tv FOX and Friends FOX News August 14, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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jillian: it's a card gone correspondingy it has the tails. rob: remember to set your dvr every morning so you never miss a minute of "fox & friends first." jillian: that was my favorite video. "fox & friends first" starts right now. see you back here monday. >> after u.s. seizes four cargo from four iranian oil cargoes enforcement of president trump's sanctions. >> holding adversaries accountable is exactly what america wants to see. >> will will mandate nationwide it's not about rights. >> plagiarizing donald trump. be a patriot. wear a mask. >> the president announced what is a historic peace agreement between israel and the united arab emirates. >> this deal is a significant step towards building a more peaceful middle east. >> massive win for the trump administration. >> john durham's investigation into the russia probe may be coming to some conclusion. >> the american people need to
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know what actually happened there are going to be developments significant developments before the elections. >> brand new fox news poll may shed some light on the so-called silent majority. >> the 39% think their neighbors are going to support president trump. >> there is simply more enthusiasm for him than there is for joe biden. ♪ life is a highway ♪ i want to ride it all night long ♪ you're going my way. brian: i just looked at the rundown, i don't know if we're going to get all this in today. that's how much is going on in the news. this might be too much. steve: i got news for you,. brian: look at how much news there is to go over today. ainsley: you will be done in three hours. steve: or three hours after this on the radio. brian: all right, good. steve: listen, everybody, it seemed like a long summer, right? we are already halfway through the month of august. it's august 14th.
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brian: look at our tans. steve: we know have you many choices in the morning on what to watch cable news thank you for watching us and trusting us with getting your day started. anxiously. ainsley: happy friday. president trump crediting joe biden politicizing the you recall pandemic after will. steve: joe biden says americans should save a mask for three months to save some lives. brian: they carried joe biden pretend address and didn't care the president's. remarks later. griff jenkins is live in washington with reaction. hey, griff. >> good morning, brian, anksly and steve a new mask mandate coming from wilmington, delaware. he suggested back in june he would consider using executive power require public mask wearing now calling on the nation's governors to take the lead. >> every single american should be wearing a mask when they are
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outside for the next three months at a minimum. the estimates are we will save over 40,000 lives in the next three months if that is done. griff: joined by newly named running mate kamala harris. >> that's what real leadership looks like. we just witnessed real leadership. the thing about joe, that the american people know, is that his role in leadership in the country has always been about doing what's best for the people of our country. griff: currently only 16 states do not have statewide mask mandates. >> you see them here on the map in green. all of them run by republican governors. at the white house president trump vigorously defending his administration's approach of urging americans to mask up and governors to use their best discretion. >> to joe, i would say stop playing politics with the virus. we have entrusted the governors of each state elected by the people to develop and enforce their own mask policies and other policies.
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>> as for the voters to in a brand new poll favor everyone wearing a mask outside the house while 21% oppose it. as for biden's mask mandate, unclear whether or not he would enact one federally if elected or if he is calling on president trump to do one now. he neither he nor harris took any questions from the press about it. brian, ainsley, steve? ainsley: all right. thank you, griff. the president did say he reminded the president during his press briefing yesterday, also, that he walls the one that opposed the china -- that he was for china and european travel bans and joe biden opposed it early on. dana perino made a great point yesterday on her show. she said they clearly poll tested. this they focused group. this they know this is such a big issue for americans when they go to the polls. this is the message they know americans want to hear. this could be the defining issue in the election. they said that they said they want a mask mandate for three months minimum. and they didn't take questions.
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steve: they did not. there was apparently one tv pool reporter in the room and that was all the campaign limited it to. clearly, you know, ainsley, if dana perino is right and they poll tested, this what joe biden would be able to say now right up through the election look, i suggested there be a nationwide mask mandate and 40,000 americans will die because the president did not do that. but, nonetheless, even though we didn't really hear much new yesterday, in fact, you know, joe biden said earlier in the summer that he would make wearing a mask in public compulsory. so there is nothing new. yet, you would never know that if you were watching a couple other channels. watch this, click, click, click. >> can you imagine if just once that's what a coronavirus briefing from the white house came across like? joe biden and kamala harris made very clear today the difference
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between them and the current administration when it comes to the pandemic. >> what good leaders do is they are consistent in their public health messaging and they stay over and over again and then they model it. that's what vice president biden is doing. >> biden and harris just came out and did what i think a lot of people expected trump to do. expected a normal with the would do in a situation like this. >> senator harris put it perfectly, this is what leadership looks like. steve: you know, yesterday on this program, we showed you how the mainstream media were calling -- were looking at kamala harris the new running mate for joe biden and saying she is so moderate. but we showed you her record and things that she has said and stood for and that is not the case. now we are showing you that aside from telling people to wear masks, which president trump has done, you know, their plan, brian, that they unveiled yesterday, there is really nothing new. and if this is the number one issue facing americans, why didn't they have a plan other than wearing a mask, which joe has said all along?
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brian: if you look at all the polls, the only rates higher who would be better handling the economy and joe biden who handling the pandemic. i will have a press conference only without people. put out a mandate, even though i have no power. he is going to tell all 50 states what to do. have you met the governors? they have been empowered. they know how the constitution works. they are going to make their own decisions. he also indicated earlier in the week that he would tell certain states okay, you better lock down and other states you can stay where you are. really? how is that going to fly? kellyanne conway is watching this waiting for something new. do you know what's new? he doesn't take any questions? how long is a complicit press going to tolerate that type of disrespect of not taking questions or being scurried aside when he yells something out? kellyanne conway. >> i have been waiting for baited breath to hear what kamala harris and joe biden tell us to do with the global pandemic because if they have got a great answer, martha, i don't want them to wait until
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november 4th. they should be telling us now to help this great country. he came up with a mask mandate. joe biden already serial plagiarist. already plagiarizing donald trump saying being a patriot wear a mask. and said buy american hire american. i was curious to see the joe biden pandemic meeting today. nothing new came outed of that that would move they're forward. brian: pretend to be president and confuse people who is actually in charge. one thing i would do is one thing as opposed to settings up something that makes it look like you are the president of the united states and actually you are not. attorney general barr was on with sean hannity last night and a lot of people getting impatient with john durham's report. they understand there could be a transition of power if joe biden wins and if there is no conclusions we will never find out what happened in 2015 and 2016. well, the attorney general let everyone know something is coming up today. >> we need to get through the
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story of what happened in 2016 and 17 now. and people involved in that activity violated the criminal law, they will be charged. there was some delay because of covid. but i'm satisfied with the progress. and i have said there are going to be divomentsdz, significant developments before the election. but we are not doing this on the election schedule. we are aware of the election. we are not going to do anything inappropriate before the election. but, we're not being dictated to by this schedule. what's dictating the timing of this o are developments in the case. brian: one personal is dictating a schedule it seems like mitt romney. if it the senate was going to get to the bottom of their investigation especially as it relates to ukraine they would have this voted on in their committee it. looks like, ainsley, mitt romney is not going to support the interview or the subpoena of james comey and john brennan. just another in your face. steve: shocking. brian: he wants to be -- he is probably convinced joe biden is going to win and he wants to be part of that administration.
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ainsley: as far as the development today we are going to learn something today, he said. he said it's not going to be earth-shattering. he said the purpose of this we need to know what happened in 2016 and 2017 that americans have the right to know that he also says that if people cross the line, if they violated criminal law, if so, they will be charged, steve. steve: yeah. you know, remember back four years ago when james comey steps into the election and came out in october and said look we have got these developments regarding hillary clinton's email. we are reopening that thing. hillary clinton feels that james comey cost her the election. they are mindful of that at the department and fbi as well. bill barr did say from his live shot there in cheyenne, wyoming last night. he said that everybody knows that this investigation does not pertain, he said, to barack obama and joe biden. and so, that policy of not
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saying anything right before an election does not apply because the people under investigation are not really political figures, he said. all right, meanwhile. let's talk politics. brand new fox news poll came out. they talked to 1,000 people on land lines and cell phones. and of the 1,000 registered voters, 49 percent said they would vote for joe biden today. that's about the same as it was last month. the marginal of error was 3. i was going to mention that but, as can you see donald trump right there has gone up 1. and, brian, there is some other news about what you think your neighbors are thinking. brian: yeah. donald trump ticked up one. this obviously was done before kamala harris was picked. enough to we are going to see the president of the united states really focus on the battleground states in person and with his vice president. he is going to do the mini campaign stops. he can't do the big rallies. looks like kamala harris will do almost all the campaigning in
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the midwest for the biden team which is bizarre as this whole year has been. meanwhile, when it comes to your neighbors, are they telling you candidly who they are going to vote for? well, according to a fox news poll, they say this. the question is who do you think your neighbors are supporting for president? 39% say they are supporting trump. 34% say biden. 20% are unsure. you are never quite sure because everyone is keeping their powder dry and opinions to themselves. especially, it seems, if you are for donald trump. ainsley, this does not surprise me. ainsley: we saw this in 2016. now look at what is going on in our country. i think more than ever people don't want to talk about who they are voting for. i'm not sure how much stake we can put in all of these poll ifs people are being truthful. maybe they are saying i'm going to vote one way but my neighbor over there is going to vote another way. does that mean they are if they don't want to tell you who they are voting for. 62% of americans do not want to discuss who they're voting for.
