tv The Five FOX News August 5, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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broad. promising talk of the vaccine in the making. i talk to someone at novavax which has an antibiotic treatment which could be ready as soon as december and millions of doses available soon after. here comes "the five." ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino with juan williams, pete hegseth, lawrence jones, emily compagno. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." jam-packed show coming your way. president trump is that told a news conference from the white house very soon. that happening while the 2020 race is in full swing. president trump disputing joe biden after she said this on the daily briefing. >> joe is a moderate and that doesn't mean his ideas on progressive and bold and forward
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thinking. but he's not someone who's left or right. he's a moderate and that's who he's always been. >> dana: the president claiming joe biden is anything but a moderate and calling him a tool of the far left. take a listen. >> joe biden's whatever they tell him to be and i think it's good that a wife, i would expect a wife to say that. that's the appropriate thing to say. joe is being taken so far left, look at the manifesto he and bernie agreed to. it is further left than bernie was. joe will drive the market into a depression and the biggest thing holding back our stock market is the possibility that biden gets elected, because if he gets elected, our stock market will crash. >> dana: president trump now officially trying to get biden on the record as soon as possible. the trump campaign is asking the commission on presidential debates to hold one during the first week in september before
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an expected surgeon early voting. joe biden's campaign just responded saying he will debate on the days the commission has picked and adding "perhaps the president should put as much time into managing covid as he does into this." 2020 is really underway which of course makes for lots of fun. juan, let me ask you about this issue, joel biden stressed twice to me yesterday that joe biden is a moderate. and yet we know that the far left of the base is very unenthusiastic about joe biden's campaign. the cochair of the bernie campaign saying it was like having to eat a bowl of excrement to vote for joe biden. >> juan: i think it's hard to
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hide who joe biden's at this point because people know joe biden. what you see is overwhelmingly moderates say joe biden is moderate. conservatives say joe biden is a moderate. liberals say jill biden is moderate. obviously a liberal saying he's a moderate, says he i wish he was more liberal but bernie sanders has undressed and says he thinks joe biden will be one of the most progressive presidents ever. if you ask the voters, democrats overwhelmingly see him as a moderate. so do independence. i think the trump campaign would like to try to define him. the problem for them, on so many levels they have failed to define joe biden on a way that's advantageous for them to take him down. i think we have seen that. the advertising that they suspended last week. they spent 200 million since january. the advertising was about portraying biden as incompetent or a left-winger and all that.
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he just hasn't worked. biden's lead in the polls has been sustained. >> dana: lawrence jones, you were out on the street this week talking to people, asking them about joe biden and what their biggest takeaway was from him and his long career and his candidacy. what was the consensus? >> lawrence: i think when i asked about a policy perception or anything he was able to accomplish, the two things they said was he was obama's vp and he's a nice guy. i think that's not really their fault. that's the campaign's fault. it goes back to him being able to define himself. you know, i always love when the spouses come on and talk because they give you the hard truth. on one hand, most people say that moderate but in his policy work when you look at his website come he's trying to reflect that he is going to be the biggest progressive in the history of this country. and so that's one of the real issues for joe biden. he has to appease the
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progressive base. they are not looking for incremental change. they want you to be all in and right now, they are not so much on board. sure, he has bernie sanders but when it comes to the activist on the ground, they are still hesitant. i would reflect looking at missouri yesterday, defeating lacy clay, then in congress for 19 years. his dad had the seat for 13 years. cory bush defeated him. in new york, he lost his seat as well. these guys aren't playing and i think when it comes to election day, joe biden for the reasons we just discussed or be able to get those progressive voters because they really don't trust him. >> dana: that's an interesting point about some of these races going to the way of aoc are the far left. pete, talk to me about that. can the republicans frame this in a way that says that if biden were to win in the senate is at
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risk, you might get a progressive president. >> he is that vessel. joe biden may have once been a moderate. his one accomplishment he can point to is the 1994 crime bill which he is running away from as fast as he can. that was a lifetime ago quite literally. voters also used to know the old uncle joe biden. this is a new joe was made a deal with the devil on the left. the trump campaign is right to affix into the radicals on the left i'm going to plagiarize, it's okay to plagiarize in our business. it's a joe biden thinks of course we can talk about plagiarism. a frame that governor mike huckabee used on "fox and friends" this morning, you can work hard to do left right and put them on that scale. i think the trump campaign is going to do up or down. what will happen if jill biden is elected? will -- the stock market will go down. your taxes will go up. crime and mobs will go up. political correctness will go
