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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 13, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> tucker: were out of time, we'll be back tomorrow as promised. at 8:00 p.m. the show that's the sworn enemy of long come pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. guess who is next? your guess is, and sean hannity. >> sean: tucker, how are you? thank you, tucker, as always. bill barr will join us, we have an exquisite interview with thank you, tucker, as always. bill barr will join breaking news straight ahead. also, the national security advisor to the u.s. robert o'brien will be here. more details on what is the president's historic middle east peace deal and interestingly, biden taking credit when just the opposite is true. we will also talk about joe biden and kamala harris and they are now ready to be anointed from their basement bunkers. they can't hide, they're going to campaign. no they're not. apparently, they're going to meet with the voters, certainly aren't going to answer any questions from their adoring cult fans of propaganda. that would be the mob and the media. take a look.heng
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>> let's go. let's go, come on. let's go, you guys, come on. let's go. come on, let's go. you guys, let's go. >> senior washington correspondent joining me now, a couple notes, jeff. not a whole lot of questions from reporters there.. we keep pressing the biden campaign, there needs to be more questions from reporters, we know that. >> sean: may be two pressers with in the k teleprompter, i'm supposed to go to joe now. in 140 days, two, really. are they going to debate or are they going to try to duck that, too? the mob and the media are already fawning over kamala harris, they love joe, new york toilet paper times calls for a pragmatic moderate. that is another lie by the
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new york toilet paper times. george stephanopoulos, make-believe journalists over at fake news abc spreading the same b.s., take a look. >> kamala comments from the middle it rode moderate weighing of the democratic, party, not te first choice of progressives but joe biden making this historic move as the first woman of color on a national ticket will overcome that. >> sean: that's not true, either. the mob and the media 99% state run democratic socialist fake news but yeah, totally moderate. except for her real voting record, 2019, for example. to the left of bolshevik bernie sanders. y and her support of, oh, yeah, medicare for all t with zero chance of you having your own health care provider. no choice. i thought liberals were her sponsorship of the new green deal. it's cosponsor in u.s. senate. pennsylvania, ohio, michigan,
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are you watching this? limit by the way, that's all moderate, sure.u i see georgie hasn't changed since his days trying to bully reporters into not publishing stories about bill clinton's affairs. george stephanopoulos, nothing but a far left political hack masquerading as a journalist. abc news, well, they are not telling you the truth and they are not alone. naturally some of kamala harris' biggest cheerleaders work for fake news cnn and they are fake. here's what their vetting process looks like over there, take a look. >> i think she gave a very powerful speech and if there's any doubt that kamala harris is not going to be able to go on the attack as vice presidential candidate usually do, that was erased today. >> kamala harris gave a fantastic speech, absolutely
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nailed it. her ability i think shows this tremendous range, the personal side of her. >> look, it was a beautiful speech. both of them, they strengthen each other. if you've got to give a headline today it would be "hope reborn." >> as opposed to just a high school gymnasium there and i think that the ease in which they work together was very apparent. >> sean: that's the exact opposite when she got less than 2% of the primary and she did memorize her attack lines well delivered them and called joe biden pretty much a racist. so you've got joe biden, kamala harris running for the highest office in the land. yeah, there would be critical questions but the mob needs to ask joe and kamala, they've got to answer.r. today, biden announced a plan impose a federal mask mandate. he wants every american to wear a mask any time he steps outside ofnn your home.
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i've been very outspoken, i'm all form americans voluntarily wearing masks when it's crowded and you can't socially distance. i said anecdotally, at the supermarket and thehe epicenterf the midst of the worst moments in new york, they had masks and plastic, anecdotally, they work and guess what? t we're going to have mask bullies next? next they say after operation warp speed of president trump and now in final stage trials for a vaccine, we're going to mandate that? i would say that's up to people to decide. they get to choose. will the biden administration bp handing out fines or arresting people that don't comply withto their mandate? are they universal? what about jogging outdoors? swimming in the ocean or on a beach, what about those who work outdoors?? professional sports athletes, does the first basement have to
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socially distant from this but second baseman and the shortstop or thirdrd baseman? what about people eating in a restaurant or eating outdoors? or any of these questions ever going to be answered? this is just one issue that must be addressed. during the primaries, senator harris raising numerous serious i think she memorized her lines and delivered them quite well when she confronted, well, the ever-forgetful corrupt joe about his work with segregation and opposing immigration and so much more. we will remind you. >> on the hyde amendment where you made a decision for years to withhold resources to poor women to have a access to reproductive health care and including women who were the victims of rape and incest, do you now say you have evolved and you regret that? only since you've been running for president this time. >> i believe them and i respect them being able to tell their
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story and having the courage to do it. >> do you believe that the vice president should enter this race? >> he is going to have to make that decision for himself. >> the issue of lynching is part of the stain on america's history. >> he apologized this morning on twitter saying "i should not have use those words." do you accept that apology? >> i think it's right for him to apologize, yeah. you also work with them to oppose busing and there was a little girl in california who was part of the second class to integrate her public school and she was bused t to school every day and that little girl was me. >> sean: wow. kamala has evolved. election-year conversion i guess you might say. also, kamala harris also believed joe biden's accusers.
