the constitution to protect law-abiding citizens and those people i that. they had every right to protect their property. >> eric schmidt filing a brief to dismiss the charges arguing the couple had the right to bear arms under missouri law.
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>> a battle brewing on capitol hill as lawmakers clash over the best way to relieve millions of americans affected by the covid-19 pandemic. >> mark meredith live in washington where democrats discuss their proposal with top white house officials today. >> lawmakers seem to agree something needs to get done but a lot of debate what the stimulus bill should or should not include. donald trump has a chance to invite top republicans into the oval office, the president himself continues to push for that payroll tax cut. >> big savings for the people, tremendous saving an incentive for companies to hire their workers back and keep their workers, payroll tax cut to me is very important. >> republicans say they want
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legal protections for businesses that operate during the pandemic, that has been their key sticking point all along, plans for schools to reopen an incentive to get people back to work, for democrats their focus is on a second round of stimulus checks, more money for state and local government and extension of enhanced unemployment benefits that run out at the end of this month, democrats continue to push the bill that house democrats passed earlier this summer. >> we have a good product to start with, the heros act. unlike the bill leader mcconnell is preparing it actually matches the scale of the crisis and will put workers and small businesses in our health needs before special interests. >> meantime donald trump continues to throw his support behind americans wearing masks, the president faced a lot of criticism for not pushing masks more often earlier but now he says he is all for them. the president tweeting we are united in our efforts to defeat the china virus and many people status patriotic to wear a face mask when you can't socially distance, there is nobody more patriotic than me, your favorite president, joe biden says the president remains distracted. >> raising the white flag, has
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no idea what to do. only one thing he has in mind. how does he win reelection and it doesn't matter how many people get covid-19 and or die from covid-19. >> remember the coronavirus task force briefings? they are back, the president plans to hold another press briefing late this afternoon. he may respond to joe biden. we will hear from donald trump later on. todd: hopes for a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine on the rise as three candidates surely promise, astrazeneca producing a strong response from the chinese company, one from pfizer. >> actually starts the war against the coronavirus. it is a war in the bloodstream. a war of our indian cells
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fighting a virus and if the vaccine works the vaccine causes those indian cells to be read that. we are talking antibodies. this vaccine actually does make this antibodies. >> the drug has minimal side effects. >> the nfl and its players union reaching a deal on covid-19 protocols as they report to training camp. players will be tested daily for two weeks, they will be allowed in facilities when a test negative, offering to scrap all games previously cut from 4 games to 2. former nfl player will join us live in the next hour with reaction. >> last week was a little nerve-racking, was worried something was not going to happen but we are getting closer on football so fingers crossed. 11 minutes after the hour. the man suspected of killing the son of a federal judge and shooting her husband was a
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lawyer as well. >> robert the argue worked with that judge's husband, joins us live as we learn what may have motivated this horrific crime.
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jillian: prime suspect in the deadly shooting at the home of a federal judge in new jersey has been identified and founded in upstate new york. todd: horrible cases police believe he is the gunman who murdered 20-year-old son of district judge, injuring her husband. bob be a key joins us to react to the tragedy. i am so sorry, what can you tell us about this family? >> i worked with him when he was innocent prosecutor in the prosecutor's office. he was a very successful trial
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lawyer in the homicide squad. he put people away for long periods of time. with us broke out everybody was pointing towards the judge but the rest of us were wondering may be this was somebody he put away, many defense lawyers, sometimes their clients are disgruntled. of the beginning we enforcement would have to throw a wide net. having been a prosecutor for many years you don't know if the motive is with the sun or the judge or someone else and we found out in a crazy and wild twist that through seasoned homicide prosecutors in shock with so many cases of murder that it was a lawyer that was a litigant that was the person who has been identified as the person who did this. we cannot fathom that. we thought it would be in if areas or bad characters the
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judge dealt with in the past but not to be. >> he referenced them but let's pull up the information we have on this alleged suspect that police say was found dead. roy hollander, self-described antifeminist lawyer challenging the military's men, drafted before the judge suffered from terminal cancer. that is the extent of what we know it this point. talk about the dangers of this job and how rare it is for something like this to happen especially being a lawyer. >> a lot of people don't realize lawyers and judges and prosecutors are in harm's way all the time. as an assistant prosecutor i had mary credible threats against me. when i was head county prosecutor was almost a weekly occurrence my house was being surveilled by police, inside my house or outside my house. for judges the same thing happens.