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up. the wall will come down. paint a picture of what people are saying in the streets right now and site is it really what you want? that's what comrade cortez, jim clyburn denies the existence of antifa, they are denying reali reality. that's where the trump campaign wants people's minds leading to november 3rd. >> dana: emily, tell me a little bit about this debate about the debate. i think it's highly unlikely that a fourth debate will be added. the biden campaign says they've already committed to the three debates. they are going to be there. one vice presidential debate. the idea that you have early voting that starts soon. the republicans have finally realized that he could sleep very early. >> emily: this is true. it's an important thing for americans to note, they might be voting before they see a presidential debate for those arguing that's become salacious,
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then remove the audience. have it just be those two gentlemen on stage and the panel. there are ways to make it -- >> dana: that's what it will be this time around. it will only be the two of them, no audience and you'll be able to see both of them without any other things. their cognitive abilities, their ability to. back and forth distractions. >> emily: if i may wait in the labeling, it seems that whether or not joe biden wears a hand on his lapel that's as far left or moderate is missing the mark. what's most important is the fact that he's allowed the far left to set up shop inside his campaign. pete used the word vessel. i see him as a host. he's not a leader. there's no way he's going to be unwavering in whatever policies he tries to put forth. he has one job after the primary that was to effectively unify his party but the way he did it was that he took on aoc and
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bernie sanders' policies and that's what he's campaigning on now, so people who are paying attention are generally concerned that he will follow through on those policies like banning fracking on federal land and free college tuition and the like. he's been accused of having his campaign dressed up in a blue-collar costume. it's been pointed out the fact that really he's only been nominally blue-collar for the duration of his career. he has taken no political risks at all, let alone on behalf of union members and that's partly why the steamfitters said we don't recognize this jill biden. he is kicked unions to the curb. it speaks to the fact that he is the capitulating host, not a true leader. >> juan: dana, can i jump in for a second? >> dana: go ahead. >> juan: i was going to say -- >> dana: juan, they are saying we've got to go. >> juan: talking about defining candidates they want to know that biden is going back on the air with advertising about covid which is the number one issue in voters minds in the ad
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him about it and also mocking president trump. >> no, i haven't taken a test. why the hell what i take a test? mod, man. that's like saying that before you come on this program, you're taking test whether you've taken cocaine or not. come on. if he can figure out the difference between an elephant and a lion, i don't know what the hell he's talking about. come on, man. i know you're trying to goad me. >> pete: that is a word salad. lawrence, does he not recognize that there is a question about his cognitive ability and taking it on might be in his interest? >> lawrence: well, i don't know if he's unaware or it could be denial. i'm not going to speak on his mental health but what i will say, because i'm not a doctor. i will say as a guy who was elected to office for 47 years, i think it's intellectually dishonest to say this is a different joe biden. he was once known as the
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greatest retail politician. the campaign would want him out talking with people. his press aides loved him talking to the press, even though sometimes he would turn some heads. he had a strategic way of connecting with people. that has since changed. they do not want him talking with the press. when he talks with the press, they are layups he sets up for them. they don't want them talking to people. i think they have to be honest about this and plan a strategy to combat it. to the people would say donald trump as well, now if you dislike what donald trump says are likely says, it's one thing to say he's been consistent all of these years. he's been the same donald trump. if you say you dislike what he says, that's one argument but i don't think there's a question of mental stability that people are saying they just don't like what he has to say, which is fair. >> pete: i want to play a
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flashback of what former vice president vic joe biden sa. speak i'm constantly tested. i can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capabilities to the cognitive capability of the man i'm running against. >> pete: juan, you believe that? why would he say he took the test and then say no i don't need to take the test and then bizarrely berate an reporter and ask if he's a junkie. is that something that you want from your candidate? >> juan: i think that he was right and smart to fire back aggressively affect question. i was just listening to you and lawrence, and it's clear there are some people who want to portray jill biden as a doddering old fool who would bey and he's just not that. dana perino asked jill biden about this yesterday and she was
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very clear, this guy has all his faculties. what's interesting. hang on, let me finish. you can say that but she was honest. here's the thing. when president trump took a cognitive test, he thought somehow he said he was bragging about it like it was an i.q. test. this is a test given to people who may have alzheimer's, dementia. have had a stroke. he's talking about it and bragging about it to people. it was not rational. i think it's a little bit -- i admire lawrence for say he's not a doctor. we are not doctors. i think it's a political slander job ambit joe biden and he is right to fire back and say its lowball. >> lawrence: no difference in joe biden? >> juan: let me say, i ran into joe biden earlier this year and joe biden in joe biden style was talking my ear off and still a great -- not average, great retail politician.
