tv Hannity FOX News August 6, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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back tomorrow night. the show is always now the enemy of smugness, groupthink, pomposity standing life from new york society. >> sean: >> sean: new york city, which means you are stupid to live here because you pay more and if andrew cuomo cooks you dinner and buys you a drink, you're going to pay tens of thousands of dollars if you are dumb enough to come back, and i'm dumb enough to be here. pmo tucker, thank you. >> tucker: at least he is cooking you dinner! >> sean: i'm glad. busy night tonight. welcome to "hannity." the left is getting very desperate and the attorney general trying to dissolve the national rifle association with a new lawsuit. really? just 89 days before the election. sounds like weird timing to me. so is the state of new york using taxpayer money to interfere in the 2020 election? why now? we'll explain. i think there are other priorities the state should be concerned about, like safety and the lives of citizens. we'll investigate that. also, this madness along with
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the left's conspiracy theories. their slander ratcheting up because democrats have nothing positive to run on, and this is now a fact. joe biden is a disaster. he looks, well, he looks extremely weak, even from his basement bunker, with the lightest possible schedule of any presidential candidate in history. he is struggling and struggling big time. what a whopper day, we will call it, today. he's really not even campaigning. he's poking his head up for an hour or two and yet he cannot hold it together. so far, this week has been an unmitigated disaster. it started when biden had a weird, strange, embarrassing public breakdown while touting his cognitive fitness. see if you can understand this and pay very close attention to the words "fitness" at the end of this. >> please clarify,y, specifical,
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have you taken a cognitive -- >> no, i haven't taken a test. why the hell would i take a test? come on, man. that is like saying you before the program you take a test whether t you're taking cocainer not? what do you think? are you a junkie? >> what do you say to president trump who brags about his test and makes your efforts and issue for the voters. >> if he can't figure out the difference between an elephant and a line, i don't know what the hell he's talking about. did you watch that? come on, man. i know you're trying to goad me but i am so forward-looking to have an opportunity to sit with the president or stand with the president and debate. there's going to be plenty of time feared by the way, as i joke with him -- i shouldn't say it. i'm going to say something i probably shouldn't say.
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anyway, i am very willing to let the american public could judge my physical and mental -- myet physical as well as my mental fitness,c and two, you know, mae a judgment about who i am. >> sean: come on, man! we need bumper stickers and t-shirts. let's see, did you get tested for cocaine? are you a junkie? come on, man. he loses his train of thought three times in a minute. i don't know what the hell he's talking about. an elephant and a lion? you know, what does he mean here? this is just the beginning of his bad week. why is he having such a hard time saying i look forward to the fitness. if he really means that, we can have the extra debate that donald trump has called for before anyone votes before earls voting starts. that is fair for the american people. let the american peoplele decid. joe says he's looking forward to it.
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okay, game on, joe. do it before a single vote is cast. can't say the word fitness and by the way, a short time ago, as a matter of fact, he said of j course i had a cognitive exam. i am tested constantly. okay, when he's out of the basement bunker, he doesn't know sometimes what city he is in,one doesn't know what office he is wrunning for at times. he doesn't remember or doesn't seem to remember that we are endowed by our, the thing, you know, the -- the thing. joe, the answer is god. the creator of everything. if you forget, give me a call, i'll help you out in the middle of the debate, we can cheat, nobody will know. he can't tell his wife from his sister at one time, so we'll use his words. come on, man. w i don't know what the hell he's saying. what's going on here? democrats refuse to talk about it in public. the mob and the media, they're not talking about it in public. but i can tell you, i know for a fact in private, they are telling me and many other people they know it is a serious
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problem. they can't put their head in the sand forever, like an ostrich. i like it or not, biden'sus cognitive abilities are extremely troubling and they will be on the ballot. what we are seeing, frankly, is just bizarre. it's not normal. that's all i know. i look at a frail guy who if he ever had a slow pitch seems to be gone. we witnessed today and of the disaster for biden after a virtual event with the national association of black journalists,ee national association journalists, biden suggested that african-americans are all the same. wow. first we heard you ain't black, aw this? take a look. >> unlike the african-american community with notable exceptions, the latino community is an incredibly diverse community. with incredibly different attitudes about different things. >> sean: okay, we'll let you decide. pretty much a terrible thing to say. judgment, broad, sweeping generalization.
