tv The Five FOX News August 24, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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furloughing 1900 pilots. they were trying to work out an agreement. apparently it fell through. those pilots are going on october 1. here comes "the five." ♪ dana perino with juan williams, greg gutfeld, jesse watters, and kennedy. it's 5:00 in new york city and washington, d.c., and this is "the five." a very big week for president trump as the republican national convention kicks off. the president looking to make his case for reelection and counter joe biden and the democrats message. earlier the president making a surprise visit to the stage in charlotte, north carolina, after being officially nominated. take a look. >> i felt an obligation to be here. you have a governor who is in a total shutdown move. i guarantee you on november 4th
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it will all open up. we have to win. our country is counting on it. this is the biggest. this is it. our country can go in a horrible, horrible direction or in an even greater interaction. they don't like joe biden. i think we're going to get a lot of votes. they are going to raise your taxes, quadruple your taxes. they are going to add onto the regulations, all these projects we got started that are great projects, they won't be able to get built. >> dana: the president set to lay out his second term agenda focusing on jobs, fighting the pandemic and defending law enforcement. president trump is set to appear all four nights of the convention. jesse watters, beginning this week, your birthday and christmas all rolled into one. >> jesse: compared to the dnc drum circle of death, yes. this is going to be an rnc that's focused on optimism, opportunity, and american greatness, as you said.
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the second term agenda, jobs, energy, vaccine, china, law and order, space. it's powerful stuff. joe is not going to know what hit him. this election is not about character. it's about competence and joe biden has been an incompetent mess his entire career. he's never delivered for the american worker and the president is actually winning. cbs poll, up ten points with independence. that the d12 sample that drives me crazy. joe biden does not have what it takes. the president is activated the rnc this week. they are going to be holding 7,000 need ups all across the country's week. last week they knocked on 1 million doors. this week they are knocking on another million. joe biden's team has knocked on zero doors. it's all virtual. this is a real turnout operation that the democrats can't compete with. i think there's a silent majority out there. they have been laying low with cancel culture and the democrats are going to get a rude
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awakening. they are walking into the president's trip. the democratic base has lost control. they rioted all weekend in portland, all over denver. they arrested these guys with bad sand liquids that i won't name. it's disgusting stuff. one of the police unions that endorsed joe biden and barack obama last time have now switched over to endorse the president. this comes at the same time that joe continues to stay in his basement and lets the media do the work for him. president trump now actually holding events with live audiences. it's starting to get good. >> dana: all right, greg. not greg. your greg. jesse mentioned of course the violence that we have seen in a few cities continuing over the weekend. the president's definitely going to bring it up this week. it did not come up last week. >> greg: i think biden left two giant windows open for trump to swoop in like the flying orange velociraptor he is. one of them is violence and the
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other is freedom, okay? the first one is a contrast between law and order and radical destruction. when joe chose to ignore the explosive crime wave well documented, the riots, arson, vandalism and death. then they have a rapist murderer at their convention. donna high alton serve 27 years for a horrible kidnapping that lasted 15 days in which they tortured a gay man in ways you don't even want to know. this contrast is amazing. juan is looking like i made it up but you can google it at the break. americans of all genders and races want to live safely. they don't want their businesses burned down. every democratic leader that has advocated that responsibility is telling you they are not going to do that if they win. the defense of civil society is number one. freedom versus the shutdown.
