tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News August 6, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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that is "the story" of this thursday, august 6th, 2020. as always, "the story" will continue. i will see a bright and early on "america's newsroom" from 9:00 to noon. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." things have changed so fast, so dramatically this year that it's hard to remember what a very different country this was on new year's morning. back then, a little over seven months ago, the u.s. felt politically volatile. there was an election coming. but it's still fun fundamentally american. there was no mistaking this country for any other country. we were not mexico or baroody. we definitely want to china. yes, most of our goods were manufactured in asia but our way of life, our system and society seem to be the very opposite of
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china. the chinese were enslaved. we were free. that was the difference and it was permanent. it would never change. not one and a thousand americans doubted that. in january, dr. anthony fatty at the time, not yet a household name, did an interview to talk about america's response to the coronavirus. sergey explained the authoritarian measures the chinese government had taken to contain that virus. then dr. fauci noted that an american out of that would be allowed. watch. >> they have not only shut out traffic out of wuhan, plays, trucks, buses, fairies, rail, but they've done it to a number of surrounding cities, so rather than say historically, it doesn't do much good, which is true, i think it's important to wait and see that may be the
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chinese, because of the state of their society, that they are able to do that. as you well know, there's no chance in the world that we could do that to chicago or to new york or to san francisco. >> tucker: as you well know, there is no chance in the world that we could do that to chicago or to new york or to san francisco. that is what fauci said. note his use of the word "too." the chinese government was doing the chinese mike things to its people. not for them. none of that would ever be allowed here in a free country. it just couldn't happen in america. fauci himself has since become one of the most strident advocates of the chinese response for coronavirus, but he's hardly alone in that. yesterday, the mayor of new york announced he plans to erect armed checkpoints around the perimeter of the city and use government agents to follow citizens to their homes.
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it would've been impossible to imagine any of that in january. at de blasio's announcement didn't seem especially shocking, we are used to it. that is how similar to china we have become. it's a big change. but like all seismic shifts, it happened incrementally before it happened overnight. for years, we watched our leaders prostrate themselves before the chinese government. most assumed they were greedy, that is why they were doing it. china was paying their bills so they bowed. we never imagined they actually admired the chinese system. oh, but they did. and that became clear with the arrival of the coronavirus. the first step was their resolute refusal to admit where the virus came from. when strong evidence emerged from chinese scientists that the disease originated in a lab in wuhan, our leaders immediately and adamantly dismissed it as a conspiracy theory. they didn't want to know more. their first instinct was to defend china. they didn't want the chinese system discredited.
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that seemed confusing, but we soon learned why. the democratic political activist zeke emanuel was one of the first to reveal how the left's plan to use the pandemic to change the united states. here he is on msnbc four months ago this week. >> realistically, covid-19 will be here for the next 18 months or more. we will not be able to return to normalcy until we find a vaccine or effective medications. it is all that economic pain worth trying to stop covid-19? the truth is we have no choice. >> tucker: oh, the truth is we have no choice. except, in a democracy, we always have a choice. that's why it's different from an autocracy. in a democracy, on the big questions, the public gets to decide what the public wants. the people rule. that's the whole point of the american system. but the left had no plans to let
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the public decide anything. so instead, they issued resolute decrees, remain at home. wear a mask, do not congregate with others. no one asked voters what they thought about any of this. democracy played no role in it. men with guns and forced the orders, government used advanced technology to track down anyone who does a bad them. just like in china. here's eric garcetti. speak of this has really been marvelously embraced by 99.9% of people, we see it in the tracking data, the cell phone data but we are going to hunt down the last .1% and say, you got to get inside, and you've got to distance. >> tucker: most people obey but "we are going to hunt down the last 1%. in other words, no dissent of any kind aloud, just like in china. in china, they load disobedient citizens into trucks and cart them away.