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earlier, president trump responded, calling his remarks a great insult to the african-american community. take a look. >> joe biden this morning totally disparaged and insulted the black community. what he said is incredible and i don't know what's going on with him, but it was a very insulting statement he made. it was a great insult of the black community. >> sean: for the record, it was donald trump who put criminal justice reform, he's the one who did it, not barack, not joe.ulst police reform, that is trump, not barack, not joe. funding for the largest amountnr of money and the longest commitment of time, historically black colleges, that was donald trump here that was not barack and itnd wasn't joe. by the way, record after record after record low unemployment for every demographic in thisis country, including african-americans and hispanic-americans. yeah, that was donald trump. biden and obama gave us 13 million more americans on food stamps after eight years,
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and 8 million more in poverty, and the lowest participation rate and '70s. lowest recovery since the '40s. the president is right and by the way, can you imagine the hysteria on the left if it was trump who made those horrible remarks? you keep in mind, this is not an isolated incident for the ever forgetful and corrupt joe. his track record on race is atrocious. his close personal mentor, as he says, the person heyo prays was, yeah, the former klansman robert kkk bird. the guy who filibustered the civil rights act of '64, post of the voting rights act up '65. lyndon johnson relied on 80% republicans in the house and senate to pass that. not a lot of democrats. he wasn't there when history mattered. imagine if donald trump praised a former klan leader who in fact filibustered the civil rights act. in the '70s, biden actively working with the segregationist. why? to slow school integration.
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let's go to nbc news, shall we? he led the charge on an issue that kept black students away from the classrooms of white students. according to "the washington post," biden t spoke out repeatedly and forcefully t against sending whe children to majority black schools and black children to majority white schools. 1977, biden worried that his children would grow up in a racial jungle. a few years later, biden lied about marching in the civil rights movement. he also lied about endorsements from the naacp in 1993. he's the guy that referred to inner-city youth as predators on our streets. 2006, he's the guy that told the crowd, you have to have a slight indian accent to work at a 7-eleven or a dunkin' donuts. i'm not kidding. 2006, he bragged that his state was a slave state. 2007, he's the guy who said, key word here this is the first mainstream african-american whon is articulate and bright and clean. that's storybook, man.
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come on, man. man comes up a lot with this guy. anyway last year he said poor kids could be just as bright as white kids. recently he said "you ain't black if you support donald trump." then he said, he will put y'all back in chains. when you think about it, biden's track record on race is nothing short of a disgrace and imagine if donald trump had set all these things. >> poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids. >> you cannot go to a 7-eleven or a dunkin' donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. i'm not joking. >> what kind of chance will the northeastern liberal like joe biden stand in the south? >>t better than anybody else. you don't know my state. my state was a slave state, the eighther l largest black populan in the country. >> the first sort of mainstream african-american who is
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articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. i mean, that is storybook. to speak at their going to put y'all back in chains. >> it's a long way until november, we've got more questions. >> you have more questions. if you have a problem figuring out if you are for me or for trump, then you ain't black. >> sean: okay, if biden were a republican or donald trump, he would be ripped to shreds by his own democratic party and the media mob.. the media divides rich versus poor, old versus young, black versus white. i played that history repeatedly, and by the way, biden statement today, his statement about african-americans wasn't the only puzzling moment from the event. in one moment, he actually changed his position on the filibuster almost midsentence. this is the same exact virtual hearing.
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it's not like, well, i've been tested, i'm constantly tested, i've never been tested, how dare you ask me if i'm tested? take a look. >> what i said as if, in fact, they are as obstreperous as suggested, we have to get rid of the filibuster. but the filibuster has also saved a lot of bad things from happening, too. >> so, you're open? >> oh, yeah, i'm sorry. i'm on record as saying that. if the republicans, if there is no way y to move other than getting rid of the filibuster,r, that is what we'll do. >> sean: biden earlier today made comments about the diversity of african and latino communities. i want to clarify, in no way did i mean to suggest the african-american community is a monolith.wh not by identity, not on issues at all. throughout my career. we are laying out your career. i've witnessed a diversity of thought, background, sentiment. yeah, okay.n as you can see, that just came out. he just tweeted that out.
