tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News July 27, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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back or the most radical extreme socialists, led by aoc, bolshevik burning, the guns, anyway, let not your heart be troubled. of laura ingraham. i'll get grilled by ingrown. one week from tonight it's going to be >> laura: i just want you to know and breathe and just do some -- get your sensei and practice your breathing exercises. that's going to be very important. [laughs] bre i'm looking forward to it and will have a lot of fun. >> sean: i'm looking forward to it -- your shows doing great watching every night. >> laura: back at you, we have a 99 days until the election? >> sean: 99 days. >> laura: we have a lot of work to do and will do it and thank you so much. i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" and tonight fromm washington, we are packed
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out tonight and a lot to get to and important issues on the table getting right to it. the rides and ruin party, that's the focus of tonight single. now, imagine if thousands of let's say pro-life christians decided to surround a federal courthouse in texas where pro-abortion rights cases have recently been decided. imagine some of the protesters were peaceful but the others came to cause real trouble. imagine if they threw bottles of cement, bricks, and shot fireworks. imagine if they used lasers at federal officials who were protecting the building. imagine they made molotov cocktails and set cars on fire, and that they did this night after night after night. then imagine if republicanse elected officials in the state not only refused to end the violence, but actually tried too blame a sitting democrat president for inflaming tensions by sending federal
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law enforcement and to protect the federal property and the federal staff working inside. now, how do you think the media would be covering that situation? the protesters, the protesters they call selfish, dangerous, and out-of-control. the press would demonize those protesters and demand they would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. but remember when michigan citizens held peaceful protest to reopen businesses a few months ago. the media treated them with utter disgust. >> so we have video today governor whitmer outside of the capital with protest and you can see people standing on the steps, people talking, and i want to get clear most people were in their cars but a lot of people are standing around, some not wearing masks. do you think the protest put people at risk today? >> absolutely, absolutely. >> laura: over the past month, we have seen nonstop violence in
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major cities and blue states across america. now portland, oregon, is a battleground with criminals attempting to take over and burn down a federal building. [chanting] [cheers and applause] >> laura: this has nothing to do with george floyd. it has nothing to do with racial justice. this is about real power and politicians and blue states, they decided that the riots are helping them politically. they are looking at the polls and they think that opposing anything and everything that president trump does or says is more politically advantageousha than opposing these criminals. >> their forces are not needed here. they were not wanted here. and they are making a challenging situation worse. >> they look a whole lot like
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protesters from the far right to come to make trouble. >> crime in portland and across oregon was down before donald trump sent in the secret police. >> then these guys came in like a bulldozer. it is a disaster, the administration is making. >> laura: and of course, the media, they are so polluted with anti-trump biased, they don't bother to hide it anymore.e. >> these peaceful protests across the country were ended with violence over the weekend inflamed by president trump's plan to employ more federal agents. >> president trump continuing to focus perhaps on the volatile. >> just throwing gas on the fire.he the president with military troops in portland against the wishes of city and state leaders has very much inflame tensions, and there are hundreds if not thousands of ordinary citizens who come here day after day to peacefully and racial justice.
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>> laura: sorry, but ordinary citizens do not protest after dark, shooting off mortar style fireworks at law enforcement. i love how she said paramilitary forces too, that was sweet. peaceful protesters per month by the way don't tire ropes to fences or statues or stay out till 3:00 a.m. to set fire to a federal building. they don't do that. reporters used to knower that. now, again, imagine conservatives upset by the injustice of abortion were upsed by the school closures or anything for that matter. imagine if they did anything close to this. would abc's tweet read like this one from last night that protesters in california set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station, and assaulted officers after a peaceful demonstration intensified? is that what we are calling it? intensified! and by the way, stop calling them protesters. they are violent revolutionaries
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trying to overthrow our government and in the interim, s they are basically trying to intimidate you the voters to supporterer biden or else. and the more cover they get from democrat elected officials and the media, the more they will fan out across other liberal havens in the united states. and now i'm a one of their favorite unlawful tactics is to block federal interstates or other major thoroughfares used by law-abiding motorist in order to terrorize those people and then post the video on social media. now, they tried this on the key bridge that connects rosslyn, virginia to georgetown andilfa washington over the weekend where, again, peaceful protesters surrounded a woman's car, blocking herfu from driving through, and then they began hitting it with their hands and other objects. then, they posted this video, this photo of the elderly woman behind the wheel of her car and then showed her license plate. she was terrorized in her car for 45 minutes.
