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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 31, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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monitoring these ongoing coronavirus stimulus talks. they are planned for tomorrow morning. we will be live with you at 10:00 a.m. eastern time to get the fallout from it and whether we are any closer to a deal. here comes "the five." ♪ >> juan: hello, everyone. i am juan williams with jesse watters, dana perino, greg gutfeld, and emily compagno. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." a big hour of news coming your way today. president trump in another key swing state. he just wrapped up a meeting with florida police and touted his long order message. the president also expected to give an update on the federal response to the coronavirus in the hurricane that is bearing down on florida. that's all coming up.
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first, the president refusing to back down over his comments about the election and mailing ballots. take a look. >> absentee ballots are actually a very good thing. absentee ballots are secure and very good but universal male and are a disaster. you're going to see an election we are going to see well in the election. nobody wants that date more than me. i wish we'd move it up, move it up. you won't know the results for weeks, months, maybe years. you may be never know the results and that's what i am concerned with. it will be fixed and rigged. governors are going to set out millions of ballots. they don't know where they are sending them. >> juan: dana, i guess everyone is curious as to what his concern is. five states currently allow mail-in voting. no reports of problems. i'm talking about colorado, hawaii, oregon, utah,
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washington. oregon has had five presidential elections with no problems. colorado, they saw a senate seat flit from democrat to republican with mail-in voting. what do you think the president is worried about? why is he sowing this distrust in the election process? >> dana: although states he mentioned and i think washington state in particular has had about five years to get their systems in place when they've worked out a lot of kinks. it wasn't perfect the beginning and i think with the president is saying is we know that because of coronavirus, people are concerned about how they're going to vote. we know that a lot of poll workers that volunteer, they are often senior citizens. they are not necessarily going to want to be out and about. we've already seen the problem with that. fewer polar places and we know people are demanding more mail-in options. the distinction between absentee voting in mail-in voting is that
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with absentee and most states you have two as a citizen asked her ballots. in the mail-in scenario, basically it's like everybody in the whole state gets a ballots. this does happen where you have like ppp loans with the stimulus checks, they end up going to a resident who's no longer living in that particular place. i think it takes a while for some of the states to get these things in place. the secretaries of state across the country are in charge of the elections in their states and they have been working on it the other thing we have to start to finish ourselves to understand is we may not know the voting results on election night. that can work in the president's favor too possibly, right? if you had military ballots coming in from overseas, i would assume you'd want those counted as well. it's a complex problem. we need to figure out a way to all work on this together.
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it's important that we have the vote on november 3rd, count them accurately so everybody can feel they -- that the boat had integrity. >> juan: i agree. i was noticing 70% of americans favor the option of mail-in voting. i recall of president trump voted by mail and then i found out bill barr, vice president pence, press secretary press secretary mcinerney, ivanka trump, melania trump, jared kushner, bill stepian, they all voted by mail in some cases repeatedly. what's the issue? >> jesse: you don't want 140 million people mailing in through the post office their vote for the president of president of the united states, juan. i don't see why you don't understand matt. i'm glad democrats agree that they don't want to delay the election. if you have all mail-in voting, you're going to delay the
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election. it's like tuning into "american idol" tuesday night to see who won and then waiting another three weeks to find out because everybody mailed in their vote. come on. everybody knows what's going to happen. if you get to a point or joe biden on election night comes up a little short, the democrats are mighty say oh, we have all these mail-in ballots that came in a little late. every vote must be counted that then you're going to have stockpiles of ballots democrats are going be counting on or no supervision for weeks and weeks and weeks until they get enough votes so that joe biden wins. these things happen all the ti time. it just happened in paterson, new jersey. they went all mail-in and 10% of the votes were disqualified in critical people were convicted of ballot fraud. juan, i sometimes go to my parents house when they are in
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maine to collect their mail. my mom got her ballots in the mail. i could've filled it out and it in. you trust the american people? seriously. juan, you play golf. i don't know if you play golf. how many times when you played golf in your golf buddy found his ball in the woods. how may times vesey someone parked in handicap spot? we have watched for months people breaking into stores and looting. do you trust the american people not to cheat? i don't. i want to will walk into a polling place, someone looking for i.d. and cross my name off and go in and only the machine and one other person counts my vote that day. that's the only way to do it securely. >> juan: all right. greg. vice president biden, i think they call his sub tweeting. you have to remember i'm an old man, greg. sub tweeting and he said you won't have to worry about my tweets when i'm president.