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it's not just because of his inability to communicate clearly but also, he is struggling to shore up his radical socialist base. now, by the way, in order to make them happy, he is running the most progressive platform that's ever existed in history. he has vowed to halt all border wall construction if president, he has vowed to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants. in other words we would become the united sanctuary states of america. he also said illegal immigrants should receive subsidized health care. take a look. >> should undocumentedd immigrants also be able to get subsidized health care? >> if they are working in the united states of america and they are paying taxes, they should have access to health care. they should have access to what everybody else has access to.
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>> and undocumented worker? >> now, it depends. not all undocumented workers are working. h you say every undocumented worker. >> sean: he want from us amnesty, just added to the list, government subsidy, his $92 appeasement for the green new deal is offering to spend trillions on aoc's plan, which is madness. doubling down w on stupid. obamacare, some version of medicare for all. free housing, free higher education, free healthy food by thedo government guaranteed, fre child care, free family leave, free vacation, free, free, free, everything's free. all your needs will be taken care of, cradle to grave, womb to tomb. all your worries eliminated in a magical socialist utopia. the only problem is thesere problems are completely unfulfillable. they are false promises. the math doesn't add up, not yoeven on joe's old fashion abacus. if this radical agenda is ever implemented, your friends and yourab freedom, friends, the
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friends that love freedom, it's going to be stripped away. your wealth will be confiscated. your businesses will be destroyed. america as we know it, that is freedom and liberty and guess what? capitalism will be gone. they are status, these are socialist policies, and they will fail. it's been tried, it's failed to many times to count. and that is what is on the ballot in 89 days. it's all on the ballot in 89 days. here with reaction, civil rights attorney leo tirrell, salem radio, nationally syndicated talk show host, larry elder. wow, apparently joe forgot his own record because he just tweeted that out. larry anddll leo, you are shakig your head. either one of you start come it doesn't who starts. >> let me go after it. joe biden is unfit to be president and joe biden is a racist. joe biden has the mind-set of a plantation owner. hehe thinks he knows however a
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black person thinks, how we walk, what we should eat. joe biden doesn't understand that black people are individual. condoleezza rice and al sharpton are different we have a different mind-set. what the democrats will do is roll out jim clyburn, say, it's okay. jim clyburn doesn't speak for me or larry or black americans. no one black person speaks for black america. msnbc, they wouldn't cover this today. donald trump is absolutely right. joe biden insulted every black american today. and he should not be president. he is the racist. what is so amazing to me is they are going to put this guy out in front and say the only reason why he gave me a pass because he has a d in front of his name, b not a r. republicans are the people who believe in a color-blind society. democrats are the ones who believe in identity and race politics. >> sean: larry? >> once again, i find myself in
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the position of agreeing with my new friend leo tirrell. joe biden has been insulting black people for decades. as you pointed out in your monologue,n he has been lying about the civil rights record for decades. he lied and said the naacp endorsed him for every one of his campaigns. the naacp has endorsed a zero of his campaigns. he lied and said he was arrested trying to visit nelson mandela and for decades he said that i have participated in desegregating restaurants and movie theaters in bloomington and delaware. their evidence. "the new york times" looked at it and they said years ago, his advisors gently reminded joe to stop saying it because it wasn't true, and he kept saying it anyway. it just shows you that democrats think of black people as children to whom the truth cannot be told and the truth is the problems in the black community today have virtually nothing to do with slavery and jim crow and every thing to do with badad government policies d incentives that have been put in place by the left.
