tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News August 6, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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me tonight and a half hour, hugh hewitt willat be moderating alie book signing with me at that nixon library. go to for details. let not your heart be troubled. >> i can't wait to just pop in on one of the virtual signings. i'm going to do that very ill be surprised very it will just be a clause that comes across the screen. >> would you ever want to be the host. david limbaugh did one for me. would you do that? >> are you kidding me? i can't believe you're even asking the right of course i would do it. >> sean: i didn't ever do these virtual events. i can't believe thedo one tonigt at 6:30 p.m. my staff told me well over 1 million people on different platforms where there. >> laura: right, hannity, have to go.
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>> sean: i am humbled and i'm grateful. >> laura: we are excited for you. >> sean: save l the country, laura, it is in your hands. >> laura: i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. we are going to talk about this absurd attempt to do away with the nra paired the two most popular people on the planet feel as though the world could be turning against them. what this might have as an adverse effect on the communities that need role models like them the most. first, gunning for your rights. that's the focus of tonight's angle. i warned you countless times that the democrats in new york are gaping as a precursor of what will happen nationally if biden wins. the most recent example comes from letitia james, the most left-wing attorney general in new york state history. tonight with great fanfare and a full pr operation, she announced that she wasn't just investigating the nra, she intended to dissolve it.
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>> altogether, there are 18 causes of action improper wage reporting, improper income tax wrote withholdings. failure to make required tax reporting and payments. for these years of fraud and misconduct, we are seeking an order to dissolve the nra in its entirety. >> nominated for best actress and an ongoing drama is the first thing you need to know, this has zero connection with some of the internal issues the nra has had over the past couple of years. nothing to do with that. it reminds me of how they targeted eric trump's foundation. raised millions and millions of dollars for st. jude's. if she was really an unbiased official looking to stem abuse in a 5o1c3 organization, why
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isn't she wanting investigation into the butchers of planned parenthood that prey on women in the inner-city? planned parenthood has pledged $45 million to elect democrats this year while the nra, a big nothing. if she really cared about rooting out corruption, fraud, and waste, she has plenty of room to run in new york politics. come on, man, as biden would say. that top democrat in the new york state house was just given present time for corruption. >> a man who was once one of the most quality comes to grips with his fate, sentenced to 78 months in prison and a $1 million fine for profiting off his office as a speaker. >> maybe she should find out the real reason governor cuomo disbanded his anticorruption task force. >> i believe with the credibility of this commission that you can go a long way towards restoring that public
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vetrust. >> the 25 member panel was supposed to spent 18 months rooting out political corruption in new york state, but cuomo set shutdown the commission in march. the top aides repeatedly blocke anticorruption investigators. >> nothing to see they are, at all. >> don't forget this, smart aggressive lawyers can always come up with some rationale to sue or investigate you or frankly any organization. they have armies of lawyers paid for in this case by the taxpayers and they can devote countless hours to drive up your litigation fees. even if they have case, they can still beat you by bankrupting you. that is her goal, the new york state attorney general and that is her goal with the nra. >> one doesn't need to active oven and imagination to see how this strategy could play out nationally in a biden administration.