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it seems to me like he is saying you know, part of the reason to vote for me is no drama, no extraneous distractions from tweets if you elect joe biden. what do you think? >> greg: i want to thank dana for being on the show. she was on her way to a "my little pony" fashion party but she stopped here. biden tweets, you don't have to worry about it. i should talk. i'm wearing a t-shirt. you don't have to worry about his tweets if he's president. he's right. you won't have to worry about it. you will have to worry about whether he's wearing pants to a briefing. i am okay with trump tweeting because the trade-off is better. i would rather have a guy who's on twitter and a guy who's into military intervention all over
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the world. we haven't had a war, nor have we needed to have a war. i like the fact that we have a president with an itchy trigger finger on twitter and not with international conflict. i want to touch on the topic of today which is law and order. we have trump talking about it. i think his stance is working because the biden friendly media has stopped showing videos of chaos and murder. tv don't see the crime and disorder, you will be less seduced by the law and order position. it's not rioting. its performance art. the median strategies to get you to think trump is telling you something you don't need. what he's trying to sell you was protection for your family. >> juan: emily, let's pick up on it. the president was getting endorsements from line order police associations in florida, sheriff's associations.
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the question is, is the strategy working? he's currently trailing in florida and all the swing states. nationally, is this strategy paying off? >> emily: strategies and decisions that have our best interests in mind are two different things and the reason that he has such solid support by law enforcement is as they put it, because they are sick of being used as a punching bag. the media's vilification of quote-unquote conservatives who are calling this violence on the streets all war and downplaying the violence and downplaying the destruction does no one any good. strategy aside. i want to make one point about mail-in voting. as the attorney on the panel, i like it when courts make the decisions for us and settle it once and for all. we know that the u.s. supreme court came out the summer with two rulings, all of the mess coming from texas. there's a whole host of different lawsuits, federal and state, all around the country. as you pointed out, dana did,
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that there is conflicting law whether or not everyone can vote by mail around the country. in texas, the supreme court only denied the fast track and also declined to reinstate the order by a lower federal judge applying that eligibility to everyone at my point is there's a chance it will make its way back up to them at its full court hearing by the time we have the general election. the logistical nightmare is the execution of the whole country participating for the first time in a general election. >> juan: up next, a contentious coronavirus hearing. see the exchange between congressman jim jordan and dr. anthony fauci right here on "the five." as a caricature artist,
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♪ >> emily: top health official testified on capitol hill today. democrats just by trying to get them to criticize president trump's pandemic response but they wouldn't take the bait. this moment from congressman jim jordan and dr. anthony fauci getting a lot of attention. >> i don't judge one crown versus another crowd. when you're in a crowd particularly if you're not wearing a mask, that -- >> it's a simple question, doctor. should we limit the protests? >> i don't know how many times i can answer that. i'm going to tell you. >> you have opined on a lot of things. it directly impacts the spread of the virus and i'm asking your position. >> i said crowds. i didn't say specifically.
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i didn't say protests. >> so the protests didn't increase the spread of the virus? >> i didn't say that. you're putting words in my mouth. >> emily: jesse, i would like to start with you. are we seeing democrats blurring the lines between cheering on his perceived administration's failure and cheering on the virus? >> jesse: i think that's a perception among some people but man, fauci had a tough stretch. the wild first pitch and then getting grilled by jim jordan. i would not want to be getting grilled by jim jordan. that guy is tenacious. i think he proved a pretty solid point that we know fauci is a democrat. we know he's a very smart guyanese doing the best he can. he seems like he's playing favorites. why can't he call in the protest? why rhetorically does he have to make a distinction that it's just a crowd? going to church and protesting is still covered under the
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first amendment. they should be treated equally. he has opined on a number of things. dating. he has opined on sports reopening, schools, travel, businesses. he has done a lot of opining and for them want to opine on black lives matter protests just seems like, i don't know whether he's calling balls and strikes. that's my point. but the fact that fauci is a political pinata at this point makes they feel like things are getting back to normal a little bit. at least we can all hope so. >> emily: [laughs] dana, were you going to say something? >> dana: we started this segment by saying that fauci wouldn't take the democrats' bait to diss the trump administration and in fact praised the trump administration's coronavirus response. but then he doesn't take the bait with jim jordan and then that's not good. i think the point he was making is that he's not taking the
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bait. he's trying to be professional. he knew he was going to get baited into talking about protests and he didn't want to. he was trying to make a distinction about crowds so we could maintain its credibility as a public health person across the board. if i were the republicans, if i have the headline that fauci, redfield, and giroir all praised the trump coronavirus response, i would leave it at that because that would be the headline i would've wanted. that's what the democrats didn't want. the democrats called hearing and they got the headline they didn't want to. i would have left it at that. >> emily: greg, taking that a step further, this would be a solutions focused hearing and as always he devolves into a partisan exercise. is it going to get worse as we head to the general election? >> greg: first i would like to apologize to dana perino for making that "my little pony" reference to her shirt.
