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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 31, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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and what's playing out across the country right now just to give an idea idea of that. the university of alabama now 1200 cases which started at a dozen. so it's everywhere, all over the place. and here "the five." ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone i'm dana perino with jesse watters, one williams, grant good filled and kennedy. 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." all right, we have a very busy hour coming your way. president trump set to hold a new press conference at the white house and joe biden on the campaign trail showing the race is tightening. the democratic nominee joining us in swing states to attack president trump, take a look. >> do i look like a radical socialist with a soft spot to
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writers. really? see from covid, safe from crime and looting. say from racially motivated violence. safe from bad cops. let me be crystal clear safe from four more years of donald trump. he keeps telling us that he was president, you would feel safe. well he is president whether he knows it or not. mr. trump, you want to talk about fear? do you know what people are afraid of in america? afraid that they will get covid. afraid that they will get sick and died. president obama and i stop the depression of 2009. we took a bad economy that was falling and turned it around. trump took a good economy and drove it back into the ditch. >> dana: president trump responding to joe biden in an interview that airs tonight with laura ingraham, watch. >> if it were donald trump's
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america use the expression as "i'm present" you would have riots like you have never seen. the democrats have lost control of the radical left. don't forget, biden wasn't going to come out of his basement until the election. now he had to because the polls are so good for me. now he had to because the polls are different. >> dana: jesse, let's get your take over the events over the weekend and his campaign traveled by joe biden, the first of many weeks. >> jesse: i'm excited to hear i have not heard that since the obama administration. >> dana: i actually cringed when i heard that metaphor, the least favorite of obama years. >> jesse: he plagiarized it right from his boss, barack. so three big things for him, the economy, covid and civil unrest. all of those trends have now turned against him and they are basically tied in the battleground if you can believe that. just the other day, you had
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antifa guy in portland shoot a trump supporter dead in the head. and biden comes out the next day and says "are you safe in trump's america?" think about that. he's admitting that the democrats commit the violence and basically extorting the country. he is saying, we are not going to stop until you vote me in. now, i don't think the people of this country are going to fall for that. they are not that stupid, but that is the actual strategy they will try to employ. it's never been employed before because it is so stupid, dana. think about this, the democrats are saying we will burn our cities to the ground if you don't vote for us. donald trump is sitting back while his numbers go up with hispanics, blacks and suburban blacks. i've never seen anything like it before. you have had mayors and governors purposely not let trump send in the national guard national guard. may your bowser in d.c. purposely not protecting people,
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leaving the trump event the other day on thursday and do we need to dust off the clips of the hollywood people, the media, and the democrats calling for physical violence against trump and his supporters? i'm ready to dust that off right now. the funniest line is this when they say donald trump is stoking the violence. that is them saying i'm mad at trump are talking about the violence that we are committing. i've never seen anything like this, dana. that is why i was telling you guys the other day that the democrats must be nervous because they have been seeing these internal polls. now you have nancy saying don't debate. you have barack and michelle begging for people to vote by mail early. does that sound like a competent campaign that is up by 15? no. that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. >> dana: there was the former vice president, the former
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vice president, and now the nominee, greg, today he was talking about rioters and looters and saying he is against it. let's take a little listen to that and get your thoughts. >> rioting is not protesting. looting is not protesting. setting fire is not protesting. none of this is protesting. it is lawlessness, plain and simple. and those who do it should be prosecuted. >> dana: is he hitting the right notes there, greg? >> greg: he's in trouble. you know, kay smith a comedian made a great point. the fact that right now joe biden has to force the league to dam these rights which was obviously two months ago, they botch their convention by avoiding violence altogether. it is really going to be hard for the democrats to pin this on trump after he offered aid to the liberal mayors which they rejected while the democrat
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leaders such as kamala harris was endorsing posting bail for the rioters. so let's ask, while trump was offering to stop destruction, they were more interested in letting the destroyers out to loot and burn again. so let's follow joe's logic and the democrats logic. one, ignore the violence and mock those who are concerned, two turned down trump's offer for help, three, bail out the rioters and then when it can no longer be ignored because you didn't get a bounce for your convention and cnn is exploring you, you better do something. then you come out and say it is bad only if you can link it politically to your adversary shamelessly even though he tried to help you. then you pretend, you pretend you never ignored the violence has if there was no record of it. there is a thing called cable tv and every click where don lemon what's that other clown, cuomo mocked the violence as it was happening. so i think it gets more and more
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pathetic for joe. i'm convinced if one of his handlers went up to him and said, joe i need you to read the instructions to the iq bookcase on live tv he would do it. he would be separating the screws into little piles. how is that? >> dana: those are -- that's not easy. you should hire someone together to put together your iq. kennedy, each candidate, as a candidate you're dealt a hand and is how you play that hand that makes a big difference. in this case, it seems like one candidate was playing poker and the other one was plaguing go fish. now you have a situation where the mayors and governors are saying please don't come here because she will make it worse. i would like to get your thoughts and especially if you want to speak about your home state in your home city of portland. >> kennedy: the narrative for longtime conservative media was jumping on the portland story because of the president.