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they did this in aurora, colorado outside of denver when a jeep drove down the highway blocked by more, peaceful protesters.d >> a car just ran through. there were shots. we don't know what kind of shots. >> laura: gunshots were fired, and this is getting completely outrageous, extremely dangerous situation developing. motorists either stop and subject themselves to potentially violent attacks by criminals that are surrounding their vehicle, or they continue driving and then they put lives in danger. so it's like a catch-22 if you are a driver coming into one of the situations. then in austin, texas, the protester gary foster was shot and killed after he approached the driver side of a vehicle
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while he was carrying an ak-47. [gunshots fired] >> laura: now, i want everyone to understand this tonight. democrats are allowing this to happen across america. in fact, i will go further and i will say many green lighting this.s they literally fight harder to keep people from going to church or outside of picnicking than they do do against thisht lawlessness. the only spoken offerly that i think democratsor are making the voters thisst november is the following: vote trump out of office and we will put an end to this. but i'm telling you, if you reward this, you were going to get a lot more, not a lot less of this. and going forward, it is going to get more violent and the
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intimidation, that would just metastasize and consume the entire country. it will continue until democrats feel that it is hurting them politically. by the way, where is joe biden? why doesn't he have the decency or frankly the presence of mind to speak against this and forcefully day after day? why hasn't he told us what he would do to stop the ongoing destruction of public propertycy and the endangering of lives? remember, joe, silence is violence, right? the democrats are working in lockstep with each other the politicians. after a city like seattle lost hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and countless jobs due to violence, they still don't care. seattle dismantled that chop zone, remember last month? this past weekend the chaos returned. so of course, this ignorant fool of a mayor jenny durkan blamed trump. the president's actions clearly have escalated things in seattle and across the country. i was just talking to a number of mayors throughout the country
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who saw a similar thing that people wanting to act out against the president and hiss administration coming to the streets. >> laura: wait, what are you talking about? they were smashing the windows of liberal starbucks. i mean, are there actual voters who are actually buying what mayors like durkan are saying? >> we had a number of peaceful protesters and what we have seen is every time this president promises to so division, he is successful at it. i hate to say it, aaron, i believe we are seeing a dry run for martial law. >> laura: [laughter]nd again, all out of the playbook. her own police force declaredd seattle a riot over the weekend. and she still is calling it a peaceful protest? now donald trump knows that no u.s. president should sit idly by and allow this destruction to continue. he knows that we need to support state and local law and federal, by the way, federal officers and prosecute these domestic
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terrorists or these criminals ue to happen?going we will get this every election season. in fact, just minutes before the show started, the doj announced 22 rioters were arrested, and that they face federal charges for their roles in setting fire to thehe courthouse in portland. that is good news. and i have to say, there are some signs that the country have had about enough of these broken stock bolsheviks. they are hurting the people they claim to care so much about, trashing businesses and private property. b >> 45 years i've been black. this is a "black lives matter" them i'm not waiting. >> laura: they trashed her car. the only mode of transportation. i'm sorry, but the claim that somehow the president by stepping in is trying to stir the pot is a flat out lie. l you are better than being lied to. don't accept this. it would be far easier and
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perhaps less politically riskyti to let portland burn. they want to burn, burn. but to do so would violate the presidential oath of office and trump was not going to do that. the democrats have made a calculated decision to form common cause with these modern-day maoists. t they want one party rules just like they have in california except even further to the left of california. they want monopoly power that lasts for decades. and you will pay the price. so the question is, what are we, the people, going to do about it? how long do you intend to be silent? whether you are a native born american or an immigrant, yous, don't work as hard as you work to have your businesses burn down, to have your kids feel unsafe, or to be threatened because you refused to cite the latest radical slogan of the day or have your car surrounded by antifa or other radicals because you had the nerve to try to drive home, or heaven forbid, to
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the store to get something. it is time to punish the lawbreakers and punish the politicians at the ballot box who are letting this unrest worsen night after night after night. only then will it end. and that is "the angle." portland, oregon, again it looks like war in a war zone most nights. what is it like for someone who lives and works there? we decided to go to james louie, a co-owner of the iconic huber's cafe, james, you are about five blocks away or so from the heart of where the riots have been. how destructive have they been to downtown portland, which is a beautiful city, by the way and then your business specifically? >> well, it looks like a ghetto with all the graffiti, all the stuff boarded up. it is not the cityty that i have come to know and love.
