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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 21, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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task force briefing 5:00 this afternoon. miss those? you will get another one today. jillian: in the mean time set your dvr 4 a.m. eastern time so you don't miss "fox & friends first." rob: "fox & friends" starts right now. we will see you later. >> the president says he will be deploying federal law enforcement to additional cities. >> chicago, philadelphia, detroit, and baltimore. we're not going to let this happen in our country. >> serious charges against the st. louis couple who say they everywhere just defending themselves. >> i'm flat out pissed off. this has gotten to be outrageous. >> will you pardon them? >> without a doubt. >> president trump and his coronavirus task force will be resuming those coronavirus briefings. >> i think it's a great way to get information out to the public as to where we are with the vaccine. >> biden revealing four black women are on his vp list. >> when i get all the vetting done of all the candidates, then i will narrow the -- narrow
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the -- the list. >> you have seen dr. fauci face mask. throw out the first pitch at the park. the team calling him a quote a true champion for our country. ♪ ♪ steve: hi,everybody, welcome to studio f. ainsley is over at the big plastic desk. i'm over here what they used to refer to as the living room. in our nation's capital. looking at the date, today is july 21st, that mean it's peter doocy's birthday. happy birthday, peter. [sighs] ainsley: happy birthday, peter so glad you were born. griff: peter's office is a few doors down if he shows up today treat him like the birthday boy he is maybe buy him a sandwich. open up here.
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of course wear a mask. ainsley: give him an elbow bump. steve: i think he is going to interview joe biden today. good luck. he is heading to delaware. it could be a long distance drive for you, griff. thank you, everybody, for watching us on this tuesday. we start this hour with a fox news alert as we do so. new video shows rioters ambushing. demonstrators dressed in black. apparently over a dozen of them used umbrellas to shield themselves while they put on black clothing and hurled frozen water bottles, cans, rocks, and some fireworks at police officers. >> yeah, they did. 49 of the cops there were injured. 18 of them had to go to the hospital. one man might have to have eye surgery. the police department, the police superintendent says weeks of peaceful protests have been hijacked.
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>> mob action. deliberately sought to injure officers. provoke retaliation. and damage property. griff: 12 people were arrested. officers are now told to wear complete protective gear when responding to these protests. you know, this is very interesting, steve and ainsley. because, it appears by all accounts -- and have you listened to the legal scholars out there and the media that the legal basis and authority for the feds to act, to respond to the federal crimes being committed, whether it is destruction of property or an apsalter on officers, isn't in question. but, yet, some of these local leaders refusing to at least lacking the will to respond. you are right. unquestionably legal what they're dual. they beings protecting federal property. grant park in chicago on friday.
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there have you gotted police officers the superintendent said chicago police will going forward respond to any protests in riot gear because some people were hurt there and apparently they used sharpened pvc pipe to injure some of the officers as well. look at that guy. is he emptying a bag steve there with those frozen water bottles and they immediately start throwing them. sorry to interrupt you, steve. let me you see one more thing. those banners like you were saying the pvc pipe. holding these banners and then the rods like a flag pole basically they sharpened the end of those pvc pipes so they could jab them at the police. steve: that's why they are going to wear riot gear going forward. ainsley: some of these officers didn't have helmets on. the isn't says he were there to topple the police officer columbus if they would have been
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successful and pulled it down, people in that particular group would have either been injured or killed and so it's probably a good thing they were unable to do it nonetheless the president has seen enough. he said it's time to bring the feds in whether they want them or not. >> i' m going to do something. that i can tell you. new york and chicago and philadelphia, detroit and baltimore and all of these oakland is a mess. we're not going to let this happen in our country. all run by liberal democrats. we will have more federal law enforcement. that, i can tell you. portland they have done a fantastic job. they have been there three days. and they really have done a fantastic job in a very short period of time. no problem. they grab them. a lot of people in jail. these are anarchists. these are not protesters. people say protesters. these people are anarchists. these are people that hate our country. and we're not going to let it go forward. >> when he refers to the anarchist david and griff what
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he talks about is the organization like you were talking about a moment ago in chicago where somebody had that big bag of stuff to throw at the cops. just like the bags that have seriously will arrived in has within its jurisdiction the ability and legality to protect, anxiously, federal assets and that's what they are doing. >> i watched the whole conference with the superintendent there in chicago. he said before i talk to all the reporters, i want you all to watch this video. he played this video the whole thing. it's too long for us to show. watched the whole thing. he talks about the pvc pipes and have to wear protective gear. he shows the protesters covered by umbrellas. this is why it's organized. they were changing into black gear and if you watch the whole video you can see. so protesters changing into all black and. steve: look at the fireworks. ainsley: get under these umbrellas. the president has said these federal agents in portland have
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been there three days protests going on and turning violent for almost two months. i have only been there two days. we tried to let the local leaders do it. they can't handle it. they are too scared to handle he calls protesters. i have a duty as the president to protect my cities. so some these mayor's, some of these local leaders, all democrats ban together, six mayors from different cities, and they wrote a letter to congress to bill barr, doj and department of homeland security. and this is what the letter says and, first, let me tell you the cities, chicago, atlanta, kansas city and washington, d.c. the unilateral deployment of these forces into american cities, talking about the federal agents is unprecedented and violates fundamental constitutional protections and tenets of federalism. the abuse of power cannot continue. griff: well, i will tell you, this is certainly going to be -- listen, there is every right to ask questions.
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should federal agents be using unmarked cars. they say it's a tactic they have been doing for a long time and it's necessary. when it comes to whether or not these federal officers should go in, it's been very -- made very simple. that is simply the fact that stop rioting. stop committing federal crimes and we will leave. a lots more on that to come. also, want to take to you st. louis because the story of the couple charged with felony use of weapons, you will remember mr. mcclow ski standing with the rifle defending himself on his property on his lawn as protesters came into a gated community. here is the thing circuit attorney kim gardner's statement saying about that it is illegal to waive weapons at a threatening manner those participating in a nonviolent protest. while we are fortunate this incident did not escalate into deadly force. this type of conduct is unacceptable in st. louis.
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mark mccloskey was on last night and he responded. here is what he had to say. >> well, it's totally upside down world, tucker. the people that broke into my neighborhood, they are all trespassing. none of those people are arrested. none of those people are charged. the prosecutor, the circuit attorney has apparently decided that her job as a prosecutor isn't to keep us safe from criminals but to keep the criminals safe from us. it's a bizarre upside down world. i have been a little irritated by this process until today. now i'm just flat out pissed off. i mean, this has gotten to be outrageous. >> steve, a lot of americans relate to that because should this arrive on their doorstep and local authorities won't protect them from it, they would like every defense they can find. steve: look, the law is clear in the state of missouri, they could do, under the castle doctrine exactly what they did. that is why it looks to many like some sort of abuse of
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power. senator josh hawley from missouri asked the department of justice to investigate the gardner's office for a civil rights violation. the governor of the state of missouri said that he would pardon them and right now the attorney general, eric schmidt says what he is doing is as the chief law enforcement officer of missouri, he is seeking dismissal of these charges, says it's political prosecution at a time when there is r. calls to defund the police and skyrocketing in missouri and st. louis, we have a prosecutor targeting individuals for exercising their fundamental rights under the second amendment enough is snuff, the time is very clear it's time as the state's chief law enforcement officers to step in entering the case and seeking to have this case dismissed just just for the mckoloskis. but prosecutor who seeks to seek
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to punish those who are exercising their fundamental right to defense. steve: had seen problems in st. louis earlier and looked out there and saw group of people going down that private street they grabbed their guns to protect their houses. all they did was went and got their guns. we are going to protect josh hawley here in about five minutes. i don't think it is against the law simply to be holding something that you own legally. ainsley: he said he was worried about vandalizing the house. in past interviews he was fearful for his life and their safety as a family. that's my job. i have to protect my family and my property and my home. these guns are legal. they did confiscate the guns and he says there will be more revelations to come out about that. now they are going to test the guns. so we'll continue to watch the story. so that's the local prosecutor filing felony charges against this couple but then the bigger,
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the attorney general, the head leader, the head law leader in that state is saying i am calling to dismiss these charges and then the governor is saying they will pardon them if it leads to that. griff: senator josh hawley coming up in just minutes. meanwhile, guys, city leaders looking to roll back we opening covid-19 cases rising rapidly coast to coast. passing 3.8 million as the nation records nearly 140,000 deaths. steve: in texas, the lone star state reporting less than 100 deaths for the first time in five days. that is positive news. this as president trump encourages americans to mask up. look at this. yesterday he posted this photo on twitter saying many people say that it is patriotic to wear a mask when you can't socially distance. and the president is right. ainsley: finally hope for a safe and effective covid-19 vaccine. that's on the rise after three developers are showing promising early results. each vac senile appeared to boost immunity to the virus with
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minimal side effects. that would be wonderful. steve: it would be. so today at 5:00, the president is going to restart his coronavirus briefing. according to "the washington post," some of his advisors didn't like them and told him to pull the plug on them including jared kushner and brad parscale. mr. parscale no longer the campaign manager. now, remember it was a friday on this program kayleigh mcenany said some people in the white house not crazy about this but i think the president should start them again. he apparently thought about it and today he is going to do it. very telling though, griff and ainsley, that yesterday he posted that twitter picture with him wearing the mask. because as we have just opened this segment, we were talking about how certain localities may have to close things down again because the spread is going out there. but, you know, masks are not political. the science says that face coverings are the best way to slow the spread. and, if you don't want to close things down again, if you want
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to reopen the schools, if you want to keep businesses open. i think the president is becoming a leader on their. maybe now once again maga will stand for masks are great again. griff: that's a great line. i am very excited to see the press conference coming back because there is a line of criticism against the president that he is refusing to, his leadership, he is not engaging hits leadership role here. he brought us those press briefings when we were learning about it. now we have learned so much to include the science of masks. and now to put his health officials back out there, i think is going to be received well by the american people who just simply want the information now that we're all learning to live with, this ainsley. ainsley: something the three of us were talking about this is something that effects every single person around the world. this is what americans are
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talking about. and because democrat, republican, it effects every single person, every family whether or not it's financially, whether or not it's going back to school. whether or not if you actually got the illness or someone in your family died because of it. the family was talking yesterday about how the ratings were so high for these press briefings. that's because some people want answers. steve: right. ainsley: some people were watching those briefings. and that's why bringing it back a rise in florida and texas and other southern states. steve: there is a lot of good news out there regarding the development of vaccines and therapeutics. it will be nice once again, as he did for a while, where at the conclusion of the day, you know, the president kind of like the fire side chats is going to bring us up to date. i don't know if any of the experts will be with him today. i think mike pence is out of town according to one. schedules i saw it. will probably just be the president for a while. ainsley: is he heading to south carolina. mike pence is heading to south carolina to talk about reopening schools and how we can do it
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safely. steve: we will see the president live right here on the fox news channel and other channels, i presume, later today. ainsley: yep. let's hand it over to jillian on the mezzanine level. how are you doing? jillian: good. thank you. good to see you guys. a lawyer accused of shooting a federal judge's family may have been hunting enemies after a cancer diagnosis. he diagnosed himself as a fedex driver shooting and killing judge ester salas' son daniel and injuring her husband. he was found dead from an apparent suicide. a self-proclaimed antifeminist lawyer. he had one recent case in front of salas, a challenge to the u.s. military's men only draft. but removed himself from the case after learning he had cancer. he recently published a memoir online where he talked about revenge writing, quote death's hand is on my shoulder, evident nothing in this life matters anymore. keep you updated on that story.
