tv Watters World FOX News August 22, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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thank you to tyrus and michael and by the plus it will change on "life, liberty & levin." ♪ jesse: welcome to "watters world" i'm jesse watters democrat con job that's the subject of tonight's waters word. i didn't want to watch the democratic national convention. i did it only because i get fade to. but i need a raise for hazard pay at least because after this week, it was just nuts. apparently america is living under apartheid. >> we are confronting systemic racism. >> racism. systemic racism. president -- racial justice. >> systemic racial injustice. by systemic racism. racial injustice. racial justice.
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>> racial justice. >> racial violence. >> donald trump praised those racist. structural racism. >> systemic racism. racial bias. >> racial inequities. >> racism. >> structural racism. country that just elected a black president twice just became racist again. and the only way to make america not racist is to put democrats back in power. see how easy that is? all of the problems in the country will be solved when democrats control government. jesse smollett won't need to fake another hate crime joe biden also cure covid and went on to his website to looks at his plan first thing he'll do he'll find a vaccine. why didn't trump think of that? biden also said he'll listen to the scientists. now this is a very stark contrast from president trump who doesn't listen to scientists at all. fog fauci and burks are astron
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astronger and test more that's why he's been in the basement developing supersecret testing kit and he'll reveal after the election. biden have experience managing outbreaks, he does. let's examine his appearance during the 2009 swine flu at least 60 million americans caught the swine flu. today just under 6 million coronavirus cases here. swine flu became so widespread the obama biden administration stopped testing for it. that's right, they stopped the testing. did biden put a scientist in charge of men in the outbreak? no. he put a political hack in charge his own chief of staff ron and here's what klain admitted last year. >> did every possible thing wrong and it's yeah 60 million americans got h1n1 and it is a
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fortuity it isn't a great casual american event nothing with us doing anything right but has to do request luck. >> he did everything wrong. >> biden is really the luckiest politician ever. after the messiah tapped him for vp biden fought his way through most talented field of democrat in history. sleighing dragons like beto o'rourke and pocahontas many compare to margaret thatcher. then a once in a hundred year pandemic hit which let him stay home and rest without having to stick his foote in his mouth on the stump. biden luck is running out and hasn't been to wisconsin in two years. how did that work out for hillary? a cnn poll just came out with trump and biden tied in the battleground state. biden doing much worse than hillary was in the stage of the race. trump is also in minnesota if he wins minnesota, watch out.
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barack obama sees the writing on the wall. instead of going high, he went low accused trump of destroying democracy. >> close to four years now he's shown no interest in putting in the work. no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself, and his friends. no interest in treating the presidency of anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves. donald trump hasn't grown into the job because he can't. do not let them take away your democracy. jesse: obama is desperate a low turnout election so he's scaring democrats he's scaring them and he's begging them to vote early by mail. biden doesn't win, durham continues obama gate investigation so it is personal for barack.
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trump shredded his legacy there's nothing left instead of the cloud of corruption. anyway, obama never helped get anyone elected besides himself. this time won't be any different. hillary is still haunting america. she accused trump of cheating. >> don't forget, joe and kamala can win by 3 million votes and still lose attack it from me so we need numbers overwhelming, so trump can't sneak or steal his way to victory. jesse: accusing trump of cheating is like mob fixing of a fight and literally paid for russian interference. she can get away with this because the press won't ask her about it. hillary is never been asked about paying for the failed dossier. four years later. biden has never been asked why he unmasked mike flynn. comey never been asked about why his team doctored evidence. bill clinton has never been
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asked on camera about palling around with epstein, and on the day bill clinton spoke at the dnc, these pictures came out of him getting massage from epstein allege sex slave during a flight on epstein jet now this is a jet owned by a pedophile international sex trafficker. seems like cancel culture arrived for the me too movement. kamala harris hasn't been asked if she believes joe biden sexual assaulted an intern. she said she believed it a little while ago but she hasn't asked about if since she joined ticket now running mates. because this election is all about character. sure. race isn't about character but competence something biden wouldn't know anything about it even if it hit him in his head and full of gaffes and decisions that dnc didn't talk about and bide listen just make you feel better because biden is good and trump is bad.