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steve: you know what, ainsley, it could be the trump flag your neighbor is flying that could be an indicator or come back from one of those trump foe tilas with the boat behind the truck. brian: he has one in almost every body in water. steve: unbelievable. i have never seen anything like that. ainsley: people aren't ashamed to say who they're voting for. some people would never put a trump sign on their yard or door because of scared of repercussions. the district in light. the two lights that look like the twin towers that are lit in new york city every year since 9/11. there is a picture of what they look like. steve: beautiful. ainsley: something that means so much to the families especially to those who lost loved ones. thought museum is saying they are not going to do it this year? brian: because they said it requires a large crew to pull off. and that poses health risks. this is their statement, brian and steve. district in light, the world's beloved twin beams of light will not shine over lower manhattan
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as part of this year's 9/11 commemoration. this incredibly difficult decision was reached in consultation with our partners after concluding the health risk during the pandemic were far too great for the large crew required to produce the annual district in light. we help to resume this district for the 20th anniversary. not only have they canceled that they scrapped the in person reading of the 9/11 victims will at the ceremony. steve: they say it requires a large crew. when i drove up to the building this morning right across the street there were 25 guys it, looked like working a large crew in the middle of the road. there were two lanes of sixth avenue available. i can't imagine it takes 25 guys to do that. it is curious. because, here in new york city they're talking about sending the kids back to school with the teachers and the kids and why the museum and memorial has decided to throw in the towel, i don't know. they could -- you know, we have
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heard from the surgeon general and heard from all sorts of people wear mask, socially distance. they could pull this off but for whatever reason they have decided not to. brian: meanwhile, what is it for? the sacrifice people made on that day and sacrifice that happened after as we hunted down the people that killed all those people on 9/11, al qaeda and everything else. all you are asking people to do. i'm sure you could get volunteers lined through the lincoln town put on n 950 mask we could supply them if you want. do them every day scaffolding around our building and building things at laguardia airport and nobody is worried about their welfare. point lights into the sky you would have volunteers coast-to-coast to show that that is just a kick in the teeth and another unnecessary upset of normalcy in america. ainsley: brian, remember, never forget. this is a way. brian: except for this year. steve: what they're suggesting instead for all buildings in new york city to light up the
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facades with light blue light to remember what happened. brian: there is nobody in our buildings. everyone has left. steve: so they are on the outlines. so it's going to be easy. shine the big light. that's what they're planning. the question is what will they do next year on the 20th anniversary? brian: all right. let's go out to jillian. have you other stories that hopefully won't tick us off as much as this story did. jillian: that's sad, guys. let's begin with a fox news alert of the trump administration stepping up maximum pressure campaign against tehran. the u.s.s. seizing four coorg vessels transferring fuel to venezuela. consults off a supply chain that both countries have flaunted defying u.s. sanctions. the vessels redirected to houston where white house officials are waiting. overnight two wildfires raging in southern california. triple digital temperatures making it hard to fight the flames. the lake fire destroying more than 11,000 acres so far north of l.a.
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homes turning into ash with hundreds of evacuations underway. not far from there the ranch fire torching more than 23,000 acres. this one is zero percent contained. check this out. incredible video a firefighter saving american flag from those flames. lowering it down from that flag pole. he is holding it up. will actor matthew mcconaughey grilling dr. anthony fauci on instagram. mccon hey sounding off on how some have made the pandemic political. watch. this myself, like a lot of people have been more than disillusioned, full of rage of you who the covid has been politicized. >> when you look upon yourself and your choice of doing what you want to do, even if you don't care that you get infected, you are part of the propagation of the outbreak. >> stressing the quicker people follow coronavirus safety measures including wearing a face mask, the quicker we can
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return to normal. those are your headlines. send it back to you. ainsley: thanks, jillian. violent crime is on the rise in major cities. next guest not surprised he says it's the ferguson effect and it has deadly consequences. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ that selling carsarvana, 100% online wouldn't work. but we went to work. building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. creating a coast to coast network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow.
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steve: here is something we have been talking about over the last couple of months. violent crime skyrocketing in major cities this summer which coincides with some anti-cop protests and defunding the police and things like that. homicide cases, according to a new report, surging by 37% in 20 major cities have from late may to the july. commissioner at the u.s. commission on civil rights peter cers now. peter, good morning to you.
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>> good morning. steve. we seed the headlines what's going on, but why? this is the latest iteration of the ferguson effect we saw it after the michael brown and freddie gray incident in baltimore. police are under attack. this is compounded and most severe iteration we have seen. compounded by the fact complete abdication toward the citizenry to protect them and their property. also compounded further by progressives desperate attempt to defeat donald trump. they initially thought by sowing seeds of chaos that woo would redowned against donald trump. there has been a backlash against them as a result of that also the press has been very biased in their coverage of it. so, this has been extraordinarily aggravated by those factors and as a result 36
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of the largest 50 cities in the united states have seen double digital in all manners of violent crime not just homicide. when you think about the degree to which this has spiked versus freddie gray, versus michael brown, it truely is extraordinary. what we have seen -- for example, in the year after the ferguson effect, after michael brown was shot, 1800 more blacks were killed in the succeeding year. think about that. 1800 more. if you think that black lives matter you want more cops not fewer cops. yet, what we see are mayors and council members who are defunding the cops. prosecutors were dropping criminal charges. and mayors who are telling cops to stand down. that will cause -- if you think black lives matter, then you are doing the exact opposite of what will preserve the most vulnerable cohort. and that's probably why 81% of blacks want the same or
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increased level of police presence in black neighborhoods. steve: sure. you know, commissioner, as we look at some of the images and i'm reminded of the looting here in new york city where the looters, some of them, a fraction of them, were stopped by the police, although the police, it sounded like we are told essentially to stand down that day. but the ones who did wind up going down to the cop shop were immediately released. got to figure hey look at what these people are doing and you don't really get in trouble. but, ultimately, if you live in one of those towns, you are thinking why bother? i know that we ran a story earlier this week after the looting in chicago sunday into monday, a number of businesses were thinking we're not sure we are going to rebuild in the -- along the miracle mile because we don't know that when we pick up the phone and ask for the cops anybody is going to protect us. >> right. it's not rocket science.
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responsible individuals, which is a vast majority of americans are looking at this and they are saying why buy into this? why am i paying my taxes when the chief responsibility to be discharged hasn't been discharged. steve: exit question, how politically motivated is what we are seeing? >> i think it's substantially politically motivated. i think that initially progressives believed that sowing seeds of chaos would harm donald trump but there has been a backlash which is why the media now is not showing images very readily of the chaos that's occurring in the streets in the various cities because that's hurts progressives. steve: i think you are talking about those peaceful protests that i have been hearing so much on the other channel. >> yes the peaceful protest. no kidding. people are smarter than that. steve: joining us from cleveland. peter kirsanow, thank you very much. >> thank you very much, steve. steve: have a good friday and weekend. joe biden calling for a nationwide mask mandate when you are outside of your house.
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wanted to be considered over the judge over national unrest over george floyd's death recommending that he pick a black woman instead. one familiar face could be heading to the white house with him. >> i'm ready to help in any way i can every american should want to fix our country. if you are asked to serve you should certainly consider that. >> the biden campaign has not confirmed whether the clinton is being considered for any roles. brian: she will. would not surprise me. calling for a national mask mandate no matter where you live. >> every governor should mandate mandatory mask wearing. the estimates by the experts are it will save over 40,000 lives in the next three months. brian: who are their experts and why are we here and what questions would have you asked had the former vice president opened up the questions? fox news contributor dr. nicole saphier joins us now with her take.
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doctor, i was just wondering what you thought about a presidential candidate coming out pretending he was president and telling us what to do? do you think that would work? well, brian, you know, it's a good conversation to have regarding universal mask mandate. right now unequivocally people should be wear masks indoors outside of their homes unless they have respiratory issues. there is not a reason not to wear a mask while indoors public spaces. joe biden he said people outdoors should be wearing masks for the next three months. and he really left a lot of room for questions there but he didn't take any questions so my first question to him is what's the science by that recommendation in the last i saw the transmission level for this virus is significantly less outdoors when you are not able to socially distance. right now the current recommendations, brian, are that you wear a mask when you are unable to socially distance. not just at all times. so, again, if you are able to socially distance, why do you have to be wearing a mask
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because you are not catching it just from out in the breeze. my second question goes and by the way it's convenient to make these statements when you don't have long-term consequences my second question is if you are saying everyone outside, joe, has to be wearing a mask, where does that leave outside dining? because as far as i know there israel yet to be any reported outbreaks from restaurants doing outdoor dining and they are taking the proper precautions to keep everybody safe. so we're going to, again, shut down these restaurants, close these businesses and people are going to lose their jobs again? i mean, again, it's convenient to say that but that's not convenient for the american people. lastly, brian, again, he made this blanket statement but what are the metrics he is going to be following he? said three months minimum he would want this outdoor mask mandate. what's the science guiding that? what is he going to be looking at? new cases? pose 50's? is it going to be presumed positive? confirmed positives? unfortunately, it's really hard to tell. he just didn't give us enough
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details and you have to be prudent in this because this is a very politicized conversation to have and it's unfortunate that he would just come out and say this and not give us the details. again, we have the federal recommendations in place right now. socially distanced. and if you can't do it, wear a mask. it's up to individual responsibility. you should be wearing a mask just as a token to your fellow americans showing that you are respecting their space. brian: okay. i also know if you are worried about outdoor dining, the lack of indoor dining has destroyed every restaurant in the number one city in america even though our numbers are through the floor under 1%. that doesn't seem to bother anyone i guess who is running for office. there is some other gain i think is important to go over. i read about this morning about this nasal spray. what can you tell us? >> well, i want to go real quick to the indoor dining. i am dying to go back to indoor dining, brian. there have been reported
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outbreaks. so we have to, again, continue to brainstorm how to keep indoor dining safe. the arrow nab this nasal spray. they are talking about they have discovered what they call nano bodies. nano bodies are produced in other animals, lamb mass, camels, we have known about them for years. essentially they are combining them and in the nasal spray form they're actually blocking that spike protein from incorporating into your cells. they are thinking it may a way to prevent covid-19. it's still only in lab form. would have to do some animal and human testing. they are hopeful that maybe in the next few months, maybe, that it might be available. buff they said if and when it's available, it will be not very expensive and it will be available over the counter which is important. brian: all right, dr. nicole saphier, can't thank you enough. >> thanks, brian. brian: great to see you. now she gets to do her day job being a doctor.
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brian: israel and united arab elm litcsh. how close are we to a peace deal. what about saudi arabia and bahrain. talk about that with lee zeldin from the house foreign affairs committee. i like to recommend pronamel to my patients to help them protect their teeth and keep the enamel strong. i like to recommend did you know prilosec otc can stobefore it begins?urn heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. prilosec otc uses a unique delayed-release formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. it then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source.
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>> after 49 years, united arab emirates will fully normalize their diplomatic relations. they will exchange embassies and ambassadors and begin cooperation across the board and on a broad range of areas including tourism, education, healthcare, trade, and security. this is a truly historic moment. steve: it is historic because yesterday it was announced that the trump team helped broker a deal between israel and the united arab emirates. normalizing relations. it's first arab league country to recognize israel in 20 years.
