tv The Five FOX News August 6, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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>> neil: i am not at all surprised. guns, thank you very much for joining us. bob will be my special guest here comes the five now. >> dana: hello, everyone, i'm dana perino along with juan williams, lawrence jones pete's hegseth and emily compagno. it's 5:00 in knox and this is "the five." ♪ >> dana: the second amendment is taking center stage in the battle for the white house. president trump in the key swing state of ohio today where he launched a scathing attack against joe biden. it comes on the heels of new york's attorney general filing a lawsuit to dissolve the national rifle association for alleged financial impropriety. president trump accusing the former vice president of embracing a radical left wing agenda against gun ownership.
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take a look. >> he is following the radical left agenda. take away your guns. destroy your second amendment. no religion, no anything. hurt the bible, hurt god. he is against god, he is against guns, he is against energy. >> dana: biden adding some fuel to the fire by supporting an assault weapons ban. and president trump claiming on twitter, quote: if biden becomes president, your great second amendment doesn't stand a chance. all right. the second amendment issues, pete, when they start to take front and center people -- their ears perk up and i heard from some democrats in pennsylvania today thinks that the new york action was actually going to backfire or democrats because it will make people remember that the second amendment is on the line. what do you think? >> pete: it might. and it looks like the targeting of a very effective political advocacy group nra.
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here's the thing. i have got a guy who i buy guns from in new jersey and is a common refrain is barack obama is the best gun salesman america ever had because of his threats to reduce the second amendment. he said he has never seen people, first time gun owners, come out to buy personal protective firearms than he has in the last couple of months. you can't find a firearm. it's because when you have the covid situation. when you have lawlessness in our streets, individual citizens, left, center, or right, realize ultimately if you want to protect your first amendment, life and liberty, you ultimately need the ability to defend yourself. and so president trump, yes, we are in a covid moment. yes, the academy matters. but, he understands cultural issues are king as well. god, guns, texas gold, energy, you know, religious liberty. the ability to defend yourself and whether or not we will allow industry to thrive is a front and center kitchen table issue for a lot of people. and the assessment, if you want to have a debate about it, joe biden wants to take it away.
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donald trump wants to preserve it. that's one he believes and a lot of people believe is a winner for him. >> dana: emily, tell me a little bit about this lawsuit and what they are alleging in terms of financial impropriety at the nra and suggesting it should be dissolved? >> emily: right. and also in your answer to pete, dana, a lot of it has to do with timing. now, the new york attorney general is alleging financial impropriety. essentially that for the last three years the corporate leadership at the nra has been diverting funds for personal use. she called it brazen illegality. so, the question remains why now? why this timing? and it seems pretty obvious that it's for strategy in election year given their investigation has gone back years. i do note in addition to what pete said it's questionable strategy. joe biden was already leading in the polls without this being a front and center issue. this just seeks to disturb the moderates and sort of more right democrats comfort level with joe biden. i have to point out to you recall on march 10th when joe
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biden was touring a fiat chrysler plant and a worker approached him and said on camera you are actively trying to end our second amendment rights and take away our guns. to which biden replied you are full of explicative. did i not no, no, shush, shush, i'm not trying to take away your second amendment. i support it. his messaging now where he calls to memory for american people how he, quote, took on the nra and his policies about mandatory buy backs and registration and smart gun ownership certainly beg to differ and the nra does not support those policies. >> dana: juan, i also noticed that the president today suggested that joe biden is not religious. that he wants -- he doesn't believe in the bible. and the bidens themselves, you know them, i want to give you a chance to talk about this. but, the biden campaign putting out a statement today, we have shortened it a bit. let me read most of that to you if they could put that on the screen for me i would appreciate
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it, because he basically said -- this is andrew bates, he is the spokesperson. joe biden's bas faith is at thee of who he is. he's lived with it with dignity his entire life and it's been a source of strength and comfort and in times of extreme hardship, donald trump is the only president in our history to have thrown a priest out of his church to profane it and bible for own cynical optics as he sought to tear our nation apart in a moment of crisis and pain. let me get your reaction to th that. >> juan: you know, dana, it's just so disappointing to me because joe biden really is a catholic. he is a regular worshiping catholic. and he has gone through some terrible times in his life. i think everybody knows about the loss of his son. but he lost his first wife. i mean, and joe biden has regularly said that his faith in