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i realize it's more like an advertisement for fruit stripes gum. >> dana: good one. >> greg: that is why i only wear black. fruit stripes is the best gum ever and i don't even know if they make it anymore. all right, focus. talking about solutions and this is the thing i hate about hearings. we've been hearing out right n now. we didn't televise the hearings, what all these people actually get stuff done? what happens is it seems like they are all auditioning to be on a cable talk show. they are like, i am going to really make this guy look stupid and then i'm going to have a really funny joke and remember that woman that came up with that horrible joke about barron trump. she knew she was on tv. so what tv does is it turns into a hyper drama and you don't hear about solutions and i said this yesterday.
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there's a lot of stuff that is staying open. you're talking about places like lowe's and day care centers. why can't we get data on the spread of illnesses from those places and see how effectively they keep people safe, especially day care centers. you don't hear a lot about it. i am really curious. we could get a lot of really innovative ideas and get them out there to the classrooms and that would be a good thing. especially for a kid who likes to wear colorful sweaters. [laughter] >> emily: juan, taking a couple points that dana made, is it possible for democrats to acknowledge where the said nutrition has exceeded their response. for example, we know joe biden came out and talked about things he would do differently in this administration had actually worked on also go of those things. seems to be a disconnect between that acknowledgment and what's coming out of democrats 'heads mouths and what we saw today in
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the hearing. >> juan: i think i must've heard joe biden little differently. i think he was pretty clear on steps he would've taken, including making sure that the hospitals had all the equipment they needed. being much more aggressive about tracing early on and not downplaying the severity of the virus. a think that's what joe biden semantic it's clear that two-thirds of americans now disapprove of president trump handling. the question i think on the table is about protests and fauci. i was thinking about this. what strikes me is that in a state like florida where the president is today, william seen florida set a record in terms of covid deaths. single day record. they didn't have big protests. new york, chicago, l.a., d.c. had big protests. within the 14 day expansive time when people say you're going to
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see an uptick in the virus, it didn't happen. and now we are seeing outbreaks in places where there wasn't a lot of protesting over black lives matter. i think it's kind of old-school at this point saying oh, yeah, the protests were going to be the problem. that hasn't proven to be the problem. that is a fact at this point. >> jesse: can i just say one thing? i want to mention something. if joe biden said he would've gone the ppe to the hospitals faster, was that ppe coming from the stockpile that he left empty with barack obama? was that the ppe that he that go offshore to china and do nothing about? i don't understand how he was going to get that ppe to the hospitals. >> juan: jesse, this reminds me of trump, the trump administration saying that the obama administration left the cupboards bear. there was no report, no plan for dealing and in fact it was right in front of them.