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she sympathized with all the women, joe made really uncomfortable with this creepy groping and touching and hugging, remember all of this? ♪ >> i got hairy legs, that turned blonde in the sun. ♪ and the kids used to come up and reach in and pull and watch the hair come back up again.
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♪ >> sean: we are not even showing you the really creepy moments with younger people. kamala, did you forget about that? do you know longer care about this? did you have all come as you say, maybe just use the words, evolving. what about biden's work with segregationists to slow school integration? he worked with the guy who actually filibustered the historic civil rights act and didn't support the voting civil rights act and your bff partnered with the former klansman because joe biden didn't want his children to grow up in a racial jungle if his
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kids went to integrated schools. do you just no longer care that biden was close to the former klansman, praise to the former klansman, worked with the former klansman on something like integration? you talk about that in the debate moment you had, what about principal? what about his comment, you can't go to a 7-eleven or dunkin' donuts unless you have a slight indian accent? what about his recent commentsde suggesting that african-americans are all the same or poor kids are just as smart as white kids? okay, really? the mob and the media, going to ask these questions, are you that desperate in this case to be vice president of the united states? we will just forget about all of this. of course this isn't just about senator harris, it's about everyone in the mob and the media, they refuse to vet joe biden. we will do their job as they always do. i
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the president answered dozens of questions like he almost is on a daily basis from a hostile presj corps, a cult that is psychotic in their hatred of him. why doesn't joe biden, why doesn't kamala harris answer questions? where is their lengthy press conference? my guess is they are going to show up for a fluffy interview on fake news cnn, show up on conspiracy tv, that's when they will show up, probably nowhere t are they going to show up for the debates? are they notns capable of the tough questions? chris wallace, go on with anybody. that will ask you tough questions. what are they hiding? is it that they are radical out of touch to socialists, is it joe biden's racist rhetoric? is it joe biden, an obvious lack of strength and stamina and mental acuity, mental alertness. because i think the answer may be all of the above and in 82 days the american people have to make an important choice. the first debate, 16 states
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begin early mode voting, just a few moments we will be joined by attorney general bill barr. first, joining us fox news contributor, formertn arkansas governor mike huckabee and fox news contributor tammy bruce. a job, governor, last night. let's start with the creepy you know what, it's aired a lot before and i decided, not fair to air the stuff with the kids because that's really creepy and the sniffing of the hair and in your face, get away. give me some breathing room, your creeping me out with all the touchy-feely crap that he does. >> this is whye the media has d to realize -- you can hear me,
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right? that joe biden has always been a problem and why he's got to be protected. so they've got him in a literal basement and with kamala harris, they are trying to establish a virtual bunker, right?pr also as they saw with the press conference earlier, as he played, the ways to kind of move them both out quickly. they know that also senatorss harris is not what she appears to be any more than joe biden is. these are two of the most contrived, fake individuals, classic example of what the swamp used tot be. individuals who are moving through theater, if you will, a presentation of, you know, fraudster kind of actors who are presenting to people what they want to hear. senator harris in particular is
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a transactional kind of she will use people for what she wants, become what they want her to be and then her staying in that position is conditional. so you never know what's going to happen. the american people need leadership. what is great about president trump and what very often irritates people because it is so unique is that what you see is what you get. he has been theer same guy from day one. you don't have to wonder who it is he is. this is what has shocked them media, he is w what he is and there is a transparency to that that makes joe biden and senator harris more obviously frauds at this point. >> sean: i think i have to go back and out of all the questions he's taken in a weekend all the questions asked through the entire campaign of the ever-forgetful, seemingly-frail, weak and tired needing hot cocoa and a nap every afternoon biden. i'm not trying to be disrespectful,
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governor huckabee, left on the mob in media and democrats were not exactly nice to john mccain about his age oror ronald reagan about his but how about some fairness, they are not even demanding interviews from the sky. >> they are not really questioning the fact that kamala harris was all over joe biden about everything from racism to sexism. being a sexual predator. if you are going to campaign in a primary, be careful what you say about your opponents because you may have to stand on the stage and change your mind. kamala harris was saying joe biden wasn't work basically a milk bucket under a bowl. suddenly he's going to be the next face that you will seein chiseled on mount rushmore. which time was she lying? at mount rushmore or the milk bucket under the bull?
