tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News July 25, 2020 1:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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in the north this winter but at least there's hope. paul: that's it for this week's show, thanks to my panel and especially all of you for watching. i'm paul gigot, we hope to see you all right here next week. eric: we have a fox news alert, sam nud news from the entertaint world. regis philbin died last night, we are told he passed away from natural causes. he was just shy of his 89th birthday. he holds the guiness world record for logging the most hours of anybody in the globe for being on television. regis philbin, a joyful, brash, funny, warm, welcoming television personality has left us. hello, and welcome to america's news headquarters. i'm eric shawn. arthel: and i'm arthel neville. eric, as we all know, regis philbin, an iconic talk and game show host since the 1960s was
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known at the hardest working man in show business. his family gave us this statement a short time ago saying, quote, we are deeply saddened to share that our beloved regis philbin passed away last night of natural causes. one month shy of his 89th birthday. his family and friends are forever grateful for the time we got to spend with him, for his warmth, his legendary sense of humor and his singular ability to make every day into something worth talking about. we thank his fans and admirers for their incredible support over his 60 year career and we ask for privacy as we mourn his loss. julie ba banderas has more on te life and legacy of regis philbin. >> reporter: he talked his way into our of hearts, regis philbin was born on august 25th, 1933 in new york. he was named after his father's alma mater, regis high school.
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he graduated in cardinal hays high school in the bronx before going to notre dame. after college he joined the u.s. navy. he began his television career as a stage hand and delivery boy for a tv station in los angeles. he soon became a news writer and was so good he was offered a job at another station as a sportscaster. in 196 1960 he began a four year period as a news anchor in san diego. a few years later he got his first shot at national exposure as the sidekick to joey bishop on the joey bishop show. he found his role on the show frustrating with joe econ standly teasing him on arks he quit by walking off the stage during a live performance but soon came back. he moved on to a show in los angeles where he hosted the regis philbin show. it was soon canceled. out of work again, he began
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commuting to the midwest to host regis philbin's sa saturday nigt in st. louis. in 1975, he began a six year stretch as host of a.m. los angeles. finally he was becoming a success. >> i used to watch regis and i'd go he just made me laugh. every time i turned on the television he was either doing something silly or something stupid or something courageous. >> reporter: after an unsuccessful nbc talk show, he teamed with cindy garvey to host the morning show on abc. after a few weeks he was climbing the ratings ladder in new york. he was red hot and gained more rave reviews with his regis philbin health style show on cable. this program featured health, diet and beauty experts and at times he worked out on camera with fitness giants like hulk hogan. in 1985, kathy lee give ford joined the -- giffor joined the
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show, three years later it went into syndication. his boyish charm teamed with boldness created a show that america loved. they hosted the miss america pageant live from atlantic city. a decade later, he hosted the game show who wants to be a millionaire. this program became a fen on of phenomenon. hin 2001 his role of talk show host by day, game show guru by night earned him two daytime emmys. the same year, kathy lee went out the door and kell kelly ripa joined as co-host. on live with regis and kelly, the senior philbin and ripa had a chemistry that kept the show on top of its game. he held the world record for most hours spent in front of the
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camera. he continued to make regular broadcasts and host shows including fox sports' crowd goes wild. regis philbin made our days a little brighter and at night made us feel like a million bucks. arthel: for more on this we have media buzz host howard kurtz on the phone. howie, i am saddened by the news but i tell you what, regis is such -- i hate to say was, but that's the reality right now, so compassionate, so genuine and so just seeing the clips, the package that julie just did, it just really brings a smile to my lips as well as to my heart and that is the effect that he had on all of us. >> what an amazing career. i mean, i thought he'd go on another 88 years. it seemed like this guy could do everything, he was himself, he
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was funny, he was versatile. i'm old enough to remember him as the side kick on the joey bishop show. regis and kathy lee was his signature accomplishment. he reinvented the morning show for syndication. it was personality driven, a lot of celebrity stuff. he managed to do it with kelly ripa when kathy lee gifford left 15 years later. it seemed he could do anything in show business. arthel: regis and kathy lee, they set the mold. there is no team like that duo on television that we'll ever see again, in my opinion. looking at shots of regis on the red carpet, you heard kathy lee earlier saying he is oftentimes silly. i can tell you this, i've had the pleasure of meeting regis philbin and working with regis philbin and he really is just like that off camera.
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it's not fake. i filled in on the show with him. i worked with regis philbin again, we did an episode of fresh prince of bellaire together. and he's just a delightful man. he was always very encouraging to me and just really warm and he's willing to let the person sitting next to him shine. >> yeah, that's kind of the key. there were a lot of loud mouths on television that make it all about them and regis was a good team player. you were a lucky lady to have worked with him. and i think that people forget what an absolute phenomenon who wants to be a millionaire was. it took the country by storm. you talk about how of he is off dashcam ray. i mean, that's the thing about television. you can only fake it for so long. he had some flops but he bounced back. the camera, the people, the audience, the country could see
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that this was the real him, that he was funny, vulnerable, poignant. whatever the situation called for. i don't think -- you know, so many people in our age get -- i don't think i heard anyone in the business say anything bat about him, i think there's a reason for that. >> he was genuine. he didn't get it overnight. he worked for it. he had some failures. when you come to this place, in the spotlight, in this chair, in this spot and you worked your way up the ladder you don't have a big head. you just are who you are and you bring what you bring to the table because you worked for it. you didn't just get there. that's what he did. listen, when you speak of regis philbin, you can't help but think about kathy lee. they were so great together because she also is someone who is just so at ease in front of the camera and she's like that off the camera as well. when you put those two together, you did have that lightning in a
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bottle. >> late in life success is something -- any business, particularly in the public eye of entertainment, you can remember what it was like when you had to go back to the midwest and do a local show before you could hit it on a national basis. i think that -- i think he enjoyed his success. as you say, he was every man. everybody could relate to his stories, even when he became rich and famous and giving away millions of dollars, he was still rege. that's a rare quality these days. he was a uniting figure because as i say, even if he was being silly and he had been a news anchor and i had forgotten that, on a local station when he was starting out. it's the reason he worked so long, he didn't want to give it up. 70, 80, so what, let's keep going. arthel: absolutely. he will always keep going no our hearts and minds. our hearts and condolences go out to joy and the rest of his family. and to kathy lee as well, because she was his tv wife for so long. and we thank you, rege, for
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everything you brought to our homes and our hearts. thank you, regis philbin and howard kurtz, thanks for joining us. >> nice to talk to you. arthel: eric. eric: well said. regis philbin, a legend, rege as arthel said. turning to the news. other news, white house chief of of staff mark meadows is heading to capitol hill, the clock is ticking for republicans to come up with a new coronavirus relief bill. extra jobless benefits for millions of americans are set to expire in days, this as the senate is negotiating for the next pandemic aid package, taking longer than expected. gridlock apparently forcing president trump to abandon the call for a payroll tax break. what can we expect and when will it happen? david spupt is joining us -- david spunt is joining us live from bed minister, new jersey.