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>> pete: dana, we may not be able to play the doctor game but we can play the d.c. game. if president trump was unwilling to go out on the campaign trail, with the media be treating him the same way they are treating joe biden, with kid gloves? >> dana: i think we know conservatives definitely get a tougher time from the media in every case. this president gets a lot of it. of course. i think the debates are the best place for the question of cognitive abilities to be solved by the american people who are going to make a decision. i don't think it's a good use of time for the trump campaign. i think you see that because they started shifting their focus to be what you were talking about in the a block, pete, which is about the policies and the consequences of the policies. they had done the research and they knew it wasn't working as well but they still stick on it. i feel there shouldn't be a reverse in the media strategy.
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we think president trump is everywhere all day long. i know that his base love to see him. if they were to take a step back and then have the media focus on the fact that joe biden is not out there and the only thing they could use to talk about the 2020 race was his interview this morning, that would put a lot more focus on joe biden then basically stepping on the message all day long. >> pete: the president will be on shortly in about 10 minutes if he's on schedule. emily, do you think, we hear it's true earlier the sleep you joe mantra playing on the cognitive ability. it seems that the trump campaign is focusing more on here's what he would unleash on the country. it's a real issue if you're going to be the leader of the free world. >> emily: i think it is useful and apt that they started discussing or attacking his policies because remember, he hadn't unveiled them. prior to that, prior to him to
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revealing that essentially he's putting forward bernie and aoc's policies, was just about him being sleepy joe. what i took away from that interview because i'm not a doctor, his inability to handle any type of prompting questions. i took away his demeanor with an immediate raise tackles and an attack into me that's that's what we're going to see more of whatever he's allowed to debate the president right now. that would have been an opportunity for him to say firmly and like a leader does, i'm quite confident in my cognitive ability and here's why let me tell you a little bit more about how it's going to further my policies. it's not rocket science but him to have responded in a way that reassured us without playing into the game and the final point, democrats best strategy is to let the media attacked the president while joe biden sort of hung out and reveled in the memories of americans have of him being attached to president obama but because he's out, we are seeing is going to be imprinted on americans mind
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so president trump will be smart to let his team. >> pete: juan, do you feel confident jill biden on the stage, whether the dates are moved or not, can go toe-to-toe with president trump? he hasn't had the warm-up candidates were on the trail. he's been in his basement. are you truly confident that he is capable of it? >> juan: yeah. i am listening to you and trying to respect this whole concept. we saw him in an interview that you played and said that you didn't like the response. i think he should fire back aggressively and say this is nonsense. you know what, as dana said, we will have the debates. the american people can be the judge. if you saw the axios interview or the chris wallace interview, you would have to say the one that seems to be not in touch with the facts, i think he is in the white house.