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>> light not the darkness united we can and will overcome this season of darkness in america. chose hope over fear, facts over fiction. fairness over privilege. >> kind of seems like he plagiarized barack obama but trump is evil and dark. him leaving will magically make your life better. except it won't. biden is going to raise taxes and gas prices. let china steal our jobs and pride, take away your guns and insurance, and lock down schools and businesses. but you'll feel good about being worse off because biden cares about you. even when you get laid off canceled or robbed doesn't matter. trump is not there anymore. our democrats trying to cure covid or trump derangement syndrome? i don't know this is a group of people dangerously fixated on one man. donald trump. and if convince themselves he's the source of all of their
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problems, their job, relationship their mood, all trump's fault. it's a defense mechanism so they don't have to hold themselves accountable for anything. it's lazy. obama hangover, barack obama left office too abruptly hillary was supposed to soften the blow they weren't emotionally prepared for trump eight years of power and political correctness will do that to you. instead of democrats looking inside themselves and figuring out why they lost, and where they lost and how they lost, they raged like poor sports. sabotage leaks, prosecutions impeachment lies, fake news, censorship, conspiracy theories. this is a wild pack of immature maniacs blood thirsty for power. seeking to assume their rightful place in the white house and pretend like their real problems don't exist. they'll tell you anything as
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long as it keeps them until power they say they respect all americans, did they respect kavanaugh, melania, can you cann saying every single trump voter in america is racist. >> we shouldn't be surprised that this president is a hypocrite we shouldn't be surprised that he's a bigot he's a racist he's a hypocrite those aren't opinions those are facts. people well say not all trump supporters are bigot or racist okay fine you can believe that. jesse: cnn calling 6 million americans racist would make news but that's not outrageous and mispronouncing kamala harris name now that's crime of the industry century now canceling you and kicking you in the head and own voters getting shot up in every single city but they
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don't mention crime once this week. democrats will tell you anything to get your vote except, when their policies are. what's biden's signature domestic policy initiative, i have no idea and i do this for a living. what's biden's foreign policy doctrine? he doesn't have one after 50 years in washington. donald trump destroyed isis is bringing our troops home and just brokered a mideast peace deal he cut 300 miles of border what you will did biden ever do no really what did he do? sending me a note on social media because i have no idea. now as of today there are rolling blackouts in california. murders surging in chicago, homeless taking over in new york, and riots running over 80 straight days in portland. and sadly the blue states got rocked by covid. democrats can't even govan themselves. why would we trust them to governor the whole country?
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joe biden can't even answer a question from cardi b. his campaign had to edit his answers. >> can you provide for medicare plan without a big chunk of taxes coming out of our checks? >> the way we can pay for this is doing practical thing making sure no profit should pay less than 15% tax on their profit. none. >> did you guys catch that edit right there? >> cardi b. even is no chris wallace and doesn't think joe can hack it. "new york times" offer who covered obama. >> while obama had come to like biden, he often talked about him with a patronizing overpongedness as vp was beloved family dog that kept peeing on the carpet. down boy. so the people who know him the best, obama his chief of staff, his campaign, know joe is kind
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of a joke. they know there are voters aren't projoe. they're really anti-trump. so this week, and for the rest of the campaign here's what you're going sees. the campaign will continue to hide joe and media will play along they'll paint picture of america like we're living in a syrian war zone if we step outside we either risk getting hit in the face with mustard gas or get kidnapped by a band of militant mega hatters. trump will be accused of killing school children and lighting bags of ballots on fire. next weeks rnc described as a clan rally. ladies and gentlemen, they're out of ammo. this means we're winning. these are the last gasps of a dying campaign. covid cases and deaths are trending way down. the economy is coming way back. trump is flying around the battleground campaigning, the debates are eminent and football is around the corner.