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god sustained him through these very difficult dark episodes in his life. this is not like somebody who just recently said i have come to jesus and this is not someone who is using it as a political tool. this has been his consistent personality all the time that he has been in politics. so, i just find it so harmful and disappointing. but i note to you, dana, that earlier today, vice president pence was out there. he was going after supreme court chief justice john roberts saying that john roberts, the conservative chief justice has been a disappointment to evangelicals. and here on fox today there was a trump campaign spokesperson saying michelle obama is complaining that the coronavirus and the difficult economic times have her down. maybe she should go to church. and i have got to think to myself. wait a second to the trump campaign now are not only saying let's talk about culture wars,
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this drag in guns and joe biden is not for taking anybody's second amendment rights away, he is about assault weapons and i think it's clear. >> pete: tried. >> juan: 75% of americans agree with him. i'm just saying pete, 70% of americans agree. that's not a radical position. it's the same thing if you stop and think about something like the border wall he wants to drag. in most americans don't support that but they are dragging in everything so they don't have to talk about the president's failure to deal with coronavirus. >> dana: lawrence, you have been out and about. have you had a chance to go -- much more than i have. i haven't even really left my porch here. i wonder what you think about these issues. when you start to talk about the cultural issues, how do you think that those play into the 2020 election in the middle of coronavirus, the pandemic, and racial strife? >> i think it's a situation of
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cultural policy. the difficulty biden campaign is going to have a lot of these attacks, for example, immigration he wants to support some of these policy positions for example when you talk about the border wall or border fencing he supported that he was also against employers hiring illegals. he was also against sanctuary cities. and so, the biden campaign is going to have to figure out how they are going to pivot against donald trump if they are on a debate stage and he tries to call him out and trump says well, you supported that, too. or if they decide to have an open poo research team run ads about that. now, to pivot to what's happening in new york, and why i think that's a bad strategy, whenever there is a case, that the state brings, there has to be a victim. and if the allegations were true about the nra's leadership, then the victim would be the 5 million members of the nra. and so, they didn't come out and say, you know what? let's protect those members because those funds they were sending every month for them to fight for their second amendment right.
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we want to fight for those people. they decided not only to go after the leadership which they say allegedly mismanaged funds, but they also said, you know what? we want to disband the entire organization and so they overplayed their hand. they had a little bit of strategy, they would have just targeted the leadership. >> dana: it's a very interesting point, no doubt. we will be talking a lot about it going forward. meantime, the trump campaign firing back at big tech after a video of the president is taken down. that and a lot more next. ♪ ♪ freedom ♪ to the things i can count on to keep me going ♪
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this comes after facebook and twitter removed a video of the president discussing covid-19 and schools. the company's pulling the video for being in violation of policies on sharing coronavirus misinformation. the president had said that children were, quote: almost immune from the virus, end quote. campaign advisor lara trump with more reaction. >> i understand the need word immune. people understand his whole point is that kids are highly unaffected by the coronavirus. and anybody can see that that is the whole point of what he was saying. and it's just a shame that we have people that are willing to leave up talking points from communist china and their misinformation on the coronavirus but they are going to take down this president's tweet and the tweet from our campaign. >> juan: pete, i just thought i would ask you, you know, you have facebook and twitter in this case coming to the same
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conclusion, that this was misinformation. does the fact that both companies reached the same conclusion persuade you that what they did was right? >> pete: of course not. no, although i am more disappointed in facebook. because twitter is a left wing echo chamber. they know their audience overwhelmingly left of center. so they are willing to do this willy-nilly. mark zuckerberg was on capitol hill very recently saying i don't want to be the arbiter of truth. if you are on facebook and instagram owned by facebook. you know there has been more wide latitude for this. juan, i will venmo you any amount of bit coin you want if you can name me a left winger who has been banned by facebook or twitter or suspended or suppressed. they don't exist. this is a one way street. and to suppress the speech of, you know, where he made those comments on "fox & friends" our program on wednesday the president of the united states who is charged with setting some level of standards for when kids go back to school opined about his perspective, which is kids are less vulnerable.