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>> lawrence: surgery violence and being cities not stopping the radical left anti-cop crusade. l.a. is looking to shift almost a billion dollars away from its police department. protests in the city of seattle. they claim aggressive police tactics are forcing them to buy protective gear. crime is surging in new york city. robberies in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods is up 286%. juan, i'm going to go to you. i've been on the ground covering
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this in chicago, new york, seattle. i've interviewed families the been affected by it. yesterday when i was watching the show, i was really surprised with some of your comments. you talked about it being very limited and people are fearmongering. i think that's not factual. >> juan: well, i think it is a fact, lawrence. i'm -- i don't know why you would say that. the statistics over the last 30 years, we've seen a tremendous drop in the rate of violent crime in america. i don't think that is in dispute. i think when we talk about, by the way, i've admired some of the stuff you been doing. i saw the episode where you were dealing with junkies on the street in new york. i think a lot of this really is very important to the trump campaign to suggest that somehow there's anarchy in the streets. >> lawrence: murders are up
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50%. >> juan: you're right. you're right. >> lawrence: in chicago there's a blood bath every weekend. for those people in those communities that are grieving, how can you say it's a limited area? should we abandon those american cities? >> juan: wait a second. from what i read, in about 8% of the census tract in the city of chicago, so in other words 92% of chicago is not experiencing this. it's in poor neighborhoods, typically black and latino and among gangs and drug dealers. unfortunately you see children get hit, bystanders get hit. that's not to suggest a crime wave. even on the upper east side of new york where you just said, there's been a 200 something percent rise in robberies. it is 24 robberies in one month. 24 in a densely populated area. guess what. the reality is that we are going
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through a pandemic. we have higher rates of unemployment, higher rates of homelessness, high rates of drugs as a result. of course you're going to get more crime. >> lawrence: dana, let me get you in here because i don't care if it's only 9% of the population through those communities matter. people that look like me that it or experiencing this and just because we are not in those communities doesn't mean we shouldn't care about those communities. >> dana: right, if we care about life, we should care about all life. lawrence, even for you, i think it's even more acute because you've interviewed the families who lost their babies. when you talk to a father whose heartbroken like that and then you get a call, you have to go to the next city and you're going to have to do it again. and then lawrence, calling you again because there is a 9-year-old now in chicago. you're covering the stories. it's not just statistics. you've met these people and look them in the eye and you've hugged them and that makes a difference.
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i would point out it's interesting that today you had new york governor andrew cuomo begging the 1%, the wealthiest people, to come back to the city because he needs them to be there to help bring the city back. okay, well, there might be another reason besides coronavirus the people aren't coming back and that's because they see what's happening to crime. if they have an option of keeping their family safe, they're not going to return. there has to be some sort of understanding on behalf of how these governors and mayors, in order to get the cities up and running till we all want, there has to be security and safety, number one. >> lawrence: pete, as you know, i've been covering this and i covered it with you on "fox & friends." it's true that the democrats run the cities. they have failed. wealth, poverty, shootings. when are we going to see the republican response? >> pete: i think we have seen it and it has to start with
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basic law and order. there are larger systemic problems. family breakdown, educational breakdown. republicans have better ideas on them because democratic mayors would never let it happen. democrats run those towns. there are alternatives that never see the light of day but if democrats want to use denial as a strategy, juan, if your answer is like jerry nadler's, antifa is a mess. james clyburn said he hadn't seen any attacks on federal buildings. look at portland. the response in seattle when they cut police funding is to get rid of s.w.a.t. teams, encampment removal teams, the mounted unit. if they were to be of biden presidency and chop and chas reconstitute themselves. you get a perpetuation of what we've seen because joe biden is never going to take on his base
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which is who these violent protesters are. deny it but the evidence is before you. >> lawrence: emily, i talked to my source and the nypd and they say there's a debate to bring the anti-crime univac. the only debate is want to to call it. is it just politics as usual? debating a name when we see 177% increase in shootings? >> emily: absolutely. it's one reason why this is so tragic. if i may frame my answer in response to juan, respectfully, even just 24 robberies, it constitutes the highest concentration of wealth in nyc, to dana's point about paying taxes. those were armed robberies in the middle of the day. if it happens to you, just one matters. the whole purpose of the civil unrest record" was to amplify black voices, where we not amplifying the black voices in those communities that you pointed out are suffering the worst? as a resident, it's like