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we have video of that happening. in los angeles, they just starve you out. they take away your water and electricity. >> these large parties are unsafe and could cost angelenos their life. that is quite an item authorizing the city to shut off los angeles department of water and power service in the egregious cases in which houses, businesses, and other venues are hosting unpermitted large gatherings. >> tucker: recognized that? in some ways, all authoritarian societies are the same. they are characterized by corruption, a lack of social trust, and a deep cynicism about government. all of those are endemic in china. suddenly, there are nearly universal in this country. the public understands that our leaders are lying to us. politicians use a lockdowns for political ends. in the name of public health they reward supporters and punish their opponent. they are barely hiding this anymore. they've done it since day one but most of us wrongly assumed that our bill of rights would
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prevent them from going too far. that was our backstop against tyranny but we were wrong. the bill of rights has not prevented them from doing precisely what they want to do. in state after state, governors have targeted the faithful on the assumption that most traditional christians do not vote democrat, therefore they must be punished. banning the exercise of religion is unconstitutional, obviously. it's a direct violation of the letter and the spirit of the first amendment. it's never happened before, but they have made it happen. they've done it anyway. as in china, our government has enthusiastically persecuted christians. here's new jersey governor phil murphy explaining it. >> you have closed church services and synagogue services interested people for attempting to attend them. did anyone say that may be practicing your faith might be important to someone's mental health? >> listen, i think we've had a very good, good common ground with faith leaders of literally
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every faith who understand this. >> tucker: so listen carefully, governor murphy says he's reached an agreement with those faith leaders who "understand this." he doesn't say anything about the faith leaders who "don't understand this." the leaders who would instead like to worship their god at the constitution guarantees they ca. there is no common ground for them. they will be arrested, just as they are in china. nor can they fight back. in a free society, self-defense is the most basic right. all other rights rest upon it. self-defense is illegal in china. and suddenly, it's illegal in this country too. the democratic party's militia loot stores, deface our cities, attack people with impunity beer they are rarely punished. americans who try to protect their families from the violence of face the full range of the state. they risked going to jail, they have been indicted. as in china, there are now two standards of justice. the party has decided who can be
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armed. everyone else must submit. it wasn't always this way in the united states. in fact, until recently, we had a functioning constitution, but anyone who remembers that is a threat to the state. history itself is a threat to the state. in china, there is no history. like religion, the past is purely political tool seeking to protect their power. in place of god, the state offers secular cult in which citizens worship a party approved political murders. it doesn't sound very american, but suddenly it is. >> we are here to honor george floyd. for those who wish to, we will now kneel for our moment of silence. >> tucker: anyone who challenges the colt who refuses to join it, who won't kneel
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before it is punished, and then their complaints are scrubbed from the permanent record. china does this. chinese censors scour the internet to make sure dangerous ideas never make it to the public. does that sound familiar to you? that is where our tech oligarchs learned it. the united states, in other words, very clearly is becoming very much like china at very high speeds. it doesn't mean the two countries are identical. there is still real differences between them. in china, for example, leaders still think beyond the next election. they don't have real elections, so they can take a long term view. in china, they understand that countries in which the population is divided against itself, countries in which citizens have nothing meaningful in common with one another are weak countries. and over time, countries like that are doomed. answer china emphatically rejects identity politics. it's a legal appear to leaders in china don't narrowcast to tiny constituencies based on their "identity."