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it can't be both. that's when she needs to be asked with some of these media people that sure aren't challenging him with tough questions. >> sean: i will ask you both an exit question, will they get away trying not to debate, is that the next stop in this bunker basement? joe has run a little baby campaign. occasionally steps out of the basement bunker and every time he does, are you a junkie? did you get tested for covid? come on, man, i look forward to debating donald trump, i want to compare my cognitive and physical, what's the word? fitness. endowed by the oh, you know, the thing, the creator of everything, joe. are they going to let this continue, the mob?d? willie debate? >> look, both biden and harris were not prepared for when they were attacked during a debate.
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they can deliver one liners but of course harris was shocked i think when tulsi gabbard went after her, she did not know how to respond so any surprises move them both off of their feet, of course they'd rather not debate but that was hillary's mistake. their attitude was underestimate donald trump, stay out of the limelight, coast through this, we are entitled to it, it's going to be handed to us. the american people didn't like that, they don't like this inauthentic dynamic with kamala tharris already, they know whas going on and if they try to hide the american people will find that to be cowardly and it will indicate that they have something to hide. >> sean: last word from a governor. >> i just want to say that you need to apologize to america, sean. your book "live free or die" has resulted in the deforestation of thousands and thousands of acres of trees that have been made for this best-selling book.
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that's what i think you need to come clean on is how many trees have been lost. >> sean: the new york toilet paper times, you have to win up by so much to be number one. we are late and we have the attorney general standing by. good to see you. return to this breaking news tonight, major federal law enforcement initiative named operation legend. the program leverages key resources from the u.s. government to track down and arrest the perpetrator is responsible for unsolved murders. it was named after a 4-year-old little boy, legend taliferro killed by gunfire while asleep in his bed. his suspected killer has been taken thankfully into custody and charged with second-degree murder. here with more, the attorney general of the united states, thank you for being with us. this is huge.
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and thank god, looks like we got our man. >> that's what we believe and he's been charged with the murder. as you know, with the demonization of the police that has occurred recently, we've seen an upsurge in violence in many of our inner cities and our response to that has been to work closely with state and local law enforcement, who are willing to work closely with us in a number of cities including kansas city to go after these violent criminals and stop this bloodshed. we called it operation legend in honor of this 4-year-old boy who was shot so he became a symbolsh of the black lives that were being lost in the inner-city, the hundreds and hundreds that have been killed with the demonization of the police. and today i think the message is that in this particular case, our system worked.
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what happened as a symbol of the fact that the local law enforcement, the kansas city police working closely with the fbi and u.s. marshals were able to find this man and charge him with murder. what's involved here is the will to deal with this violent crime in the inner cities.s it can be handled, we need the will. >> sean: i've pay very close attention to your interview inserted many people, highly viewed. and you went into detail about a new form of urban guerrilla warfare and how demonstrations, and again, some are very peaceful protesters, universal outrage and shock and horror of the video of george floyd, that can't happenanst mr. attorney general in this country, and i know you agree
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with that but hijacking the demonstrations away from some peaceful protesters and provoking violence. we've seen over 2,000 cops, 14 now dead, rocks and bottles and bricks, molotov cocktails, knives, hockey sticks, canes, frozen water bottles.roro it's now warfare against cops in this country in some of the cities, sir. >> that's absolutely right. the legitimate demonstrations, in the wake of mr. floyd's death have long since given way to violent attacks, efforts to tear down the system, violent attacks on the police on federal courts and police precincts by a small group of radical violent extremists. whose agenda has nothing to do with the death of george floyd or protecting black lives and
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everything to do with a very radical agenda and creating chaos and trying to tear down the system. >> sean: mr. attorney general. stay there, we have a lot to ask you. an update on the durham report, this voting push and other important issues as it relates to the law. we will get to that more right after the break. also, the president today announces what is a historic peace agreement between israel and the united arab emirates. joe biden out from his basement bunker, try to take credit for it when just the opposite is true. i will explain that in a special "hannity" mini-monologue, straight ahead. ♪ you doing okay?