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i have lived here all of my life, and it is kind of tragic that it's been kind of torn up and destroyed the way it has been. >> laura: james, here is what one blm actress said about the actions which some say are protesting, watch. >> if they just leave the folks alone and allow them to protest, there will be no violence, right? there is no reason for the police to engage with individuals doing the protest. just leave them alone and allowb them and their voices to be raised.e >> laura: james, this is your home and would you be comfortable if enforcement basically let the rioters have their space and time andce sidewalks and buildings or wherever they wanted?
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>> well, i think mainstream americans who live here in portland, they would like the police to be a little bit more assertive. people who live in downtown portland, they are frustrated by the constant noise at night and the teargas. yeah, it's not a pretty sight. >> laura: james, i'm going to say to you, and i know like a lot of business owners are afraid. i get it. it is scary. but there is strength in numbers. and you have a lot of friends thealso owned businesses inlo area. you all have to stand up. you will have to former common cause against this lawlessness. this is not political. this is about safety and security in the right to earn a living. and you worked hard for your business. you work hard every day.
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all your employees, everyone else, you need to have your space. so i hope you all can stand up and demand accountability for these politicians who won't get it done. and i hope you end up thriving after this because this cannot go on, james. >> absolutely, thank you very much, laura. >> laura: all right, james, you take care and we will follow up. one thing to be safe, it is not a ridiculous demand. and it shouldn't be political, any of it. but that is exactly what the left is doing, and the democrats know it. they think they can ride this chaos all the way to election. despite the shootings, fires, looting, they just don't want federal agents in their cities because they know it will get better. >> the rhetoric, take these people out of our city. they are not helping us. they are hurting us. they are escalating an already dangerous situation. what we are seeing is a blatant abuse of government by trump administration that is falling in the polls.
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>> laura: joining me now is victor davis hanson, fellow hoover institution. victor, it is very clear that these blue state mayors, governors, elected officials are all in cahoots with each other. they are all reading from the same script.t. it is trump's fault. it is the federal agents fault. it is not the localth and state officials faults. >> yeah, you can see it with the protesters, laura when they take down frederick douglass' statue or ulysses grant. they don't say they want and al gore statue ends there instead.ou when they get rid of a name of the school, they don't say we want this instead. they have very few demands rather than defining the police. that is not their purpose. the arm wing of the democratic party could use that term and they are saying to the democrat partners, we give you chaos, we give you anarchy, and we will make life miserable for the average american, at least psychologically on top of the virus, the lockdown, the recession. we will make it miserable.