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hi, david gl. >> reporter: hi, eric. perhaps we'll actually see a tweet from president trump about regis philbin. as you mentioned, he's here at his golf club in bedminister. he is meeting with supporters at some point in about the next hour and-a-half or so. as he's in new jersey, though, his senior leadership team down in washington, chief of staff mark meadows, treasury secretary steven mnuchin, they made a visit to capitol hill today to negotiate with republicans in congress to try to come together and hammer out some sort of covid relief package for americans. eric, today millions of americans are losing unemployment benefits from the prior relief package. americans unemployed were receiving $600 a week from the government. that stops now as republicans and democrats try to hammer out a new plan. meanwhile, president trump repeatedly pushed for a payroll tax cut to take stress off americans financially suffering. ultimately, democrats nixed the
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idea of a payroll tax cut. >> i think a pay control tax cut would be good. you're not going to get it from the democrats. we need their votes. it's not like we have a majority, it's not enough if we -- that's why i guess we have an election coming up. >> reporter: a new fox news poll out thursday shows the president down almost 20 points to joe biden when it comes to dealing with covid-19. this is specifically in the state of pennsylvania. the reason i'm showing about pennsylvania is because as you know it's a swing state. both candidates made it clear pennsylvania is crucial, a crucial state when it comes to november. november is 100 days away tomorrow, eric. the clock is ticking. joe biden is a scranton boy. joe biden also leading when it comes to race relations in pennsylvania and several other states on that fox news poll. eric. eric: all right, david. david spunt in bridgewater, new jersey. thank you. arthel: chaos overnight in
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portland, oregon, federal agents firing tear gas to disburse protesters who used power tools to cut through a fence around a federal courthouse and more demonstrations expected today. christina coleman is live in los angeles and christina, we should point out that hundreds of residents in portland peacefully protested the presence of federal police in town. they don't want them there. there is that fringe group that wants to -- wants the violence to continue. tell us more, christina. >> reporter: fires were set, fireworks were shot off and bottles were thrown at federal agents, it was all part of last night's unrest in portland. violent protesters used a powered chainsaw to cut into the fence at the federal courthouse in downtown portland last night. federal agents ended up using tear gas to clear the area. many local democratic leaders want the federal agents to leave, saying they're making the situation worse. president trump and the heads of dhs and customs and border protection say federal agents
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need to be there because local authorities haven't stopped the violence. this week the feds charged 18 people for assault, arson and destroying federal property in portland. protests are happening in louisville, kentucky right now. demonstrators there have been calling for justice for the death of breonna taylor, the unarmed black woman was shot and killed by louisville police in march while she was asleep in her apartment after officers had a no knock warrant for her address. we learned two armed groups, a black maly sha organization and a far right militia group threatened to hold counter demonstrations in louisville today. while mounting you frustration and protests continue to sweep across the nation, kentucky republican congressman james comer says he supports the president's decision to send federal agents to cities struggling with violence. >> we have to have law and order. i'm all about the first amendment. i'm all about the peaceful assembly of people to protest. when those protesters start
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vandalizing and destroying private property, then they become criminals and they have to be treated as such and i applaud the president for sending in federal troops. >> reporter: seattle's police chief released a statement saying seattle police will be carrying pepper spray today as allowed by the court's recent order. last night a federal judge blocked seattle's new law that would have prohibited seattle police from using nonlethal weapons during the protest. arthel: christina, thank you. eric. eric: hurricane hanna is due to make landfall any minute down in south texas in the gulf coast, this is the first atlantic hurricane so far this season. it's got sustained winds about 80 miles an hour but remains a category 1 at least for now. it's heading for corpus christi and we head to casey siegel, live in dallas, where people are taking precautions, all up and
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down the coast. >> reporter: this is impacting a huge part of south texas right now and you have authorities out in full force, warning people and telling folks to seek shelter. >> be prepared for winds from 80 to 90 mild an hour. >> reporter: that's the scene in portmansfield texas where winds have clocked up to 90 miles an hour. residents have boarded up homes and moved boats to higher ground. according to locals on the ground, storm surge has started covering some of the roadways. the national weather service says localized flooding is happening 175 miles to the north in corpus christi. scattered power outages are being reported. emergency shelters have been set
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up around the region but it's also an area that has been hit hard with new coronavirus infections recently. so officials have this warning. >> be prepared to take items with you like soap, hand sanitizer, disinfectant, and disinfect all the surfaces that you need to -- that you touch frequently. maintain at least six feet between you and persons who are not part of your immediate family, while at the shelter. >> reporter: officials in hawaii issuing similar guidance as hurricane douglas churns towards the islands. it's not clear if douglas will make landfall this weekend but various watches and warnings are in effect for the big island, oahu, maui an counties, they say shelters should be used as a last resort because of covid. >> i would like to remind
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everyone who is in quarantine that you should remain in quarantine, to the extent possible. if you need supplies, please ask a friend and others to provide and help you acquire them. >> reporter: if hurricanes aren't already scary and damaging enough, now you throw one in to a pandemic and it really takes things to a whole new level. eric. eric: it really is double trouble. hope folks are okay. casey, thank you. arthel. arthel: a six day celebration of the life of congressman john lewis beginning today in his hometown of troy, alabama. the civil rights icon lying there in repose ahead of tonight's church service in selma. that is where we find steve harrigan. steve. >> reporter: arthel, six days and five cities to celebrate the life of congressman john lewis. it began in his hometown of troy, alabama, rural part of
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alabama where his parents worked as sharecroppers. he applied to troy university but an all white institution, they rejected him. some family members spoke today including his sister who said john lewis' basic philosophy was pretty simple. >> if you see something wrong, do something. his actions showed us just that. in a time when going to jail was perceived as trouble, he reminded us that it was good trouble. necessary trouble. see something, say something, do something. >> reporter: john lewis did do something time and time again throughout the 1960s, in 1960 he tried to help integrate lunch counters in nashville, tennessee. he ordered a hamburger and a coke at an all white lunch counter many he said it was his god given right. he was refused service. he tried to integrate interstate
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busses across the south, that left to one beating that left him unconscious. 1965, bloody sunday right here, the march over the edmund pettus bridge, he let 60 nonviolent -- 600 nonviolent protesters. he had his hands in his pockets. he was the front. he faced a sea of blue. alabama state troopers, he knew it was coming, the charge came. they broke open his skull, hit him again while he was trying to get up. it that dramatic footage that led to the voting rights act of 1965 introduced by lynn don johnson -- linden johnson just eight days later. back to you. arthel: a bigger man than most. thank you, steve harrigan. eric. eric: arthel, the u.s. is heading to a new record in coronavirus cases. the pandemic has help those for