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as we know the goal of the shut down most of flatten the curve which we did heroically but it wasn't meant to eliminate the virus because that's impossible. destroying any country. create a goal that is unreachable. instead we have to research therapeutics and vaccines but we have to get back to work and school and reopen businesses. one word that describes that perfectly is freedom. joe's mouth is stealing trump's reelection. every time he is defining himself as an autocrat with the mandate and then saying he's going to shutdown the country he's basically choosing authoritarianism. that's driving the democratic party crazy because that's what they kept saying trump was. the end. >> dana: juan, why don't you talk about that. there's been accusations about president trump wanting to be an autocrat. to greg's point, what do you make of that? >> juan: what do i make of the president trump wants to be an autocrat and you're saying because vice president biden said in his interview on abc
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last night that if the scientists tell him it's really important, imperative to shutdown the country and version stop the spread of the virus, he's willing to do it? that's good for joe biden. democrats a been making the case that they listen to the experts, that they won't put american people at risk. the second tier two that is the economy and the job prospects can't get back together until we have the virus under control. and we continue to see as unemployment takes up that this is a continuing problem. i wanted to speak. obviously today's the kickoff for the republican convention. president trump has already spoken. he spoke in charlotte where you have 336 delegates from the republicans all across the country meeting. because of the virus they can't have the convention there's a it will move to washington tomorrow. in his speech today, what does
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the president do? basically what he does is make the democrats case for them. he starts out not talking about positivity, optimism, here's what i'm going to do. there is no platform, no platform. instead he says the democrats are going to steal the election just like last time. or the democrats are going to use covid to steal the election in this election won't be valid unless i win. otherwise it was rigged. this is, you hear about violence and anarchy of joe biden and kamala harris. what happened to the positive, we are going to have pro america go america love america message for the people. it's a rerun of grievance and fearmongering. >> dana: he did speak for an hour and hit a lot of those things. he did talk about a new list of things that they want to do in the second term, quite
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comprehensive especially on the economy. kennedy, what are you looking for the next four days? >> harris>> kennedy: i'm lookinr positivity and an agenda that has americans and how they're going to capitalize on the freedoms greg so critically talked about by making money and bettering their lives, empowering their families and making decisions for themselves because government is all over the place in terms of combating the virus and everything else. there was one delegate from north carolina who actually had the best phrase that republicans could use it they're going to capitalize on their moment and that was jobs, not mobs. it's a very clear way of contrasting what's happening in this country. you have people who haven't been able to work because the government has said that has to be a lock down. they want jobs. they want prosperity. they want personal fulfillment. in so many cities you do have these violent mobs.
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people don't want that. it makes them feel unsafe. some of the people are working from home. they are thinking about mobility in ways i never have before and thinking about what we do parts of the country they've never thought of before they are not going to move to cities that are on fire. >> dana: we've got a lot to talk about, a whole hour's worth. joe biden says he's open to another coronavirus lockdown if he wins in november. how is president trump responding to that? that's next on "the five." (neighbor) whatcha working on...
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♪ >> juan: former vice president biden has been critical of president trump's covid response. the former vp saying that he would shut the country down again if scientists recommended. take a look. >> i would shut it down. i would listen to the scientists. i don't blame him for the covid crisis. i blame him for walking away and not dealing with the solutions. the idea of saying that is going to go away, some miracle is going to happen. i've been pleading with the president for the last three months, you need a plan. >> juan: president trump, he's hitting back, calling out biden over the comments. >> by the other day said no, he
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would shut it down. he would listen to some guy say and he would shut it down. we just broke a record on jobs, an all-time record. most of the country is right now doing very, very well. they've done an incredible job. to have a man sitting on television the other say oh, i'd shut it down, a wide shut it down, like it's easy. oh, i'd shut it down. >> juan: g think it's a bad idea for the former vice president to say he would listen to scientists? >> greg: he should've listen sooner. the probe biden media is fretting about unemployment but they are also screaming for more shutdowns which led to the high employment numbers. that's the beauty of being a low information pundit, or lip. you can say whatever you want because you don't remember it. joe said he would've saved 40,000 lives of the shutdown was two weeks sooner. why two weeks?