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the democrats cannot say that because that would require them to rethink their whole ideology. they cannot do that so they condescend to black people and treat them like pawns on the chess board and it is offensive and disgusting. >> sean: i laid out donald trump's success. record low unemployment, colleges, police reform. barack didn't do that and joe didn't do that. >> that's the thing about it. there is a natural false assumption. the big lie that obama did more simply because of his skin color. now, obama did more because he's a democrat. wrong. president trump has done more for black americans than any president, in my opinion, in the last 50 years. my opinion is that obama and biden believe that they are entitled to be considered a better candidate or a better president because they are a democrat. that is a false analogy. one final c point, i'm a trial lawyer for the blast 30 years. with all the evidence you have explained in front of your viewers about joe biden's racist
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past, i could try joe biden in a court room and convicted joe biden of being a racist. i could. >> sean: wow, larry? >> when black people really start taking a look at all of this because this stuff is not reported on cnn, not reported on msnbc. he will be regarded as the rachel dolezal of politics. >> sean: i am proposing tonight we're going to call it the larry, leo 2.0 speaking to her. i think you guys should be doing a tv show right on this network, how do you like that? >> can i get a copy of that book? i need that book. >> sean: it's in the mail, it's in the mail. i'm sending a free book. by the way, is a little bit of -- he wants it for free. >> all pay for it! all pay for it. i'm willing to do a show with leo if leo is willing to do a show with me pure just promise me you will go to i can't wait to wear my maga hat
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on "hannity." >> sean: a lot coming i would. >> thank you for having me on. >> sean: you been watching the events of today, i'm just dying to get your response. >> listen, what can you say about biden?nk no one covers him in the media other than you. it's an absolute travesty. when hee says that the black community is not diverse, one-dimensional, when he comes out with this nonsense, can you imagine if donald trump said that? thee media doesn't even want to cover it. that is how biased, that iss how in their corner they are. it's disgusting. he doesn't have the mental capacity to be commander in chief of this country. joe biden is spending more time onjo tv than her husband is. the guy won't come out of his basement, he won't answer real
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questions, we are going to have 16 states, you're going to have 8 million votes before the first debate and it's disgusting andr it shouldn't happen and it's a travesty. this guy is afraid of my father and i really believe these debates are going to be an absolute bloodbath. >> sean: i will tell you this, i really would like to have that debate. i mean, i would like to resolve the issues from 2016 about the deep state with your dad and i also think it's fair that joe says he's dying to debate donald trump. let's have it. add the extra debate, joe. donald trump invited you to have an extra debate before one vote is cast, the american people need to see this. >> do you think it's any coincidence that all the debates are at the end of september and into october? if you look in north carolina, i will give you a great example, north carolina starts voting september 4th. we look at florida, florida starts voting september 14th, right? the debate doesn't happen until voseptember 29th.
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the first debate, and that's not the last debate. you are literally going to have a million votes before the first debate and they rig this on purpose. that's why you won't get the debate. he doesn't want to debate my father, no question about it. that's what he wants to debate as late as possible because the benefits and because he does not want to be on the debate stage. when you see the comments he made today about the black community, when you see the comments the guy makes everything thehe day. last week he called arizona a city. a couple weeks ago, he said he was running for united states senate, sean. the guy does not want to debate my father and it's a travesty that this debate commission is probably very, very crooked. he's allowing him to start the debate this farat into voting. >> sean: this is corruption at the highest level. this is not fair to the american voter. he swears he wants to debate. he needs to debate. ruruthe country needs to see a debate before a single vote is cast.
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totally agree. last word. >> listen, i think we are looking really good, the polls are looking great. you see it every day, the enthusiasm is tremendous. i can tell you, as vocal as a lot of our supporters are, what's under the surface is tremendous. i can just see it. i see more enthusiasm going into 2020 than i did in 2016. we are going to win. my father is going to win back the selection.. s >> sean: he's got the whole media mob and the establishment against him and hopefully, he shocks the world in 89 days. eric trump, thank you. when we come back, the left is going after the second amendment. not by accident. in my opinion.. new york attorney general seeking to disband the nra and joe biden says if he is elected president, he will ban all assault weapons and remember, beto bozo gun confiscation o'rourke. straight ahead. ♪ beto bozo gun confiscation or bark. straight ahead.
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all on the ballot in 89 days. this november 3rd.d. that includess the second amendment, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, because tonight you are seeing a preview, perhaps, of coming attractions. the nra is now fighting back after frankly a bazaar 170-page oddly timed, or odd to me, lawsuit filed by the new york state attorney general letitia james. have the entire organization dissolved. ask yourself amid a global pandemic, violent crime search where 1-year-olds are shot and strollers in parks and new york city and all these attacks in new york city against law enforcement, and innocent cities, it's happening all over new york city, why are new york officials, where are they choosing this political attack at this time? seems more than odd instead of addressing the most serious issues involving public safety and the plague in new york state.
