tv Hannity FOX News July 28, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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which you probably read which affirms why this is right, and why it's critical for our society. >> i hope our viewers would read it. you're a brave man, pastor macarthur. i appreciate you coming on tonight. godspeed. we are out of time. sean hannity right now. when met godspeed to you too. buckle up. welcome to hannity. now just 98 days until the biggest choice election in our lifetime, a new extreme rage filled socialist and lawless democratic party is more destructive, more delusional, and more disconnected from reality than ever before trade also breaking only moments ago, the ap has captured joe biden's notes from earlier today. it might've just revealed who his pick for vp is, or is it a head fake? my take coming up tonight. but first, we witnessed yet another jerry nadler capitol hill circus. was a complete embodiment of hatred, rage, anti-trump
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psychosis that is totally consumed this new radical extreme democratic socialist party. here's a small sample of how he ran today's so-called hearing. take a look. >> mr. chairman, could we take a five minute break? >> no. >> that the common courtesy of every witness. i waited an hour for you this morning. i like to take a five-minute break. >> mr. attorney general, we are almost finished. we are going to be finished in a few minutes. we can certainly take a break. >> a real class act. >> sean: moore of nadler's bizarre moments just ahead. of course, this was nothing more than a failed attempt to create what is endless hours of phony left-wing attack ads for the 2020 election all to help the out of it and corrupt joe biden.
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seeing him expose these far left lunatics for what they are, a group of blind partisans committed to smearing anyone aligned with president trump. they are committed to repeating the same talking points, spewing the same lies, the same conspiracy theories, glorifying the same violent rioting taking place in all of their democratic run cities all across the country where they don't even want you to believe what you see on tv. let me be very clear to all of you tonight with just 98 days until you are the ultimate jury on election day, the violence that we see on city streets is just a preview of coming attractions. what is coming to your front door, joe biden and his supporters get their way and follow up on their stated agenda and 98 days. to implement his agenda, democrats have made clear today and know this, joe biden is nothing but a shell of his former self. that's just a fact. bolshevik bernie's economic
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agenda, has committed trillions of taxpayer dollars to the insane green new deal, beto o'rourke will be biden's gun confiscation czar anna pelosi, schumer and biden will push this radicalism through congress. but thankfully, the attorney general bill barr put out an absolute clinic in front of the house judiciary committee when they allowed him to speak and piece by piece, he dismantled the democrats false narrative that these so-called protests are mostly peaceful. he made it clear he will do everything in his power as attorney general to protect federal property and restore the rule of law. to keep people safe and secure. here's a small sample, take a look. >> since when is it okay to try to burn down a federal court? if someone went down the street to the court here, that beautiful courthouse we have at the bottom of the hill and started breaking windows and firing industrial grade
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fireworks and throw kerosene balloons in and start fires in the court, is that okay? is that okay now? i don't think it was that the park police were preparing to clear the street and could they move the street. >> are you aware that the archbishop of washington and the presiding bishop of the episcopal church nationally along with the catholic bishop archdiocese of washington all denounced this police assault on the civil rights and civil liberties of the people? >> that they do that before or after the fireworks? >> sean: remembered nadler just days ago claimed the violence is one big myth, today democrats fielding the same lies because rather than confront truth and facts and reality, they repeated the same fail talking points. they all sound alike. the same unhinged rants about federal agents attacking peaceful protesters, a complete fabrication and live. 100 agents could have possibly
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restore order. these democratic mayors and governors keep rejecting the president's offer to do so. when that didn't work, they just repeated and retreated to literally preventing the attorney general for ever even speaking. not only rude, but just evidence of how disgustingly repulsive they have all become. take a look. >> first, i'd like to respond. >> would you please answer my question? my time is limited. >> i did not ask you a question yet, sir. please refrain from interrupting me. >> shame on you, mr. barr. >> i have a short time. you are not taking down public health. we are making the narrow. >> the gentleman's time has expired. >> will you restore my time because the witnesses speaking over may? >> i want to respect you, but i have a short time. >> when people resent
