tv Watters World FOX News August 15, 2020 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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he enjoys the process of making the country better and work for everybody. mark: it's been a pleasure having you. thank you for taking all this time with us. [♪] jesse: welcome to "watters' world." big show tonight, sean hannity, sarah palin, and joe biden's grades from college. joe biden didn't pick kamala harris as vp. that pick was made for him. when the #metoo movement hit he buckled and said he would take a woman. when the racial unrest went down, he said he would pick a black woman.
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biden doesn't have a base. the bernie bros are not all on board. he needed to pick a radical liberal and that's what he did. if this is how joe biden is going to govern this country, this country is in trouble. biden is not a leader. he gets led around on a leash. that's what the chinese and iranians will do to joe. the media is telling you kamala is a moderate. they are calling her pragmatic, a centrist. a natural centrist. if the media is telling you someone is a centrist, they are basically cesar chavez. they are telling you how this will energize the ticket. that's also wrong.
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she couldn't even energize democrats when she won for president. she never caught on with black voters let alone anyone. >> you don't think job there are [bleep] black vote, look who picked for a vp. she said she was smoking weed and listening to tupac when he wasn't even making music then. no black will vote for kamala. jesse >> the media understood why people in california saw her as the female obama. >> she absolutely is amazing. i think this is one of the finest performances evidence seen her deliver. jesse: when you are watching at home, when the media tells you something, the opposite is true.
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here is how electric their chemistry is. >> hi, sorry to keep you. >> that's all right. ready to go to work? >> oh, my god, i'm so ready to go to work. >> the answer is yes? >> i am ready to work. i am ready to do this with you, for you. i'm deeply honored and i'm very excited. jesse: he had to read from a script when he talked to kamala. and he held his known upside down. kamala doesn't have great instincts. she fell for the jussie smollett hoax. this is just a power grab by nancy pelosi so she can put adam
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schiff into the senate in california. the press secretary is the top cop on twitter in charge of banning people like donald trump. it's a power grab by the radical left. the extreme democratic base. the media tells you this is a faith pick. but it's a lie. biden is the underdog. he's not running away with anything. he's in worse shape than hillary clinton was and she lost every single swing state. the danger of harris is she'll run the show if biden wins. she is a san francisco liberal who shouldn't be anywhere near the white house. her voting record is more liberal than bernie. she wants to get rid of private
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health insurance and gift to immigrants. she compared i.c.e. agents to the kkk. she is a trillion dollar tax hiker. she is for taxpayer funded partial birpt abortion on demand. she opposes fracking. she co-signed aoc's green new deal and would grind the economy to a screeching halt. she was a runaway prosecutor in california tide to a dirty lab that framed innocent people. they are just a bunch of partisan lawyers with god complexes. she abused her power as a california ag filing frivolous lawsuits against energy companies. she doesn't believe in due process. she tried to destroy kavanaugh's life and got caught using fake video. she says she wants to prosecute
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trump when he leaves office, but doesn't want to prosecute the rioters destroying our cities. and the worst part is she grew up in canada. the race is set. two tickets are locked and loaded and i'm feeling more confident than ever before. this pick tells me everything i need to know about joe biden. his nervous campaign. the president is in the strongest position he's been in all summer. joining me is shawn hannity, the author of "live free or die." welcome to one of my two shows. sean: god is the creator and everything else is watters.
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jesse: you need time off because you have been writing this book and doing radio and tv. i see trump surging and the civil unrest, the sharp attacks on joe biden this week are nailing the race down. he has the virus fading in the sunbelts to a certain extent. i don't think this pick moves the needle at all. how do you see it? >> i listened closely to your opening monologue. very well done. historically. you have candidates reach out to their base to get the nomination, then they race back to the center. the one exception was donald trump. what you see is what you get. his promises were made and they were all kept for the las last 2 years. joe biden has doubled down on radicalism and socialism.
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with now the pick of kamala, and bernie sanders, plagiarizing his economic plan. you have the most liberal senator, it wasn't bernie sanders. it was kamala harris. biden is pledging trillions of our dollars to this green new deal madness. it will be what i thought it would be. but i never thought it would be this extreme. it's the single most radical ticket to run on any major party. at least in my lifetime. i like to look at elections. we don't know until election day or the day after. if it's 2,000 or 2015. i have an urgency, if these policies stated are implemented, everything that made this
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country the greatest country god gave man, with the greatest wealth creation that increased the and advanced the human condition,. it's all in play. now even law and order. all of it is in play. if america is willing to go down that road, i don't know how we recover. but i can see an america that has a bright, sunny future, that is following the policies that have gotten us here. jesse: you talk about that in your book, "live free or die." it's going to knock gutfeld off the list. i can't stand him on the best seller list. you have got to take him down. sean: that's terrible. i day biewfd number one.
