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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 24, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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thank you for joining us on this special edition of "hannity." sean will be back in the seat on monday. i hope you all have a wonderful weekend. "the ingraham angle" is coming up next. have a great weekend. ♪ >> i'm lisa boothe in for laura ingraham, and this is a special edition of "the ingraham angle" live from new york. we have a packed show for youiv tonight so let's get to it. tonight is day 58 of violent protest that has shaken the city of portland. that is right, eight weeksksay f sustained chaos and the american public fooled by the media and politicians on the left. they will tell you that it is nothing but a wall of moms and folks congregating for racial justice. but all you have to do is take a look night in and night out to realize the narrative is a complete
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as a result, the administration sent in 114 officers led by the department of homeland security during the fourth of july weekend. their goal to stopop the swell f violence and protect monuments and federal buildings that the mayorur says is a mob. during the course of the time there, flagrant s acts of violee and crime so, of course, they have made arrests, which the state attorney general has actuallyly tried to stop. but apparently breaking the laws that expired at a federal building and attacking officers is not cause for today, the federal judge smacked down the attempts to stop these arrests and just for doing their jobs, lead to disgusting accusations hurled at these agents not just from the left-wing media but powerful leftist politicians. watch this. >> you said stormtroopers under tthe guise of law and order. it is a tactic that is not appropriate to the country. >> nonviolent americans are going to be killed for doing nothing other than standing up for american democratic principles. >> they have been pulling people off of the streets. this is what you see in countries wheresre you have
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dictators. >> lisa: wow, here to respond to the mayors directly, ken cuccinelli acting dhs deputy secretary.or mr. cuccinelli, before we get to these crazy things that we are hearing on the left, there is also criticism from the right. you have people that some say, look, the citizens like portland, oregon, they voted for a radical mayor. they voted for a radical governor. let the city burn. let them deal with the consequences of the policies that they voted for. what do you say to those critics? >> you know, i am this close to agreeing except we have a federal mission of the department of homeland security governed by statute. and we have also heard people say this isn't constitutional. real quick, we side point people to article section 18, one, nine, and 18 and the statutes written under it. one of those statutes charges the department of homeland
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security with protecting federal properties like this courthouse and the building there in portland. so we are not only within the boundaries of the constitution, we have a statutory charge. that is the mission we are pursuing there. when you see such libelist, slanderous comments from people who know better. let's not kid ourselves, the speaker of the house knows that she is using illusions to refer to correct, professional law enforcement officers. if i was a cb agent or i.c.e. agent, fbi agent and might sue for reliable. >> lisa: why is she doing that? >> well, you know, one of the sad things right now about the political arena is that the left views and important part of the base as people who believe violence is an acceptable way to achieve your goals.ti and you know, we saw mayor wheeler go out last night.
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he is way out there, radical left as you said in your introduction.o he has basically turned much of the city over to these violent criminals, and he has tied the hands of his own police department. i feel bad for them here at the portland police bureau. and last night, he thought he could go out and appeased the mob, control them. he went out and spoke to them. he was booed and they called for his resignation. and the right historical analogy has nothing to do with germany but it has to do with bolshevik. last night, that mayor was -- the socialists who thought they can control that revolution and the bloodthirsty bolsheviks and killed them all. this mob is out for blood. they are not there to protecttr the first amendment or exercise first amendment rights. we all respect those people but every night that 75 to 100 people and then 1,000 more come later and start attacking these buildings and the law enforcement officers who arl protecting.
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>> lisa: the mayor was on the receiving thing, ted wheeler called for his resignation. so why does he keep standing up for the mob? >> you know, his own police last night had to declare a riot. it was quite an interesting display, frankly. and hopefully for two nights ago. hopefully, he learned a lesson but i don't know he has not learned lessons before end portland has done this before. honestly, i think he believes that portland is political. that is what he needs to do to get reelected in his mind. how much destruction can portland take? how much violence are they willing to tolerate? honestly, the answer goes back to your first question. to a certain extent, that is their business but not when it pinches that we are legally charged with protecting and executing. we have to keep that courthouse working.
