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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 19, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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very different world now. on fox business tonight we'll be monitoring it and whether kamala harris is the cfo in waiting. pressure city in the business world. here is "the five". >> juan: i'm juan williams along with greg gutfeld, dana perino and bret baier. this is "the five". major news coming your way this hour. democrats getting ready for a big night at their virtual convention and president trump set to hold a news conference just minutes from now. we'll have that for you live. as for the democrats, they are bringing out the heavy hitters to go after president trump and make the case for joe biden. hillary clinton, nancy pelosi, elizabeth warren and former president obama all scheduled
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to speak tonight. the spotlight will be on senator kamala harris as she officially accepts her party's nomination for vice president. democrats expected to keep painting president trump as unfit for office while touting biden's character and leadership. watch this. >> donald trump has divided our country, diminished our greatness. we need a president with dignity, integrity. >> faced with a president of cowardice joe biden is a man of proven courage. >> from the moment president trump took office he has used his position to benefit himself rather than our country. >> joe's moral compass is pointed in the right direction. >> we have a president doing everything in his power to make it divided. >> we just need leadership worthy of our nation. >> juan: bret baier welcome to the show. you are an hour early.
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the message is good guy versus bad guy. today kamala harris, who has that major speech tonight said that children, american children are paying the price for trump's name calling, racism, anti-immigrant rhetoric. how do republicans argue with this? >> i think tonight is setting the table for kamala harris and we can start by saying it will be historic. the first woman of color on the national presidential ticket. it will be sprinkled with a lot of anti-trump rhetoric that we've seen over the past two days. but i think that there is also kind of this outreach that is going to happen tonight with elizabeth warren and other more progressive or left-leaning figures in the democratic party because they've spent two days talking to moderates and republicans. i think it's not sitting well with some progressives. >> juan: that's a good point. dana, the other side of this is you have the democrats as i mentioned bringing out barack obama tonight, they've already heard last night from bill
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clinton, jimmy carter, and they all say you know, biden is a good guy but what about where is george bush and mitt romney and cindy mccain was speaking at the dnc? is there absence saying hey, we don't back trump, he is not a good guy? >> dana: what do you mean where is george bush? he said he isn't getting involved in 2020 politics and didn't get involved in 2016. i don't expect to see him. mitt romney, i don't know where they are and i don't think it much matters. i think there is a growing concern amongst the progressives that joe biden is a guy who has had a lot of relationships over the years and a lot of his relationships are with his peer group which is like an older generation. and so you see a lot of tension, i think, amongst the democrats saying we understand that we are against trump. that has been made perfectly clear but what are we for? and yesterday you had alexandria ocasio-cortez, she
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laid out what she is for. bernie sanders laid out what he is for. specifically about policy and not about character. now, will kamala harris decide to talk more about policy tonight? i kind of don't think so. i think she will be a little more of a broad brush. i am interested to see how she will address the fact that she has a past in law enforcement that she was quite proud of but has run away from since. the other thing is i believe that -- the concern if you're an undecided voter. you know they are against trump. it's been well established. what would happen if they were to win? what's the policy? what's the first step? what's the first thing you want to do? when barack obama was running you knew what it was. it was healthcare. he also ran on immigration but decided not to do that first. this one it's pretty much we'll restore the country because we think his character is bad. i know that they might talk
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about policy as well. we'll see. the last thing they tried to show that joe biden is a bipartisan guy and yet tonight you are going to have speeches from speaker pelosi, elizabeth warren who i think democrats would say are quite obstructionists and pelosi unable to get a deal done on coronavirus where you've had mark meadows, the chief of staff of the white house out earlier today basically saying please come with an open heart, compromising heart. we'll work together and try to get this done. we want people to have their money and want the post office to be funded. sure enough, won't you please come and join me. i think tonight you will see she is probably not going to do that. >> juan: jesse, the president is out today with some tweets about good year tire. he says the company is not allowing maga hats and shirts at work but saying it's okay to have black lives matter gear. the company says the distinction is between political campaigns and message of inclusion. trump is saying double standard. what does jesse say?