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to shut that down is to shut down one side of the conversation and you see it time and time again. so i'm tired of this kind of suppression. and you know precisely where it's coming from. and shame on mark zuckerberg. >> juan: but, pete, the president said that children were immune. >> pete: i mean it was explained just fine. children are not affected the same way vulnerable adults are by this virus. sending them to school does not make them susceptible. do you want to talk about teachers, you want to talk about the elderly. you want to talk about pre-existing conditions, fine. that's the point the president is making. as always the left will take him literally when they should take him figuratively and vice versa. i don't get caught up on that. it's not about the statement it's about the suppression of speech of the president. >> juan: dana, i know have you interviewed mark zuckerberg and he has made the free speech articlement to you in thargumen.
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candidates running for political office to tell lies. but not political action groupings. and today what we saw was a pro-trump political action group having their video pulled because they were -- it said that they used deceptive videos in this case deceptive videos of president obama apparently saying critical things about joe biden. where do you come out on this? >> dana: well, again, i'm not a spokesperson for facebook. but i have interviewed the company and i have tried to understand their positioning and i think that, you know, they have tried to draw these bright lines and i think they walk right up to the line, sometimes they walk on the line, sometimes things go over the line and they have to make decisions. i think that when it comes to this thing with the pac being basically banned from doing ads on facebook for the next ninth days, they use their third-party fact checkers who apparently said this is a repeat violator and under their rules in their company, which is a private
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company, these are the rules, if you do this x amount of times you are going to be kicked off for 90 days. that's what happened to the super pac. they separate and do a distinction between a political action committee and a politician. then, to pete's point, they separate something that a politician has said that is political speech versus something that is scientific and has to do with health information during a pandemic. so they're drawing lots of lines. i think they try to make it neat, but it sure feels messy. and they're going to get a lot of heated for it. >> juan: all right. so, emily, going to dana's point, these are private companies. so they can make the decisions. they make the rules for themselves. i mean, we don't have anything to say about it as americans. so i'm wondering if you think there should be some regulation, some law about allowing lies, just falsehoods on to social media. >> emily: well, certainly there is a big push to increase regulations about their terms
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and conditions. now dana's distinctions are absolutely correct. what's interesting about it is the fact that as she pointed out facebook and twitter are sort of toeing the line of their own again terms and conditions. what remedy would the super pac have? they would challenge it in court. that takes up time. so no matter what, twitter and facebook have the benefit of this. they have the greater hand right now because their 90 day blackout is in effect until and unless a court overchanges it or overturns it, i mean. and so i think it would behoove the trump campaign to have another super pac put up whatever they want and go through that same cycle cycle. i have to put out pete mentioned is he tired. we are all exhausted by this cycle of hypocrisy. "the washington post" headline not from facebook or twitter said white children seem to be half as affected as adults from the coronavirus "time" magazine said white children are not affected. they have all said essentially the same thing. the terminology was almost immune, it's the same spirit. my final point is that no matter
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what president trump says or what platform he uses, he is the sun around which the media planets orbit. he can say whatever he wants, wherever he wants, and it will still make news. >> juan: lawrence, earlier this week facebook refused, refused to remove a video. it was a manipulated video that made nancy pelosi look like she was drunk and slurring her speech. 2 million people saw. this twitter and youtube, they took it down. facebook didn't. what do you say? >> lawrence: yeah, i think it's a slippery slope. and i think my biggest issue when it comes to these companies, for example, twitter, the mission statement is to allow people to be on a platform to share their ideas and information without barriers. yet, they continue to put barriers for people to share that content. and so i think when it comes to the demise of twitter, what we are going to eventually see is that they put all these road blocks from people not to equally be able to share their ideas. it's true it's a private
