tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News August 3, 2020 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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troubled because i'm about to get beaten up by laura ingraham so my heart has to be s trouble. >> laura: are you ready? are you ready? >> sean: that's the way to start an interview. oh, man. >> laura: you think going on "the view" is difficult. but you are kind of pals with behar and the crew. >> sean: can i tell you a quick, funny story if you're interested? last time i was on "the view," it became in honor ofyo adam schiff, a schiff show and barbara, god bless her, couldn't stop it. hard-hitting news show, it's too tough. >> laura: i remember once, behar, and she's kind of funny. she is an outrageous liberal but she's funny and she says "laura, barbra streisand is a very
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patriotic person, laura, stop criticizing barbra streisand. because i wrote that book "shut up and sing," it was very upsetting. >> sean: it sounds like "we are new yorkers and we are prepared." >> laura: all right, we've got to talk new york because in a moment i am going to exclusively interviewing mike pence. he's following you and given the left's attempts to keep kids out of school, trying to keep them out of independent and private schools in the montgomery county suburb of d.c. so i'm going to get to that but we have to get to your book and i can't believe you only hit number one, that is so lame. is it out in two hours? just two hours?
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>> sean: one hour and to be exact, 58 minutes. >> laura: how do you arrange to be number one, is that just opreorders? do you buy your own book? >> sean: no, i am not involved in the selling, i do know, because of covid, we knew things were going to be different. we put up all these events. i have assigned, if i told you how many you wouldn't believe me. >> laura: stop bragging. >> sean: i would normally go on a book tour. >> laura: i have a question, when you do signing, because of all your mixed martial arts, do you flexea when you sign? >> sean: seriously. you are just like my three older sisters, you just like to
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torture me. >> laura: no, i'm serious, i'm so proud of you because you haven't had a book in a >> sean: ten years. >> laura: it's flying off the shelves of course and it's going to be number one in every category. >> sean: i hate writing books, it's too hard. >> laura: takes a lot of time. i want to get to some serious questions. three months, we have the election. and things seem to be shifting, i think, into trump's direction. who knows what the polls are saying. is it the riots that's moving middle america back toward trump? the school issue or all of the above? what is it? >> sean: it's a great question and i will try to be very quick with my answers which is hard for me. i think it's a combination of wow, the left has embraced anarchy, they are not supporting safety and security, law and order. obama's speech, could it get any more divisive than last week?
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joe biden, and i think this is a sign of pure weakness, that had to shore up his own base because he wasn't confident bernie's followers would vote for him. so he literally, like he always does, plagiarized bolshevik bernie's economic agenda. his guns, the guy who wants to confiscate guns. i would argue, laura, and i started this project about a year ago thinking that this was going to be the moment, i really did.d. i believe that where it was going to be the biggest choice election and so much was at stake and i swore ten years ago i wouldn't write another book but i needed to get it down, i can't get it all out with a history i want to give, it's even worse than i thought it would be. because when do we ever see a presidential candidate, we usually see candidates go to the
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base to get a nomination, moved to the center in a general election. two exceptions to that rule would be ronald reagan and donald j. trump. n donald j. trump is predictable, he kept all his promises that he made and he never changed. you and i can vouch for this conservative governance when so many of our fellow conservatives it never happened. >> laura: they ditched them. i'm about to talk to the vice president so i have to ask you, the top contender. >> sean: he is more important,ce i agree. >> laura: he doesn't have the number one book but he is the vice president. vice presidential contender, kamala harris, susan rice, commie karen bass, tammy duckworth, elizabeth warren. of all of these contenders, who would be the worst for preserving our civil liberties that are under assault right now? >> sean: one observation first, that is that historically, vice presidential
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selections are not, it's usually do no harm, that's what you want in a vice presidential selection. people pick the top of the ticket. the one thing i would argue, everybody in this modern extreme democratic socialist party has is that a radical left, they all have that in common. and, which fits into what joe has done and i don't know how you allow all these liberal citieses that can't restore law & order, that... i don't see one person that is really on ideology that different. they are all far left. all far left. >> laura: i think, look, it's really important that you wrote this book at this time, everybody go out and get it. "live free or die," that is why our country is special.