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why not four weeks? why draw the line there? what if he had done the shutdown of the beginning of january or christmas? we couldn't because joe biden and his brood were saturating the american brain with something called impeachment. it elbowed out all covid attention. to the disgust of me because i was talking about covid. that's my impeachment wasn't mentioned of the convention. not only because it failed but also because it killed thousands of people through distraction. trump has got to bring this up. trump should say imagine, people. imagine, people. january and february without impeachment. we could've had a faster handle on covid if they hadn't been chasing the fantasy of impeachment. because he's right. that's a terrible impression. >> juan: i'll give it to you. i got the idea. kennedy, what strikes me is that we saw what happened when president trump didn't listen to the scientists. saying that this will magically
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disappear. you can go back to church on easter. i think the u.s. has 4% of the world population and 25% of its depths. that's a terrible record for not listening. >> dana: yeah. >> kennedy: it's awful and the disease has ravaged communities and families and there's no doubt about it. a lot of that is because of the bureaucratic institutions that were inherited by this administration. i don't think the president has a perfect record in dealing with covid but my problem with joe biden is he's not forward looking at all. he's not really talking about solutions that will make people's lives better. i don't get a sense of urgency. greg is right, you can't have it both ways. you can't have an economy that shut down and then complain about the fruits of the shutdown. the rotting fruits of the shutdown. that's incredibly disingenuous. i don't get a lot of vision from that and joe biden is also talking about raising taxes. let me remind you mr. former
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vice president, taxation is theft and it's not a solution. >> juan: dana, as i was saying in the earlier segment, as you know democrats want to make this a referendum election. part of it is to say that democrats believe in science on so many issues but specifically on covid. they are willing to follow the science to protect us americans. what do you think? >> dana: i talked to somebody today who is pretty high up there in the democratic circles and i asked, does this message work for you? listen to scientists, do with the scientists say he said yes. for the democrats that they are pulling, even independents and republicans like that message. but i feel like it's too black-and-white. it ignore some of the things we've already learned. we know more than we did in january and february about how the virus is spread. we know that three things work. masks, social distancing and hand washing. we also have some therapeutics now that are very helpful.
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you see some progress especially in arizona and florida, also very important for all those people that live there. if you're joe biden or donald trump you're paying very close attention to the battleground states. i feel that if the issue was put to the voters, should we do another strict lockdown given all these other things that we know about how to protect ourselves and each other, then i think it would probably be 80% against another full lockdown unless it was absolutely warranted. i don't see it happening with the coronavirus. in 2008 joe biden's had a rudy giuliani that he was a noun, verb, 9/11. you can almost say the same thing about joe biden. noun, verb, covid. maybe it will work for him but i think as the state see some progress and hopefully people are doing the right things, the things i mentioned like hand washing, social distancing and masks, that maybe we can get everybody back to school and work and be healthy. >> juan: that's a prayer.
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jesse, i was thinking to myself that because the president downplayed the impact of covid initially that his announcement yesterday just came off as a dud. people don't know if it's true or not true. what's the importance of this therapy? it seems like he has sacrificed his credibility on covid. >> jesse: maybe it was a dud to you, juan, but if you have the virus and your doctor said these are some antibodies in plasma that we are going to give you to save your life, i guarantee you you would take it. juan, i think joe biden is really just being a simpleton. he's not being scientific. there is no way if we could go back and redo the april shutdown situation that we would do it in the same way. we would not do a blanket 50 state economic lockdown for six weeks. this is a virus that kills people for over 65. 80% of the deaths over 65. you would do targeted lockdowns
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and quarantines for the sick and elderly. you would do trave travel bans h biden was against. you would do hygiene and masks on social distancing. what we know so much more now about the mortality rate that may be stuffing intergenerational families in a small new york city apartments without masks if he wasn't a good idea. we know the costs psychologically, medically and economically of blanket lockdowns. there would be no way we're ever going back to that. science is not mathematics. it develops as you get new information. you change and you pave it. biden has not pivoted. for you to act like fauci and dr. birx in january so blocked on the economy and trump waited until mid-march, that's not tr true. 24 hours after they advised him to lockdown the economy he pulled the trigger. that was when joe biden was out there campaigning and name-calling. i think we need to get that straight.