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in that case the doj will be stacked with prosecutors like miss james. who needs to debate issues on the merits of guns or gun ownership when you can just take out the opposition, take them out of the game altogether. they will go after pro-life groups, conservative think tanks, conservative radio shows, cable networks, even churches, like efforts to defund the police or tear down historical monuments, this move against the nra is a test run for broader efforts to frighten and intimidate people for exercising their god-given rights. these are malicious marxists. they've had a lot of practice doing this. they have been burrowed into our schools andrc universities for years. they have been protected by teachers unions and compliant administrators. the angle has warned you over and over again that they are not content to keep this on campus or in certain liberal
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like an nasty pathogen, it needs more hosts. it needs to go national. they will have the doj to see you come at the epa to monitor you, and the irs to audit you. they will have unlimited resources and plenty of left-wing judges on state and even federal court on their side. they will defund the police, and they will disarm the public. >> we are going to take your ar 15's coming your ar 47's. >> you're going to be the one that wants to lead this effort. i'm counting on you. >> to gun owners out there who say a biden administration means are going to come for my guns.s. >> bingo, you're right. >> throughout this tumultuous year of the pandemic and the riots, democrats implicit promise that thean country is te following. >> if you help us defeat trump, put biden in office, things are just going to calm down. they will go back to basically normal. as usual with fraud, that's
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library of biden presidency will cater to up the rioting. that means a campaign of revenge on traditional america just like new york as waging now on the nra. the only way to end the far left cycle of retribution and silencing as to beat them at the ballot box, and badly. right now, if you don't like the way that de blasio is running new york city or the way that lori lightfoot is running chicago and you live in chicago, you can pickck up and move. under a biden administration, there will be no escape from politically motivated investigations. near basic first, second, all of your constitutional rights will be in jeopardy. your liberties will only be protected from these radical america hating monsters if voters, this november, punish the democrats. and they make them pay for coming after our prosperity and yes, our guns.
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>> i want to say those fighting words, for everyone with on the sound of my voice to hear and to heed, and especially for you, from my cold dead hands. >> that never gets old. can you imagine if a red state ag decided to go after the aclu with the sole purpose of destroying the entire organization? the media would go bonkers. an attorney general who cares about the well-being of his or her state, what with that attorney general be doing? focusing on prosecuting the criminals and the organized mobs running wild in places like new york city. they are so brazen, they are attacking innocent people
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running bodegas and police officers just out doing their jobs. things are so bad in new york, that the governor is begging rich people to return. >> is got to come back. when are you coming back? will go to dinner. i'll buy you a drink. oucome over, i'll cook. >> that'll work. do miss james and governor cuomo think the people that are now listing their apartments for sale or for rent are doing so because the nra has too much power in the state? what a phony the fact is that none of these new york officials just like none in the biden camp have a clue about how to make your life better. all they have to offer is more economic ruin, more crime, and endless charges of systemic racism. and ithe just goes to show you
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that the hope and change slogan of obama's was cool on a poster, but it was always alive. apparently he and biden didn't change america at all. in fact, after they finish their eight years, the country elected trump, so by their logic, the country has gotten even worse. so for the next four years, they intend to put anyone who does not submit to their rule in detention. you're going to havefo less control over every aspect of your life while they connected crowd will have the power to do whatever it wants. remember rules for the, but not for the. let's talk to the silent majority to be silent no more. there are more of you than you think. we don't have to live like this. in fear that our neighbors will report us for not wearing a mask on our own front lawn or in fear of defending our homes and our families it will make us the criminals. or in w fear that are religious belief put targets on our backs, or in fear that the government
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will investigate is just because we oppose certain policies. think of what the fbi led by jim comey did to president trump and candidate trump. they tried to cancel his entire presidency. do not let them do this to america. and that is the angle. joining me now is former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. is this anything more than a political hit job and a warning shot to others who dare question the leftist authority right nowi in new york city? >> you know, they are ruining the city completely. it is a tragedy. i think everyone in the city knows it's. there are so many things for letitia james to investigate. for example, his camp can't account for $9 million in an organization i started and
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bloomberg continued prayed he named it thrive new york, which really seems to be thrive, somebody we don't know who. nobody is investigating that. that is $900 million. the city council went crazy when they found out about that right now but nobody wants to talk about it. that could easily be investigated. the nra, that is ridiculous what she's doing great seeking capital punishment for whatever she claims are the errors. >> just so people know how she is justifying her lawsuit so people get what her so-called logic is, this is what, she said. >> my call michael is it for dissolve dissolve and to try to keep this organization intact bread. >> because the corruption was so broad. they have basically destroyed all of the assets of the corporation. it was critically important that
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one of the causes of action, one of the remedies we are seeking as a dissolution of the nra. >> isn't this a lawsuit to crush an influential liberal organization in a year. >> she is a poor excuse for a lawyer anyway and she ran on a o single issue which was get trump. rather inappropriate for district attorney to want to get one person. now this case against the nra the nra brought suit against her. my money is on the nra. the reality is that this is just a silly lawsuit. she's got real shambles, the one i mentioned, 900 million, that went to obama's wife and a charity she was running. nobody has the guts to look at that. not the dea has turned out to be another political hack. >> what does this all mean to the city?