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massive fire burning at chicken farm in south new jersey. state police describing the fire new philadelphia. quote really big. see it there from this video. see the intensity of the flames. nearly every fire department in that county is there. no word on any injuries to people or animals. stay on top of that story. overnight michael cohen and aclu sued bill barr over why he was sent back to prison. they argue it wasn't retaliation for cohen's plans to release negative book before the elections. the president's former attorney was released to home confinement in may rearrested when the feds say he broke the conditions of that deal. the doj hasn't commented on the lawsuit. now joe biden getting closer to picking a running mate. overnight biden confirming there are four black women on his list but did not make any promises when pressed by host joy reed. >> are you committed to naming a black woman as your vice presidential running mate?
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>> i am not committed to naming any but the people i have named and among them there are four black women. my administration, i promise you, will look like america. >> biden has pledged to pick a woman. he expects to make his decision before the democratic convention begins on august 17th. second it back to you. ainsley: all right. thank you, jillian. the mother of a teenager killed near seattle's chop zone is suing the city now. her emotional plea for justice coming up. a partner that never quits. verizon is the most reliable network in america. built for interoperability and puts first responders first, giving their calls priority, 24/7. we do what we do best so they can too.
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touchdown! only mahomes. the big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. - 58 million latinos live in the united states. if we all participate in the 2020 census, we can ensure fair funding for our schools, libraries, hospitals, and other public services. the census is safe, it's confidential, and our community is counting on us to do our part. we know who we are and how vibrant our community is. let's make sure our nation knows it too. for more information, visit, and to participate, go to >> will you pardon them? >> without a doubt, sean. i will do everything within the constitution of the state of missouri to protect law-abiding citizens, and those people are exactly that they are
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law-abiding citizens and they are being attacked frankly by a political process that's really unfortunate. it's a sad day for missouri. steve: missouri governor mike parson signaling a pardon for the st. louis couple around for defending their home. josh hawley, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: nobody law law the laws f missouri than you castle doctrine what's going on? >> they did have the right to do what they did. they were standing on their own property. let's review the facts. they were on their own property. they were carrying lawful firearms that they lawfully possessed and trespassers broken down a gait and coming on to their property and a couple said get off our property. don't hurt us. get off of our area and they had every right to do that. this prosecutor is totally out of control. this is really an abuse of power. do you want to know what an abuse of power looks like?
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this is textbook example. that's why i think, steve, the united states department of justice needs to open a civil rights investigation into the st. louis circuit attorney's office. steve: well, and you are talking about the st. louis circuit attorney kimberly garner is the one who brought these charges yesterday. you have written a letter. you are asking the attorney general bill barr to launch a civil rights investigation that their civil rights regarding the right to bear arms have been infringe dollars. >> exactly right their you will civil rights. this same prosecutor has had dozens, dozens of violent rioters and looters brought to her by the st. louis police department and she hasn't prosecuted them. she has let them go. she has turned them back out into the street and then she goes after this couple who are absolutely entitled under the united states constitution, the missouri constitution and missouri law to protect their own property. it's a terrible miscarriage of justice. >> is this a political hit job,
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senator? >> looks like it to me. i mean, i don't know how else you can explain why you would bring a lawsuit that is plainly prohibited by missouri law for rights that are protected by the united states constitution. steve: right. we are going to be talking about that throughout the day. meanwhile right now, folks, you are watching the senator is about to announce brand new china legislation. have you started a #slave-free social media campaign. tell us a little bit about that. >> i want to challenge these major american corporations like nike, like the nba, who rely on forced slave labor overseas to make their products. the nba is a classic example. all of the uniforms that the players wear, so many of them that ren doored the product lines endorsed by nba laws are made with forced labor in china and elsewhere. uighur concentration camps for instance help make those nike uniforms that the nba wears. they should pledge right now,
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nike, the nba and all these american corporations that they will not use forced slave labor. and i would challenge the nba, adam silver. i would challenge all the endorsers of nike products like lebron to take a pledge that they will be slave-free. that they will not use in their product lines slave labor. we have started the #slave-free. and i would challenge all of those corporate leaders. i would challenge all of the endorsers of these products to take this pledge. they can't take it because their product lines aren't slave-free then they need to drop the product line. steve: something a lot of people didn't realize. keep us posted on that, senator. >> i will do it, thank you. steve: joshua hawley from missouri. thank you very much. meanwhile today is july 21st. we are now 105 days away from the election. our next guest has five words president trump can use to win back black voters in november. ♪
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and the supreme court rejects a bid to speed up the release of president trump's tax returns and business records. house lawmakers had asked the court to put it into effect immediately its decision on whether the president has the right to refuse congressional subpoenas seeking his financial records. the justices sending the rulings back down to the lower court. griff? griff: all right, ainsley, thanks. with the election 105 days away the next guest has a message for the president fox news op-ed five words trump can use to help win the african-american vote in 2020. joining us now is iraq war veteran and author of a brand new book always a soldier rob smith. rob, good morning to you. >> good morning. griff: great op-ed. tell us and our audience what are the five words the president can use to win the african-american vote? >> well, the five words that the president can use to win the black vote are school choice for black kids. i have always believed that this is a very empathetic and very
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emotional and effective message that the president can share to african-american voters to help gin his turnout against african-american voters in november. like i wrote in the op-ed i'm the product of a very poor school which was my high school in akron, ohio. i know first hand what it is like to deal with that. teachers to deal with administrators that don't really know what's going on. and to just be around a situation that is not conducive to learning. because nobody wants our kids to fail and by all metrics, there are a lot of kids, particularly african-american kids that are in our public school system right now that are failing. and giving them the choice, upping voucher programs, basically presenting this messaging out to african-american voters and, in particular, african-american women. now, these are the mother of some of these kids that are failing in these public schools, i think it will be a very effective message for the president. griff: yeah. rob, just quickly, you actually
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point to the florida election of governor ron desantis when running against andrew gill lamb an african-american himself. of course desantis for school choice gill lamb not so much. you think that is an indicator. >> absolutely there was an exit poll that the "wall street journal" reported on that said 18% of african-american women for desantis over gillum in the florida election. wildly known those are school choice moms. if you target these school choice african-american moms in these elections can you get more of the african-american vote out for republicans speaking of out brand new book by you. always a soldier, service, sacrifice coming out as america's favorite black gay republican. tell us about the book. i can't wait to read it. absolutely it. is a iraq war tureble political awakening. i went to one of these failing schools in ohio. when i graduated at 17 years old
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i had no direction so i decided to join the military, i'm not going to see you that i was some patriotic american at 17 years old, but it is a story about how i learned to love america via military service and how i came out as a conservative to help save america from the radical left. you are getting iraq war memoir, action, all of that stuff and then have you got a lot of political commentary and lgbtq vote. moon light meets "american sniper." i hope you pick it up. it is available today. griff: there you go. someone spending a lot of time in iraq heroes like you, rob. i can't wait to read it. thank you for joining us. go out and buy it. you don't want to miss it. go out and buy it on amazon today. >claiming judge emmet sullivan has hijacked the process. what does judge napolitano
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steve: fox news alert. mayors in. so nation's biggest cities are slamming president trump's move to deploy federal law enforcement officers demanding an immediate removal from their community. ainsley: here to weigh in fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. good morning,. judge: judge good morning, steve and ains little and griff good morning. ainsley: griff is in for brian today. glad to have him. is it legal for the send it federal officers into local cities? everybody has different opinion. chad points to the code that says dhs can deputize officers to protect property owned by the federal government. the law professor at ut austin saying it is the protect federal law and federal property not their job to be a general police force for all crime. what do you say?
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is it legal? >> judge: it is legal depending on what they do. my views close tort professor at the university of texas. i don't know who this person is. ainsley: eden -- okay. professor laddick. both of them are correct. the federal government can use federal assets to protect federal property. stated differently, the department of home land security can send police into oregon to protect federal -- federal courthouse in oregon. use that as an example. but here's where the professor is right. they can't enforce the general criminal law. they can't supplement or replace the police. they can't go throughout the streets and say hey, you are committing a crime. we are going to arrest you. they certainly can't do what they have been doing in oregon which is arresting people without a warrant and without probable cause, holding them for a few hours and then letting
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them go. so they have to be restrained and they have to confine their activity to the federal property. can they travel from the airport to the federal property? of course. can they travel from the federal property to wherever they are spending the evening? of course. but their law enforcement duties must absolutely be confined to the protection of federal assets, so says the constitution. which leaves the general police power in the hands of the cities and states and not the federal government. steve: judge, we know the cities aren't enforcing the law. and i can't tell you how many times they tried to burn down that courthouse. they keep lighting it on fire. there is an item in the hill today that says the department of homeland security has expanded the authority of personnel to collect information on people they say are threatening to harm or destroy public monuments that would explain why. we know it is a federal law if you destroy a federal monument. and now, apparently what they are trying to do because the communities won't help them
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identify these anarchists and the organized elements of it, is they have expanded their authority to do it. >> well, there is nothing wrong with protecting federal monuments. this is a big issue with president trump. and it should be. these are assets in which the federal government has invested a lot of money and they are there for memories, to memorialize whoever the monument is to. but they can't -- that is the federal agents -- first of all, they have to wear uniforms that identify them. they can't wear i fatigues witha piece of tape that says police. why not? because if you have an encounter with one of them, you are entitled to note name of the human being with whom you are having an encounter like the navy veteran whose hand was smashed by one of them when he said what is your constitutional authority to be here? he doesn't know who to sue. the person didn't identify himself. they can't get in the slippery slope, steve, of gradually enforcing local law and
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gradually replacing police. i understand the president's motivation. and i share some of it. these -- two of these cities, seattle and portland are a mess, but they have chosen political leaders who want it to be a mess the way to clean it up is through the political method not through the use of federal force. griff: hey, judge, quickly let me take to you a different topic that is the flynn case continuing, now expected to -- the court of appeals in d.c. will hear en banc the entire hearing the case against them. here is what sidney powell flynn's attorneys filed in vindictive animus brief that is quite extensive judge sullivan's disagreement with the government's decision to dismiss the case does not confer the right to contest it himself or through his amicus. his actions smack of vin particularrive animus against general flynn. no place even suggest a hearing on aing government motion to
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dismiss not one. what do you say? >> well, this is a very, very unusual case. no one could have predicted the twists and turns. in my view, general flynn should have never been prosecuted in the first place for a lot of reasons. one, the fbi already knew what he said. two, there was substantial material fbi misconduct in connection with the case. but, once he was prosecute you had, and once he did plead guilty, and once he pleaded guilty under oath, he sort of got himself into a box. so the justice department says let's get rid of the case. the judge says let me think about getting rid of the case. while is he thinking about getting rid of the case, general flynn's lawyers go to the appeals court and say order him to get rid of the case. so they basically, three-judge panel, two vs. one. ordered judge sullivan to do something before he had a chance to do it. he has now asked the full appeals court, which is not three but 11 judges to say, wait a minute, give me a chance to
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look at this. to find out why the doj wants this case to go away and then i will decide what to do. if you think i'm wrong, you reverse me then. my opinion is that the full federal appeals court, all 11, will reverse the panel that ordered judge sullivan to dismiss the case immediately and give him the opportunity to look at the case, look at the facts and decide what to do. because if that's not the case, then the appeals court is effectively becoming the trial court by telling him how to rule before he has a chance to do it. ainsley: got it? >> does all of that make sense? ainsley: yeah. it does. steve: crazy. ainsley: good to see you this morning. judge: where is jillian? is she around? ainsley: how do you always know that's coming up without a teleprompter? jillian: i love judge. good morning to you guys. let's begin with this story that we continue to fosm the mother of a teenager killed near the seattle chop zone is now suing the city.