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company. what we are starting to see is that there is more competition out there in the marketplace. a lot of conservatives are starting to leave. but, again, i think they have got to go back to their mission statement and right now they are not doing that. >> juan: okay, lawrence, thanks. coming up two major cities taking major steps to crack down on covid-19. are they overreaching? we have got that story next for you on "the five." ♪ let's dance, let's shout ♪ shake your body down to the ground given my unique lifestyle, that'd be perfect! let me grab a pen and some paper. know what? i'm gonna switch now. just need my desk... my chair... and my phone. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> lawrence: covid crackdowns in two major cities. monitoring people coming from the state's quarantine list. mayor bill de blasio defending the move travelers quarantine for 14 days or face up to $10,000 in fines. >> people have to start seeing that if they don't follow there will be penalties. we can stay in touch with people. and i think most people just if
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reminded and stay in touch they follow the rules. really most people do. for those who don't we are going to have to start showing the consequences. >> lawrence: los angeles is cracking down on big house parties by threatening to shut off water and power to the homes of the offenders. >> pete, is this the government abusing their power? >> yes. and, of course, it's completely arbitrary. if you flew into lax or laguardia, new york, went up to one of those checkpoints and asked you where you are going you said i'm just here for a black lives matter protest. i'm sure they would let you right through. he hasn't controlled crime. he hasn't stopped riots, he hasn't protected businesses and citizens. he runs a sanctuary city. the bail reform laws are insane. he has taxpayers, the wealthy in new york leaving. he is trying to beg them back into the city because, you know, as much as he hates the ultra wealthy they are his taxpayers. it's like a cartoon of a liberal mayor and now he wants to stop
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people from coming out of state and text them and call them and find out where they are; otherwise, you pay a fine. it would be the quickest fine i have ever paid with a creative note in the memo line to mr. de blasio. you ain't going to find out where i'm going and what a misplace of priorities. >> lawrence: dana, in the same breath, you have the governor begging people literally begging people for them to come back to the state. maybe reported that a third of the businesses won't return to new york city. and the shootings are up 177% and they haven't did anything to resolve that how can he beg people to come back, especially the rich? >> dana: well, look, new york city is an amazing place. and we love that city. america loves that city. it's the best city in the world. and i would love to see it come back. but, that means that the government is going to have to do its role, which is protecting the security of people and also figuring out a way to help the restaurants, especially, and the other small businesses be able
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to stay. they have wildly expensive leases that they have to pay that they are not able to pay right now because the government won't let them work. so, they have to realize that there is a two-way street here. people do want to come back but it has to be safe and there has to be a good reason for them to come back. as to the checkpoints, it's pretty, pretty serious. that new yorkers were able to basically leave the state and the city and go anywhere they wanted in the beginning of the pandemic and you can actually trace to see that when new yorkers left you can see where hot spots picked up all around the country. and so now the governor who wanted to sue rhode island, remember, he said he was going to take the governor of rhode island to court because she said new yorkers couldn't be there. now he is saying other people can't come in. now, i'm for keeping everybody safe. i want case loads to go down. it's just like there -- you know, government comes with a healthy dose of hypocrisy, lawrence. >> lawrence: yeah. juan, it seems like new york
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city and new york in general is beating their chest right now saying that we got it all right when we have the most debt in the country. but also a recent development this week the commissioner of health for new york city resigned and one of the reasons why she said she resigned is because of the mayor the way he handled this pandemic. what do you think about that? >> well, again, i don't know the details of it. i saw that she had resigned. it sounds like she felt that she wasn't at the table. that he wasn't relying on her expertise. but, i will say this in general. >> lawrence: commissioner. >> juan: right it. sounds to me like the shoe is on the other foot right now. i remember when the pandemic, the virus was raging in new york that you had a trump ally in florida, the governor there, rick desantis, absolutely restrict new yorkers from flying in to florida. he put up checkpoints if you will recall. can't come if you are a new yorker or from any r. any of those northeastern states. well, he only rescinded that
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today. today. so all these months later and now the virus is raging in the south, in the southwest, and, guess what? the new york governor says we don't want our people to go through holy hell again with the virus. >> pete: he doesn't have streets of reckless wanton violence where businesses are being smashed. looked at the misplaced priorities of de blasio. >> this is such a farce. >> pete: in the street. >> juan: and desantis can control beaches? this is such a farce. no one says new york streets are all filled with anarchy and chaos. this is specific about moments and as lawrence can tell you of homicides, climbing number of homicides in poor neighborhoods the church campaign wants to put this out as fear mongering. >> lawrence: to correct that emily. not just crime is up. also reports that people are actually shooting up drugs in the city now.