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it becomes a routine thing. defense lawyers are usually the most in harm's way because their clients are disgruntled and blame their lawyer for being a problem. 99% of the time nothing happens but that one statistical percentage multiplied all over the country this is something that there is a real danger and it occurs more often than most people think, you just don't think it will be from a lawyer on the other end of love the gun. >> now your about coffee tests. that the big concern at this point. the prosecutor in st. louis filing felony charges against that couple brandishing weapons when individuals came into their gated community. is the exact quote from kim gardner in a statement she
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issued, quote, it is illegal to waive weapons at a threatening manner at those participating in a nonviolent protest and we are fortunate the situation did not escalate into deadly force but this kind of conduct is unacceptable in st. louis. how can she bring those charges when there were people in that gated community on their property and you do have a right to protect yourselves. >> is right about the law. the defense is that existing law. that the castle doctrine we talk about, the right to protect your person and your property. it is significant what happened in the case that these folks release the husband was outside in his bare feet, had no shoes on. that would be a clear fact that this person thought there was an emergency, stands happening, people breaking into the property, at least that is what he felt at the time whether that was reasonable or not and you have a right to be able to protect your property and nobody
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got hurt and the prosecutor who filed charges is saying we are willing to put them immediately, diversionary program, slap on the wrist. this was done as a political statement. the attorney general vowed to have this case dismissed and the governor indicated they would issue a pardon if they were to be convicted so this is a nonsense prosecution from a practical standpoint it in my mind a factual illegal standpoint as well. >> something we will follow as we know you will. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> time is 20 minutes after the hour. what could be in the next wave of stimulus relief. >> peter morici on the four things he expects to see next. 49... 50!
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>> the trump administration about their coronavirus to this proposal one day after republicans met with donald trump - out the road and despite perspective the party the president says the final version has to have a payroll tax cut. >> one of the critical things to include in the next round of relief, we are asking peter morici, good to see you this morning, thanks for being here. what is nonnegotiable or necessary for you in the next round? >> there has to be additional assistance for the unemployed, these federal subsidies because this crisis is going on much longer than expected. a lot of people have been displaced and can't find a job. this notion we are paying them so much they won't accept a job may be true for some people but in the majority of cases there is no job to be headed won't be until we have a vaccine so that's nonnegotiable. we got to have an additional
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stimulus package for ordinary folks. it's critical that people are able to do that and right now half of all households in america have lost income even if they haven't lost their jobs entirely so to me those are nonnegotiables. todd: let's pop up the difference between the gop proposal in the democrat proposal. you can see the gop, payroll tax cut is a presidential thing. you can see the real focus is somewhat business related. they want the second stimulus check. let's go to the dems and you see the big federal aid to state and local governments, a much bigger number, $3 trillion versus 1 trillion so on your screen you saw the differences. i want to get a payroll tax cut.
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i'm trying to decide whether or not i will see more money in my paycheck because i don't have to pay medicare or social security which is the payroll tax cut. am i going to be happy in a few months? is this going to be the case or is it dead in the water because only the president seems to want and democrats and republicans in congress don't seem to wanted at all. >> if we get something like that this will take the form of incentive to businesses to hire people. it might be possible to forgive the payroll tax, hiring new people are bringing people back. i don't think it matters to you or me if we could additional cash in the form of the stimulus check or a payroll tax reduction. however if you have a payroll tax reduction most benefits go to people who have not lost income and still have their jobs. a stimulus check goes to everybody but most heavily concentrated among people who have lost income. in terms of helping the economy the payroll tax holiday is not the best idea to slip down the pike.