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♪ >> sean: as we continue our exclusive interview with the attorney general of the united states, mr. attorney general, president comment in, you are very clear. let me first say, you have the patience of job on steroidss and human growth hormone when you went before the clown show in congress, god bless you for it because i don't think i have the patience you do and it was really pretty despicable to me. the president weighed in on durham, you are pretty clear in your testimony, you are h independent. president said today that he hopes the durham report and that u.s. attorney general won't be politically correct. i hope that, too. i spent three years on peeling the layers of an onion. premeditated fraud on the fisa court. you have the deleted subpoena emails, the knowledge we know they were warned in august of
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2016 not to trust that dossier which is the bulk of information from the fisa warrants, the sub source in january 2017 confirms none of that was true, i guess just as the wheels of justice turn slowly i feel impatient over it, can you give us any update? >> yes, sean. first, as to the political correctness, if i was worried about being politically correct i wouldn't have joined this administration. >> sean: that's actually a good line,s too. >> as i made clear, l i'm goingo call them as i see them. i think i'm in a position to do that. two different things going on. i said the american people need to know what actually happened,p we need to get through the story of what happened in 2016 and '17
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out. outcome of that will be done. the second aspect of this is if people cross the line, people involved in that activity violated criminal law, they will be charged. and john durham is an independent man, highly experienced and his investigation is pursuing a pace, there was some delay because of covid but i'm satisfied with the progress and i've said there are going to be developments, significant developments for the election but we are not doing this on the election schedule. we are not going to do anything inappropriate before the election but we are not being dictated to by the schedule, what's dictating the timing ofe this our development of the case and there will be developments is tomorrow there will be a development in the case, it's not an earth shattering idevelopment but it is an indication that things are moving along at the proper pace as dictated by the facts in this investigation. >> sean: mr. attorney general, you once said this isn't about a report, this is a criminal
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investigation. you were very clear that thets spy, the president of the united states was spied on deep into his presidency, you said. now based on what we know and andrew mccabe said it, sally yates said it, rod rosenstein and sally yates would not sign those warrants today, we know the fbi knew beyond any doubt that it not only was that dossier, without the dossier they both say there is no fisa mortgage. they knew it was false, theyya were told it was falls, the law requires them to go back to the fisa court. i just see premeditated fraud against the court and i wouldn't even lie before judge judy, mr. attorney general, i thinkrt they throw away the key in my case. >> when we feel we can prove a crime beyond a reasonable doubt it will be charge, i can tell you that.
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>> sean: let me ask you about mail in voting, i pay very close attention to your interview witi mark and those that want to experiment with different ways of voting, they want to do this now with 82 days to do go before the election. i don't have confidence in government to fulfill many promises that all, doesn't it lend itself to great opportunity for fraud? >> yes, i think it is grossly irresponsible to be doing what the democratic party is doing now. we've had very close races in recent history, the country is divided. if anything we should be assuring the integrity with our elections, so that government going forward would be legitimate and accepted as legitimate. the idea of conducting elections by wholesale mail-in ballots is reckless and wrong. everyone knows what is happened
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in these cases. we are not talking about voters going, requesting a ballot specifically, saying who they are, proving who they are and submitting a ballot by mail. we are talking, mail outs to everyone on the voting list and every experience with that has had thousands and thousands of ballots floating around. i have friends who haven't lived in california in 21 years who received ballots. there are ballots left in boxes and apartment buildings. ballots are for people who used to live at addresses are delivered to those addresses, they can be filled out by anybody. this is reckless and it could create serious questions about the integrity of the election. and to do this when there are closely divided country as we are is playing with fire in my
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view. >> sean: mr. attorney general, you talked about the seattle police chief carmen best. what an amazing example of service and dedication to her community and how they, she literally had to resign because of this defund effort and she was not given the ability to use the training that all police officers have, know how to disperse crowds, it's usually teargas, pepper spray but they've taken these tools away from officers.e, i believe it's now created a very dangerous situation for all of them. i don't think it takes a lot of, mit or hard harvard degree tose figure out this is not going to end well for a lot of these cities, what you say to those that are demonizing the police, you talked about the group black lives matter, the group antifa
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and those that believe, joe biden, i will bring into politics but say they become the enemy, kamala harris says she's happy with the l.a.p.d. defunding the police, i don't think this is going to end well, sir. i think lives will be lost as a result. >> lives are being lost in violent crime. and the demonization of the police. carmen best as an example of the highly competent, professional, and dedicated police professionals we have in this country, we are blessed with that throughout the country, they are excellent and she is a great example of it and we should be supportingng them and being a police officer is the hardest job in the united states. we are asking people to go into very dangerous situations, to have jobs that are terribly wearing on them as individuals and on theirir families, to go into potentially deadly situations not knowing what will
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happen and we have data continue to attract the best people into these jobs. and unless we support the police we are not going to have a police force. these communities are not going to have the safety. a lot of the liberals will buy themselves out of that, go to resort towns and so forth and escape the consequences of it but the people in the inner cities won't. their lives will be destroyed, their opportunity will be, won't have the opportunity they otherwise would have come other schools will be overrun by gangs, that's not caring about black lives. and people talk about implicit racism or systemic racism. the racism in this country, look no further than our public education system. that's a racist system. maintained by the democratic party and the teachers union, keeping inner-city kids in failing schools instead of putting the resources in the hands of the parents to choose the schools to send their kids to. that's empowering kids, giving them a future.