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can you go to times square and see caps everywhere in the city. many people are starting -- based on my reporting, they say it's starting to look like the 1980s. >> emily: that's exactly right, lawrence. i saw that well before the epidemic in seattle. makes the city as a magnet and pull factors for people to abuse drugs and homeless or et cetera. i have to point out that this check point thing, it calls to mind the beginning of the lockdown when there was a lot of checkpoints employed by certain states like north carolina and florida. and at those checkpoints they would test for fevers. and they would establish residency before letting people pass. and the flurriy of lawsuits that cropped up after that alleged constitutional right infringement the test in this public health latitude that state and local leadership have is whether it's the least restrictive method of achieving that legitimate goal of public health safety? it also alleged discrimination. many of those were successful at the moment, including the
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pragmatic arguments like well, you are unduly exposing these law enforcement to the virus potentially and even first nation in certain tribal lands certain checkpoints going through whether the burden, essentially, is outweighed by the benefits. here there is a lot to answer for. and i don't think it passes that legal muster. >> lawrence: excellent analysis, emily. portland's police chief calling out rioters after even more anarchy. we will show you next on "the five." ♪ ♪ looks like they picked the wrong getaway driver. they're going to be paying for this for a long time. they will, but with accident forgiveness allstate won't raise your rates just because of an accident, even if it's your fault. cut! sonny. was that good? line! the desert never lies. isn't that what i said? no you were talking about allstate and insurance. i just... when i...
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justice is being hijacked. >> everyone from, you know, the person who owns a mom and pop store to the big business owners, faith leaders, all the way up to elected officials really send a strong message enough is enough. this is not forwarding the goals of things that are going to lead to better outcomes for people of color. this movement is very powerful and i feel like the violence has taken away from it. this is not what portland is about. and this is not what we need right now in our city. >> pete: here's a stat that supports his claim. a new gallup poll shows 81% of black americans want police to maintain or increase a presence in their communities. juan, i will go to you. has this movement on police reform been hijacked? we have heard a lot of democrats deny either that antifa is real or that there is a difference between the slogan of black lives matter and the marxist agenda of leadership of black lives matter.
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has a moment been hijacked as the police chief says? >> juan: no, gosh. i think it's still like 60% plus of americans support the black lives movement. >> pete: the violence? >> juan: i couldn't agree with the police chief they don't support defund the police. that's republicans, democrats, black, white, asian, latino. that's not something that people support. what they really are focused on is police reform so that you don't have police using brutal tactics, you know, abusing their powers. treating black people like they are lesser citizens with no rights. that's what people are concerned about. in terms of, you know, the violence that you see in these pictures that keeps being repeated from the first night way back. i think people are able to separate it out and say, that's not -- that's not in keeping with the idea of people who march peacefully to say.
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>> lawrence: that's what's happening there right now. >> juan: the police behavior needs to be reigned in. >> pete: that video is not from the first day that's from last night. it's ongoing day after day. >> juan: oh, please. >> pete: this is our own video out of own show out of portland. lighting fires and assaulting police. we have got to move on. >> juan: pete, my point to you this is not typical of the protests which have been. >> pete: it doesn't matter it's still a distraction. lawrence, it's still a distraction, when you look at that number 81% of black americans want to increase police reform comes down to minimizing the amount of police. what's your reaction? >> lawrence: here is the bolt line. they are using those of us who want actual reforms in the policing in the community as a shield right now. in portland, i have sources on the ground. they are telling me this is happening right now. they are sending me clips and videos of this taking place. and the biggest dead give away was when i saw the other night bibles being burnt in the middle
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of the street. now, do you think any black mother, juan, seriously, any black mother is going to support their kids being in the street with a bibles burning? that is literally the foundation of our culture. and to say that this is just -- you know, the other night. they are hijacking when most of us want which is a conversation on race in america and how we can move forward one country equal justice under the law. that's not what they stand for. they are using us as a shield. those are white anarchist in the middle of that street. >> pete: dana, is this becoming counter productive for people who have a message? >> dana: i think. so take it from the police chief. he himself is saying so. he is closest to it. chief best in seattle has had similar reactions. and i hope that the elected leadership, the mayors and the governor also support those police chiefs. we all have voters we should also support the election of people who are going -- that are determined to support the police chief.