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five straight weeks. >> dana: name-calling? >> jesse: remember, xenophobic? five straight weeks of us going down in cases, hospitalizations and deaths. now we have a good perspective with his plasma and that's good news for the american people. it's not a dud. >> juan: thanks, jesse. did republicans looking to claim joe biden's far left ghetto boost from former president obama? we are going to explain that next on "the five" " as a caricature artist,
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i appreciate what makes each person unique. that's why i like liberty mutual. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. almost done. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> kennedy: speakers at the rnc set to attack joe biden is the tool of the far left but maybe they should just let former president obama do all the heavy lifting. he just said this in an interview. "if you look at joe biden's goals and bernie sanders goals, they are not that different from
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a 40,000-foot level." here is joe biden calling for higher taxes on some americans. watch. >> i will raise taxes for anybody making over $400,000. let me tell you why i'm going to do it. it's about time they start paying a fair share of the economic responsibility we have. the very wealthy should pay a fair share. corporations should pay a fair share. >> kennedy: corporations. oh, it show interesting. dana, is just a better way of shorter boxing and joe biden? instead of just having a polemic on negative assault on his mental faculties, isn't better for republicans to say he really is just bernie sanders light and a tool of some of the far left progressives in the party? >> dana: i guarantee you president obama just served up a ball that the republicans will spike over and over again. he just basically made their case for them. they've been trying trying to say that the biden-harris ticket will be ushering in the far left policies and remember dr. jill
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biden told me know, joe is a moderate. you heard that last week. he's a moderate. but no, barack obama comes in and says actually bernie and biden are the same. all good. i thought last night it would've been a better follow-up question on the taxes issue if abc had asked, mr. vice president, don't you plan to repeal all of the trump tax cuts? i believe his answer is yes. if that's the case, they are not just raising taxes on people making $400,000 a year or more, raising taxes on all the middle class. but to adjust even pay for any smidgen of the agenda that they say they want to do, everyone in america will have to pay more taxes. i think as americans start to come out of the coronavirus with a little bit more understanding of how it's transmitted and how to protect themselves and how to get back to work, pocketbook issues are going to come up to the forefront and you're going to think i might not like that guy but i really don't want that to happen to my finances.
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>> kennedy: greg, this 40,000-foot view, that's basically saying that anything, if you look at it from a girl even off distant, everything was essentially the same. it's undifferentiated. if joe's plan is no different than biden's and it's no different from president trump's. so who cares at all? it's nihilism. >> greg: you could say that joe in another era could have been a republican, maybe five years ago. according to the media in my view joe isn't a tool of the far left. he is a tool of the far right. by their definition because he just got the endorsement of white supremacists richard spencer. joe biden is not personally rejected it by the low information pundit standard or lip standard that i created, he's now a white supremacist purely by association. maybe richard spencer is one of joe's very fine people, much
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like robert byrd, who was once a klansman who joe had eulogized or the segregationists that he defended. these are all racists, right? >> kennedy: i think democrats are going to have a hard time selling tax-and-spend redistribution in an economy like this. the fact that joe biden is talking about raising taxes and not creating more prosperity, is that a message that americans want to hear right now? >> juan: i think he is talking about creating prosperity. he's intent on fulfilling the promise made by one donald trump of getting infrastructure going in this country. let me just speak to this point about socialism. this is not going to stick to joe biden. the american people know joe biden and joe biden is no socialist. in fact joe biden's struggle is with the far left of the democratic party, the young far left voters who really have not
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embraced him as their own. this is the biden who lacked an economic recovery for president obama that was criticized as corporate socialism, kennedy. that's not a socialist. that someone boosting the american economy and subjecting himself to criticism of too big to fail in order to get the job done. this is the joe biden of the crime though. isn't that a socialist? this is the joe biden. >> kennedy: that's authoritarian. >> juan: no, i think what you've got here is that the trump campaign is using the playbook they had laid out to run against bernie sanders. guess what. this is not bernie sanders, folks. this is joe biden. they are struggling big time. >> kennedy: i understand but bernie sanders did get an awful lot jammed into that dnc platform. jesse, take it away. >> jesse: the republicans didn't say joe and bernie are
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the same. barack obama said it. >> juan: from 40,000 feet. it's very popular to say -- >> jesse: i know why -- >> juan: deal with income equality. >> jesse: i know why he said it. heat the wanted to say it he would've said it during the dnc in front of all those americans watching. instead he said it to a periodical. was he really talking to? he's talking to the far left base. he knows that as a fracture in the base and they're not enthusiastic for joe biden. he is doing base maintenance. he knows it's about turnout. he has seen the numbers. he knows are not excited about joe so he's trying to sooth the concerns of the far left. everybody sees it. we just got the numbers out of the dnc. 1,000 dnc delegates voted against the joe biden democratic platform. that's 25% of the delegate said no, joe, we are not happy with it. the proof is in the pudding.