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he's got a best-selling book. why are you going after gutfeld? jesse: this just broke on friday. you have durham doing this investigation. this lawyer, clinefeld pled guilty now, i guess he's facing some penalty. you had bill barr on your show, and we might get a summary of this. what are you expecting. sean: the inspector general's report, the wheels of justice grind slowly. one thing we know about durham, he's thorough. my sources say after labor day we'll see more action. i think the evidence we now have
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is overwhelming. all of the things we said happened, happened. hillary obstruction, hillary violates the espionage act. but i think she'll skate free again. the qulin ons always do. there was russian interest force. but we know the fbi knew before the first five applications were signed, they were warned in august, it's unverified. steele has an agenda. and they paid for it. comey goes to trump tower and tells him it's salacious and unverified. the problem with that is he was lying. when he signed the fisa, it says at the top, "verified." in january of 2017, when you look at the timeline, once they got to the sub source. christopher steele's sources,
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they said none of it is verifiable. then they continued with two warrant after that. the evidence is overwhelming, premeditated fraud on a fisa court. they ruined carter page's rights in the process. and they used it to steel on the presidency of donald j. trump. i would like to know what happened in 2016. and before a vote is cast, i would like to see the ever forgetful fragile, weak joe biden debate donald trump before early voting starts. right now the way the debate schedule is, the first debate comes after early states have started voting. jesse: if joe wins, he will fire durham, clean house and cover it all up.
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"live free or die." he's standing behind a huge copy of the book right now. sean: it's 40% off on i am a smelly trump supporter walmart shopper. save money. jesse: joe biden's college grades came out. rudy giuliani and i will go after his report card. sarah palin enters "watters' world" to talk about kamala harris and media bias. [♪] (vo) we've got your back, road warriors. because we know you want to get back to going your speed... ...steering life at 10 and 2. you're prepared for this.
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the shooting, but police say they do not believe it was random. there was no coverage on abc, nbc or "cbs evening news." or on primetime on cnn and msnbc. the question is why? racial violence always leads the news in the american media. but this shooting is being buried. we are not showing you this story to ratchet up bloom crimes. black on black violence doesn't get a lot of play. only white on black violence gets coming on television. this editorial judgment by the media is hurting this country. it divides us, keeps us scared and distract us. we won't let that happen on
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"watters' world." our thoughts and prayers are with the family of little can c. the seattle chief of police resigning over a lack of respect for the officers. >> i am done. the council gave us $1.million to make sure we hired the best and the brightest. and less than a year later we are going to just turn them all away. honestly i have my convictions. i cannot do that. jesse: that decision followed the city council vote to cut funding and reduce the police force by 100 officers. cities across the country are being torn apart by anarchy and
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lawlessness. portland's district attorney announced he's dropping charges against hundreds of protesters. looters in chicago ransacking shops and attacking a ronald mcdonald house with sick kids and their families inside. here is how black lives matter justified the destruction. >> i don't care if somebody loots a macy's or gucci. that insures the person has clothes. that makes sure they have money because the city doesn't care about them. and not only that, that's reparations. jesse: we invited mayor lightfoot to appear on the show, but she declined.
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joining us john catanzara and mike sloan. i think the reason this is happening is the politicians are looking at twitter and cnn. they are look at tv. they see the looters and rioters and anarchists and they think these are mainstream democratic voters. they are not. i don't think a lot of these people robbing and looting are going to vote. if the mayors and governors, and even joe biden and kamala harris would go out and do some retail politicking. they are not talking to people at diners. they are not doing town halls. they are not even listening to normal people who would tell them, you guys have to cut this out. these cities are being destroyed, john. >> i would take exception to
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that criteria you used. i think specific to chicago, a lot of the people on the streets protesting, rioting and looting were a lot of the support base for lightfoot when she claimed she had her overwhelm can majority. jesse: this is her base, you are saying? >> it's a good chunk of it. jesse: then she needs to wake up and tell her base to knock it off. >> they are not listening to her because she is note far enough left. that's why they picket her house and protest outside her house en masse. jesse: macy's is tacking up and leaving. residents are fleeing. you will have a hollowed out town that used to be great. it will the have high crime and low revenues, and it won't be
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able to function. seattle is a whole other story. you have the police chief resigning. there police chiefs resigning all over the country. but seattle, they usually tolerate nonsense. but you can only go so far. what's happening out there? >> you are absolutely correct. they have gone too far. evidence of that is our stop petition, we have 00,000 signatures, mostly chicago zip codes. saying why aren't you governing to support public safety. they are governing via twitter. twitter is such a small microcosm of our society. it shows the lack of respect for the men and women who do this job and support the community. it's a lack of respect for the
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community in general. we are seeing cops night in and night out get hurt. as this unreasonable activism continues. i don't know where we go here. i don't know what the end game is. people are fleeing. downtown is board up. crime is spiking. they obviously discriminated against an african-american female police chief. and they removed 100 officer positions, most of them new diverse hires. the city council members ran on a platform for more funding, more comes. now they changed their tune. jesse: in seattle they are kook and they will destroy the city and seattle will never be the same again. we just got our hands on joe biden's report card from college. rudy giuliani is going to look it over and he is next.