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>> nobody deserves to be dead. he is a kid. he doesn't deserve to be dead. he doesn't deserve for the city to not do nothing. >> 19-year-old horace lorenzo anderson jr. shot several times to death last month. family seeking damages claiming seattle did not do enough to stop the violence. the city had not seen the lawsuit. we will keep you updated. dramatic police chase ends with a suv flipping near a massachusetts highway. watch this. >> go. >> there he is. >> smash, bang flips. whoa. >> that is scary. police responding to a suspicious activity call when they tried to pull over the driver with a suspended license. he tried to get away speeding more than 80 miles per hour before crashing. police are searching for vandals seen destroying pro-trump signs at massachusetts home. veteran robert gallow's surveillance cameras catching
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them in the act. he says it is not deterring his support for the president. >> seems like no one wants to meet in the middle if you are for trump you are the enemy and people hate you. i have three new signs on the way. now i have a trump and melania stand up will be the next thing come. a little extra each time. >> vandals previously spray painting and ripping his signs during two separate incidents. the off-duty florida police officer who saved a boy from a near shark attack says he is no hero. >> hey, buddy. hey, there he is. jillian: cocoa beach cop adrian says he was just doing the right thing jumping into the water and pulling the boy to shore. >> i just pointed to the shark and i said hey, there is a shark over there, that's kind of why i snatched you out of the water. >> the oklahoma boy and his
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family say they didn't see the shark until after the rescue. that is incredible. >> shah shark was so close to that little boy. griff: is he a hero indeed. ainsley: yes, he is a hero. griff: check in with janis and i'm guessing it's going to be another hot one. >> it is. that's exactly what the headline is today. especially across the east coast, the mid-atlantic where it's just 80 degrees right now here in new york city with the humidity it feels even warmer than that. that's going to be the story throughout the day today. we have heat advisories posted for parts of atlantic carolinas alleluia the way up through the chesapeake bay. temperatures in the 90's. feel in some cases well over 100 degrees and that stretches back through the gulf coast and southeast. so another day of very hot temperatures, just take all your precautions. tropic mics are starting to get active we have an area of low pressure over the atlantic we
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are keeping an eye on. and this area of disturbed weather over the caribbean that's going to move into the gulf of mexico. 30% chance it's going to develop over the next couple of days. certainly something to watch as we get towards the weekend and the gulf coast. there is your forecast today remaining hot across much of the country. cooler weather for parts of the plain states. we have this frontal boundary going to bring the potential for showers and thunderstorms for parts of the plains still very showery across the gulf coast as well as south florida and the keys. yep, the take away is, it's summertime. back to you, griff, ainsley and steve. steve: it is, indeed. all right, jd, thank you. straight ahead, restaurants cannot serve alcohol without food in new york state. well, now some owners are getting creative to follow the rules. carley shimkus is serving up their new menus and she is next. ♪ ♪ dance all night ♪ from prom dresses...
3:50 am soccer practices... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ask your doctor if your teen
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♪ ainsley: restaurants here in new york are not allowed to serve alcohol unless they're also serving food under governor cuomo's rules to stay open during coronavirus. but they are coming up, many of these bar owners, with creative
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ways to still serve their customers. here with more "fox & friends" headlines 24/7 reporter carley shimkus. carley, tell the viewers what some these restaurant owners are doing. carley: listen, ainsley i know you talk to count also restaurant bar owners what they're doing complying with all of these rules. last week governor cuomo threw a bit of a curve ball with new mandate that says restaurants can't serve alcohol without also selling food. some of these restaurants are selling really cheap men use items. restaurant in upstate new york harvey's plain bag of chips for $1. calling it cuomo chips. other restaurants are serving things like a bowl of whipped cream. a handful of grapes and crew tons and doing this to cater to customers who want to pop in for a quick drink and don't want to buy a full meal. taking a bit of a jab at a rule that they see is silly. as your the cuomo chips the owners of harveys will be on i
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hear next hour to explain the cuomo chips phenomenon 7:45 eastern time. ainsley: that's exactly right. what about dr. anthony fauci? i know he always wears these masks that have the washington nationals on there? carley: is he a big fan. throw out a big punish for the washington nationals thursday. nationals released a statement saying dr. fauci has been a true champion for our country during the covid-19 pandemic and throughout his distinguished career it. is only fitting that we honor him as we kick off the 2020 season and defend our world series championship title. for all of those who are wondering how he is going to do, i hear he is a pretty good athlete. so i'm sure he will do just fine. captain of his basketball team in high school. ainsley: i would be a nervous wreck.
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woman called 11 because refrigerator broke? carley: yes. afraid all her food was going to spoil on a fixed income. police officers made a few phone calls, located a working refrigerator for her at jensen beach goodwill and surprised her by bringing it to her house. so a big shoutout guys to deputy marcum, deputy elliott and sergeant flynn at the martin county sheriff's office for doing that for that lady. ainsley: see, the majority good individuals. they are our heroes. thank you so much, carley. carley: thanks, ainsley. ainsley: you are welcome. coming up newt gingrich and senator tom cotton. ♪ ♪
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them have teeth
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sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. new sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. >> federal intervention in portland may be just the beginning. >> these people are anarchists. they hate our country. we will not let it go forward. steve: st. louis couple charged after home. >> using intimidation and getting people to knuckle under and apologize for doing what's right. we are not going to apologize. >> this prosecutor is totally under control. really this is an abuse of power. >> president trump and coronavirus task force will be resuming those coronavirus briefings. >> i think it's a great way to get information out to the public as to where we are with the vaccine. >> the american dream are very much at stake in 2020 the democrats win texas, it's all over.
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>> michael flynn's lawyers an appeals court indicate against them. >> claiming judge sullivan has hijacked the process. >> general flynn never should have been prosecuted in the first place. >> many people saying it is patriotic to wear a face mask. there is nobody more patriotic than me, your favorite president. ♪ i'm good ♪ ♪ ainsley: well, we are all pretty good this morning. hope you are in your house. thank you so much for watching us this morning. griff is filling in for brian down there in washington, d.c. hey, griff. griff: i'm back. can't get rid of me. glad to be here and so much news whether it's in portland or seattle or or here in washington; i think steve mnuchin going to play divorce moderator trying to get democrats and republicans on the same page regarding a covid-19 package. steve: apparently some provisions in with what the
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republicans want to provide, you know, some sort of relief for the schools. because so many schools are really strapped. i heard here in the new york city area i think it's over a dozen of the catholic schools are going to have to close in the fall because there simply are no parents who are signing up their kids for school in the fall because so many people are still out of work. ainsley: yeah. speaking of school, my mom if she heard me say we are all doing pretty good she would say it's pretty well, ainsley. i did learn that my english teacher ms. hayes might be watching. overnight thousands of protesters hitting the streets of portland, oregon for the 54th straight night. listen to this. ♪ overcome ♪ we shall overcome ♪ some day ♪ griff: the large crowd singing outside the portland javits center. they are protesting the federal officers in the city protecting
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a sign on the city reading fed goons out of pdx. steve: rallying against to send 175 federal officers to the city. the move comes after violent clashes with protesters and police. >> at 7:03 right now here in new york city. let's go to rome and bring in newt gingrich, fox news contributor, former speaker of the house and author trump and the american future. mr. speaker, good morning to you. >> good to be with you. steve: you know, it was yesterday that we did the story that apparently the president of the fraternal order of police in chicago asked the president, please, the mayor here is inept, doesn't know what she is doing, send in the feds. according to john roberts as of last night, there were no plans to send further law enforcement from the federal level in across these communities. but, you know, the president is taking a lot of heat for doing just that because the mayors are going we didn't ask for them.
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we don't need them. >> well, look, i think if you are a left wing radical democrat and you don't mind seeing the federal courthouse in portland under attack and you are unwilling to defend it, i don't know what grounds you have to stand on. if you are the mayor of a radical left wing democratic mayor of ceilings you think taking over six or seven square blocks is the summer of love until people start getting killed or the mayor of chicago. chicago and new york in one weekend had 152 americans shot, in one weekend. now at what point does the president of the united states have an obligation to defend innocent americans whose city governments refuse to defend them. you may remember in the 1960s the government sent the fbi into mississippi when civil rights workers were being killed and it was clear that the local police would not hunt down who killed
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them. and so and because they were americans, they deserve protection, the only test give every american is. this if you have had six weeks of rioting in portland. you have a left wing mayor, a democratic mayor who refuses to defend the american government's courthouse, what's the obligation of the president of the united states? just let them burn down the courthouse? or to go in and defend it? i think the president ultimately has no choice except to defend federal property and, frankly, at some point, to step in and defend american citizens. ainsley: this is what the president said on that, newt. listen to this. >> i'm going to do something, that, i can tell you. because new york and chicago and philadelphia and detroit and baltimore and all of these oakland is a mess. we're not going to let this happen in our country. all run by liberal democrats. we will have more federal law enforcement that, i can tell you. portland, they have done a fantastic job.