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by the way, in response, the nra is taking their own legal action. playing by the rules would procure a just outcome. the nra has not been treated fairly by james' office. the new york democratic party official machine seek to harass, defund so many liberals forth years, want to dismantle and get rid of the nra because of what it believes and what it says, and the politicianser they support. like all the other liberal organizations. don't forget, biden has embraced this radical anti-second amendment agenda, tweeting yesterday, weapons of war have no place in our community. when i was senator i took on the nra and secured a 10-year ban on assault weapons. as president i will ban these weapons again. not only that, he proclaimedd that beto o'rourke, he would be his go to guy on guns. remember this?s. >> hell yes, we are going to take your ar-15s, your ak-47s.
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>> i guarantee you this is not the last year seeing of this guy.y. this is -- you're going to take care of the gun problem with me. >> sean: just like the radical left is trying to destroy the nra if biden becomes your president, guess what, the second amendment doesn't have a chance. your guns will be taken away immediately without notice. no police, no guns. the good news is common sense americans all across the country see this for what it is and that is a destructive plan to undo all of the progress of the last four years because democrats, quite frankly, never accepted the results of the 2016 election. they haven't even gotten to the bottom of that. thankfully, the president's strong,re standing taking on the washington swamp, up-and-coming colorado lauren
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broberg who last year called out bozo o'rourke and face all the left-wing lunacy. let's take a look. >> i'm here to say hell no, you're not. i have four children, five children, 100 pounds, cannot really defend myself with a fist. i want to know how you are going to legislate that, because a criminal, by defense, breaks the law. all you'reo going to do is restrict law-abiding citizens like myself. >> sean: here with reaction, fox news contributor dan bongino along with republican congressional candidate laurenea oberg. i don't have any knowledge at all, and good luck in your campaign, thank you for being with us. i don't have any knowledge of the nra's inner workings whatsoever. i don't. but in the middle of a plague, in the middle of the most violence perpetrated in many,
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many years in new york city, police being assaulted and killed around the country, up to 12 or 14 debt, nearing city cops assaulted, cop cars assaulted, the timing is beyond dubious it to me that they would do this now. i'm assuming the nra probably would've spent a lot of money in trump's reelection. i don't know, but i'm guessing. your reaction? >> well, i think beto o'rourke did a really good job letting us all know exactly what the left wants to do with the second amendment and how we have new york's attorney general attack in the organization that represents gun owners. and it just means that we have to get out and vote this november. sean,, i have to tell you, i learned how strong one voice can be when i confronted beto o'rourke and told him hell no, you are not taking our guns. and now neither is this democrat attorney general. not going to silence americans and their second amendment rights. right now, we've seen such lawlessness taking place. when the narrative is to
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dismantle, disband, and defund our police, and now they want to come after our second amendment rights, we enjoy the right to keep and bear arms because we enjoy the right to life. and that is something that we would not be able to defend, without that.. a and we have a police officer's come if they are wanting to attack and take away our way to defend ourselves as well. >> sean: dan bongino, first, thank you. you're widely popular podcast, hugely popular. i was a guest on your show today and i cannot thank you enough. when someone files a lawsuit, all your time, attention, energy and money goes to defending yourself. timing, awkward to you? because it is certainly suspicious as hell to me. >> you are generous with your time today, i could've talk to forever. i used to work for a company that provided content to nra tv but i'm a second amendment supporter.
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the timing of this lawsuit is outrageous. i mean, it's so poorly thought out but here's the deal, the left lies. they lie about everything alll the time. you tell me a major issue, i'll tell you how the left lies about it. they never tell the truth and on firearms, they are the worst offenders. gun ownership, let me do this for the liberals because they are typically not that bright, it's gone up. that direction. crime has gone down, down. now, the only place crime has gone back up, in cities ironically run by liberals with a really strict gun laws, but then when you ask liberals about the paradox only to liberals because in conservative states you can actually defend yourself, that is why crime rates are low, they say no, no, no. that is because all the guns are coming from other states until you actually look at where the illegal guns are recovered from and you find out they are coming from, wait for it, illinois of all places, which is where
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chicago is. they lie all the time. >> sean: i notice you being attacked, which by the way, welcome to the club. dan and i live in the world every second of every day. but that moment, how did that happen with bozo? >> i was just fed up with our second amendment rights being chipped away at. i'm not a politician, i'm a a citizen who values the constitution of the united states, and i value our freedom. he announced what so many democrats tiptoe around, including my congressional opponent right now, but every now and then, one of them splits up and lets off their agenda. hell yes they want to take away our second amendment, and nobody was confronting this guy, so i drove three hours to a presidential rally with my glock on my hip and i looked him in the eye and told him, hell no, you're not. i did that because i didn't see anyone standing for freedom but i saw a whole lot of folks giving it away.