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arthel: the u.s. reporting more than 73,000 new coronavirus cases yesterday. just shy of the one day record of more than 75,000. johns hopkins university said there are more than 1.4 million total u.s. infections and more than 146,000 deaths. now, the cdc is warning of a prolonged illness for people who get covid-19. jacqui heinrich is live in new york with details. jacqui. >> reporter: arthel, a new cdc study shows even mild cases of coronavirus may not resolve quickly. 35% of people who had the virus were able to self treat at home, reported still being sick two to three weeks after testing and that also is affectin affectingr people between the ages of 18 and 34 with no underlying health
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conditions, 20% were still sick a few weeks later. 73,000 new cases were added across the country yesterday, the second highest daily total since the pandemic began, since last month a seven day nationwide average for new cases more than doubled. some cases are seeing -- some states are seeing cases come down. some counties are still seeing crisis level hospitalization rates. in stark county, texas, an ethics panel which some are equateing to a death panel has been established to determine which patients will respond best to treatment and which others will die t due to a strain on resources. the largest increases are happening in mississippi, miss southerly, kentucky, georgia and puerto rico. new york city, the one time epicenter of the pandemic has reopened pools in the city. new yorkers were initially told all public pools would remain closed this summer. but the state's case numbers are
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remaining low with hospitalizations and icu numbers dropping to a new low since march and only about 1% of new tests coming back positive. for comparison, on april 3rd, more than 48% of tests were coming back positive. >> we're going to be careful with them. there will be rules. there will be social distancing. there will be smart efforts to keep people safe. it's going to provide a lot of wonderful relief to residents of the neighborhoods and folks from all around. >> reporter: meantime, some promising news out of california after uc san diego announced it's seeking up to 30,000 trial participants for a phase three trial beginning in two days. the hope is to have a vaccine by the eastbound of the year. -- end of the year. the trials for the vaccine prototype being developed by mow dearmoderna. mike pence is praising leaders for getting case rate under 2% with the help of federal aid at
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testing sites. arthel: jacqui, thank you. eric. eric: arthel, in washington senate republicans are set to unveil their plan for the next coronavirus relief package, that, on monday. they'll lock down final details with the trump administration. the payroll tax cut that the president wanted apparently will not make it, as small businesses are struggling to survive. what can we expect? phil wegmann is a reporter for real clear politics. philip, good to see you. a lot of people are scared that maybe the stimulus checks will start running out. what do you think mitch mcconnell will unveil on monday? >> at a moment where a lot of americans are dealing with this in dollars and cents, republicans continue to say it's a work in progress. the truth is, republicans cannot agree with themselves right now, they don't have a draft ready to roll. what's interesting here is that republicans, they have promised to do numerous things in the
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past and failed to deliver. on this front, as the election draws closer and closer, they're still empty handed and disagreeing with themselves. monday's product has to be something the majority of the party can get behind. eric: what do you think they can get behind? they talked about some type of stimulus package, a billion dollars for schools, more money for testing, money for small business. if the democrats say they want the $600 payment that's been going to folks, that's going to run out, they want the 600 bucks to continue at least through december. >> well, what's really interesting about this is we've seen president trump make promises before and his people failed to deliver. he said that he wanted the payroll tax cut and steve mnuchin was not able to deliver that. meanwhile, as republicans continue to debate what should or should not be in a final package, democrats have had their own legislation ready to roll since may, a $3 trillion
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relief package. so up to this point, republicans have been empty-handed. and again, that's a bad look ahead of november, when the virus is the number one political issue going into that election. eric: talking about of november, here's what the wall street journal editorial page says about that. in part, quote, mrs. pelosi's bill is essentially a down payment on her election agenda. she'll take what she can get now and campaign on the rest. republicans have no discernable economic agenda beyond paying people to feel better during the pandemic. they need to offer voters alternative policies that would return the economy in 2021 to its pre-covid prosperity. do you see any type of agreement? do you see the gop getting together on this? >> it's really difficult to disagree with that analysis. there are so many issues that republicans need to address in the legislation. a change to unemployment insurance which critics said paid people more to stay at home, rather than go to work,
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funding for school, changes to liability laws, there are a number of things that should be addressed. but at this moment you have republicans like senator mitt romney who are trying to make structural changes to things like social security. proposals that probably would not have made it to the finish line even during the best of times. and this contributes to an environment where it seems that republicans, they can't agree with themselves, let alone present a united front. eric: some say just stick with the crisis, with coronavirus right now, everything else they think can wait but we'll see how this goes on. we'll be watching on monday. philip, good to see you on a weekend, real clear politics. thank you for your analysis. >> thank you. eric: we have a lot more news throughout the day. stick with us. we'll be right back. usaa is made for what's next no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help
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arthel: major league baseball returning to action this week after a four month delay to start the season. boston red sox pitcher eduardo rodriguez sidelined with a heart condition after recovering from the coronavirus in early july. a professional athlete, just one of the growing number of people facing long-term complications from covid-19. for more on this, let's bring in dr. chen, medical director for the center for post covid care. dr. chen, i learned a new phrase, it's called -- a new term called covid long hauler. what is a covid long hauler? and if you are or have been infected, is that something you want to be or not? >> the covid long hauler is what has been used to describe patients who are post the initial covid infection and now are having significant symptoms that have lasted weeks and months past their initial
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infection. these are symptoms that may be very mild but much of the time it's very severe and this is definitely something that you don't want. arthel: you're the medical director for post covid care. you treat basically the mess that covid-19 leaves behind. tell us more about those residual effects of covid-19, you know, you said some of it's really bad. explain. >> yeah. i think the story with eduardo rodriguez is a perfect example of what can happen to patients. he's young. he's healthy. he's actually probably healthier than much of the pop o populati. but having had covid, now he's having symptoms post covid and this can happen to anyone in the population itself. and our goal at the center is to treat these patients that are having these residual symptoms and -- arthel: if i can, excuse me.
