tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News August 1, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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cain family. her man will be missed. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember, i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: welcome to justice. i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. let's get right to my open. what is right and what is wrong? it's time to make up your own mind. you are simply going to have to rely on yourself. exhibit one. you can't open your business if you own a gym. in fact you risk arrest and loss of your license no matter how hard you try to comply with the rules, how hard you clean the facility, how much distance you put between gym members. if you want a mass protest, have
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at it. governor phil purchase city exempted political protests from pandemic restrictions and joined thousands to protest. go for it, it's your time, but don't you dare go to work. just today gym owners made up their own minds as to what was wrong and forced to open up their gym that had been barricade by the state. consequences of their actions are yet to be seen. exhibit two, you cannot go to church, synagogue or mosque in numbers more than 50. but multiply that number and bring 499 of your friends to a movie theater or show up in a casino and hang out by blackjack, hit the roulette
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wheel, throw some craps, so says the united states supreme court. there is a cap on the number of people who can attend religion services at 50. but not for for-prove it companies like casinos and theaters that can have 500. you can thank justice john roberts for joining the left yet again and praise president trump's appointee neil gorsuch for the dissent that reads quote there is no world in which the constitution permits nevada to favor ceasar's palace over calvary chapel. make sense to you? exhibit three. you cannot protect federal courthouses in this country, because if you do you are a violent occupying force who brings terror on innocent
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protesters. the ones actually bombing, burning and destroying those courthouses. if you protect these halls of justice you are nothing but the enemy bringing fears to city streets. so says oregon's mayor and portland's mayor. if you are untension alley blinded after 0 days of violent upheestles. violent -- upheaveles. the law requires the department of homeland security to protect federal property. forget that the neighbors are petrified and haven't slept in 60 days. make sense to you? you cannot use hydroxychloroquine as a possible therapeutic in the early stages of the coronavirus because it
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can kill you, and it's against the law in one state to use it off label. the drug that's been used for 60 years is demonized, and in some states banned for use as a treatment because president trump dared to mention it. in spite of the fact that scores of front line doctors and healthcare workers continuously recommend its benefits along with zinc and a z-pac prophylactically and in the oral stables of the virus. our own dr. marc siegel prescribed it for his dad and said it was a miracle cure for him. but for others it must be outlawed. exhibit five. dr. fauci, the head of the national institute of infectious diseases for 40 years told us
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the people of the united states don't need to be worried about covid because it's not a main threat. we don't need a wear a mask. then we need to wear a mask. that it's okay to huge on tinder, but plan to never shake hands again. that we shouldn't use hydroxychloroquine because it's ineffective, and calls studies flawed that show it is effective. as a physician responsible for public health should he not be receptive to all observations made by doctors on the front lines, not just chase a vaccine to find ways to address symptoms and complications and arrest the progression of a viral disease? does this make sense to you? exhibit six. more than 100 police agencies have backed out of security for the milwaukee dnc after their civilian oversight commission
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denied police the use of tear gas and pepper spray to maintain crowd control during out of control protests. make sense to you? folks, we are living in an upside down world where politics is the deciding factor for all things. work, play, religion, safety and health. this is not a good place to be. truth and honesty are essential. but when clouded by the politics of lies, they are almost impossible to find. you have 93 days. if you like living like this, you can get more of the same with that guy hiding in the basement bunker joe. it's time to take america back and get it back on track with president donald trump.