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they have been there three days and they really have done a fantastic job in a very short period of time. no problem. they grab them. a lot of people in jail. they are leaders. these a anarchists. these are not protesters. people say protesters. these people are anarchists. these are people that hate our country. and we're not going to let it go forward. ainsley: newt, what is the direction of our country you? because we are so divided on this. some want defunding and some want to dismantle entire police departments. but then you have others that want our police that say there are just a few bad apples and we need to get rid of those. we want our children, our children protected. what's the directions? go for it. >> because of the propaganda, media, "new york times," "the washington post," the big networks, because they are all so rabidly left wing now, it's very hard to get the truth about the american people. pugh did a poll about two weeks ago, 12% of the country wants to deeply defund the police.
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14% of the country wants a little defunding but not too much. 75% of the country is against defunding the police, which is why you watch biden trying to be on both sides of the issue claiming he is really not for defunding but he is for shifting resources but he couldn't call that defunding even though the money was coming out of the police department. he knows he has to dance now because left is adamant about defunding when aoc says defund she means zero dollars. not just a cut. so biden is trying to ride both horses which he won't be able to do. the average miner, the person is not going to be on "the today show." they are not going to be on meet the press. the average person looks at the riots in seattle, the riots in portland the weekend murders in chicago, 18 people murdered in one weekend. and the average person says, you know, i would like to have safety. i would like to have calm. well, last time we had this left
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wings revolutionary cycle, late 60's, early 1970s 200 bombings, it ended because people got put in jail. it didn't end because we all sang kum ba yah. it ended because the federal government methodically hunted down the people breaking the law and locked them up. i think same cycle again, this is the second time we have seen a surge of left wing revolutionaries who would like to do i have america, the last time was basically 67-72. it will have to end the same way. it's tragic that biden won't come out from his basement and indicate he is against the demonstrations and riots and looting in places like portland. i mean, would biden protect an american courthouse or is he against protecting american courthouses? would biden do something to save lives in chicago? or does he just think as long as the left wing democratic mayor is happy with it, what does he
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care what happens to south side chicago? griff: well, we will see. newt, let me ask you, you mentioned the average american. on a different subject, a lot of average americans are suffering because the pandemic continues and here in washington today, democrats, pelosi, schumer, meeting with white house officials. mnuchin, on stimulus package. it clearly appears the price tag is a big sticking point. mcconnell wants a $1 trillion package. pelosi has already passed a $3 trillion one. and, of course, the president is saying look, i want a payroll tax cut in this. otherwise, i will consider not signing it. what do you make of where things stand and how do they get on the same page? >> well, look, i think, first of all, it's a mess right now, but everybody has an interest. mitch mcconnell has made it very clear his highest interest is liability protection for businesses and governments. i suspect that schumer and pelosi will decide that they
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have to get aid to the local governments and they have to get aid to the teacher's unions. and i think if the president hangs tough, this will all come down to trump. if the president hangs tough tax cut which i very strongly favor and. those people who worry about the trust fund. can you put money in the trust fund from general debt. you don't have to do it just through the payroll tax. nothing will help small business more than a payroll tax cut and one year holiday on the payroll tax would make virtually every small business in america dramatically stronger and healthier and increase the number of people they could hire and major step towards getting us back towards recovery. look what the teacher's unions are demanding in order to go back to school. not concerned about the children. not concerned about the virus. they have all sorts of political demands that make -- including defunding the police, that make
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no sense at all except for left wing activists who now run the teacher's unions. steve: without a doubt. this legislation would be to combat the effects of the coronavirus. no doubt, newt, there are a million topics that american voters will decide on in 104 days when we go to the polls. but, nonetheless, the number one by a mile is the coronavirus and how it's impacting every facet of american life. tonight, the president is going to rye start his corona briefings, coronavirus briefings at the white house. some advisors had told him to pull the plug but they went too long. he was trying to beat up reporters and stuff like that. but, we had kellyanne conway on the program on friday she said look when he was doing those, he was getting the word out. he looked like he was taking the initiative. and he seemed engaged in it. do you think it's a good idea he does that the day after he announced that wearing a mask
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was patriotic? >> i think he should do them with three conditions. i hope he will, in fact, wear a mask. i mean, if it was just a one time gimmick, it's going to backfire. if he will take seriously what he said, patriotism involves protecting your neighbors and your friends. >> wearing a mask is appropriate. and i think if he himself would wear a mask that will do as much as any single thing to send a signal to the country he is serious. second, these ought to be very short briefings. his part ought to be 15 to 20 minutes. get off stage and, third, and he has got great things boy the way. breakthroughs on the vaccines are unbelievable. would only occur because of trump because he cut through all the federal red tape. we may have two or three vaccines by late this fall. good news to tell people give them the good news. get off stage and let people talk to the ceos to the
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companies and public health officials not trump. and he should take no no questions. this president cannot help himself and if he opens it up to questions he will get in a running brawl with reporters who hate him. reagan would have understood this. it makes no sense to let people who hate you get equal time on national television. and he ought to say here's what i have to say to the american people. here are some great people you can ask substantive questions to see you later and come back tomorrow and do the exact same thing. in between every time he is in public he ought to be wearing activistma. that's what's going to convince people that he is serious about this. steve: i'm 100 percent behind you. newt, i need to issue a correction. if you go to vote in 104 days it will be the day before the polls open. the polls open 105 days from today that's november the 3rd. all right. had to set that straight. >> by the way most of the country starts voting much earlier than election day. so you are covered. ainsley: i have had a boss,
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newt, i was working on christmas answered came in and i said what are you doing here? that's so nice to be here go with be your family. he said i would never ask my employee does do anything i wouldn't do i'm a leader here which reminds me about your point of wearing a mask. thank you so much for being here. >> good to be with you. ainsley: hand it over to jillian for headlines. jillian: we begin with a fox news alert. the lawyer accused of shooting a federal judge's family may have been hunting enemies after a cancer diagnosis. police say roy disguised himself as a fedex driver shooting and killing esther salas' son daniel and injuring her husband. he was found dead from an apparent suicide. he was a self-proclaimed antifeminist lawyer. he had one recent case in front of salas, a challenge to the u.s. military's men only draft but removed himself from the case after learning he had cancer. he recently published a memoir online where he talked about
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revenge writing quote death's hand is on my shoulder nothing in life matters anymore. a $30,000 reward being offered to help solve the murders of three close friends on a fishing trip. rollins killed friday night in florida. they have gotten more than 100 tips but they still need help. >> somebody knows something. and that somebody that calls us makes $30,000 and never ever has to testify. and that's what we're banking on. jillian: police believe there is more than one killer but say there is no evidence the murders were drug-related. city leaders looking to roll back reopening as covid-19 cases rise rapidly from coast to coast. infections in the u.s. passing 3.8 million as the nation records nearly 141,000 deaths. this as president trump, as you guys were just talking about,
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encourages americans to mask up. he posted this photo on twitter saying many people say that it is patriotic to wear a face mask when you can't socially distance. today the white house will also hold its first coronavirus briefing since april. members of the san francisco giants kneeling during the national anthem including manager and three players. this happened before heir exhibition game against the oakland a's. the giants say they will support players who protest the season. president trump weighing in though as you can imagine tweeting looking forward to live sports any time i witness a player kneeling during the national anthem a sign of great disrespect for our country and our flag, the game is over for me. send it back to you. griff: jillian, thank you. i'm ready for sports, baseball, football, bring it on. joe biden narrowing down the list for his running mate. watch. >> i am not committed to naming any but the people i have named and among them there are four
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black women. griff: but our next guest says picking black woman as vp won't hide his record on the issues. usaa is made for what's next no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and that's just one of the many ways we're here to help the military community find out more at
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♪ >> are you committed to naming a black woman as your vice presidential running mate? >> i am not committed to naming any but the people i have named and among them there are four black women. i my administration, i promise you, will look like america. ainsley: with the democratic convention only four weeks away, the question remains who will biden pick for his running mate. our next guest says if he does pick a woman of color that won't erase his record on the issues. here with more black voices for
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trump advisory board member stacey washington. good morning to you, stacey. >> good morning, ainsley. ainsley: good morning. what did you think about his response to that question? >> well, i mean, so this is par for the course for him. he thinks he owns the black vote. so joe biden said on the breakfast club if you don't if you don't vote for me you ain't black. he only talks to black voters for me. he doesn't say you ain't to black voters, asian voters, hispanic voters. he only talks to blacks that way. ainsley: i never thought about that. that's a good point. hillary clinton, she was asked about -- i don't know if she watched the chris wallace interview. you have all these democrats worried that if biden does win then the democrats is not going to september election results and chris wallace was interviewing the president the other day would you accept the president basically said we have to see what the results are. i can't answer that question right now. it depends on the situation is hillary clinton was asked about it. this is what she said. >> i take his veiled threat. i take it very seriously.
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and i hope that, you know, fair minded conscientious officials at all levels of government will do everything they can to make our elections work and to make sure that people have a chance to vote and have those votes counted. ainsley: that's why she says it is important to shore up the electoral security and that's why she wants people to vote by mail. your thoughts? >> ainsley, one of the harshest turns of 2020 is now that we are in election season we are going to have to have her back on our television telling us things that really don't matter. this is the same answer he gave last time. this is an answer given by many people who are running for office. they are saying let's see what happens. they don't want to admit and i wouldn't, that there is a possibility, hey, he could win, he could lose but why would he sit there on national television and talk about losing. evidence won last time. i think he's going to win again and hillary clinton is par for the course and prime example of why we need president trump. joe biden is not only following her footsteps but moving further
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to the left and drug there by bernie sanders and aoc. they don't represent regular americans. they represent the hard core armed action or mob action arm of the left. so, when we are looking at who we can trust to tell us different aspects of this election, hillary clinton is the last person on that list. and she is not telling the truth about president trump. he believes in the peaceful transfer of power just like every president before him. ainsley: stacey, thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you, ainsley. steve: you are welcome. signs of hope for coronavirus vaccine. new trial showing promising results and minor side effects. what happens next? dr. marc siegel is on deck.
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>> welcome back with fall semester just weeks away in a traditional world, college students nationwide are facing uncertainty of whether they will be returning to campus or continue learning on their laptops. gerri willis from our sister network fox business is life in west massachusetts with a look at the most lucrative careers that don't require a college degree. jerry, this sounds great. >> you bet, steve.