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football. joining me now former speaker of the house, fox news contributor and author of the new book "trump and the american future" newt gingrich. speaker thanks for joining "watters world" we really appreciate it. so you have a column that's causing a lot of commotion you're saying that the ticket between harris and biden might not laugh. tell us why. >> well just in the sense of they're collapse politically. from first of all let's look at harris. she is the most radical member of the senate base on voting. which means she's to the left of sanders and the left of elizabeth warren you know how hard that is. second, she's a terrible performer. she was at 15% support nationally last july. by the time she drop out she was down to 4%. biden actually had 8 times as many african-american supporters as she did and in her home state
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running fourth and 61% of californians wanted her to drop out of the race. so i just started with idea that she's not a good performer. she's not going to last and she's way too radical. and biden's case although i think he did a great speech at the convention probably best speech of his career the truth is, close your eyes and imagine that we're negotiating with xi jinping the very tough dictator of communist china. say to yourself what i tell the u.s. representative that guy who is tough but has rough edges or do i want a guy who's pleasant but falls asleep halfway through the meeting? i understand biden is not going to last and when you look at their platform, it is so radical on almost every front, tax paid abortion in 9th month for example. confiscating guns which is a exclusive kamala harris position. whole range of these things. you know, changing the suburbs
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through federal bureaucracy biden has endorsed. so i go down that list i say to myself, when people get to know them better, just happened with george mcgovern in is 1972 they'll say i don't think so. i can't vote for you. jesse: you mention governor in '72 you're not predicting a landslide trump victory. >> i'm predicting that it will be a dramatically bigger victory than people currently expect because -- jesse: wow. >> you see it beginning to build now. jesse: you do. >> there's a poll out in minnesota showing him tied and washington state and republicans came roaring back everywhere except seattle. and does dramatically better than they did in '18 in special elections we've been doing very, very well and i think i talked to a new york state assembly candidate yesterday who was running in a about suburban
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county outside new york city a hillary clinton county about 16 points. trump is now ahead in that county. and he said part of it is just violence that people are watching you know madison avenue and 5th avenue be trashed and they're watching gangs starting to come into their town and saying i don't anymore of this. jesse: if you can combine taxpayer funded abortion on demanding, putting beto in charge of grabbing guns or grabbing guns via executive order, while there's a crime wave happening, and giving taxpayer relief to illegal immigrants with regards to coronavirus, they want to give illegal immigrants access to free health care as well. are those things going to be able to be exposed or do you think the mainstream media is going to be able to create such a -- a protective bubble around this ticket that they might go weeks
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without even being asked appointed question like that. >> well, first of all, the 207 house democrats voted for nancy pelosi's they charge 6800 which does give 1,200 as a bonus to every illegal immigrant. [laughter] so if you can break the law get into the u.s. nancy wants you to be happy. jesse: a bonus for breaking the law. >> that buys about i think 100 quarts of her favorite ice cream. [laughter] but look i think your point is exactly right. if we were in a situation where the propaganda media replaced news media was able to define everything, they would probably protect biden up through the election. but the fact is, one of the most remarkable achievements of the last five years, is the fact that president trump has a big amount communication system that he can literally personally slug it out with all of the networks,
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new york time website washington post, and fight them to a tie. and so i have no doubt as the campaign keeps growing, that we can get these message across and we have a huge advantage. they're a fact. now we don't have to go to make stuff up and invent some post office phony scandal. we have to just tell the truth about how radical these people are. then also you know, when you see literally 90 days of port land rioting every day for 90 days. that begins to be a fact and it was interesting to me that neither biden nor harris was willing to say a word about antifa a word about a leal level of crime. you have a mayor of chicago now seeing that she's going to have police on her own personal street because she wants her family to be safe. but good luck to the rest of the city. well i think that stuff sinks in at a level of reality that even nbc news can't coverup. jesse: not only they didn't
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mention crime they haven't mentioned china. they haven't mentioned terrorism. they haven't mentioned trade. they haven't mentioned taxes. they're mostly just talking about feelings. donald trump is a mean person this is a racist country, and if you restore joe biden to the white house, everyone will feel better. they won't tell you what they're going to do. but it will make all of your bad feelings go away. it's almost like psychotherapy to the trump dearrangement base. >> you have your issue positions you would talk about feelings because every time you talk about an issue you lose votes. so -- jesse: right. >> whatever strategy playing out a losing hand. jesse: all right we have trump and american future newt gingrich newt gingrich it's out now check it out we discuss or he discusses all of the things that the president needs to hammer in the next 70 days as well as the american future under donald trump.