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>> sean: even though you are like my three older sisters you are a dear friend, i appreciate your support. the support of my friends and colleagues means more than anything and we can't do this, we talk about this a lot, this wonderful, loyal supportive audience, they give us the screen, they give us our radio shows, and they are making it possible that i have a five-alarm fire in my head and my heart and my soul, if these policies are enacted it will be a disaster for the country in the world. >> laura: suffering, real suffering. congrats on the book. absolutely, always there for you, sean, congratulations. >> sean: really appreciate it. >> laura: as we mentioned at the top, we are very happy now to have vice president mike pence with us and you have to follow hannity,
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mr. vice president, that's just the way it works. >> vice president pence: good to be with you, laura. >> laura: it's good to see you tonight, i understand it's late, you had a long day. you see this narrative taking hold, cases rising across the country, schools are waffling on opening, governors are pulling back on some of their reopening especially in blue states and the american people are givingng the administration mixed marks on the handling of the virus even though the handling of the virus has been so much better in so many ways in red state america than it has been in blue state america so what are you up to do to convince voters especially in middle america that you're doing this right, mr. vice president? >> vice president pence: well, look, i think the american people have seen this president take decisive action from very early in the coronavirus pandemic. laura, before there was a single case of community transmission, before the end of january, president trump suspended all
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travel from china, stood up to the white house coronavirus task force and in the first few weeks of february, we actually began the process of developing a vaccine and you just heard a week ago that we are already at a historic pace in phase three clinical trials of the first coronavirus vaccine for this country, could well be available for this fall. in the midst of all of that, we've taken testing from a standing start to nearly 6060 million coronavirus tests performed. ppe is in great abundance'v even across the areas of the country wheree s we've seen rising case. and working closely with governors as the president, and i have from the very beginning, not only did we confront the dramatic rise in cases, the crisis that emerged in new york and new jersey, connecticut,t, detroit, new orleans. the good news as the president said today as we are already beginning to see across the sun belt, not only the
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stabilization of cases but cases are declining, emergency room visits are declining, at the end of the day the american people know that this president has spared no expense, not only the government response but the whole of america response and it's all just evidence of the kind of leadership that president trump has brought to this country over the last three and a half years and i am ready to take the story of this pandemic but also the story of the way this economy is already recovering on the foundation president trump poured in the first three years, we've already put 7 million americans back to work in the first few months of the recovery. >> laura: i want to get ton that in a second but states like florida and texas are still doing much better on covid than new york, that's just to look at the numbers per million, a
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factor of five or six but earlier today governor cuomo had the gall to say this about the trumpil administration's handlig of the virus. >> we do need to reset for the reset has to start at the top, wewe have confusion, we have chaos, we don't have operations set up and i think it has to start with the president of thet united states, i think he has to stand up and say what he didn't say six months ago, he has toav say to the american people that covid u is serious. the white house, dr. birx, the secretary, they are sending the exact wrong message. they've learned nothing in six months. >> laura: you've learned nothing in six months? your response to governor cuomo? >> vice president pence: our hearts grieve for the fact that one in five of all the american lives that have been lost in the coronavirus pandemic were lost in the state of new york and some of that was because of poor decisions by the state and by governor cuomo but look, i liked it better when he said that president trump's leadership in
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the pandemic was, in his words, "phenomenal." he said that repeatedly as we search testing, sailed in a hospital ship, build hospitals in new york. i couldn't be more proud of the support that we rendered to the people of new york and i think the people of new york know that, health care workers know that, families know that, i know governor phil murphy just across the river has continuedat to express his great appreciation for president trump's leadership. but there will be plenty of time in the future to debate various look, our focus is entirely on dealing with this pandemic, marshaling the full resources of the government and i think the american people know the facts here and the fact that governor cuomo has been on again off again, complemented the administration's response and
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then he pivots to criticism, i think people see through that. we are going to stay focused on the task at hand and protecting the vulnerable in putting this coronavirus in thehe past. >> laura: mail in ballots are a looming disaster, we are seeing this in new york and i foresee a scenario where president trump could actually be ahead in key states onts election night but those states couldn't have counted all the mail in ballots. philadelphia, detroit, milwaukee, miami-dade, you can foresee a situation where this will go on for weeks, what can you say tonight to assure us that this election will not be stolen by democrat election officials and swing states? >> vice president pence: look, the president made it very clear, whether it's the power grab in nevada, the governor of nevada was signingen that allowd