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>> jesse: i say nothing, the story goes away in two hours once we hit prime time. we live in a populist feisty era. the democrats win when they run young, vibrant characters, joe biden is 80 and the message this week from the democratic national convention is america's racist, trump is mean and joe will make things normal again. that's not going to motivate enough voters to win back the white house. ask 100 people on the street right now what joe's slogan is, no one knows it's build back better. no one knows what it means. i went on the website today what his plan to fight the coronavirus is. i found out joe wants to accelerate a vaccine, why didn't trump think of that? he says he will help the workers. why doesn't he call nancy and tell her to stop blocking the checks. is he working on a secret
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testing kit in his basement he will reveal after the election? to dana's point he says he wants to unify the country trotting out the three most polarizing and divisive and partisan people in american politics today. and i don't think the attacks against his character is going to work. this isn't the 90s where we're shocked at bill clinton's affairs. trump has been a tabloid all-star since the 80s. to go after him on compassion. the entire reason why he won in 2016 is because he was obsessed with bringing back the forgotten men and women of this country, by building the wall, doing new trade deals, and making american great again. that's what america first is all about. that play can work against the person not relatable like a romney or bloomberg. it doesn't really connect with donald trump. for democrats to play the empathy card while they watch their own cities get shot up and burned, kind of makes you
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shake your head. >> juan: all right, so greg, i know one of your favorite people is on deck tonight and that's hillary clinton. now, you know that the president has used her as a foil and i wonder if you think it's going to be more trump going after hillary by tomorrow morning. >> greg: i think bill is happy she is not in the house, get some time alone. the democratic strategy is a tool with three sneaky little legs. number one it's a referendum on personality from the cool kids in the cafeteria, right? if this were high school everybody you mentioned tonight are the mean girls, right? trump is the new kid in town who didn't fit in. he is actually the hero in the movie. it won't work. number two you have to blame him for covid. except as dana and jesse pointed out they have offered no plan and as i've always pointed out blue states are suffering more deaths than red states with fewer cases. most important and to jesse's
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point, number three, the third part of the stool, you have to pretend that the chaos and murder in democrat-led cities do not exist. because they help sustain it for 80 days and they are hoping that the chaos scares enough voters not to vote for trump because you are thinking about the ramifications of the consequences if he wins could end up being absolutely explosive. if you notice, none of these attacks are based on any kind of data. you can't quantify personality, right? these are opinions. but you can measure economy and jobs. but the point is before covid, the economy and jobs these were historic numbers. so you can argue that trump set the table economically for the country to sustain and weather the devastation of covid's attack. so if you were to bring up the economy, it is a problem for you because that's trump's wheel house and he has proven he can kick serious butt and why they're having to rely on
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this craziness about blaming him for this or that or that he is really mean and we can't have mean people in government, please spare me. >> juan: all right. coming up bill clinton being accused of hypocrisy over his takedown of donald trump. greg's monologue is next. you won't want to miss it. >> tech: when you've got auto glass damage...
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>> greg: last night was like watching tv in grandma's basement. bill clinton lectures donald trump about proper conduct in the oval office. >> at a time like this, the oval office should be a command center. instead it's a storm center. it is only chaos, this one thing never changes, his determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame. the buck never stops there. >> greg: yeah, the oval office should be a command center to command what? an intern to -- keep you company? had to change that sentence. let's not forget the buck didn't stop at his desk and neither did the screwing around. so he lied and lied which is hardly a bug in his system when you are chasing skirts instead
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of terrorists. remember who was president for a month when the first world trade center attack took place. who was president for over seven years before the second one. imagine if clinton had focused on bin laden instead of babes how different would the world be? no 9/11, no afghanistan war. he couldn't zip it up. is that a stretch? probably, maybe, who knows? could have happened anyway. now you have democrats blaming covid deaths on trump so everything is on the table including the waitress, right chris todd? no matter how much botox you have injected bill clinton lecturing anyone on conduct is hard to take with a straight face. hillary lecturing you on honesty or cnn denying the existence of media bias. you see this picture? take a look. at bill getting a hands-on experience from an epstein victim. there is a great political ad
