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tv   Watters World  FOX News  August 1, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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greg: we are out of time thanks to ben shapiro by his book and charlie hurt. congratulations and tyrus. i love you america. >> welcome to "watters world" i'm just the waters the trump turnaround you can feel the momentum shift in the presidential race showing up in the polls in key battleground states showing a consistent shift six.shift for points toward trump in florida and wisconsin all the way to point shift towards biden and carolina that's why the president was there the other day.
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those polls are under see them playing republicans hillary was beating trenton every seeing goal battleground state going into the 2016 election. what happened? she lost every single battleground state.y l national polls showed hillary crushing trump. national polls showing carry crushing bush and dukakis crushing debt and to knock off the incumbent in the last 40 years and the politically gifted clinton with a little help from ross perot. biden has nowhere near that kind of talent. the president and his been a lot b more focused the last two weeks will affect the briefings and addressing the nation sick times one - - six t times more realistic and
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steady with major announcements of restocking that ppe stockpiles depleted under obama and biden that child vaccine is smashing all records therapeutics are effective in the early stages and hospital rates mortality rates slashed in half and the president also announced the us will soon become a pharmaceutical independentha will be producing medical ingredients to keep our supply chain here inupply america. he is punishing china for unleashing the virus on the world while joe biden says nothing about the communist threat. the president beefed up the travel schedule b visiting florida texas north carolina georgia, and maryland in the last few weeks visiting oil rigs, military facilities and medical plants. joe biden stays home in delaware and visits nearby pennsylvania but that is it.
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he hold virtual speech the other day look at the bottom of the screen. put that up. only 247 people were watching. nobody cares what he has to say. schools are opening safely the president allocates over $100 billion biden wants businesses closed in church is close before the election that will not cut it in america. the anarchist in portland are put down by federal agents finally the oregon governor stepped up to stop the violence and is sending state and local police to protect the courthouse and the federal agents will remain to protect until the states are calm the task force has been activated in cities will be working with
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local police departments to stop illegal gun trafficking and gang violence. biden doesn't have a clue how to keep the streets safe he can barely muster a response to the anarchy in the first place. this is all about turnout trump space is twice as fired up and inno fact he doesn't really have a base have you seen a biden bumper sticker anywhere? they don't exist basically it's borrow bernie and trump haters there's no love for joe biden they may not even vote for him. biden is having trouble with hispanics and blacks and young voters that's why biden has gone so far left radical on trade and immigration taxes doesn't have a a clue how to confront china or run a bad business that's why he's desperate to rally the radical left and let it slip that he himself is a radical left. >> i think i have laid out the most detailed plan on the
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economy and issues related to healthcare of any president in modern history. if i am elected and this passes, i will go down as one of the most progressive presidents in american history. >> the president doesn't have to stretch it too far because he admitted that but he doesn't know who he is he will read whatever you put in front of him. he doesn't know what year it f. >> we had a relatively small population at the time hispanic population puerto ricans but with the 2020 census that is now to censuses ago, he's always been a joke running for president three times i national punchline and
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always has been. barack obama didn't trust him to do anything that you things he put biden in charge of ukraine corruption and the stimulus he fell flat on his face for both.. don't believe the lies that you hear about the biden victory it will be a very close election the president trump still has the edge. and your reaction to fox news contributor a former secret service agent and nypd officer. what you think of the analysis at the top? >> you made a great point it was brilliant the only time in the last post world war ii that the incumbents lost in our lifetime is a bill clinton ross perot and bush election and then you said he was a politician he had skills you may not agree with his politics that he had a way to make you feel like the most important person in the world. but biden is neither one.
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here is what is worse, not only is he terrible i will not evaluate the guy his psychological situation but he will be holding the nuclear codes he doesn't know where he is. he's lost in the middle of an interview. but it to he attaches himself to listen. everybody gets bad happens with the virus. no sane person wants to go back to the obama economy who he attaches himself to was even worse. >> so that the president contract one - - confronts china and keeps the streets stay on - - safe and basically
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tells joe you can't handle selling lemonade at a lemonade stand? with a curveball thrown in joe is a curveball and manufactured october surprise a be a curveball is that how you see things over the next three months? >> i do. but i am torn how much they should even pay attention to biden. i know that sounds crazy but one side says they didn't want - - biden is the chaos candidate. he doesn't know where he is or that he's running forhe president. clearly he is behind add on minimum redirecting funds from the police movement no matter what euphemism you use.
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he is an economic chaos with tax hikes but then the other side says you beat up on biden people feel bad for him and be candid on - - be candid does anybody believe he will be president? know he loses what he wins and nobody thinks he's the president anyway will be the vice president and the cabinet. they have to get that delicate balance that you point out the fact he is the chaos candidate if he is elected. jesse: an excellent analysis thank you very much. powerful ceos good grilled on capitol hill headed for censorship and bias against conservatives. >> it is possible at face but one - - facebook your employees have the power to disadvantage themselves. >>. >> there is a hearing component were there is not. >>.