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the idea is appalling to them. the chinese focus instead on national identity. they don't worship diversity, they promote unity and that is why long term, they believe they will win. the chinese also believe, and this is another striking difference, that their economy is worth saving. they didn't destroy it with coronavirus quarantines, harsh as they were. unlike the united states, china was a poor place until fairly recently. and so they know firsthand that poor countries are powerless, and they don't want that. in other words, the chinese care about themselves and their future and that is one thing we could actually learn from them, but we don't seem to be. chris bedford is a senior editor at "the federalist." we are happy to have him. thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: have you noticed the wholesale change in attitude at least among the leaders, but not exclusively among them, and the last seven months? >> yes, especially. >> tucker: yes! measures -- >> especially in the last seven
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months. >> tucker: all of a sudden we resemble what we said we hated. >> they've been laying the groundwork for that for a while. to your point, the american left is different from a lot of the global liberal left and that they're the only ones that don't like their country. the cubans, the soviets, the chinese are all fiercely patriotic. we don't have that but we have a lot of other things. we have that insidious phrase that you are on the wrong side of history. our silicon valley and tech giants build a lot of technology the chinese are now using to oppress their people. "the new york times" to barack obama have raised the chinese system, like the new green deal and what they think is absolutely essential and we are seeing it more and more and now we are seeing their foot soldiers, which the chinese used, may all used to really instill fear and make sure everyone knew in china than out a single person was above the law to attack institutions you thought were untouchable. whether it's the founders, and then i got to the saints. it starts down with tearing down
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catholic saint statues and desecrating churches but before you note, places like "the washington post" are attacking my neighborhood's pope and we are talking in l.a., they're going to turn off the power. they're going to go after parties? they're going to go after churches and places that refused to shut down. they are suing the state of california to say that they have a first amendment right to gather just the protesters do. it's a double standard, completely. it's a new system. >> tucker: we are going to spend a lot of the rest of tonight's show in specific ways comparing the way america is evolving to the way china is. but i want to get back, because i think it's a really interesting and smart point, what you said at the outset, that the difference between the revolutionaries in our country and china or cuba is the american left hates its own country. so what does that look like, long term? how can people who hate a country run it? >> i don't think they can. i think that, unfortunately, if
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they were to win. if the liberal left were to win and those who are very much against the liberties that we cherish, pick and choose where to win and hit our country, it's going to be difficult for this republic to stand. we were born very clearly by the geniuses that came together and designed the system that it's a very unstable system. it relies on a culture that is united. it relies on people who are moral. it relies on a republic. right now, they're moving closer and closer to mob rule, to corporatist, technocratic rule run by people who think this country is evil at its core and trying to divide us, as you pointed out. china is not divided. a country that does divided like that will have a difficult time standing. i worry about that because they say, what about if this election goes this way or that election goes that way? i don't know if republicans or democrats are able to dealing with these. it's going to be up to us on the local level, the churches, the civil organizations they are targeting right now because they know this is the only chance we
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have of resisting this kind of uprising. >> tucker: it's pretty easy to destroy things. you divide people, that's the first step. but for them to endure, there has to be some common purpose or identity. you have to be united in something and i don't see anyone thinking through what that is. >> even the anthem. >> tucker: even the anthem, especially. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: mobs of people, really a coalition of the unhappy is tearing down statues, desecrating monuments, but that destruction is more than simply symbolic. it's a deliberate effort to erase history, to separate us from our past and it's useful lessons and distract from the problems affecting americans today. in chicago for example, more than 50 people have been shot with guns this week. politicians are now moving to erase american history altogether. a state representative ford is calling to abolish all history
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classes in all schools nationwide, claiming that teaching american history leads to racism. author of the book "we have overcome," he is a professor in chicago and we are happy to have him on tonight peer professor, think is so much for coming on. eliminating all history, explain, if you will, what you think the idea is behind this. >> thank you for having me again, tucker. what we are seeing in the educational system is systemic nihilism. let's go back a step further. a couple weeks ago, rutgers university declared that grammar was racist. grammar is the science that deals with the proper method of oral and written communication. when you attack grammar, you attack language, which is a method of cognition. you attack a man's mind, his ability to reason. you attack a man's mind, which means you leave it on the level of grunting farm animals, so you leave us incapacitated to reason, to think, and then you
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take away its history. you take away human history. you take away our constitutional rights, our bill of rights, our second amendment, first amendment, our timeworn principles that we used to defend our way of life, our judeo christianity. you are looking at systemic nihilism. you're looking at the antichrist, as far as i'm concerned. you are looking at bunch of nihilists and anarchists that want to destroy the system and replace it with nothing, nothing at all peer they want to destroy the good for the sake of it being the good. i have been warning, i have talked about this on your show, that these postmodern nihilists that started from back in the '60s when you had these big disciplines attacking reason, valor rising feelings is the only criteria for adjudicating disputes, one's feelings and one's feeling of being offended is the only criteria for
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adjudicating disputes and dispensing with reason, objective reality and logic as the construct of imperialist, racist white men. that is what we are seeing today. and so you dispense with history altogether. >> tucker: i am transfixed by what you just said. i hope this finds its way on the internet and is viewed by many, professor, because i think you just put it as crisply as i've ever heard it, what's happening, and it's as scary as you put it. thank you for joining us and i hope you keep teaching for a long time. >> thank you. >> tucker: christianity is under attack in this country. not the church but actual christianity. churches are closed, rioters are burning bibles in the streets. we are not connecting the dots probably because we don't want to but that doesn't make it any less real. it is real. we talk about that next. hike!