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to raise taxes during a recession is moronic. he's talking about income, carbon taxes, estate taxes, capital gains tax and corporate taxes. he's proposing 4 trillion in new taxes. hillary only proposed 1 trillion. i don't know what he's doing. >> juan: nobody under 400,000? >> kennedy: fat chance. >> jesse: he said he's repealing at all. >> kennedy: the middle class wild there taxes were used in order to fund this impossible agenda. we should point out the biden campaign did disavow the endorsement by the white supremacist. >> greg: but joe didn't. you have to personally disavow it or you're racist. that's the standard set by the media. don't pretend somehow we are chained to the standard that the campaign, oh, the campaign disavowed it. joe has to personally disavow it the way trump has to disavow it every single time some idiot decides to endorse him. i didn't invent the rules.
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all new, plant powered creative roots gives kids the hydration they need, with the fruit flavors they love, and 1 gram of sugar. find new creative roots in the kids' juice aisle. ♪ >> greg: the first lady upgraded the rose garden. the media trashed it. one hack pointed out melania was a foreigner with no right to wreck our history. another idiot said her garden appeared racist. that's true. and there was a has-been who enter the fray with this yes, i am still alive tweet. "the trump family did its best to turn the lovely rose garden into a neofascist parade ground." so you add a path in the rose garden to make it accessible for
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people with disability and that makes you hitler. feynman on twitter is like a 7-year-old trying to pull a wheelie. speaking of hitler, and ar art e always speaking of hitler? the media has hitler tourette syndrome. a left-wing loon tweets "if you're of the opinion that the united states wasn't as nearly as bad as nazi germany, how wrong you are." how wonderful for jews or anyone to be considered as evil as those who cast their loved ones. bottom line, i'm really starting to like twitter again. we always suspected the media's secret thoughts are equal parts shallow and hateful. a kiddie pool of bile. twitter lets them nakedly. there neofascist in. keep tweeting. you make my job on monday super easy. so jesse, what do you make -- i
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always sense when something like this happens on twitter it's a bunch of hacks trying to impress each other with insults. >> jesse: i would tell the hacks, be best, hacks. the horticulturalist of the show, i would say the crabapple trees needed to go. also you're getting a lot of fake news with the photos. they are showing you a full bloom april rut rose garden vera late-summer rose garden. there's going to be some color contrast. >> greg: fake blooms. >> jesse: michelle obama i think the only time i can remember people attacking michelle obama was for the school lunch program and that was because kids were starving on meatless mondays. think about the attacks on melania. her son, her marriage, or clothing, her christmas decorations, her accent, her renovations. it never ends. at this point i just have to say
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attacking our history, that doesn't have anything to do with toppling statutes or kneeling with for the anthem or are saying that all of the mount everest -- although mount rushmore people, that's racist. moving rose around is the attack on the history. to quote the rate gertrude ste stein. a rose is a rose is a rose. >> greg: you truly rose to this occasion. juan, his handicap access a sign of neo-fascism? what's the difference between neo-fascism and actual fascism? i don't know. >> juan: i'm sure you would know, greg. from the pictures i've seen and i've seen the rose garden since the '80s, i don't think that this is fair criticism at all. i think she made some changes. if she made her happy -- if she
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made it happy and she think she's renovating the place, have added. she put in better staging for television. later this week she's going to use the rose garden is a stage for a speech that she's going to give at the convention. with regard to the changes, i think may be a little much emphasis here. i don't see it. >> greg: dean, i'm a hypocrite -- dana, i am a hypocrite because i love stories like these because they are so easy to talk about. they are essentially created by twitter. >> dana: it's like popcorn. you keep eating it. anybody who is a weekend twitter warrior, you've got to get a life. come on. nothing good happens on saturday when you're tweeting. you should be with your family and enjoying things. i also think that gardens take a while to mature. i think that what she did here will probably be praised in a little while especially any new