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there was no violence, nothing to say here but peaceful protesters and they are exercising their first amendment right to peaceably assemble. and i understand that and there were parts of people but now people are standing up against it where the one saying there is no differentiation between the protesters and the rioters. they did a very bad job of separating them. the problem is, there was a great separation of whole numbers. joe biden was ahead by 8.4% in michigan and now that lead just a month later is 2.6%. and the race is tightening and some of these critical areas. and it's not as if one candidate is playing roulette and the other is playing poker. one is playing poker and is trying to now switch to blackjack. so trying to plate a completely different hand and shipped the narrative 180 degrees. and that is not political expediency. that is total hypocrisy. >> dana: juan, there is some
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off the record background grumbling that biden should have done this at the convention or gone to, should've put a widow, but what do you think about today and do you think that he is on the right track to get out of the house and start cleaning? >> juan: i think he has been successfully campaigning. obviously, today, you would say he prefer to be joe biden ten donald trump in the 2020 convention. >> jesse: no way. >> juan: i thought he had his best performance and his rhetorical was terrific. we showed that clip where he said do i look like a radical socialist? who is soft on rioters? and i think america looks and says, no, we know joe biden peer that is pretty ridiculous. what a thing. but you know -- all right, here we go. in my second thought is this
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that trump, when he says trump is in no position to stop violence, that in fact, for years he fomented violence, that is what biden said today, he is exactly right. you looked at the crime statistics and you understand, hate crime goes up under donald trump here the trump campaign it seems to me doesn't know how to vacate crimes with rioting with 94 crime bill tough on crime for the fomented of many liberals that he was tough on crime. i think they now want to say he soft on crime and is just not credible. i think they wish they were running against bernie sanders. that is what they wish. they wish they had sanders. >> jesse: he is running against bernie. >> dana: all right, guys come i have to run. >> juan: let me finish them. what you get from donald trump is donald trump liking defense of the right-wing militia, the guy who shot a demonstrator in
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kenosha. that is donald trump. >> dana: all right, well, we will have more time to talk about that at another time but they are saying we have to go because adam schiff accused president trump of covering a potential election interference. we will talk about that next. ♪
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>> jesse: election interference and hysteria is back. accusing the trump administration of a brand-new cover-up after dni john ratcliffe announce the scaling back of in person elections briefings. ratcliff will give most in written form because it leaks from congress.
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>> i would do everything i could to protect the unauthorized disclosure of classified information allowing people to leak it for political purposes. we've had a pandemic of information being leaked out of the intelligence community, and i'm going to take the measures to make sure that stops. >> jesse: of course adam schiff leading the outrage from democrats, threatening the dni, subpoenas and claiming he's never leaked classified information. >> i happened. my staff hasn't and i can't wait for all the members of the committee have done, including a lot of the republican members. look, data leaks are always improper and sometimes illegal. >> jesse: greg, adam schiff said he has never leaked and like he has never said he has drained. >> greg: how dare you! >> jesse: sorry come i didn't mean it. >> greg: that hurts, that hurts. i'm not going to leave the segment until you apologize. we haven't heard from adam schiff for months and i
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think it is probably because he has been humiliated by the fact no one brought up impeachment during the democratic convention and also come i think he realizes that the impeachment circus played such a role in taking the attention away from covid so we couldn't get a jump on covid appearance who i'm sure he feels responsible for the deaths of thousands of people and if he doesn't come he should. i think they are setting the table for joe's defeat. they want to plan, they want a plan in place to contest the outcome because they see biden potentially collapsing in the next month. >> jesse: so they will revive the russian interference again? dana, we talk about the ditch metaphor but we just brought back schiff. and it felt like i fell off the wagon. we haven't had schiff in a long time. >> greg: what is with the booze? >> dana: we were talking this week in new york dumping and the recycling of all the wine
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bottles. apparently, you are not alone, jesse. it is happening everywhere across the new york georgia/shoreline. but i feel like the administration or the dni office could have handled the communication on this little bit better because it was just sort of put out there without a lot of explanation and the follow-up explanation was pretty good. if you are going to do something like that you need to do it no way that shows you are leading with your front foot rather than having to backpedal. i don't think that was handled as well as it could have been. do you think it is a parody to have people that did politicize intelligence complaining about the intelligence of politicizing? why are the democrats not more angry with doing more stuff, russian interference if they were so convinced was happening at the time? and it is the trump administration's responsibility to make sure the election goes as well as it can. obviously, the governors have a big role to play but when it comes to intelligence, i think
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the in person ratings make a lot of sense because if you read it on paper you can't ask follow-up questions. however, if there is a problem with leaking, there are consequences for that. i think the administration could have handled the rollout better. >> jesse: kennedy come i will not make an alcoholic metaphor but i will ask you what you thi? >> kennedy: i think adam schiff should have to answer under oath whether or not he has leaked information to the media. because it is one thing to make an assertion like that and a boldface lie to cnn, but if he is giving sworn testimony come i would like to hear what he has to say because i don't believe a word he is saying when he says that. i also think only focusing on russia is a huge distraction. russia has a tiny economy compared to china. china's economy is much smaller than ours. they have $13 trillion gdp and we have 22 million.