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now i'm running for congress for the same d reason, to secure the rights of people that i will represent in colorado congressional district. >> sean: i got to run. we wish you the best. i'm sorry, go where? >> to show you how i'm going to continue this fight to secure the freedoms of americans. >> sean: where can people see the podcast every day? i mean, it's everywhere, you do so well.hi where is it? >> thanks a lot, very nice of you, i appreciate that. >> sean: we're going to do this on your show a lot. i like role reversal,l, it's actually fun. thank you jan, and good luck, lauren. coming up, the media has been covering up for by the disastrous campaign. bizarre conspiracy theories, they are losing it. sarah sanders, a lot of
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do you take cocaine, and you are a junkie? we showed you earlier. anyway, nbc news covered up the entire incident. meanwhile,nd fake news cnn faild to mention the exchange on the air at all. on wednesday. herewith reaction, sarah sanders and the hill reported, joe concha. i think that pretty much says it all, i think if any of this wast donald trump, we know what would happen. >> it would be wall-to-wall, we wouldn't hear anything about that. the hypocrisy from the media is truly astonishing. i would love to sam surprised, but i'm not, because it's what they've been doing since the day that donald trump came down the escalator. they have applied a total double standard to everything that hasr to do with him. they've given joe biden and every other democrat a complete pass. they spent two years investing all of their time in the total russia witch hunt to destroy the president and when that failed, they moved onto the next scandal and when that failed, they moved
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on to the next fake scandal. every single time they find the tiniest little thing, they latch on and try to destroy the president but guess what? he is still standing, he continues to do a great job, and the reason they have to give joe biden the past is because they know he cannot handle even the most basic questions like, are you capable of being president?au he couldn't put a coherent sentence together to address that single issue. >> sean: by the way, i think that speech alone, you become a great governor in the state of arkansas. i'm just saying, i don't know. joe concha. >> the next time you see somebody in this industry screaming about racism and pointing to a particular political party or particular person in the president, book mark this moment and the moments we've seen over the last couple of days, quite frankly.
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first, you had joe biden even last month saying that, well, you ain't black if you vote for president trump. then he says, as you mentioned, as a black journalist, he's a cocaine junkie because a journalist be brought the fact that joe biden said he is tested constantly in terms of his cognitive abilities, so he brings it up, put his words back to him, and joe biden obviously reacted the way that he did. and today, he says the black community doesn't have any diversity while hispanics do. and he apologized for that. he put a tweet out earlier this hour, but you look at that week, it looks like clearly he did not write that tweet. the bottom line is that we should see the same self-righteousness from people in this industry. i'm surprised that we don't have defibrillators being handed out to folks over at cnn or anywhere else right now because of president trump ever said something like that, they would be fainting right now. instead, it's the "silence wes of the lambs."