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for joe biden. i'm bill clinton and i approve this massage. all for a pun, i don't care. bret, it's fun seeing bill clinton talk about donald trump's time in office. >> bret: it was a good monologue there. tonight is hillary clinton, she is coming up. some in the media have already said this is going to be the i told you so speech. it's also not a great pitch the i told you so. who wants to hear the i told you so moment? >> dana: i'll ask my husband. >> bret: there is a theme here about normal. they're trying to pitch normal. like melba toast and know chaos and we'll go back to things as they used to be. my original point, i just don't
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think it will fire up some of the people that they need to fire up to get out and vote. barack obama is going to try to do it a different way, i think. >> greg: you would have loved the break when the producer contacted me and made me change the monologue. >> dana: did you need me to hold your hand? gut >> jesse: i was a good joke. we had to take it out. don't text anything to her, greg. >> dana: yeah, don't. here is something that's kind of interesting. there is something that bill clinton and donald trump definitely have in common that the democrats have not mentioned at all in their convention this week. and that is both presidents being impeached by the house, okay? republicans have talked about bill clinton for a long time. now the democrats were successful in the house in impeaching donald trump. i did a check today. over the course of all of the
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words that have been spoken in the democratic national convention so far the word impeachment hasn't come up once. i remember specifically sitting on my rear end for six weeks with bret and martha and anybody else and not getting any exercise and to turn out eight months later and they don't even bring it up? i'm almost offended by it. the other thing i wanted to say about bill clinton is what for the party today is so relevant to when bill clinton was president? it is not welfare reform or safe, legal and rare abortions or the crime bill. the only person who was there for all of those policies and on the wrong side of them according to today's democratic party and the progressive left is joe biden. so it is curious to see if they'll be able to turn the page tonight. >> greg: juan, how do they square having bill clinton at the dnc after they pretty much weaponized the #metoo movement
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to destroy bret cavanaugh. it seems like a disconnect? >> juan: bill clinton is very popular among democrats. people see him as a successful leader, tremendous economy during the clinton years. i think people felt safe. you talk about foreign policy. so i get the joke that you are offering us but i think he was talking about the conduct of public policy and so if you think in those terms you think wait a second, yeah, this is a chaotic administration and storm center when it comes to virus, race relations, economic policy like the payroll tax cut he is proposing and has big employers saying it will hurt average workers, we're not doing it. you think about john kelly, white house people who worked with donald trump. what is their message? it is the same as bill clinton.
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this is a chaotic, disruptive administration. we don't know how anything gets done. instead of the name calling it would be better the pay attention and stay off twitter. >> greg: the chaos is only observed by people in the media and -- america is so what if he tweets? >> jesse: speaking of twitter, you know, bill clinton lecturing someone on oval office conduct would be like donald trump lecturing someone on twitter conduct. it doesn't make sense. to put the bar where he has put it, think about what lbj was doing in the oval office during vietnam or nixon doing in the oval office during watergate or obama was doing -- clinton is a gifted politician but he has no shame. the night you're speaking at the dnc and photographs come out of you getting a massage from a sex slave on a dead
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pedophile's jet. is the #metoo movement over. have the democrats declared it over? the guy can give a good speech. last night was not a good speech. it looked like he phoned it in. it was a far cry from the 2012 convention speech, the sales job he did for barack obama, earned him the nickname explainer in chief. looked like he was reading someone else's script last night. to say that trump is chaos, i will cede that. they achieve results. most people don't watch cable news every single night. before the pandemic the last three years this was peace and prosperity like we haven't seen since the 1990s. i'm not telling people not to watch cable news but i'm just saying if you tuned in to cable news it was trump brawling with the media. trump didn't invent the russia collusion hoax. it was bill clinton's wife.