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it is a big deal that's why we are bringing in lee zeldin member of the house committee and co-chair of the republican israel caucus in the house. congressman, good morning to you. steve: it is a big deal what is the chances of giving the nobel peace prize to him as they did to barack obama before earning it. >> the prospects are ahead. so the president made a decision withdraw from the iranian nuclear deal. we moved the embassy in israel to jerusalem. the president recognized israel's solvency on golan heights. what we saw yesterday was a big development because israel surrounded by all these different countries many of whom don't even recognize israel's right to exist have having one
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nation put their neck out there tourism and everything that comes with it. hopefully what it leads to is other countries in that region to do the same thing. have you two different elements driving these dynamics. bun is a concern by many countries in that region by iranian aggression. they are realizing that their real threat their real existential threat to the country it's not israel. it's iran. it started last administration where the administration was kind of treating israel like iran and iran like israel. the iranian aggression piece is a part of it especially after the nuclear deal. the second part is that the trump administration, whether it's president trump, jared kushner, avy berkowitz, secretary pompeo, david freidman, they have all told all of these different countries that huge priority of theirs to be able to improve relations with israel to improve the u.s.' israel relationship but also israel's stability in the middle
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east. so i think those two forces are leading to yesterday's positive development and others to come. whether that earns the president a nobel peace prize, that, unfortunately, i think we are dealing with a different reality where president obama earned it just for showing up and getting elected. brian: by not being george bush. joe biden came out and said this a big deal, but this is the result of work over many administrations. not just this one really his administration did any work to get uae to recognize a country they were basically ignoring in israel? >> yeah. so the obama-biden administration literally as they walked out the door the highest profile foreign policy item was really turning their backs, stabbing in the back israel with u.n. security council resolution 2334. that was december of 2016. where the u.n. security council had this resolution that passed calling it a via a little of
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international law and israel's activity in this disputed territory of judea sumaria west bank and jerusalem and john kerry for those how remember, it was about a hour and a half long speech essentially lecturing israel. you had dynamics between president obama and bb and, of course, you had the iran nuclear deal. so i don't think that joe biden has anything to brag about as far as the obama administration's trajectory in the u.s.-israel relationship. and the president trump came into office and he has been scoring win after win. so instead of it treating israel like iran and iran like israel, now we are treating israel like israel and iran like iran. and understanding adversaries don't expect weakness, respect strength and positive progress is one that we should not turn the clock back on where we are reentering into deals where we are delivering pallets of cash to iran in the middle of the
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night and other bad foreign policies that set us back and our our allies. you read the joipghtsd statement from the you will supreme commander of the eae. they gave credit to donald trump. in their statement think say this is a diplomatic break through at the request of president trump. let's talk about stimulus money though. the house they are going to have a month long recess y'all are and the senate not back until september. stimulus talks, does this mean it's going to drag on i guess it means they are going to drag on for weeks. nancy pelosi is now calling for $2 trillion. listen to this. >> we said $2 trillion and then we can sit down at the table. perhaps you mistook them for somebody who gave a damn: that isn't the case. ainsley: your response. >> they believe they have a lot more leverage than they actually
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do. they are putting forth asks. completely unrelated to covid-19. whether it's providing by the way stimulus checks to people who are illegally in our country. mass prison release. nationwide ballot harvesting. nationwide ban on voter i.d. then you look at the cost of what they are looking for. their starting point is a little divorced from reality. take the battle over state and local government funding. they are actually insisting on a position to give state and local governments more than there are even asking for. there was a point in time where, for example, new york was asking for $60 billion. partly of this 500 billion-dollar national ask. even new york state right now, they are asked that they submitted a couple weeks ago was for 30. all of the non-states. the local governments. they put all rallied of behind a 250 billion-dollar ask. well, the house democratic bill was for 375 billion more than they were even asking for. they had your own reality track
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because the president when you talk about a trillion dollars. that's real money and they are willing to help out with state and local government funding but giving more than they are even asking for is insane. steve: well, there are people hurting across the country and a lot of people are looking to washington. we hope that you guys can get something straightened out one these days when everybody comes together. lee zeldin from the great state of new york. thank you very much. ainsley: thanks. >> thank you. steve: all right. 13 minutes before the top of the hour on this friday jillian joins us with headlines. jillian: man charged in the murder of the death of. ellis shot the 4-year-old while he set in the apartment. legend's mother praised the arrest and called for an end to the violence. >i appreciate you guys for stepping up. now we have got to take it a step farther and help calm the violence down. >> the 4-year-old is the namesake for operation legend. of the program sending federal officers to crime stricken
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cities has led to more than 150 arrests. meritless and hasty. yale university is denying allegations that it discriminates against asian and white applicants. the department of justice finding asian americans and white students had a significantly lower chance of being admitted to yale than african-american applicants with similar academic credentials. the investigation stems from a 2016 complaint. the seattle seahawks cut a rookie player for trying to sneak a woman into the team hotel. disguised her as a player according to the nfl network. the league has rules in place preventing outsiders with the team. strict protocol help keep players and coaches from getting covid. a match made in heaven. how about this? actor dennis quaid adopting a cat named dennis quaid. the movie star says he couldn't resist adopting the cat from a virginia humane society after seeing him on the news. dennis quaid the actor will pick
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up dennis quaid the cat this weekend taking him to his new home in los angeles. i will send it back to you guys. ainsley: love you have to clarify dennis quaid the actor and dennis quaid the cat. brian: social media account targeting president trump. how can you detect a fake? kurt the cyberguy knows exactly how. he promises to tell.
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they are criticizing the president and his administration in these videos. kurt the cyberguy is here to explain. hey, kurt, good to see you. >> ainsley, good to see you this morning. the trump campaign with a new digital enemy online. this spam afallujah campaign going on picked up by a report from gratify can a research fire putting out one a day. hasn't picking up eye on this one. and unusual that it is really kind of ease were to spot american and see this stuff, anxiously. it's like come on, one thing is the video looks legit. but you start looking closer at some of the graphics that are on the video and whatnot, they do
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not have a real good grasp of the english language. you will see common spelling errors. and then it uses oftentimes an automated voice. so it would be instead of the soulful from the heart and brain voice of ainsley it might be automated ainsley saying it was president trump who got out of the car. ainsley: that weird voice. >> can you sort of tell when you are watching those and they're all over the place. and youtube. ainsley: bad light. >> all meant to be unflattering for the president and so anything they can do. they have targeted so far the closing of the houston consulate for china. they have also targeted the response to covid-19 among other things. youtube already removing 1300 so far. ainsley: that's what i was going to ask you. what about facebook? twitter? >> you know, they have lumped it
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in the response they lump it into the idea that they have already removed over 7 million fake accounts and fake posts so, we don't have a specific number from them. but they are on it. they are tracking these things down. ainsley: okay, kurt. thanks for keeping us posted if we see it posted we will know it's not real. good to see you 6:56 on the east coast. kevin mccarthy, judge jeanine pirro and geraldo coming up. ♪ ♪ my nunormal: fewer asthma attacks. less oral steroids. taking my treatment at home. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred.
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>> mask mandate nationwide. >> we have urged americans to wear masks. americans must have their freedoms. >> joe biden said he said people outdoors should be wearing masks. what's the science behind that recommendation? >> after 49 years israel and the united arab emirates will fully normalize their diplomatic relations. >> hopefully what that leads to are other countries in that region to do the same. >> stimulus relief talks again have stalled on capitol hill. >> nancy pelosi needs to come back from recess and negotiate because the american people deserve better. >> we are miles apart. perhaps mistook them for somebody who gave a damn.
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>> look different this year as the big ten conferences and pac-12 punt the start of their season. >> i think this team has proved they can be done safely. we brought back june the 1st. and we haven't had a positive test since june 1st. ♪ ♪ ainsley: hey, joel, that's joel our stage manager. just waving to you if you thought. brian: bunch of hats. on camera. ainsley: big jets fan always in jets gear. good morning to you at home we are hoping you are starting off on a good day. it's friday. steve: it is friday tgif. thank goodness it's fox. i was thinking in a normal year today we would be preparing to go to the convention because the dnc starts on monday. but, you know, it's that kind of year that we can't wait to get over. and nonetheless, for the most part it's going to be a tv show.
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appears always been just kind of a tv show except we would go. brian: even though in studio probably have as big of presence as aoc prerecord her address only a minute. what disrespect getting shown from her own party. or is it just a game. ainsley: progressives not happy about it. brian: walking back. ainsley: threatening to reject the proposal because he doesn't want to defend democrats' push for mail-in ballots. steve: mark meredith stimulus negotiations now because nothing is happening now could stretch into december. >> sure can because the house is gone. the senate is out. the reporters are still here. that also means that any likely deal between congress and the white house on another stimulus package that is still likely weeks away. president trump says one area that he is concerned with is spending more money at the u.s. post office ahead of the november election. the president told fox business
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yesterday he sees more funding as an effort to boost democratic turnout. >> now, they need that money in order to have the post office work so it can take all of those millions and millions of ballots that's election money, basically. but if they don't get those two items, that means you can't have universal mail-in voting. >> the president last night refused to issue a threat of a veto over more funding. instead seeing we will see what happens. democrats insist they are eager to negotiate on another stimulus package and they're only trying to provide the resources it needs. >> i don't know when they come in with $2 trillion. when they are red to do that we will sit down. >> attorney general bill barr he weighed in last night on hannity. evidence called the push to expand mail-in voting as quote reckless. he is worried expanded mail-in voting could lead to widespread fraud. we will continue to watch that as for president trump he is waking up in washington heading
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to new jersey to golf club later on today for the weekend. back in town as democrats get ready to kick off their convention next week as you were just talking about. steve, anxiously and brian back to you guys. brian: thank you very much. mark meredith we appreciate it. word there is going to be oval office announcement significant and certainly it was. now there is going to be another arab nation recognizing israel's right to exist and creating relationships with israel trade and otherwise. means they can travel back and forth though their countries. they can have relations and outward over it. fly over their countries. so it is killing can't. first time since 1994 and arab nation jordan was the last. egypt was the first recognizing israel. say it's only going to be the first. could be others following behind it. could it be cutter? could it be bahrain? here is the president on the approach that he has been taking with his people when it comes to the middle east.
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>> after 49 years israel and the united arab emirates will fully normalize their diplomatic relations. they will exchange embassies and ambassadors and begin cooperation across the board. this is a truly historic moment. i made clear that the problems of the middle east can only be solved when people of all faiths come together to fight slack extremism and pursue economic opportunity for people of all faiths. and when you look at what's happening you are seeing a lot of progress is being made that nobody thought could possibly be made. >> a lot of people happy about this and a lot of people go out of their way donald trump does not get credit say he had nothing to do with it the ben rhodes tweeted this out used to be an agreement. this agreement entwines what has been emerging status quo for a long time. includes the total exclusion of palestinians.
