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tv   Watters World  FOX News  August 8, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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they have to say those magical words on november 3, we can predict donald trump has won the presidency of the united states. [♪] brian: welcome to "watters' world." don't be alarmed. jesse just has the weekend off. the economy is bouncing back. unemployment falling to 10% from 11%. that was in june. despite a new wave of coronavirus cases across the country, that number is far from bad. president trump and joe biden are honing in on the economy. putting forth strategies to get americans back to work in america. >> the federal government spends
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taxpayers money. we should use it to buy american products and support the american jobs. >> in my administration we live by two simple rules. buy american and hire american. buy american and hire american. brian: most recently the abc/"washington post" poll. with us is kellyanne conway. are you surprised that joe biden is trying to sound a little like donald trump? >> i'm not surprised at all. but don't be fooled because his policies don't add up. he's part of the bernie manifesto. forker new regulation in, we
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throw two out. this is how property owners, public school parents, small business owners. look at the types of jobs that were created in july. leisure, hospitality, manufacturing. the industries you would think are dead on their backs because of the covid pandemic. this president continues to rebuild the economy he built. after 74 years of emptying our factories, shipping the jobs and wealth overseas, he sees a winning message. buy american, hire american. people will not be fooled by that because joe biden is out for our jobs for years. he capitulated to leaders all over the world. brian: we have a few clips of what his policies will be like and what a biden administration would be like.
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>> should undocumented immigrants also be able to get subsidized healthcare? >> if they are working in the united states of america and they are paying taxes, they should have access to healthcare. there will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration. i'm going to make sure we have border protection, but it will be based on making sure we use high-tech capacity to deal with it. >> it's a rollback on day one of the re-opening of businesses we have seen nationwide. >> he continues to walk away and wave the white flag and listen to some quack telling him what we should be doing. and you can massachusetts cause rsh covid -- the whole thing, he has to be more responsible. brian: no more wall, free
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healthcare for illegals and the people we listen to are quacks. your response? >> on the one hand they were the open borders administration. obama-biden. in february of this year, the primary debate season. joe biden put daylight between he and president obama on deportations. obama was the deporter-in-chief. he tried to put distance between he and obama. but with believe joe biden for what he's saying in this regard. you have millions of mare cans with no health insurance whatsoever. 10 plus years after obama-biden obamacare is the law of the land. the single moms, if you like
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your doctor you can keep your doctor. this is the worst thing for biden. a terrible week on his campaign through his racial flaws. he had to cancel his convention. he seems to be arguing with supporters. capitulating to china all those years. his favorability towards nafta. if he didn't do it for 47 years, he's not going to do it for 47 months as president. brian: he's basically measuring the drapes, and so is his son. they want to lock up the senate so they can get rid of the filibuster. i have not seen polls with you guys up except in ohio. >> the national polls don't matter much except to show you
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some trends. i'm look at 12 or 14 different states. it will come down to fewer than those. you find biden and trump under 50%. you have seen the race, he says i'm wearing a mask, you wear a mask. he's providing information to the public and not confrontation with the press. people can't go to their places of worship, places of learning. i think there is a certain connective tissue between him and the public. i could argue biden should be at 60% in these states. he's like the blind date you haven't yet mitt. he's handsome, he's funny, he puts his dishes in the sink. but you open the door and there is joe biden, not the guy you
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thought you were going to get. a lot of fluidity in this race. but people who don't invest in donald trump don't remember 2016. i read just yesterday in the data, the coronavirus report. there has been no surge in the state from tuesday to friday. so that's positive even though we are trying to mitigate the damage of the coronavirus and eradicating it and develop a vaccine. lockdowns works for joe biden. it helped him. it doesn't work for the rest of the country. brian: i want to talk about china. the president slapped sanctions on the chinese officials. he's telling the people at wechat, you are done, you are out of here, and tiktok has a certain amount of time to get