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law enforcement, they're not peaceful. >> reclaiming my time, surprised at your lack of respect. >> this is a hearing. i thought i was the one that was supposed to be heard. at one amid all the political theater and a campaign biden ad the entire day today, house republicans did fire back, exposed us all for what it is, another pointless political stunt. congressman matt gaetz, doug collins will be here with more straight ahead. let me be clear, these democrats have a blind rage towards the attorney general for two reaso reasons. he is actually taking action to restore law and order and actually taking action to protect federal property and bring left-wing lawlessness to justice. and secondly, he's doing his job and that is exposing the truth and that is the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in american history and they know it and he has committed to holding those that abused power that are corrupt accountable. which means the obama-biden deep state cabal that used a
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fake dossier to spy on team trump are all in trouble if they get to the truth, which we are getting to you. and no one laid it out better today than congressman jim jordan of ohio. let's look at this. >> spying, that one word. that's why there after you, mr. attorney general. had the courage to do what no one else would do at the justice department. sally yates wouldn't call it spying. jeff sessions wouldn't do it, rod rosenstein wouldn't do it. chris wray sure as heck isn't going to do it. so i want to thank you for having the courage to call it what it was, spying. i want to thank you for defending law enforcement, for pointing out what a crazy idea this policy, whatever you want to call it, it is. >> sean: like i've been saying, law and order is on the ballot in just 98 days. is important to understand just what that means. means pursuing equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws whether it's inside the washington swamp and
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deep state or major liberal cities where they have surrender to anarchy and lawlessness because you cannot have peace and prosperity, cannot pursue happiness without law and order. you need all of those things is a prerequisite. and you can't have a free and fair democracy, we are democratic republic, without law and order. the congressional democrats, left-wing mayors and governors are still denying fundamental basic truths, denying what their own eyes show them. look at the failed summer of love mayor jimm jenny durkin in seattle saying doing a dress rehearsal for martial law. just another conspiracy theory hoax and another lie. take a look. >> this is not a republican or democrat issue. this is about america and the proper role of law enforcement that i hate to say it, but it looks like this president is doing a dress rehearsal for martial law.
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ascending and federal forces to take over police duties in city after city for political purposes. is frightening, and it's making things worse. has not improved public safety, it has decreased public safety. >> sean: guess what? people died in your summary of love spaghetti potluck dinner chop autonomous zone. you didn't stop it. another sick conspiracy theory. this is now literally a fight for the survival of this great country and the contrast could not be any more clear between the president's law and order agenda, the radicalism that barely there joe biden has no aligned himself with, and her agenda is now the biden agenda, the burning agenda is now the biden agenda, that's also the biden agenda. there has never been in the history of this country a candidate with a more radical platform running for president on a major political ticket than
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joe biden. and by the way, it's white and 98 days or maybe early voting or may be absentee voting, your vote will matter. we have a interactive map, just information that you can be informed about if it's early in your state. the message you send will matter to our kids and grandkids. joe biden and the stated agenda and his supporters get their way, the key principles that made this country great, principles that many of us take for granted like free-market capitalism, freedom of expression, equal justice and application of our laws, constitutional justice will all be in jeopardy. here was a reaction republican congressman matt gaetz, georgia congressman doug collins. it's just one big campaign commercial. that's all this was today. it was the 2020 version. >> house democrats have impeachment stuck on repeat.