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pick it up in bookstore or order it online whatever you have to do it newt gingrich there he is thank you very much. >> good, good to be with you. jesse: first russia collusion now mailboxes. the left latest conspiracy coursing through the media's veins. but first a "watters world" exclusive. portland truck driver hit con conscience but black lives matter protesters. he shares his story.
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jesse: round kick to back of the head seen across the country adam knocked unconscience by black lives matter supporters and girlfriend also attacked. brand new video now tells whole story trying to help a transgender woman who was being taunted beat and robbed he was punched called a white supremacist. decided to get back into his truck and drive away. but the truck had a martin luther mechanical failure that ended with a brutal kick to the back of the head. when he wasn't looking, joining me now for a "watters world" education collusive is adam and his girlfriend tammy martin. well, first of all adam what are your injuries and how are you feeling?
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>> they're kind of all over. bruising on my leg, my ribs, my eyes, obviously. lacerations on my head. it was worse two days ago, feeling better today. trying to move on. >> well the police have arrested the assailant marquis taken into custody, and i'm sure it will be prosecuted. what do you to see happen to this guy marquis love? >> i really, i didn't really have an issue with anyone when i went down there to start with. so i'm not really trying to, you know, pick up an issue here. i think they were down there for a cause.
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and trying to show something for their cause, and what they showed is what they showed, and that's where i stand with it. jesse: they said you're a racist guy you were trying to mow them down with your pupght. pickup truck, what's your response to that? inch warned everyone to get out of my way when i start mid-truck i was down there and they knew to get out of the way. i was down there for a lengthy amount of the time i managed not to hurt anyone while i was down there. but myself evidently. jesse: so the mayor of portland wheeler mayor basically letting descend into chaos is there anything you would like to say to mayor ted wheeler now? >> kind of a long response time for my issue down there.
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yeah, i kind of agree with your statement. jesse: how long was the response time do you even remember? >> i was unconscience hard for me to say. jesse: do you remember tammy? >> at least ten minutes. after he had been unconscience from what i can tell. nobody would let me near him i just -- saw him on the ground when i got there. not knowing that he was that close to me. but i think ten minutes at least. jesse: that's way too much time. all right tammy, adam -- >> well -- what does then think would have happened toughs other person had i not have drawn their attention to me? jesse: that person taunted and robbed and assaulted.
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it's just mayhem out there. and no one is safe and this is the result of people defunding police, backing police, and not using police effectively. and this is going to happen again sadly as it kind of stuff continues. >> i thought that's what they were down there trying to fight was this kind of behavior towards them. but they're exhibiting the same behavior that they're trying to stop. jesse: well it's not fair, and we feel terrible that you were assaulted like that hope you're getting better wish you a speedy recovery. adam and tammy thank you guys very much. >> thank you. jesse: strangest moments of the democratic national convention, what is wrong with these people? and football is back. ♪ guys, are you tired
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postal service had a deal with that getting chased down by dogs. now but democrats pushing to have an election by mail only, there's all new issues. grilled postmaster general on hill now house members are even blaming trump for the problems at the post office. >> pitch went over to run it and i'm already getting from people saying that they believe that the president of the united states is managing the delivery system, slowing down, interfering with people being able to get their mail. >> then they do everything they can to slow the mail because administration is an attempt to make sure your vote doesn't count and doesn't count as cast. jesse: yes now president colluding with the postmaster general. joining me now to react white house chief of staff, mark meadows. mark i almost feel sorry for you guys because you have to deal with crazy people and this is the new -- russia hoax all over again.