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jillian: sticking with stocks all the way through the second wave of covid-19, explain what you mean by this. >> if you're investing for the long term, investing for retirement, you have children under the age of 10 it will go to the university of maryland, the best place for your money is the stock market and i don't mean one of those markets you do penny trades been investing in a solid index like the s&p 500 index which covers 88% of the us economy. my feeling is that prospects are going to be very strong as soon as a vaccine is firmly in focus and we are getting close to that. four weeks ago i predicted we would have able market this summer. i think we are there right now. i feel comfortable that i made that prediction. there is going to be turbulence going forward.
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there always is but the prospects for american companies, the american corporate world, are very positive, most of them will be making a lot more money 6 months from now than they are now. >> we can definitely do that. it is out, peter morici, thank you for joining us. have a good day. it is 27 after the hour, new york's governor went to georgia, not everyone was happy about it. todd: vernon jones here to react to the visit coming up next. straining, and bloating, again and again. no way. more exercise. more water. and more fiber is the only way to manage it. is it? maybe you think... it's occasional constipation. maybe it's not. it could be a chronic medical condition called ibs-c, and time to say yesss! to linzess. linzess works differently than laxatives. it helps relieve belly pain and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. do not give linzess to children less than six
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and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. change your thinking to ibs-c. if your constipation and belly pain keeps coming back, tell your doctor and say yesss! to linzess.
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>> european union leaders agreed to a $2 trillion spending plan to contain the global economic impact of the coronavirus. todd: kevin mccarthy will introduce a bill today to sink and foreign hackers attempting to still us vaccine research.
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>> reporter: european union leadership has agreed upon a $2 trillion spending package is the coronavirus economic fallout continues, this package was agreed upon after 4 days of talks and will be partially based on loans and grants given to member states. stateside another story is developing around two hot button topics of the 2016 and 2020 election cycle, coronavirus and hacking. after china, russia and iran have been accused of trying to steal a vaccine related information house minority leader kevin mccarthy will release a bill that would sanction for hackers trying to steal research. the defendant covid-19 research from hackers act would give donald trump the ability to sanction any foreign person engaging in activity that threatens cyberhealth for national security. this comes as a group of
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senators led by arizona senator mc sally released the civil justice for victims of covid-19 act yesterday which allows china to be sued for their role in the pandemic. the bill is passed into law would authorize federal courts to freeze chinese assets in response to lawsuits that allow victims to demand compensation according to a statement released by mc sally. all this has to do with one common theme, holding china accountable, the chinese government has been accused of misleading the world health organization and the general public about early numbers in their handling of the outbreak. senator john holly will talk about his actions against china coming up on "fox and friends" this morning, stay tuned for that. >> the family of murdered soldier planning a peaceful march from the us capitol to the white house to raise awareness of military sexual assault. remains were found in june, her family so she was sexually harassed but never reported it fearing retaliations a introducing a bill in her name to make reporting safer. that march will be on the
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thirtieth. >> the lead officer investigating the case of a missing mother believes she was killed in her garage. connecticut state police sergeant telling dateline police found her blood and blood on her cars in the garage. she was last seen in 2019. her estranged husband is charged with her murder. he pleaded not guilty but killed himself earlier this year. a massive fire burning in a chicken farm in south jersey, state police describing the fire to our fox affiliate in philadelphia. nearly every fire department and it county hoping to fight those flames, no word on injuries.
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kanye west twitter meltdown after he went off at a presidential campaign event in south carolina. the wrapper firing off a series of angry tweets including this one claiming his wife kim kardashian tried to bring a doctor to lock him up. according to page 6 kim is worried the father of 4 is not taking his bipolar medication. >> governor andrew cuomo slammed for taking a trip to georgia to assist with their covid-19 responses estate leads the nation in cases and deaths. >> i feel compelled to go because i know a little bit about this. i've been in the midst of it. we are in a position to help. our numbers are download and we have knowledge of how to do this. >> joining us is vernon jones, thanks for being here. let's look at some numbers, first covid-19 in new york state, just over 407,000 cases, 32,000 deaths.