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we barely see any coverage of it because they're covering for this candidate 89 days before the election. >> sean: the conspiracy hoax, the media mob, they are a mob, they are occult, state tv and newspapers, state run, 99% anti-trump. let's show the news' latest conspiracy theory. >> there's going to be a split screen on january 20th, 2021, if joe biden is now going to be the 46th president of the united states, you would have him being inaugurated and watching police and armed forces trying to pull donald trump out of the white house. i cannot wait for that. >> in this scenario that you are painting, the president trump loses by a narrow margin and then refuses to leave office, what does that scenario look like? >> this is how autocracies work, where leaders try to change elections, or wield their power in a way to hold on to power
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>> i think were looking at potentially a trial run for a kind of genuine attempt, through intimidation and potentially through force, to try to steal this election. >> sean: all right, quick response there. >> i mean, it's truly laughable and they should be embarrassed by even putting this information out there. the good news is we are not going toto have to worry about t because donald trump is going to win back in november and the only thing we are going to be dragging out is all of the lies and the ridiculousness that have been pushed out by this media. >> sean: last word, joe. >> hillary clinton for three and a half years has been on a public therapy two are talking about all the excuses she had for not winning the 2016 election. she's the one who didn't accept the results of that particular election, yet we are seeing this narrative applied to president trump in hypothetical terms because that is the memo that went out. the bottom line is we are speculating, nothing more. that is what journalism is these days. guessing and speculation andho
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♪ >> sean: the deep stayed on defense tonight, especially, muller pitbull andrew weissmann is now trying to discredit the attorney general bill barr in the durham probe. watch thi >> sean: the deep stayed on defense tonight, especially, mueller pitbull andrew weissmann is now trying to discredit the attorney general bill barr in the durham probe. watch this. >> to really try and focus on what could happen now, how he could weaponize the department of justice to help an incumbent stay the incumbent. >> i think the very nature of the durhamn investigation, it's been going on for a long time. investigations end when they end but why would that still be open? >> the norm, assuming that john durham has predication for
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criminal investigation is that, in advance of an upcoming election, there are no overt staffs that are taken. no reports issued, no indictments are brought in that as a norm throughout the department of justice. >> sean: you wouldn't know a norm if you saw one. about the fake, bought and paid for, disinformation dossier to spy on a sitting president. here with reaction, former ambassador and acting director of national intelligence, along with fox news legal analyst, "witch hunt" author. thanks to you we know more than anything about this. he is saying that these justice department employees ought not to participate in an investigation?ba really a question like is pretty sick. >> typical behavior.
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let's just remember that the obama biden team knew there were intelligence officials from the very beginning of the steele dossier who raised concerns and said, this feels like russian propaganda. this feels like something that is not true and here are some red flags. what did those obama-biden officials do? they push to those individuals decide, they took the comments andd classify them. we had to unclassified, declassify many of these comments that were in the footnotes from previous reports. the reality is that transparency is not political. transparency should be our friend. totally not something washington, d.c., likes, and what this team is now trying to do is tell people to not be transparent. this is the washington way. they like to sit in the back and be very secretive, have a bunch of elites spoon feed with the american public gets to see. they don't want to see the transcripts come out because transparency is not something
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that works for washington. it takes away their power. >> sean: with all we know that the mueller investigation was predicated on lies, the whole thing is debunked now, i think we need an investigation on everyone involved in perpetrating this myth and this lie. gregg jarrett, sidney powell, licensed alike, chronicling the, prosecutorial abuse of who? >> yeah, andrew weissmann, think about what is he doing here. he's encouraging doj officials to resist the barr-durham investigation, that sounds an awful lot like obstruction of justice interfering and underminingto an investigation. and there is a reason wiseman is doing this. he is trying to hide his own involvement in the dossier. remember, i wrote about this in my book, in the summer of 2016,
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christopher steele comes to the u.s., meets with bruce ohr, hands over the dossier, and he tells congress in his testimony, the first thing he did when he got back to the doj was made with andrew weissmann. told him, this is dubious, it is funded by the hillary clinton campaign. christopher steele is unreliable. instead of putting a stop to it, wiseman apparently remained silent, later joined bob mueller's team, doesn't recuse himself or disclose his conflict of interest. this is classic andrew weissmann. his reputation for abusive tactics, suppressing evidence, threatening witnesses has earned him recusal's, rebukes and reversals by a higher court.t. no wonder he is employed at msnbc.
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>> sean: good point. the conspiracy channel. >> if i could add one thing real quick, this is exactly why they don't want donald trump in washington. they want their ways to push out people who are the outsider. >> sean: have been able to shine the light. thank you both. big announcement next. guys, times are tough.
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me tonight and a half hour, hugh hewitt willat be moderating alie book signing with me at that nixon library. go to for details. let not your heart be troubled. >> i can't wait to just pop in on one of the virtual signings. i'm going to do that very ill be surprised very it will just be a clause that comes across the screen. >> would you ever want to be the host. david limbaugh did one for me. would you do that? >> are you kidding me? i can't believe you're even asking the right of course i would do it. >> sean: i didn't ever do these virtual events. i can't believe thedo one tonigt at 6:30 p.m. my staff told me well over 1 million people on different platforms where there. >> laura: right, hannity, have to go.
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