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administration coming forward will be glad that she went to the trouble of upgrading those electronics. it's a beautiful, wonderful place, historic place for presidents to have events make important announcements and they will be glad for it in the end. >> greg: kennedy, do you garden? >> kennedy: idea. >> greg: i bet you are very good. >> kennedy: i kill everything. i am an enthusiast that i'm bad at it. having grown up in oregon and the rose city, roses are beautiful, very difficult to maintain and they're going to be gorgeous and everyone needs to just relax. it's not the end of the world. it's not the end of our history. we don't need to invoke xenophobia in order to make ourselves feel better. the crab apples are just fine. they've been moved to a safe location. they are in a greenhouse. they have been preserved. they will be replanted. jackie kennedy's legacy has not been soiled. everyone needs to take a breath
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and shut your pie holes. put a rose in there. >> greg: soiled. i love that word. next, biden vows to keep his base and campaign going and hits back over questions about his age. [ thunder rumbles ] [ engine rumbling ] [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know there's a 30-minute limit, right? tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. [ beeping ] concentration - in we suppohectic times .oments, and focus to win the day. unlike ordinary memory supplements... neuriva's clinically proven ingredients fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. take the neuriva challenge
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for 37 years we have been fighting for survivors of child sex abuse. even in these uniquely challenging times we're still fighting with dedication and devotion. california law gives survivors a chance to take legal action, but only for a limited time. if you were sexually abused by a priest, scout leader, coach or teacher contact us confidentially today. it's time.
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♪ >> jesse: you don't expect to see much of sleepy joe biden on the campaign trail between now and november. take a look. >> can you win a presidential election from home? >> we will. we're going to evolve the science, when the scientists tell us. we've been able to travel places when we been able to do it in a way where we don't cause the congregation of large numbers of people. >> jesse: biden not ruling out running for a second term and he's hitting back at trump over attacks but his mental fitness. >> watch me. mr. president, watch me. look at us both. what we say, what we do, what we control, what we know, what kind of shape are in. on. >> jesse: watch me, dana. we have been watching and we are nervous. >> dana: again, it's why the debates are going to be so important. there is no handlers.
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no tape, it's live, it happens there and people can assess for themselves. i think it's a little bit unsustainable to think he's not going to leave delaware at all during the next two months. that doesn't seem possible to me. i also think there's a little bit of common sense here which is masks are important. social distancing is important and also hand washing. but if you're with your people in your own bubble and they spend two weeks and nobody is sick and nobody's leaving the bubble, then you can have more interaction. when they were all onstage on thursday night of the dnc i did think they could have taken off their masks and smiled and everything would've been perfectly safe. americans are understanding that in learning that and i think they are trying to lead to much by example right now. >> jesse: juan, do you agree? >> juan: i think example, especially if you're running for president coming are the leader and it's a great example for the american people that we should protect each other and care about whether someone gets sick. i don't there's any doubt about
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it. in response to your question about the strategy, i would sibley say have you seen the speech that he gave last thursday? have you seen the polls? did you see the convention? if you've got a winning strategy why change it. what it looks like to me is that republicans are trying to beat joe biden changing a winning strategy and joe is no fool. he's not biting. >> jesse: i don't think that's why he's had in the polls. two poles of, but since the convention. biden did not get a bump. joe biden did not get a bump. >> greg: nicely done. the best part of the interview was when joe said he's okay with serving two terms. that wasn't in the deal with kamala you know. i found a picture of ms. harris when she first heard joe say that.