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let's go to georgia, 145,000 cases, 3177 does, 32,000 is much bigger than 3000, does georgia need help from governor cuomo? >> any number is too high. governor cuomo, he needs to stay in new york which he apparently got lost ending up in savanna. how can he tell us to do things in georgia when the blood is on his hands for the amount of seniors who died in those long-term care facilities where he did not have the proper protocol, they were forced to take patients who did not have the covid-19 virus, got infected by the covid-19 virus, 3000, 25,000 died or 6000 lives were lost. he should be the last one to
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tell us to do anything in georgia. he needs to stay in new york and fix the violence in the streets of new york where people are burning, looting police officers, he needs to stay home. todd: let's switch gears, john lewis passing away over the weekend, the householder moment of silence, let's take a listen. >> rise in a moment of silence and remember the contents of the congress, the honorable john lewis. todd: what did john lewis mean to you? >> he meant one man one vote. he opened many doors for me and others across have access to voting and cast our vote and represented the conscience of congress. will be greatly missed, one of georgia's tallest, we mourn his
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death and will be forever missed. >> for the younger people that may be watching, just how important was john lewis to the world we have today? because my gut tells me if you're in your 20s or younger you don't understand the impact he truly truly had. >> it was young people that made a big part of the movement what it was, john lewis was only 23 years old when he gave his speech in the march on washington. i know it was an influence on young people, how much impact you can have at a very early age but obviously we need to continue to have him and others were in our history books to talk about his record, what he did for this country, what he did for everybody, poor, black, white, didn't matter, john lewis felt that every american should
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be treated fairly in every american should enjoy the inalienable rights of this country. he was an icon and his legacy will live on and on. think of one man one vote, that is what john lewis stood for. when you look at elections coming up, the accuracy of elections, access to vote, john lewis's name is written over that. todd: we appreciate your insight and your words on john lewis. jillian: 20 minutes until the top of the are, never-ending unrest in portland, to join idaho. a leader working on ballot measures joins us live. these folks don't have time to go to the post office
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jillian: has weeks long rights in portland are escalating donald trump and local leaders dual over how to respond. >> what we are seeing is a blatant abuse of police tactics by the federal government. >> in portland we certainly have control, democrats, liberal democrats have no idea what they are doing. corruption and what was going on there is incredible. >> group of people in rural oregon are calling to change the border and move their counties into idaho. our next guest is leading that movement, thank you for being here, we appreciate it. let's take a look at this map of the greater idaho split. tell me what is happening out there and why you are spearheading this movement. >> rural oregon is not part of the picture when it comes to
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overall oregon politics. a large majority of the decisions made include portland and rural oregon would like to align itself with a state that is used to dealing with rural counties in rural county concerns instead of the urban issues taking place in portland right now. jillian: you mention the issues taking place right now, how long this is going on in the unrest "happening now". the border shifting since west virginia in 1863 a lot of people might argue if you're not happy with what is going on where you live you could move. what would you say to that? >> we can choose where we work, we can choose our garbage collection person.
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we would like to choose who governs us and this is simply a black line adjustment if you want to oversimplify to move the idaho border such that it includes 17 oregon rural counties that would like to work with idaho, their tax base, their lifestyles, their governance, everything pits rural oregon better than it does the state of oregon. >> looking at those photos of the meetings it seems they are packed. a lot of people are passionate about this. active petition circulating right now. what is the response to the community and how tough will it be to fight this battle?