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not only for universal mail-in ballots but also vote harvesting, as it's called, we are headed to the courts. the right to vote, the one person, one vote to write is at the very center of our democracy and the president has made it very clear that we are not going to stand idly by while you seee, democrat states and democrat governors use the backdrop of the coronavirus to send millions of ballots all across their states and all across this country. let's be clear though, laura, absentee balloting is perfectly acceptable. a you havetr to apply for an absentee ballot, signatures are checked, it's confirmed, it has a long tradition and we want to encourage any american that is not able to go to the polling place for anys reason to apply for an absentee ballot today but this universal mail-in loaded voting where you're going to see literally ballots showered all is ripe fortate
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fraud and we are headed straight to the courts to put a stop to it. >> laura: mr. vice president, we really appreciate your joining us tonight. we have a lot of other questions we will have to have you come back real soon, please. thank you very much very much. >> vice president pence: thank you, laura, good to be with you. >> laura: and now the real wall of mom's. the focus of tonight's "angle." it's kind of an unwritten rule in washington, when politicians or bureaucrats want to announce unpopular policies, they do it on the friday night. this was the sleazy move of these two men in montgomery county, maryland, friday night. parents were shocked when county health officer dr. travis gale without notice declare that all nonpublic schools located within montgomery county, maryland, are prohibited from physically reopening for in person
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instruction through october 1st. the overlords of everything in maryland had already decided to shut down public schools for in person instruction, sendingof thousands of working families scramblingor for solutions. the order claimed that any official found in violation would be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine not exceeding $5,000d or both. within 24 hours, thousands of parents, mostly moms, had mobilized. a facebook page was set up, a protest scheduled, we know those will be allowed, right? and an online petition begun. office email addresses, phone numbers for all relevant f officials were posted. montgomery county, parents felt they had been betrayed. they were outraged. mary of nazareth catholic school and hsa president said "we were very blindsided as a parent body. a parent who has a kid at st. andrew's apostles will, added at the 11th hour they are pulling the rug out from under these schools.
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after hearing complaints from thousands and thousands of irate parents, governor larry hogan announced he disagreed with his local officials via tweet. then today he formally clipped to the wings of these little montgomery county tyrants, rescinding their authority to close those schools, calling their action overly broad. he concerns that school decisions about safety need to be made by schools following cdc guidelines. here's the bottom line. teachers are essential workers. schools are in essential facilities. they are in the business of educating our children. they are funded through state and county income tax rate on top of that, parents who opt out of public schools for religious or other reasons pay taxes and
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extra tuition. and some unelected, overpaid county official thinks he has the unilateral authority to shut it down? he hinted at the overreach that was coming the day before. >> there are decisions we may make that you may not be happy with your may impact you in a way that is not beneficial but we make these tough decisions looking at the full constellation of the data and evidence we have available and we have to make decisions for all of the residents of the county, not one particular group, not one particular to zip code so rest assured our role is always to keep our residents safe in a nonpartisan, apolitical manner. >> laura: totally apolitical, i must have missed his efforts to shut down these nonsocially distant blm protest in early june. >> i will love my black neighbors the same as my white
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ones. >> they thought some 50 people were going to show up, upwards of 1,000 folks, four hours of demonstration here in bethesda, montgomery county. >> laura: since we are about the facts, here are the numbers in montgomery county. 17,842 confirmed cases but a 2.3% positive test rate, that's almost half the statewide average of 4.13%. 754 total deaths, 1745 cases for children up to 19 years of age and here's the key, zeroro deats for anyone under the age of 17. so young people generally do well with the virus but they don't do well at all without in person schooling. the damage, incalculable. academic decline, depression, isolation, suicide, addiction, abuse, let alone the economic calamity for households that can't afford to have a parent out of work to become a teacher
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and a tutor. staring at screens, doing zoom classes doesn't keep 90% of kids engaged, it is bound to only widen the education gap between the rich and the poor. congratulations, teachers unions. another way of thinking about this, what's more essential? liquor stores, pot dispensaries, bike stores, or schools? this is all about political opportunism, using a pandemic to ram through a new social welfare dependency to stoke racial resentment, cripple churches and private schools as well, many of which will not survive these online edicts. it's all entirely pathetic but it's also predictable. parents in this affluent suburb of d.c. manage for now to push back against this outrageous order about the left-wing activists who burrowed in at the local and county level are not going to give up easily. they have allies in the media and a big ally in the democrat