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they're actually trying to lay the foundation to impeach bill barr, but the attorney general was fantastic today. he was so good, united states military might have to consider naming our next weapon system after it like a tank or a minesweeper or something like that. but the attorney general didn't just bring the truth, he brought a warning today that this violence is organized, and it will spread. in donald trump and bill barr's of america, you're going to be able to call the police. and joe biden's america, you can just call the political correctness police because that will be the only group that they haven't defunded but the attorney general laid out the case for law and order and made the case that if we do not stop this in portland, it will be visited on the rest of america. >> sean: have you ever thought of being the talk show host? that is a pretty good off-the-cuff monologue. the major talking point, bill barr, you're actually protecting federal property at the orders of donald trump to impact the election and the
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reason that john durham is exposing all the things that were articulated by you guys and others today is just had never happened, abuse of power, corruption, premeditated fraud, where should interference, dirty dossier, and i couldn't go one. >> remember, this is the world we live in right now. the problem they have with bill barr is he holds the candle. they've been having smoke and mirrors for the last two and a half years and going back to 2016 when they didn't want to find out they were trying to do everything they could to keep president trump from being president. so here comes bill barr who tells the truth and tells it like it is and doesn't care about what the democrats think. he's unplugging the smoke machine and they are sitting there with no clothes on because they have no agenda except to attack this president and to blame the american people or to blame this president or protecting the american people. they are on a mission to put joe biden into destroying what president trump has built. make no mistake, the reason they're trying to tear down this
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attorney general is because he exposed them for who they really were and they were stuck on the cycle of wash, rinse, repeat. bill barr kurt sell pulled the covers down today. >> sean: both of you did a phenomenal job, congressman collins, congressman matt gaetz. outright lies being spread about law enforcement. 99% that literally protect and serve their communities all across this country, so many now injured, some dead, literally the devastating real-world consequences because we are now learning that some federal officers are facing permanent blindness following attacks, lasers in portland. here's the attorney general talking about the brave men and women that protect and serve that biden has never said a single good word about except they become the enemy. take a look. >> the fact of the matter is if you take portland, portland the
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courthouse is under attack. the federal resources are inside the perimeter around the courthouse defending it from almost two months of daily attacks where people march to the court, try to gain entrance, and except fires, throwing things, used explosives, and injured police including just this past weekend perhaps permanently blinding three federal officers with lasers. >> sean: binding law enforcement officers. think about that. look at this disturbing new video from "the daily caller" tonight showing demonstrators laughing about anti-cop violence. ask yourself, do you find this funny? >> what would you think if that did blow up around the cops? what if one of the cops died? >> is one of them cops got killed, good. >> sean: is one of those cops got killed, good. that's the country we want? and that's not all. at least 59 officers injured in
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weekend unrest in seattle alone. almost 2,000 officers injured since all of this anarchy began intimate on this show, we have shown you attack after attack against law enforcement in city after city, state after state, even in new york city. it's out of control. 300 nypd officer vehicles have now been vandalized since george floyd's death on may 25th along with numerous attacks on officers, also murders of 24% year to date, shooting incidents up 69%, shooting victims up 78%, and it gets worse. "the new york post" today reporting on a stretch, midtown manhattan, where fox news is being turned into a zone to shoot heroin. sounds like nancy pelosi san francisco a mile from her house. unfortunately, it's all the sort of trend that we are seeing from coast to coast. here with reaction, department of justice spokeswoman is with us.
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there is no you where behind the attorney general all day. i have nothing to say except i've never seen such blatant denial of truth, one, incredible rudeness, 2, and it was an all-day campaign commercial for joe biden. that's all this was, to lecture and shut down the attorney general of the united states. >> i think we all would like to reclaim this day to borrow a phrase from the democrats today. but look, i think at the end of the day, this is really a lost opportunity for the american people. there are many americans who want to know more about why the attorney general has made certain decisions that he is made and taken some of the actions that he's taken, and the attorney general was prepared to answer those questions today. he's been preparing for weeks, but instead, the democrats as you stated earlier when asking questions would refuse to let him answer those questions.