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so i thought it was interesting can you get a good job paying more of a minimum wage the answer is absolutely yes. we spoke to the experts. let's start with this list of highest paying nondegreed jobs. you hear everything is low guess sticks in transportation, distribution managers make an annual wage of over $100,000. commercial pilots. police supervisors. athletes, we are not talking about -- just general garden variety of athletes making $93,000. i spoke to an expert from employ bridge i asked her are there jobs out there for people without degrees that pay decently? listen. >> the good news is there are tremendous amount of opportunities for people that do not have a college degree. you know, not only in the traditional trade jobs like construction and electrical workers, plumbing, carpentry, but you also see it in
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healthcare. >> that's right. and so the other area she mentioned that i thought was really important, sales. that's important one to keep in mind. meanwhile you are seeing this young man here, horowitz, a 19-year-old who made the decision not to go to college and to start his own bakery. here is how he came to that decision. listen. >> friends like from high school and middle school who went to college because that's what they think they need to do, i guess. >> that's what they need to do. i got to tell you, have you got to make your own decisions in this economy. there are all kinds of opportunities for people who are willing to work. back to you, steve. steve: that is the key. got be willing to work. gerry, thank you very much. nice to see you today. >> nice to see you. steve: 7:30 here in new york city. griff, back to you. griff: big step in the fight
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against covid-19. oxford university vaccine triggers immune response only with minor side effects. here with the details fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel. dr. siegel, good morning, this is, indeed, good news. explain. >> well, griff, actually it's never been done this exact vaccine. they used viral vector known assed a know virus from a chimpanzee. and that carries the pay load into your cells and it's a genetics based vaccine and what they found in early trials this was 1,000 patient study. one half got meningitis vaccine and one half got this vaccine. those who got this vaccine actually had a robust antibody response against the virus. neutralizing antibodies and a t cell response. those are our warriors, our immune warriors, our t cells. they target the virus for destruction. they are the most powerful cells in the body.
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hugely important results. minor side effects as you said, headaches, fever, muscle aches, they were transient. they went away with tylenol. this is extremely good sign that the vaccine works. griff: doctor, quickly let me just show you the put in d.c. put out a statement saying we strong the strongest immunoresponse participants receiving the vaccine indicating this might be a good strategy for vaccination. i ask you: what comes next? >> what comes next is giving it to 30,000 people around the world in hot spots. this is where we see if when you encounter the actual virus, whether the vaccine put up a wall and protects you. griff, the pump is primed. now let's see what happens when you actually see a virus. it looks very, very good. we have to see that we can fight off viruses with it. if that happens, you will see this vaccine emerge by the fall. this is ahead of the other vaccines that we have talked about. this is in first place right now in the race for a vaccine
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against covid-19. very exciting news. very, very optimistic results. griff: all right. we will continue to follow it. dr. marc siegel. thank you very much. sir. >> thanks, griff. griff: all right. president trump promising law and order as protests spread in major cities. >> portland was totally out of control. we are looking at chicago, too. we are looking at new york. look at what is going on. all run by democrats. we can't let this happen to the cities. griff: senator tom cotton says sending the feds to the right move and he will join us next. and now that you can lease or buy a new lincoln remotely or in person... discovering that feeling has never been more effortless.
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to learn more, visit >> portland was totally out of control. the democrats, the liberal democrats running the place had no idea what they were doing. how about chicago? i read the numbers were many people killed over the weekend. we're looking at chicago, too. we are looking at new york. look at what is going on all one
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run by democrats. all run by very liberal democrats. all run really by radical left we can't let this happen to the cities. steve: there is the president of the united states yesterday in the oval office. let's bring in arkansas republican senator tom cotton a member of the senate armed services committee joins us from d.c. senator, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: the president made it very clear if the locals aren't going to enforce the law and allow federal property to be destroyed or defaced or vandalized, he is going to send in the troops. i got a feeling you are on his side. >> steve, the federal government cannot allow anarchists and insurrectionists to destroy federal courthouses, federal buildings or other federal property. these insurrectionists in the streets of portland are a little different from the insurrectionists who succeeded from the union in 1861 in south carolina and tried to take over fort sumpter and just like president lincoln wouldn't stand for that, the federal government
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today cannot stand for the vandalism, the fire balming or any attacks on federal property. it is right to send federal law enforcement in to defend federal property and federal facilities. ainsley: john roberts, how know fox news our friend who covers the white house, he said that the administration has no plans to deploy federal agents but, that could change quickly. what do you think would change the president's mind? >> well, portland has been an extreme case. the radical left wing mayor who is basically in league with the defund the police anarchists on the street have seen over 50 days of rioting and looting and anarchy in their streets. if you see something similar in other cities anarchists insurrectionists attacking courthouses and attacking federal buildings and attacking federal land and property, then, of course, the federal government has a responsibility to defend its installations and its property. that's what the people expect us
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to do. that's what the constitution calls for us to do. >> senator, the federal law also provides for them to arrest those who threaten it, although mayor wheeler and others are saying these are protesters. they are not criminals as law enforcement suggests. there is a "new york times" op-ed today that is getting some attention and the headline is trump's occupation of american cities has begun. in it she goes on to say can we just call this fascism for what it is? really laying it out. what do you say? >> well, the "new york times" is a national laughing stock. ever since they apologized for running my op-ed last month without citing a signal factual inaccuracy in it ever since they fired their own editor for running that op-ed it reads like from the social justice seminar. i give little credit to what i see in the pages of the "new york times." bigger issue remains is that the
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federal government has a fundamental responsibility to protect its property, its facilities and ultimately protect our citizens from violent insurrectionists and appear arckists. steve: and, in fact, the "new york times" op-ed that you are referring to they actually asked to you write it and afterwards we made a bunch of mistakes headline was send in the troops since then mentioned a couple days ago bari weiss on the op-ed page there resigned because she said the "new york times" has become also a become intolerant of any views other than the super progressive view. >> unfortunately bari weiss is correct. the "new york times" for many years has been trending in that direction but ever since they published my op-ed and then they apologized for plusing the op-ed without citing a signal errors
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in it and heads rolled it has read like a left wing manifesto. i apologize to the viewers for pushing the "new york times" even farther to the the left. they were request going to cut the op-ed by 20%. maybe i should take credit for subjecting you to those editorials. ainsley: 63 were shot, 12 were killed last weekend. the violence continues there the top cop there his name is david brown. he's the chicago superintendent. and he says he had this big press conference yesterday and he showed this video of the attacks on police yesterday afternoon. all these mobsters or all these people -- i shouldn't say mobsters, all these protesters were walking toward the monument and then you have an organized group, according to the superintendent. the ones if you look at the video now. the ones with black umbrellas, it looks like they organized because they started changing
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into all them changing into a black uniform or black outfits, this guy you saw the red arrow, he empties out a bag of frozen water bottles and they start throwing those at the police. and then though banners start sharpening the tops of them. pvc pipes sharpens of to the of them and starts jabbing them at the police officers. >> peaceful demonstrations have been hijacked by organized mobs. we just don't want to believe people will act this way toward us. that they would take advantage of our sacred right, the first amendment but now i have ordered all of our officers to wear any and all protective gear when protests occur. ainsley: pretty sad now that the officers have to gear up before
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they go out to peaceful protests. the majority of americans are not for all the violence. what are your thoughts? >> well, that video is very disturbing. and i think there is a simple solution to it. assault a cop, go to prison. we should have zero tolerance for these anarchists and insurrectionists and rioters attacking the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect us, defend our lives and protect our property. we need to have political leaders who will support our law enforcement professionals who are out defending the rights of protesters who peaceably assemble and to protest on any reason whatsoever, buy we also ought not to allow this protest to ever be hijacked by these kind of organized radical agitators who will using it for their own purposes to, as you see in that video try to harm and even kill police officers in some cases. griff: senator, it looks like we could see it again tomorrow.
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the 53rd straight night in portland. thanks for taking time, senator. if you want to read senator's op-ed at, he has a new one up there, go check it out. it's good stuff. meanwhile, toss it over to jillian for headlines. jillian: good morning we start with this. florida governor ron desantis heckled by protesters as the state sees sixth day with 10,000 new covid-19 infections. [shouting] >> if you had been infected] continued shouting] jillian: protesters screaming even as they were protested outside by security. meanwhile the state's largest teacher's union suing desantis over his plan to reopen schools next month. the florida education association accusing the governor of failing to keep students safe. the doj is urging an appeals court to reject a request from the judge overseeing michael flynn's case to rehear it. the department says it would
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suffer, quote: irreparable injury if it moves forward. judge emmet sullivan asking for the appeals court to weigh in decide dropping the charges. judge andrew napolitano joined us earlier with his prediction of what happens next. >> the full federal appeals court, all 11, will reverse the panel that ordered judge sullivan to dismiss the case immediately and give him the opportunity to look at the case. look at the facts and decide what to do. jillian: it's unclear if the full court will agree to rehear the case. the st. louis man who waived his gun at protesters is slamming the city's top prosecutor for issuing felony charges against he and his wife. >> i'm not going to be bullied. i'm not going to be intimidated. the left, the mob uses social intimidation and threats to get people to knuckle under and apologize for doing what's right. we are not going to apologize for doing what's right. we are not going to back down. >> mark and patricia mccloskey
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say they displayed their firearms in defense as hundreds of black lives matter protesters storm their gated community. senator josh hawley joined us earlier saying the prosecutor went too far. >> this prosecutor is totally out of control. this is -- really this is an abuse of power. you want to know what an abuse of power looks like? this is a textbook example. >> missouri governor mike parson now pledging to pardon the couple. okay so, a mom is shocked by her daughter's ingenious pranks four years in the making. shakcheck it out. >> why do you have the same outfit on? [laughter] did you do that? [laughter] four years? and i didn't know? the recent graduate's mom finally realizing she wore the same outfit on picture day. the internet loving this legendary prank with the tiktok video shared more than five
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million times. that's funny. >> finally noticed when they were all laid out. all right. >> that just shows how busy we are as moms. >> no kidding. steve: all right. jillian, thank you very much. right here in new york state. the governor andrew cuomo is banning restaurants from selling alcohol unless you buy food. so one pub owner decided to sell cuomo chips for a buck. you are going to meet him coming up next. griff: yum. ♪ ♪ walk to end alzheimer's alzheis everywhere.tion all of us are raising funds for one goal: a world without alzheimer's and all other dementia. because this disease isn't waiting, neither are you.