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watching a festering abscess and there's nothing you can do about it because the local leadership is hamstringing law enforcement. i have to point out, the blm suing the city of seattle, it's fascinating. they are saying that they are getting priced out and it's incumbent on the fact that the officers they claimed fired first essentially and essentially immunobody it, the judge that issued temporary and immediate restraining order for 14 days. those plaintiffs were part of chop. the lawsuit is being brought by the seattle university law clinic. the thought that it is small and won't have an effect to minimize it. >> pete: we are attacking you so you should pay for our riot gear. >> lawrence: it's disgusting with having this country. i'm going to continue coverage. there's nothing the liberal mob won't cancel. they are going after the movie
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it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. ♪ >> what's the matter? >> i have a headache. >> it might be a tumor. >> it's not a tumor. >> emily: the movie "kindergarten cop" is the latest victim of cancel culture. the film pulled from an oregon festival after 1% complained that it room emphasizes over policing and compared the movie to "birth of a nation." you can take "kindergarten cop" away from astoria oregon but try it with "the goonies. close but they will not stand for it. pete hegseth, you have an incredible expense on twitter. it was pulled after one person complained. >> pete: my thoughts are who is your daddy and what does he
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do? this is a fantastic movie. we all remember it. my goodness, can we not have a little fun celebrating? next, the city of detroit is going to disown their cyborg robocop for excessive force. these are movies. these are places where we escape. this one is funny. i remember the kid putting the antenna up, the tinfoil on the antenna. i hope, juan, not to single you out, juan. you're our resident democrat. do you recognize the depth of the silliness where cancel culture goes? we want places to escape or we don't have to throw politics in the middle of it. >> juan: you know, i don't have any problem. i am an adult on my watch movies like "kindergarten cop" to get a big hoot out of it. i don't have a problem. i understand that when you mix some very combustible topics in
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cops, guns, children in schools at this moment in america, i understand. i think people can be overly sensitive. so i wouldn't have objected. i wouldn't have had any objections. >> emily: lawrence, condoleezza rice of the problem with the left is telling black people how to think. if i may ask you, do you feel you are told what to think and how to vote? >> lawrence: i think everyone, we try to put everyone in different groups. i think there is some truth to what condi rice is saying. when it comes to cancel culture, think the problem is is that people pick and choose what they want to cancel. it's a wildfire. i've said this with pete. if you pour gasoline, don't be surprised if it hits you. just ask ellen. pastor kim burrell. now the mob is hitting her. my message to america is if you agree or disagree, doesn't
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matter. don't go on the internet saying cancel something. don't go for these boycotts of different organizations just because you don't subscribe to what they believe in. just don't go to their business and don't support the cause and move on. if you're going to pour gasoline on the fire, don't be surprised when it hits you too. >> emily: dana, what are your thoughts. >> dana: i don't know if anybody here read but i do recommend this novel called "where did you go, bernadette?" it takes place in seattle and it's about the craziness that happens at one of the neighborhoods just outside of seattle. if you like this is one isolated incident in oregon. it's a different place out there. this is not happening all across america. we blow it up into a national story because we are all paying attention. i think we should be on guard about this kind of thing coming to our neighborhood. i would like to host my neighborhood to watch
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"kindergarten cop" on an outdoor projector if i buy one. things like this make me want to show it and have a big party. >> lawrence: i would calm. >> pete: i considered an invite. >> emily: me too. >> dana: i have to get the projector first. >> emily: we are going to hold you to it. president trump warning the november elections could be a disaster. what he just said about mail-in voting. stay with us. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health.
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♪ >> juan: welcome back. president trump is holding a news conference at the white house. we take you there now. >> president trump: good to be with you. i would like to begin by providing an update on my administration's actions to protect american workers as we battle the china virus. since the virus escaped china, my administration has enacted $3 trillion in economic relief. it's been very, very successful and you side by the numbers issued yesterday and the day before. used car sales and auto production, they been incredible numbers actually. shockingly incredible.