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sold. where does this rank for people in america when it comes to china. >> because of the virus, there is no question. the w.h.o. we paid a million dollars a year. they said there is no transmission human-to-human of covid-19. people are mad at china for a lack of transparency and credibility. the historic trade deal announced in january which is written and enforceable. we get a ton out of that deal and we'll continue to. but this president has not been shy in calling china to account about tiktok, and we have a u.s. buyer in microsoft willing to purchase tiktok. i think that would create american jobs and give
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competition to these companies. brian: there is a mars probe that looks like ours and a fighter jet that looks like ours. you know they stole it. we want a big check back. thanks so much, kellyanne. >> joe biden has no credibility on china whatsoever, and those facts will come out. when he had an opportunity to keep those jobs and he failed to do that. that will and big choice and contrast between the two candidates. brian: kellyanne conway, thanks so much. governor cuomo announcing schools in the state can re-open for in-person classes. but coronavirus are rising as schools start to re-open. hundreds of students and employees in mississippi, georgia and louisiana and
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indiana have been ordered to quarantine. a 15-year-old student says on the first day of school, just 5 out of 30 kids wore masks. so what do parents do and what should we all need to know. joining us is fox news contributor. dr. janette nesheiwat. we shut it down in spring, and we are trying it in the summer/fall. what worries you most. >> we need to make sure before we open that the prevalence is low in the community. lower than 5%. once we are less than 5% positivity rate, then we know it's probably safer to open up. and then it's important for parents to ask the schools, the
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teachers, the principal. what is your health safety action plan? what are we going to do if a student or the teachers test positive. what about the ventilation? will they limit group size, are they all going to be wearing masks. what are you going to do with the teacher comes in close contact with someone who tests positive. what will we do to protect the high-risk students. it's the african-americans, hispanics and blacks that are at highest risk. brian: you are worried about the high school kids. there is less chance of transmitting the younger you are. but the key would be money should be going the schools to have an option to view at home. if you want to right at home. you might have a parent that's
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compromised. roll a camera in the classroom. you can do that these days correct? >> sure. especially with those above age 10. middle schoolers and high schoolers. it's a little more difficult for children in elementary school. the older children can benefit from sitting at home having that interaction with their teach and classmates. under the age of 10, even though you can still transmit, you are less likely to transmit to your classmates and teacher. it's above the age of 10. having that data. we can decide, elementary schools can go to class. maybe use a hybrid. brian: you are a good principal tell students to wear the mask. if you are a good teacher you will understand it and implemet it. the president things we are going to get a vaccine this fall. how close are we on a vaccine?
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>> we are really close. nooks our president's formation of operation warp speed and the funding of over $1 billion. we have four vaccines in trials. we are months away, potentially months away. they are saying maybe a hundred million doses by the end of the year. this is what we need to help fight the infection and work with herd immunity so we don't have to wear a mask the rest of our lives. brian: yahoo news did a poll and they said 42% of americans intend to get vaccinated. but that number is too low for me to get my head around. >> it is. we need to get those numbers up. we need to understand, this is a
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deadly disease. we just had a young, healthy 28-year-old under go a double lung transplant due to coronavirus. no matter your age it can affect you and your loved ones. i know there are thousands of vac seem preventible deaths every year. the benefits of the vaccine outway the risks. we nope vaccines help prevent measles, polio, hepatitis. this is something we need to tackle. brian: more people want to take it in the string than the summer. what celebrities have an impact. 10% more likely if oa -- if oprh took it. le bron james, 8%. tom brady, 7%.
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dr. nesheiwat, thanks so much. coming straight ahead. speaking of sports. mlb cracking down on coronavirus as new outbreaks threaten to cut short the abbreviated baseball season. what teams should be doing as they work through this pandemic. the president pushing for more debates and sooner debates. but some democrats don't want find debate at all because he says things like this. >> no man has the right to raise a hands to a woman in anger so we have to change the culture, period, and keep punching at it and punching at it and punching at it. cranky-pated: a bad mood related to a sluggish gut.
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miralax is different. it works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. free your gut, and your mood will follow.
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♪ simon pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500! coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. they're off... in the kentucky derby. rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. he scores! stanley cup champions! touchdown! only mahomes.