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that's my open. let me know what you think on facebook page, twitter #judgejeanine. if you like my open you will like my book, "don't lie to me." you can preorder your copy today. joining me with more, the acting director of homeland security, chad wolf. thank you for being with us tonight. it appears things are quieting down in portland now that the oregon state police are there? can you tell me why since i understand you asked them to be there from the get-go. why it took so long for them to come? >> that's a great question. what we have been asking for is the city and the state to do their job for over 60 days. what we see is we had over 245 different injuries to law enforcement officers that could
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have been prevented if they had done their job like every other responsible city in the country has done. when they partner with federal and state law enforcement officers they can get the job done. the last two nights, oregon state police as well as portland police have come in. the violence is dropping. there is still violence in portland. but we see it at a much lower level. we are happy about that. we are looking forward to further progress on this front. but to your point, we wish it would have occurred long before 60 days of violent criminal activity. judge jeanine: what i don't understand, mr. secretary, when i was the d.a., if there was a problem, the state police would offer mutual assistance immediately. what took so long? were they prevented from coming
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in? law enforcement is all about mutual assistance. were they stopped from coming in? >> absolutely. we see that mutual assistance across the country. in portland there is an environmental fostered about it mayor and state officials. we had a dhs i.c.e. facility that was laid siege to and the local authorities would not help our employees get in and out of that building. there is an environment in portland. we are not talking about people protesting. we are talking about violent criminals directing violent activity towards the courthouse. the city council passed a resolution that told police you can't coordinate with local law enforcement and you can't come to their aid. portland police cannot assist.
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judge jeanine: really pathetic. let's talk about the democratic national conventions. over 100 law enforcement agencies are pulling out of their initial offer to assist if there is any problem in milwaukee. based on being told they can't use pepper spray or tear grass to crowd control measures. you know, yet the protesters are out gunning and have more munitions and law enforcement. will the feds be at the democratic national convention to assist in crowd control? >> i think it's very concerning and dangerous when we put politics over public safety. a lot of the national debate we are having over law enforcement is concerning.
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you see that in milwaukee, but you see that in other cities at well. it's a critical part of what law enforcement does. that's trying to deescalate the situation. you do it for officer safety as well. when there are police departments that prohibit that use. you are putting the public that they serve in danger as well. we want to make sure we have all the tools for law enforcement to use in milwaukee and elsewhere. when we talk about the dnc taking place in milwaukee, the federal government will be there. it will be a national security event. we'll make sure the venues are secure as we do in a number of other situation around the country every day. judge jeanine: i understand that there are over 9,000 federal facilities in the united states. do you expect to see more in portland? >> we hope not. what we see across the country is a good partnership with state
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and local law enforcement. what we continue to do and have don't president several weeks. if we get specific threats and intelligence that a federal facility is going targeted, we'll make sure we have the resources there to protect the facility along with local and state law enforcement. we have done that in seattle and other cities when we get specific information. we want to make sure dhs will remain in portland until we can be sure that courthouse is safe and secure night after night. they will continue to protect the federal courthouse in portland as they have since 1997. judge jeanine: i am going to ask you one last question. 10 seconds. they asked the feds to clean the graffiti off the courthouse. the gra fit why it anarchists put there.
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>> it is a federal courthouse. we'll do that. but we'll do that once the courthouse is secure. we are not going to clean up the courthouse only to have it damaged and violated again. we'll make sure it many safe and secure before we do any of that. judge jeanine: thank you so much for being with us on "justice" tonight. >> thank you. judge jeanine: a lot of developing stories to discuss with my next guest. the director of the office of trade policy. peter navarro. kodak is near my old stomping ground in upstate new york. i'm an elmira kid. kodak this rochester. i hear you and the president were there this week. >> the president promised the american people that he will bring onshore the essential medicines that we need to fight the china virus and everything else that comes at us. and this kodak thing this week
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was a beautiful thing. the state of new york for the president and this country. this is a facility that has 1,200 acres. a power planted, a water treatment facility. a rail spur with 28 chemical reactors experienced in miking fine chemicals. it will produce 25% of the active pharmaceutical ingredients we'll need for generic medicines. generic medicines are 90% of what you and i take in this country for our health needs. this was a blockbuster deal that the president engineered. adam bowler did a beautiful job. my office helped scout out the location initially. this will change upstate new york. bring it back. it will be the second greatest
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act in american history. we couldn't be happier. monday we saw a beautiful facility that's going to get us vaccines by hopefully by the end of the year on the order of 300-500 million vaccines. thursday there was great news at the red cross about the use of convalescent plasma. you take blood from somebody who has had the coronavirus and you harvest their glass ma and you use the antibodies. the president is doing everything he can to fight the china virus. this was a great win for this country. judge jeanine: the benefits to upstate new york which has been in dire straits for a decade. but the idea of bringing home the supply chain, it's exactly where it belongs. speaking about china.