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♪ steve: listen to this, a new york pub is making headlines for its tongue in cheek response to the state's latest reopening regulation. harvey's restaurant and bar in saratoga springs offering their customers cuomo chips for $1 as they work to stay in compliance with the governor's rule which bans bars from selling alcohol without food. joining us right now are the pub's owners matthew begley and adam humphrey. guys, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning. how are you? steve: we're doing okay. matthew, you know, this has gotten -- cuomo chips has gotten a lot of publicity. this was tongue in cheek to start, right? >> yeah. we were just initially just -- we had to come up with something to remain compliant and also
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just kind of to poke fun at the policy and now a couple days later here we are interviewing with you on "fox & friends." steve: and the policy, matthew, is if somebody is going to order an alcoholic drink, they have to also order food at the same time, right? >> yeah. steve: okay. so you figured, you know what? somebody is not going to -- you are a restaurant already. >> yeah. we have been a restaurant since harvey's opened in 2014. steve: all right. >> so, adam, tell us about the reaction from the folks who frequent harvey's. >> i mean, initially when we came up with the name for it, it was pretty much like he said just kind of lighten the blow of the new rule we had to follow. it got some pretty good feedback from our bar regulars and restaurant guests came in and thoughts it with a funny. kind of lighten the blow that they had to buy another food
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item like they already ate somewhere else and came in and wanted just to buy a pint of beer or something but they now have to buy food. every bar they go to. so, yeah. i mean, the reaction has been pretty good. i mean, it's been pretty mellow, i would say. >> so ultimately matthew has been very successful because i understand you ran out of cuomo chips. be careful this has been devastating to your business. last thing you want is for the governor to shut you down because you are not in compliance with that law. >> absolutely. and the issue is that we have been having, we are compliant. the restaurant socially distanced. got those sanitary stations. i am absolutely over policing people in regards to wearing mask. other hurdle to jump over. you know, it's been a little
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difficult. will. steve: yeah. >> like i said we ran out of the potato chips so there is a positive there. steve: adam, the governor said yesterday unless people start socially distancing at bars because there are a number of bars here in the new york city area. you are up in springs where people are shoulder to shoulder. and there is no social distancing and they are not wearing masks. they are not talking about what you are doing because when you see people who are too close or not wearing a mask, what do you do? >> we're throwing them out. steve: just like that. >> literally throwing them out. perfect example is we had a larger party that came in recently and we had to go up and we had to manage them and be like you have got to wear your mask when you are walking around. it's our livelihood. you know. it's our liquor license. it's everything to us. steve: real quickly, what has the pandemic done to your business? >> i mean, initially we closed down for three months. you know, we missed saint
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patrick's day which is a big blow and we had to wait until we got federal relief. so, after that three months it was sort of a slow crawl. we are very fortunate that we have a very large space to work with. we have outdoor seating available and enough space that we can socially distance without losing too many tables. >> okay. but the biggest hurdle really is just compliance and making sure that people follow the rules that we are trying to so hard to enforce. steve: right. that's why you are selling cuomo chips and get them this afternoon, folks. they're getting another big delivery. adam and matthew, thank you very much for joining us and good luck to both of you. as you can see cailee and jack coming up next. but it's even nicer knowing that if this happens... ...or this happens... ...or this.... ...or this...
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the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at ♪ president trump: look at what's going on. at run by democrats we can't let this happen to the city. >> at what point does the president of the united states have an obligation to defend innocent americans whose city governments refuse to defend them. >> the lawyer accused of shooting a federal judge's family may have been hunting enemies after a cancer diagnosis , and recently publish ed a memoire online where he talked about revenge. >> i am not committed to naming any but the people i've named and among them there are four black women. >> this is par for the course for him. he thinks he owns the black vote ainsley: signs of hope in search for a coronavirus vaccine. i new trial showing promising
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results. >> it looks very very good. >> you've seen dr. fauci, wearing a face mask. now he's taking the bump for them. he will throw out the ceremonial first pitch at national's park and the team calling in a "true champion" for our country. >> ♪ ♪ steve: yup, our friend who has appeared many times here at our fox & friends summer concert series but you know it's a different world this year. we have put that off this year and instead we are playing the recorded version. ainsley: right we didn't have the summer concert series but look we can keep our heads up hopefully there's a vaccine right around the corner there is an election around the corner so we have a lot of news to report. steve: we do and also today griff is with us brian is on vacation with us today. griff: it's a great time to be here today. ainsley: happy birthday to steve 's son peter. griff: we were looking for him
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in the hallways, as you said probably chasing after joe biden considering we got that election coming up in 105 days. steve: that's right maybe he can get him to come out of the basement if peter takes some birthday cake. ainsley: was it the best day of your life because that was your first born. steve: i will tell you this it was the hottest day we had ever had in washington d.c. so that's what i remember about the day he was born and then our lives just changed forever. all right happy birthday, peter. meanwhile for everybody else, fox news alert. overnight, thousands of protesters hit the streets in portland, oregon for the 54th straight night. some peacefully, others clashing with police as they tried to break into that federal court house again. >> [chanting] ainsley: in chicago, the protesters there rallying against the trump adminitration. plans to send 175 federal
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officers to that city, according to some reports. this comes after police released new video of rioters ambushing police, near a statue of christopher columbus and you can see demonstrators dressed in black using umbrellas to shield themselves, they are throwing frozen water bottles at the police, griff. griff: yeah, that'sone of them g frozen water bottles on the ground for protesters to throw at the officers and what's important ainsley is that 49 cop s were hurt, 18 taken to the hospital, police arresting 12 people in connection to that attack. we want to bring in now, kayleigh mcenany from the north lawn, white house press secretary. kayleigh, good morning, as the president talks about bringing in more federal assistance into the lawlessness in american cities our own john roberts reporting that right now the president hasn't yet made a decision to do that, but it
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could change. what's the latest? >> i'll leave that to the president to decide what that will look like but what he's laid out so far are two models and in the first one, what you saw going on in kansas city with operation legend named after a legend a four-year-old boy who was killed tragically, what you've seen there is you've had a responsible governor saying yes, i need federal assistance. i welcome federal assistance. i want to protect the people in my state and we work cooperate live, doj has and in the case of portland this has been dhs, opposition from the democrat mayor and democrat governor but dhs does have the authority under 40 usc 1315 to do this and protect federal property and that's what they're very done against lawlessness. steve: kayleigh we've had the president, somebody from chicago on a retired police officer, and yesterday, talking about the fact that the fraternal order of police president in chicago begged the
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president to send, you know, essentially federal officers to chicago because nothing was being done by the mayor there. said it was chaotic and everything else. i know the way the federal government works. i know you've got plans to do all sorts of things in various cities, but the question is, what will have to happen before those plans are activated? >> i'll leave it to the president as to when that plan is activated and what that looks like, but he's very upset with what he's seen. he's wrote a letter to the mayor about this. you have children who have been shot. people who have died roughly a dozen people, every single weekend, more people dying in the city than in iraq and afghanistan. this is incredible and this is on a street in america run by a democrat mayor who is doing nothing to stop this , so the president is very upset with this. i spoke to him about this this morning but i'll leave it to him as to when that decision is made and what it looks like. ainsley: kayleigh let's talk
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about mr. and mrs. mcclosty who came out of their house in st. louis a while ago when protester s trespassed on to their property and they came out with a rifle and one with a gun and they or a pistol it looks like. steve: handgun. ainsley: right so anyway, there's a local prosecutor there and she has filed felony charges against them for unlawful use of a weapon. her name is kim gardner and she says this. she says that it is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner at those participating in a non-violent protest and while we are fortunate this situation did notice kanye west late into deadly force this type of conduct is unacceptable in st. louis and the governor has said he will no doubt pardon this couple if this becomes a problem for them. he was on last night with tucker listen to this. >> well it's a totally upside down world, tucker. the people that broke into my neighborhood they're all trespassing.
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none of those people are arrested. none of those people are charged the prosecutor that the circuit attorney has apparently decided her job as a prosecutor isn't to keep us safe from criminals but to keep the criminals safe from us and it's a bizarre upside down world. i've been a little irritated by this process until today. now i'm just flat out pissed off this has gotten to be outrageous ainsley: kayleigh your reaction. >> he's exactly right this is an egregious abuse of power is how the president described it by the prosecutor to make this decision. let's be clear about what happened. you have the mcclosky's out about to have dinner on their fran porch when 300 rioters stormed through their gate and trespassed and according to his wife the protesters were shouting "when you're dead i'm going to come into your house and these are the rooms i'll take over" they were threatened and they used their weapons in a lawful manner and what is so wrong here is this prosecutor to go after them instead of the
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dozens of violent rioters who have been brought to her attention and referred to her attention and she hasn't prosecuted them, but boy will she go after law-abiding citizens. this is politically motivated nonsense. griff: kayleigh let me take you to the president's tweet getting some attention and that is a picture of him wearing a mask. do you see that shot there he has the mask on and he says we are united in our effort to defeat the invisible china virus and many people say it is patriotic to wear a face mask when you can't socially distance and there's nobody more patriotic than me, your favorite president. a significant image you see there. will we see president trump wearing a mask more frequently? >> i'll leave that to the president. the president has always been very clear where he stood on masks. he said, you know, if i couldn't socially distance i'd wear one and in his case he's the most tested person in america so he's very safe when he goes out and about. i'll leave that to him but he likes that picture we all thought it was a great picture
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and he put it out and he encourages americans who can't socially distance to wear masks. steve: he has said that but we know the science is, kayleigh, is the masks slow the spread and really, you know some people say they restrict my personal rights , but really, they represent freedom, because if you wear a mask, people are going to be able to keep their businesses open. they don't have to have more lockdowns. people will be able to go back-to-school, and things like that, so it's obviously a positive. that's just science, but for some people, it has become a political thing. wearing a mask has become political so my question simply to you is, is wearing a mask a political statement? >> president trump has been very clear that wearing masks has nothing to do with politics. he would wear them in certain scenarios as he did at walter reed when he couldn't socially distance and was in a hospital so its never been a political issue for him, shouldn't be a political issue and he stands
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today where he stood a week ago and a week before that. steve: okay so for your message to people who will not wear a mask because they feel it's infringing on their rights they don't want the government to tell them what to do, what do you say to those people? >> i would say the cdc has been clear it's recommended but not required. there's not a federal mandate but if you can't socially distance follow the president's lead, put on a mask, and i think that's the best way forward and the president has been saying that for weeks. steve: okay good. ainsley: president is saying that the briefings are going to come back the coronavirus briefings. what do you know about that? what's the latest? >> i talked to him that this morning these are short briefings, the president mainly delivering information to the american people that's needed on therapeutics and vaccines, there will be other information tied into these briefings, we have a lot of plans over the next three months, you'll be hearing about other topics as well, and the president may at times bring someone with him maybe not. that'll be his decision but he will be very good with briefings with a lot of information.