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this time it involves mailboxes. what's your strategy here? >> well, you know when you start to hear what ms. waters and ms. pelosi are saying it is troubling because we see this as russia hoax 2.0 now it is not the russians now it's the -- people the men and women that work at the u.s. post office that's supposedly going to slow this down. and anybody who knows hardworking men and women at the post office like the president of the united states does, knows that they're not going to do that. he's not going to do that. we're willing to send money to make the post office great again and somehow this is one more reason why they believe that they're going lose in november and chock it up to some excuse that has nothing to do with casting a ballot on behalf of the american men and women. >> so something that's not getting a lot of play which i wanted to bring up on "watters
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world" with we've had now four straight weeks in this country where coronavirus cases have gone down. >> right. jesse: we have hospitalizations down. if you could look at the graph. we have daily deaths now down. i guess half to where they were. in april, and now the sun belt cases are on the down swing and, you know, we heard about this big sun belt but now that's going down as well. do you think that media is not covering the downside of the coronavirus so joe biden gets to continue to not campaign and take questions. >> well, i mean, he's running out of excuses on why he should be able to come out of his basement you know when we start to look at it. you know, obviously, we dealt with about this china virus for a long time. the president has been spot on in trying to make sure that not only we hold china accountable. but then we deal with it and you're right. in florida, texas, arizona, a lot of places where we saw an
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increase in some of the cases over the last few months, the trend is going down and you're right to point it out but more importantly this president has chamged all of us in the white house to find therapy it is to make sure that there were enough ventilators to make sure we had no one that would lose their life because of a lack of ventilators pep and that was a real crisis just a few months ago that the president saw for. he's also solving right now to make sure that we have a vaccine and therapeutic and other issues that if indeed this continues on, that we can address it. but you're right. good news doesn't travel very far. the mainstream media always wants to put out the bad news and we do have a little bit to celebrate because of some of charge you were just showing. jesse: listen don't say hi to a mailman they might slap you with a subpoena be careful out there. thanks again.
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>> thank you. jesse: 73 days until america picks its president in 2016, all polls pointed to a clinton victory. and look what happened. here to explain why polls don't always sell the entire story pollster frank luntz. frank i'm very interested in polling. not that interested your job is still safe. i want to ask you a few questions about this battle ground poll cnn has it pretty much dead even in the battle ground states. i'm looking at a poll from pennsylvania, reputable polling biden just up by 4 points at the same time in 2016 they had hillary up 10. and then in minnesota, i'm looking at two different polls, one has the president tied in minnesota. and one has him within the margin of error and he could lose wisconsin, pick up minnesota and he stays at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. what is your assessment of polling right now?
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>> so it's always dangerous to do something right in the middle of a convention and it's particularly dangerous to talk about polling before the debate. because so much can change. and we've had half of the elections going back to 1968, one-half of them have seen a change of 10 points or more between the candidate who is leading on labor day and what happens on election day. so i say to people, take that with a grain of salt take a look at the movement, at the change between surveys over a week ten days two weeks and trend for donald trump is actually within p been favorable been positive. over the last three, four weeks. now, i'm going say something that's gong to bother you it may bother some of your viewers. i still believe that if election were held right now or held today joe biden would win. but we've got the republican convention coming up, we've got the debates coming up and trend is definitely over the past couple of weeks in donald
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trump's favor. >> well that doesn't bother me because that's a hypothetical i'm envious of your rug what kind of rug is that? >> it is a brand new room. this is -- my game room and behind me hopefully you've got the library. every time i do a fox interview show a different part of the house. [laughter] jesse: polling looks like it has been good to you, frank. congratulations. and thanks very much. >> thank you. jesse: what are nfl games going to look like next month? special nfl report next.