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i want you to paint the picture of what can happen. i understand there's some people who have to learn how to use motor skills, have to learn how to walk and things like that. really tell us what this thing can do to your body long term. >> yes. so we're looking at many, many symptoms, from various organ systems. as you said, there are many patients who are having neurological symptoms, such as weakness, they're having brain fog, having fatigue, having poor concentration. other patients may have things like shortness of breath or difficulty with breathing when exercising, worse than what they were before they had the infection. arthel: who is more likely to suffer these long-term health consequences? >> well, we believe that the patients who are the ones who are older with medical conditions before they got sick, those are likely the ones who will have many long-term consequences. but it's not limited to those patients. because there are very young
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patients who are completely healthy before they have the covid infection and then after the infection they're having these symptoms as well. arthel: so is there anything that shocked you, like versus a younger person coming in with covid-19 and you now see what it has done and how it has ravaged that person's body? i'm really looking for graphic details in the last moment i have with you. why? because so many people don't take it seriously. >> i think the biggest example is someone who had the covid infection and they're remaining on oxygen many months after they've been infected. and these patients are not back to their baseline, they have a lot of difficulty trying to breathe day by day and there are just -- they are just not having any success in getting treatment for it. arthel: it's not only elderly patients, right? you're saying this can happen to young people? >> absolutely. it can happen to young people, people of any age, any sex, any race.
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arthel: well, dr. chen, thank you for your work in the center of post covid care there at mount sinai and thank you for joining us here on fox news. take care, sir. >> thank you, arthel. arthel: absolutely. eric: the uh an u.s. and chinag at each other tit-for-tat in a consulate battle as we accuse beijing of using their consulate in houston as a spy hub. still ahead, dan hoffman on chinese alleged spies, what are they doing, how do they do it and why should we fear that? ♪ ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ ♪
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kitty. >> reporter: hi, arthel. closing consulates tit-for-tat like this is a serious escalation of tensions, perhaps not as significant as an embassy, but still crucial for example with the trade role between the two countries. what we saw today in chengdu was police enforcing the order to close down the u.s. consulate there. staff were apparently preparing to leave the building amid chinese media reports they have just 72 hours to get out. it's thought that around 200 employees working there. this appears to be a direct reaction to the closure of that shchinese consulate in houston. president trump ordered that chinese consulate to close late on friday and soon after that deadline a door was forced open by u.s. enforcement officials. the u.s. government said this building was being used for espionage, it's alleged chinese agents were trying to steal
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medical research in texas. china deny these allegations quite strongly. it says the enforced closure breaks an international agreement but chinese consulate staff were seen to be driving away from that building later on friday. now, relations of course between the u.s. and china have broken down over several issues in recent times, one of those is of course the coronavirus outbreak which began in wuhan in china. president trump has blamed the government in beijing over the handling of it. now, arthel, it's not clear what happens next but there could be many implications for this relationship breakdown, not least international trade between the u.s. and china. but nobody really knows what will happen next. arthel. arthel: indeed, kitty logan in london. thank you. eric. eric: arthel, for more on this, let's bring in former cia station chief, dan hoffman, a
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fox news contributor. does it surprise you that china could be spying on us under diplomatic cover? >> no, for sure china's using its consulates not only in houston but in san francisco and chicago and los angeles and new york to mount massive he's pea knackespionageoperations. they use human operations that intelligence officers conduct on the ground to enable the cyber hacking operation as well. it's a multifaceted attack that we're -- that basically we're under siege from chinese espionage. eric: under siege from chinese espionage, sending people in academia, funding programs in academia, intellectual property, is this really an assault on the west? >> it is. i mean, they're flooding the zone. recall back in december of 2019
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when two chinese diplomats who were suspected of being intelligence officers entered our sensitive military base in norfolk, virginia. or the chinese military officer, who was concealing her identity, who was holding up in the san francisco consulate, chinese consulate there and has now been arrested on visa fraud. and was conducting research to steal intellectual property, university of california davis, department of oncology. there's no limit to what the chinese will want to steal, whether it's cancer research or the latest high technology, that's how they're trying to target us and really it's -- i think it's secretary pompeo emphasized his speech last week at the nixon library, it's an ideological confrontation between our two nations. eric: here is secretary of state pompeo giving that warning, saying the trump
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administration is doing the right thing against china. here is part of what pompeo said. >> if we don't act now, the ccp will erode our freedom that our society has worked so hard to build. if we don't do it now our children's children may be at the mercy of the chinese communist party, the actions are the primary challenge today in the free world. eric: how do we resist and win over beijing? >> that was a very clear statement from secretary pompeo on u.s. policy to counter, defend and defer china's aggression and to work with our alleys in doing so. make no mistake that chinese espionage is just a tool for aggression against the west and really the principles and the ideals that are near and dear to us, liberty, freedom, democracy
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an,that represents a threat to i jinping's regime. if those ideals were prevalent in china he would not any longer be in power. eric: finally, and quickly, do you think we will prevail or will it be more of a communist chinese world in the future? >> well, i think that this is becoming the struggle, the 21st century cold war. we are not at military conflict with china directly but look at china's dalliance with iran, it would make iran a proxy state of china. this has the hallmarks of a cold war and there's no choice for us but to win it. eric: former cia station chief dan hoff monday sayin hoffman so choice for us to win the 21st century cold war with china. dan, good to see you. thank youu for your analysis.
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is it too early to call it? >> you never know for sure until you get to the backside of a system like this. owl of the ingredients have a real destructive storm in place. i think ultimately this will be the rain event. that's where we see the most damage. the leading edge of the storm system is battering the texas coast. that's going to be an area to pay attention to. let's take our graphics full. we will see the edge moving now on-shore, the center of circulation may be 30 miles off of shore. once this makes landfall, it's going to weaken quickly, dropping down to a low pressure system, running across south texas and into mexico. as it does that, it is going to drop a whole lot of rain. the winds are there, pretty consistently, 40, 50-mile-an-hour gusts. you see the bouy, you have a gust up to 80 miles an hour. that's enough to do serious damage if that gets on-shore. we've got hurricane warnings for port mansfield, running north to corpus christi, surrounding that
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still tropical storm warnings as the winds are still in the 30 to 40-mile-an-hour range. and then as i said, perhaps the biggest concern with this is going to be the forecasted precipitation, from brownsville, texas to mcallen, looking at an area getting up to 18 inches of rain. this isn't a place that holds water really well so likely a lot of standing water, more widespread than that. you're going to be running up to 6 to 8 inches north to corpus christi. arthel, i think this could be really dangerous. it's going to be rain. that's going to be something that we're probably going to be seeing over the next 12 hours. arthel: rain is problematic, it causes flooding. >> uh huh, yes. arthel: adam, thank you. eric. eric: protesters in portland, man, they used power saws last night. more. safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%.
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eric: we are tracking the path of the first hurricane of the atlantic hurricane season. hanna now a category 1 hurricane, creeping closer to the coast of texas and about make landfall just south of corpus christi. hello. welcome to brand new hour of america's news headquarters. i'm eric shawn. arthel: i'm arthel neville. hanna already drenching the region under heavy rainfall and threatening severe flooding, a dangerous storm surge and damaging winds. we start off our coverage from dallas where extreme weather watches are in effect across many parts of south texas.