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>> we started the petition process. we want to take it county by county and see what the individual counties -- this is a grassroots from the people up which is the way our representative government should work. if we have a concern we should start out by expressing our concerns in a way that is not destructive or burning things down or anything like that. we believe in following the laws of this country. so far the pandemic situation with covid-19 has thrown a monkeywrench into normal lifestyles and also thrown a monkeywrench into the ability to collect signatures for petitions and getting initiatives on the ballot. jillian: with your message to
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the leaders of oregon? >> if we want to boil it down to the bottom line, let us go. if that is the vote of the people they have lost faith in oregon's leadership then let us move to idaho or have idaho moved to us. >> thank you for joining us, keep us updated. >> thank you very much. todd: it is official. i can't watch the giants lose in person, giants and jets play a home games this season without fans. phil murphy telling the teams the statewide limit of 500 people would apply to the nfl teams. rutgers university will also be restricting its crowd if they end up playing, spectators
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expected to be limited to immediate family of players and coaches. can still watch them lose on tv which they will. you've seen doctor anthony fauci with a facemask on capitol hill. is taking the bump for them kind of. he will throw out the ceremonial first pitch in national spark for opening day. the team call him, quote, a true champion for our country. the defending world series champs will play on thursday and they tie it during the spring summer training game yesterday. >> new york restaurants can serve alcohol without serving food. owners are getting creative. todd: if you're looking for that special someone ditch the dating apps and take up a plaintiff ice cream, that according to the dumbest study we have ever done which would give flavor to your love life coming up next.
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todd: can refinance writing by our producers, new york bars have chips on their shoulders and we should say on their menus. thanks to governor cuomo's coronavirus food mandate. carley shimkus with serious xm 115 here with the latest. >> last week andrew cuomo ordered bars and restaurants to only serve drinks to people who were also ordering food so some restaurants came up with creative ways to get around this. take for instance harry's irish pub, they have a one dollar bag
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of chips on the menu calling them cuomo chips, others involved, quote, just a few grapes, 9 french fries and a handful of croutons. restaurants are doing this for customers who may be just want to order a drink or two outside and not want to break the bank on ordering a meal. a lot of people on social media think that's a good idea. that is the best idea i've heard in a while. chris right having to order food doesn't help public health at all. judy on facebook, this is a dig at the governor, vinegar flavored, the owner of the restaurant is going to be on "fox and friends" at 7:30. jillian: nine french fries not nearly enough. carley: it is like they are
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stealing your money. todd: if you enjoy eating and who doesn't love ice cream, a really stupid study says if you like certain ice cream flavors find love younger. carley: i have a lot of questions about this too. i should preface this by saying it was conducted on behalf of breyers ice cream and found people who like strawberry ice cream the most typically found love it 24 years old, vanilla 25 years old, chocolate 26 years old. a lot of people commenting on this. when persons is obviously fans of strawberries can find love earlier because they are not too picky. i have always been a fan of neapolitan ice cream, this really causes a problem and another person says i was looking for love in all the wrong places. >> i'm thinking wears mint chocolate chip? that is mine.
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>> you want everyone to know who you are a few win the lottery, this guy has a very interesting way. >> i was going to say what's the worst thing about winning the lottery? people finding out that you won the lottery. this guy in jamaica dressed up as darth feder to collect his $95 million. can you believe that? with $95 million he can dress up as the whole star wars universe. thank you. coming up in the next hour a retired police officer lucky to be alive after battling covid-19 for two month. he and his wife join us to discuss the remarkable recovery. todd: a legal tug-of-war, the showdown happening today over
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>> we are not going to let new york, chicago, detroit, baltimore, we are not going to let this happen. people say protesters, these people are in artists, people who hate our country and we are not going to let it go forward. jillian: happening at 5 am
2:00 am
federal intervention in portland may be just the beginning as donald trump vows to crack down on violence and liberal led cities. todd: despite several weeks of unrest the proposal to block the president's law and order. >> people in my neighborhood are trespassing, none of those people are charged. it is a bizarre upside down world. i have been irritated by this this has gotten to be outrageous. >> the same was for waving guns at protesters outside their home now criminally charged. todd: the governor vows the pardon is on the way. >> a heat wave but in the world of retail. todd: pumpkins making its first appearance on store shelves. "fox and friends first"
2:01 am
continues right now.


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