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amendment of the bill of rights. they explicitly protected religious freedom, unlike countries around the world, particularly china, which openly prosecute christians. unfortunately, america as we noted in the last block, is becoming much more like what we hate, the government of china. many have canceled in-person church services under the pretext of protecting us from the wuhan coronavirus. some places consider christianity nonessential unlike abortions or liquor stores. none of this is about science. it's about punishing people they don't think vote for them and if you don't believe it, ask the rioters. they were allowed to burn a stack of bibles in portland, oregon. try that with the quran and you would be in prison immediately. bibles, no problem. why question right because democrat leaders despise christy don't vote for them.
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here's jim clyburn explaining his view on fox. >> i don't know anything about burning bibles -- >> another thing that's out there appear to speak everybody's got own religion, and i know the koran, i know the bible are both new and old testament well, so just because somebody leaves in the koran, that's their business. burning a bible doesn't do anything about burning down a general building. i don't know, what general building has been under threat? >> tucker: what is that even mean? it doesn't mean anything but we will tell you what it is, it's a clear declaration of disapproval of a rioters burning bibles and if you can't say that, there's probably a reason you can't say that. what is the reason? >> the author of the book, if you can keep it, we're happy to have him on tonight. why is it so hard for a
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democratic leader to say unequivocally, i am against attacks on churches, and why is it so hard for republican leaders to do anything about it? >> it's ignorance, tucker. clyburn reminds me of biden. he's a career politician, a wax work dummy who has no idea of our history. he just wants to cling to power, he has no idea, just like maybe 50 years of americans have no idea. we've forgotten that freedom is utterly impossible on the american model without the values we got from the bible. it doesn't mean we can force people to be critical, but all the founders understood, the bible wasn't just a sacred book for some people, gave us the west and led to the idea of freedom and self-government, and when you attack that, you are not just attacking a few people who believe in that book, you
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are attacking foundational ideas that most of our, certainly career politicians have no clue about anymore. >> tucker: christianity, among other things, limits of the excesses of the state. this is why all authoritarian governments hate it. because when your population worships an actual god, that suggests that you are not god and there is some things you can't do. without it, there's nothing they can't do. isn't that the whole point? >> that is precisely the point. say jesus is lowered in china or chaz or whatever it's called, there are so many things that are fundamentally threatening, the bible and things that say, i have a higher authority than the state, i will bow to nothing but the god that i worship, those people are tremendously
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frightening to authoritarian leaders. hitler was one of them. he played patty-cake with the church until the gloves came off and he made it very clear that those people are the enemy. they are my real threat, and if i can defang them, if i can take power, then they will be utterly defanged. if i can kind of keep them quiet for now. any christians who are not absolutely, and i don't mean just christians, any patriotic americans, any people who understand the role of faith has played in our history, if you do not stand up and push back with everything you have against the idea that we can be a secular nation, a secular nation will ultimately be china. it will be a place where the faucis of this world will tell you what to do by forest. and when people are burning bibles and american flags, you might as will be cutting your hands off. these are the two things that have created more human flourishing that have lifted