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russia has $1.6 trillion and china has a lot more to gain if they gain the world and becomes a single existing superpower, which is their long-term strategy. and they can't do that unless they affect the outcome of the election. a lot of people know that russia did in 2016, why would they be the only player up and they were so much to gain? and if we haven't locked things up four years later, shame on people like adam schiff and nancy pelosi and even mitch mcconnell for not doing more to protect the integrity of the elections. if they are that vulnerable to foreign appearance. >> jesse: and mark zuckerberg, don't let him off. >> greg: how dare you! >> jesse: finish it off for us. speak to the constitution is pretty clear on this that congress is a coequal branch of government. they are in charge of oversight and spending, funding for the intelligence agency. so they get to know what is
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going on. that is the rule book. that is what the constitution of our country says. so when you see somebody saying, oh, no, we are not going to give you this information in the way we are accustomed to, i think it just looks very suspicious. by the way, i don't think it is any secret around town that the big leaks were not coming from the democratic side on that committee. but i do want to emphasize, trump says -- >> jesse: who are they coming from? >> juan: i don't want to get into that, but i will tell you there were a lot of leaks and the idea that trump says that really he was being victimized and that russia, fake news interfered. everybody now knows russia did interfere. >> jesse: everybody? >> juan: and the republican side of the senate intelligence committee in russia continues to interfere. so if that is the case, if it is the case what trump says no russian interference, fake news, what is there to leak anyway?
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>> kennedy: is russia the only one interfering? no, no, no. we are not talking about iran, china and every other country that wants to screw with our election. >> juan: i think we should talk about russia because they are the primary and the 2016 election to benefit donald trump. >> jesse: all the leaks about trump colluding was from republicans, right, juan? got it. and major covid outbreaks on college campuses. ♪ >> tech: when you've got auto glass damage... ...safelite can come to you. >> tech: and you'll get a text when we're on our way. >> tech: just leave your keys on the dash and we'll replace your windshield with safe, no-contact service. >> tech: schedule at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ can it help with snoring? i've never heard snoring. exactly. no problem. ...and done save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed.
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crammed into a tight space there. the university of alabama seeing a surge in cases, 1200 students testing positive this month. other colleges have been forced to switch to online learning after the outbreak. jesse, let me start with you as our most recent college graduate, i think. where do you think the responsibility lies here? >> jesse: only you, juan. >> juan: i like to think of you in those terms but where does your responsibility like? with the administrators are of the students? i mean, the students are going to party and showed that administrators be more cautious? >> jesse: first of all can you put up the pool party once again because dana and kennedy want to check it out. run that will thing the whole time, juan, not that. [laughter] there you go. here is what i think i think you hear a story like this, 1500 positive cases in alabama and they don't tell you how many
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deaths or hospitalizations. because i bet money there are zero deaths and hospitalizations. that is the first thing. the second thing is overwhelming majority of the american people want things to open back up. but they don't want our disruptions to the reopening spirit and sadly, the people standing in the way and causing those disruptions, a lot of them are administrators and democratic politicians. i don't believe they are disrupting the reopening's for political reasons. i wouldn't put it past him but i don't believe that personally. i think they are very misinformed about the risk levels of the coronavirus with regards to age. that is been proven by the polling. politico had a good story and said this "coronavirus infections are down in nearly every state. the positive trends are real. hospitalization, death," politico says this is bad news for president trump.