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the only conclusion that i can draw at least from that and perhaps maybe they realize there is no there, there are no buried bodies, there aren't any scandals like the ones that the media has been drumming out for some time, and the second thing i found particularly ironic about this hearing was the fact that the democrats were hurling their usual allegations at the attorney general insisting that he was helping president trump in helping president trump's friends when in fact the only political pressure that i saw today was that from the democrats towards the attorney general as they berated him for not going harsher on roger stone, a first-time nonviolent offenders which as we saw when the attorney general made the recommendation that he did, the judge in that case was no friend of this administration ultimately agreed with the ag. so if we are going to talk about political pressure, and that's at. >> sean: so now the question
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is, where is the durham report? i don't think you're going to be able to give me an answer. took forever to get the horowitz report. we saw other people predawn raids, 29 guys, tactical gear, metaphor, roger stone, even cnn cameras in the stone case, process crimes, but michael horowitz's report talked about the same issues and referrals were made regarding james comey and mccabe and others and that we have a long laundry wrist of these guys making a lot of money being contributors. when do we get the durham report? i think if we are going to have an election, don't we need to get to the bottom of what happened in 2016? >> because the durham investigation as a criminal investigation, there's not much i can psyche about it. as the attorney general stated today, covid did slow down the progress to some extent because
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the courts were closed or significantly delayed during covid. i can tell you this, john durham and his team continue to work diligently and there is no one who was more committed to getting to the bottom of what happened to president trump as a candidate and as a duly elected president of the united states than attorney general barr. he knows that the president and his family and everyone who is affected by what happened then deserves and needs resolution, he knows the republic needs resolution, and he certainly believes that justice itself deserves resolution, so we will see. >> sean: thank you for joining us. our sympathy to the attorney general. nobody's ever going to want to serve in government after watching what he had to endure today, all politics. also at today's hearing, netty jerry nadler caught again spreading more conspiracy theories about the 2020 election actually claiming the attorney general bill barr, president trump were fueling more violence as a campaign
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strategy. crazy alert. take a look. >> you really can't hide behind legal fiction this time, mr. barr. it's all out in the open where people can see what you are doing for themselves. the president wants footage for his campaign ads, and you appear to be serving it up to him as ordered. in most of these cities, their protests have begun to wind down before you marched in and confronted the protesters. he did it here in washington, you did in lafayette square, you expanded to portland, and now you are projecting fear and violence nationwide. in pursuit of obvious political objectives. shame on you, mr. barr. >> sean: shame on you you liar, conspiracy theorist jerry nadler. here with reaction, former republican congressman trey gowdy. the talking points were all the same, i would call your congressman, but it's an insult at this point after today's show, but i am watching it today, they all regurgitate at
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the same line. you are doing this, there is no violence, that's a lie. do all these over 1500 police officers injured and many more, some blinded now i think we are up to 16 dead, are my eyes deceiving me, trey gowdy? >> of politics is about contrast, we have contrast for november. do you want the anarchy that you see in portland and seattle or do you want a country where everyone is safe and secure? what you also saw today is what a serious grown-up attorney general can do for this country, and it makes me wish and wonder where we would be if he had been the ag from day one. bill barr had been the president's first ag. and as for crazy uncle jerry, now you know why the democrats kept him hidden in the attic during impeachment. they didn't want him anywhere near impeachment and for anyone who wandered by the chairman of judiciary had no role in
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impeachment, today you figured it out. >> sean: you know something? he actually said the idea that this is violence in the cities is a myth. claiming then you have all these liberal democratic mayors that have destroyed their cities both in terms of safety and security, their educational systems are the worst in the world, and they are out there spreading conspiracy theories that 100 federal agents in most cases protecting federal property in federal court houses that somehow they are responsible for the violence for example that has been going on in portland and seattle forever, six straight weeks, almost two months now and portland. not donald trump's fault. they reject his help, but he does have an obligation to protect federal property, and they are doing that job, and they are being injured and blinded as a result. >> it's is number one obligation. the number one obligation of government as public safety. what i wish nadler would do is
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go find all of the homicide victims and their family members in new york. find the parents of that 1-year-old that got killed and tell them the violence is manufactured. go find all the homicide victims in your own backyard and tell them that the violence is manufactured. >> sean: with all we now know in terms of what is out in the public, hillary clinton's espionage act that i believe 18 usc 793, the deleted emails, premeditated fraud on the fisa court, abuse of power, corruption by the seventh floor of the fbi, all the names we've often discussed, do you have trey gowdy any doubt that they abuse their power, that they had premeditated fraud on the fisa court, and that they sought to impact an election and take down a duly elected president? because i have no doubt, and i'm trying to understand why durham
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has taken so long at this point. >> i have no doubt. i would say two things. you mentioned horowitz twice. i hope your viewers are wondering why the chairman of judiciary has never called michael horowitz as a witness. horowitz found misconduct and law enforcement too. it's called the fbi. why has the chairman of judiciary not called michael horowitz for the past year and a half? point number two, i hope john durham issues his report, and i hope it's fair and effect centric but we don't need john durham to know what's on the ballot in november. i don't need john durham to convince me that the fbi didn't meet any of our expectations. >> sean: how do you lie to the court when you were told that the evidence is unverifiable says at the top of the fisa warrant, how do you get away with that? >> i hope you do not. i hope john durham will prove
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that lady justice is blindfolded. let's be patient, justice is slow. >> sean: i think snails are faster. all right, thank you so much. disgraced former fbi agent releasing yet another anti-trump book, they are all cashing in. not the only deep state actor profiting from his abuse of power. up next, did joe biden today accidentally reveal his vp pick? we will show you his notes, and i'll give you my take straight ahead. glad you're with us new one a day natural fruit bites multivitamins are made with farm grown apples as the first ingredient. and key nutrients you want. so you can have a daily multivitamin free of stuff you don't want. one a day natural fruit bites. a new way to multivitamin.