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ainsley: will it be at the time every day and will he take questions? >> it'll usually be in the 5 or 6:00 p.m. hour and it may be daily and most days maybe not all days but he does say, he said to me this morning he does generally plan on taking questions and delivering a lot of good news on therapeutics and vaccines and the way forward through this virus and showing our historic response also and with ventilators and testing and the way this president has cut down barriers and got us to the point where we already have a vaccine in phase iii clinical trial because of this president. griff: kayleigh it's a big day in washington when it comes to the next phase iv coronavirus package. of course you had the mcconnell at the white house yesterday and mccarthy but then today democrat s will meet with white house officials secretary mnuchin, chief of staff meadows so i want to ask you, where that stands now and also, reports that the white house and republican senate leaders aren't
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necessarily on on the same page yet, where are we? >> we're in a place of unity. i was in the oval with the president yesterday and leader mccarthy and also mr. mcconnell as well, majority leader mcconnell were all in agreement on a lot of key points and they shared that with the american public. the president wants to see that payroll tax cut in there and there's also at least 70 billion in there for schools to safely reopen, tax incentives for businesses to safely reopen as well, and as secretary mnuchin said yesterday, he'd also like to see this wrapped up within the month before unemployment benefits run out and make sure that those who are unemployed are taking care while incentivizing people to go back to work. steve: sure and in addition of people going back to work the president wants kids to go back-to-school; however we've already heard, kayleigh there are a number of districts and states that are talking about not so sure that's going to happen. will there, in the new coronavirus rescue package, be
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something that addresses american schools? because there are a number of school, prince in new york city, i think 17 catholic schools have to close because there are not enough parents are signing up for next year because of the uncertainty, also they're not making any money but if a school board decides not to open up for whatever reason, i know it has been talked about, that there parents should have the school choice to take federal money and use that at a school that is open that can teach their kids in person. >> yes that is exactly the president's goal. he wants the funding to be tied to the student, how that works mechanically we'll see but that is undoubtedly the priority is for the student to receive the money for the parent to have the choice and make sure if they have a neighboring district with the school open they can send their child there, because it is paramount for a number of reasons for the whole health of the child for children who
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depend on school lunches and social services schools provide for parents we know there are many single moms that depend on schools for child care and educational disparity starts to happen for low income students in particular when schools aren't open. this is paramount. we've got to reopen our schools the president has been unmistakable about it. there will be more than $70 billion in phase iv, for that very purpose. ainsley: kayleigh thanks for joining us today. thank you, ainsley. ainsley: you're welcome. jillian is upstairs with headlines. jillian: we start with a fox news alert. the lawyer accused of shooting a federal judge's family may have been hunting enemies after a cancer diagnosis. police say roy den hollander disguised himself as a fedex driver shooting and killing esther salas's son daniel. and then he was a self-proclaim ed anti-femininist lawyer and he had won a recent case in front of salas, but removed himself from the case after learning of his cancer.
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he recent recently published a memoire on handwriting "death's land is on my left shoulder nothing in this life matters any more." >> overnight michael cohen sues attorney general bill barr over why he was sent back to prison and they argue it was in retaliation for his plans to release a negative book on president trump before the election. the president's former attorney was released to home confinement in may but was rearrested when the feds say he broke the conditions of that deal. the doj hasn't commented on the lawsuit. >> a fox news alert and you're taking a live look at history in space. two astronauts are holding nasa 's 300th space walk right now, chris cassidy is replacing batteries and making other upgrades on the international space station and today's walk will finish a 3.5 year project to update the power system. >> the philadelphia phillies mascot surprises a new jersey
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doctor who beat covid-19. dr. victor herisniak has been a season ticketholder since 2009 and hopes to be able to watch his favorite team play ball by spring. >> we're looking forward to it. we're going to miss not being able to go to the games in the beginning but hopefully by playoffs it'll be straightened out. >> the e r doctor fully recovered after being hospitalized. steve: do you see how big that mascot is on the mascot? >> i've seen it up close and personal. ainsley: he's one of my favorites so cute. griff: thanks, jillian. meanwhile, the postal service is facing major budget cuts, and that could have a big impact on the election, we'll explain, next. ♪ we see you. doing your part by looking out...for all of us. and though you may have lost sight of your own well-being, aetna never did. by setting up virtual monitoring for chronic patients, 24-hour
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steve: well, the cash-strapped u.s. postal service is now under scrutiny over how it's going to handle an influx of mail-in and absentee ballots during the pandemic. ainsley: hillary vaughn from our sister network fox business is live in arlington, virginia, with the growing concerns there, hey, hillary. reporter:ly ainsley, griff and steve well the u.s. postal service is making changes that could actually slow mail delivery as mail-in voting during a pandemic could be more popular than ever. voters need to request a ballot at least 15 days before election day to make sure that ballot gets to their house in time. all these changes to try to save money and turn a profit. the president of the american postal service workers union tells me he's against these changes that could have an impact on voters in november. >> anytime the mail slows down it's harder for the postal workers to serve the customers
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whether it's a mail ballot or anything else. so, again, we're just absolutely opposed to any effort to slow down mail, to delay mail and that includes obviously, for the ballots as well. reporter: the usps is bracing for an avalanche of mail-in ballots and facing a mountain of debt $160 billion to making cuts to make the post office more profitable telling mail carriers in a memo to leave mail behind at distribution centers if it delays them getting to their routes the post office says these changes though will have zero impact on mail-in ballots saying the postal service is chitted to delivering election mail in a timely manner and the postal services financial condition is not going to impact our ability to process and deliver election and political mail. now there are concerns over getting those ballots mailed in time but there's also concerns about sending the right ballot to the right house. governor larry hogan of maryland defending his decision to hold a normal election in november because he said in their june 2
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primary, the state is the one that sent the wrong ballots to people sending spanish ballots to english-speaking voters, and english ballots to spanish- speaking voters. steve, griff, and ainsley, back to you. griff: hillary vaughn, thank you very much. protesters have been tearing down and burning flags for knows our next guest fled soviet russia with her family and says these americans are ridiculously wrong. ever since i got this little guy,
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griff: welcome back time for your news by the numbers. first, three hours, that's how long it takes for this special drone to disinfect an entire stadium and they say they can cover surfaces-to-ground rails and even underneath the seats. next, $13 billion that's how much amazon ceo jeff bezos added to his net worth in one day, breaking the record since the bloomberg index started keeping track, analysts say web shopping trends boost shares, and finally, $95 million , that's how much this jamaica man dressed as darth vader won in the lottery the jackpot winner wearing the costume to keep his
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identity private and leaning towards buying a band with some of the money. steve? steve: griff thank you. from protesters toppling statues to burning american flags our next guest whose family immigrated to the united states from the soviet union in the late 70s warns of real consequences to some of the recent anti-american sentiment here to explain is new york post column columnist, good morning to you. and by the way, happy anniversary. yesterday was july 20 which is what day in your life? >> i can call it our americaver sary, the day our mother arrived to this great country and we celebrated every year, it's a big event in my family up there with birthdays and other holidays. it's really a big deal to us. steve: and i read your column and i know your father came over the year before you did. when you arrived in the united states in 1978, the united states was in disarray.
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>> that's right. steve: it was a time when people were questioning, you know, i don't know if our best days are still ahead of us. >> absolutely. yeah, you know, i think a lot of people don't remember that america's been through hard times before, and we've gotten through them. in the late 70s my parents arrived to a crime-ridden country, just all kinds of issues internationally we were in big trouble. iran had taken american hostages for years and things like this had happened and it really, we've come out of it and so like we come to face where people don't really have that kind of hope and i think people need to have it. america is not perfect but we're the greatest country that's ever been and it's not even close, so we need to have hope for the future and i think our best days are ahead. steve: do you think, carol, that point of view is such with you because you came to this country , you wanted to get out of the soviet union, you wanted to go to the united
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states because it was something special, because there are a lot of people in this country who don't feel like you do. >> well look, there's a lot of great countries in the world but there's no australia dream. there's no finland dream. it's the american dream, and absolutely, this is the place that the beacon for freedom to people all over the world living in really terrible conditions, and absolutely, we wanted to come to america to be free and to live here, and i think the challenge is my children are now american children, who will never know the struggle that my parents went through, and the challenges you have them remember and have them know what their forefathers went through and to not take it for granted and to not grow up to be aoc who calls what we live in garbage and it's a real challenge to raise happy, confident american children who have everything and not have them take that for granted. steve: carol what would you say to somebody who was tearing down one of the statues of let's say
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george washington. >> it's just i would tell them that they're destroying the history of the best country in world history and nobody is perfect, george washington wasn't perfect, but if we are waiting for perfect people to put them on statues we'll be waiting a really long time. steve: you can read her op-ed it's great, from the new york post carol thank you very much and happy americaversary, as your family calls it. meanwhile, straight ahead the battle over masks mandates in georgia now heading to court as of today. governor brian kemp suing atlanta's mayor to block her order, the governor joins us with his explanation, coming up, next. people were afraid i was contagious. i felt gross. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. four years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections
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steve: welcome back today a judge in georgia will hear
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arguments on an emergency request by georgia's governor to stop atlanta's mayor from enforcing a mask order while the lawsuit is on the issue is still pending. ainsley: that's right the atlanta mayor is accusing the governor, brian kemp to try to silence her writing governor kemp has asked for an emergency injunction to restrain me from issuing press statements and speaking to the press. far more have sacrificed too much more for me to be silent. griff: so here to respond is georgia's governor, brian kemp. give nor kemp what is your latest reaction in this fight with atlanta's mayor? >> well good morning, thanks for having me on. let me just say what we're doing here in georgia every day we're fighting hard for the lives to protect lives against covid but also to protect the livelihoods of my fellow citizens who have been working so hard to get this economy back going, and when we have local mayors that start going either above or
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beyond the executive orders that i have in place and try to pull back on our economy and start shutting our economy and shutting businesses down with really a knee jerk reaction and i just can't allow that so we filed the suit to put georgia first and to make sure we can continue to do those two things protecting lives but also thinking about our future and what people are struggling with right now. paying their rent, buying their groceries, being able to afford medication, and surviving through this economic downturn that we have, so we have to do both. steve: governor i get you because i live in new jersey, and it has been very slow to reopen, but our numbers are actually trending down and it seems like the rest of the country is trending up. one of the things about new jersey is there is a mandate that you got to wear a mask when you're out in public near people like in a grocery store or a business or something like that i get you don't want to undo the progress you've made, but
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can't you at the same time, encourage masks to be worn and still keep businesses open because ultimately, if we don't wear masks, you know, schools might not open across the country. you can't go to sports, businesses might have to get locked down again. >> look i agree with you. i mean, i've been saying for weeks now, we need to wear a mask. we've ordered millions of masks in georgia that we're now deploy ing to local governments, into our schools, asking them to do as i am, to encourage people to wear a mask where they can't socially distance and be smart about following the existing regulations that we have in place. they worked for us before. they will work again and in fact two weeks ago, surgeon general jerome adams was in georgia. we did a state-wide fly-around raising awareness about the importance of wearing a mask you know, we can argue whether you need a mandate or not but we all know you should do that if you can't socially distance yourself, and this is not the