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it is kind of funny to see cuomo begging people to come back to the city. >> it means they can't govern. >> what happens to new york? >> it means what the governors at about ten days ago, he and i, did everything we could toha tun this place around and did. he said the city is going to be finished if he keeps going this direction. it's not going to be revival bowl. you can't drive away this much capital so quickly. you can't have crime rates go i mean i brought murder down the first year 20 percent. he brought it up 24 percent. how do you keep up with that? >> it is so depressing for all of us. for all of us who have either lived in new york or work in new york, it is a heartbreak. and tonight, our message to
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america is this can happen to where you live if you make the wrong decisions politically. this is not just going to be confined in new york. if the biden gang gets in charge, this kind of retribution campaign is going to be sweeping the country. and i mean the midwest >> absolutely. there will be criminalization of politics in the worst way and there will be deterioration like you see in new york, chicago, baltimore. that is our future if we elect biden and the democrats. no doubt about it. >> rudy, the difference between new york when you were mayor and all of us were still young in the city and now, it is just i mean i say it, i'm angry about it, but i'm heartbroken as well. >> it breaks my heart too. >> thank you so much. >> a lot of hard work. >> if the new york ag istb
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successful, and she eliminates the nra, don't kid yourself on that, she may also be able to funnel the money that the nra has raised and has in its budget to political allies. that's right, so if the nra is dissolved, its assets go on to a receiver who can then hand them over to other like-minded charities, but is this just a way to divert nra funds to anti- cop and pro- gun-control leftist groups. down the easement, constitutional scholar who has been looking into this for us. john, how could the democrats use these funds if they ended up winning? >> you know, they put it in receivership under the new york corporation laws where it becomes a trustee for it, it would be a bizarre thing to say we're going to take the assets of the nra because the nra leadership abused the charitable contributions from its members,
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but instead of returning those assets to the members the people who made the charitable'r contributions put them towards her because that's the opposite of what they would support. no version of the states role in corporate oversight would allow that, and yet that seems to be what she's after year. >> i think she would try to use quite a stretch of the language, john, to say well, everyone wants safety. the nra says they are about safety, and ed.d. funds the police effort would put more money into safe spaces or safe communities. there is all sorts of ways a clever lawyer can play with the language. that's what she seemed to be hinting at today.e >> one hopes that the courts, even if they are ideologically biased to see through that pretext, but you never know. the claims are that some of the top leadership of the nra misused funds for personal reasons.
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the same thing happened at the united the same thing happened at planned parenthood. the same thing happened at the head of the new york chapter of planned parenthood. i didn't see her bringing this kind of disillusion claim against the organization itself rather than against the heindividual officers who allegedly had abused the funding in the charitable rules. that's what we normally do, we don't dissolve the organization when an officer abscond's with some money. i'm not claiming that's what happens here at the nra, even if allegation on that is true, you go after the officer, not the organization. >> yes or no, is this a campaign political retribution is or a warning to others they get in the way of the socialist revolution that she envisioned. >> it certainly is, but i would be careful with the left.
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they are taking steps awakening a sleeping giant in this country, people who have let live with the relatively minor abuses we been suffering for decades, but these abuses are getting intolerable. that language comes from the declaration of independence, when the abuses become intolerable, we have to step up and take action. >> john, thank you so much. great to see you tonight as always. michelle obama and oprah, two of the most popular people on the face of the earth. what does it say to those who look up to them that they kind of seem to be really down and are they playing a victim at the current moment? we have that insight and moments. guys, times are tough.