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we have to keep the federal government functioning there. that is our mission to protect that opportunity. for the benefit, frankly, of the residents of portlandt and oregon. >> lisa: let's stay on that mission, sir. i want to play you something. i'm sure you're not surprised but the former dh as secretary has weighed in here and what i want you to listen to what he has to say, and then i would love to hear your reaction. > militaristic presidents in the united states and on our cities of high tension can make mattern worse and i used to say to people within dhs, let's not let sideshows ancillary missions like this derail our core mission and discredit us in the communities where we need to operate and plainly, no one isnd making that calculation right now. the one your reaction. >> will, look, we'll have a right to our opinion so long as the violent criminals don't overthrow the first amendment and jeh johnson has a lot of
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experience. but we have a situation here where the president has made it very clear to us that we are not just for men the courthouse. we are not just surrendering these properties. and that is really the alternative that former secretary johnson didn't address in his comments. his alternative is nothing because the portland police have made it clear as this mayor did two years ago when an ice facility in portland was attacked and publicly withdrew the support of the police. basically declared open season. and they were doing it again. so this isn't the first time for portland, although 58 days in a row of violence is pretty extraordinary. if we don't do this mission, no one else will do it. i don't think people in this country, ordinary americans are ready to start letting violent criminals and insurrectionist overthrow even a single building of the federal government in a
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place like portland. and i will say, portland is totally unique. you look at so many other relationships, even in cities where the president and the mayors don't necessarily get. along. lawwh enforcement still works together. we still try to pull gangs off at the street there. we still work with their police to do that. they left they are police work with us. only portland has gone so far and so radical and not just appeasement, but in withdrawing openly, openly withdrawing even protection from their fellow americans who are performing a federal mission. >> lisa: governor inslee actually tweeted out tonight, i believe that the president is itching for a confrontation. that he wants attention. is that what it is about? >> well, that is pretty ridiculous, really. i mean, the president doesn't need attention. he is the president. he gets plenty doing his day job
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without these violent interludes that are allowed to happen. governor inslee, you know, likee others here in oregon, so long as they hold the police back responsibly, by which i mean, letting violence run amok where responsible policing can bring down the level of violence oriented entirely. portland if they instituted 5:00 until 9:00, a curfew that is when the violence is happening in the city. and they could protect their city, and businesses. >> lisa: and we also want to say there are three federal agents that were blinded by labor, rioters trying to board up a federal court house and liked it on fire with people inside. >>rt and burn it down. >> lisa: we are praying for. thank you for joining us tonight.
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and portland sink chaos on the streets, a tactful board officer sent to chicago albuquerque and seattle to help fight the rising crime rates. it is so bad that seattle chief of police is warning not to put themselves at risk.. >> they have frozen water bottles, road construction, and water thrown at them. so we want to make sure strictly now that they don't have any tools in the tool belt to protect officers as we did before. that we have the protection of the agent facilities. >> lisa: wow, joining me now bernie kerik from nypd commissioner. bernie, the chief is referring to a law the city council passed banning the use of tear gas and pepper spray. this puts officers in a pretty dangerous situation. so my question to you, can police officers even do their job right now in the country and particularly cities like seattle?