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and then we will give you the lever. you can say, we can make it all go away if you just vote for us. and in exchange, antifa and blm save the democratic party. now we owned you withhe this bargain. so when you come to power, this is what we want. all of those issues that fail to resignation and the primary. you remember them for new green deal, reparations, out of care for everyone, now, that is what you will give us in return. see you are right, that is why they change the language and violence, it is peaceful, summer of love. they were in a partnershipe quid pro quo between the street and the democratic party. the democratic party says to themselves, these guys will be out on the street and they can do with that phony steele dossier did not do. they can do what robert mueller and robert mueller could not do appear they could do what we could not do with impeachment and they can get rid of donald trump. >> laura: victor, do you think this may be a turning point for
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trump and the trump campaign? i'm just getting, i'm getting a sense, i don't know if it is accurate, but the fact that this has now gotten to a point where people outside of these five block radius are getting worried. i'm hearing it in conversations, the grocery stores, your thoughts there. >> i think you are absolutely right. i think last week, trump tried to have one-on-one discussions with people. he's brought in more advisors. he understands the stakes now. it's not about trump. it's not about you and be but it's about the country. an existential attempt to really have a slow motion coup, to remove from power in everything he represents. he understands that i think. you know, long time 99 days has a long time. we know there is a lot of known unknowns. we don't know where this wild torpedo with a virus will be in november. we don't know where the lockdown status will be. we don't know what the economy
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will be. we don't know what john durham is going to do. we don't know what joe biden is going to do if he has to comeil out and actually go on the campaign trail. we don't know that significance of the ramification of vice presidential pick. all of those are unknown right now, but we know they are coming. so things can radically change. i can remember when you know, mike dukakis was cruising in september with a ten-point lead and all of a sudden wham, wham, wham, he didn't do well in his campaign, his ads and the next thing you know, he was not the confident miracle worker from massachusetts. he was a f. we have a long way to go. the democrats have got on the back of a tiger and they think they can ride it for their i'm not sure they can. these people are capable of anything anytime, anywhere. >> laura: imagine if they have the justice department to terrorize people. now, they have people at a bridge stopping cars and throwing, you know, roman candles shooting them at federal officials. e.e imagine when they have the l
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force of the justice department to harass every american who doesn't go along with their nonsense. that is what people have to start thinking about. victor, it's always great to see you. thank you so much tonight. and as violence continues to rock chicago, i have a question, where is al sharpton? where is blm? powerful pairing, the head of fraternal order of police and southside pastor, our friend corey brooks, stay there. ♪ti order of
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♪ >> you can't just allow anyone to come into chicago, lay police in the streets in the neighborhoods when they don't know the first thing about our city. >> laura: now, while chicago mayor lori lightfoot placed politics, crime is totally out of control inner city. it was another violent weekend.. 59 people shot, three fatally by by gun violence. and today, a 10-month-old was shot and critically wanted. chicago times, at least 40y. children under the age of 18 have died in chicago from gun violence since june 20th. the murder rateun overall is a shocking 190%. just over the last 28 days. remember that funeral that was shot up last week? we covered at live on the show. well, an arrest was made ofce a
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18-year-old high school senior. he is a reputed traveling vice board member and a violence into district of the west side. and several shootings and homicides in the communities in the last year alone. authorities also noted he was a youtube rapperas who posed multiple videos of firearms narcotics and street gang activity. youtube keeps its deals up pastor corey brooks of new beginnings church in chicago, president of the chicago fraternal order of police, pastor brooks, let's start with you. i have a question for you, this has been a horrifically violent time in chicago the last month or so. have you heard from al sharpton? where are the leaders of black lives matter? it seems they care about other narratives other than actual lives. >> unfortunately, we haven't heard from many of those
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individuals, but thankfully we have organizations like project hood willing to do the work and step in on the things others are not doing. that is the reason in our area murders and shootings are going up all across chicago. the area where we work and minister to are going down, and that is because we are not waiting on al sharpton or black lives matter or anyone else to do the work that we are doing the work ourselves and i'm really proud of that. >> laura: john, the defund the police effort is picking up across the country.ot a it's not slowing down, and you have mayors like lightfoot seeking to blame shift to president trump or to making the arguments that we will get into a moment about that the guns actually being used in the city. as you see it now, what is the lay of the land in chicago? who is to blame? >> it certainly seems like she's making a concerned effort to blame everything on the federal government and president trump.