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>> emily: all right, we have to go, you guys unfortunately. juan, remember a whole burst of national guardsmen were infected with the coronavirus. for portland, they are still on day 60 of protesting so i don't think we know quite yet what those ramifications are. moving on, coming up exclusive new documents detailing abuse by ghislaine maxwell. ♪
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bill clinton. virginia says she saw the former president on epstein's island with maxwell and "two young girls. did not accuse him of any wrong doing. spokesperson for clinton says it's a lie and he's never been to the island. before we get to everything we have a fact-check for juan. "usa today," the obama administration depletes the federal stockpile of n95 masks. in fact-check, true. also washington state and oregon -- >> juan: get out of here. >> jesse: i want to ask you about bill clinton. >> juan: wait a second. you say things like that and then you just run on like it's true. you didn't see a spike in the 14 days after the protests and guess what, and guess what. i'm telling you, it's the truth, no spike after those big protests and secondly there was a tremendous preparation by the obama administration made available to the trump
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administration. >> jesse: you are wrong. bill clinton on epstein island allegedly being accused of a sex trafficking victim, being on epstein islands. the second person who fingered him as being there. does it concern you? >> juan: concerned me? i think a lot of people have to answer questions about what happened with jeffrey epstein, including two presidents. in the clinton case, i just recently watched the netflix documentary and they have somebody who was there who says he saw clinton on that island. so i think it's not just clinton. it's not just trump. i think a lot of people including a lot of the law enforcement, the prosecutors in florida, i think they have a lot to answer for. i will say on a positive note that i think that this discovery process and the prosecution is hopefully a step in the
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direction of giving the victims some sense of justice. i think as we get involved with all the gossip about the celebrities and the powerful elite men who avoid justice, we shouldn't lose focus on these young women who were abused. >> jesse: i agree. that's most important thing. greg, what do you think of the revelations? >> greg: first of all, i would like to apologize for saying that dana's sweater look like an ad for fruit stripes gum. it's actually the sweater that marcia brady wore when she ran against re greg brady for studet body president. what's talk about bill clinton. let's stick to the facts. let's stick to the facts, dana and the fact is trump was never on this island so i don't know why juan keeps bringing up trump. that's fine. bill clinton claims he was knocked on the island but his identified as being there and if there's one thing we know about
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bill clinton, he never, ever lies about sex, so i think we can trust him. if you ask bill clinton, is bill clinton guilty, he's going to say depends on what you're defamation of -- it depends on what your definition of "is" is. >> jesse: that is some airtight legal jiu-jitsu. this is the discovery process that's just at the beginning. a lot of redactions in this deposition. what do you make of today's ne news? >> emily: i would like to clarify for viewers of this is discovery and depositions from a 2018 defamation case by virginia giuffre against ghislaine maxwell. she said that ghislaine maxwell, by shaming me in public you have
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defamed me so this is from that. it's not new. it's just new to us. it's also from the investigation by federal investigators in the 2008 results from florida. what we are seeing now is the fruits of the judge in that case saying that it's public interest to see the information. ghislaine's team tried to keep it under wraps. they also are arguing and trying for the release, the public release of all the victims nam names. which should serve no public purpose other for them to continue to continue embarking on this victim shaming ordeal. a lot of it is with the current investigation that resulted in criminal charges was based on. it's not like this is a new now. just new to us but it's all troubling. power is money. we should care regardless of party about taking down anyone who participated in an inch
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international sex trafficking ring. >> jesse: dana perino, let's finish this segment up. >> dana: fruit stripes gum, marcia brady even better. even though this is from 2018, it did give us new information, or a contradiction. recently ghislaine maxwell said it had been over a decade since she had spoken epstein. in these documents that were revealed, there was an email between maxwell and epstein from 2015. the prosecutors perhaps knowing that that was there and then going in to arrest her new that they had something so perhaps having caught or possibly in a lie, she will be more likely to cooperate. >> jesse: all right. stick around. the fastest seven is up next on "the five." we made usaa insurance for veterans like liz and mike.
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that's there and that says you should be investing. ♪ >> dana: welcome back. it's time for the fastest seven. first up, the new album local "folklore." ♪ not everyone loves the record. some of her super fans released the music critics address online and threatened to burn down her house for only giving the album and 8 out of 10. i want to make it clear i gave a 10 out of 10. her fans need to get a copy of your book. "the plus." putting people's personal information on the internet is not being a plus. >> greg: i was not being a
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plus. i want to apologize for saying that your sweater used to belong to marcia brady. i realize where you wire that sweater. it is so that nobody notices one you're eating a rainbow lollipop on the show. >> dana: i do love those. jesse. >> greg: they all can't be winners. >> dana: we can't all be winners. jesse, do your daughter's love listening to taylor swift. >> jesse: they do. i want to stick up for something. i want to stick up for 8 out of 10. 8 out of 10 for some people is really good. 8 out of 10 in school might get it put up on the fridge. let's be honest about 8 out of 10. not showing off but not falling behind. >> dana: 8 out of 10 for an album that you wrote in four months, that's pretty good. >> juan: i agree.