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the big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. [♪] brian: welcome back. a growing debate on the upcoming presidential debate. president trump ready to go head-to-head with joe biden. the president is requesting a fourth debate be added before
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early voting. the president tweeted out how can voting start one month before the first bedate? the commission on presidential debates denied the request. the president told geraldo rivera he thinks biden would duck out if he could. >> do you think joe biden will debate you? president trump: he would like not to. i think it's hard for him not to. i think it's a public service to debate. people have to see what's going on and where you are coming from. brian: jill biden the white of joe told dana perino the former vp will be there. >> will the vice president
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debate donald trump this fall? >> oh, yes, they will. i think there are three debates they decided on. brian rrp joining us -- brian: trump 2020 communications director, tim murtaug. >> what the president has said is right. this is a public service for the voters. the way the current schedule is now the first debate won't occur until september 29. which is a month after voters get ballots in their hands on september 4. we could move the first debate up before september 4 or add a fourth debate. the commission said if both candidates agree, then they would be happy to revisit their
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schedule. the ball is back in joe biden's court. will joe biden allow the american voters to see the two candidates side by side on a debate stage and defend their records and so their vitality to the american people. we know president trump will be there. there are a lot of people in public, democrats, telling joe biden not to do it. he's not going to milwaukee to accept the nomination of his party. brian: everybody's schedule has been turned on its head. the indianapolis 500 is in august. why can't the three debates you don't need an audience. you don't need anything except the candidates. i don't understand why it's even a partisan issue. did you get stonewalled? did he entertain your request.
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>> biden's team says, we already agreed to all that stuff. bernie sanders and joe biden debated in an empty television studio in washington, i think it was. we want to make sure there is a fail safe, a backup. we want a firm guarantee, and the commission has not given us that. a firm guarantee they have a backup plan. but we want to know for sure there will and place where the two men can stand on stage side by side. not through a zoom card where joe biden can be in a basement with his handlers in the room. the two guys going at it showing their vitality and ability. brian: we can do it in the morning, they can do it three times. this is the worst week for biden
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by far. he got a question just about his cognitive ability and where he's at at the age of 77. listen to his response. >> please clarify specifically, have you taken a cognitive -- >> no i haven't taken the test. why in the hell would i take a test. it would be like saying before this program you are tested for cocaine, are you a jurchgy? all you have got to do is watch me and i can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man i'm running against. brian: what do you think of that. telling an african-american reporter are you on cocaine? are you a junky.
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>> any time joe biden is pressed and gets a question he doesn't like, he loses his cool. and he lashes back. that's not a great sign. when a black journalist asks him that question, not only does he get angry. but the first place his mind goes is to make a remark about illegal drug usage and ask the man if he's a cocaine junky. in that same interview he said black people in america all think the same way compared to latino americans. he told charlemagne tha god that if you are not supporting him, you are not black it's a condescending view joe biden has of black voters. he counts on their votes and
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takes it for granted. brian: i have two insiders who three weeks ago how donald trump was doing, they said a 4. i asked them before this segment. one said 8, one said 9. he has had a strong three weeks. we'll see if the polls reflect that gain. tim, thanks so much. up next, a trump supporter who is late to the race. "duck dynasty" phil robertson. a "shark week" preview coming up. by the way, i'm really afraid of sharks. >> a great white shark can be coming to your beach. >> i didn't know sharks could jump out of the water.
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>> they almost got eaten by sharks. why are you not intimidated by sharks. sfx: sound of revolving door
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sfx: click ♪ music: high energy music ♪ ♪ music: high energy music ♪ music stops ♪ high energy music resumes ♪
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[♪] jackie: good he can and live from america's newsroom. i'm jackie ibanez from new york. president trump signed orders to extend coronavirus relief measures for americans facing financial hardship due to the pandemic. the biggest aspect of the order an extra $400 a week in unemployment benefits. the president expects the states to finance a quarter of those benefits. 5 million americans have been infected with the virus and number of deaths is 152,000. researchers say the number would be much lower if everyone wore masks and practiced social distancing. have a great night. [♪] brian: 87 days until the
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election. can you believe it? americans are divide over the election. president trump: he's following the radical left agenda. take away your guns, destroy your second amendment, no religion, no anything. hurt the bible, hurt god. he's against god, he's against guns. brian: what will help heal the country? my next guest says faith. joining me "duck dynasty" start phil robertson. how do you feel about religion playing such a role in presidential politics? >> if you look at it logically.
