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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 15, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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it's not what i believe but what you prove you believe. is out next week and it will help you make your case and move others close to a new way of thinking. thank you for joining us tonight. o talk to the stakeholders tomorrow. ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino with jesse watters, greg gutfeld, marie harf, katie pavlich. it's 5:00 in new york, this is "the five." the coronavirus taking center stage at the -- as the race for the white house heats up. president trump and joe biden fighting over calls for national mask mandate. take a look. >> every single american should be wearing a mask when they are outside. for the next three months at a minimum. every governor should mandate,
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every governor should mandate mandatory men squaring >> we saw joe biden continue to politicize a pandemic and show his appalling lack of respect for the american people is what it is, biden has been wrong about the virus, ignoring the scientific evidence and putting left-wing politics before facts and evidence. >> dana: the biden campaign doubling down on the mask mandate with this new campaign ad. >> joe biden knows we need to listen to medical experts and take action now. that starts by expanding testing, calling for mask mandates nationwide starting immediately. >> dana: for the third day in a row, joe biden and kamala harris did not take questions from the press at their event. next week, all eyes will be on their virtual convention. the president will not be taking
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a backseat. he is going to hit the road, campaigning at four key battleground states. we have that to look forward to. let's wrap up this week. tgif. greg, i cannot resist asking you about a national mask mandate. it's one of your favorite things to say. >> greg: i am tired of us seriously mask debating. it's driving me crazy. let's step back for a minute, okay? let's step back for a minute. i couldn't resist. trump just ushered through an historic middle east peace agreement. that might be nobel prize worthy. who knows? i doubt it because it is trump but he brought arabs and jews together in a groundbreaking fashion and we are not leading off with it. instead we have joe essentially regurgitating what trump's own stance was. there is no daylight between them. it's like they took one of
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trump's older ideas may put it through an incoherent language machine called joe biden and then they pretended that it's news but it's not news. what news is the middle east peace agreement. it's kind of striking something so big and so huge and yet the candidate running against trump is basically just plagiarizing one of his ideas and doing a terrible job. it's like he wrote the idea out in crayon. >> dana: it's a great point. i think i've talked a little bit about this before. as the incumbent, you get to make the news. you have the bully pulpit. katie, let me ask you about the trump team's decision yesterday on the rollout of their historic agreement and then stepping on it later on by responding to biden and harris. that then became the headline. >> katie: yeah. having a campaign in moving forward while you're trying to
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also govern and deal with foreign policy is difficult. the biden campaign is rolling out, it's not like the president can respond to what's going on when he's asked by a reporter giving these press conferences. the president is out there every day answering questions from reporters. in terms of the policy, joe biden and kamala harris have criticized president trump for not getting on board with a mask mandate but they also keep saying that we need to listen to the doctors and the scientists. president trump was listening to people like dr. fauci and dr. birx early on horse thing we should not be wearing masks. now i have changed their mind on that he has listen to them and also said it's patriotic to wear a mask that isn't mandating by the government. not really clear how you can defund the police but then asked for a mandate that has to be enforced by who? is it going to be a criminal liability here? are you breaking the law if you don't wear a mask and who is going to room enforce it? social workers?
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in terms of asking questions about what they would do differently? would they have shut down the economy or allowed it to stay hope and so people would have been more infected, as the administration argues. they have been given details about they would've done differently as they throw stones and criticized the way the president handled it with doctors like fauci and birx. >> dana: jesse, obviously we all know the mask thing changed over time. it's clear that biden and harris have done a ton of focus groups and figured out, what do people want to hear? they might not want to hear the details. they want to hear apparently that they think a mask mandate seems to be good. a poll yesterday, 75% of all adults think it and they broke it down. 58% of republicans. i feel like they were being strategic and rolling it out first. >> jesse: perhaps they focus group tested it. i think people mostly want to
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follow the science. they are trying to outflank the president with the big government approach. think about it. joe biden is saying if i go sailing or gardening or play tennis or take a stroll in my neighborhood and i'm not wearing a mask, i can be fined and potentially thrown in prison. i thought we want to keep the jail's empty and i thought we want to recover from this economic hit. it's the dumbest thing i've ever heard, dana. this thing spreads inside and everybody knows you keep 6 feet, this directly contradicts anthony fauci. the entire medical community. i'm just going to forget about it. he flip-flopped on the travel ban from china, flip-flopped on school reopening and he is for extended lockdowns. joe biden doesn't know what he's talking about. i looked at these battleground polls today because i'm kind of a pollster in my free time. trump is surging in battleground polls if you look at the real clear politics average.