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>> whether it is seattle, chicago, portland, or anywhere else anyone ran by democrats these days it's difficult for them to do their jobs because they don't have the backing, the support, the resources they knew to do the job. the equipment they need to do the job. i want to touch on one thing, lisa, talking to secretary cuccinelli. you know whom everybody is about stormtroopers and the military and you know, like jeh johnson said, you can't have these in our cities. you know, the only thing about those people that is out there making the arrest is the uniform. they are wearing technical uniforms. they are wearing technical uniforms becausele they can't be out there interests lose because they are getting peace and urine and molotov cocktails and all kinds of bombardment from these lunatics. they will not wear dress blues and whites. they have to beet in technical uniforms and that is the uniforms they are wearing. this is not about a military
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operation. >> lisa: why do you think the narrative is out there then? you just a spirit of the attacks going on from the left and the media. why are we seeing that from them? >> the narratives are out there because of the radical leftist marxist politicians. they need to jazz up the lunatics in the field. they want them, to incite them and instigate them. the only way to do that is basically say, you know, this is a military, you know, tacke on our city. this is a military attack on our people. and therefore, you have to get out and fight. and i will say -- i'm going to tell you as cuccinelli said, the federal government's charged with protecting the courthouse and the federal buildings. those politicians, the mayor the
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governor of portland and seattle and all of these places, they took an oath, a constitutional oath of office to enforce the laws in the constitution of the federal constitution, the u.s. constitution, and they are state laws. >> lisa: why aren't they?e >> that is exactly, why aren't they? there has to be some number there has to be some way to hold them accountable, whether a civil rights issue. can the fbi come in and look at the civil rights issues? you know, why aren't theykn protecting the citizens of portland? we are obligated by law. >> lisa: what is the impact on all of this? as you pointed out from the terminology, the left speaks about federal police officers and we see local police officers be on the receiving end of vitriol violence as well. you are a former nypd commissioner. you are talking to police office on the ground all the time. what is the impact and what has it been on them? >> they are completely demoralized.s you know, whether new york city, seattle,ce portland.
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i talked to new york city cops everyday. they they are completely demoralized. and they only, the only real comfort they have is the p president support, that is it. this operation legend, right away nancy pelosi who sounds like a kook when she's talking these days.. she is basically talking about the stormtroopers. the reality is, we have federal agents in new york city, and fbi joints terrorist task force and fda task force that consist of new york city detectives, state police, federal agents. when i was a cop, a detective, i was in the dea task force. we already have tons of federal agents in our cities. all the president wants to do is enhance those numbers, go into the communities, go after gangse guns, and drugs. that is what has to happen. >> lisa: will it be effective?
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>> yes because you will charge them. you are not going to let some state prosecutor let them go and you will charge them federally and the u.s. attorneys will prosecute them. they will get mandatory minimums and they will go to prison for a long time. >> lisa: interesting, bernie, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> think you're. >> lisa: democrats in the media working overtime to fair market to troops. and the same talking point he's turning into a dictator is not only going on challenge, but it's being magnified. >> who doesn't think donald trump would try to employ martial law if they thought it would be the only way to stay in power. >> this country may be looking down the barrel of martial law in the middle of an election! >> this feels like a planned attack against the american people. >> we the people have faced things that this nation is never faced before.
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unfortunately, that could involve the use of these forces. >> lisa: it's almost like a talking point out there. here now is ben, senior contributor e at "the federalist" column "newsweek" and author of american ingrate. sara carter and the sara carter show podcast. sara, democrats are saying and president trump is not going to accept the results off 2020 election. have democrats except of the results of the 2016 election? >> i was just going to say that, lisa and it is tragic. the democrats have not except that since 2015 and they are trying to elect a duly elected president of office and weaponizing now, not just law enforcement, but the people in communities that are drastically suffering from not a only the covid shutdown with their businesses, but also, they were children, their education system.