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let's keep going. this new app, tiktok. it's owned by the chinese. the president said this week, up don't like this, i want to get rid of it. why? what is the danger? >> it's a social media app that allows you to do short videos and share with your friends. it sounds like fun. but every time you sign for tiktok, all your information potentially is going back to the chinese communist party, the chinese military and the chinese government. they can use these social media apps to steal your personal information, your business information. and they use the social media apps to track you and surveil you and monitor your movements. president trump looked at this. secretary poem pay oh has waxed eloquent on it as well.
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if they are using tiktok and they hear the president is going to basically ban that. get on the trump train with that. that app you are use is dangerous. china hired a whole bunch of american lobbyists, they put a puppet ceo in charge of that company. they will say it can't hurt you. don't fall for this. there was a vicious leak that went out trying to push the president into a corner saying microsoft is going to bite. guess what about microsoft. microsoft is the software the people's liberation army in china run on. microsoft helped china build its great firewall used to surveil, censor and imprison sometimes the chinese people. so we have to be careful about all of this. but the president has taken a
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bold decision here. india basically banned tiktok as well as 67 other applications. what the president and the white house will be doing, any kind of software that sends information for americans back to servers in china will come under scrutiny and they shouldn't be serving the american people. >> right. right. peter navarro. we are out of time. there is breaking news here. what is the president going to do? american companies can do a tiktok. we don't need china to do it. >> read my lips. i never get ahead of the president. but by tomorrow, monday, you will know. judge jeanine: i got it. >> people in america. do not fall for whatever you hear from these lobbyists, they will tell you. judge jeanine: we are not going to listen to them.
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judge jeanine: welcome back to "justice." holding china accountable is critical in these times. my next guest couldn't agree more. march sma black burn joins me -- marsha blackburn joins me now. welcome back, senator. i want to talk about the nba. i understand you are targeting the nba. you say they are playing in a way benefiting china while kneeling when it comes to support for the united states. >> that's right. the nba is so cozy with the chinese communist party, the government, chinese tv. they kick off, they restart their season. they are kneeling -- the players
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all but one, were kneeling and they are playing for a league that is avoiding addressing human rights issues in china. avoiding address the child abuse issues at their training facility that they had to close. and yet you have to wonder if the players would continue to play if they had a biden, pelosi, schumer taking 3/4 of their pay. the nba has become cozy with the chinese business partners. china takes anything american, they try to create a chinese version of it. judge jeanine: when you say child abuse, what you kind of
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child, where? across the country or where? >> it's in china at the training facility in xinjiang that had to be closed they responded that they closed it in june 2019. espn did an investigative report and they said no, they were still recruiting people last summer to go over and coach. there was documentation of child abuse and lack of educational training that was taking place there. in xinjiang where this facility was. this is where you have the uighur * concentration camps,,
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the muslim minority. what kind of concentration camps? >> we have seen footage from the bbc of the uighur's with their shaven heads being hard on to trains. when you think of what transpired years ago with the jewish population and the holocaust. there are 3 million uighurs being persecuted. when you look at the fact the nba will not support free hong kong and support the freedom fighters. and they are letting china get away -- look how china treated us with covid. 73% of the american people have an unfavorable opinion of china according to the piewf research i was looking at today. judge jeanine: thanks so much
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ashley: live from america's newsroom. isaias is heading for florida's southeastern shores. it snapped trees and knocked out power in the bahamas. isaias is expected to regain strength early sunday and be upgraded to hurricane status as it moves north along the florida coast. the so-called apple fire doubling in size in southern california's riverside county. it scorched 3,100 acres of land forcing the evacuation of a thousand residents. 375 firefighters and one aerial unit are currently battling that fire. i'm ashley strohmier. back to "h judge jeanine."