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sarah palin is here to talk trump and whether the democratic ticket can trust each other. tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? what if your clothes could stay fresh for weeks? now they can! this towel has already been used and it still smells fresh. pour a cap of downy unstopables into your washing machine before each load and enjoy fresher smelling laundry for up to 12-weeks. cranky-pated: a bad mood related to a sluggish gut. miralax is different. it works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. free your gut, and your mood will follow.
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[♪] reporter: live from "america's news headquarters." i'm jackie ibanez in new york. police moving in to disperse a crowd in stone mountain, georgia. dozen of demonstrators waving confederate flags faced off against counter protesters. stone mountain is home to the largest confederate monument in the country. an emotional private service more vanessa guillen. she was an army soldier who disappeared from fort hood. two months later her dismembered remains were found. friends and family say they remember vanessa guillen for her beautiful life and tender heart.
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jesse: the biden-harris ticket is a bless. she accused him of flirting with segregationists and accused him of assaulting an intern. trump will have no trouble taking on these lightweights. news about joe biden's college grades came out. his academic career was unempressive. he repeated the third grade and earned all cs and ds in his first three semesters and graduated 76th in his syracuse law school. but the media says i can't question biden's mental ability. biden is hiding in the basement
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and they are still not taking questions from the press. the media is coddling this raisey ticket. they know they can't hack it in a veal campaign. mountain *' -- joining me, prest trump's former attorney and former mayor of new york. >> i was introduced to him by a law school classmate of his. before he introduced me web said we should run for the senate in delaware because anybodying get elected there. joe was the dumbest guy in our law school class. buff he was so charge he was able to get through even though he plagiarized three times. he was always look over your
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shoulder. jesse: sniffing the hair when he was looking over the shoulder. and you can't even ask the guy a question about it. reagan was eviscerated. mccain's health and abilities were questioned. trump had to take a test to shut people up. but you can't ask joe if he's possibly being taken advantage of as the nominee for president? >> of course you can. the fact is, this is very serious. he wants to have the most important job in the world. he could ends the world with pressing a button, and the man obviously has symptoms of alds humano -- of alzheimer's and dementia. i checked that with doctors' he's got every one of the
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symptoms. even that quick short loss of temper that you see three or four times. i don't remember joe doing that before. all of a sudden. that's typical -- and then forgetting the beginning of the declaration of independence. forgetting his wife. these are all symptoms. short-term memory loss. i spoke to four neurologists. one said it could be from the two aneurysm operations he had. the other three said definitely not. it's dementia. they say they can't say that unless they examine him. but they said this is a guy who has to be examined. jesse: first he said he is tests every day, then he says he's not tested. you can't say kamala is angry
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and you can't mispronounce her name. with these rules, democrats should win every single time, right? >> you can call her a dishonest prosecutor and a bully because she prosecuted little people. 1,500 little marijuana smokers buff no dealers. she went after parents when the kids were truant, but she wouldn't go after the catholic church. she sat on evidence of pedophilia and she sat on it. she had the peaceful protesters arrested who protested outside her solves. i can point out she was a terrible district attorney. homicides in san francisco went up tremendously when she was
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d.a. and that resulted in her plea bargaining cases down. a lot of criminals went free. including a notorious character who proceeded to kill two people, including a reporter. she was a disgrace as a district attorney. she is a disgrace on the ticket. jesse: it looks like both of these individuals on the ticket have a corrupt past. we'll see how it shakes out, the first debate, just around the corner. mayor rudy giuliani, thanks for joining "watters' world." sarah palin has words of wisdom for kamala harris. can she trust biden and can biden trust her. we see you....looking out for all of us.