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he is down four points in the battleground states. that's basically within the margin of error and you know how they jigger the polls. i looked at the internals. i look how they sampled it. npr, marist, they have biden up 11. they sampled nonwhite voters at 37%. do you know how much nonwhite voters turned out in 2016? 27%. where did they get the extra 10%? where did they get it? are they predicting an extra 10% of nonwhite voters are going to show up? they can't do that so they are just making it up out of thin air. if you combine the poles and the and go sun belt turned going down with cases and daft, and i think the president is actually in the driver's seat.
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>> dana: do democrats hope that's rod what republicans thi? >> marie: both sides should run like they are ten points down. there is uncertainty with polls. i want us to run like we are down. the coronavirus is the single most important issue to americans. it affects their health, economy, families, it affects everything. donald trump's numbers across the board in multiple polls are really underwater on that issue. they don't think he took it seriously at first. they think he's not listening to the science. he attacks dr. fauci. he refuses to wear a mask even though he talks about mask wearing. the biden campaign has probably looked at a number of polls and focus groups and know that the american people don't think donald trump has done a good job responding to this.
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over 165,000 dead americans and the cdc is saying that we are going to have the worst fall in history. that's why they're focused on this issue. i would love for them to talk about every issue under the sun but this is what the american people care about they are not happy with president trump right now. it's a good strategic move. >> dana: they will have to start answering questions at some point. they are playing my song, that means i've got to leave. president trump is blasting democrats had accusing them of holding up coronavirus relief. we have details next on "the five."
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♪ >> katie: president trump slamming house democrats, limning them for holding up a new coronavirus relief bill. >> i have directed the secretary of the treasury to get ready and send direct payments. 3,400 for a family of four to all americans. democrats are holding it up.
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it's 105 billion to the states to help open school safely with additional ppe. democrats are holding that up, right? it's already to go. democrats are holding it up. >> katie: millions of americans desperate for economic relief from the pandemic will have to wait because instead of hammering out an agreement, nancy pelosi and congress are going on recess for the rest of august. it couldn't come at a worse time, according to a new fox poll max. 57% of americans want the government to lend them a hand. marie, the president was at the podium talking about the compromises he was willing to make. what are the democrats willing to put on the table? >> marie: the democrats passed a bill in may that would have addressed all of this. they have put a plan on the table. they've given some of the negotiations over the past few weeks. they have come down on a certain number of issues, dollar numbers. republicans have moved on certain things but
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mitch mcconnell also sent the senate home until republican-led senate home until september. it feels like both sides have moved a little bit but it doesn't feel like there's a lot of inertia in congress wearing out to get anything done. you get conflicting information from president trump. he is on a war of sabotage against the post office and says he won't sign anything with money for the post office in it, yet we know the post office needs money. it's a key sticking point. republicans are getting conflicting messages from president trump, which is not helping. >> katie: dana, if it's a coronavirus emergency relief bill, is funding for the post office right now really relevant? >> dana: well, i think there's a lot of things that are relevant. effective the president openly tied the post office money to the election, again, i go back to, if you want to rule the day on the story line that you really deserve a lot of credit
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for, which is the middle east peace agreement between the uae and israel, you have to lead with it. if you give them lots of other things to talk about, they are going to talk about that. the post office is a huge lightning rod. to the point that marie said when the house democrats pass this bill in may, a couple things to point out. the republicans were like, why would we do this? $50 million for environmental justice grants, diversity reports for cannabis businesses, stimulus checks for illegal immigrants, tax cuts for wealthy new yorkers and californians. eliminating voter i.d. requirements. if i were the trump campaign, i would focus on that, not the u.s. postal service. they want to eliminate voter i.d. requirements? why don't you push on that. there's a trillion dollars for state and local governments that they wanted an heir. the problem with that is from the money that was passed before, the states had not spent 75% of that money. at some point somebody has to
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say stop. that's what the republicans were doing. i agree that president trump could help forge this deal but i also think that right now he has the upper hand. unfortunately it's the american people who are being backhanded by the government. it's unfair to them. they want to work. they don't want to be in food lines that are six miles long in dallas like we saw yesterday. they deserve a lot more from their government. >> katie: greg, i want to ask you, 57% of republicans saying that they want a hand up from the government. i see it like eminent domain, like compensation for the government forcing businesses people to stop going to work. it's not that they are asking for a handout. they are saying that you forced me not to go to work and you're still forcing me not to go to work in a lot of places, so you should pay me for it. >> greg: it sounds hypocritical to hear republicans ask for something from the government. what they are asking is something that kind of belongs to them, right?