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jesse: join we now florida congressman and author of the upcoming book firebrand which is now available for preorder so basically you got the's executives to admit letting their employees go rogue to censor conservatives and re- wire or engineer sites and they don't have any idea what's going on under their own nose? >> bigse tech used to tell us it was a glitch in the algorithm that now we see there are a blacklist and deep in the heart of silicon valley they beat to the heart of the online tyrant and with that type of power it does not give us the freedom or the democracy that we deserve in a country is great is america.
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>> you have to threaten to bust up these monopolies if they don't play fair. i cannot believe you are not on this committee you are on every single committee but doctor fauci was grilled by a bunch of your colleagues the other day here is jim jordan giving it to doctor fauci. spirited government limit protesting? >> i don't think that's relevan relevant. >> then it should be limited. >> i'm not in a position to determine what the government can do in a forceful way l. >> no limits to protest but you cannot go to church on sunday. >> i don't know how we times i can answer that. i will not opine on anything i will tell you. >> you will opine on a lot of things it directly impacts the spread of the virus and i'm asking your position on the protest. >> i will not opine onoi limiting anything. jesse: a very smart guy but it seems like he is wearing thin
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some of your colleagues. >> after watching that i wondered if churchgoers should adopt the language of the protesters. may be a potluck protest or sunday school said in instead of giving donations we can count that as bail money for our internal on - - eternal souls. we can't choose the parts of the first amendment the government will allow or not allow it should not deprive public health officials. >> protected under the first amendment that playing games with the rhetoric and the regulation. barack obama made some news came out and said some wild stuff from the former congressman the other day this is what he said about nuking the filibuster. >> by ending the gerrymandering so all voters have the power to choose their politicians not the other way
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around. if all this takes illuminating thein filibuster another jim crow relic to secure the god-given rights of every american, then that's what we should do. >> so to have a big round of applause that's the game if biden went to retake the senate they knew that filibuster that could really tip the balance of power to expand the supreme court congressman they can do anything they want to do to jam that radical agenda down everyone's throat are people prepared for that quick. >> look at barack obama it is surprising and confusing he is such a fan of jim crow because senator obama in 2005 with president bush judicial nomination and in 2006 with justice alito who said the filibuster was necessary.
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so maybe he was more willing to embrace those relics and he was is a former president that he should be celebrated outside of politics at his funeral i think it was appropriate to talk about the intricacies of redistricting and the filibuster while honoring a great american icon like john lewis. >> they lecture republicans about the koran. .here he is >> you have the best hair on fox news. >> i just don't have your hairdryer i have to save some money for that. [laughter] jesse: documents unsealed in the maxwell case about we confirmed about bill clinton and a long list of failures at the fbi and department of justice.
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the first mark levin breaks down the other hearing on capitol hill that went off the rails. >> and we take a five-minute break. >> now. [laughter] no. ♪ doesn't love you back, stay smooth and fight heartburn fast with tums smoothies. ♪ tum tum-tum tum tums
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jesse: tensions running high on capitol hill as there was a / honestly with issues they continually interrupted him even though they invited him to testify in the first place back i gave instructions. >> reclaiming my time. >> i'm answering your questions. >> reclaiming my time. >> me were calling attention. >> i just asked for a yes or no so let me tell you. i'm starting to lose my temper. >> exclude on - - excuse me it's is my time and i control it. >> i will get to that i am reclaiming myy time. >> so under penalty of perjury this is a hearing i thought it
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was supposed to be heard. >> 29 times reclaiming my time. house judiciary committee i've never seen a bigger bench of. [bleep] holes. mark levin he would have jumped over the table straight across i don't know how he didn't just lose it up there that was despicable. >> and attorney general meese was abuse but nott like this how do we come together as a nation to overthrow the country? marxist and anarchist whether black lives matter that's not
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how it works the democratic party is all in on the radical hard-core agenda. they are beating up on the attorney general and with the horrific corruption of the obamao administration and the intelligence agencies and abuse of the fisa court leaking to the press and the attorneyng general so they tried to soften them up and ruin the reputation this is a disgrace. jesse: they destroyed the hearing process the appropriations process in the electoral process is out they did with the impeachment process but a nuclear war on everything but yet they lecture us about the dignity. and john lewis you know the other day to listen to what he said and then we can react.