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>> pete: emily, good luck, put a bow on this one for us. what does it all mean? >> emily: of course this is not helping black people. this is disproportionately negatively affecting black people and people of color and minority small business owners. and this underscores the fact that this violent agitating riotous disrupters are not there to amplify black voices tore ally for positive change as juan pointed out. this is totally separate. i only take issue with one thing, the chief of police in portland said. he said it's up to portlanders to enough is enough. i say it's up to the local and state leadership and elected officials to say enough is enough. >> pete: amen to that i also say national leadership presidential candidate joe biden who is yet to condemn antifa and where a lot of this violence comes from. we stuck to time cues. stick around the fastest seven is up next. i think we have all seven. ♪ round and around
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the kid claims he was just trying to air dry the car after washing it. you guys, i love this so much. i love this for the disciplining parents and i love this for his awesome creative defense. pete hegseth, what say you? >> pete: as the father of seven or the fastest seven i consider myself a connoisseur of punishment and i salute this creativity. it is beautiful. ramon martinez, you are my hero. i love it. >> emily: lawrence, what are your thoughts? lawrence lawrence something my parents would do. things like this are going to save the country. maybe we won't have kids in the street burning stuff if more parents would do this. >> emily: dana, i always had creative punishments levied my way and i think you did too by your parents. what do you think about this? >> dana: i never got in trouble, emily. >> pete: i actually believe that. >> dana: i mean, come on. >> emily: okay. >> dana: but i do think that these parents should run for mayor of portland. >> lawrence: right?
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[laughter] >> emily: exactly. juan, you are a loving father and grandfather. what do you say about this? >> juan: that was expensive car. didn't mention it was a range recovery that the kid took off. in this reminded me i think it was a 2013 case in texas where the kid took off and had an accident. some people died. but his parents and the lawyer said it was affluenza. that he was so rich that he didn't know the difference between right and wrong. so i'm glad that these parents took a stand. >> emily: exactly. up next. mac and cheese in the morning. kraft is trying to rebrand the classic dinner item as a breakfast food. it may be for good reason. the company says 56% of families have served their picky kids macaroni and cheese for breakfast during the pandemic. pete, i will start with you again. have you guys had some creative meals going on with your kids in breakfast and do you like this rebranding? >> pete: listen, all of our standards have lowered at this
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moment. this is called giving up. the minute have you given mac and cheese for breakfast. have you given up. have you declared defeat. i would like to try bacon and mac and cheese but it's pretty much parenting surrender. >> emily: juan, we often have breakfast for dinner though so what's wrong with dinner for breakfast? >> juan: wow, you can change the advertising and try to get in a new category, but it doesn't change the nutritional value. doesn't change how many calories are involved and doesn't change how you feel in the morning. i'm not sure that, you know, mac and cheese is exactly get up and go food. >> emily: this is true. dana, what do you think? >> dana: well, i have to say that i think mac and cheese is probably going to help your -- get going and learn more at school than a bowl of fruity pebbles which was one of my favorites back in the day. >> pete: how dare you. >> emily: lawrence, what do you think? >> lawrence: i'm with pete. throw bacon or sausage in it.
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>> pete: little egg. >> lawrence: that would be a good breakfast. >> emily: finally, here is the latest awful trend on dating apps woke fishing. when people pretend to be super liberal to match with a progressive partner. not sure why you would want to do that. dana, what are your thoughts? >> dana: i think that the easiest way to meet somebody that you want to spend the rest of your life with is to get on an airplane and sit next to them for two and a half hour flight and then be married for 22 years. [laughter] >> emily: nice. lawrence, what do you think about this new trend? >> lawrence: i think this is miserable people. who wants to talk about policies or anything when it comes to dating? i mean, that's the last thing i want to discuss. >> emily: juan, what would you do if you found out that someone you were dating actually wasn't a progressive liberal? how would you react? >> juan: it's fine with me. i mean, look, i think it's good hearts, you know, smart people, people who have a sense of what is important in life, priorities
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and values. it's very attractive to me. so politics is down the way. but i must say, this is another sign of you who polarized and crazy things are these days. >> emily: that's true. and the opposite, pete, is true as well that there are certain apps that enable to you ascertain from the get-go if the other person is a trump supporter and, if so, will remove any of them from your buffet or whatever it is called on the app. >> pete: i have got to believe there is maga or something. you can go where you need to go. this is pretty standard though. i mean, can you name me one person that's been fully honest in their dating profile? i'm just saying. so in this case they went into politics. otherwise they are going into looks or i have two cats or a dog. it's all just making yourself look better to attract a mate. so, can you blame them? come on. >> emily: i guess that's a really great point and creative, pete. what's the difference between this and your photo shopped 20 pounds thinner photo. what i don't understand is why you would want to be matched up with someone who is so
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ideologically different and why you would want that to be on the progressive side, sort of interesting. that was a great conversation. we made it to all topics. okay, guys, one more thing is up next. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ature artist, i appreciate what makes each person unique. that's why i like liberty mutual. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. almost done. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> dana: time for one more thing. i want to give a big shoutout to a little girl. caroline fritz. she made me this bracelet it says jasper on it. you can't see it. there she is. she is making the bracelet and big fan of "the five." she turns four. here is the bracelet. she turns 4 on saturday. she has a little message for "the five." watch this. >> hi, dana. i hope you like the bracelet. good luck on "the five." thank you, caroline and that's her little brother ry,ry.