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>> sean: every child, they are our nations national treasure. you did talk about the political environment and an environment where people try tog impeach donald trump from day one. we've now seen the criminalization of political differences, for example the ig made referrals about top officials in the fbi, nothing happened, there was no pre-dawn raids with guys in tactical gear nor were there cnn cameras. those guys haven't been arrested. i worry that america is descending into 2-tier justice system, am i wrong? >> i think it's the right worry and the reason i came back into government, we can't let it happen but here's the thing. the way outm of the politicization and corruption of the justice system where it's used as a political weapon by one party against another is not
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to deliver tit-for-tat, not to use the tactics of the other side, it's to pull the rule ofof law, use the right standard and that's what i'm trying to do. one standard for everybody. >> sean: i know you can't share a lot, i spent three and a half years, i think we found a lot of truth. 1%, i always make the distinction, not the 99%. of career law enforcement intelligence agencies in the world and i hope those that have used power are more e exposed. up next, joe biden is actually trying to take credit for what was a historic peace agreement announced, national security advisor robert o'brien and later white house press secretary atct kayleigh mcenany is here. a lot more to come, please stay with us tonight on "hannity." ♪ ore to come, please stay
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♪ >> sean: breaking news today, the president announced what is a historic peace agreement between israel and the united arab emirates, and achievement that national security advisor ambassador robert o'brien says should make president trump and front runner for a nobel peace prize. that would make the mob's heads spin around in circles. shortly after the announcement, joe biden actually tried to take credit for this agreement. no, joe, that's a lie. the reason that you now see this alliance with the emirates, the saudis, the egyptians, the u.s., israel is frankly because of your stupidity on barack's stupidity and appeasement policies for eight years.
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you've got nothing but you gave them $150 billion in cash and other currency and got nothing. guess what that did? that alarmed the entire region so a new alliance donald trump has put together with unprecedented cooperation leading to today's announcement because all of these countries, they don't want a rainy and in the regionon and nuclear armed iran. five years ago if you would've told me that this deal would take place, that the israelis, the u.s., jordanians, egyptians, the saudis and the emirates would be united and sharing intelligence, and a lot more that i know is going on for my other sources in the world i wouldn't have believed you. i think the weakness of biden and obama because this action, am i wrong? >> listen, i think vice president biden's claim is the sincerest form of flattery, this is a huge accomplishment by the president and also by the
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crown prince, mohammed bin zayeg and prime prime minister netanyahu in israel. what skill it took to bring them together to bring peace to the o middle east, the first time in 25 years that israel and an arab country have signed a peace accord, they are of abraham accord, what a great accomplishment for the president of the united states. i wasn't speaking in just when i say he should be the front runner for the nobel i've been here for about a year, as you know, and since i've been here the president negotiated a cease-fire between the kurds and the turks but everyone said couldn't be done, brought force the middle east division for middle east peace to get an israeli-palestinian peace plan back in play and he's broughtnt peace to afghanistan at least between the u.s. and the caliban, we haven't lost a soldier since february 29th in
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combat and we are going to be down to 5,000 troops in afghanistan, it's a pretty remarkable record of achievement. i don't know who else would be in the running for the nobel prize if not president trump. >> sean: he took out the al qaeda leader in yemen and many other of these leading terrorists, we went from the worst relationship with joe and barack, israel has never had a better friend, never had a president speak to the national right to life march, this is truly a historic and i think we are going to see, what from this?