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it is appropriate that it's called recess. we are dealing with children who cannot make adult decisions. we have a system that doesn't fulfill its goals because you're allowing, as dana points out, rioters to be glommed onto these bills. i know it's for covid but we need free ointment for the nonbinary alpacas of guatemala. there has to be some kind of incentive or punishment for all of these actions. we talk about it in the cities, violence in the cities and looting and we talk about it. there is no consequence for this stuff. if you're one of those politicians who likes to attack things onto a bill, there has to be some kind of public humiliation. i don't know what it is. it doesn't have to be violent. i am basically a peaceful person, but it should be embarrassing. >> jesse: i would like it to be violence. >> dana: what about canceling them? you could cancel them. >> katie: you could cancel
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them. i think the alpaca references a little humiliating. we could come up with something better. >> jesse: did i hear dana right, the democrats wanted millions of dollars to study why white people are in the cannabis business. is that really something they are trying to tie into the coronavirus relief package? >> dana: diversity reports. >> jesse: diversity reports. i think everybody likes cannabis. >> dana: no. no, no, no. >> jesse: maybe not you, kati katie. >> greg: lest they are edibles. dana only does the edibles. >> jesse: the point is donald trump said something hilarious but true yesterday. he said negotiating with the middle eastern companies is easier than negotiating with democrats. but for the first time at least to me it seems like the republicans are winning it messaging more around money. we have set so many fiscal
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cliffs, shutdowns, relief drama. i've never seen situation where it looks like democrats are blocking relief to the american people. it's almost being couched like that in the media. the democrats have totally miscalculated it. to go on vacation, i don't care who goes on vacation. we're going to get hammered by the president every day in the 5:00 hour and it's going to really do a lot of damage. >> katie: bears weeks left in august. they could come back and work on separate bills. i don't think they're going to do that. law and order versus chaos in cities. president trump continues to call out the violence. next on "the five." as a caricature artist, i appreciate what makes each person unique. that's why i like liberty mutual. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car
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insurance so you only pay for what you need. almost done. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ >> jesse: president trump touting a strong law and order message today. >> most of our country is running very well, even in terms of crime. most of our country is having records. when you look at chicago, what's going on in illinois, new york, other places. economically and in other ways, it's horrible. it's horrible. look at what's going on in oregon. i don't think they have a clue. if they would request it, we would solve that problem in one hour, like we did in minneapolis. >> jesse: it comes as unrest continues in big cities across america. in washington, d.c., 41 protesters were arrested in clashes with police. in portland, cops have stopped protecting the courthouse after the city refused to prosecute rioters. chicago police are finally cracking down after widespread
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looting, as businesses are threatening to leave the city. the chaos is no longer isolated to cds. a 5-year-old in suburban north carolina was just laid to rest after being shot in the head while playing outside. the alleged perpetrator was african-american. the little boy's name was cann cannon. we've not heard that story i don't think anywhere on the big three networks. greg, it looks like macy's is pulling out of chicago because of chaos and looting. if you don't have macy's, you don't have a cd. you've got to have macy's. what the heck is going on? >> greg: the murder of cannon. you mention why the media hasn't touched it. i will tell you. the racial makeup of this crime isn't media approved for amplification. if it were reversed it would be another story. now i'm going to get very
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negative because the statistics tell an ugly story. these are not anecdotal. statistics on shootings and murders it's not sporadic, it's everywhere. the worst is yet to come especially regarding the george floyd case. the only hope we have right now is to slow walk the trial against the accused cop 22023 so people forget the spectacle. he in all likelihood is going to be found not guilty because they overcharged him like crazy. when all of those facts that they media ignored that will get before the jury, the amount of drugs in the system -- the amount of drugs in the system was lethal. you could create a sense of doubt that although the police acted poorly, they might not have killed him. this is stuff that a jury is going to hear. it scares me because what we are doing is setting up population for something far worse and you can do the math. how many billions in property damage have we seen? how many businesses and dreams