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>> more than 36,000 power outages are already being reported across parts of south texas. that is according to the energy company. the national hurricane center says the western eyewall of hanna is now lashing the coast. you are looking at video -- new video into fox news. some low-lying roads are starting to take on water there. heavy rainfall and storm surge are the primary threats with this system. check out south padre island. wind gusts in excess of 80 miles-per-hour have been recorded in some places. and here's what things look like in corpus christi. weather spotters say lots of rain falling and conditions are quickly deteriorating. what's more? officials are also worried about a threat beyond mother nature. this whole region has been hit extremely hard in recent weeks, with coronavirus.
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>> if you plus go to a -- if you must go to a community or center, follow the guidelines from the cdc for protecting yourself and the families. >> the tropics are very active right now. we're also watching something out in the pacific ocean. that's hurricane douglas which is threatening the hawaiian islands. still not clear if douglas will make an actual landfall. if it does, it would be sometime tonight or even through tomorrow, but watches and warnings of various kinds are in effect for the big island, ohau, maui and kauai counties. >> it is forecasted to affect the islands significantly. stay away from the shores as we do expect storm surge as well as high surf. >> hawaii has recently
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experienced an up tick of covid-19 infections, so the governor there said that residents should shelter in place and quarantine together and only go to designated emergency shelters as a last resort. arthel? arthel: we wish them all the best. casey stegall, thank you, casey. eric? eric: arthel, those federal forces deployed in portland had to use tear gas to clear out protesters as the city marked its 58th straight night of demonstrations. thousands gathered outside the federal courthouse to shoot fireworks, throw glass bottles and shake the fence that surrounded the building and even at one point brought out a power saw to try to cut through that and attack the judicial system and the symbol of our federal government. while other protests there were quite peaceful. other protests are planned in major u.s. cities including those for police officers. the group back the blue.
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they include speakers from families of officers killed in the line of duty. christina coleman is live in our west coast newsroom with more. hi, christina. >> hey, eric. a lot going on. violent protesters used the chainsaw to cut into the fence at the federal courthouse in downtown portland. agents used tear gas to clear the area. weeks of protests have been happening in portland and across the country, starting after the death of george floyd in minneapolis. demonstrators have been calling for justice and an end to police brutality. >> we care about our children. we care about the next generation, the next generation after that. we don't want them walking and fearing anything. >> last night the protests in portland started out peaceful but turned chaotic. this has been the case many nights in portland. the fed charged 18 people for assault, arson and destroying
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federal property. local democratic leaders want federal agents to leave saying they are making the situation worse, but president trump and the head of customs and border protection say the feds need to be there because local authorities haven't stopped the violence. protests are also happening in kentucky right now. three people were struck by gunfire this afternoon by someone who discharged their weapon, at the protests. now, police say everyone involved in this were part of the same militia group. this shooting is under investigation. demonstrators in louisville have been calling for justice for the death of breonna taylor, the unarmed black woman who was shot and killed by police after they entered in her apartment, a no knock warrant for her address. while mounting frustrations and protests continue to sweep across this nation, kentucky republican congressman says he supports the president's decision to send federal agents to cities struggling with violence. >> we have to have law and
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order. i'm all about the 1st amendment. i'm all about the peaceful assembly of people to protest, but when those protesters start vandalizing and destroying private property, then they become criminals, and they have to be treated as such, and i applaud the president for sending in federal troops. >> and seattle's police chief just released a statement this afternoon saying seattle police will be carrying pepper spray today as allowed by the court's recent order. last night a federal judge blocked seattle's new law that would have prohibited seattle police from using the nonlethal weapons during the protests. eric? eric: christina, thank you. arthel? arthel: the cdc releasing a new report about covid-19 symptoms. researchers find about 1/3 of patients who were symptomatic when tested experienced life-altering symptoms for weeks or months after getting sick, even if they were not sick enough to go to the hospital.
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this as the number of cases in the u.s. surpasses 4.1 million and more than 145,000 deaths are now being reported. jacqui heinrich is live with the details right now. jacqui? >> arthel, more than 73,000 new cases were added across the country yesterday, and that is the second highest daily total since the pandemic began. this is coming as the new cdc report shows even people with mild symptoms may not resolve their infections quickly. the cdc study showed 35% of people who had coronavirus were able to self-treat at home, but were still sick two to three weeks after testing. for young people aged 18 to 34 with no underlying health issues, the number with lasting symptoms was 20%. while some states are seeing cases come down with arizona, florida and texas being the largest decreases, cases are also spiking in mississippi, missouri, kentucky, georgia, and
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puerto rico. coronavirus response coordinator dr. birx warned this week 11 cities need to take aggressive action now to avoid becoming the next hot spot, saying baltimore, cleveland, columbus, indianapolis, las vegas, miami, minneapolis, nashville, new orleans, pittsburgh and st. louis are not doing enough to combat their outbreaks. she also warned while sun belt states are seeing decreases, the virus will start moving north. some health experts are considering arizona a case study in stabilizing infection rates without a full lockdown. a few weeks ago they had the most infections per capita but numbers are trending downward after the republican governor reversed his course allowing cities and counties to enact mask mandates and rolling back some reopenings of indoor spaces. >> in terms of arizona's trend today, our major metrics are headed in the right direction.
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covid-like illness in emergency rooms has a downward trend. and the percentage of positive tests in arizona has a downward trend. >> some public health officials point out, though, while the numbers are stabilizing, they are very high. arizona still leads the nation in deaths per capita. meantime, promising news out of california. uc san diego announced it is seeking up to 30,000 participants for a phase three vaccine trial that begins in just two days. it will test the vaccine prototype being developed by moderna. the goal is to have a vaccine out by the end of the year. arthel? arthel: jacqui heinrich, thank you. eric? eric: arthel, one of the most legendary leaders of the civil rights era and voting rights movement and he is being honored all this week, eight days after he died from pancreatic cancer. the first memorial service for long-time georgia congressman
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john lewis was held earlier today. occurred at his birthplace in troy, alabama. hundreds joining his family and friends in a celebration of what dr. martin luther king dubbed the boy from troy, tributes from his family, rousing gospel music. steve harrigan is now live in selma, alabama, outside the chapel with the late congressman will lie in repose at a public viewing this evening. quite an emotional outpouring for a great american. steve? >> that's right, eric. the crowds are already beginning to gather here. john lewis of course was already a national figure in 1965, when he led 600 non-violent protesters across the edmund pettus bridge. they were marching for voting rights. he was severely beaten by alabama state troopers. he had a skull fracture. he was beaten when he tried to get back up. he said he thought he was going to die on that bridge. 55 years later, instead of being beaten by alabama state troopers, he is being escorted by an alabama honor guard.