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human dignity on a level we've never seen in the history of the world. those of the two things. if you're burning those things, something suggests to me that you don't understand that. >> tucker: yeah, and we should also say they went after and a big way the orthodox in new york and new jersey who persisted in worshiping their god and they were arrested for it. >> of course, no question. thank you. >> tucker: politically motor dated prosecutions are a hallmark of banana republics. now it's coming here, courtesy of the new york state attorney general and the governor andrew cuomo. the attorney general of new york has decided to use her powers to destroy a political group that she doesn't like, the national rifle association. we will tell you how and why next. you know when your dog is itching for a treat. itching for an outing or itching for some cuddle time. but you may not know when he's itching for help
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barack obama was forced to apologize for targeting, harassing conservative nonprofits. it took several lawsuits because they kept lying about it. the irs was finally forced to admit the obvious, that they were doing it and it's wrong. that's corruption. we might have a new administration soon, it won't be run by joe biden if he wins, obviously, it will be controlled by the same people under barack obama, they will be in charge. what will they do once they are? we have a preview tonight, thanks to the attorney general of new york, letitia james. the nra, james has decided, must be destroyed immediately. >> just a few minutes ago, my office and filed lawsuit against the national rifle association to dissolve the organization in its entirety. >> tucker: it's hard to overstate how third world this lawsuit is. the attorney general is alleging that at the national rifle association must be destroyed
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because it's getting too involved in politics, which of course it's allowed to do, legally. she's also upset about what she calls self-dealing. not exactly sure what that means. even before james took office in 2019 she promised to bring down the president. show me the man and i will find you the crimes, she supposedly once said. james is from that school. we got some insight into who provides her marching orders thanks to a separate lawsuit the nra filed against her. the nra says her predecessor, a top democrat by the name of eric schneiderman, remember him? he had to leave because of personal problems, admitted he was pressured by "powerful political interests to bring a major lawsuit against the nra." why? because democrats blame to the nra for trump's win four years ago. by the way, they did help get donald trump elected. the nra has for decades been the single most effective to get out the vote late campaign operation republicans have, and this year, they were planning apparently to
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spend up to $70 million helping republicans. now they want. why? because they've printed beer defensively they will probably hold back a lot of that money for their legal defense. if you wanted to short circuit of republicans in november's election he will go after the nra and that is exactly what they've done. now, there's one person we know who is not troubled by all of this and that's joe biden. >> to gun owners out there who say, by an administration means they are going to come for my guns -- >> bingo. you're right if you have an assault weapon. the fact of the matter is they should be illegal, period. 150 million people have been killed since 2007. more than all the wars, including vietnam, from that point on. carnage on our street, and i want to tell you, if i'm elected, i'm coming for you and gun manufacturers, i'm going to take you on. >> tucker: he's an idiot, for us. the facts were wrong but the
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facts remain. they will disarm you if you don't support them politically. that is the plan, just as in china and this is the first step. stepparent is associated editor of political journal, he is a good sense of what the attorney general eric is up to. thanks so much for coming on. are you allowed, refresh my memory because things are changing fast, if you are the government, to shut down your political opposition? with lawsuits? can you do that? >> well, i don't think you are supposed to. i think that kind of goes against the spirit of the law, perhaps not the letter. they seem to do that pretty well but what i think james is really up to, i think you're right, that it is an attack, it's an electorally based on attack, but also it's a major distraction from the fact that shootings have gone up radically in new york city in the last few