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♪ >> you know the new rules, if you're white and you're successful, your guilty. of white privilege or something. the specifics of this and don't really matter, all you have to know as that you must apologizef orow atone for that. and if you're black and successful, and haven't thrown incompletely with colin
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kaepernick, you still must atone, you must explain and then prostrate yourself before the altar of. and her oprah winfrey. >> there are white people who are not as powerful as the system of white people, the pass system that has been put in place, but they still, no matter where they are on the ladder of success, they still have there whiteness. >> whiteness still gives you an advantage no matter what. >> the first thing you need to know as oprah winfrey is living the american dream. atatst 66, her success shows ust a great country we have. she has grown up a black girl from mississippi in the jim crow era, she used her brains and succeeded beyond the imaginatiol of people of all races. she is a billionaire and a global superstar, i don't begrudge her one bit for it. i am in all of what she
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accomplished, but today, to be cutting-edge and relevant, you need to elevate blm and complain about healthier unfair the world's is.. her old magazine just said they're ending the print run, she needed something provocative to promote her new digital show, the reaction around the world, skeptical. >> oprah winfrey, she must have forgotten where she came from. she grew up in rural america energy grew up in poverty. she became a millionaire by the time she was 30 to years old. >> it is sinister stuff this collective guilt. not helpful. i don't think it does any good for our young people of color to view themselves as victims. >> meanwhile, michelle obama also promoting something new, a new product, her spot if i podcast saying that she had low-grade depression over state of things in the united states. translation, trump and and america's inherent racism was getting her down.
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with a net worth of $40 million i think it's more than that at this point, they might not be quite as rich as oprah, yet, but she's an even bigger global superstar, taking her at her word that she is depressed, i recall something else she said back in 2008? >> for the first time in my adult lifetime, i am really proud of my country. i have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment. >> she went to princeton, had an incredible life even up to there, there was a hint there, was it only when her husband was nominated he was on his way to being the nominee of the party after more than 69 million americans voted for him later that year that america was cleansed of all that disappointment and racism? in other words, now that trump as president, we're back to
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being on the brink again? how does a black man gets elected in a country that is so deeply racist. what a cynical view of the world. michelle and oprah may not want to admit it right now, but this country has been extremely good to them. i'm sure unfair to, but overall, pretty darn good. we're not perfect, our history certainly has its wars and sins, but the fact that they are twoah of the wealthiest most influential and most admired women not only in the country, but in the world, shows you just how absurd their pandering really is very joining me now is forrest cooper, project 21 cochair.r. horace, i have to admit, a small part of michelle and oprah you know, i imagine, they have to kind of see the hypocrisy of
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their own comments, or are they just blind to it? >> there are to things here, on the one hand as youah mentioned, they are people who are living and experience that fewer than 1 percent, one tenth of 1 percent of the people on the planet are able too. the other is they are yielding to ed temptation that we saw in the 20th century and that we saw in the 19th century, and that is thatet people gain political power, they gain salience, by attacking other people on the basis of their race. it is an evil way to operate. shame on them for all of the amazing things that america has been able to do and that they have benefited from for them to act in this way.
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>> i can't think of to women who have been more broadly embraced by the american public then michelle obama and oprah winfrey. they are both liberal, but they've they been embraced by most people incredibly smart, incredibly accomplished. interesting people and people to be admired. butt what is going on? >> oprah winfrey became a millionaire on the backs of suburban white women who watched her show by the legions. michelle obama was married to the man that got more votes from this racist caste system called america, got more votes than any presidential candidate got in the history of the united states.