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2444 covington piked up an election eve achievement from two leaders who want trump to win. is that install ambassador david freidman u.n. ambassador to egypt joins us now. ambassador, does ben rhodes have it right? >> no. brian. good morning. ben rhodes has it exactly wrong. by the way, if it was so easy to do he had 8 years to do it. where were they? the reality is that the obama administration abandoned israel and adan donned the emirates in favor of chasing very ill advised deal with iran which ended up becoming a complete disaster. after the fact the iranians took all the money they got and used it to buy ballistic missiles and make trouble all throughout the region. so, no. the president dramatically for the better changed policy in the middle east and brought these two countries which as i said have been neglected and indeed abandoned under the obama administration and he brought them together. the president in contrast to his
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predecessors embraces our friends and takes much harder positions with those countries that present us with challenges. ainsley: ambassador, the president called it the abraham accord because abraham was its name for the father of all three great faiths he said. what does it mean from a religious standpoint in regards to persecution and how is it going to change just the heart beat over there in the middle east going forward? >> well, i think this is hopefully the paradigm for the future of the middle east. we chose that name very intentionally because abraham as you said, whether he is called abraham, ibrahim or he was the father of many nations and the father of three great faiths. and there is enormous potential for what can be accomplished in the middle east when those faiths work together. have you seen enormous persecution of christians and christian holy sites throughout the middle east from the
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perspective of the jewish faith, there really aren't any jews in many of these countries because they're not allowed to even be there. the emirates, to their credit, are very forward leaning. they see the future. the future is very grircht past. and they have done something i think quite courageous as has prime minister netanyahu to set a new paradigm for the middle east. steve: you know, ambassador, whoever wins in november this break through leaves the united states and israel in better position than we were before. i'm a little astounded though at the limited news coverage that this has gotten. is it because donald trump was the president at the time because had this happened on a democrat's watch, i just have a feeling it would have been a bigger story elsewhere. >> i can't imagine you are wrong. just looking at the coverage. look, when you live in the world of foreign relations, the gold standard is peace. and the platinum standard is
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peace in the middle east. you almost never hear those words uttered in the same sentence. look what the president accomplished. and he did it in a very different way than his predecessor. he established trust. trust with israel. trust with the emirates. he got them feeling that they had somebody there who had their back and in that context, look at the enormous achievement that the president was able to put on the table and he certainly deserves a lot of credit. if he is not getting it, that's a shame. brian: ambassador, i hear there is going to be a signing ceremony at the white house at some point. i was wondering if you can confirm that. number two is you let it out there that other countries could be joining this peace movement. is one of them bahrain? is another saudi arabia? could a third be cutter? >> well, yes, i can confirm, brian, the signing ceremony will be in the white house. i don't think we have a date set yet. i think we are hoping for some
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time in september. i don't want to get ahead of these nations. they all have sensitivities and diplomatic issues but from our perspective, every nation in the region is on the table. look, we are going to do everything we can for as long as we can, as long as we're honored with this position, to not only solidify what was agreed yesterday between israel and the emirates but to extrapolate that historic agreement to every other nation in the region and truly, truly change the middle east for the next 100 years. and i hope we have the opportunity to do so. ainsley: david freidman, he is the ambassador to israel. such as important job. thank you so much, david, god bless new all your endeavors. >> god bless you. thank you. steve: brian, was siri talking to you again? brian: something about the ambassador that my ipad loves. steve: meanwhile, let's move on to domestic politics. of course, earlier this week it
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was announced that joe biden has selected kamala harris the senator from the great state of california to be his running mate. do you know who popped into the tv yesterday, i think it was a youtube thing. hillary clinton. guess what? if asked, she would love to join joe and kamala doing something in the new administration. listen to this. >> if you are asked to serve in the next administration, would you accept? >> oh, barbara, i would -- you know, i'm not even going to go there because i am so focused right now on just helping him get elected. trump is not going to go, you know, sigh lengthily into the night if he loses. he has got his crony attorney general barr ready to do whatever is necessary. so i can't even think yet about the administration. every american should want to fix our country. so if you are asked to serve,
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you should certainly consider that. steve: at the beginning it sounded like a no but by the end it sounded like yep, just ask. i'm ready to go. ainsley: i'm not even going to go there but if they ask i would consider it. brian: there is no question. john kerry is going back, susan rice is going back. evidently. ainsley: is this the swamp? brian: everybody who is a finalist. hope serve some type of role in my administration. betbeto o'rourke. most interesting was governor whitmer of michigan. she was asked by joe biden to please stay in the final round. and she was the one who pulled back. you wonder if kamala harris was the only one left standing with a reasonable shot at being the running mate in the end. steve: that's the very latest wide ranging that a block. brian: we got to give ourselves credit for that while we give ourselves credit. let's toss upstairs to jillian
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mele. jillian: might take a while to give yourself credit especially you, brian. jillian: bill barr hinting at new 2kw0789s this the durham probe today as the doj investigates the origins of the russia probe. the attorney general sounding off to our own sean hannity in a fox news exclusive. >> if people crossed the line. if people involved in that activity violated the criminal law, they it will be charged. i'm satisfied with the progress. and i have said there are going to be developments, significant developments before the election. we're not going to do anything inappropriate before the election. but, we're not being dictated to by this schedule. jillian: barr added today's development will not be earth shattering. 100 oregon state troopers leaving portland overnight. they are no longer protecting the city's courthouse saying the d.a. is not -- they nor longer protecting the city's federal courthouse. the troopers came in after president trump and oregon governor kate brown reached a
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deal to pull federal officers out of the city two weeks ago. oregon state police captain saying he will redirect troopers to counties where the prosecution of criminal conduct is still a priority. overnight, two wildfires raging in southern california. triple digital temperatures making it hard to fight the flame. lake fire fight 11,000 acres so far north of l.a. homes turning into ash with hundreds of evacuations underway. not far from there, the ranch fire torching more than 3,000 acres. and this one is zero percent contained. look at your screen right now. this is incredible video of firefighters saving an american flag from those flames lowering it down from that flag pole and folding it up. wow. two major league soccer teams booed by fans for kneeling during the national anthem. look at this. every single player and referee taking a knee during the matchup between dallas and nashville sc. after the game reggie cannon
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called the boos disgusting. they are the first mls club to allow fans during the pandemic. a look at your headlines. second it back to you. brian: wait, wait. so you boo the fact that they are kneeling during the national anthem and the players say it's disgusting? unbelievable. you should be lucky you have fans. steve: we will see house. brian: exactly. you just got dissed by the team that you paid money to go support. ainsley: all right. moving on. 7:15 on the east coast. still ahead. a 2-year-old boy fighting stage 4 cancer was supposed to head home to celebrate his birthday. that's until rioters ransacked the chicago charity house where he was staying at the ronald mcdonald house. his parents say it's time for state leaders to step up and their message is next. do it.
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♪ ainsley: 2-year-old cancer patient owen buel was supposed to celebrate his second birthday at home this week. on sunday night rioters attacked the ronald mcdonald house in chicago. smashing the doors and smashing the window ransacking the building all while sick children were inside. the parents join us now. good morning to both of you. >> hi. good morning. ainsley: valerie, tell us what happened. >> basically, we were at the ronald mcdonald's house and owen had an appointment that morning. but we received a phone call from a nurse at larry's children's hospital and they had asked me if i had seen the news yet and i said well, no. what's going on? she said overnight there was
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rioting and protesting in front of the building. we don't want any of the staff or families trying to come to the building to be in any danger or get hurt trying to, you know, get around the glass or whatever might be out there on the street so we would have to reschedule you guys so that meant owen couldn't go home like was planned for his birthday. we had a month long and two week stay at the ronald mcdonald's house. it was like a long time coming. and, you know, it just -- ainsley: brian, our country is dealing with covid. i know you are probably worried about your son with his cancer treatments also getting covid in the hospital. people are losing jobs. you have political unrest in our country. we are in the middle of an election. and now. this now you can't even celebrate your son's birthday. how are you getting through this? how do you feel? >> it's been rough the covid
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pandemic on top of everything has just made everything way worse. staying at the hospitals for some of his chemo visits. only one of us have been able to stay at a time. he only has one parent there. it's just been really rough. ainsley: a lot of challenges. valerie am i understanding you right the ronald mcdonald house said you can't stay here or you were there while the looting was going on. >> we were staying there. ainsley: what was that like? what was going on? was this the middle of the night? >> it was through the middle of the night. we were on the eighth floor. we didn't hear anything because we were so high up. and nobody at the house had told us anything was happening until he went out for coffee. so he had seen the door and mohammedal immediately he was worried how are we going to make it to the appointment. that's when i received the phone call. i'm not going outside with owen.
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we don't know what's out there. >> immediately i seen the front door was like destroyed, started walking down the street. all of the stores everything in the store was gone. all the stores in the surrounding block was crazy. ainsley: unbelievable targeting something like the ronald mcdonald's house that houses people that are displaced they leave their houses to go get treatment for their kid in a different town. they need to stay there and they get hot meals there we were very involved in that in college. so i love the ronald mcdonald house. how is your son doing? tell us about your son. how is he doing now. >> he is doing pretty good. he started with 21 spots of cancer. he had stage 4 neuroblast tomorrowma. now recently he only has three spots of cancer so he is doing really well. ainsley: how many kids do you all have? >> three boys. >> how are the other boys hand links that? so now you are having to find child care for them, too right?
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>> yes. my mom actually stays here at home with them. she does everything that you know, a good grandma does. steve: so sweet. what about the other kids staying on the first floor, second floor. did they know what was going on during the rioting? >> we didn't see any other families so i wouldn't know. i'm sure they did. it was pretty loud. i know you all have big medical bills. i'm reading you owe $1 million and you raised 50. is that accurate? >> i'm not sure the bills aren't probably 1 million but i know that it's probably very high. ainsley: i know that's the last thing you are focused on now. a lot of our viewers would love to help you. a lot of people in the chicago area are donating to some comedians tried to get together and had to do a zoom they couldn't go on stage. listen, we want to help you. so for folks at home go, to our
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website. that's the easiest way. if you go, if you are on your desktop and look in the right-hand corner th website that precious boy so he can grow grow up with his brothers. god bless you both. >> thank you. ainsley: everyone say a prayer for owen. god bless you all. >> thank you. ainsley: first they came for the statues and now they are coming for stiewngted's history books. cancel culture is trying to distort history? america's classrooms. his warning next.