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months. this is a typical diversion attempt, to blame the shootings on someone other than the bad ideas of mayor bill de blasio and governor andrew cuomo and the democrat party. in the last few months, they've led to thousands of people out of jail, they've changed the law, so basically no one remains on bail. they essentially sat on the police and made it impossible for them to do their jobs and as a result gangs are involved in this state of violence all over brooklyn, the bronx, upper manhattan, and shootings are up 200% in new york city. i think a lot of this, whenever this happens in chicago or d.c. or new york, the local leaders blamed the nra and responsible gun owners, and they say, there is an iron pipe line of guns coming into our city, but magically, they only go off when
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they get into the cities. >> tucker: the nra exists to preserve your right to defend your family from violence. if you have leaders who are simultaneously encouraging violence, and then working to prevent you from defending yourself against it, you should be concerned, shouldn't you be? >> i think you should be very concerned. there's a lot of violence on the streets of new york right now. robberies are up, assaults are up. nice things are up so yeah, absolutely. ideally, everyone would be armed. new york city has very strict gun laws but it doesn't seem to be stopping it. >> tucker: yeah, i would say just the opposite. seth baron, thank you so much for coming on tonight. thank you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: bill de blasio was famously may be the most mayor in the united states. part of the way that manifests itself as he often makes promises he can't keep and do ts other to do things he wouldn't
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do himself. yesterday a reporter asked the mayor about the mandatory implicit bias of training, the brainwashing sessions ubiquitous across america that nypd officers have to take. we are told this is necessary to guard against the scourge of micro aggressions, or that we must attend these sessions. so do you go yourself? that was the question to bill de blasio and here's how he responded. >> you've often talked about implicit bias training that members of the nypd have to go . i'm wondering if you have done that same training, or your team at city hall to address your own implicit biases and learn how those micro and macro aggressions impact your behavior and decision-making? >> i think it's something everyone of us should be thinking about all the time. it's certainly a conversation that we've had for years, about how this society has coded us
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all in a very negative way that has to be weeded out. that is part of why we will also be instituting very soon a commission on racial justice and reconciliation, to formally identify racist realities into many of her institutions. >> tucker: man. this guy can't get an msnbc show soon enough. but if you listen carefully, of course the answer is no. bill de blasio doesn't go to implicit bias training because why would he, because he doesn't need it, because unlike you, he's a good person. the funny thing is back in 2016, in a conversation with hillary clinton, bill de blasio uttered a phrase that would get everyone else in america fired but certainly sent to implicit bias training. here's what he said. >> i just have to say, thanks for the endorsement, bill.
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[laughter] took you long enough. >> sorry, hillary. i was running on ct time. >> tucker: bill de blasio, examine your privilege. but of course, he won't. that is for you to do. next up, a teenager in the l.a. county jail system was prescribed estrogen in an effort to control his behavior. think about that. speaking of china. his lawyer joins us and asked to explain what happened and why. i try to put my arm around any vet that i can, absolutely. at newdayusa that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase, we can help them and provide that financial solution for they and their families. it's a great rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique.
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for 37 years we have been fighting for survivors of child sex abuse. even in these uniquely challenging times we're still fighting with dedication and devotion. california law gives survivors a chance to take legal action, but only for a limited time. if you were sexually abused by a priest, scout leader, coach or teacher contact us confidentially today. it's time.