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presidential nominee joe biden. the arbitrary, overbroad actions have to be resisted across this country. lawsuits have to be filed, depositions must be taken, religious liberty protected, our children's future preserved, the suffocating effective teachers unions on our public schools, and it once and for all by giving all american families a choice in education. and that's the angle. just to note, the story isn't over. this afternoon, montgomery county parents filed a lawsuit in federal court to keep the private schools open, setting irreparable damage to children and of course constitutional violations. the county meeting on this tomorrow will be a doozy, we are
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going to cover it in the parents fighting back on tomorrow night's angle. up next, it's been six weeks and two new york congressional primaries still haven't been decided. i just referenced that with the vice president. what's the reason? mail in ballots. so why is the lodge pushing for this. we will tell you about a craven effort happening in nevada. victor davis hanson is here on why he thinks the 2020 race is turning toward trump. stay h there. ♪ and with his people israel
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therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. - [narrator] available at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ >> laura: democrats push for nationwide mail in voting and that continues, seven states have already used covid as an excuse to open up their elections to massive fraud and corruption and now democrats and the bat are looking to join them. yesterday at a party line vote without any debate, democrat state lawmakers passed a bill to mail all registered voters their ballots ahead of the november election. the bill is so egregious that president trump is of course considering doing some thing about it. id>> universal mail-in ballot is going to be a great embarrassment to our s country. i have the right to do it, we haven't gotten there yet but we will see what happens, we will be suing in nevada and that's already been taken care of, we will probably file something tomorrow. >> laura: joining me now, former nevada attorney general, adam, what does this mean for
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the next election? i can for see what will happen, right? however many votes trump is leading by, they will find those ballots somewhere at some point in the next week after the election but in states where this is going on, how can voters actually know their votes are being tracked and counted? >> well, it's going to o lead to mass chaos and uncertainly uncertainty, it's certainly going to lead to litigation, it was only 26,000 votes in i 2016, we are not going to know who won if it's a close election and we are going to be fighting over every single ballot and what's crazy about this is that they noticed this on a friday morning, they never showed it to the head of elections, the secretary of state was not part of it, she did not get to write it, no republicans saw it and they want to have us believe that this is for the public, a bipartisan affair. i don't think anything good
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comes out of a midnight weekend special session to fundamentally alter our election. >> laura: let me get this straight, you can go gambleig at the casinos, we love the casinos but you can go gamble at the casinos but you can't go vote? okay. and you can't go to church in nevada. without the government breathing down your throat but you go to the liquor store, the casinos in every thingan else, how do peope not see what's going on here? >> well,ut it's worse than that, in the bill there is going to be more in person early boat election sites and ever in our history and more election day so i thought this was about covid, i thought it was too dangerous to vote in person, we are going to have the largest in person election at the same times p of his governor who tells us that the construction of the las vegas raiders at stadium has to go on during the entire covi, with positives in these sites is now telling us it's not safe to
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vote. >> laura: it's a very confusing message. here's a nevada reporter downplaying the risk of fraud from corruption iny the mail in, watch. >> there was a lot of public comments to that effect that this is going to be some source of major fraud in the state of nevada because you can allow someone now that's not a family member, previously at how to be a family member, now it can be someone else that can help a vulnerable person fill out their ballot. >> laura: adam, they always say there's no evidence of voter fraud so, really big deal? >> it's absolutely a big deal, this is exactly what the media says, there is no evidence, you chronicle it, i've chronicled it, there is clearly voter fraud all over the country and this is a huge deal andd she's talking about ballot harvesting which was illegal in the state of nevada until this new bill was passed and your listeners have
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heard of granny harvesting, imagine pay democrat operatives are republicans being able to go into senior living homes, take advantage of our elders, hand them ballots ended in this legislation they can even sign up for them so this thing is absolutely ripe for fraud and the biggest thing is we are not ready for this as a stage, we don't have the resources to do a large presidential election. >> laura: it's going to be a disaster, let me tell you. this will drag out this election and if you thought there was civil unrest a couple months ago or a month and a half ago, i'm worried about that, that's what i'm worried about, both sides, people are going to be very fed up at that point. adam, it's great to see you, thank you so much for this and bow point vote by mail is probably the worst way to hold elections. they can't even count votes on time. it took new york five weeks to count all their absentee democrat primary ballots and two congressional primaries are still undecided in new york.