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[laughter] that's actually a nuclear test in nevada so people don't get upset. >> jesse: biden is against those nuclear test. he doesn't want to update the military. >> kennedy: joe biden. watch me. dealing that's going to solve this whole thing between these two, no more words. shirtless wrestling. let's see it, gentlemen. >> dana: i am for that. >> greg: you make me sick. >> jesse: i need a new one more thing. "one more thing" is next. nd you. find pants that aren't sweats. find your friends. find your sense of wander. find the world is new, again. at chevy we'd like to take you there. now during the chevy open road sales event, get up to 15% of msrp cash back on select 2020 models.
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>> tech: when you've got ...safelite can come to you. >> tech: and you'll get a text when we're on our way. >> tech: just leave your keys on the dash and we'll replace your windshield with safe, no-contact service. >> tech: schedule at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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celebrities, they are just like us. they also are a lot like humans. watch this. >> this actual bearer right there that i almost walked into has decided that he's going to go shopping. >> jesse: this grizzly goes into a grocery store and pops open a bag of potato chips, starts eating the chips before he even checks out. what celebrity hasn't done that? world-class celebrity greg gutfeld i know has popped open chips. >> greg: i would have taken a white cloth. -- white claw. >> dana: darius rucker is that with the new single. it's a great song. he raised over a quarter of a million dollars for charity through darius and friends, a benefit show for st. jude. $255,000.
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it's normally done during the week of the country music awards. everything got screwed up big because of covid that they still came through so congratulations to everyone who worked on that. i hosted a special fox news rundown podcast with trey gowdy and we talked about his new book which is called "it doesn't hurt to ask." we talked about recent criticisms of law enforcement and why has so much respect for law enforcement. >> greg: i have an article on in the opinion section called "share the risk." how to end cancel culture. also it's time for something n new. "greg's what did he step in?" take a look at this video. this dog enjoying himself with a great view and then... something happenedpened. all i'm assuming is he must've stepped in something that
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shocked and surprised him. perhaps disturbed and dismayed him. i'm wondering if you stepped on a lego. do you think somebody was playing with legos? was there a lego? >> dana: and they didn't put them away. they should have put them away. >> greg: i say that about every criminal. >> dana: >> juan: i want to tell you about someone who gave his life to save others. on friday night, a veteran firefighter in detroit was with his 10-year-old daughter in a park on the detroit river and he heard people screaming for help. three young girls were struggling to stay afloat in the river. mr. johnson handed his keys and cell phone to his daughter and jumped in the river to save the girl. after the girls reached shore safely, his daughter realized her dad had not returned. the riptide's had pulled him under. rescue workers found his body the next day. i think all of us here at
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"the five" want to say hats off to someone who sacrificed himself or others in a moment of urgent need. the detroit fire sergeant, rest in peace. >> dana: incredible person. >> kennedy: god bless him. may his memory be eternal. let's move to something more optimistic. there's been so much sadness. they are celebrating in the cincinnati zoo because you may have heard about panda being born in washington but look at this. the eastern black rhino, critically endangered rhino takes 16 months to gestate and when they are born they way up to 140 pounds. these black rhinos, very few of them left on earth. it's incredible news and that rhino's name. >> greg: everybody had the same joke. >> dana: love it when that happens. jesse, i have to complement you
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on your musical choices. they were very good. kennedy, yours are always great. greg, i don't remember yours. >> greg: a deep. >> dana: that's it for us. special coverage of the republican national convention begins right now on "special report." >> good evening and welcome to washington. i am bret baier. republicans have officially nominated president trump for a second term. the first big event in charlotte, north carolina, at this week's republican national convention. this gathering is substantially virtual because of the coronavirus but not to the extent of last week's democratic convention. president trump plans to be featured each day and night and shut up in charlotte this afternoon. chief white house correspondent john roberts starts us off from washington. >> good evening. the coronavirus crisis has shaped so much of campaigning and conventions.
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