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judge jeanine: joe biden closing in on a vp pick. here to discuss, leo terrell and "turning point usa" founder, charlie kirk. let's talk about something that appears really significant. and that is that the president's numbers are trending upward in pennsylvania which is a significant state. let's start with you, charlie kirk. >> there is a new poll that tends to be a democrat poll that had donald trump down two points in pennsylvania. before that he was down 3 points in pennsylvania. it seems there is a trend line. gradually then suddenly as ernest hemingway said. the media doesn't want to talk
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about this. but a lot of the trend lines are going in the president's favor. over the summer they said there is no way he can win. but a decent amount of americans got behind the president. and this from a poll fill that tends to lean democrat. judge jeanine: leo terrell, in 2016 a lot of people didn't want to admit they were voting for donald trump. now they are scared for their lives. what is it about pennsylvania that people are trending upwards for donald trump numbers? >> i will tell you. it's so obvious. the public is sick and tired of this protesting, this criminal activity under the disguise of george floyd. the president is going to win the election. the president is the only person in both parties talking about
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law and order. the democrats abandoned law and order and that's why president trump is going to move up in pennsylvania and win the battleground states because he gets things done. especially on the issue of law and order. a lot of democrats like myself will vote for the president because we want law and order. judge jeanine: there is no question, without law and order, leo, we are not a civilized society. there is no way to be economically successful. there is no way for your children to be successful. just talked about new york. kodak for supply chain. when he talks about warp speed, this is donald trump speed. but i want to move past that. there is something interesting. joe biden, bunker joe i call
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him. is about to name a vice presidential candidate. there is a woman by the name of careen bass. >> karen bass is a socialist. she is a fidel castro fanatic. a fan. they will lose the cuban vote in florida. she is the chairperson of the congressional black caucus. to get that position you have to play the race card and hate the police. she is a master at it. karen bass would not let good legislation pass through the congress and the house with tim scott with his justice reform bill because of the republicans. she believes if you are a democrat you are the only one
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who can do civil rights. karen bass is a night mayor for joe biden. judge jeanine: florida is a very important state. and a lot of those cubans in florida wouldn't be too happy with karen bass. the joint venture of the castro government and students for a democratic society. the leftist anti-war organization that gave birth to the weather underground terrorist group. what is the message with this woman? >> they night actually get a bernie sanders-style candidate on their ticket. when you are trying to win the industrial midwest and your final candidate for vice president are senator harris, congresswoman bass and some people say a dark horse would be senator elizabeth warren.
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as a trump supporter i want the most radical person you can get on the ballot. joe biden in a lot of different ways is wrongly labeled as a moderate or old school democrat. but you put someone sympathizing with fidel castro. it's not just people in miami who fled the regime who think poorly of castro. good luck winning in pennsylvania with someone who has good things to say about one of the murderous dictators from the 20th century. this is another piece of evidence that the president will turn this race around gradually then suddenly. >> please, joe biden pick karen bass so trump can win florida and the election.