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what would that be? viking 80, that's a b, right? that's pretty good and i don't think taylor swift fans are disappointed. not to be heavy about it but this is social media at its worst, you know, doxxing people and the like. i think this is kind of behavior that wouldn't take place if it was in person. this is people thinking i'm anonymous. i'm going to be mean spirited, embarrassed somebody. this is the worst of social media. >> dana: i'm assuming, emily, that the critic has no legal recourse here. once her addresses out, it's out. >> emily: right, and how would she pin it on the masses? i do have to stick up for you, dana. i love your sweater. hit looks fantastic. and greg loves it. her piano looks like the piano where they play -- >> dana: it's pretty cool. i think we have time for another
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one. most bars and clubs are closed because of the pandemic that americans are still getting their groove on at home. they say they've thrown a lock down dance party. a high want to know, what is "the five"'s ultimate dance playlist? juan, i have to assume you have one off the top of your head. >> juan: well, i remember when my youngest was a kid. he loved to play "you can call me al," that paul simon song. my grandkids like "happy." but for more of the adult stuff i think it would be more like "groove is in the heart." maybe some funkadelic. that kind of thing. >> dana: i am impressed you prepared for this segment. emily, you have to have some off the top of your head too. >> emily: anything by whitney houston oren janet jackson.
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>> dana: pretty good. jesse watters, are you guys dancing? >> jesse: i listen to "hot girl summer" and "i want to dance with somebody" by whitney houston and "billie jean" by michael jackson. that's my playlist. >> dana: way to prepare. >> jesse: anything on my playlist is better than what's on greg's playlist. >> dana: this is probably true. i might give greg's playlist and 8 out of 10. >> jesse: noel. >> greg: when i dance, i only danced in norwegian death metal. i urge everybody watching this show to go to youtube and type in norwegian death metal. see what comes up. i think it will lighten and brighten your day. >> dana: going to break the internet. i've got one more. apparently doing the dishes
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loads americans up with anxiety. a new study finds the average household has 217 fights a year over who should clean up after dinner. we don't have a fight about who should clean up after dinner but you know, peter thinks i don't load the dishwasher correctly. my solution, emily, has been i don't load it at all. [laughter] 65 exactly. i like it. whoever cooks, the other person does the dishes which i think is a good thing. >> dana: that's a good system. jesse, i know that emma has been cooking a lot. are you doing the dishes? >> jesse: i do. emily and i have the same system. i mostly do the dishes because i'm not cooking as much but to solve the problem, paper plates, people. paper plates. >> dana: that's not very good for the environment. they are good for once in a while. juan williams.
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juan, you have been married the longest. you still have fights over dishwashing? >> juan: yeah. i put things in the sink and then i'm told why didn't i pusht them in the dishwasher. i don't know if my wife is watching but i have to admit she's right most of the time. i can do better. >> jesse: in the dishwasher. don't just leave it in the sink. come on. >> dana: 217. 217 fights here about dishwashing, they also need to buy your book, "the plus." >> greg: so true. did i tell you what happened on my first firearm instruction? the firearm instructor came to my house to teach me how to fire my tactical shotgun. delano was so upset -- delano was so upset because she knows i can't load the dishwasher. she is watching me and shaking and the guy is like what's wrong
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that she goes i'm not against owning guns, ammo against greg owning guns. i don't load the dishwasher but i am learning to load of gone and i'm doing it really, really well. >> dana: i am sure you are doing everything correctly. ten now friday is up next. -- fan mail friday is up next. aetna never did. by setting up virtual monitoring for chronic patients, 24-hour telemedicine visits, and mental health resources for everyone. we're always here to help you focus on your health. because it's always, time for care. ♪
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>> greg: president trump now speaking. >> president trump: the storm has already passed through puerto rico and the virgin islands may have approved emergency declarations for both of those areas. females closely coordinating with florida with the governor, happens to be on my right.
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good job, you've done a great job. and we are in constant contact with the georgia, south carolina, north carolina, alabama and anybody else that may have a problem but we think it's going to be, it's going to work out very well. we have people all set to go and some of those states. i ask all those in the path of the storm to follow the guidance of your state, local and tribal officials. my administration will be here for you every single step of the way. we have done everything we can do and now we're just waiting for the storm. i guess it's right behind me. it's following me. we are grateful to be joined by health and human services secretary, doing a fantastic job on covid or whatever you want to call it. many different names. all we know is that it came from china and they shouldn't have let it happen. alex azar is here. thank you, alex. governor ron desantis doing a fantastic job.