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so this could go either way. let's just everybody take a deep breath. we will get through this. >> juan: all right, dana, do you think maybe some of the college presidents and the lakes that have waited until we had a stronger testing regime in place? >> dana: may be perhaps, but i think that they tried their best to do the right thing. but college students are going to get together, they will party, have a good time. maybe this will be very unpopular but i don't really care, but to jesse's point, we e actually feeling symptomatic. how many are actually sick, and may be perhaps it is better to keep them at the school of rather than sending them back and exacerbating community spread to older people or more vulnerable populations. i realize that could put some of the workers at the college at risk and that is why they should take turns having to cook food in the dormitories an end doing for long degree and a whole camp situation while they go to school and keep that viru.
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>> juan: greg, some of these schools are going ahead with fall college football. are they putting people at risk? >> greg: the football already puts people at risk. you know? [laughter] i think it begins with the idea of risk with a full contact sports. and they are young, healthy individuals. i think you have to look at the weight of the individuals come obesity is a problem. we just got past a tropical storm fay couple of weeks ago and there is an analogy that a tropical storm fay knocks down the unhealthy trees and the vulnerable buildings. that is what this is. it goes out to the weekend the vulnerable and it's important to identify at risk and not to worry about the people who are t ends up diluting your power to help others. so we need to come up we need to reassess the overall health of the country which looks good because the death rate is declining and the cases seem to
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be declining. but i will say this. i think it is absolutely outrageous, outrageous for college students to be getting together unless they are protesting. unless they are protesting. forget it, i apologize. as long as they were protesting, they can do whatever they want. >> juan: kennedy, would you send your kids to college this year? >> kennedy: yes, they are 11 and 15 and they are geniuses, juan. i would send them with and white class. no, i'm trying to figure out what we are doing in new york city. but they are not adults yet and i think there is something to dana's point about keeping them on campus instead of buses and trains and planes infecting even more people and going back. if they are asymptomatic, hugging grandma and getting her sick. 90% of people who died from covid 9.6 comorbidity an average of 2.5 conditions whether age
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come obesity, cardiovascular disease or diabetes. and diabetes and therefore has compounded it. we are talking a group of young, healthy people. if you made a choice to put them in that biosphere keep them there until everyone is healthy because you know a bunch of boozed up corn dogs is really a shock here, juan. [laughter] >> juan: okey-doke, what a description. ahead of an author causing controversy for what she had too say about looting. greg, take a look, next on "the five." ♪ now is the time for a new bath from bath fitter.
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♪ >> greg: in today's world you much stomach must watch what you say. if you think criminals deserve punishment keep your mouth shut. meanwhile's and others can say
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something and get a book deal. in defense of looting, productive defense as a protest tactic. author vicki says looting strikes at the heart of whiteness of the police. and it's not actually hurting anybody. tell that to the countless small businesses destroyed my many owned or frequented by blacks and nations with a cane to whiteness the author claims deserves punishment. the author has since, unlike shopkeepers or the late mr. dorn, a luxury of a secure location immune from what she applauds. this support mayhem that harms blacks and she hopes to get royalty. but if someone can be praise for advocating looting, what else can they do? if rich athletes, they can call out support a man "the new york post" points out violated a restraining order related to a sexual assault. but hey, you got the moral high ground in a gated community
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unlike the female victim. so along me too movement, do you see the trend? what keeps you from experiencing the consequences of your own beliefs. when you tell the world you want the police to hit the road where when you reject help to stop riots and mock citizens, don't be surprised when mayhem begets more mayhem. demonize police and dismiss violence and outlets depend looting, what might be the response to more looting? i bet you didn't think that through? it shows. all right, dana, should anyone actually pay for this book or should they just take it? >> dana: while you were talking it, i was talking this past january do you remember the entire publishing industry and the left and hollywood, except for oprah, everyone canceled the author of american dirt, a novel about immigration and a mother trying to bring her child to
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america? very sympathetic to immigrants trying to come into america. they canceled her entire book to her because she was not latina enough. james freeman of "the wall street journal" had a great point today "where is cancel culture when we really need it?" this book should have been canceled, not that one. >> greg: that is a great point, kennedy you have the left that goes after cultural procreation i.e. cultural looting, but not real looting. >> kennedy: no, it is the most rationalization. and we are in the -- make no mistake about it. as we need to respect the individual and property rights in order to have a functioning society. a dysfunctional civil society turns into somalia. i do not want to live in somalia. i don't believe that woman wants anyone to come to her house and take her little trinkets and smell good. i think she would probably be the first person to call the