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complete social injustice that they feel. these democrats, in, called marxist socialist like to roll up the communities against the government. they don't care about the people that they represent. if they cared about the people that they represent, they wouldn't want the people in the streets rioting, destroying the property, destroying businesses, and unfortunately we have seen the livesse lost. so many lives lost. children as young as one, three years old in chicago, teenagers, people injured like you said, law-enforcement officials. they are shameful, actuallyen ad something actually should be done. i think the president is doing the right thing. i think our federal law enforcement officers are doing the right thing. they are not stormtroopers. i think we need to move forward as a nation and find a way to unify. i don't think the left will do that. >> lisa: i want to pull up this article from "the wall street journal" fromt bert and he argues this is a
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classic case of projection. he wrote this i mean no local disrespect, but i am absolutely convinced the democrats will not accept the results of a republican win. i say this with two exceptions liberals have considered every g.o.p. presidential victory in the last half-century more or less illegitimate. that was the exception i think since 1968 with the exception of two which were 49 state landslides. so i think maybe the left are the ones that aren't acceptingit the results here. what say you? >> first ofat all, hillary clinn herself has not excepted the results of the election. and the election before the night was over was called illegitimate, and the president was challenged on it. but look, it says everything you need to know abouts the modern democratic party that restoring the rule of law on our streets isbu considered a totalitarian act. but writing is a legitimate activity. and also to your point which is
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a great one, the fact of the matter is, the left has been engaging in totalitarian acts before the president was elected and we haven't got into the weaponization and politicalization of the national security and intelligence apparatus size because the left and the media but i repeat myself the resistance have done everything they possibly could to hold a position of power. which is the hallmark of the representative democracy which they love to talk about so much. but they actually don't want to let it function. i think what this comes down to, what the left is trying to delegitimize the president again even before he is potentially reelected and make it seem as if it's not a real victory. and this isn't a real serious president. the other thing is, i think it is clear they think very littled of the american people. they think we are stupid.
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they think we can't see through the lies and the smears and the innuendo and propaganda. it's been checked more than any president in our lifetime. >> lisa: first of all, this seems similar to the russian history that we have all come through. but also, you democrats, president trump is undermining fo th and institutions, but they were the ones called for the abolishing and the electoral college. they are the ones who called for the elector. they are the ones that use the doj, fbi to spy on a political opponent. >> right, they were the ones that were calling for defunding the police. they were the ones that instigate all this anger inside of the communities that they should be caring for and nurturing. look the bigger problems we have seen have been in communities actually run by democratic politicians. chicago, we see it in portland, oregon. we see it in seattle. we see it in new york city. we have even seen that here in washington, d.c. the only people that are paying the price for this are the american people. and you brought up a really great point, sara, lisa, you talk about weaponization. i thought about this tonight. i thought not only did they weaponize our law enforcement,
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our intelligence agencies, but they are trying to weaponize the people against each other. the president of the united states is not going to, you know, call martial law were not sending stormtroopers. he's trying to protect the citizens of this country. maybe the democrats should try doing that a little bit so we don't see more bloodshed and we don't lose more children. maybe they should resolve the problems in their own cities. >> lisa: real quick before we have to go, close us out. >> the president is standing up for the constitution and the democrats are trying to shred it. he can't even overturn an obama administration order? it is laughable.e. >> lisa: thank you. coming up they are way past tearing down confederate statues, and we will show you what happened in chicago last night with horace cooper and steve cortes next. ♪ guys, times are tough.
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♪ >> lisa: after violent clashes with the police commissioner coco's christopher columbus dead have been removed. when the crowd protesting outside of the mayor's home, wanted to be taken down in the debt of the night. then reportedly demanded police. joining me to discuss all ofol
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this is horace cooper cochair a project 21 and author of "trump is making black america great again." also steve cortes his salem radio host. steve, it is christopher columbus, it is abraham lincoln, it is in elk in portland, oregon, that got lit on fire. i'm starting to get the sense that this isn't about the confederacy or racism. >> no, it sure isn't. unfortunately, here in chicago we saw am. dangerous dereliction of duty. this was really in edification by mayor lightfoot. she is unfortunately presiding over a city, my city which is devolving into chaos. last weekend we had 70 people shot in the city of chicago in the weekend began as you mentioned last friday, one week ago with a pitched battle at that statue between a lot of braid police officers facing off with a bunch of marxist malcontents. who wanted to inflict their will and terror that statue down. now the cops held their ground.