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previous governor now senator rick scott, representing florida very well in washington. i just spoke with marco rubio and likewise he's doing a great job and he sends his regards. state senator wilton simpson, thank you very much, senator. state representative daniel perez. daniel, thank you, daniel very much. the county commissioner kathleen peters. thanks very much. ceo of safety net hospital alliance of florida. thank you. thank you, justin, very much, for being here. we continue to take a very aggressive action to combat the virus in florida. your state of the shows are amazing. they've been working so hard. the rate of positive cases in florida has now declined. it's declining. hospitalizations are declining
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in most places, pretty steadily. we think there's going to be a big decline starting very soon. there is currently over 21 present inpatient hospital bed capacity available. plenty of bed capacity. plenty of icu capacity available and that's going to be emptying out as people get better and they do get better and they get better very fast. we are providing additional resources and personnel to help save lives. we remain concerned about florida, about miami and a certain area of miami in particular the local officials are working very hard and we think we have that one on the right step also. the test positivity rate has declined over the last weekend in some cases very substantial substantially, as have hospitalization levels but we must further reduce the spread and that's what we're doing. we are working closely with health officials on the ground to support this effort. this and go best way to defeat the disease is personal responsibility. you've heard me say it. you've heard a lot of people say it actually.
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i heard, asking americans to protect the elderly, the fact is you have to do the social distancing thing. it's a very important, socially distance, wear a mask when you cannot avoid crowded places or socially distance and wash her hands as often as possible. on most half of all deaths nationwide a better nursing homes and assisted living centers may have to say the state of florida with regard to the nursing homes has done an incredible job. really an incredible job. they watch what was happening in some places, even beyond our own country, the other countries. they were seeing what was happening with the elderly and particularly in nursing homes and wrong, you've done a great job. appreciate it. i have to say there's been a big surge of the china by raising other countries, very big, countries that we thought were doing a good job and they were. they were doing a great job in some cases. big headline in "the wall street journal" just
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yesterday, and editorial that all of a sudden they started a surge, some countries we thought were doing great turned out to have big difficulty. i won't name the countries but you know them. the average age of those whose -- those who succumb to the virus 78 years old. closely monitoring the situation in latin america and its impact in the united states. latin america has more confirmed cases than anywhere else in the world. actually substantially more. having a hard time. we've sent many ventilators to latin america. many ventilators to different countries. europe, africa, all over the world. making thousands of ventilators a month. we started off with essentially very little and we have become a ventilator manufacturer so to speak and we are helping a lot of countries. we have sent them to france. we have sent them to italy, lottie lee, sent them to mexico. sent them to russia. moscow was having a tremendous problem. we sent them to a lot of
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different countries, many. we have a full supply in our country. the amazing thing is we started with very few are not one person that needed a ventilator did not get a ventilator. that's a pretty amazing statistics. we have nearly 1,400 federal personnel on the ground already in florida, including personnel supporting nursing homes. we have doctors, military doctors. they are incredible. very talented people. frankly they are very brave people but they are all over the state helping with your medical folks. ron asked if he could get some extra people here. we did it immediately. the last week leave open five new testing sites. we are sending rapid test kits to 701 medicaid and medicare certified nursing homes in the state. we've also sent multiple shipments of protective equipment to all of the nursing homes and as i sat on ventilators, i can also talk
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about in florida and miami, they have everything they need. they don't need any. they don't need any. testing lies, we've tested almost 60 million people throughout the country which is about six times more than any other country, close to six times more than any other country. we have, you look at india, they are at 11 million. we're going to be at over 60 million. they have done a tremendous job in testing considering we started off with very little. it was an unknown disease and it was unknown test. fema, hhs, and the private sector have delivered more than 10,000,095 masks. masks, 19.7 million gallons, and 1.3 billion medical gloves to florida. 1.3 billion gloves, ron. we have secured 90% of the world supply of remdesivir which has been very, very successful. have sent over 143 vials of
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florida hospitals as are really something that's very special and we're working on very hard. operation warp speed. today we reached a $2 billion agreement with santa fe and gsx to conduct clinical trials in mass produced 100 million dosesf vaccine. but we have done is rather incredible. we have many companies, great companies, johnson & johnson, merck, pfizer, many companies are very close to getting the vaccine. we think it's going to be in a very short time from now. what we are set with our military to deliver the vaccine. we have a tremendous military delivery service and that will be doing it. it's called logistics. they will be taking the vaccine and bringing it all over the country and i'm sure will be supplying its beyond our country also but we are going to have it very soon. we are also having tremendous work done on other treatments other than vaccines. we have a lot of great things in