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here's the mayor of his hometown. >> he became a figure known around the world for action. on the edmund pettus bridge confronting alabama state troopers. and now alabama state troopers will lead his body around this state as we celebrate his life. >> the celebration of that life will take six days, going from five different cities. that life is extraordinary, began 80 years ago, 1940 in rural alabama. lewis's parents were sharecroppers. his father eventually saved $300 to buy 110 acre farm. he was the third of ten children. he had a strong desire to learn as a boy. he tried to get a library card at the local library. was denied that library card because he was black. lewis remembered that he used to hide under the stairs of his house. he used to run out when the school bus came. he preferred going to school to picking cotton with his brothers
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and sisters. at age 11, he was taken to buffalo by an uncle that really opened his eyes that 17-hour car trip, he saw whites and blacks mix freely in buffalo. he had a transister radio as a boy. he was mesmerized by the sermons of dr. king. he eventually wrote him a letter and received a round trip bus trip to montgomery in return. that's where his activism started at age 23. he was the youngest speaker at the lincoln memorial with dr. king's march on washington. back to you. eric: steve, quite a legacy. we will remember and honor him. of course live coverage tonight here on the fox news channel. we will have extensive coverage tomorrow as his body is again taken for the last time across the edmund pettus bridge and then on to montgomery. many calling for that bridge to be renamed in his honor. steve harrigan live in selma, steve, thank you. arthel? arthel: eric, the loss of a beloved star, legendary tv show
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host regis philbin has died. his family confirming the news to people magazine. regis was known to generations of daytime tv viewers, eventually sharing hosting duties be kathie lee gifford and kelly ripa. later he had a second job as host of the wildly popular game show "who wants to be a millionaire". throughout his career, he shared details of his personal life with audiences. he died of natural causes just over one month shy of his 89th birthday. fox correspondent at large geraldo rivera joins us now on the phone, and geraldo, it's always good to talk to you. this is a bittersweet time. it's sad because unfortunately we all have to transition at some point, but it's joyous because what a life and legacy. tell us how you remember regis, geraldo. >> hi, arthel. he certainly was a great legend.
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i add my deep profound respect to john lewis as he lies in state in alabama. god rest his soul. and regis also, regis wasn't in the political realm, arthel. he was the great entertainer. i had known him since the 80s. we came up in the daytime talk show business together. we shared an agent, the great jim griffin. we had wonderful laughs together. regis made everybody laugh. you know, his career so enduring, so legendary. i remember when the millionaire show, "who wants to be a millionaire" started and they asked regis to host it. he quoted the line just when i thought i was out, they put me back in. he was always cracking jokes every time i'd seen him,
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wherever we were. you know, 50 years married. he had a great great run. you know, you can't be sad about regis, arthel. he had one at the great lives and one of the most enduring public speakers we will ever have in american history. arthel: i agree geraldo. you know, it's bittersweet and we want everyone to live forever if they could possibly do so. you are right. when you think of regis, you think -- it's happy thoughts. i also had a chance to get to know regis. i worked with him on a couple of occasions. once on his show, kathie lee was out for the day, and i filled in with regis. he was so generous as he always was. and also he and i did an episode of "fresh prince of bel air" together. it was great. check it out on facebook. it was funny. he's funny. he's so generous. not an egomaniacal person.
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he doesn't mind sharing the spotlight. what you see is what you get. the images you see of him when he's on the set or off the set. he's that same person. >> he's so not only welcoming, but he put everybody at ease with his cracks, you know, with his openness. i think generous is a perfect way to describe him. he shared the spotlight with everyone. a lot of fun. arthel: one of the things that comes to mind, regis, might be tmi, but regis, my first wedding he told me i have advice to you, arthel, don't do it. i should have listened to him. [laughter] arthel: but the second one is all good. in for life. [laughter] eric: that's great. i mean, that's regis philbin. hey, geraldo, it is eric. there are icons of american
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broadcasting. you think of walter cronkite, johnny carson, one name, geraldo, you go down the street. i mean what is the secret sauce that regis had? you felt like you knew him. you welcomed him into your home. what's that extra special ingredient that makes them giants in this business? >> eric, first of all, he exuded his new york roots. i mean he was about the bronx. he was about notre dame university. parochial schoolkid, always making fun, the church loved him. he loved the church. he was so quick with the quips. always on, always, you know, it was as if, you know, he was on camera more than he broke all the guinness book of world records. i think it's well over 16,000 hours of television. you know, i'm doing my 50th anniversary labor day, regis made me look like a rookie.
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he started back in the 50s. [laughter] >> but the non-stop, the jokes. you know, it was such a throwback to old show business, you know, let me tell you about this and that. you know, constantly, constantly keeping you entertained. he was the constant entertainer, but he was also wise in the ways of the world. he got when it was real news happening, regis was very sage in his own way, very thoughtful, putting things in perspective, calming people down. you know, my heart goes out to joy. i celebrate the great life they had together. what a man. you know, i don't think anybody will put together that kind of career again. you know, to think that he endured from the infancy of black and white television, the
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tiny small screen, right up to big prime time hits, well into the 21st century. i mean, that's a real -- a real american all the way. i think everybody loves regis. i don't know anybody who didn't like regis. you know, and that's a remarkable statement. i don't know a single person if all of show business or with the news or the talk business that doesn't love regis philbin. arthel: you're right, geraldo. i'm glad you pointed out that, you know, he was a smart man. guess what? you could not make it as long as he had in this business without intellect. and you know that, geraldo. nice to talk to you, geraldo. tell erica -- send her my love. >> i sure will. thank you. bye, eric. eric: bye geraldo. arthel: our condolences go out to regis's wife joy and his family, the hardest working man
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arthel: congressional conservatives are sounding off against supreme court chief justice john roberts, the criticism coming after roberts sided with the court's liberals to deny a nevada church's challenge to occupancy restrictions. texas senator cruz tweeting quote roberts has abandoned his oath. but on the upside maybe the nevada church should set up tables, then they could open. susan crabtree is here, white house correspondent for real clear politics. i'm going to set it up for everybody. here's the deal, the governor of nevada put a cap on how many people can attend church or religious services. the leader of calvary chapel in dayton valley which is near reno said they would like 90 church goers, this went up to the supreme court and chief justice john roberts sided with the liberal justices in a 5-4 decision. now calvary chapel in nevada has to follow the rules and limit to 50 worshippers. this is in line with coronavirus
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social distancing rules. so is chief justice roberts quote abandoning his oath? >> well, i think you're going to see this play out in a big way in the 2020 reelection. conservatives are outraged about this nevada decision and have been pouring it on on john roberts saying this is the reason we need president trump re-elected because he might get another court pick, and unfortunately with ruth bader ginsburg's health uncertain right now -- [inaudible]. as you saw in the 2016 election, one in five voters said they really cared about the supreme court, they voted for president trump. those voters as you know are evangelicals who really believe
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that they want somebody to defend antiabortion from the bench, [inaudible]. they are saying this is how we feel. we feel like the casino industry is getting more of an advantage in this decision than -- [inaudible] -- that's protected by the 1st amendment. arthel: we hope justice ginsburg lives forever because she's an awesome woman. let's go there first. back to your point you just made. does this violate thomas jefferson separation of church and state? >> well, i think that you see the conservatives are saying that, you know, this is
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something that's guaranteed by the bill of rights, 1st amendment guarantees -- [inaudible]. they are arguing, you know, i can give you the argument pushback as well, that in terms of what they are angry about is you have casinos who can operate at 50% of their prior capacity, and that means that they could have 500 people in the casino, whereas churches were given a cap of 50 people despite their size of their facility. [inaudible]. the state attorneys are pushing back and saying their argument is this a pandemic. you need to make sure that we treat religious services just like we're treating concerts and other big events.