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we've been negotiating in good faith with democrat leaders in the house to extend relief payments. we are negotiating right now as we speak, and we'll see how it works out. if democrat leaders put partisan demands aside, we would reach an agreement very quickly. it would happen very quickly. in the meantime, my administration is exploring executive actions to provide protections against eviction. eviction is a big problem. very unfair to a lot of people. it wasn't their fault that this virus came from a faraway land. as well as additional relief to those who are unemployed as a result of the virus. very importantly i am also looking at a term limited suspension of the payroll tax. something that has great support from many, many sites, especially some of our top economists and some people that we have great respect for.
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we are looking at a suspension of the payroll tax. the democrats are primarily interested in a $1 trillion bailout of the poorly run states. we have some states and cities. you know them. we don't have to go through names but they've been very poorly run over the years and we can't go along with the bailout money. we are not going to go along with it especially since it's not covid related. earlier today i met with a great governor. arizona governor doug ducey. he has really done a fantastic job. beyond even the covert situation which you have been reading about as it pertains to arizona. a state that is a model for applying a science-based approach to the decrease in cases and hospitalizations without implementing a punishing lockdown. eris on this record the spread of the virus while maintaining
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hospital capacity and allowing society continue functioning and functioning very nicely, very successfully is an example that shows how our path forward can work in arizona has a record really to be proud of. it's reduced the number of daily new cases by over 75%. cut the positivity rate in half and reduced e.r. visits by two-thirds all the while keeping the economy functioning and functioning really well. when cases surged in june, the vice president and dr. birx visited arizona to consult with governor ducey. their long consultations with governor ducey and his staff. the vice president has been in constant contact ever since. my administration is also collaborating with state and local officials across the south
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and midwest to provide similar guidance. we had a great relationship with the representatives in arizona and it's been such a successful endeavor. the federal government has supplied or delivered more than 400 million pieces of personal protective equipment to arizona along with nearly 70,000 vials of remdesivir. we provided over -- excuse me, we provided over $18 billion in economic support arizona including more than $8.6 billion to support over 80,000 small businesses, so we really have been helping arizona. it's gotten tremendous results. our goal is to protect the most vulnerable, increase recovery rates. you know that. something so important. prevent hospital overcrowding all the while avoiding the kind of stringent lockdowns that would've inflicted substantial
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suffering in this phase of the battle. we have the tools, resources, and knowledge to implement a targeted approach as we reach to deliver a vaccine. we are really working very hard on the vaccine, and we are doing -- i think they are doing a fantastic job. i've been meeting with officials from some of the greatest companies in the world. meeting with scientists and they are getting very close. if not there, they're getting very close. there testing. proper analysis of infection control measures much take into account the short-term and long-term public health. including death caused by a far-reaching shutdown. when you shutdown you have many, many things that happen from suicides to depression to drinking, alcohol problems, drug problems. problems with marriages. problems with marriages. you have people confined to
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their house, their apartment for long periods of time, it can cause a lot of problems with that also. instead, arizona has adopted the following measures. the governor advised residents to aggressively social distance to maintain strict hygiene. this did encourage mass cues and grounded public laces especially when social distancing is not possible. the governor also exercised his to restrict capacity and indoor locations to limit the possibility of super spreading. it's a big thing. my administration, we got them a lot of treatments and therapies to the state including nearly 70,000 vials of remdesivir, enough to treat over 11,000 patients. it's been very successful. my administration also delivered ppe and point-of-care testing to over 100 arizona nursing homes. the federal government has
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provided massive amounts of masks and equipment and gowns and you know some of those numbers. arizona was a very big beneficiary and they very much received, very much appreciated. more than 1,000 national guard and medical personnel have also been deployed in arizona and they have really helped. they have been terrific and i want to thank them. they have been brave and brilliant. a combination of both. we also supported our tribal communities. the tribal communities were hit very, very hard. governor ducey and i personally delivered rapid testing systems to the navajo nation which has been really, really an originally bad shape but now getting better and very, very quickly. the navajo nation now has one of the highest levels of testing per capita anywhere in the world. really worked very hard on the tribal areas.