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i did an interview with condoleezza rice, former secretary of state, of course from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. >> virtual celebration of the 19th amendment, which of course, ratified the amendment that allowed women the right to vote. that is going to be there if you go to my instagram or facebook page check it out there it's on tonight. all right, juan, you are next. >> juan: all right, dana, thanks. a quick quiz. what do these three songs have in common? light my fire, fire and rain and ring of fire? well the answer, of course is fiery love. that's literally what happened in england. take a look. a man filled his living room with burning candles. >> emily: oh no. >> juan: spelled out a question marry me. he left the living room to pick up a lady he wanted to wed. when they got back, the candles had completely burned down the apartment. yeah, burned down the apartment. but he still got down on his knees and he popped the question and she said yes. now, that's a lady who
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appreciates a fiery love. >> emily: she said yes? >> juan: she likes fiery love, dana. >> dana: i'm not sure. >> juan: no one was hurt. >> dana: thank goodness. i'm gadd nobody was hurt, indeed. >> pete: she said yes which truly means there is a lid for every pot. you reminded me, dana to say a happy birthday to my middle son peter boone who is 8 today. i love you, buddy. >> dana: happy birthday. >> pete: a great charity called the gi go fund help with homelessness and housing for veterans. i swam across the hudson river last year there am jump not guilty nasty hudson river with a bunch of navy seals way better than i was. i did it live on a saturday edition of "fox & friends." barely made it. i had three days' notice and didn't train. this saturday i'm trying it again with a larger group of navy seals across the hudson river. i have actually prepared a little bit this time.
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we will do it live on the saturday edition. i will be in the little box with the spotlight. i'm hoping to make it on my own like a big boy. army guy navy seals. check it out this saturday gi >> emily: awesome, pete. >> dana: that's incredible, pete. i admire you very much. a great organization. great you are doing that all right, lawrence? >> lawrence: from texas father-daughter duo rolland and jayden polar are known for viral -- however, some don't go as planned. take a look at this. >> looks kind of dangerous. make sure you go for the right skill. okay? daddy will always save you. hit the ground like that. put those tears up. i got you. >> she got back up and completed her amazing stunt. the two social media stardom gaining views well over a million views with their impressive stunt. i'm so happy for them. we need our dads especially
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girls and guys. we need our dads and they are from texas. i'm so proud of them. >> pete: that's cool. >> dana: emily, what do you think of that? she has some skill? >> emily: i absolutely love it. yes, they are an amazing duo. i love watching cheerleaders at work. it's amazing. i wanted to draw your attention to a nonprofit that has just launched. you likely remember in 2014 when an intruder jumped the white house fence while then president obama was home and we all watched in horror as the intruder punched and kicked the secret service canine canines never fail. that canine was credited with saving the life and received a dozen medals, including a medal of valor including night hood in england. his handler has just launched hurricanes heroes a federally recognized nonprofit dedicated to providing law enforcement and military dogs with subsidized veterinary care. please visit canine
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or k 9 to support this wonderful nonprofit. >> lawrence: amazing. >> dana: cheers all around. great show, everybody. thanks for joining us. that is it for us. we will turn it over now to "special report" because mike emanuel takes it away. hey, mike. >> mike: thank you, dana. good evening, welcome to washington, i'm in for bretware. a run-in with social media giant this time over advertising content. on the emergency funding front he says he may pull the trigger on executive action to address supplemental unemployment benefits tomorrow if lawmakers on capitol hill cannot cut a deal. we learned today nearly 1.2 million laid off workers applied for first-time unemployment benefits last week. the president is campaigning tonight in battle ground ohio, a state he won in 2016, and won he vitally needs this november. weighs unable to meet with republican governor mike
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