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student's curriculum. campus reform cabot phillips warns in a fox news op-ed portray the united states as an evil nation. he joins us now to conclude our cancel culture series that has run all week. good morning to you, cabot. >> good morning. steve: what is the ultimate goal on campus of campus -- of cancel culture? >> well, the ultimate goal is power and control and completely the narrative that is being taught on campus. and cancel culture is simply a means of achieving that power. they know if they can compel anyone into silence by threatening them and by name-calling that they can get what they want because there won't actually be substantive debates taking place. one of the things i talk about in the op-ed here how around the country the "new york times" 1619 project this idea that america was actually founded to preserve white supremacy and slavery that's being implemented in k through 12 classrooms across the country and no one is
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standing up to it. this is a pulitzer have called a work of fiction but anyone that doubts that, they are instantly called a racist and so this project is being implemented without a fight. we are allowing the "new york times" to educate many of our young people in this country and that fight is not happening because in large part because of cancel culture and that's what's happening to our education system and that's why this is so pervasive and so dangerous. steve: you know, cabot. a couple days ago on this channel we were talking about the textbooks that american kids learn from and the process and whether or not there biases that go into them. for you to say they are using this 1619 project in schools with that really being vetted while your op-ed sites a number of pulitzer prize winning historians that say that the "new york times" reporting simply got it wrong. >> the "new york times" own fact checker has come out publicly and said i raised serious
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questions about some inaccuracies here and i was ignored. look at the response that all those historians that questioned the 1619 project got. they weren't any sort of substantive response. the author said those are just angry old white men. that's what we see with leadership institute campus reform. we have been reporting in the education system how the second you offer any critique you must be a racist. see what happens if you disagree with us you must be a terrible bigot and racist. that's what stifles conversation. that's what keeps expert in the field from speaking up because they don't want to have their careers ruined. parents feel the same way. they don't want to ask about curriculum in student's classroom they don't want to look like they at against the social justice narrative of the left. that's why we do have to be careful what's going on here. steve: a lot of americans don't know their history anymore. put them together and look out below. we will see what happens. cabot, thank you for joining us today. >> absolutely, steve. thank you.
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steve: meanwhile in other news nancy pelosi is bramming republicans for stalled talks on the coronavirus relief. is that true? house minority leader kevin mccarthy is right in the middle of the negotiations and he is our next guest. stick around. ♪ you try to stay ahead of the mess but scrubbing still takes time. now there's powerwash dish spray it's the faster way to clean as you go just spray, wipe and rinse it cleans grease five times faster dawn powerwash. spray, wipe, rinse.
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soon people decided to put all that value into a piece of paper, then proceeded to wave goodbye to value, printing unlimited amounts of money as they passed the buck to the future. that's why it's time for digital currency and your investment in the grayscale funds. go digital. go grayscale. >> my administration different approach. we have urged americans to wear masks. and i emphasized this is a patriotic thing to do morns must have their freedoms and i trust the american people and their governors very much. i trust the american people and the governors want to do the right thing to make the smart decisions. brian: president referring to he started the day by finding out watching joe biden pretending he was president and said if i'm president i would have the whole
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country wear a mask for three months everywhere. i like to bring in minority leader california congressman kevin mccarthy. and not only was joe biden not the president, which made it surreal but he didn't want to play it all out. because usually a president would take questions after making an announcement like that to defend his mandate. this is the way jobe's presser ended. >> what do you think about that? >> pure trump. >> okay, guys,. >> he doesn't want an election. >> okay, let's go, you guys, come on. >> with the small press corps, one just asked a question and they were thrown out the door how long can this go on? kevin mccarthy? >> well, the one thing you should say if joe biden was president, we would still be debating whether planes from china should be coming to america instead of discussing the six vaccines we have about ready to go through barda and
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600 therapeutics about to come online. that's the fundamental difference. joe biden doesn't want to take the questions. if you ask him the tough questions, he was opposed to stops those flights from china that saved thousands of lives in america. this is a really difficult problem for joe biden, especially if you ask him any questions or if he came out of the basement. ainsley: what's going on with the next stimulus package? so many people are not able to pay their bills and house and senate not back until september. >> this is so frustrating. but, remember, this is something that nancy pelosi has done every step of the way. if you go back to the cares act. remember that moment in time when we were about to vote on it and she flew in at night and stopped the process for more than a week to get more money for the lincoln center or the kennedy center? or remember the time that we had that money for small business, the ppp that would pay for those workers that was -- it was so popular that we were going to run out of money. so we warned ahead of time, let's put more in and she stood
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in front of a refrigerator and said no? every single time the pattern is she wants to stop any legislation from moving forward to harm the economy to try to win an election. instead of putting the american public first, she is putting her politics. that is wrong. and that is really the stumbling block. her own -- her number two steny hoyer has said many times this is not the red line when you are talking about unemployment insurance. but then nancy pelosi says it is. she wants to make the threshold so high that you can't get something done. that's why i applaud the president. he won't play that political game. he took action when pelosi wanted to continue to stop it, so he made sure those people and prioritizing their paychecks instead of the pot that nancy pelosi wants to see in her legislation. steve: of course, leader mccarthy, the biggest story this week is kamala harris was selected by joe biden to be his running mate that stunned a lot of people because she has really
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crushed joe biden over about the last nine months before the primaries in soundbites like this. >> on the hide amendment, vice president, where you made a decision for years to withhold resources to poor women to have access to reproductive healthcare. >> i believe him and i respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it. >> do you believe that the vice president should enter the race. >> he is going to have to make that decision for himself. >> you also worked with him to oppose busing. and there was a little girl in california who was part of the second class to integrate her public school, and she was bused to school every day. and that little girl was me. steve: she was very effective at that particular debate and people went oh, let's see what happens. now we know after she said all those things he picked her.
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>> yeah. it's amazing. you wonder how bad she wants the job or she cares about her own philosophy or principles. let's first look at who kamala harris is. i'm from california. i watched kamala harris glow up. i watched her be a attorney. if you look at san francisco sky high tax, sanctuary city. sidewalks people don't want to walk. in because of her policies people are fleeing the city today. that is -- could be the results 8 years from now. also remember there were things that kamala harris and joe biden did agree upon on that stage. they both raised their hands to take away your private health insurance. they both believe that they could take that health insurance and give it to an illegal instead of an american. so, she was rated the most socialist member of the senate. more than bernie sanders. more than elizabeth warren. that is the kamala harris that people need to understand. those are the policies that she
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implemented in san francisco. those are the problems that we see coming forward with america and she doesn't even respect the person from the fundamental principles of what she said on the campaign stage of joe biden. she questioned whether he should even stay in the race based upon believing the women. so how can she even support this man but her own policies is not something we want for america. it would not only dismaget and destroy they want to defund. we watched what she has done with the police officers and the rule of law. we are watching what's happening looting around this country. we don't need that to go further. brian: lastly, just in the last few seconds, nancy pelosi goes from 3.4 to 2 trillion. shouldn't the republicans move, too? they were at 1 trillion? >> well, let's actually talk about that. because there is more than a trillion dollars right now that has already been appropriated that hasn't been outlaid. wouldn't you want to do the smart thing? wouldn't you want to not waste money? if there is already a trillion sitting there that's more than
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100 billion for the states, why wouldn't you use that? or more than 100 billion for small businesses? is it because the trial lawyers do not want to see liability protection for the schools and the small businesses that you would make an excuse to hold it up one more time? remember when we had to get liability protection for 3m just to sell us masks. the democrats said not first time. she held that up even. every single time there has been a common denominator in every bill we have done to protect us from covid and it's been nancy pelosi holding it up. be it her refrigerator. be it her flying in on a sunday night. it be standing with the trial lawyers. she is doing it one more time. even though we have a trillion dollars sitting there that we can take that we have already appropriated to meet her number, even, she refuses in washington but i'm still here. ainsley: congressman, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. jillian head headlines for us. > jillian: new body camera released of george floyd's death. former officer control agitated
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by standers. >> he is not responsive right now, bro. look at him, is he not responsive right now, bro. >> lawyer asking for the charges of aiding and abetting murder be dropped claiming he did not have a full view of what former minneapolis officers derek chauvin, thomas ellayna and jay alexander king were doing. the united states postal service warning pennsylvania some mail-in ballots may not be delivered on time. the usps saying the state's election deadlines are too tight for delivery standards. election officials are now asking the state supreme court to extend the deadline to avoid disenfranchising voters. two beams of light remembering one of our country's darkest days will not shine this year. the tribute in light illuminating the night sky where the twin towers once stood honoring 9/11 victims. organizers citing covid-19 health risks are too great for its large crew to produce the annual district safely.
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instead, several buildings across new york city will be lit up in blue. a classical cat plays a perfect pitch just before dinner time. watch this. >> when is dinner time? [meowing] >> you have to wait. >> winslow the musically inclined feline pounding paws on piano telling his owners is he hungry. he started as a vocalist later trained on the piano to stop his constant meowing. i think he wants to be a solo artist. he wants to do it all. steve: that's fantastic. ainsley: he uses the piano to clean his face, too. steve: as we paws. [sighs] steve: turn to adam klotz weather bunker. hey adam. adam: good morning, guys. the forecast across the country
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continues to be all about the heat that we have seen lingering. these are your daytime highs. dallas 105 degrees today. 117 degrees in phoenix. no surprise when you see that kind of heat stretch from the plains back off towards the west. there is going to be a lot of heat, watches, warnings, advisories. it is going to be hot all the way through the weekend. phoenix 115 degrees through next week. a lot of extreme heat. look a look at the tropical storm josephin josephine 40 milr winds. fall apart. this one won't be making landfall. still in the heart of tropical season. back out to you. brian: all right. adam. thank you so much. big ten and other conferences canceling fall sports. purdue university head coach joins us live next.