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they paid a heavy price for it. 18 of them went to the emergency room, but they won that battle thankfully. and not just preserving andg protecting the statue, but more importantly, the principal of the rule of law and public order.he and what did mayor lightfoot do then? she completely betrayed those cops and gave in and came to the mob. this was a complete capitulation and sends a message to those kinds of mobs that they can win and they can get political power not through persuasion but through force and intimidation. a very dangerous precedent. >> lisa: so horace, we saw on wednesday night, mayor ted wheeler trying to go out to the mob to talk to them. and he was met with things being thrown at him, at you. and the mayor of -- tried to talk to the mob. so why did the left keep trying to appease them up when they clearly cannot be appeased? >> the left is the mob! that is exactly the problem. you see, this is not about the tragic death of george floyd. this is about the cancel culture having an opportunity and taking
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advantage. black americans have not said universally that their big problem that they face everyday occasionaly see an confederate statue or that there is a military base named after a former confederate general or leader. what really matters in america, black, white, or brown are the kinds of things that the cancel culture could care less about. here is the truth. after statues are taken down in the dark of night without using legislative process and without persuasion and discussion. people who are looking for jobs are still going to be looking for jobs. people who have struggles with poor education in their communities are still going to
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have those. the amazing, amazing thing about how the cancel culture is getting away with pushing its radical agenda and in the light of all of the scrutiny that america is saying that it wants to pay attention to, that these issues have moved front and center. this is just a good example of them never letting an opportunity to do the radical thing go by. >> lisa: well, and we also sell, hold on a second i want to get to another topic i want to discuss with you guys. we also saw former vice president nominee joe biden call president trump racists and on top of that, this is what illinois congressman bobby rush claims he is really doing employing the federal agents. >> trump once to start a race war. he wants to have black votes with white votes so he can divide them and the ku klux klan. that is what he's trying to do.
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>> lisa: steve? >> you know, look, deranged rant unfortunately from bobby rush. i'm not surprise there. but joe biden should know better.. he doesn't, unfortunately. this is unfortunately the default position of the left when they no longer want to talk policies. they just call us racist. the r people of america though, and horace is exactly right, the people in america want jobs, not mobs. and you mentioned previously, lisa, about the inability to mollify, to satisfy the mob by giving them exactly what they want. they will always come back for more. i would also say this, i think there is something more sinister than just trying to take down statues, that is bad enough. the statues, i believe, are a dress rehearsal because these marxist will not be with trophies and granted stone.
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they will come for real people, living, breathing human beings, people like me who dare to disagree with them. that is where at the left is trying toed take this country. we have to meet it with force and resolved. unfortunately, mayor lightfoot is showing exactly the opposite. >> lisa: horace? >> i want to understand the goal achievement of a race war. when the president of the united states dwight eisenhower was forced to send in a federal force to ensure that the rights of americans were protected. is this what i'm hearing bobby rush say? is this what i'm hearing the modern progressives say? what is amazing to me is that the racial segregationists of the 18th century, the 19th century, the 20th century, and w even now the 21st century. it is all like fdr said, that all we have to fear is fear itself. today's modern liberal movement, all they have to offer is race
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itself. >> lisa: also the congressman might want to take a look at some of the things the former vice president have said like former president obama was the first mainstream african-american who was bright, clean, and articulate, saying poor kids is just as bright as white kids. or if you have to go to a dunkin' donuts or 7-eleven. maybe he should take a look at those comments as well. steve, horace, thank you. >> thank you. l.>> lisa: thank you. up next, the worst media centers, "the ingraham angle" has its eyes on you. and this is what you don't want to miss next. and nothin's happenin'. well now there's score!, from force factor, to rev your libido and maximize physical response. it's no wonder force factor is the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand at walmart. unleash your potential in the bedroom with score!.
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you can be a miracle for an eldelry jew today. >> lisa: i left that intro. it is easy to become numb about the media bias these days. "the ingraham angle" is keeping track of the worst offenders of the week. joining me now is rachel campos-duffy, fox news contributor and jeffrey lord cnn contributor and author of "swamp wars."