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for slick willie who blamed everything on the vast right wing conspiracy to say trump doesn't accept the blame? no one accepts blame if you're president. that's what makes you a good politician. trump graded his first term as a plus. save the mistakes for the memoir and maybe the advance can soften the blow. >> greg: nice blazer, jesse. next on "the five" john kerry lays into trump's foreign policy while looking at his own disastrous track record. as a caricature artist,
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i appreciate what makes each person unique. that's why i like liberty mutual. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. almost done. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> bret: former secretary of state john kerry tearing into trump's foreign policy. >> when this president goes you
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overseas it is a blooper reel. for the eight years of the obama/biden administration we led by example eliminating the threat of an iran with a nuclear weapon. built a 68 nation coalition to destroy isis. we forged 195 nation agreement to attack climate change. we stopped ebola before it became a pandemic. >> bret: republicans quick to criticize him over the iran nuclear deal, handling isis. dana, you did the word check on impeachment. i checked for two nights. china, the country has only come up one time. i think it's given the gop if it doesn't become a topic. i don't think it was or will. foreign policy was last night. i think it has given them an opening but iran, isis, china. there is a lot to criticize on the republican side. >> dana: we've been talking about medicare for all and free
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college because of the democrats primary before covid. now you have a situation where bernie sanders says look, joe biden will be willing to meet us part way on all of these issues that we care about. you can dig in more. the foreign policy stuff doesn't get democratic voters energized but super interesting that john kerry says we led by example for eight years in the obama/biden administration. he forgot the most important phrase. it was leading from behind. the foreign policy of the previous administration was largely rejected and president trump had to come in and do the most important thing which was deal with isis. and he did deal with isis and we forget about it. we don't have to talk about the things that happened during isis because he fixed it in that first year. so i think that is an accomplishment that maybe the president's team will talk about next week. i did think it was quite notable that the politics has changed. policy has changed. issue has changed and
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leadership has changed in china and the president is reorienting america's policy there and they haven't mentioned it once. they used to talk about it all the time. if you think about factories, things like that back during both clinton administration. absolutely no mention. i thought it was notable. >> bret: you'll to hear about china. american superiority has never been so safe. china can't float a navy. russia is a dead empire on a death spiral. turkey he is now breathing down their neck. isis caliphate gone and north korea is status quo. if you are donald trump and you decimated isis, bringing the troops home and you just brokered a mideast peace deal and the democrats are against you. it's bizarre to me. the biden/kerry track record is
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atrocious on foreign policy. every american president deals with dictators. barack obama was writing love letters to the ayatollah palg around with castro and chavez. there are pictures of democrats making hay about this with assad and putin. this is kind of how things are played. i think the president is in a strong position on foreign policy. >> bret: greg. >> greg: they said everything i was going to say except that if trump was a blooper reel kerry would have a drooper reel. he looks like a wilted stalk of brown celery. it is getting stranger and stranger. i'm so tired of this love letter stuff about north korea because you can't laugh at that relationship when you remove
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the threat from our hemisphere. you have to remember before trump we used to do this story a lot on "the five", north korea was our biggest threat. the biggest threat. obama said it was our biggest threat. we had a massive scare in hawaii when everybody thought they were going to die. it was insane. all of a sudden trump enters the picture and this apocalyptic threat lifts, almost evaporates. why did that happen? we have to remind ourselves why it happened. it was a psychological problem and trump, who deals on human levels, dealt with it with a psychological solution. kerry doesn't understand that. the establishment doesn't understand it. the outsider saw the solution and went to this person and said hey look, we aren't out to destroy you. we wish you did a better job and encourage freedom in your country but we're not going to blow you up. he convinced the guy.
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he convinced him. the psychological problem lifted. we don't talk about it or worry about that bomb dropping and we worried about that every day. that's a huge achievement. >> bret: we should point out some republicans including general jim mattis who left the administration who were for the iran nuclear deal but in the current environment this middle east peace deal with the uae and israel does not happen, the gulf states don't do what they do now under an obama/biden administration. i assume we'll hear more about foreign policy from joe biden. >> juan: i imagine so. there was a two state solution both democrat and republican and didn't include this idea and was opposed by the uae up until now of coming into some reliance for israel. it's not as if the united states was standing in the way. ist is a change in position coming from the united arab
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emirates. i think kim jong-un is back to testing missiles. that's what i read in the newspapers and back to threatening south korea and back to threatening us. people say no big deal. yeah, he failed. trump went over there and said i'll meet with him and give him credibility on the world stage. not a problem. when you hear from john kerry and general colin powell that really values matter. it matters that we have a president who doesn't defend the troops when there are bounties put on their heads by the russians. americans care about this. that's the definition of real patriotism, a president who stands up for the troops, who stands up for our allies, doesn't allow nato to become impotent in the face of vladimir putin, another ought -- stands up for us when it comes to china. chain is more dominant in asia than ever because trump has pulled away.