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>> those in power who were doing their darndest. [applause] to discouragee people from voting to target minorities in close polling locations with restrictive identification laws to attack our voting rights with surgical precision.n. in the run-up to the election. so no mail and balance of people don't get sick. jesse: a gross manipulation of a funeral to accuse a sitting president taking aim at black voting rights. and then hit that he wanted to go after the filibuster. >> and utterly confused at
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that people aren't allowed to have funerals and a case from the supreme court where churches are not allowed to have ten people that casinos can have 50 but john roberts said we are taking up that case so there are funerals and then they are funerals. barack obama is a pathological liar trying to set the stage one or two battles states with dsystemic racism they billing the foundation for months and months every legal vote counts and that's the point and if you ask for somebody for ideas not a big deal somebody needed it to get into the church and to attend the service we need ids for 1000 different reasons and so what you have to actually vote. my problemem is this the president raise the possibility maybe we have to put the vote off.
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joe biden will hide in the basement if it's good enough for him then how the hell are we supposed to vote on election day? that the mail and vote will not work whenever the democrats was is because they are corrupt bringing down every institutional aspect of the society. and i would say this to barack obama you are one of the great reasons of this country where there there is a huge racial divide and then with the community activism the pathological liar let joe biden run his own race you cannot carry him across the finish line. >> he's now accusing trump to
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cheat in the next election. watches sunday show a huge hit with very provocative language on twitter very much like trump. follow him. [laughter] sports are back in the united states of america and we will show you who is kneeling and standing for the end them. also bill clinton partied on pedophile island according to new bombshell documents just unsealed.
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it cleans grease five times faster dawn powerwash. spray, wipe, rinse. >> live from america's news headquarters seven people dead after a midair collision between two small planes in alaska one of the victims is a state lawmaker he was traveling alone and six people run for the other plane including the pilot federal investigators are trying to figure out what caused the crash. tropical storm isaias comes as
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a surge with coronavirus cases testing sites have been closed in the path shelters are open that people are told that may be safer to stay at home. lashing the bahamas with heavy rain and strong wind and the storm surge but at least one person died in puerto rico and to in the dominican republic. now back to "watters world" for all headlines go to jesse: bombshell revelations and the jeffrey epstein case virginia roberts 2015 depositions sheds light on the big-name connections to detail her torture. the documents put bill clinton on epstein island in the company of two underage girls claiming that she was traffic to prince andrew at just 17 and to implicate famed attorney alan dershowitz and
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governor richardson among several other prominent men who took part in the sexual abuse of underage girls. the documents show that maxwell and epstein kept in contact as recently as 2015 shooting down claims of any credibility she may have had in court. epstein told her you have done nothing wrong i urge you to start acting like it go outside go to parties and deal with it. dershowitz and richardson have all previously denied of a sex trafficking situation and great jared has been pouring over the documents. so with this underage sex trafficking victim who said she started bill clinton on pedophile island while under age girls were there and is not the first person into we
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have a private investigator on "watters world" to be on the jets with women dressed provocatively and bill clinton denies this. but i know. >> there is no smoking gun in this document as a consequence of that i would urge a measure of caution as i read the testimony what i see with those self-contradictory statements and most of all hearsay. that she started bill clinton on the island. those she said she saw nothing inappropriate with regards to bill clinton.t to say that she just heard that bill clinton was on the island in the clinton has
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repeatedly said i had was at his apartment once in new york on his plane once but never on the island. >>. jesse: he says he's never been on the island we've had a couple of people say he was on the island. there's no way to prove it except they have footage of every single room on that damn island that the fbi sees. i don't know why they don't do more about this case because the fbi was investigating these victims and actually stopped cutting a sweetheart deal in 2008 at the time mueller was the fbi director and gonzalez was attorney general, acosta was us attorney. i don't like it. it is ugly and it stinks. >> i'm no fan of the fbi as you know.
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people like james comey and peter mccabe ruined the reputation of the hard-working people there. but virginia but yet those charges arose from the allegation she i not one of the alleged victims in the current case against maxwell. >> i don't think it does because they go into these negotiations if you get a $30 million settlement you might take the money. a lot of people to take the money. >> you just raised the red flag.
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that is presented in court and vealso to settle your life and get back to normal after you have been put through hell by those adults who would sex traffic you repeatedly with celebrities, politiciansff and royalty. people need to get their life back on track. thank you verybr much. jesse: trying to silence the president son but that backfired donald trump junior joins us to respond. ♪ ♪
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jesse: democrats have done
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something very very smart they launched a campaign in silicon valley for the tech giants to root out his speech and misinformation but the democrats in dc agree with those in silicon valley that they hate the misinformation that only comes from conservatives. hate speech is anything that offense democrats on this is anything a democrat disagrees mowith. so they get on these platforms to build the speech roles against conservative and speech they can talk about misinformation all day long and to pay a price just being suspended for sharing video about the potential coronavirus treatment twitter says he violated their rules now the president son executive vp of the trump horganization and author of the book liberal privileges available for preorder. donald trump junior. explained to me this.