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[♪] judge jeanine: you heard it right here on "justice" last week. the benefits of intervention with covid, take a listen to what bill gates had to say this week. >> you can see the therapeutic benefit fastr faster than the protective benefit. there is a good chance we'll have substantial death rate reduction by the end of the year with the combination of those new tools. judge jeanine: dr. robert hariri is the founter of [inaudible]. i never thought that i would hear bill gates talk about a vac
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seen and the fact that there are therapeutics. we just talked about it last week. what is going on with bill gates? is he changing horses here? >> it's encouraging that bill gates has taken it upon himself to recognize that today even though in a perfect world having a vaccine to help control this outbreak and prevent the spread of covid-19 would make everyone's life easier, the reality is people are sick today. we need effective ways to manage these patients. in the last six months we learned quite a bit about how to manage the severe complications of covid-19. and many of those methods of treatment are extensions of how we treat patients with cancer and other serious diseases. what we are beginning to focus on today is as optimistic as we
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can be about the great work going on, and dr. navarro described the ets to put large numbers of vaccines in the hands of public health officials. a vaccine is not a clinical tool it's a public health tool. when a patient gets admitted for a disease, doctors don't vaccinate. they ared a member sistered to protect the community from the outbreak of an infectious illness. what we have to be concern bodies when patients do get sick, how do we manage that disease and keep them from dying. that comes into the hands of those penal who develop treatments, therapeutics. judge jeanine: when you say treatment therapeutics, i assume you mean immun i immunolodge car
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pills. >> drugs, i min -- immunologic tools. treatment tools that can be administered to patients who are actively ill. unlike be vaccines, their focus can be on people who become ill and require hospitalization. a vaccine will be administered to the entire community without discriminating between those at risk for a disease on those who might get it without the serious company cases that require hospitalizations. judge jeanine: are we making the right bets to find the solution for covid-19. you hear about all the money
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going into the vaccine. how do you balance this? >> i think early on the focus and the great investment in developing strategies to develop vaccines helped energize the industry to create several horses in the race to meet this need. but the truth is that we are recognizing that an equal if not balanced approach where a similar investment can be made in novel therapies as well as recasting therapies. remember doctors treating covid patients who develop serious complications are relying on tools, many of which were developed for other diseases like cancer. the bottom line is when you can actually create a great deal of confidence in the community by showing we can take patients who develop the complications and
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keep them alive, discharge them from the hospital and allow them to recover. that's the job of those who develop treatments. up until now, over 80% of the money being invested in these new approaches have been directed as vaccines, not new treatments. judge jeanine: okay. all right. dr. robert hariri, always good to have you on "justice." thanks so much. calls to defund the police have so many in america outraged including former nfl running-back herschel walker. guys, times are tough. but force factor's test x180 can help us man up, america,
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blackburn on earlier. she talked about the nba, everybody taking a knee and literally playing to -- in a country that literally benefits the chinese communist party. it's not only hypocritical, what does it signal to you? >> it hurts. it hurts. we are the greatest country in the world. to take a knee on the united states of america. do we have our problems? yes, we do. can we solve them, yes we can. what is your end game and what do you want? no one is saying what they want. they say they want justice for breonna and i do, too. but what does that mean. the greatest country in the world is the united states of america. judge jeanine: what about the fact that you have got people who are actually afraid to speak
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out today. >> that's what's sad to me. we are a country that we have those rights and freedoms to speak out. but we have so many people afraid to speak out because what they will be labeled at. i have been labeled so many names. but we are fighting for america. we are fighting for america. do not be afraid to speak out for what is right. we don't defund the police. if you want to win a super bowl, you don't take money away from your team. you play players more money to get a better team. you do it in the nba. you put money in, you don't take money out. police is the reason we are the country we are today because of law and order. but in today's world they want to forget about law and order. we need to realize the way we can become a country is to come together. we are being divided right now.
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it's sad to me that a lot of my athletes in the nba do not realize right now we are being fooled to say this country has had its faults, it does. but we can accomplish if we get together and talk about solving the problems rather than fighting over them. we can get together and talk about solving them. judge jeanine: how do you communicate with your fellow players that they are literally being played? >> i think the way we can communicate with it is by getting leaders -- i know i'm going to get in trouble now. i remember a year ago the cowboys wanting to put a police officer on their jersey to acknowledge police officers. they wouldn't let them do it. i remember not long ago they wouldn't let players protest like that.
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now they switched and have become politically correct. for the nba to use the black lives matter. you are right, black lives matter. but the organization stands for something different. but american lives matter. we need to realize that. this is the united states of america. 367. and if they are going to play the black national anthem. that's divisive. because don't get mad at me. they want to say a white national anthem. almost you be a racist. what if they want to play the latino national anthem, would you be a racist? i'm talking about together, not separation. judge jeanine: he
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>> finally don't lie to me about this order my new book tonight. thank you are watching. advocating for truth and justice and the american way justice has been served. go to my website. greg gutfeld is next. greg: they call this a hearing but it was like lord of the flies meets early onset dementia and is not meant to be funny. >> is not a question it is a statement. >> i did not ask your question. >> please refrain from interrupting me. >> you said get it done. >> let me just tell you are starting to lose my temper i want you to provide the
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