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>> sean: also breaking today, former fbi agent, one of the architects of the russian conspiracy hoax peter strzok announced he would be releasing a new book two months before the election. but he is far from the only deep state actor to profit from what i view as abuse of power and corruption. a former fbi attorney lisa page was hired by msdn see as an analyst and yes, andrew weissmann also hired by ms dnc as a legal analyst wrote a book also set to be released in september. a former obama director of national intelligence clapper hired by fake news cnn published his book in 2018, former cia
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director hired by msdn see, senior of national security, james comey has already written one book apparently now is the inspiration for a miniseries and in the process of writing a second book set to release in january. a former deputy director of the fbi andrew mccabe also hired by fake news cnn as a contributor. they were referrals for lying, crimes that put paul manafort in stone and michael cohen in jail. that's going to publish in 2019. how they've profited from their lies, great piece, and fox news contributor dan bongino. first thing i got up this morning, i read this, i said to text you, show you some of the
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next thing is i said please get me all the information on all the profits that these deep state actors are going to make. >> it's pretty despicable that these disgraced, corrupt, lying people are profiting financially from their pathology of lies. peter strzok is the latest, his book is perversely ironic that i can't think of a more compromised person in america, a guy carrying on an extramarital affair and trading stunningly hostile text messages about the very man he is investigating. andrew mccabe, whose dishonesty was epic fired for lying and not once, but four times. he penned a book called threat. he can't think of a guy who was more of a threat to the fbi than andrew mccabe. and of course, you've got the ever vain glory egocentric james comey who penned a book about lies and lying people. talk about blatant hypocrisy. and now a drama miniseries about
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the ultimate drama queen james comey? all of these guys embrace the mantle of morality and purity in order to cover up their own abuse of power, deceit, and corruption, and americans should reject it. >> sean: dan bongino, the thing that i take away from this, there such an arrogance that you begin to wonder do they just think they're getting away with all of this? my sources have told me, a number of them, that they all have high-powered d.c. attorneys representing them, so they are preparing for the worst but going out and profiting of the most they can from all of this and what we know on the record to me is damning enough to get most if not all of them indicted. >> and the key take away here is they all know each other. that may not seem profound like they worked in d.c., of course they know each other, but they all appeared in the same cases.
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i never would miss anything. i don't care if you call it the deep state, the silly state, whatever you call it, but suggesting to me it doesn't exist after these connections will blow your mind. you can go take a vacation because you're crazy. the same people involved in spygate, the doj official who supervised david loughman was the attorney who sat in when the interview at the primary sub source. he also appears in the brett kavanaugh case. he went to work for adam schiff in the impeachment case. national security staffer, remember him? two of his coworkers there went to go work for who? adam schiff. that same fake whistle-blower met with ukrainian parliamentarian who met with the chill loop a woman who was working the metaphoric case for the democrats. here's one more for you. that same who worked for the doj who worked for john carlin who
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was his chief of staff, hired andy wiseman who worked with obama's lawyer and lisa monica, counterterrorism official. they all know each other. you're telling me of all the lawyers in america, they are all involved in the same three scandals? the deep state doesn't exist, it's all a hoax. no, you're a hoax if you don't believe it. this isn't by chance. >> sean: americans have a right to know what happened in 2016 before they vote and early voting starts in september in some states four years later. one programming note, you see gregg jarrett there, we are going to have a role reversal. he is going to beat me up. i want our special interviewing me about live free or die, and he is already told me i'm putting you on notice, going out you hard. so anyway, i look forward to the role reversal.