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point. the point is when you have local officials that are going beyond the executive orders during this public state of emergency trying to pull our economy back, and what that will do, guys it will shut our hospitals down. they cannot afford that financially. what we're doing right now after we ask people to give us time so that we could get plans and supply ppe to have our hospitals stabilized and having the bed space in georgia, we're implementing that plan now and the reason we're doing that is so hospitals can continue to do elective surgery, screenings for cancer and other treatments that people need. before when the economy shutdown , two metro atlanta hospital systems laid off almost 30,000 healthcare workers. i mean that is insane that we would do that during a pandemic, so that's why we're trying to do both. protect lives, i agree. wear a mask. socially distance yourself. enforce and follow the existing guidelines that we have in place
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and let's continue to flatten the curve which thankfully, we've done in georgia since the 12th we're keeping our fingers crossed and bearing down every day. we're seeing some positive signs but we're definitely not out of the woods yet. that kind of rolls day-to-day. we've got to keep looking at the seven day average and we're pressing very hard to do that, but also, protecting those that are vulnerable.facilities and ty fragile. steve: yeah, so governor, you were just very clear. you said wear a mask, right? >> absolutely i've been saying that for weeks now. i mean that is well documented, i'm a believer. i told people in my press conference friday, for those of you that aren't believers i understand that. i don't believe we need a mandate to get georgia to do the right thing but if you want, socially distance yourself. if you're at the grocery store, if you're going to buy gas or what have you. steve: why has masks become political? >> because this is the season
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of pandemic politics but i don't have time nor does dr. toomey or anyone on our team, the hospital ceo's that i've been in constant communication with. i don't really have time for pandemic politics. we're working on increasing our bed capacity which we've got three different plans and working on more. we rolled out a new testing partnership yesterday that's going to increase our testing by 10,000 per day. we're working because of a conversation that we had with dr. birx and dr. redfield last week to see how we can have a federal state partnership here, along with some of our hospitals so we have a lot in the works. that is what i'm focused on every day not pandemic politics. ainsley: so governor, our governor here in new york, governor cuomo, you know, he went through all the pandemic months ago when the numbers were so high in new york and he wanted to fly down to savannah, georgia to meet with the mayor there, for a round table discussion about how to get through this pandemic, because the numbers are rising
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in the south. this is what he says. >> you see some politicians, some officials, they just don't want to do it. they're not going to take the tough position because they don't want to feel the heat and some do the exact opposite and they rise to the occasion. mayor johnson rose to the occasion. if i didn't think he did i wouldn't be here today. ainsley: so this comes from a governor whose being criticized about what happened in the nursing home up here. what's your reaction to him critical about the leaders down there? >> well again i don't have time to get involved in politics. i think if you look back at my record over the course of the pandemic, i haven't criticized any governors. i know we're all in a tough spot , we're all having to make difficult and very hard choices. you know, policy makers disagree on certain things. i think one thing i would say that i agree with is we think people should wear a mask, if you're out in public, but when you have local mayors that won't enforce the existing orders on
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social distancing, the crowd gathering bans that we have and have had throughout this and i have given them local enforcement, and then they start blaming all this on somebody not wearing a mask, i think is a little unfortunate. what i've encouraged them to do is to do like i'm doing, to handout masks, encourage people to wear them but then use their local law enforcement agencies that they have the power to do to enforce the existing orders that we have on our businesses and on our citizens and if we do that we will flatten the curve, we will get going in the direction that we were before, and we will weather the storm and i'm confident that we're going to do that. ainsley: can i ask one more question just a follow-up on that. so do you think it goes both ways we shouldn't be critical of him for the nursing home ordeal? >> well i think if you look at me publicly i haven't criticized him for nursing homes. what i have done is i think probably been as good as any governor in the country at using
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the georgia national guard, they were doing infectious disease cleaning in our long term care facilities very early on in fact we trained other states on how to do that because they're great at logistics, great at hard work and they work 24/7 and also help ed us with our testing sites doing mobile testing and supporting the georgia department of public health at our spot sites, and literally have delivered millions of pounds of foods to our citizens that need them, so i have been focused on long term care facilities for a long time and i don't think you'll find me criticizing other governors responses. i've got enough to worry about myself. griff: governor i just have a few seconds but i want to get an update. when it comes to reopening schools is there any update or is it just too soon to tell? >> no we have a lot of our schools that are going to be opening. i think it depends on the area. a lot of our metro schools are
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going to start with online. i personally think kids need to be in the classroom but what we've been doing is working with our superintendents and local educational leaders to give them the supplies that they need. we're in the process of getting hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing stations, masks, and thermometer s and other things to give tools, that give schools the tools they need to reopen. i hope that they do but some of them may be delayed and i certainly have understanding for tax steve: absolutely we know you are awfully busy governor kemp thank you very much for joining us today. ainsley: thank you governor. steve: about a quarter before the top of the hour and time for news with jillian. jillian: good morning. so let's start with this. the story of a 14-year-old girl now facing murder charges for killing a rhode island contractor. she allegedly shot 37-year-old g orge gonzalez multiple times and police believe he was not the intended target. another teen was arrested in connection to the shooting. the girl is expected to be arraigned in family court.
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>> a dramatic police chase ends with an suv flipping several times near massachusetts highway watch this. >> oh, there it is! >> flip! whoa! jillian: police responding to a suspicious activity call when they tried to pull over the driver with a suspended license. he tried to get away speeding more than 80 miles per hour before crashing. >> police are searching for vandals seen destroying pro- trump signs at a massachusetts home. veteran robert gallos surveillance cameras catching them in the act he says it is not deterring his support for the president. take a listen. >> he's like no one wants to meet in the middle and if you're for trump at all you're the enemy and people hate you. i have three new signs on the way and now i have a trump and melania standup will be a little extra coming. extra each time. ainsley: vandals previously
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spray painting and ripping down his signs during two separate incidents those are your headlines i wonder how large that cutout is going to be of the two of them. steve: good question. ainsley: thank you jillian. leland:s hand it over to janice. hey, j. d. >> janice: good morning, and the big story is the heat especially across the east coast with the temperatures and humidity combined maying it feel pretty dangerous if you're outside for a great length of time so take all those precautions stay indoors inside with the air conditioning all right we have the possibility for showers and thunderstorms along a frontal boundary draped across the central u.s. , the ohio valley parts of the mid-atlantic also dealing with the threat of showers and thunderstorms over the gulf coast, and south florida, we have a tropical wave we are watching over the caribbean that could develop over the next couple of days, 30 % chance over the next two to three days, but it gets even higher after that, as we go towards the weekend, so something we need to monitor in the gulf of mexico. it is that time of year for the
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tropics. back to you, griff and ainsley and steve. steve: an area of concern, j. d. , thank you very much. meanwhile, the nfl is one step closer to kickoff. all rookies will report to training camp later today as the league reaches a deal on covid testing. former nfl player jack brewer on the moves to keep players safe and his memories of training camp next but first what happens at 9:00, bill hemmer knows. >> bill: i know you guys where you been. good morning to you special edition today steve and ainsley nice to see you both what happens to that couple charged in st. louis, we'll talk with the states ag about a split decision in that state and violence in big american cities should the president stay out of it, and ted cruz has a warning about november, joe biden has a message about his vp pick, and a press briefing for the white house all in the next three hours. feels like old times, come join 10 minutes away top of the hour. - [narrator] the shark vacmop combines powerful suction
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download the xfinity stream app today to stream the entertainment you love. xfinity. the future of awesome. ainsley: nfl rookies are reporting to training camp today as the league and its players union come to a deal on the covid-19 protocols players are going to be tested daily for two weeks and they won't be allowed into facilities unless they test negative twice.
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this as players question the nfl 's approach, colts line man deforest buckner tweet ing out there won't be an nfl season if we don't put players health and safety first. whose playing the games if we're all sick. here to react is former nfl player jack brewer. hey, jack. >> how's it going ainsley? ainsley: i'm great, thank you. well with your experience in the nfl would you want to play, would you want to go back now? >> in my situation, no. like many players probably 70% of the guys are more don't have guaranteed contracts, and so i don't know if i'd be so quick to jump into a locker room and go on the field tackling people amidst coronavirus without a guaranteed contract to make sure that i got paid. ainsley: but what if you're guaranteed you don't have corona with those tests? >> oh, yeah i'd be fine then, but i mean you can't be guaranteed that everybody around you doesn't have it. the problem with the coronavirus as we've all seen is you could have no symptoms and still have
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it. i think it does create a risk but i also think that everyone should have a choice and that's one thing i applaud the league for and the players association is because they're giving each player the choice on whether or not they want to play and they're not forcing anyone to come out and play. ainsley: russel wilson did you see his tweet about his wife, he's concerned because they're having a baby. how important is it to get sports back in america? >> we need sports back. we need kids back in schools. we need a little bit of normalcy you know it's really difficult when you're keeping everyone couped up and you know, tensions in our country are flaring. politically, socially, there's so much unrest but we got to all keep in mind that we've been locked in the house for so long, kids can't go out and play. parents have to readjust their schedule for work. i can't wait to turn on my tv and be able to see a sports game if i want to watch one with my son, so we all need that normalcy, but i think we have to
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be smart because you know, i'm in florida now and it is a little bit scary to see numbers surging and kids getting sick so -- ainsley: but jack what about the kid who was where you were when you were in high school and he so badly wants to play in the nfl and he can't go try out these coaches come to recruit to the high schools and they want to see them play. what's going to happen there? >> it's terrible that situation is hard, because you know, you say kids coming out of high school that really had to miss a big part of their training going into the freshman year. look at my career, going into the national football league, the guys like me didn't even get a chance to go to the combine or work out for teams after the combine. i wouldn't have got a chance to play in this environment so that's really unfortunate and you can't get this time back if you're in a situation where right now, is the time where
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you're transitioning from one league to the other, high school to college it's really difficult and it's not fair, and so i think as a country, i think sports across-the-board should try to do something to make up for that, whether it's giving a player another year in school, or it's the nfl, you know having additional tryouts for the young guys those opportunities are there. ainsley: jack you're a good man we always love having you on god bless you. >> god bless you. ainsley: you're welcome we have more "fox & friends" moments away. from prom dresses...
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>> thanks for spending the first three hours of your day with us. we will see you tomorrow. >> goodbye everyone, thanks for watching. >> that's it for today. "america's newsroom starts right now." >> fox news alert, president trump suggesting he could send to federal agents into major u.s. cities. violent protests like the ones in portland on poor leadership by democrat mayors as authorities get struggled to get a handle on the chaos from coast-to-coast. >> good morning from this coast, i'm bill hemmer. melissa, how are you during these covid times? >> i melissa francis, sandra is off today. a fox dome like fox says there's


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