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look like and sound like in just three weeks. >> well jesse first of all thanks for having me. i really think that it's going to sound probably a little bit similar because they may sub in fan noise to make it interesting but in 1974 during a strike period about when i was a rookie, i played in the empty stadium. we played at rfk stadium in washington with 300 fans there everything you said echoed it just echoed through the stands. it is an eerie feeling tas different feeling. especially for football. we've seen the bubble in everything in basketball, and i don't think you can put up that much cardboard faces like they do in major league baseball setting. so it is different. but the guys will get used to. that's the adaptability of the athlete they will get used to. jesse: we'll probably hear fans, you know, pipe in whatever they do. i guess, the, you know, i don't know how they can be louder than some of these fans in seattle or
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somewhere. but they'll do what they can. are we going hear the pad smack and helmet cracking we'll hear a little bit more of that. >> mics will be able to pick up a lot more noise because you won't have sound from fans drowning out so it will bring another dimension to them a little bit like we saw in the draft. where so many things were done virtually at home. i thought it was an interesting aspect of the way the draft was down. i think football will be presented in a very unique way again. it is going to be football that's the most important thing we need it in this country to be perfectly honest with you. we need something to cheer and scream and vengt our frustrations out as in this regard. i really believe that it's going to be a season that can be had. we've learned a lot i think from major league baseball nba as well as hockey so now football has its chance to be able to put in effect the things that they need in the protocols they need so that they can keep the players safe and put a product out on the field. >> all right joe used to play
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for the washington football team. and we have no idea what they're going call that. thank you so much for coming in to "watters world." [laughter] >> thanks jesse good to catch up with you. >> did you watch the dnc this week? what the heck was that? i'm scared. and so is america. find your keys. find your get-up-and-go. find pants that aren't sweats. find your friends. find your sense of wander. find the world is new, again. at chevy we'd like to take you there. now during the chevy open road sales event, get up to 15% of msrp cash back on select 2020 models. that's over fifty-seven hundred dollars cash back on this equinox. it's time to find new roads, again.
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>> right democratic national convention finally over and oh, that is a good thing. the first of virtual convention a little bizarre. joe biden looks to surprise us that he got the nomination. all kicked off with this peculiar music video. ♪ ♪ jesse: joining me now to break down some of the moments you wish you missed fox news contributor raymond arroyo so like a dracula look but what year is this again? >> exactly. it looks like he went into br there's a wardrobe a long thing
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i don't know where. but imagine how this is playing in the rough belt jesse. made a big outreach throughout this thing to religious voters, and evangelical voters i'm going was the castro district vote up for grabs who is the demographic for this? i'm just wondering. but i don't know -- jesse: produced this week. i don't know either. this was -- this was looney tunes. the moment that kind of shocked everybody and i think shocked joe biden himself when he was i guess awarded the nomination at some point, and it was like when you give a surprise party to your grandfather at a nursing home. balloons started dropping, he honestly looked like he didn't know what was happening. [laughter] >> no he was shocked. he was shocked at one point and when the grandkids keam in the back and fired off the streamers he thought he was under attack antifa had broken in. he was totally startled. but you know, jesse, and when they did the big rollout speech,
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big moment it was wonderful to see that disney is previewing their next theme park attraction which is apparently mediocre moments with joe biden to put it next to pavilion of the almost presidents it will be he and romney and caucus, it will be fantastic. jesse: for the republicans next week see if they can do better. they had from seinfeld i guess julie and it was some sort of comic routine with andrew yanng let's listen to this. >> i cannot wait to see the debate mika pines or is it -- >> pronounced pounce i believe. >> some weird foreign name? >> yeah not very american sounding. >> yeah that's what people are saying. >> was that a crack at kamala harris? is that what that was? >> yeah.
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>> you know. poor julia she's become like an infomercial hawk woman selling this voting scheme all she kept doing was pushing voting number all night long how to call the number tell you how to vote to it set a tone of farce jesse at the beginning of the proceedings that they paid off throughout the rest of this thing. it was, it was silly. it was flat and a sterical edge that threw people into reality and run around in cars eating ice cream in the white house mess. all of those memories came flooding back that was a tv show. that's what america voted against to get away with hollywood industrial complex moving into white house suppose to be advancing their affair and agenda i think there was mix messaging here.
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i don't think it played. we know from the ratings it clearly didn't. jesse: no tanked in ratings but trying to replicate this game they were playing during the obama year. couldn't duplicate that with joe and you know we'll see what we have next week. raymond will be watching. and he will be mesmerized by it. >> at least live no more zoom. up next last call
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watching the dnc this week. what is back? that's all for us tonight to follow me and facebook instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next remeber i am waters and this is my world. judge jeanine: hello and welcome to justice. i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight but let's get to my open. i hate it when people lie to me. i even wrote a book titled don't lie to me out in september. the person who lies it seems you are too stupid to fathom the truth so they just keep piling it on. and they are nomination of bunker joe biden the dnc described an america that was dark dreary and depressing and it's president trump's
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