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the pipeline. i think things that are going to be really spectacular. i'm very excited about therapeutics because therapeutics because therapeutic they ethically have answers that are really looking good. in fact if i had my choice had probably initially maybe go with the therapeutics because you walk into the hospital and they get a shot door they do a transfusion depending on the company and what they are doing and a short time later people get better. we are looking at that very, very strongly. i just want to thank rick and ron and everybody who've done a fantastic job. we work together so long that so hard and this is something that came upon us. it shouldn't never happen but i came upon us and there's been great bravery and we are very proud of what's happening and we'll get rid of it and will be needed and it will be soon we want to get her school's open and businesses open and much of the country is open we've set records on the
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number of employees in the hiring and employment basically you look at the number i think last month was the highest number ever hired in one month in the month before that we broke that record. from that standpoint, we've done well and retail sales were record last month or so we're doing really record increase so we're doing really well. i think this will and hopefully very soon but we are fighting hard and finding smart and i'd like to ask the governors of few words, ron. big o thank you, mr. president, will come back from florida we thank you for all your support. were monitoring closely the track of the hurricane with a 5:00 p.m. advisory and looking little bit closer to the florida coast and it's clear that we will get at a minimum tropical storm and a close impact likely hurricane force winds impact. we don't know for sure whether the i will actually interact with the coast of florida but
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were looking actually at probably northern part of palm beach county and may be moved north of that is where it's going and obviously we will know more so just urging floridians particularly if you're from dealer field the gates up to the barb alicia area for the plan and seven days of food and medicine then there could be some power outages and it's an ongoing situation. the west, its weakening and if it's during things we think it may end up going further east but continue to listen to your local officials. will be providing updates multiple times today over the weekend and obviously the federal government has been great. landfall emergency declaration so we look forward to that support and we also want to thank the administration for supporting us with the fight against covid-19. any time we needed anything, we
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would talk to the president and the vice president and we would get it. when some of them start to see the hospitals really picked up and the doctors are prescribing more remdesivir and so we called them and you guys are sending us an offer when we had very low census and now the census is higher and we move up the shipments. now the president, we got it up and so we accelerated a number of weeks of shipments and we've been able to have the medications that we need to. also, i think the cdc put out an important guidance that didn't get much attention about people going back to work. a lot of employers in florida had been demanding a negative pcr test in order to go back to work. cdc recommends against that now and i think that's exactly the right thing compared to what we have seen. these pcr tests, you can test positive for 12 weeks so we've got people who are not infectious and no live virus and are getting a positive test ten days, 20 days out in the cdc
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recommends going to a symptom-based approach. we put that out in the state of florida and all the employers, symptom-based approach really is the more effective approach. i think that will just help people to be able to go and even if you're symptomatic and test positive obviously were inferring the live virus, but the asymptomatic, 12 week window and really you don't know whether you're infectious or n not. i think what we're going to be doing because of what you guys just sent this additionally the wait times on the labs, it's gotten backed up because were doing so many tests and sometimes it takes seven to ten days to get the results back. what we're going to do were going to focus our symptomatic test takers which are the minority of the people testing. we have agreements with labs to get turnaround quicker and then the federal government setting up the point of care tests and so we had to have 1250 of those a day so working some of the bigger test sites into point-of-care antigen testing for symptom testing.
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this way they go and they get the result in 15 minutes which is good for them and it gets reported to the state so we have a real-time understanding and everything's going on. if we get the test results and some of the tests are two or three weeks ago and so i think it will help us be able to understand the problems better. i just want to say thank you for sending those machines to us. >> president trump: and you have the numbers to 5 minutes or 15 minutes. next guy. >> reporter: first off, you are very helpful in the hurricanes we had and i just talked to the governor this morning and she was very appreciative. fema is being helpful and there there and they've got some footing so she was traveling to the island and i said is there anything you need out of the federal government and she said


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