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that is more than franklin delano roosevelt come up more than ronald reagan, more than bill clinton, barack obama got more votes than any other presidential candidates in history in this racist caste system. what disheartening about all of this is oprah comes from the south, she comes not far removed from the jim crow era in the south, when there was a rural palpable concrete racial caste system against african-americans, and when they pretend to be billionaire victims, it is an insult to my ancestors into theirs. >> i need to get this to them tonight. listen to biden on this race question compared the black and latino communities in an interview that ran earlier today. >> unlike the african-american community with notable exceptions, the latino community
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is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things spread. >> he tried to clarify that, he said in no way did i mean to suggest that african-american community except he basically said that. the media of course come clean. >> it is unbelievable how often they yield to this idea that the best way to get political power as to divide people on the basis of race. >> really quickly, your reaction to that? >> at some point, black folk are going to wake up and understand how much contempt the democrat party and people like joe biden have for them. >> what did kanye say? get off the plantation? they don't have to go along with the democratic party just because people tell you to. other people and other writers have written the same over the
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years, we will see what happens. with teachers unions engaging in political blackmail against parents and kids across the country, we are going to ask this question. is it time finally to break them up? we will attempt to answer that question plus how long can the media ignore the noticeable decline of joe biden? we have then and now video that is shocking head. >> it is clearly not an
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♪ >> it is clearly not an overreach, we believe it's an overreach and the governor agrees with us that the county doesn't have the right to decide for us whether we can send our kids to school or not. >> that was from yesterday's rally against the to keep private schoolsou closed. not only is the county ignoring the science on covid, it's divine in executive order issued
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by the governor earlier this week. they shot back at the county health commissioner with a memo that came from thenc state healh secretary today, but what are parents thinking is a political battle plays out. what are they going to do with their kids education? a montgomery county parent a lot of parochial schools and independent schools involved here, if your kids can't go back to school, what does that mean for your family? >> for my family, that means my kids are going to be learning in my basement, which we tried in the spring which we managed okay because were fortunate, but i think it means a step back in their education. my son is going to six great and my daughter will be a sophomore and it's just unfortunate that the county has taken this decision away from parents and done so without really any transparency or process. can get this is what travisou gales, who's a health officer unelected, apparently unaccountable behind the
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decision to close the public schools. this is why he said he did it. >> one thing i think is being lost in the conversation, and it is a little frustrating actually. the purpose behind what redoing as to keep kids safe and staff members save. aer health for such as jurisdiction to get to the point where we can feel comfortable and confident that schools can reopen safely. >> megan, he says it's about keeping all the kids safe. >> listen, i want to keep my kids safee too, i want to keep y parents safe i look in after them from social distance, i had a family member recently passed away from covid. nobody is taking this anything, but seriously, but i found it interesting he used the word we want to keep our children safe
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and we are making this decision. i have been seen transparency no explain how they came to this decision. on friday night late, they certainly haven't talked to the many private schools the boards, the parents, the executive directors who have put tons of hours and thought and care into protecting the kids and being able to open the schools. so i respectfully disagree, i think we all share the goal of safety, but we have very different ways of getting there, and his as to act by unilateral decree of the county of maryland. >> this isn't being tried against public b schools to my knowledge and any other county, certainly of this size in the united states. this is an outrage and as the federal lawsuit goes forward, a lot of parents are really worried and really concerned about how they're going to be able to go to work and how their kids will be able to function. same with the public schools of course. thank you for your insight tonight spread these brie openings are being held hostage by teachers unions and they are
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threatening strikes and less absorbed demands are met, they're not letting go of this crisis and they don't wanted to go to waste, neither should conservatives, john dana davidson joins as he wrote the following teachers unions are considering political blackmail. john, how could this actually happen where we finally wrestle away the unions from our educational system? >> there has been a lot of talk over the years about education reform, but our lawmakersre haven't been willing to do it. when idea that's been talked about is to give vouchers to families and to parents so they can decide for themselves how best to educate their children. that would be the perfect solution right now when you have teachers unions threatening to strike and basically hold hostage parents and communities by refusing to open the schools. >> john, hold on. i was just talking about this case in montgomery county, maryland where they were evenss
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going after the catholic and other christian, muslim schools, independent schools in montgomery county, maryland, so they're not stopping with the public schools that is my point. >> find it interesting that all these other professions, construction workers, police and by a, doctors and nurses, a bunch of colleges and universities all have been able to figure out how to safely operate and keep the country running through this pandemic, but school teachers and the unions can figure it out. it is time to take the power back from the unions and give it to parents and to give it to families and let them decide how to educate their children. >> i think it's also time for resistance to the health officials order is unlawful and parents just have to say we have thousands and thousands of us, i guess you're going up to put us all in jail. literally, it might come down to that. just so the audience knows how unserious these people are, the teachers are reportedly preparing wills and writing fake obits in new york teachers
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brought coffins and a guillotine while protesting the schoolce reopening plans they are. so let me get this straight, you can go to a hue huge blm protest, but you can't teach? with gloves and a mask? >> it is total ossi station. when you look at the demands ar asking for their has nothing to do with health. >> put the kids last as usual. >> put the kids last as usual. john, thank you so much. the change in joe biden, no person could claim otherwise, but the former vp is getting away with it. and covid obviously, thege complained press, they are acting as a shield. ahead we will show you that then and now evidence of his material decline and ask how much longer can this be actually ignored. >> no i haven't taken a test. why would i take a test?