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sacked big ten and pac-12 canceled fall sports. one big ten football coach isn't going to fumble his season away pun intended. plan coming up for 8 game spring season that will give his seniors one more chance at glory and give his players another chance to develop. here to break it down with a man with the plan. how have your practices been going to date. when did you start? how have your players been handling the pandemic? >> actually our practices have been going very well. and i think, you know, getting our guys here on campus in a safe environment that we have been able to manage with social distancing with spreading things out with sterile saling's. constant cleaning. we have done a very good job. i think probably most campuses around the country have done a pretty good job as well. some of the issues that we ran into is controlling what they do when they leave the facility. and those are things that you talk about and you try management but, in the end, they have to control it themselves. brian: are students coming back to school? >> yes, students are going to
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come back to school here at purdue. start up the next couple weeks and it will be back to normal. brian: your students come back full time. you have been practicing full time. so the only thing that happened was somebody outside decided you should not play. your conference should not play. what went into that decision? how do you feel about it? >> well, i would say this. as coaches and players. we wanted to play and we thought we were doing everything in our power to make that happen. you know, it really wasn't until last saturday coming off of the practice field that we caught some information that all the medical experts and the big ten task force got with our commissioner and presidents and explained i guess in more detail what they thought about going forward in the future. and that's when the big ten continued to helmet only practices they continued to put the period for a little bit longer so they could discuss it more. we knew some things were up and it was on tuesday that the decided to vote it down. all i can say i assume they had
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more information than we did. i hope they were making a responsible decision we have to trust in our leadership and move forward. brian: who is being more responsible the sec, west point or the big ten? we are about to find out. coach, you have a plan b. your plan is for a spring season 8 games. tell us what you are proposing. >> well, i know our seniors and our football players or. disappointed they can't get to play. i think they deserve a right to get it done. a lot of people talk about wanting to play football. i wanted to put something together and be proactive and make sure that that happened. so i just put together a plan that after, you know, at least about six months of getting more information and research and more testing and ability to set up better protocols. possibly a vaccine, that we could get this thing going and i'm hopeful that that can happen. brian: 8 games. you talk to other teams. do you think the field of eligibility will bavailability .
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>> play at our reason owen venues late february early march. playoffs at the end. i have know that for sure can happen. there are other plans throughout to get this done. i'm going to support whatever the big ten thinks is the best option going forward. i do think we can play football and time to find a way to get back to doing that coach, what happens if these kids can't play this year? >> it will be disappointing and something that i think we will let them down. so, you know, as coaches, we want to put together the best proposal and plan to get that done. like i said, i don't know all the medical information. maybe there is things that i don't know and i'm not an expert on. but we want to find a way to make it work. i think by constant education. by constant improvement of the protocols and testing, we can get that done. and, you know, whether we move the season back was the talk a little bit i know the conferences doing to buy more time proceed forward and get this done in the spring.
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brian: you are leading your team but you can't divide their fate and trying to have a say in their future. no can discredit your effort, coach. i'm sorry this happened to your guys and it's too bad. we will find out who is right, lsu or purdue. i guess, shortly. we are going to see some football. we are not going to see all of football. thanks, coach. >> okay. thank you. brian: hope that works in the spring. coming up in the final hour we have general jack keane on the middle east new proposal with israel. no longer the cut cast. judge jeanine here live and geraldo rivera on law and order in america. meet the newest "fox & friends" host. going to be exciting. ♪ ... exactly. no problem... and done
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unless it's instituted the mask mandate nationwide, it's not about right. >> he said people outdoors should be wearing masks. what's the science behind that recommendation because the transmission level for this virus is significantly less outdoors. brian: president trump negotiat ing a historic peace deal. shortly after the announcement joe biden actually tried to take credit. >> the reality is that the obama administration abandon ed israel. >> a chicago prosecutor approving at least 42 felony charges connected to the protest >> we want to send a message that is our town. >> bill barr hinting at new developments in the durham probe today. >> the american people need to know what actually happened that
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there are going to be significant developments before the election. >> stimulus talk again has stalled on capitol hill. >> nancy pelosi needs to come back from recess and negotiate. >> she wants to stop any legislation from moving forward, to harm the economy, to try to win an election. >> ♪ ♪ steve: we're on our way toward the weekend! it's the final hour of "fox & friends" grab your coffee we are ready to go and by the way you will meet in this hour the brand new host of fox & friends weekend, will cane and will is a familiar face. there, oh, there we were, back in the day about 10 years ago. he's had all sorts of great broadcasting experience, and he's going to be a presence on your tv every weekend, starting and there he was sitting in the chair i'm sitting in, in a
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practice, starting tomorrow. ainsley: right before brian, before we went to break. brian said you're going to meet the new host of ox fox & friends " and i said are one of you all leaving? brian: the thing is it's a franchise and it never stops they got eight hours over the weekend that's more than most people work all week long and will cain will be here. steve: most people work more than eight hours a week. brian: i think so. but, we will not get within six feet of him but we are happy he's going to be here. ainsley: yes we are we'll introduce you to him coming up but first president trump accusing joe biden of politiciz ing the pandemic after he calls for a national mask mandate. steve: he's started some ads with just that. mr. biden says every american should wear a mask for the next three months, and america could save 40,000 lives, he says. brian: i don't think he's president. for more if he's president or not, to find out yes or no, griff jenkins is live in washington with the reaction. griff: good morning, brian, ainsley and steve. i can confirm he's not president at least not yet. we have another 82 days ago that
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mandate coming to you from wilmington. biden who suggested back in june if you remember he would consider using executive powers to require mask wearing in public issuing now a call on governors nationwide to take the lead. >> every single american should be wearing a mask when they're outside for the next three months at a minimum. the estimates are we'll save over 40,000 lives in the next three months if that is done. griff: his newly-named runningmate kamala harris. >> that's what real leadership looks like. we just witnessed will read ship and the thing about joe that the american people know is that his role of leadership in our country has always been about doing what's best for the people of our country. griff: all of
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them are run by republican governors and at the white house president trump defended vigorously his administration's approach urging americans to mask up and governors to use their best discretion. president trump: to joe i would say stop playing politics with the virus. we've entrusted the governors of each state, elected by the people, to develop and enforce thin ore mask policies and other policies. griff: as for the voters in a brand new fox news poll 74% said they favor requiring everyone to wear a mask outside their house, while 21% opposed now back to biden's mandate, he did not specify if he would enact it federally if elected or calling on president trump to do it right now neither he nor hard us took any questions about it yesterday. ainsley: thanks so much griff. so let's bring in geraldo rivera fox news correspondent at large and our friend. geraldo: nice to see you. steve, brian how are you? ainsley: we're good. we want to get your reaction to
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this mask mandate. you've got biden saying mask mandate for three months and president trump saying let me leave it up to the governors masks are not a bad thing but it's up to the governors i don't want to infringe on the rights of americans. what do you say? geraldo: can i first say that the saddest story i've heard this morning is the decision not to light the lights that were the twin towers on 9/11. you know, my last house in new york was in edgewood, right by the george washington bridge. i look right down to the world trade center site and to see the beams of light is something that was always stirring to me and reminiscent of that sad occasion how americans rose to the occasion and i think most importantly, what that symbolize, the fact that they have abandoned that nobel project for 9/11 is a kind of a surrender in new york city, a giving up that the things that made the city great are suddenly disappearing.
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it's not just these, you know, these great events but all the cultural institutions and so forth, so humbleed. people are scared, renters, you know, fleeing, owners can't get the price they want for their apartments, so i think that this has been a study and mall administration its just been a horrible reaction to this terrible plague. i feel very very melancholy about i hate to bum you out on friday, but -- steve: no but we've been talking about it as well, geraldo. the 9/11 memorial and museum also canceled the live reading of the names which is a head scratcher. here is the statement about why they're canceling the tribute. they say that is the world's most beloved twin beams of light will not shine over lower manhattan's part of this years 9/11 commemoration. this incredibly difficult decision was reached in consultation with our partners after concluding the health risk during the pandemic were far too great for the large crew
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required to produce the annual tribute in light. we hope to resume the iconic tribute for the 20th anniversary geraldo a large crew. how many people does it take maybe 20 people to stage that thing? we know you wear a mask. you socially distance. we see crews all the time. when i drove up this morning i mentioned it earlier there are 25 guys half a block away from us doing work in the middle of the street and so they can fix a gigantic pothole on sixth avenue but they can't turn on a light? come on! geraldo: see , to me, steve, what that indicates is a kind of a symbolism. you could put people in 20 people in hazmat suits if you had to to get the lights going to get the tribute going, but this is like, i believe the biden/harris commandment that everybody regardless of state or rural suburban, urban -- steve: geraldo do you think this
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is political? geraldo: i do, yes. it has the stink to me of politics and of let's stick it to the president. let's make life as grimace we possibly can and then try to saddle donald trump with the responsibility for it. i think that it's really and in its essence it's the harshest kind of partisan politics that you could possibly imagine. i think that if you put 10 experts together regardless of their party and said can you light these lights with reasonable safety, you know there's always a danger a bulb will blowout or you step on your toe or something, i would submit respectfully that with all of the rules we have on social distancing, the protective equipment we have , we send doctors into the icu for god sake, they come out without infection. i think that this is a surrender and it is, you know, this in a way, this leads into the
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discussion of urban disorder , law and order, violence that is besetting our great cities. the murder, this comes, this is part in parcel of the urban america surrender that i think is part politics and i think the politics part of it stinks. you have to get rid of that. let's clear the air, let's science talk, and stop doing the , you know, these flamboyant gestures that are truly designed to stick it to the president of the united states. brian: i walked to the train every day. yesterday, i noticed not one other person was wearing a suit. nobody is working. there's no indoor dining. there's no gyms. there's no retail. there's no one to shop, there's no one to work. the whole city is filled with homeless, vagrants, and beggers and nobody's working and i have to wonder what the heck is going on here.
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also, 13,000 apartments are now empty in manhattan, a 14-year high, prices have dropped significantly and now new leases have fallen 23%, and no sign of anything changing in january. this is titanic, and here is what the president said after witnessing and hearing about what's happening, he says over the last six months what's happened is insane, so we're going to try very hard to win new york, i'll bring down tax, i'll make sure that new york city is a safe place. i mean, this is our cherished diamond of this country, we can't let this happen to new york. is new york in play, geraldo? geraldo: well, you know, the president and i came up together as , you know, brian i've known him since the mid 1970s and i've watched his optimism and some of his grand gestures over time. this might be a stretch. new york has had in recent memory republican governors, pit aki was the most recent, governor rockefeller before him, you had two great republican mayors in new york city, guiliani and bloomberg,
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but the best as far as i know in recent years has been george w. bush in 2004 he got about 40% of the new york state vote. i think the president will do well in many congressional districts on long island. he's from queens which of course is on long island and in the near suburbs north of new york and then upstate new york, but to win when you have such a tremendous pool of democrats in new york, he won staten island, but the other four should overwhelmingly go, even hillary clinton won by over 20% so i think it is a stretch. i like that the president is bringing it to his political foe s in their own home territory. that's a good sign, but i would guess, you know, and new york you could have a vote and they would vote to abolish the united states army. you know? it's a very very very blue dark dark dark blue place and i think that the president may be
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overreaching but i like his attitude and the best defense is a good offense, so i like it. steve: it's a very empty place now. all right. brian: a lot of absentee ballots geraldo: it's sad. all my friends are stuck there. they want to sell. no one is going to buy. you had a $500,000 apartment, now it's worth $300,000. steve: they want to move to cleveland like you, geraldo. geraldo: here i am. come to cleveland, everybody. real estate is still very reasonable, nice people and a swing state so your vote really counts here so come on down. steve: work for the chamber of commerce. ainsley: you left at the right time geraldo and you probably got premium prices where everyone else is losing money now. geraldo: i did. brian: how much did you get? ainsley: [laughter] all right geraldo, have a great weekend. geraldo: lebron left, i came. i had to prop up the city. ainsley: tell the family hello. have a good weekend. all right, jillian is upstairs with headlines. she thought that was funny. jillian: sorry, distracting, good morning guys let's start off with a fox news alert now.