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in particular in this case the navajo nation. they've done incredibly well. overall, arizona has conducted over 1.1 million tests. more than the entire nations of japan, mexico, and switzerland. arizona's per capita testing is higher than germany, south korea, france and canada. tribal governments in arizona have received nearly $1.3 billion for the coronavirus relief fund. meanwhile, outdoor dining, limited indoor dining and most of the other businesses in arizona have remained open and very vibrant. they are doing incredibly well. this is an approach and it's an approach that has been incredibly successful. arizona has been able to protect high-risk populations and quickly bring its outbreak under control without the need to impose overly punitive measures. thanks to advances in treating the virus, the fatality rate across all age groups in arizona
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is very low. arizona's scientific and data-driven strategy also preserved hospital capacity, ensuring that those who need care were able to receive it and receive it immediately, very quickly. at the peak come approximately 15% of beds remained available statewide. that was at the peak. roughly 20% of all occupied beds going to patients hospitalized for the virus. they kept other things going. they kept other forms of operations going. they kept elective surgery going. they did a really amazing job. today only 6% of the current hospitalizations in the state are related to the china virus. arizona has also demonstrated success in protecting the states african-american population. only 5% of patients hospitalized were african-american, and african-americans represent just 2% of all deaths from the virus. as it has worked
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in its work to contain its outbreak, arizona has also formulated a plan to get children safely back to school as soon as, we want our schools open all over the country. arizona has worked very hard on this and they are doing very well. the department of education is providing arizona schools with the $6,125,000,000, they are working very hard and that's an conjunction with cares funding. my administration is working with other states in the same way we have worked with arizona in recent weeks. members of the coronavirus task force have visited over 15 states to encourage them to follow our path forward including tennessee, kentucky, virginia, indiana, and ohio, and i'll be going to ohio tomorrow, i look forward to it very much, it's a great place and a great state with an excellent governor and we look forward to being there tomorrow. dr. birx will be visiting iowa,
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nebraska, kansas, missouri, oklahoma, and arkansas, and i believe we are trying to get in west virginia, a great state and i'm sure that will happen because we would like it to happen, they would like to see her. so we are going to try very hard to get the doctor to west virginia in addition to those states to deliver aggressive, tailored targeted guidance. we'll to protect those at highest risk while allowing those that a lower risk to safely resume work and school. if we do this successfully, it can be really something incredible because we are talking about a lot of states, many, many states, it's really great to see florida, it's coming down and pretty substantially in many locations and even miami, it's starting to come down. miami was hit very hard. california, likewise, texas, likewise coming down and really starting to be a substantial
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amount of reduction. it recognizes that prolonged lockdown poses a wide range of public health threats including higher levels of suicide, drug overdoses, and other health harms resulting from the depression that we talked about, social isolation, economic hardship, it's been very tough for those people that are put in a lockdown position for too long. it really has been a very tough and harmful situation for many people. the fact is that these harms are not measured daily here, it makes them a very serious threat because people don't know exactly what they are and how bad they are but i think they are very bad. going forward, we must continue to remain vigilant in shielding the elderly and those with underlying conditions, approximately half of all deaths have occurred in nursing homes and long-term care facilities which is an incredible number and statistic if you think about
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it. i also urge americans to help us stop the spread of the virus. practice good hygiene, socially distance, avoid large crowds and wear a mask or distancing is not possible. it's a patriotic thing to do. if you are sick, isolate yourself especially from high-risk family members and friends, so important -- isolate yourself from high risk family members and friends. if you're not feeling well. together, we will defeat the virus and emerge safer and stronger than ever, thanks to the robust federal action in partnership with state and local leaders, new cases of the virus are declining in 80% of the jurisdictions which is on incredible number. the overall test positivity rate has declined by 8% since last week. zero states have seen outbreaks get worse since yesterday, so zero
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