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as an epidemiologist he says hydroxychloroquine could be effective in early stages of coronavirus. you retweet a doctor who agrees how is that misinformation? isn't that a second opinion? >> that's called science. they argue back and forth then i thought as an american that kind of discourse is what makes us americans.. and then to decide one doctor is more right than another group of doctors so what is interesting everything else is wrong this is so different than the narrative they then jamming damage of the last three months we should probably hear that. they didn't haveve a problem with the chinese government
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literally spreading coronavirus disinformation. that does not violate their rules the ayatollah khomeini talk about death to israel. those that treat patients in the field. that's enough to get turn off the platforms. big tech is activist liberal. it's a very powerful hand more powerful than any in modern history to way down the scales in favor of the left. no other if it's moderate left
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you never saw them turn off the platform ortf suspended is not the same in boxing problem. >> that you are more dangerous everybody is scared of donald trump. >> you really are that big of a threat. retreats are not the endorsement. and then accusing of treason or misinformation calling someone a rapist it all goes one way with the blitzkrieg of
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and then they trust people to make up their ownwn minds. and then. >> to do whatever they can to push the voter to believe the radical left and vote .ccordingly and with social media and censorship. and everything is seen from 16 on is a dry run for 2020 they are not even hiding it anymore. it is literal disinformation put out by the chinese government that they relied upon that is not enough to get you thrown off of twitter this is a problem.
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>> i think the republicans need to break up the monopolies of not treated fairly. whatever you call it unaware his brain has gone. maybe it's just gone here he is walking to the podium i know if he knows where he is. listen. >> good afternoon everyone. welcome to the kingswood community center. actually, that's the one down i used to work. that's a joke didn't know where we were. anyway. [laughter] it's great to be here. back in the place you know. [laughter] >> where my? when is this considered elder abuse? it would be sad if it wasn't so scary he could be in charge of the nuclear football.
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he forgets what office he is running for and in front of a fr crowd. and then to get in front of a crowd of seven people and then to being a question and then to give them back my time he is literally the first politician in the history of politics to not go over his time in a debate. [laughter] and did not remember where he was going. he spoke for 45 seconds, forgot the point he was trying to make, forgot the question and now giving back his time. give me a break. it's not funny. we arehe laughing now. but it is scary.
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>> not as scary as donald trump junior who everyone believes is scarier than the iranians in chineserd communist. you can order his book right now. thank you. >> mike ditka has a message for these guys. >> respect the national anthem i get the hell out of the country. >> download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. well now there's score!, from force factor, to rev your libido and maximize physical response. it's no wonder force factor
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jess jesse: sports are finally back in america but not without controversy nba players and coaches we starting the season and kneeling during the national anthem wearing black lives matter shirts .
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jesse: mlb kicked off with the yankees in washington nationals kneeling in unison before the end them began and then they rose for it. than the nhl players standing linking arms showing support for quality. and mike ditka says if you don't like the national anthem get the hell out of the country. coach, when you are with the bears the fridge and if anybody neil during the anthem what would you do cracks? >> they wouldn't play for us. jesse: you would suspend them for the season or what would you do? >> no. until they found it is honorable. do you understand what i'm saying you cannot play american football in peru. you cannot play it in england.
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the play that america and they make a lot of money doing it. respect to that. jesse: a lot of people agree with you. other countries with the germany and great britain so why do you think in the united states this happens? >> i don't know. i really don't know. i understand. when we grew up the community was at least 50 percent black and 50 percent white we didn't have a problem. i play football my whole life but there was never a problem we are playing football it wasn't about the color of the guys skin but the way he played the game and the
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contribution to society and the school. what is the big difference? >> i don't get it either and if it happens in the nfl this season i think a lot of people will click. thank you very much everybody go check out women's tackle football. mike ditka is involved in that. thank you. up next a very special last call. ♪
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ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle. downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. jesse: "watters' world" losing a friend this week. herman cain has passed away after a battle with coronavirus. he was a frequent guest on the show and we'll remember her man for his sharp wit wit and humor.
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and he knew how to butter up yours truly. >> i don't want this to go to your head. brilliant commentary. i think president trump nailed it when he says weakness gets us into war. trump supporters are not defensive. they are not jumping ship. both needs of the democrat debate. they were all losers. here is what i think mayor deblasio suffers from. new york-itis. they believe they are the center of the universe and everybody agrees with them. jesse: i hope i don't have that rubbing off on me. >> you are okay. governor huckabee and i will pull your chain and pull you back if you start acting side. jesse: our condolences to the
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cain family. her man will be missed. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember, i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: welcome to justice. i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. let's get right to my open. what is right and what is wrong? it's time to make up your own mind. you are simply going to have to rely on yourself. exhibit one. you can't open your business if you own a gym. in fact you risk arrest and loss of your license no matter how hard you try to comply with the rules, how hard you clean the facility, how much distance you put between gym members. if you


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