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the u.s. is starting to make a coronavirus strain to potentially use in vaccine trials. reuters reporting healthy volunteers be infected with the strain after being vaccinated. these trials would not replace larger scale vaccine tests including those underway in the u.s.. the trump adminitration stepping up its maximum pressure campaign and overnight the u.s. seizing four cargo vessels transporting iranian fuel to venezuela. it cuts off a supply chain that both countries have flaunted defying u.s. sanctions. the vessels are being redirected to houston where white house officials are waiting. overnight, two wildfires raging in southern california. triple digit temperatures making it hard to fight the flames. the lake fire destroying more than 11,000-acres so far north of la. homes turning into ash with hundreds of evacuations underway not far from there the ranch fire torching more than 3,000- acres. this one, 0% contained. and then look at this on your screen.
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this incredible video of firefighters saving an american flag from those flames. lowering it down from that flag pole and folding it up. that is really incredible video to look at. ainsley: that is awesome. taking the flag. steve: thank you,ville yankees. exactly 14 minutes after the top of the hour on this friday. did you see this yesterday? really big news. a historic peace agreement reached between israel and the uae, so how much closer are we to peace between israel and their neighbors, the palestinian s? retired four star general jack keane says this is a big step, he will explain why, next. ♪
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the agreement that president trump and prime minister benjamin netanyahu reached yesterday it was an important step forward for middle east stability, something president trump has put at the top of his agenda. i know we talked with our european counter parts often about how to do this. it was a good moment for the world and its security. brian: secretary of state mike pompeo just moments ago touting the trump adminitration's effort in the middle east as the president brokers a major diplomatic agreement between the israelis and the united arab emirate. here to weigh in and put it all
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in perspective, fox news ceo and strategic analyst retired four star general jack keane. general, we haven't had a deal since 1994. that is significant but what changes now that this is at least agreed upon in principle? >> well, first of all, i mean, it is very significant and it is historic and it represents a geo political paradigm shift. nothing will ever compare to the egyption israeli deal and why is that? because that ended the arab/ israeli wars, period, full stop, but this represents a huge geopolitical advance towards stability, security, and prosperity in the region, and it's largely driven by iran. iran is pushing the arabs closer to israel. its been happening for over 10 years and president trump came in and signaled that the
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absolute geopolitical shift in july of 2017 when he spoke before 55 leaders, his first trip, and he said, i stand with you in alliance against the number one strategic threat in the region iran, and that began the geopolitical shift, and permitted the negotiations to take place. the administration actually wanted a middle east strategic alliance, but the gulf states could not agree, and then they began to work on individual alliances by formalizing relations and give credit to the administration, but listen, brian. we got to give a lot of credit to prime minister benjamin netanyahu and mohammed of the u ae. they are both bold, innovative leaders who are risk averse and they represent the most advanced nation states in the middle east they are innovative, they have
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the most sophisticated societies , the most mature civil societies, and for them to come together, and set an example for the other arab states is really just as i said, it is a major paradigm shift. brian: they have to exchange ambassadors, have tourists between the countries and possibly trade assigning ceremonies in the white house and one thing they both cited is president trump, they both trusted him to pull something together, and not have some surprise at the end. the other thing is benjamin netanyahu was moving towards annexing portions of the west bank. he says i'm not going to do that now or at least temporarily. that was an interesting hedge that he came up with, correct? >> well that concession had to be made and we didn't have a deal, and i think it'll last for as long as benjamin netanyahu is there for sure. the military was opposed to the an ex, he had political opposition to it. the far right certainly wanted the annexation, but this gives him political backing because
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it's a peace overture. it's adding to stability and security and i believe his successor who we all know will also support it. brian: keep your analyst hat on for a second and if you would tell me what you think about the president's proclamation yesterday. he said when i'm re-elected i will have a deal with iran in 30 days because they're trying to weight him out right now as the president's theory but yet they did cut a deal, iran, with china, just that might stabilize them somewhat for now. what do you think? is the president roughly right on that? >> well yes. the deal with china is also a very significant alignment, and it does help the iranians somewhat economically, but it's not going to change the fact that their economies in the tank , that there's major major civil unrest in the country even reflected in routine now insurgency-type explosions throughout the country, and the reality is that iran has never been so
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internationally isolated, not just in the region but in the world and the pressure on the regime is very significant. they're on their heels and i believe they'll see it the pathway forward is some kind of negotiated settlement with the united states if they're dealing with the trump adminitration over the next four years. likely not in the first 30 days. i think that's very optimistic but the iranians, i think, will see that as the pathway forward and look at, they're holding back on military escalation, because they fear what would happen to them if they did escalate military particularly after the death of soulemani. brian: they know and the word is john kerry has been telling them hold on, i'm coming back to bring the deal back so hold on tight. that's what the american people have to decide what policy they want and this is an interesting thing and i'm very curious to see what the next country is and if it's going to happen before election day general jack keane thanks so much. >> good talking to you brian.
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brian: great analysis as usual, meanwhile attorney general barr hinted new developments in the john durham probe that could come out as soon as today. judge jeanine jeanine pirro heard that quickly and got dressed and is coming on the show. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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steve: well the coronavirus reek ing havoc on the commercial construction business. brian: questions now being raised on whether new office high rises make sense if work from home becomes the new normal ainsley: gosh can you believe this? jeff flock from our sister network is live in chicago with more on what they're calling building bust. jeff? >> reporter: yeah, ainsley it's a big question right now, how much office space we're going to need and consequently new office space in jeopardy. i come to you from the scene of chicago's latest new office tower under construction. it's something that will be called the salesforce tower that's a company that does customer relations management it's a cloud-based company in san francisco, but they'll have a 60-story tower here and i think we've got a picture of what it looks like. the question is how many more of these kind of buildings can there really be if we don't have as much need for office space? take a look at the numbers on what they call non-residential
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construction. this is not new homes under construction but the big buildings we're talking about. that was down 22% so far this year. there was some positive news in the last month or so, when it started to tick up a little bit but now with the new concerns about coronavirus, also has put a chill again in construction, so not good news for the economy there, folks. steve: and it's not just covid, jeff it's also law enforcement. we saw what happened there in chicago. >> reporter: absolutely this town, absolutely right, steve. steve: thank you very much, sir great reporting. meanwhile, the attorney general bill barr last night with shawn hannity hinted developments in durham's probe into the origins of the russia investigation could happened to. >> we need to get the story of what happened in 2016 and 2017 now and if people involved in that activity violated the criminal law, they will be charged. there are going to be
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developments, significant developments before the election but we're not doing this on the election schedule. what's dictating the timing of this are developments in the case. ainsley: well here to react is host of justice with judge jeanine and author of that book right there the upcoming book " don't lie to me" judge jeanine pirro good morning to you, judge >> good morning, guys. ainsley: good morning what's your reaction to this. he says it's not going to be earth shattering at least what happens today. >> right, right. well you know, i'm always impressed with bill barr. the guy is, he never gets emotional about anything. he's just a straight shooter. he doesn't, he's not the kind of guy that reacts to things or gets emotional. what he said last night was two things on shawn hannity's show. he said number one the american people are going to know what happened in the buildup to the 2017 election and what happened immediately thereafter. he said they will know the story he said and number two, he said if people cross the line, they're going to be charged.
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now he said there's going to be a development today by john durham. it's not going to be earth shattering which suggests, you know, we're probably not talking about the fisa court stuff, which goes to the very essence of the corruption of the obama administration and trying to take down a presidential candidate, so it won't be earth shattering but he did say that probably, before the election, by the end of summer, that something significant may happen and in the end he said i'm not going to determine john durham's investigation by the election and it make sense because he appointed john durham in may of 2019 so it generally takes good year especially in a case that has global ramifications. there are witnesses all over the globe in this case and we knew that he traveled around the globe to meet with certain witnesses, so bill barr is on the case. john durham whose another straight shooter that has kept
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everything close to the vest, you have no idea what he's doing and you won't know about it until today, so i'm really excited to hear what will happen steve: but he's under a lot of pressure, because you get too close to the election, you know, we remember what james comey did like 15 minutes before the 2016 election, regarding hillary clinton's e-mail, although barr also made it very clear yesterday, judge, he said because i've said this does not involve barack obama, nor joe biden, the p employee who are under investigation, are not really public figures so these are going to be people at a lower level who did the job. >> well there's no question. i mean, he's made it clear that you won't do anything inappropriate. i think that was the word he used, before the election, but steve, you're absolutely right. since biden's not involved, obama is not involved, you know, there will be, i believe indictments. there has to be indictments as far as i'm concerned based upon the fraud, upon the fisa
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court, and you know, he's not dictated by the election. he's going to do it when the evidence is there, and do you know what? this is a guy who is to the wall he doesn't care what anyone says and john durham i get the sense is even tougher so when they put it together, we'll hear about it and they don't care about everyone else's concerns. brian: i don't know who has a better background, my background with the flag or your background with the flag. i say yours because yours is waving but you have put together a heck of a show over -- >> no but i can see yours. brian: no but it's kind of still it's no wind. steve: it's a painting. >> yeah but it's brighter. it's brighter. brian: but yours is actually waving. steve: judge jeanine, you have to give your book a raise. i don't know how much he or she is making but you have lara trump, congressman doug collins, mike huckabee if he's not too exhausted from hosting for laura, and dan bongino, and hershell walker one
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of them used to break a lot of tackles. are you going to get everybody on? >> absolutely we're going to get everybody on. it's a quick-moving show with a lot of energy and a lot of people are excited to be on. you know, justice is the kind of show where we try on a saturday night to bring people information but also to let them laugh once in a while too, so i'm always excited with my team, and we have a great team so there. you'll be watching, brian? brian: of course that's why i have cable for your show. answer all right you'll have a lot to cover we'll find out what happened with the durham probe and you'll be talking about that over the weekend. >> today, today and by the way can i say one thing ainsley? ainsley: sure of course. >> don't lie. okay, so this peace deal between the uae and israel is just so historic. i'm so proud of what this president has done. i just had to say it. that's all. ainsley: thank you so much, judge, good to see you. we'll be watching. well, you seen him before on fox & friends and now, fast forward,
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that they don't matter. and, i feel like my grandmother didn't matter. last time i saw my grandmother, we weren't going to be allowed in the hospital. we asked if we could video chat her, and everyone could say a little something. we gathered as a family and we prayed. but the fact that she was alone, it just breaks my heart. >> ♪ we are family, i got all my sisters and me ♪ brian: this is a tribute to the 1979 pirates yes there's a new member of the "fox & friends" family. ainsley: that's right he is no stranger to the curvy couch and tomorrow he's officially hopping on board full time as one of our weekend co-hosts. steve: that's right but first before we introduce you to that man live, right there, seen on the curvy couch 10 years ago
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let's get to know him, ladies and gentlemen, will cain. >> and now, will the thrill cai n! >> [applause] >> ♪ ♪ >> america, "fox & friends" get ready for will cain >> welcome to the show, will cain. >> point of no return. >> i don't know what i'm getting myself into. >> its been seven years but pete, jedediah and i hads are back together. i don't consider myself a partisan. i definitely consider myself someone who loves america. >> all the veterans, thank you. >> law school had nothing on the dinner table at the cain house old, arguing over current events, debating issues with my family. >> it's not so compelling. >> okay well i like you keeping me in check. >> a pretty traditional american upbringing. my mom was a homemaker.