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you have got the devil on one hand, you have got jesus on the other. those two forces are coming together. if you punch the wrong button and go with the wrong person. jesus peace of mind, karl mark* and his terrorists, hell on earth. brian: you were a slow convert to the trump presidency. >> i met with him three times since he was running. the second time via telephone. and we talked it over. three times i met with him, kilmeade, this was at the center of our discussion. i pointed him to jesus.
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we talked spiritual matters all three times. brian: tell me about your new book. >> well, it's a glimpse at god's king jesus. he came down and did what man made governments can't do. he removed our sins. he guaranteed we would be raised from the dead. [inaudible] love, peace, faith, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control. i'm trying to help our neighbors. my neighbor. to be like jesus. brian: gotcha. >> it's like pulling teeth. brian: you can do it. you are a very persuasive guy.
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i'm glad we are airing your series on foxnation. the mlb sidelined by positive coronavirus cases. could new safety measures save the season? a former nhl player joins us next with more on that. "shark week" is back. host and shark attack survivor paul de gelder takes a dip into our waters.
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it's like walking into the chocolate factory and you won a golden ticket. all of these are face masks. this looks like a bottle of vodka. but when we first got these, we were like whoa! [laughing] my three-year-old, when we get a box delivered, screams "mommy's work!" mommy's work. with this pandemic, safety is even more important to make sure we go home safe every single day. brian: the coronavirus threatening to make main league
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baseball's short season even shorter. new safety protocols are being put in place to keep the number of cases down. players who don't follow the rules could be banned for the season. joining us, jeremy roenick. did baseball make a mistake not doing the bubble? >> i think they did. if you see what the national hockey league has done and now the nba. having them in a bubble -- obviously it's a terrible time we are going through and people need an outlet. and sports is that outlet. when you get on planes and gone into crowded restaurants and clubs and you are not watching yourself or taking advantage of your freedom. the next thing you know you are going to get sick and the whole
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league is going to pay for it. and the fans pay for it. it's being responsible and i think baseball dropped the ball here. brian: i think it's good that the marlins got the virus and they are back. we follow the infection, we don't follow the recovery. they are going to finish their season. you have 66 to 70 nfl players who said i don't want to take the risk when it comes to football. let's talk basketball and baseball and hockey. before they play, a lot are taking a knee during "the national anthem." some are doing things before "the national anthem." you understand about the racial imbalances in society. having said that, is it the right thing to do? it's a big he story when someone stands. >> i wasn't for it when kaepernick did it and i'm not
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for it now. i'm a huge lover of our country and our flag and national anthem. i think the black lives matter has a great mess and and i think the racial inequality is something we all have to think about. we have to work to make this world a better place for everyone. but not when it comes to our flag. millions of people, men and women have given the ultimate sacrifice to insure that we have the freedoms we do. the flag means more to me. in there is one thing we can all agree on and get around. america is the greatest country in the world and provides the most unbelievable freedoms better than any other country in the world. if we can't agree on that and if we can't celebrate our flag and honor the veterans that made that possible for us, then we are in bigger trouble than i
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thought. brian: it look like you are somebody that your attitude, speak your mind and do what you do. and it got you fired at nbc. you have not spoken about it. you are suing nbc. what can you tell us? >> i appreciate you bringing it up. there is a misconception in the media the way they are portraying my lawsuit. they are saying it's about anti-heterosexual. that's not the case. nbc has had a long history of double standards. i say one thing on a podcast. someone else says something just as bad on nbc. i get fired. the one person doesn't. for knee, i think ebb needs to be treated fairly. if you are in the workplace, whether you are black, latino or hior -- or hispanic or gay. if you do something wrong you
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should get fired. but the double standard of who you are because of what you represent or how you look at yourself as a person. nbc i think for a long time has had a history of double standards. it's a double standard. it's not anti-heterosexual. brian: they don't like the fact that you are a trump supporter. >> they hated it. i heard about it every day. it's not a good workplace to know you are ridiculed for your friendships and who you support in government. brian: listening you as a broadcaster. i don't think you care. >> i care about this country, my family and i care about what's right. they are not going to shut me up ever. brian: you scrambled to do this interview. your flight was delayed.