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you know -- arthel: what did you say the gaming industry does what? i didn't hear you? >> the gaming industry has a powerful hold in nevada. arthel: this is not the first time the supreme court has ruled against a church challenging capacity restrictions. during the pandemic, the second time, in may the supreme court ruled in that instance tossing back a challenge from a california church. i mean, is the supreme court just reminding the country that it is loyal to the law, and in this case, there's a pandemic and not political affiliation? >> religion is not political affiliation, and they have the 1st amendment protection. in the pandemic, it is a very unusual situation. certainly nobody wants any harm done. there have been some outbreaks traced to churches, so we have
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to be careful about these services. in california, for instance, there's a ban on singing this church -- singing in church, and that's being challenged at the court level as well and will probably go up to the supreme court. this is a big debate. i think it will motivate evangelicals to get out to vote and we will see this in the coming months that the campaign will highlight this decision. arthel: listen, we all want worshippers be able to do exactly that, but we also pray that everyone remains safe and protected from this virus, and part of the protection is to stay apart from each other and wear a mask. so let's again pray that this all works out. susan crabtree, thank you very much. >> thank you, arthel. arthel: sure, susan. eric? eric: speaking of that, schools around the country, you know, they are facing a big decision. when and how to open and start classes this fall. straight ahead, is there a way for kids and teachers to safely
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return to the classroom? and what exactly are the risks posed by that? we will have that in a moment. is that net carbs or total?... eh, not enough fiber... chocolate would be good... snacking should be sweet and simple. the delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. with nutrients to help support immune health.
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that's over fifty-seven hundred dollars cash back on this equinox. it's time to find new roads, again. arthel: the u.s. bracing for the start of the new school year. some states making the decision to be on-line only, for at least the first semester, while others have decided to reopen for in-person learning, leaving teachers scrambling to ensure proper safety measures are in place. lucas tomlinson has more. >> in an abrupt about face some school districts in northern virginia are saying students won't be going back to school in person fall time or part time next month -- full time or part time next month but instead all will be going on-line, much to the ire of some parents saying this goes against the cdc guidelines. one parent we spoke to said it is all about the teachers union and a knee-jerk reaction putting politics above science. >> this has nothing to do with
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our children at all. this is politicizing education for their benefit. this is an election year. we are putting our kids futures in jeopardy for a political decision. >> here in fairfax county the schools have a budget of 3 billion dollars this year. angry parents here and across the country say zoom isn't good enough for their kids. the cdc director agrees and said in his new guidelines it is critically important to open schools in person this fall. the white house covid task force says it is still an open question how rapidly children under 10 spread the virus. but the new cdc guidance says young children are less likely to spread it and less likely to experience serious symptoms. the cdc also says that seasonal flu remains the greatest risk to our kids, no t the coronavirus. dr. fauci said the science is still not settled when it comes to kids in schools. >> i think we need to start off with a little humility and say we don't know all the answers to that right now.
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that's for sure. studies are coming out >> across the country many parents are concerned how they are going to get back to work and educate their kids now that some will be at home five days a week. in fairfax county, virginia, lucas tomlinson, fox news. eric: for more on the revised cdc guidelines for keeping -- or having kids return to school, a fox news medical contributor is joining us. doctor, always good to see you. welcome. >> thank you. eric: a lot of nervous parents are watching, hoping their schools will have a solid plan. what are the new cdc guidelines? do you think they will work? >> yes, so, eric, if we have a low prevalence of this disease in the community, then we can successfully execute a plan in accordance with the cdc guidelines. we have seen it done in other countries, germany, sweden. let's look at the facts. the data tells us school age children from the age of 5 to
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17, they account for about 5% of covid cases in this country. the data tells us that covid-19 poses a very low risk, and even in a cent study out -- recent study out of england shows that there's no evidence that students can transmit this virus to teachers at high rates. of course it is possible, but it is not at a high rate. knowing this data and information, we can successfully put a plan in place and be able to open with a focus on wearing a mask, physical distancing, maybe using a hybrid schedule, for classes, disinfectant, ventilation, all these little things together that we can reopen successfully and safely for students and for teachers. it can be done. it's a matter of being organized and prepared and keeping that ongoing checkups, for example, screening the students, checking on them at home, parents looking for signs and symptoms of illness, cough and fever, that sort of thing, but from what we know so far, it is low risk for
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students and low risk of transmission for students to teachers, and with that information, we should be able to take it and reopen our schools, get our kids back into school because it is critical at a very young age that they have the education as their brains are developing. eric: then, you know, you have those who say look, even one, you can't take the chance. you've got teachers, school bus drivers, cafeteria workers, maintenance people, janitors, coaches, gym teachers who could be at risk. we have heard, you know, those concerns especially in hot spots in this country that it is not safe to do this in a hot spot. how do they deal with that? >> with this, this is so important. you know, the past few months, i have been surrounded by critically ill coronavirus patients. some of them who sadly have passed away. i never picked up the virus because i wore a mask. that really has been shown to help protect not just healthcare workers, but people out in the community as well. so we're not defenseless against this virus. we have the tools. we have the knowledge.