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she is somewhat of a national celebrity when she can't even take care of her own backyard, which is pretty inexcusable because that is your first duty. i don't knowve what she's thinking, clearly, it's not the guns. there are people, like i said, well over 5,000 guns confiscated this year.s that means an awful lot of arrests and repeat offenders who are back on the street in a very short time, lookingpl for anothr gun, looking for another person to rob, another person to shoot period. nobody ever wants -- and they keep acting like martians are coming down from outer space to create these crimes. it is ridiculous. now, they want to make it sound and i don't know if you know does the language they use, repeat offender, investigatord and multiple shootings, refer to multiple incidents, like he is the cause of all the problems and violence in chicago. they will try to pin on one person and are not saying he's not, but it's more than one shooter, i can assure you that. >> laura: that is a fair point and i haven't thought of that so excellent point. pastor brooks, there is a lot of
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discussion about the need for investment in communities that had a tough time to say the least. p "chicago tribune" reported that disinvestment and black latino chicago neighborhoods is rooted in policy. is that policy, pastor brooks, or is this just making a decision that can't risk the violence, and they can't make the money as long as there is no security or safety? >> well, i read an article with the mayor conservative, and i talk about both of those issueso i think it is both. i think there are policies that keep people, corporations from investing in communities liketa the one i live in. i also think that corporations are making wise decisions. it is hard to make investments in areas where the crime is high, where your interest will be high, the property taxes will be high, things will be higher. it is very difficult. in our neighborhood, we saw walgreens pull out, we saw mcdonald's pull out, and it is because whenate these individuals pull out, it gives individuals not to be able
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to make a living to take care of their families.s, thus, turning to violence, those turning to crime and keeping the cycle of violence going over and over. my goal is that corporations will see the need to invest in other things like "black lives matter" and see the communities working like ours where they need to make investments and get people up and working and taking care of their families. those are the type of things that need to happen in communities that we have. >> laura: i think that people are going to go think they can make money. businesses aren't charities. they have to make money. a lot of these radicals don't get the idea of the free market, they don't believe in it, but they won't go away. and if they think people can walk through the front door, take merchandise, and not get prosecuted no matter where they come from, ethnicity, background, the law is the law, john. and i think businesses are seeing this happen to their
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chains. target says it's not going to be open on thanksgiving, and i guess they are focused on covid sales which does not bother me. i hate being open on thanksgiving, but you get the sense that these businesses are making calculations. can they survive and thrive in an area where there is no safety? >> well, it is like the old argument,ti which came first, te chicken or the egg? we can talk about this investment and obviously businesses leaving and the reasons why safety issues, obviously, profit margins, et cetera. but it all goes back to a simple, basic, you know, mind-set of law and order. civilized society has law and order. until we restore law and order and consequences, it's not just the businesses that will go away. civilized society is going away day by day byso day. i think it is almost partly by design because law and order is on onees side of the pendulum ad they push the pendulum so far the other way that when it does start to swing back a little bit, close enough will be good enough. but you won't even recognize the
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world that we live in at that point. it will be nothing like the old one. >> laura: gentlemen, both of you will appreciate it. we want to get back to chicago, pastor brooks, and john as well, thank youed so much. and hollywood's biggest stars came out to support biden and hello, barbra streisand takes on the president. you won't believe what she said. raymond arroyo has all the details and "seen and unseen" next. ♪ guys, it's that time... and nothin's happenin'.
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well now there's score!, from force factor, to rev your libido and maximize physical response. it's no wonder force factor is the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand at walmart. unleash your potential in the bedroom with score!. ♪ >> laura: it is time for our "seen and unseen" segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. joining us now with all the details raymond arroyo fox news contributor. all right, ray, the star-studded fund-raiser, can't believe i didn't have the link to go in virtually. joe biden was being vetted to commit was called celebration for a change.