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that's just one state. given all these problems why the democrats pushing so hard to make this the new normal? my guest knows and is going to tell us, victor davis hanson, victor, they are ramping this up because of the polls, they are going to need to know how many v votes they need to beat trump in michigan and pennsylvania and miami-dade, tell us. >> yeah, i think they are ag little worried becausese the rasmussen poll has trump ahead into the daily express poll they conducted has trump ahead in the polls have been pretty close in the swing state so they are aware of thinking that the nightmare if you thousand 16 even though their own left-wing polls like reuters and politico have him way up, and they are thinking oh, my god, this can happen again. they identify trump with things,
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he is responsible for the virus when it spiked but the virus is starting to wane and it may keep on waiting and he feels responsiblede t when it spikes s responsible also when it starts to wane and disappear. the same thing is true with the lock down, it's been redefined as a school issue and that's a losing issue for democrats. in addition to that, joe biden has a real problem because he'sh going to go with the r vetted candidate like susan rice or kamala harris, he reaches out to appease his base with somebody like karen bass and these people are not vetted and all of a sudden we hear all these crazy stories about scientology and fidel castro and that's a real problem that has trump starts to get up in the polls, 43 or 44, joe biden's strategy, of staying in theth basement and not going out, he's going to have to come out and once he comes out i'm afraid to say that those cognitive issues seem to be enhanced by being in the basement, he didn't get a lot of stimulationoi and you know,
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churchill said on world war i, the only man on either side of the war that could lose it in an afternoon and joe biden is the only candidate in his race who could lose the entire race in an afternoon or a minute because he is capable saying almost anything. i think that explains what you're talking about about the mail and the questions about whether we should even have a debate, they are really starting to get worried. >> laura: back in april i said there was not going to be a presidential debate, the press would give them cover and come up withg some scenario, it wasnt fair, it wasn't right, there's just no way he can debate trump, it's not going to happen and i don't, they are going to try to get pence to do one debate with the vice presidential but he shouldn't do it if that's the case, if biden is not going to debate trump, pence should not debate the vice presidential pick.
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>> yeah, we haven't even discussed is the rioting and the blue state enabling of that. the pathos is getting bizarre and the democrats own it and they don't know what to do with it because these people are really crazy, the antifa blm leaders. they're not going to stop so that issue is starting to really boomerang against them so all of these six or seven issueslm they thought very smugly were hurting trump, and they were, they are starting to slowly and insidiously change and they are veryry worried about it. the only way they can react his change the system.he the changing of the protocols before this thing is over. >> laura: do it in the middle of the night on the friday night in the dark of night, make it clear, thanks so much. cities across the country are engulfed in chaos. one major urban center seems to avoid it, what are they do right? detroit police chief james craig
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♪ >> laura: we were told that things will calm down in portland as federal law enforcement officers vacate> the city, but is that what happened? over the weekend, peaceful protesters stormed federal court houses and continued to engage in depraved acts like this. >> [bleep], [bleep] [bleep]. [bleep]. [yelling] >> [bleep]. >> laura: that's your future, america. one major city has largely
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avoided this type of chaos, detroit. detroit's police chief joins us now to tell us, we have some news coming out of your city tonight perhaps changing some of the protocol for police, i will get to that in a moment. you said that the motor city isn't reeling because your officers don't retreat, what do you mean by that? >> we don't retreat, laura, we don't retreat. i've got to give a lot of credit to the men and women of the police department, but not onlyy that, our community stood by us throughout to avoid the chaos you see in so many other cities. the real key is, these folks are coming into detroit and some of these other cities do nott speak for detroiters. everyone said, go home, you don't belong here. so really, and we don't retreat. so important, we don't retreat. you're not going to burn our city. >> laura: the concern so many americans have right now, i think, as they are seeing things escalate in other cities, the killings in chicago, the murder rate in new york, what's
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happened on the west coast and property damage and graffiti everywhere, people feel kind of hopeless. they feel like if you defund the police, are you going to call a community officer with what? how are you going to keep people safe? it's going to hurt the minority people and the underprivileged and at risk the most. >> absolutely. they are not talking about defending the police here. the protesters are and i'veed gt to say this because i think it's important, when we talk about peaceful protesters, it transitions very quickly when you attack buildings, loot, attack police officers, that's not peaceful and that's the one thing we've done very well here, we support the right to free speech, we support peaceful protesters but when you transition to becoming violent and attack our officers, you try to loot, that isn't happening in detroit. we don't retreat, laura. >> laura: the news that came out, just broke tonight that the
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detroit board of police commissioners is recommending severalha changes in police policy, ban on choke holds, ban on shooting from a vehicle, also a consideration of special populations and the way force is used, elderly women, other groups of people, mental disabilities, people with limited english proficiency. that one seems like it makes some sense but might be a little bit confusing in the heat of the moment, how o do you distinguish someone of limited mental capacity and someone who was on drugs, what is that do to the police officer in the heat of the moment, sir? >> let me just take a step back, this is the first i'm hearing of it. >> laura: i'm bringing you the news. >> i know. we were under federal oversight
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for 13 years, we have adopted some of the best policing policies in america. we banned choke hold years ago. so i don't understand why this is a conversation or even a policy revision when we already have policy in place that is banned that. >> laura: it's the detroit board of police commissioners, they have a whole series of new rules for all of you. >> they are not new rules because the rules exist, we are out of federal oversight and through that we adopted some of the best policing practices in america. it's not broken. in fact, others follow us. so i find it interesting that this is coming out and it doesn't mean we can't enhance what we do, i mean, so i'm confused. really.