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have been destroyed? how many murders and shootings have happened in this crime wave? we were told that the crime wave was acceptable as a response to a video. it's not anecdotal. it is statistics. this is facts telling the story. you can do the math. the human suffering may only be beginning. >> jesse: yeah, dana, greg mentioned the cost. we know the human cost. the financial cost, the report came out that it looks like the riots in the protests and the looting as a result of this horrible situation in minneapolis are going to cost more than the l.a. riots. we are talking well over a billion dollars. >> dana: yeah and there was a story in "the new york times" late last week -- i'm losing track of the days. it was about the chain stores, retail stores moving out of places like manhattan. it talked about the pandemic a
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little bit but it never mentioned in the entire article anything about any of the crimes, any of the rioting or looting as being partly to blame for these big decisions and when you have the chain stores that leave the city, that means smaller businesses suffer because smaller businesses usually set up shop around the bigger businesses. it's one of the reasons small businesses can thrive. so yeah, it's going to cost a lot. i want to mention one of the thing i'm concerned about, the trend, i don't know who the inspiring figure would be to help fix it but there is an ongoing problem between police departments and the prosecutors in these cities. the police departments are recognizing that the prosecutors are going light on all of the perpetrators. they release them and then what happens on the magnificent mile in chicago?
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there is an organized caravan that comes in and does it all again. the fact that there is not a strong prosecution is making the police's job harder. i don't know how you fix that but that's a really big problem. there's a pattern. you can pick out similarities. >> dana: a lot of these local das are wannabe democratic politicians. you become the d.a. and then the ag and then you run for congress and senate and that's the pipeline. the more radical they are, they better they are with the far left wing. >> katie: how does it serve the communities they are claiming to want to protect? there's alway also a problem one front end. police see the same criminals over and over again but they are not going to be prosecuted so they don't bother arresting them or patrolling certain neighborhoods because they know prosecutors are either going to not follow through or give the
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person basically a free ride serving out their sentence. in chicago you have kim foxx, the notorious cook county prosecutor dropping something like 25,000 felony cases. a significant increase from her predecessor. police are very frustrated with that issue. greg is right in terms of this getting worse. you have entire incoming police department classes being completely canceled. police retiring in droves at levels we haven't seen before, who's going to want to be a police officer and again, 81% of black communities want more police or the same number of police. city councils around the country are taking it away from them by forcing into retirement and upbringing and new police officers. >> jesse: especially these wackos in seattle. city council actually defunding the police. marie, we were told defiling the police isn't a real thing but they just did it and now the police chief in seattle just
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quit. >> marie: they cut some funding and i have also said i don't agree with across-the-board cuts that aren't strategic. what black communities want to not be victims of police officers and of vigilante justice. if we want to talk about whether people are prosecuted, why have breonna taylor's murderers have not been arrested question of why is there this revisionist history. police officers who have killed innocent black men have been let off the hook, moved around to different precincts. i'm sorry. yes, rioters should be charged if they commit crime and destroyed property but i want that level of outrage i hear on the show to be applied to situations where if you're a black man in this country, it is exponentially more likely you will be killed by police officers then if you are white. it doesn't mean all police officers are bad. it doesn't mean a majority of
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them are. let's have some outrage for those crimes. >> jesse: i don't know if you are on the show since the spring but there's been plenty of outrage, and to another point -- >> marie: there wasn't enough last segment. >> jesse: do you want to talk about the 5-year-old who was executed in cold blood? he had a rap sheet for weapons and drugs. where's the outrage? black americans sadly are more likely to be killed by other black americans in these cities than police, all right? that's a fact. stick around. fast is seven is up next. we made usaa insurance for veterans like liz and mike. when their growing family meant growing expenses, our agents helped make saving on insurance easy usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late.