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>> jesse: no they aren't. >> juan: we can't even do that -- we can't even handle the economic power that china is growing into because we just pulled away from our allies in the southeast asia region. we're giving this -- >> jesse: you don't know what you're talking about. >> bret: this is how this all works i gather. we're waiting on the president at the white house just behind us and we're monitoring that. alexandria ocasio-cortez brings her progressive message to the dnc. what it means for joe biden? that's next. needles. essential for sewing, but maybe not for people with certain inflammatory conditions. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz. the first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis,
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♪ where everybody knows ♪ someyour name ♪ant to go ♪ and they're always glad you came ♪ an army family who is always at the ready. so when they got a little surprise... two!? ...they didn't panic. they got a bigger car for their soon-to-be-bigger family. after shopping around for insurance, they called usaa - who helped find the right coverage for them and even some much-needed savings. that was the easy part. usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it- easy. >> jesse: the far left continues to find a home at the democratic convention. aoc pushing an extreme agenda
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even though she was only given 90 seconds to talk. >> in fidelity and gratitude to a mass people's moving toward social and economic and human rights. guaranteed healthcare, higher education, living wages and labor rights for all people in the united states. a movement that realizes the unsustainable prough talt on an economy that has explosive inequalities of wealth for the few. >> jesse: what did you make of her first convention speech? >> greg: new nickname. the one minute marxist. she can teach you how to destroy the greatest economy in history in less time than it takes to boil or soft boil on egg. the difference between republicans and democrats is we kind of police republicans. i say i'm a republican. i don't know what i am.
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we police our extremist weirdos, the democrats excuse violence and hateful rhetoric, the same people who declared the alt right a threat to the universe. laugh off murders, explosions and shootings occurring in their own cities under their watch, that's probably why. the far left way, though, destruction without creation. i can't come up with a single thing created by the far left that was a positive contribution to society or the world in general. i tried. >> jesse: they defunded their weirdo police and why they don't police them. bret baier i did a little research for the first time today and i found out that aoc wants to get rid of private insurance, modern rifles, borders, police funding, statues of the founding fathers billionaires. do you think the democrats think there is any risk at all in mainstreaming her as a person at the convention.
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>> bret: i think so. they gave her less time. you see it on capitol hill. nancy pelosi says there are only a few in number as far as her caucus. but i'll tell you, she has been on special report, i've interviewed her. she says she doesn't like fox but she has come on before. she is a very passionate about her beliefs. she has a big following. you may say it's completely wrong ideologically but she is a rock star when it comes to this party. so they were compelled to put her on the agenda. how she was treated i think it will be interesting to see how it plays out. she is calling for big change. i mean big transitions. that's not what we've seen from the first two nights of the dnc. >> jesse: to he bret's point. say biden does win how will they handle aoc in congress? she will be empowered. they will have to court her or neutralize her depending on the issue of the day.
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it will be a heavy left. >> dana: if they were to win another constituency that will be powerful, women and suburban women which are not marxist in any way. so that's going to be difficult. i think she is super exciting. i was excited to see what she had to say. it only takes a minute to say out loud what you put on twitter and it is easy to say things like free college and healthcare. it all works well if you don't have to provide details or answer follow-up questions. you don't ever get to how would you do this and pay for this? i do think that the right and the left ignores this ideology at its peril because it is taking hold amongst younger people so that they don't want to take a step-by-step incremental progress move. they want everything at all once. they won't to leapfrog. if i were here i would not have done the speech where she did it. she had that time. i would have been there with a
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lot of people like showing that i have support. i'm not just a lone person on twitter that has a lot of followers. the people that believe in me are real. i would have tried to showcase that a little bit more. >> jesse: it would have been great advice. juan the only other piece of advice i would give to aoc. she can't wait to hear from jesse waters has to tell her. i'm not saying her rhetoric is too academic. i'm saying if she can connect in a more maybe emotional way, the way bill clinton connected to working class people it seems like sometimes she is talking at a seminar, at a graduate school lecture with the isms. that would be the only advice i would give her and i'm sure that will backfire. [laughter] >> juan: i don't know. she might run to it. jesse. you have great advice. but i will say i think it's important that all of you keep