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>> i'm interviewing him too. >> it is a wonderful book. >> sean: i appreciate you dear friends. without this ensemble cast, the country wouldn't know any of it. without a small group of congressmen and people dedicated to the truth, none of this would've been revealed. and it's sad that it's taking this long. we deserve to know. when we come back, why does the mob and the media refused to acknowledge any positive news about hydroxychloroquine? a doctor from yale will tell us why that's probably a big mistake. also, fake news cnn could be in trouble again over that case, but the attorney will join us to explain as we continue. glad you're with us tonight here on hannity are you still at risk for a heart attack or stroke? even if you're on a statin? statins may lower some risks, but may not be enough. that's why science delivered vascepa. for people who have persistent cardiovascular risk factors
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>> sean: earlier today, twitter locked out donald trump jr. out of his account where he reposted a story touting the benefits of hydroxychloroquine. i think people should decide themselves they want to believe things are not and hear all sides. some recent studies are showing the positive effects of hydroxychloroquine not reported by the media.
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earlier this month, researchers at henry ford health system found that early administration of hydroxychloroquine makes hospitalized patients substantially less likely to d die. yale epidemiology professor says that hydroxychloroquine could save up to 100,000 lives if used for covid. the mob and the media were endlessly promoting a study turned out not only to be severely flawed. remember this study by the medical journal the lancet back in june? they had to retract that story. that was widely published and found no benefit to the drug. had to retract it all, then they looked at the doctor, i didn't have a particularly good history, even suggested it may increase the risk for death. joining us now, we have the henry ford health center, they said extremely positive, had the journal of internal medicine, same thing, talk to dr. oz at length about that. so the thing that caught my
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attention is this, and that is a guy that has the name daniel wallace is with cedars-sinai medical center in los angeles, 400 peer-reviewed papers, wrote the principal due for textbook, chairman of the lupus foundation, he has now been in 42 years of practice and he wrote on april 6 no patient of mine has ever been hospitalized for hydroxychloroquine complication, then he said directly about the use of it for covid, and again, it's been around 65 years, the risk of taking 400 milligrams of hydroxychloroquine following a single 600 milligrams hydroxychloroquine loading dose with 30 to 60 days, the risk he says is zero, unless you have an allergic rash or an upset stomach. nobody used it for 30 to 60 days, those are his words and i don't think there's a more imminent or qualified person
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then dr. daniel wallace. my question to you is have the media in this country politicized medicine to the point where something that could work, and i'm not a doctor, but i urge people to consult with their doctors and you work with the army you have as dr. oz said, have they done the public a disservice by falsely reporting dangers that don't exist? >> good evening, shawna. i think that is true, but i think the problem proceeds with the media have done. i think the problem is more inherent in the whole medical establishment in the way we report research today and the way studies are carried out. this was actually pretrade the best by the editors a few years ago on "the new england journal of medicine" and the lancet and them medical association who met to complain that they were feeling under pressure by drug companies to run multiple studies through those journals
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to format the studies in such a way that they would get through peer review easily and swap the major medical journals. and they felt that this was the pressure on their journals and on them to be carrying out this policy, and i think that this drug company pressure has pervaded a large amount of the medical establishment and it's very hard to get independent work and independent reviews done today. so i think some of the pressures came from that initially. and in the media picked up on it seeing an opportunity to slant the message the way the media wants to slant. >> sean: doctor, do you believe daniel bough wallace, du agree with him 65-year-old drug, i'm not a doctor, you are. what are your thoughts? >> yes, this drug has been taken more than a billion times, exceedingly safe. a group of cardiologists led by
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peter macola at the baylor heart institute of paper coming out of "the american journal of medicine" talking about how safe it is, how it's used for covid, great paper, instructional for clinicians out there on the front lines as to how to manage covid patients and they are cardiologists. they know what that is. >> sean: dr. rod said to me when you have the intersection of politics and medicine, politics always wins. that's a disservice to the people in this country. thank you, prepare to be attacked as he will be unfortunately. returning to another story tonight, covington catholic high school graduate settled his defamation suit. they falsely portrayed him as the aggressor, none of it was true. media outlets smeared this young man, misreported what actually happened, never even bothered to find the truth. now following the news, he