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>> marie: welcome back. time for the fastest 7. how far would you go for the
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perfect social media post? a croatian designer is selling this virtual outfit for 700 bucks. you just can't wear it. the company photoshop the shirt on a picture of your body. greg, this is up your alley. >> greg: people are upset about the price. it is so worth it. you don't have to buy clothes anymore. yoyou can have them digitize th. think about how much money you young women are going to save on wedding dresses. show up in your sweatpants and a t-shirt. nobody has to get dressed. everybody gets digitize. you saved so much money. i love it. >> marie: dana. >> dana: no. i wouldn't do that. i'm embarrassed that i haven't told the story to you yet. last weekend we went on these paddle boards we have and i really wanted to take jasper. peter got jasper on his board and i took pictures and they look cute and i said i want a
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picture of myself with jasper on the board. we made it look like we were in the middle of the lake but we are by the shore. it all went really bad because i was sitting there and peter finally got the picture but jasper leapt off the board and i went face first on the board in the water, i had to walk home soaking wet. i said you realize how people could die getting an instagram picture. i can see how it could happen. >> katie: i want the video. >> marie: it was a cute instagram picture. >> dana: peter was so worried that i would kill him. he needed video. >> jesse: do it for the 'gram. a croatian company is running a digital scam? i think ag barr needs to get on the phone and start slapping
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these guys with subpoenas. total scam. >> katie: jesse, don't be talking about my people like that, my croatian brothers and sisters. >> jesse: i love croatia. >> katie: those puppies are cute her. it reminds me of those sticker books you had as a kid, little girls, you would take the dress is often stick them on the dolls. as someone who shops at t.j.maxx, i find it a little bit repulsive at a time when people are starving and standing in food lines. >> dana: i agree. >> katie: people have the money to do it, i would say buy better things and donate them. buy real close and donate them. >> marie: some companies are treating pets like dependents, offering an annual stipend to employees who adopt a dog or cat, no word on whether the offer applies to creepy pets like tarantulas or ferrets.
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obviously have to start with dana. katie also has a very cute dog. jesse does too, i guess. dana, what you make of it? >> dana: i might surprise you on this. i am not for this. having a pet is great but i think if there are perks to be given, people who are raising little humans to be good citizens, the money should go to them. >> marie: katie, your dog is also very active on instagram, very cute. what do you make of it? >> katie: i do agree with dana but i have to say my dog is a very good stand up citizen, good on walks. he likes to run for office, photos of him and all these places in washington, d.c. we call him the governor sometimes. he is like a little human for us. i don't have any kids. i don't think you should be offering benefits for a pet. however, i would take them if
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someone offer them to me. >> marie: jesse, your dog has its own social media presence. i feel like this is right up your alley. >> jesse: my dog rookie probably has more followers than you, marie. i'm sorry. >> marie: i am sure ricky does. >> jesse: i strongly disagree with dana perino. life is all about perks. whenever there is a perk, i am all in. i'm claiming working as a dependent on my tax returns and forcing the irs to bite. >> dana: you should hope the future administration doesn't -- >> marie: it's why we have strict tax fraud laws. greg. >> greg: the real story is pets are suffering the worst of this pandemic because they have never expected in their short little lives to be around their owners for so long. they love that 9:00 to 5:00 period because they can have
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some privacy, the joys of sniffing soiled laundry or hunting the leg of an ottoman. you can't do that. you can't dig your nose into a slipper. >> dana: it's going to be awesome when somebody clips th that. >> greg: dogs do sick things when you're not at home. trust me. i have cameras. >> marie: as you say, animals are great. >> greg: they are. >> marie: you know what day it is. fan mail fraud is up. stay tuned.
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♪ >> greg: one of the greatest songs ever written. instagram questions to start o off. what is something you did as a child but wouldn't even dream of doing now? jesse. >> jesse: well, one thing comes to mind. [laughter]
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>> katie: i am nervous about all of these questions. >> jesse: i can't say anything about this. my mom and dad are going to get so angry. i want to tell you, greg. maybe if it was red eye i might give you a tease. i'm going to take the fifth on this one. >> greg: may be that's what it was. dana, you probably were a nice kid so you didn't do anything really bad. >> dana: well, first of all, i can't believe. i think i would never do again is i used the love to get vanilla ice cream and i would put powdered chocolate click all over it. i cannot imagine doing that. i would never do that. >> greg: dana, i think you're going to get canceled over this. once the news breaks. marie, what'd you do as a child that wouldn't dream of doing now?