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huckabee and 2016 presidential candidate, governor, these kind of endearing gaffes of his are becoming much more common and frankly, it is sad. i want to show you the joe biden of 2012 versus the joe biden of now. >> we've isolated countries like iran and north korea. they threaten stability. we have taken far more terrorists off the battlefield in the last three years than in the previous eight. we tried it in iraq and it's not working, i mean in a ran, now, we tried it in the ukraine. >> we can infect prevent china, prevent north korea from launching missiles to take them down and if we don't, why am i stopping? no one else stops. >> governor, this is the guy that democrats want to have the
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nuclear codes?em that is a big difference. >> one of the things is when he speaks at the un, should he become president, can you imagine how difficult it would be to be his translator. think about being on the headset. that would probably be one of the most difficult jobs on the planet. i would say to this whole experience, come on, man. the fact is that joe biden is simply not making gaffes, he is just not making good sense. i think it is really something to be concerned about because you listen to some of the word salad that he puts out and it's incoherent. it doesn't fit any sentence pattern part i think the term campaign should offer $100,000 to the first schoolteacher in america who can diagram one of joe's sentences. that would be one of the most amazing educational feats there is. >> governor, lots of difference between how biden talked about race relations back in 2012, compared to today.
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>> we see a future where the rights are expanded, not diminished. where racial profiling as a thing of the past. where access to the ballot is expanded, and unencumbered. >> if you have a problem figuring out if you're for me or for a drum, you're not black. >> denying people access to the ballot box, wait a minute, my terms up. >> governor, it doesn't even sound like the same person. he has had medical issues obviously, we're not doctors, but it is a change. a friend of mine the other day was saying like this is like elder abuse to put him through this. and it's actually not funny in a liway. this is serious, it's our country, but then they say look at donald trump, he mispronounced yosemite. but you spent all this time with trump, trumps cognitive abilities versus biden's
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cognitive ability, what is the comparison? >> i mean i have heard trump give a speech for a hundred and 20 minutes without notes, he stands up there and delivers. we all make some verbal blunders, but i mean joe is at a point where honestly, he is well-known for plagiarism, his best shot as to plagiarize some of his own speeches from eight or 12 or 20 or 30 years ago because he was coherent then and he isn't now. there is a great comedian that durwood fincher, he is hilarious and his bit as mister doubletalk. he just talks a lot without saying anything that makes sense. he is hilariously funny. when i hear joe talking, i'm thinking gosh, this is like the
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comedian except it is not a comedian, and he is not doing it to be funny, and it is something to be seriously concerned about whether or not he understands what's coming out of his mouth. the press is letting him off the hook in a way i've never seen before. they have got to be able to objectively ask themselves the question, is he able to communicate without notes and without a prompter. i think the answer is no he can't. >> governor, thank you. we will stay on this story. a blue lives malik matter rally in virginia, unsurprised by a special vip visitor. who was it? we will reveal it in the "last bite" next. and with his people l
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now during the coronavirus pandemic. our elderly jewish brothers and sisters who are so precious to god they have no access to food. as christians and jews we know that we have a scriptural mandate to feed the hungry. and here there are thousands in desperate need. 17 years ago edna was in a horrible terrorist attack. .. due to the coronavirus pandemic.
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>> spectacular i thought. >> he asked his car to do a u-turn and turn around to talk with those folks. shannon bream, take it from here. >> around here in dc. >> have a great show. shannon: donald trump repairing aggressive executive action if his top white house negotiators can't afford a deal on a phase for covid-19 relief package, democrats demand the fed's bailout big cities.
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