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didn't we hear that before? >> it was indeed but i think a fund-raiser hope for change was out of the question so they settle for this. it was hosted by jay leno. the virtual event featured hillary clinton and a whole performances by john legend, broadway singers, and this telling number five broadway's christian chenowith. listen. ♪ >> who could ever be more popular, laura? nothing says entertain me like broadway davis screaming in her kitchen. but even she knows biden is in lockdown and this basic routine cannot continue.po then the climax of the evening, laura, came and i know you are sorry you missed this, a political speech courtesy of barbra streisand. i guess she's not on the road so she has to do this. and although she hasn't done a
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movie since "guilt trip" since 2016 this was lit like a feature film with a performance tori match. >> i don't know whether to laugh or cry at trump's blatant. let's face it, trump is unfit until he and moral late to hold this distinguish office. joe biden isle a decent, ethical man with an open mind and an open heart. >> i'm not sure if barbra streisand is the best spokesperson to condemn blatant narcissism, laura. but as far as biden's open mind, perhaps a little too open. >> all men and women create a bike, you know the saying. poor kids are just as bright and talented as whitee kids.
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>> that turn, that turn, blonde in the sun. and the kid used to reach and pull and rub my leg down. [laughter] >> laura: wait a second, i still can't believe barbra streisand. because what was this movie, that really great when she was and with the mirror with two faces? was that -- >> yes, the mayor that has two faces. >> laura: was that right? that was a classic. >> laura: are you trying to debate me to tell that line? the mirror has two bases and both of them ugly. ass cruel, cruel line from john. >> laura: that was cool but she was a political stage. she has done her farewell tour. i thought she retired, but then okay, it's like cher. all right, raymond, one of when streisand said this about thehe
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rioters in portland and seattle. >> a few weeks ago trump called out the troops against peaceful protesters. that is what cowards do when they are scared. >> now, does this look peaceful to you, laura? is this the decent ethical behavior that streisand wants to see across america? i doubt many people will find this funny, lady. >> laura: i have a feeling they didn't see the way they were. their favorite film. maybe the way they were, that will be america the way they were. >> these pictures are not the ones americans want to see. >> laura: every song, go ahead. >> we have to keep going. joe was a no-show at this event. it raised $800,000. let's hope he makes thisse next event. the university of notre dame announced today they will not be hosting the first presidential debate on september 29th only to covert restrictions. but it has been rescheduled, the cleveland clinic and the
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university will host that debate in cleveland instead to start off the debate season. he always had this would never happen, laura. >> laura: wait a second, is that a joke, the cleveland clinic? is that because there is no episode, you can get joe to the god bless him? if there is an issue with sort cognition?c okay, all right, notre dame, what is it? we have to go to the university of alabama. it is ridiculous. >> it is a brilliant move by the trump campaign to keep the covid down because whom or do you trust in the cleveland clinic? speaking of notre dame notre dame, iconic in a notre dame grad will be buried at the university, he was 88, passed away this past week and a real throwback to the last generation. a television icon and he worked with joey bishop a member of the rat pack and pioneered a great morning television with kathy gifford appeared explosive fun. i always say he was the improv catholic version of enthusiasm. he made annoyance and art form. i love and he inspired both of
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us on our show. >> laura: he was one-of-a-kind. that is such a cliche, but he will be missed. what an amazing career and an amazing man, raymond, that is a nice thing to end on after your cruel remarks.of that is horrible. >> you baited me into it and look, there is a great video of regis and trump singing together. i put on twitter. people should go see that. >> laura: oh, good, that will make me smile, raymond, think as much. pretty remarkable numbers on alex berenson is here to tell us what they are, what is flattening, and what should give your real hope tonight. isn't it about time?ty that is next. ♪ ng, and what should give is dr. harold katz.