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do you think this is the beginning of more agreements? >> i think it is, i think we are just getting rolling here in the president has already been in touch with other read leaders in the region and our team has announced talking to folks, secretary pompeo is working onn this, i think we are going to see peace breaking out in a number of countries and even some different regions, i think we are going to see something interesting happened., the president is known as a great deal maker, history's going to remember as a great peacemaker. >> sean: thank you, sir, for being with us. great job by the secretary of state, great job by the attorney finally things getting done. you don't hear about it. speaking of the mob, i don't how she does her job, i couldn't do her job. white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany is next, straight ahead. ♪ straight ahead.
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♪ >> sean: white house press secretary, i have no idea how she does this job, i would not be able to do this job. the hardest job on earth but she does it every day with a smile on her face and i love your briefing book. i love it, i also love when you just say i'm done, see you later, good-bye. love when the president does that, too. i want to ask you this, joe biden and 100 or however many days has done to file press conferences with time to go to tom next. and i watch the questions you ask, watch the question the president answers, how is it possible they are pulling this off? >> it's incredible. first of all let me say with regard to the briefing book i get a lot of my content from tt
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this program which i watch every night. >> sean: you are going to get slammed tomorrow for that. mistake, mistake, don't acknowledge you know me. >> i know you and i interned for you actually, my first job. thank you so much. but you know, this president doesn't hide in a basement, this president doesn't scare away from questioning, this president takes to the podium every day,ly looks the american people directly in the eye and answer their question and speaks to them every time when he walks out, when he goes on to a air force one versus obama, every 30 days, never spoke to the press, this president doesn't hide in a basement. that's something we should be proud of. >> sean: the problem is when you're dealing with every day, they all want their moment, that they are arguing with you or arguing with the president. expanded people how that works. >> it's right, people are out to
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elevate their start out as a reporter to have their moment and get the viral moment but look, that's not what this is about. with these briefings are about for me and for this president are highlighting names like legend taliferro, a 4-year-old who was shot in his bed who today thanks president trump and the work we've done is not only highlighted but charged, who we think is a killer of that young it's not about trending names on twitter. >> sean: i know we talk about bias a lot, i use my words, the mob and the media, like cult and their psychotic hatreds of donald trump. but the reality is that they really don't want information. do you find a desire to get an honest answer from a lot of them? i don't want to, no broad sweeping generalizations but i see too many people, gotcha,
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gotcha, gotcha.a em >> i think it's a great question. it's easily identifiable by the american people, some reporters come in and they truly want that information, they'll come to my office and say this is what i want to know from the president and i will go to him, get the information, convey to them and everything. others who aren't interested in that, it's about the viral moment and i think the american people who watch can very much discern those interested in getting information to the people and those interested in serving themselves bad i >> sean: i've got to believe if i was trying to do your job which i could never do and there's no amount of money you could pay me to do your job is that it's got to be frustrating that this is a game. we are talking about serious issues of great consequence. >> journalists are the intermediary about what goes on just to my left in the west wing and the american people who want to know what's going on in that building and they are the inqu between and when they ignore wholesale scandals like the spying on president trump, done
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by obama and joe biden and susan rice, when that is ignored it is a complete disservice to the american people for whom they tould be seeking the answers those immense political scandals like what happened to president trump. >> sean: the fact that they won't even acknowledge that the whole russia hoax was a lie and they spread the lie and apologize and retract in theid fact that they missed the biggest abuse and corruption, use of power, corruption scandal. keep up the good work, not an easy job. thank you. more "hannity" next. ♪
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♪ >> sean: all right, again, i want to think you as as i did last night. out.ook even the new york toilet paper times, they couldn't fake it, this time. we won by such a large margin. if you don't have a copy, this is the definitive copy.
11:00 pm
this is it. this is what is at 82 days, and i shudder at the policy implemented, it is bad., 40% at costco, walmart, target, ray. >> i'm at barnes & noble on saturday. a lady comes up to me on "live free or die." i said i'm not signing that. he doesn't sign that! >> hannity: you should have signed it. >> i wrote, live free or die, laura ingraham. congratulations. >> hannity: by the way, where is laura? where is she? you guys have done an amazing job. y >> raymond: this is to "the ingraham


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