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♪ >> tucker: officials at the los angeles county juvenile detention center forced a 16-year-old inmate to take estrogen in order to change and modify his behavior. hard to believe that happened, but apparently it did. the civil rights attorney representing the teenager in the suit, we are happy to have him. thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you. >> tucker: tell us how this happened, why this happened, if it ever happened before. it sounds almost impossible to
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believe. >> yes. my client was a 16-year-old male who was detained downtown, near downtown los angeles at the juvenile hall, and about two days after he first came in and arrived there, he was seen by doctors without his parents' permission, and for whatever reason they decided to diagnose him with a condition called oppositional defiant disorder, otherwise known as odd. there was no psychology test done, there was no psychiatric testing done, and the problem is oppositional defiant disorder is otherwise a psychological issue that needs that type of testingy happened was they came down with that diagnose egg and on the same day they prescribed him a dosage of estrogen and they never told his parents or hymns that they were
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going to make him take it. the theory is that with odd, it's associated with higher level of testosterone, which is also correlated with higher levels of delinquency, ae in this lawsuit that he was prescribed on the same day at this level of estrogen in order to counteract his testosterone, which they deemed was elevated at the time. the problem is that that is an unfounded medical treatment. there is no scientific proof that that exists. and what makes it even worse is that they refused to tell him what they were forcing him to take, and when he refused to take the medication, saying i'm not going to take this medication, you haven't told me what it is, they told him he couldn't refuse. and because he had a pending juvenile delinquency case, he felt that if he continued to
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refuse, it would have a negative impact on the ultimate result or punishment he was going to receive from the juvenile court. >> tucker: he believes, you believe this caused him to grow breasts. >> yes, immediately after taking the condition he developed a condition that is the growth of the tissue in the breast region. essentially what happened is all the kids in the juvenile hall noticed immediately and were making fun of him when they were showering or when they had to go out to exercise, go to the pool, to go to p/e. his parents, who visited him on a regular basis all noticed right away that there was some type of growth on his chest come into being a 16-year-old male, who is already pretty
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self-conscious and trying to get used to his developing body, yes -- >> tucker: it's grotesque. it's also a metaphor for what they are doing to the contrary, they hate testosterone above all else. wish we had more time. this is a remarkable story. i'm taking your word that it's true but i've never heard anything like it and i hope it's the only time it's ever happened and i hope you prevail. thank you for coming onto my. >> oh, thank you. >> tucker: thank you. major cities of gutting the police department, warning now that is just the beginning of the changes. it's hard to read the script and think it's real but it is real, and we will have details after the break. 02 is a friendly neighbor. they're teachers, retirees, vets, people committed to doing right by getting the count right. if you haven't responded yet, they'll be stopping by to ask some simple questions that will inform how billions in federal funds are spent on local services
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the proposal is coming up next week. host in seattle, following this closely, he joins us tonight. will this happen? >> yes, it's almost certainly going to happen on monday. to give some context, we have about 1300 officers in seattle. we need to have about double that for the size of seattle. instead of investing in police officers, we're going to cut about 100 in the coming weeks. the vote takes place on monday. they're going to be getting rid of school resource officers because god forbid we actually protect students. they're going to get rid of some s.w.a.t. team members because i guess we don't need them given we've had many mass shootings over the last few years and most alarmingly, because you and i have been talking with the homelessness crisis here, they're going to completely got something called the navigation team. a specialized group of officers and social workers who go to homeless encampments filled with human waste and used needles and they connect these folks with shelter. they don't allow them to just camp out where ever they want to camp out. and because of they remove these
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encampments, the council has decided that's inhumane. it's more humane to keep them living in their own filth. so the homelessness crisis is going to get a lot worse in seattle and while we have a surge in gun violence, that's likely going to get worse as well. >> sean: dark forces have descended. very quickly, is anyone standing up against this in local government? >> no, not a local government, but what we are having this sunday, that's going to be a pro police rally. usually conservatives and pro-cop folks don't attend these rallies because we have jobs and lives and responsibilities, unlike the left, so we are actually going to get together this sunday and hopefully enough people will come out to tell the council they are on the wrong side of those, three polls came out saying the same thing, that we don't back up 50% cut in the spd. we will see whether or not they listen to the right side this time. >> tucker: they tried that in colorado people got hurt, so good luck and be careful.
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thank you. we are out of time. we'll be back tomorrow night. the show that is now and always the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. standing by from new york city, which it stands still, the great sean hannity. >> sean: new york city, which means you are stupid to live here because you pay more and if andrew cuomo cooks you dinner and buys you a drink, you're going to pay tens of thousands of dollars if you are dumb enough to come back, and i'm dumb enough to be here. tucker, thank you. >> tucker: at least he is cooking you dinner! >> sean: i'm glad. busy night tonight. welcome to "hannity." the left is getting very desperate and the attorney general trying to dissolve the national rifle association with a new lawsuit. it really? just 89 days before the election. sounds like weird timing to me. so is the state of new york using taxpayer money to interfere in the 2020 election? why now? we'll expl
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