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brokering a deal between israel and the gulf states. what does this mean? and what does it mean for america. joining me, peter zeihan. your book predicted this. that's why we are having you on. i want to encapsulate your theory. the cold war ended 30 years ago, the soviet union collapsed. so the world order we put in place with the protected free flow of oil out of the middle east, free trade in exchange for market access to america, and that's unraveling, america is pulling back, now the middle east states are scrambling because who knows what comes together, right? >> absolutely. the security parameters that allow these countries to exist
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is now gone. what we are seeing out of the uae and other states in the gulf is they are starting to finds their own way. for the united states this is fantastic and a little awkward. fantastic that we don't have to protect them anymore. the oil markets are their problems, dealing with their customers is their problem and dweemg iran is mostly their partner. and a partnership. you are going to dictate events in a region you have to have 100,000 troops in the theater. we don't want to do that. so we'll see a lot of choices that we might have steered in a different direction if we had stuck around. jesse: america is pulling back from the middle east in terms of deployments. we have the shale revolution, so
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as we pull back, we are self-sufficient. we have troops in america. it's a good thing. both parties like this. >> this is strongly bipartisan. it even involves most of the wings of both branches of both parties. people don't want to maintain the system in its old form. we are all good on that. the complication comes two, three, four, five years down the road as other powers start putting their nose into the region and countries like the uae start backing forces or allying with forces we aren't big fans of. something to keep in mind. all the gulf states are big supporters of groups like isis and hamas. that's not something we have been thrilled with. but we needed to turn our eyes away from that to deal with
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bigger issues such as the war in iraq or iran more recently. this region is about to become a lot more complicated and a lot noisier and from our points of view more difficult to understand. jesse: we can understand it from our shores. peter zeihan, sthaks. sarah palin on deck. a "watters' world" exclusive. [♪] (vo) we've got your back, road warriors. because we know you want to get back to going your speed... ...steering life at 10 and 2. you're prepared for this. and so are we. soon you'll get back to skipping the counter
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indian woman on the vice president ticket. palin put politics aside and shared with harris some advice she learned from your 2008 run. keep your team with you. don't get muzzled. and of course have fun. here is sarah palin herself. i love the backdrop. is this your dock? >> this is my backyard. i'm blessed to wake up to this he morning. jesse: you went through the vp experience. and you are seeing a ticket that ask have some trust issues based upon maybe biden didn't want harris as vp. harris said nasty stuff about joe biden.
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some people don't think joe will finish the first term. >> when you consider what was said in the primary. kamala -- i hate to say the name wrong because i will get clobbered for that. like anybody doing that on purpose. anyway, it's strange division. if you consider what they said about each other for months and months and months. she kicked the crud out of joe biden in the primaries. then they hook up like buddies. that cracks me up. this demonstration of politics. they take their heads out and roll their eyes. jesse: they hate each other but love power even more. when you were the nominee as vp,
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some people in the media didn't treat you fairly. but kamala harris getting fawning coverage, how does that make you feel? >> if you are conservative you are going to get beat up. you just are. it's like what trump gazes all the time. 3 against one. you have the democrat party, the media, and the rye the rinos in our own party. i expect it. and you just deal with it. it makes you work harder. jesse: you have we are close to labor day. this thing is kicking into high gear pretty soon. how would you suggest the trump ticket define themselves, define
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their success and attack biden-harris. >> easy. you let their words do the talking. the things they said about each other. is biden a sexist, racist and all the things miss harris says he is? a cad's view of the future -- a candidate's view of the future, you can look at what their role is. both candidates are so much proponents of big government that they can't trust the wisdom of the people to make our own decisions for raising families and running businesses and how we want to live our lives. they want to control people. so when you look at the other side of the ticket record and it reflects that kind of
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philosophy. it speaks for itself. i would hope president trump and his team will not get into the personal petty type stuff. just stay focused on what their record is. again it speaks for itself. they are so extremely liberal. i can't stress that enough. people just need to do their own homework and find out what the record is and what their view of the future is pretty much under the socialist/marxist views they desire. their record speaks for itself. joe biden, when he's been in office for decades, 47 years or whatever it is. all those years with chances to be effective and efficient and usher in positive change in the country and yet he hasn't done
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it. now he campaigned on the idea of elect me and this is what i want to do. he has had 47 years plus to already do it. his record reflects he didn't do it. jesse: sarah palin from her beautiful backyard in alaska. i'm jealous. i am in a studio in manhattan and look at you. we miss you and love hearing your voice, governor. >> thank you, you are so kind. appreciate it. have a great day. jesse: do not feed the bears. the choking video in "last call." do i use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth?
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>> eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. jesse: that's a black bear crashing a picnic. as far as i can tell, that's all the bear across can e, we hope. bears are terrifying, but then most animals scare me. >> okay, okay! okay. ahh! now i know why the producers wanted to air that video so much. thanks, guys. be sure to follow me on be *,
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instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember i'm watters and this is my world. judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for joining us tonight. let's get right to my open. you are being conned. the biggest fallacy in america might prize you. the truth is the divide in this country. it's not right versus wrong or law and order versus chaos. fundamentally it's the left versus the right. there was that moment after the killing of george floyd when all americans came together and said never again. legitimate and
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