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>> laura: check it out and we will check back with you because i want to know whether you think all of these bullet points are going to be helpful or will they make your job more difficult if they are not already in place. chief, thank you for speaking wishes to all the men and women on the force in detroit. >> i appreciate that. >> laura: take care. what is it say about our current situation when>> athletes who stand for the national anthem are the ones who have to explain themselves. former nfl superstar herschel walker will be with us next. can't miss reaction, stay there. >> laura: a few years ago, it awesome internet.
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♪ >> laura: a few years ago, it was the pro athletes who knelt for the national anthem who made news. one outcome of the media goes berserk when players stand for our anthem. now, why is that and what is it say about where we're headed? former nfl player herschel walker joins me now. it's great to see you tonight. what do you think when you, with everything you've experienced in your career, everything you saw as an athlete, when you see this? >> well, it makes me very sad. you said it earlier, a couple years ago you had to explain why
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you were kneeling and now you've got to explain why you're standing and you know, we have a lot of politics now entering sports that i think should be out because, why does a player need to decide who is he for and right now the management is trying to decide for you by putting "blm" all over everything. who is it your supporting, the organization is not something i that i think speaks for a lot of people. >> laura: jonathan isaac with the magic was theza first nba player to stand during the national anthem last week. here's the first question he was asked after that game. >> do you believe that black lives matter? >> absolutely i believe that black lives matter and kneeling while wearing black lives matter t-shirt does not go hand-in-hand
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with supporting black lives. >> laura: he is a faithful christian and he believes that everyone should be treated equally without regard to race, with love and compassion and he's interrogated for that. >> that is terrible. think about the first question, because you're standing, are you against black lives matter? that is nothing to do with it and what i said early on, blackt lives matter is a group that is alienated themselves to one political party, everyone knowsm in washington unless you can bring both parties together you're not going to get anything done so with their agenda is just to alienate themselves from one party because they support the democratic party and then to question him, because you're standing, are you against black lives matter? i'm not against black lives
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matter because i think all black lives matter, not just certainin black lives matteri' but i am fr american lives matter because i'm an american. people get upset when i say that, guys, i am an american. i love america, we can solve the problem we have going on but we have to come together and talk about it, we can't just get out and make statements, no one's ever wanted to communicate about it. >> laura: i just think it's so important for people to have a refuge in sports that transcends politics and brings people together for the love of the game and you certainly bring that to the equation and it's great to see you tonight. up next, a lot of folks are suggesting but i didn't do something i have been active for a while, the poof. ..
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trump. the reasons are pretty obvious. who warned you the left would do this as far back as april? you felt this coming, that this was going to be a keep this going through the fall so we don't have to have conventions, probably not a campaign, no debate. they have to cancel the convention, the debate, they can't debate trump. i don't think they will debate trump. is never going to debate the president. did i get a little repetitive? that all the time we have. take it all from here. do you think there will be a debate, a presidential debate? shannon: great to see you. happy wednesday. have a technical trouble we ready to go. hurricane about to hit the nation's capital. investigation into operation cross i hurricane heating up.
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