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in mind she was seconding the nomination for bernie sanders, right? that is what she was doing. so of course. when you talk about some of these ideas as so radical i think to myself exactly what is jesse talking about? healthcare, is he talking about medicare for all, living wages, income inequality, helping young people pay off the tuition, very expensive tuition to college? guess what? the american people across the political spectrum think these are mainstream good ideas. so when you hear someone say hey, republicans are getting left behind on real ideas about real change that americans want, i would say pay attention. pay attention to why not only is alexandria ocasio-cortez winning reelection but there is a growth in the number, the caucus that supports her on capitol hill in terms of the democrats because people really do want change. people want change that makes
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their lives better and do not see what is going on right now as sustaining them, their children or their future. >> bret: the green new deal was her baby. that was not a real piece of legislation. that was not a -- >> juan: republicans attacked it like it was being voted on. it's an idea. to americans think that climate change is real? yes. guess what? republicans don't. >> jesse: the green new deal was endorsed by every democrat running for president. that was a legitimate proposal that she put forward. >> juan: i think joe biden is the nominee and i don't see that in the democratic platform. >> jesse: trust me. he will get strong armed into whatever the far left wants. he already had to walk back what he said about fracking because he knows how insane that was. greg, last night we did the
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roll call. everybody enjoyed seeing all the states and all their outfits and the calamari guy in rhode island. i think tonight you'll see a little different presentation. how do you think this week has flowed together? >> greg: i have to tell you, it is very, very hard to watch if you're not drinking. so -- >> dana: tell me about it. >> greg: i sit there and i find myself going why am i -- i'm only on this planet like 77 and 87 years if you're lucky. i'm on the other side of the hill. i can see the end, you know. young people you can't see the end. but once you get around 50 you can actually see the end. i'm sitting there and i start counting the time down to my death when i'm watching it and i said hell, i'm getting the heck out of there. almost said and f word and i have a good time. i enjoyed life more rather than staring at these -- they're
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like webinars, really bad webinars by people who -- they're substitute teachers with an axe to grind. >> dana: i think they've done pretty well actually. i thought the first night was pretty slow. if you're a person that has had to do zoom calls from home trying to participate in work and work from home and trying to deal with all the chaos in the home and maybe you've had to do birthday parties or weddings or anniversaries. >> greg: they needed a dog to come in from the back like an interruption. >> dana: the biden family should bring them in there. puppy kam this thing for the next 48 hours. >> bret: greg. we'll put you down for set your dvr tonight. >> greg: definitely. >> dana: we'll move on here. >> jesse: let's kick it over to dana. >> dana: thank you, jesse,. we're on a telethon. joe biden is jumping right into
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the school reopening debate. jill biden gave a speech from hir classroom. >> you can hear the anxiety that echoes down empty hallways, no scent of new notebooks or freshly waxed floors. the rooms are dark as the bright young faces that should fill them are now confined to boxes on a computer screen. i hear it from so many of you. >> dana: her comments coming as some colleges struggle to keep students in classroom. notre dame and michigan state going virtual after covid outbreaks. the one thing on the staging. i felt like jill biden had the best location to her speech. she went to something she knows and loves. the actual classroom where she taught. it was like a different thing. it wasn't being in -- they weren't in their living room or the basement. they went to that place. i thought it was a good call. >> jesse: it is hard to
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demonize jill biden. i have tried in my head because it makes it easier to do my job. i love her philly accent, she is beautiful, runs marathons, has a great family. she and joe are in love and she watches over him. she is sweet and her relationship with joe is sweet and i think she is an effective messenger as a potential first lady but i want to talk about covid-19 for a second. i'm trying to understand the democrats' rationale for saying that trump has screwed this whole thing up. if the democrats say cuomo did a bang-up job in new york and newsom did a bang-up job in california and whitmer did a great job in michigan and new jersey with murphy, they all did great jobs and they're all on tape the governors, newsom and cuomo praising president trump he gets me everything i ask for. it has been a great relationship. anything i need he gives it to me.
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that's great. the blue states are great. the red states, which had a much smaller blip in terms of deaths and cases, those governors have all praised the president for the job he has done and the sun belt numbers have gone down. where in the country has trump failed? >> juan: how about across the country, the nation? i think the nation. i'm just telling you, you are pointing to the governors, jesse, the governors had to step in and take control, right? >> jesse: everything they asked for as soon as they asked. >> juan: have you met donald trump? flattery is his currency. you flatter him to get what you want. so here is the thing. here is the thing. right now we're dealing with colleges and universities as dana was explaining. they opened. the president is pushing let to schools open. they try to open and what happens immediately they're shutting their doors.