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he used to worry about how to fix the world's oral health problems. - i think i've got it. - [narrator] then he invented therabreath formulas. - you want fresh breath? i'll give you a fresh breath. - [narrator] for fresh breath, healthy gums, dry mouth, and healthy smiles. - whoa, that's fresh. - [narrator] now, the world's mouths have never been healthier. (sighs contentedly) - works for 24 hours, i guarantee it. therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. - [narrator] available at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ >> laura: a lot has been made about the searching cases over the past few weeks in arizona, texas, and florida. of course, we are talking about the coronavirus. so we want to take a look at the most recent headlines coming out of all those dates. a in arizona, deaths has never been as bad as the worst days in the northeast. they peaked at 90, but they have fallen like a rock as of late. the previous three days saw three, two and 11th avenue spirit now the arizona department of health, the
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website says they were negative one death in the state today noting a mislabeled death. on two texas, medical center system has seen a drop in new hospitalizations every day now for the last two weeks. in florida, but they still have a large number of new cases each day, but today, they were below 9,000 for the first time in nearly three weeks. the number of new cases has been on a steady decline since reaching its peak on july 17th. here and i was someone who has been providing some context for these numbers from the start, alex berenson author of "unreported truth about covid-19 and locked down." alex, you made an observation today that ties into the violence we were talking about the first block of the show. tell us about that 35 and younger stacked.
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>> sure, so you know the united states, and i don't need to tell you where the viewers have seen an increase in violence in the last couple of months. and you know most people who were killed by homicide are under the age of 35. a young crime and most victims aare young. and so if you look, it looks like it will be somewhere between 1700-2000 additional homicides, additional murders people under 35 this year if trends continue, which would be a huge increase. really unprecedented increase. you have tooe go back 50 years o look at year-over-year increase to even get close to 20% national increase in homicides, which appears to be where we are heading. if you look at total coronavirus tests and that age group and because coronavirus is so heavily towards people who are older, it looks like it would actually be fewer coronavirus deaths in people over 35 on that increase.
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i don't mean total homicides because it is likely there will be more than 10,000 homicides in people under 35. i mean simply the increase in deaths this year compared to last. we are not at the end of the year. we can't say this for certain yet, but it certainly looks that way.e that was striking to me because we know that lockdowns, they have caused lots of problems. they have increased people to use drugs and increased debt by overdose. but the fact that homicides alone might kill more people, additionally this year than coronavirus is very striking to me. >> laura: alex, also cnn and others have been going wild over this. and we predicted this would happen, especially if the economy was really improving. 150 so-called experts, medical experts, are demanding that the united states shut down now. shut it down down and start over.. nonessential businesses should be closed. people should stay home. going out to get food and medicine and exercise and fresh air. it should be mandatory, masks s indoors and outdoors and we interact with others are
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nonessential interstate travel. alex an enormous amount of pain has been caused by the shutdowns and even in places like germany where they did shut down and really shut down. they are still seeing upticks. this has gone far enough and do they really think --es >> i have no idea what these people arehu talking about. first of all, the united states 300 million people and you can get 150 people to sign anything. 150 people to sign something saying the u.s. should be released from area 51 tomorrow. we would probably get more than 150. let's talk seriously about this. what was the point of the lockdown initially? it was not thatleng nobody shoud ever get sick and die from opcoronavirus ever again. it was we will flatten the curve. okay, what has happened the last month, even as we have seen this large increase in positive tests, which youyy know,
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complicated case is where most people are not clinically significant. we have seen some deaths, many fewer deaths in the last month in march and april in new york and the northeast. we have seen no hospital overrun, no evidence of that, you know, that the system, theee medical system cannot -- >> laura: we flattened the curve, alex, we have to go, but we flattened the curve, that is what you are saying, and yet, they move the goalpost because they want to shut the economy down. >> they are blowing up the stadium. honestly, i don't know. >> laura: we have to go. we have to go to commercial break, but alex, thank you. sorry i had to do that. a response of black lives matter murals showing up in cities next. plus fully empty your bladder and promote a normal prostate size. don't settle. choose force factor prostate, from the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand at walmart.
12:00 am
the streets yellow with the black lies matter slogan. we show the same support for this? baby lives matter? a slogan painted outside a planned parenthood clinic in the heart of the district. for some reason i doubt it. i hope we see more of it. shannon bream in the fox news at night team take it from here. jillian: we begin with a fox news alert, joe biden going after donald trump with a race to create a coronavirus vaccine attacking the president biden saying it doesn't stand for science, transparency or fairness. the former vice president also laying out a list of his demands for vaccine development, politicizing the search for a vaccine talking to mark siegel next. democrats say they are
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