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it's a matter of being adherent and compliant with what can protect us and what we know can protect us. it is really important also to understand that there's data that shows that adults can be super spreaders of this disease, not children. so we need to both protect our students and the teachers and the staff and just collectively take all these preventive measures, and we can hopefully successfully reopen. look, we learn as we go. we have any hiccups, issues, then we modify and adjust our plan as we go along. worse case scenario, if we have to scale back and pause reopening or maybe change the schooling schedule, then we should do that as we see how successful we are with the initial reopening. eric: that's a terrific point right there, with the masks, you see people walking around sometimes without them, they say that is the front line of defense. we will see what happens as the school year rolls around. doctor, always good to see you. >> good to see you too, thank
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you. eric: thank you. arthel: thank you doctor and eric. america's favorite past time is returning to a television near you. major league players are once again taking to the fields, but fans will notice a big difference. we are live in citi field, home of the new york mets. hey, alex. >> hi, arthel. again, the game taking place behind me is a beautiful day for baseball, but it looks like no one's here of course. both of those teams are in the field right now, definitely a unique experience. >> there is definitely a desire and a pent up demand to either escape or just really get engaged in to baseball and other sports. >> it's fox sports 25th year of broadcasting mlb games. new technology coming into play this season. the only ones that you will catch on the big screen in the stadium this year are the
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virtual ones or the cardboard cutouts. each stadium will pump crowd noise through its pa system and while everyone stays home, fans will need to get creative to enjoy the game too. to bring baseball back in, big changes. this year 16 team wills make it to the play-offs. -- teams will make it to the play-offs. it eliminated the wildcard games and instead eight best of three matchups, all of which will be played at the home ballpark of the higher seed. love it or hate it, most fans agree this is definitely a strange season. >> talking to friends about it, it's been kind of a mixed recession. i'm on the side that loves it. i think it is going to be awesome. >> you know, i think in a season like this, it is one of those things where any team can win, so it is a disadvantage for the teams that are the favorites. we will see what happens. hopefully they can pull it off. i think this is going to be anyone's game. >> 28 out of the league's 30 teams have had someone on the team test positive for covid-19.
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just in the last week, four players and two staff members did. now, for any player who is potentially at a high risk, they can sit out from the season, but they will still be paid, and so far 17 either players or staff members have done so. arthel? arthel: let's hope they can all stay safe. alex hogan, thank you very much. eric? eric: arthel, memorial services to say good-bye to congressman john lewis have been underway all day today and will continue tonight. up next, texas congressman al green will be here to share his memories of the late civil rights activist, icon, and his colleague. hey, can i... hold on one second... sure. okay... okay! safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%.
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safe drivers do save 40%. my money should work as hard as i do. that's why i use my freedom unlimited card to buy heavier weights online. got it! go time! with freedom unlimited, you're always earning. i should've purchased lighter weights! arthel: the casket carrying the body of long time georgia congressman lewis arrives in selma, alabama today, on the
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first day of a week-long celebration of his life and legacy. the events taking place in several cities and states serving as historic markers to a life of activism and public service. tomorrow a procession around the edmund pettus bridge after which john lewis will lie in state at the alabama state capital in montgomery. texas congressman al green joins us now to reflect on the life of john lewis. congressman, if i could first get your thoughts as congressman lewis' home going services and celebrations begin. >> thank you for having me. if i may, i would like to extend again my sympathies and condolences to the family, friends, all who loved john, the honorable john lewis and hope they will make it through this time of some difficulty for them i'm sure, as it is for a good many of us. i listened today to some of the ongoing ceremonies, and i was
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moved by the child that spoke and said that it's up to us, this is a child, young child, it is up to us to continue his legacy. and that moved me because it really exemplifies the fact that the torch is being passed on to the next generation. the winds of change are sweeping across our nation, and they're not the kind of change that would allow things to happen slowly. we're seeing things happen at a rapid pace now, and i think that congressman lewis was very much aware of this, when we heard him say he was pleased to see the diversity of the protest movement. he talked about how much bigger it was than in previous years. so what that child said touched my heart because she's a part of
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that generation that will continue to change. the struggle continues, but it is good to know that there are young people who have already assumed that they have take up to the torch. arthel: we're so grateful that congressman lewis got to witness that and see that flame of that torch that he held for so long, still lit and strongly lit and being passed on. i want to ask you, congressman green, have you and fellow members of the congressional black caucus come together on how you as a coalition will honor and continue the legacy of congressman lewis? >> not specifically for that purpose. he's always a part of our conversations, and as you know, we will be there while his body is in the rotunda. we will have an opportunity to pay our respects at that time. but in terms of carrying on his legacy, there has not been a plan of action for that, to be very candid with you, but my
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suspicion is that there are some things that do require a lot of planning, but there are other things that you do because you have been inspired, and i believe that the members of t the -- have been so spire ed -- inspired by his presence, by his spirit, that the ability to in a meeting where there's total chaos to speak and remind us that this is not just, not right and not fair, and we must do something. i think we're inspired to continue his legacy. we may not do as well as he has done individually, but collectively i think there's much that we will get done. arthel: well said, congressman. thank you very much for joining us here again on fox. and i look forward to speaking to you in the future. and that's it for now. we will be right back. i may not be able to tell time,
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adam, when and where will it hit? adam: we are right on top of landfall right now. really any time, could be in the next few minutes. certainly not too far off. folks along the coastline, particularly southern texas have been dealing with the leading edge of this now for at least the last hour maybe longer. let's dive into our maps. you can see where the storm is. right as we approach the coastline, winds now up to 90 miles-an-hour, 95 miles-an-hour would be a category 2. we probably won't get there, but this is a powerful category 1 storm. we do see it is right along the coast. as soon as it does make landfall, it is going to sweep across texas overnight tonight, quickly weakening as it goes, but it is going to bring some wind, and it is definitely going to bring some rain across the rio grand valley. your current winds, fairly widespread, wind gusts from 40 to 50 miles-an-hour. that's going to be continuing through the next couple of hours, even once we've made landfall, and then that very heavy rain i was talking about, an area from brownsville, and stretching farther south, that light purple color is as much as
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12 to 18 inches of total rainfall. you see rain like that, even stretching farther north, corpus christi, a couple inches of rain, tropical flooding could be a real concern and maybe the biggest concern from this entire system. looking at it running north of corpus christi and all the way to galveston, at least the possibility of seeing some flooding. that's something we will need to continue to watch. as is to it back to you -- as i toss it back to you, we continue to track hurricane douglas. maybe that's something we will see making landfall or close to landfall tonight, tomorrow, that's something we will be paying attention to the next day or so. eric? eric: folks from texas, batten down. it could be a soaker. adam, thank you. arthel: that does it for us. we're back tomorrow. [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know there's a 30-minute limit, right?
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tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. well the names have all changed since you hung around but those dreams have remained and they've turned around who'd have thought they'd lead ya back here where we need ya welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you.
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jon: fox news alert and a live look at selma, alabama, where the casket of civil rights icon john lewis is about to arrive for a memorial service. the congressman's family also on hand there. selma of course the city where john lewis etched his name into the history books, leading protesters across the edmund pettus bridge. tonight's ceremony part of a six-day celebration of the late congressman's life. it begins about an hour from now, and we will bring it to you live as it happens. meantime, president trump ramping up his law and order agenda, dispatching federal forces to cities where he says democrat leaders are l
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