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this is not about politics or somebody running a reelection campaign saying it looks better for me if schools are open. parents saying i don't want my kids in the midst of a virus outbreak that could not only damage them but damage professors, administrators, janitors. you don't need it. you don't want it. as a matter of public safety you see that response. that's a huge difference. >> dana: i wanted to ask greg about this and you talk about share the risk and share the safety or something like that. i saw some college students today on air and also on instagram which is where i get my news where they were -- some of them are football players saying they were frustrated with the fellow students having gone to the parties and ruined the opportunity for everybody else and now they have to go home and do school online. i wonder what you thought about maybe everybody taking a little bit of responsibility here. >> greg: you know what parents, it's hard to believe, are
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adults. they don't need to be schooled about the cost benefits going back. if we continue in a path that doesn't allow for education, freedom to work, this country is done. there is an expiration date that is approaching and we must pay heed. we need innovators with ideas to replace the destructive impact of the teachers unions. their sad reaction to this disease. we needed indication to resume. we need sports to resume for the industry's sake. we need work to resume. we need to be together again as a show. we need to assume that this risk is permanent and therefore protect the vulnerable because we're adults who can assess risk benefit analysis but we can't continue on this kamikaze mission with america as the plane. we know that there is going to be deaths in the future because there always is. we try to measure for that and we try to protect for that but the idea that we have --
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>> dana: the president. >> president trump: thank you very much. before i provide an update on our continued progress against the china virus i would like to discuss our latest actions against the iranian regime. today i'm directing the secretary of state mike pompeo to notify the u.n. security council that the united states intends to restore all the previously suspended united nations sanctions on iran. it's a snapback. not uncommon. two years ago i withdrew the united states from the disastrous iran nuclear deal which was a product of the obama/biden foreign policy failure. a failure like few people have seen in terms of the amount of money we paid for absolutely nothing and a short-term deal. this deal funneled tens of
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billions of dollars to iran. $150 billion to be exact, plus 1.8 billion in cash which i don't know that the president had the authority to give. he gave 1.8 billion in cash. just another great deal that turned out to be a total disaster. they would have funded all of the chaos and the blood shed and terror in the region and all throughout the world. and i won't say anything because i don't like saying it but iran doesn't have so much money to give to the world anymore to the terrorists, to give the al qaeda, various other groups of people that they were funding. they have to keep their own regime together and it is not easy for them. and if and when i win the election, within the first month iran will come to us and they are going to be asking for a deal so quickly because they are doing very poorly. but that deal was a disaster,
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$150 billion, 1.8 billion in cash. and we got nothing except the short term little deal. short term, starting to expire already. it's terminated but if we didn't terminate it, it would start to expire very shortly. a good deal was the deal we made with uae and israel and other countries i will tell you now want to come into that deal. countries that you wouldn't even believe want to come into that deal. and all of a sudden you'll have peace in the middle east and you couldn't have done it with this ridiculous iran nuclear deal as they call it that president obama made along with sleepy joe biden. i imposed the toughest ever sanctions on iran and this has caused great difficulty for them giving money to terrorist organizations and if they do they'll have hell to pay. earlier this year i ordered the
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strike that took out the world's number one terrorist sal maiani. in addition to previously terminating leader and founder of isis al-baghdadi the two leading terrorists by far in the world. the founder of isis, nobody even talks about that. and we also defeated -- we now have 100% of the isis caliphate in syria. when i took over it was a mess. a total mess. it was -- they were all over the place. my administration will not allow this iran nuclear situation to go on. they will never have a nuclear weapon, iran will never have. mark it down, mark it down. iran will never have a nuclear weapon. when the united states entered
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into the iran deal, it was clear that the united states would always have the right to restore the u.n. sanctions that will prevent iran from developing a nuclear weapon. we paid a fortune for a failed concept and a failed policy, a policy that would have made it impossible to have peace in the middle east. here at home through operation legend, we are confronting the wave of crime in democrat-run american cities that is absolutely shocking. when you look at portland or new york, san francisco, seattle, chicago, sometimes los angeles, democrats-run cities they're a mess because they don't get it. either they don't get it or there is something that nobody else understands. we've deployed more than 1,000 additional federal agents to
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help these democrat-run disasters. we just have done this. we have to give them a hand and we can stop it immediately like portland would be so easy to stop. would stop it immediately. >> it would have been blown up or burn down. they did that very easily. if we were called upon, we would send in homeland, fbi or law enforcement. we would eradicate it just like what happened in minneapolis. they should have been called in lot sooner. today we announced that operation legend has successful resulted in arrests already. bad ones. really bad people. prosecutions and prison sentences were -- will follow.
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it will be very long time in prison what they've done to the city. most cities are well run. most of the nation is well run. the areas that we're talking about are run by democrats. usually radical left leaning democrats like in new york or in portland. we've made arrest in kansas city, chicago, cleveland, detroit, milwaukee, st. louis, memphis and albuquerque for many violent crimes including gun crimes, arson and 91 murders. we're also using the full power of the federal government to defeat as you know, the china virus. new cases have declined in 80% of the jurisdictions in the past


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