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tweeted "we have settled with "the washington post," fake news cnn. two down, six to go. over there at fake news cnn, humpty dumpty and the stenographer is now being accused of breaching his network settlement agreement after a retweet regarding the case. here with the is the attorney with us. by the way, full disclosure, his partner lynwood i have recently retained as one of my personal lawyers. i consider you guys the best in the business. tell us about this case in particular. >> thank you for having me on. this case with cnn and the retweet that came out recently talking about the settlement or characterizing the settlement i think was a big mistake on cnn's part. i don't think he should have been commenting on it. i think it showed poor judgment on his behalf to do so. clearly, he doesn't have any ideas what the terms of the settlement are, yet showed some
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poor judgment and commenting on it not knowing what he was talking about. sure. >> sean: didn't mean to interrupt you. i've known him since the rich jewel case. i was in atlanta in that case, one of the few people that didn't rush to judgment, taught me a valuable lesson in my career. i'm honored that he has been able to retain him as my own personal attorney, he is great at what he does, i know one thing about lynwood is instead of saying it's a nominal sum, i don't believe that for a second. i know you can't disclose it, but i know lynwood. he wouldn't settle for a nominal sum ever under any circumstances. do you think i might be in the right, and my over the target? >> as you said, can't really comment and we did agree not to characterize the settlement, but i know he is a fabulous lawyer, and he does great work and it's a pleasure to work with him on these cases.
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>> sean: what they did to this young man, he handled all of this perfectly, is unconscionable. the difference between me and this young man is he's not a public figure. this is more of a slam-dunk case and i believe this kid might even be a billionaire when all is said and done. thank you for standing up. when we come back, had did he accidentally reveal who the vp is going t to be? i love this guy, he cracks me up every day next straight ahead.
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>> sean: joe biden the clueless one and said he will announce his vp pick the first week of august, but look a at this, and ap photographer captured a picture of joe biden's notes. appears he was ready to answer questions from the press about one potential vp running mate, senator kamala harris. he accidentally revealed his pick or is it a head fake? this comes after politico accidentally reported harris and biden's pick before taking down the article which was dated august 1st. here now, the author of terrific brand-new book that launches today, the plus, self help for people who hate self-help. the funniest guy here at the
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channel. the biggest untold story and cable news is how great the five does an greg gutfeld, how are you? congrats on the book. >> i'm doing great. thank you for having me. i love this story. this is the greatest story ever because it shows you how uninvolved joe biden is in his choosing his vp choice. he has as much control over this as i do over my height. he is so out of this picture. i told him the vp was going to be a cactus, he would say i love a good succulent and then try to sniff its prickly limbs. he is so out of it. an open jar of mayonnaise and the sun will have will larger self life than his presidency. is basically the trojan horse with hair plugs. whoever is vp.
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>> sean: i've been the biggest fan of the five from day one. has this all come off the top of your head? people want to know. >> i write almost everything down. it's terrible. look at this stuff. i write stuff down, 90% of it i don't use. i need to have a safety net. i'm a neurotic person which is why i wrote a self-help book. i need self-help. >> sean: i was the incorrigible one as a kid. did not get into anywhere near as much trouble. >> but you figured it out. >> sean: the book is phenomenal. in a drive-by book signing understanding, can find it on
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and the world on the~brink," and we have to take our country back from the left socialist. low shipment bernie, pelosi, schumer, biden and bozo. it is the biggest choice election and it matters, let not your heart be troubled, "the ingraham angle" is nxt, 98 days, laura ingraham. >> laura: whose book? which one is that? >> he's a gun confiscation guide. i have a new name, i will unveil this name, what i do, i will do it exclusively for you, who is mr. potato head? >> laura: the cnn guy. >> sean: that is humpty. >> okay come i have an hour to do. i will never guess the spear that is coming up. i can't wait to do the interview next week. speak to one week from yesterday, i'm preparing. i don't want to get the beat out of me. >> laura: get your legal pads
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