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let's begin with don lemon after shaming president trump, he had a bit of trouble with his own cognitive test. >> what were the animal shapes? >> well, it is a lion, hippo, and a camel. >> isn't that a rhino in the middle? you don't know a rhino from a hippo in the middle. >> i'm looking at it backwards. i'm looking at it backwards. >> what does it mean if you don't know an elephant from a rhino? >> lisa: apparently, it is hard. here is what happened when erin burnett tried to go to the doctor who created the cognitive test. there is one question that asked if a patient can recognize the drawing of a lion, they have sort of suggested it is a very easy test. >> certainly, some questions are harder than others, especially if i would recall most patients do not get five words but 3.7 words. so it's not that hard.
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>> is that fair the last five questions are hard and a totally normal person would have trouble? >> it is challenging, it is challenging. >> lisa: rachel burnett seems really disappointed. >> she does. first of all, let me say i can't remember my kids names, so i was really impressed how the president did on this. and it just shows bias. the story here isn't about the president who actually aced the test, but joe biden claims that he has repeatedly taken this test and yet refuses to release the results. it is about the candidates showing cognitive decline and puts into bizarre rants about children pulling his leg hair and nurses blowing up his nose. that is the story. why hasn't joe biden taken this test and released the results?it >> lisa: democrats have made that an issue themselves when joe biden brought up his age on the campaign trail. there was a politico article of debating a one-term president. they are the ones that made this an issue, right? >> sure. >> they have. this is one of the problems they are going to have when joe biden gets out there. just theul other day he referred
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to arizona as a city. i can't wait for him to be doing his debates with president trump, who really does have a pretty good memory and is really good at this kind of thing. and i just have to say, i have to laugh that don lemon myan old cnn colleague didn't know that was a rhino. that stands for republican in name only. [laughter] >> lisa: panel, this week the trump administration with massive illegal spying ring at the consulate and rightfully ordered it close, but this is how msnbc andrew mitchell tried to spend it. >> do you suspect there is a
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political motive? it is sorry to say but this context where the president keeps talking about the china virus and china did miss and all the original reporting on the covid-19. >> they certainly did. >> lisa: why is she making it political? >> this is what you do when you start with anti-trump fires. and i want to say this for the president. the president when he was a private citizen long before elect a president spoke to me when i was talking to him at length about china. he has been very much the hard-liner. said his predecessors weren't doing the job. the idea that this is suddenly some political move on his part is absurd. he is not going to be taken advantage of here, and he feels certainly in the current circumstances that is what has happened and he will not put up with it. >> lisa: rachel, weigh in on this msnbc joy reid found her
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favorite word of the day. >> he's using that trumped up charge to justify what any other can country, particularly authoritarian what would be called the secret police.ppen he needs to have a secret police. there is a u secret police. these federal secret police, the employing of secret police. the secret police sort of vibe. using his own secret police. >> lisa: we kept count and secret police with said a total of seven times at night, rachel. >> it is so rich because the real secret police story is the scandal, the obama scandal that they refused to cover, which is president obama spying on the donald trump campaign here that is really third world banana republico police. here is the deal, they are calling on these federal agents stormtroopers. they were comparing them to pinochet and vladimir putin, it is outrageous and these are federal agents with federal buildings against anarchists and agantifa.
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>> lisa: jeff? >> yeah, but articlefe 2 section three of the president says the president quite specifically well to take care to make sure the laws are faithfully executed. the president is upholding his constitutional duty. to say in doing so, he is violating the constitution is nonsense, upside down. >> lisa: rachel, jeff, thank you so much for joining us. >> of course, thank you. >> lisa: coming up we have seen the "black lives matter" murals. i can't say the word today painted on streets across the country. so what happened when one trump supporter tried to get maga murals. laura spoke with her and that is next. ♪ this isn't just a wifi upgrade.