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my dad was an attorney. ever since i was a kid i basically wanted to be my dad. played soccer, baseball, i played football all the time. i was a competitive swimmer. i walked on to the water polo team at pepperdine university. i got in trouble a lot. >> [laughter] >> mostly, for fighting with my brother. i'm the oldest of four. i have two brothers and a sister i love my siblings. we fought a lot. we're competitive. i'm competitive. sometimes i'm a little too competitive. >> never. >> i mean, is he serious right now? >> i love the dallas cowboys. i love texas. i miss texas. i brainwashed my children into believing they're actually from texas. i don't know if i've successfully texafied new york but i certainly have become new yorkified. my wife is a texan as well and some of the first people to pioneer west texas. we have two boys charlie is 12
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and wes is 9 and i'm very pleasantly surprised being a dad is so core to who i want to be. i take that job really seriously , but actually, i love it. it is fun. i always wanted to challenge myself, i worked for a landscaper and i later went to law school and worked at firms, i worked on a ranch in montana. i started a magazine but what i needed to do was be passionate about what i was doing. that launched me into doing television here at fox. >> today on our political panel , will cain. >> i was on "fox & friends." i was on "hahn" it" and spent several years as the conservative analyst, i had the will cain show on espn radio until in the past few months led to me joining fox news. >> i can tell you that it is the best place to do tv. pete: once we get back to true
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form, get ready for marching bands, obstacle courses, summer concerts, eating contests. >> i'm so excited honestly. i really am. if i have a motto or golden rule, it is tell the truth. the job, our job, is simply to tell the truth. >> truly there is a market open for authenticity. >> you know i'm honest i'm always honest. >> fox news is a place that i believe is also dedicated to pursuing the truth and open to people of differing viewpoints. i hope the viewers at "fox & friends" know that i can laugh at myself and i'll make pete and jedediah laugh at themselves but when it comes to the issues important to this country i'll be dedicated to absolutely pursuing the truth. steve: ladies and gentlemen, there he is. will cain. will, welcome to the family! ainsley: yes. >> ainsley, steve, brian. steve: you know, hold on, will. do we have a microphone for will are we going to give him a microphone tomorrow? >> i'm already not being heard?
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brian: wow! we say we don't squelch anybody's voice. steve: we showed just a moment ago. brian: that was the best video i've ever seen of someone's biography. how do you live up to that, will steve: he can't answer yet. will as it turns out, we made him disappear during his debut. he's thinking why the heck did i leave the other place? so the "fox & friends" appearance was your first tv appearance and will, i think the microphone is now on you. ten years later you joined the family. how's it feel? >> test, test, test, is america ready to hear me now? ainsley, brian, steve thank you for having me on to the team. yes, steve. fox & friends, the first time i was ever on national television i think the real question is who made the decision to let that guy with the long hair on to fox , i don't know. ainsley: i thought you looked great and good with the beard. did you have to shave the beard when you got the fox & friends job or like i want to be clean
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shaved for the job? >> will: it wasn't a have to, ainsley, fond told me that i needed to. it felt like the right thing to do. brian: so you took a cross-country trip? >> will: i did. we just got back a few weeks ago , brian. 7,000 miles, 15 states, we saw most of the west, five national parks, friends and family across the country. honestly, it was incredible. not just how beautiful america is, but the people and we got to spend time as a family talking about our values, listening to audio books, like sam houston, the alamo of injure and having fun together. it was absolutely amazing. ainsley: where are you from in texas? >> will: from a small town called sherman, texas north of dallas. steve: and we just saw it in that great setup piece your background so you're not only a broadcaster, you're politically interesting. you also are a small business owner, and you as well an attorney. you went to pepperdine, but i love the idea that you were a
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ranch hand. how did that happen? >> will: i'll try to make this story short for you, steve but it works like this. when i graduated law school i wanted to write. i knew it was something i wanted to do but if i was going to spend some time writing i wanted to move some place amazing. i read travels with charlie by john steinbeck, i watched lonesome dove, and both of them show montana as the ultimate last best place in america so i moved to montana, no real destination, found a wonderful family, worked for them, they were hunting outfitters and ranchers and it was one of the most amazing years of my life. brian: did they adopt you? >> will: well not officially. i'm still officially a cain and texan but yeah they took me into the family and as much as i loved montana and the work i loved my montana family as well. ainsley: did you learn to fly fish? >> will: ainsley i love fly fishing i have fly fished in almost five to seven states. i caught zero fish. zero fish.
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i made bad fly fishing. ainsley: well a river runs through it another good movie. lonesome dove. i'll have to watch that this weekend. >> will: well carve out six hours it's long. ainsley: so you start this weekend right? >> will: i do, we start tomorrow, pete, jedediah, i can't wait. i'm so excited to be back with these two to be on fox news. we'll have fun, pursue the truth i can't wait for tomorrow. brian: you know it's four hours, right? it never ends the show. the other thing to keep in mind is we should keep in mind as viewers you guys know each other well from another show, another network right? >> will: that's right, some years ago we spent every night around a table debating the issues that were important in that days news cycle. you know, you three know this , okay? chemistry is one of those things that every television executive would like to think he can create but it's often magical. it takes trust, and confidence and mutual respect. i can say walking into the three of us have those three characteristics. i again you inly like these two people, and i trust them and i respect their points of view. that does not mean i'm going to always agree with them, but i
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truly trust and respect them. ainsley: i like what you said you have to tell the truth and i like what you said about being a dad. it is so much fun and that's exactly how i feel working with all of you all. we tell the truth, and we have a lot of fun doing it. brian: what did you think about the other stuff he said? ainsley: i did not like it at all. steve: all right, will people are going to tune in tomorrow to watch you and the rest of the weekend team starting at 6:00 a.m. through 10:00 a.m. let's see if they return on your microphone. >> will: thank you guys. ainsley: welcome to the family you'll love it. brian: bring your own batteries. steve: meanwhile, kamala harris shifting stance on certain hot button issues and it's leaving some voters confused we'll break it all down and see if it'll resonate with folks, but first let's check in with sandra smith with a preview of coming attractions. >> sandra: steve a huge welcome to will and from one fly fisher to another, tight line. look forward to having him on the team. huge foreign policy win for the white house, president trump announcing a peace deal with israel, and the uae. will other countries follow suit we'll ask white house senior
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advisor jared kushner he will be our guest live 9:30 a.m. eastern time. plus charlie hurt on the race for the white house, now trump and biden pulling on the economy how are they polling on other hot button issues and a preview of the dnc what is the next two weeks of conventions actually look like? plus chris wallace is coming up live, join us live from america 's news room happy friday , everybody see you top of the hour. it's time for the biggest sale of the year on the new sleep number 360 smart bed what if i sleep hot? ...or cold?
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steve: kamala harris this weekend announced as joe biden's runningmate so where does she stand on the issues let's bring in lee carter. good morning to you, lee. >> good morning, great to see you this morning. steve: we've got quick sound bites and i'm going to get your quick reaction here is the senator talking about border crossing. >> someone crosses over the border illegally it is illegal and you'd decriminalize it. >> i would not make it a crime punishable by jail. steve: okay. who lines that? >> well, there's a lot of folks that are more on the progressive side that actually support that a lot of people want more open borders and have this decriminal ized so this plays very well to the left base, not playing as well with independence who do
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want stronger border patrol. steve: let's see if this sound bite will electrify independence it's medicare for all. >> everyone gets access to medical care, and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give you approval, going through the paperwork all of the delay that may require. let's eliminate all of that. steve: and the problem is a lot of people like their companies. >> a lot of people like their companies and this is a big issue for kamala harris. when she was running, just let's not forget when she changed her position on medicare for all when she went more progressive that's when her support plummetted at the end she only had 15% support and part of it was because of issues like this. we'll have to see where biden and kamala harris stand on these issues. people aren't necessarily sure, only one-third of voters right now have any idea where they stand on the issues. they have to make a big case now steve: sure because of coronavirus a lot of people have not been paying attention but now with the dnc starting on monday people are going to be engaged real quickly. it all comes down to the
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independents and right now, where are they headed? >> you know what? it's really up in the air when you look at popularity for kamala harris and joe biden, it's not that different than donald trump, despite what everybody says. donald trump's popularity is at 41%, biden is at 44%, kamala harris is at 37%, kamala harris is not the most popular person out there. steve: let's see where it goes, lee thank you very much for joining us. >> great thanks so much. steve: we'll step aside back in a couple. from prom dresses... soccer practices... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination.
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>> don't forget to watch over the weekend. starting monday the dnc, speeches monday night. we'll cover it all. if you have some time at 12:00 i'll be at "outnumbered" in the same outfit on behalf of steve and ainsley, bye. >> have a good weekend. >> get out of the way, get out of the way. >> sandra: a chaotic scene in washington, d.c. police breaking up a late night protest there. crowds had been marching for hours through the streets in the northwest part of the district. at least one person was arrested. all of this as we follow the situation on the ground in portland where state troopers have now ended their protection of a federal courthouse. we'll have more on that in just a moment. >> every single american should be wearing
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