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best of luck with your lawsuit. summer has been a bit of a bummer due to the pandemic. but "shark week" viewers can rejoice. host and shark attack survivor paul de gelder will be here. we'll see if he can help me get over my fears of sharks. >> go in a pool and stay away from the beach.
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- i'm jeff anderson.
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brian: welcome back to "watters' world." i'm still not jesse watters. a recent spike in shark sighting. great whites spotted on cape cod after a new york woman was killed off the coast of maine. a dozen bull sharks were cited in this past week alone. at least 14 shark attacks reported in the u.s. this year alone. one man is brave enough to jump in the water even after coming
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face to face with a shark. >> i didn't want him to freak out and pull the opinion on the whole experience. this will be an experience we can talk about for the rest of your life. >> no, with you wouldn't. come on. brian: paul de gelder lost two limbs in a shark attack. "shark week" host paul de gelder joins us now. first off. how did you pick your celebrity to participate in our "shark week" extravaganza. >> when someone offers you the opportunity to work with will smith and tyson. i will take any opportunity i can get to work with them and
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learn from their experiences. brian: what happened in the military when you came face to face in 2009. >> it decided to eat me for breakfast before i even had breakfast. ripped off my hamstring and right hand in one bite. nearly killed me. swam back to my safety boat with one leg and one hand. my teammates kept me alive until the paramedics got there. the paramedic kept me alive until i got to surgery. and the 300 people who donated at the blood bank kept me alive, too. brian: it aloud you to live. you didn't think you were going to. your message is counterintuitive. don't be afraid of sharks? >> they are not worthy of fear.
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they are worthy of respect. they are a dangerous animal in the wrong environment. but if you look at the numbers. they have a little more a fear from us than we do from them. worldwide, maybe 7 or 8 people die from shark attacks. but when you look at how many sharks we kill, 100 million a year, who is the bad guy. brian: and we are going into their domain. in particular you say this year if you look at the stats, we are well below last year's pace in terms of shark attacks. >> i haven't looked at the numbers. i know australia has had quite a few. but this is a wild fight and we have to take precautions when we enter a shark's realm.
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>> 350,000 people died from drowning last year, and nobody is freaking about drowning. it can be dangerous. we have the wealth of the world's knowledge. we can google where there have been shark sightings. if there is, question yourself, is it safe to go into the ocean? maybe i will go in the pool instead. i was terrified of sharks. now i'm a shark loving public speaker. for me there is nothing left to fear. i choose my battles wisely with professions who taught me everything i know. i'm safe as i can be. that's why i get the opportunity to take the celebrities with me
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as well. brian: on a boat, in a came, taking on sharks. how did you do? >> i was terrified. he was not a natural scuba diver. i think he threw up before or after every dive. he was scared. and that's not something you would expect to see or something many people have ever seen. i think this is going to be a great viewing of mike tyson like you never had the opportunity to witness before. brian: thank you so much. you have great courage. a great personal story. discovery channel, "shark week." it's not just sharks terrifying beachgoers these days. the terror. sea gulls, too. the story behind that attack in
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[♪] brian: as you learned, the beach can be a dangerous place. not only are shark sightings spiking this summer, but seagull attacks are spike as well. these birds of prey terrorizing a tourist in brighton, england. at least she is giggling. the woman leave behind a feast of french fries for these feathered friends. i have bad news. that's all for us tonight. jesse will be back with you next week on his own show. i will be on the brian kilmeade
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radio show from 9 to noon and "fox and friends." june jeanine is next. i met her. she's nice. judge jeanine: welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. this might just be the one thing more than anything else that raises the alert that they are coming for your gun. this week new york attorney general, letisha james filed a fraud case. ex employing theiros


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