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♪ >> laura: in cities big and small across america, activists have the full support of local officials to pain "black lives matter" on prominent city blocks. when the issue came to redwood city, california on july 4th, it was quickly proved. in this case from a local resident, dan pease not only got permission, the city supplied him with all of the paint for him to do it. that is when redwood citizen and real estate attorney stepped anna.
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she didn't have an issue with the blmen message being displayd at all, but she did argued the city streets were now public forum. she should be able to display her own murals, maga 2020. instead of letting both exist simultaneously, the city took down the blm signage as a way to keep anything pro-trump off of the streets. maria joins us now. maria, thank you for being here. now, i understand that you even thered to pay the cost ofmu painting, but the city still shut it down? now, why do you think that is? >> well, i guess they didn't want to see maga 2020 on the main streets in the city. >> laura: well, they actually issued a statement, maria where they basically said this would >> the actually issue the statement, maria, where they said this would be a temporary black lives matter murals.
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black lives matter painting with a short duration and not concerned about public safety the streetding on which could result in driver confusion and traffic accidents. thus, the existing mural has been removed. if you maintain it is because you were going to call them on this andin if it is a public forum, let it rip. >> that's exactly right and the city has obligations not to discriminate on the face of content of free speech and were the first amendment and if somebody has the right to speak for blm i have no problem with this for expressing themselves. this is completely their rights even if i don't agree with the message so they should allow me to speak. and i have one message and i'm sure somebody has another message. and the moment you open it up with a public forum, you areag stuck with so many opinions you will not know what to do with them. >> laura: maria, i lived in the former soviet union that is a
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russian accent that you have. explain why -- does that play it into it at all the appreciation of the freedom you have in this country to speak out without fear of being intimidated both on the right or the left. >> exactly. i became a lawyer because i admire the constitution. i think we need documents in this country and it is our duty to defend it. and in these trying times, anything uniting us is constitutional. instead of looking for ways to divide us and create a political firestorm, they should look for something that gets us all together. and if they want to have us do a political discussion, that is totally fine. but they should honor every single side as something to say. as an american it is my obligation to honor and accept other people's opinions, but i want them to accept mine as well. my biggest problem was with the city. cities become arbitrary's of private expression that is the hand of the united states. they should not pick and choose what they want to hear. if they open up something for
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discussion, it is open and we o can all say what they want. >> that is truly a liberal perspective. earlier in the month, by the way the redwood city public library had an artwork display featuring pieces from the city's blm protest. now, something tells me they wouldn't put up an art display for a pro-life protest, and otherwords. >> don't worry about that, yeah. >> never going to happen. >> for sure, but it's their right, they can display things. so we all live in the city. there's a lot of people expressing different things and their obligation is to bring us together, not divide us. >> laura: maria, thank you for joining us and it was a clever thing you did. who knows, it might catch on across the united states. more speech, not less. ngthank you so much. thank you. >> lisa: amen to that more speech not less.
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coming up governor cuomo with a new covid rule for new yorkers, buto he better watch out folks may not be too thrilled. "the last bite" is next. ♪ announcer supermodel cindy crawford doesn't just walk
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>> lisa: michael bloomberg had his war but now >> michael bloomberg had a warm soda. now governor cuomo has his war on appetizers. >> to be a bar you have to have food available, soups, sandwiches, etc.. more than just chicken wings, you have to have some substantive food. >> i'm directly offended by this because wings is a meal and that is substantive but in 90 degrees it's going to be 90 degrees in new york this weekend, for text
12:00 am
weather for sitting at an outdoor bar with a beer and a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup. thank you for watching the special edition of the ingraham angle. kristin fisher, take it from here. have a great night. shannon: welcome to fox news at night. we begin with a fox news alert, federal agents in seattle opening a new front in the battle over the use of federal law enforcement in america's most progressive city, the fbi says it is not ideology, and in portland they just arrested 18 people on various charges for assaulting federal offices, arson and property damage.


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