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>> marie: i loved huge roller coasters when i was a little kid. i went back to cedar point in ohio where i grew up to try to do this a couple years ago in the medium-sized ones i was good with but the huge ones, i was terrified. i have no idea when that change but i can't do it anymore. i don't know why. >> greg: you understand risk, that's probably what it is. katie. >> katie: i've eaten a few pieces of chalk. >> greg: a chalk eater. >> jesse: that's weird. >> greg: i enjoyed snacking on dried elmer's glue. you'd put it on your hand and it would dry. >> jesse: you are supposed to sniff it. >> greg: i sniffed a lot of airplane glue. my dad would say open the windows and i would say why, dad? i guess that's mine. yes, that's mine. i was going to say poop in my
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pants but that goes without saying. >> jesse: you have had a great show today. >> greg: all right, this is a good one. you have to think about it. what was your last dream or nightmare about? dana, you remember your dreams. >> dana: yeah, i had one just just last week. sometimes i have discomfort in my thumb and i think it's from the phone but my mom has arthritis and i guess i was thinking about it. i had a dream that i had arthritis in my whole hand in my hand hurt the whole night and it wasn't until noon the next day that i realized it was just a dream. i must've thought i was going to have arthritis. >> greg: that was a stunning revelation. marie. marie and, what was your last dream? >> marie: honest to god last night i had a dream that i was hanging out with high school friends and they weren't wearing masks and i was stressed. it gets better. for some reason, bill barr was there and i was yelling at him
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about how kamala is going to be president and she is never going to interrogate him again in the senate. it was all in one dream. >> jesse: you need a vacation. >> marie: i know. >> greg: katie. >> katie: i don't really remember dreams. i'll remember them while they are happening or think about them but once i wake up they are over. sorry, i don't have a good nightmare story. it's terrifying while it's happening but once it's over it's gone and i don't remember. >> greg: jesse, dreams are designed for your brain to do trial runs on things that haven't happened yet. when you are dreaming of something, it so that you won't be surprised when it happens in real life. >> jesse: god help me. i hope this dream doesn't happen. last night i had a dream that "the five" went on a camping trip and we were hiking up to the mountains. we got to a cabin and everybody cooked dinner and we had a few drinks and then it was time for all of us to go to bed. there were only a certain number
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of bedrooms in the cabin. and juan and i got put in the same bedroom. it's time to go to bed and we are brushing our teeth and i have to share a bed with williams. so i put the cover over and i put my head on the pillow and all of a sudden juan turns over to me and he goes, jesse, it's a bird. it's a plane. and then i woke up. so scary. [laughter] >> greg: you had me. >> katie: who built the fire? >> jesse: you built the fire. >> greg: you know one dream i keep having, that i have to put my contact lenses and but the contact lenses are as big as plates. i am at the mirror and i'm holding a plate and i'm trying to put a plate in my eye. >> jesse: and that is deep. >> katie: that is weirder than eating chalk. >> greg: the other one is you're in a house, an unfamiliar house, and you can't find the
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bathroom. that's the story of my life. "one more thing" up next. ♪ here's your iced coffee! ♪ america runs on dunkin'
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darrell's family uses gain flings now so their laundry smells more amazing than ever. [woman] isn't that the dog's towel? hey, me towel su towel. more gain scent plus oxi boost and febreze in every gain fling.
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♪ >> dana: it's time for "one more thing." before we get started, "the five" wants to wish a very happy birthday to a special fan, connie is turning 99 today and we can't wait to wish you a happy birthday again next year when you turned 100. have a great day. jesse, what's yours? >> jesse: "watters world," apm, sarah palin discussing what she thinks about the mistrust brewing between kamala harris and joe biden. also a guy named sean hannity will be joining "watters world." don't miss it. >> dana: greg. >> greg: "the greg gutfeld show" tomorrow at 10:00 p.m.
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scott adams! dagen mcdowell, kat timpf, tyrus. tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. also i'm doing, i guess you'd call it a simulcast of the nixon library. hugh hewitt will be interviewing me and they will take questions and discuss my book. get tickets you can watch it at home, go to nixon and get an autographed copy of my book. august 19, tuesday the nixon library. you can watch it online. >> dana: that's great. i've been wanting to do this all week. snapchat has a new filter where they can take your dog and make it look like your dog is in the disney movie. not everyone here at "the five" has one. who is that? is that rookie? >> jesse: that's not ricky. >> dana: i think so. that's jasper obviously. look at that pumpkin. who else do we have. >> jesse: there is ricky. mary is. >> dana: there he is.
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we start convention coverage. katie and i will be there with chris wallace and all sorts of ♪ will will okay pete: we are welcome to welcome will kaine broadcast extrump administration narrow. will: thank you, i'm so excited to be here on fox news in particular her


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