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police. and taking a pair of shoes may feel great in the moment, believe me, i have bought them and i wonder how it feels but the better thing to do if you want to dismantle the system, go to school. don't go to school, i don't care what you do, but do it as an intellectual. do it on your own terms. [laughter] and change something, make money and then you can change the system and everybody should be encouraged to do just that. >> greg: all right, juan i will give you the opportunity to condemn looting without adding but after you condemn looting. can you do it? >> juan: i can start with it. but here is the thing. i actually agree. i actually agree. i don't know, you guys don't listen to me. but in but anyway my agree. this is a nutty, crazy thesis, obviously it got her a book deal though. to my mind, this is damaging. i don't think that anyone,
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anyone in any way should acknowledge or consent to the idea of looting and rioting as a positive. it damages the very cause that black lives matter and social justice advocates are out there working for. and it distracts from the real issue here which is, you know, police brutality and the likes. by the way, to sort of pick up on something, you know the communities and the neighborhood's most damaged by this tend to be poor neighborhoods with black and latino people. and so we can come i just think this is damaging and wrong headed aunt should not be embran any way. the issue with this is joe biden said today, there is no explaining in any kind of social justice movement for looting, burning, fires. those people should be put in jail. they are criminals. nobody on the left is embracing this. >> greg: except they post bail after they put them in jail, kamala harris. they did.
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>> juan: you got the vote. you have a lot of. >> greg: i do have a nice but butt, thank you, juan. jesse, they will deny unemployment benefits to looters? how dare they do that! >> jesse: how will i get my unemployment? [laughter] first of all, greg, how did npr scoop fox news on this guest? this is a pro crime guest. in this didn't make it into the fox news rolodex? and how is this not on tucker carlson tonight? this is tb gold! i don't know. i will leave it at that. i have a lot more to say, but we have to pay the bills. >> greg: okay, thank you, jesse. back soon, i hope. ♪ [ engine rumbling ]
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♪ >> the president is taking the podium. here he is. >> president trump: 150 million rapid tests and these test with the results in less than 15 minutes and many will be deployed to nursing homes. we are focusing strongly on nursing homes.
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the assisted living facilities and other locations that are at high risk population. so we will have the 15 minute and less tests. we will have 150 million rapid point of care tests. that is something. this evening i am pleased to announce that it has reached phase 3 try also another group of vaccines that are very close to the end. and hopefully approval. in the united states, we are doing things that nobody thought would be possible. this is a process that would have taken in some cases years. we did it in a matter of months. thanks to the efforts of operation warp speed, we remain on track to deliver a vaccine very rapidly in record time. i also want to provide an update on left-wing political violence that we are seeing in democrat on cities under of my administration. federal law enforcement is
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working with state and federal authorities all over the country to come through hours of video, track down rioters, looters, arsonists and bring them to justice. we have just come up with what we have arrested, a large number of people. it is over 200. and you will be hearing about that that they have been arrested in various cities throughout the united states. we are doing a great low key, but trying to help cities and in all cases democrat run but we are doing the best to help them without really much of a consent. we would like to have the consent as an example in portland, we could solve that problem in approximately one hour, but the mayor perhaps refuses for political reasons. i don't know why it is good to have a city falling apart and under siege for 94 days. but really, it is been under siege for years if you know portland. to the mayor come i say whenever you are ready, let us know whene will solve your problem of violence and your problem of
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crime. we will arrest those criminals very rapidly. you will be able to have some nice evenings in portland. the department of homeland security and the department of justice are announcing a joint operation center to investigate the violent left-wing civil unrest. again, portland alone, the federal government has already taken care of and arrested 100 rioters. just in that one city, the wave of violence and destruction that we have seen in recent weeks and months has occurred in cities exclusively controlled and dominated by the biden, joe biden party. if you take a look at the top ten in the country are democrats, it is democrat run cities. it is a shame, and it can be sold so easily. it can be sold very easily. the violence is fueled by dangerous, rhetoric from politicians that demonize our
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nation and demonize our police. we have to allow our police to do what they are very good at doing. we have taken that power away. they are afraid to lose their pension, job, everything. they are afraid to be destroyed. you solve this with left-wing extremists attacking law-abiding citizens attending the republican national convention at the white house including senator rand paul and his wonderful wife, kelly. they went through it by other people went through it all's well so pure that was done very systematic. that was done on purpose. they knew we were having that convention and they wanted to do everything to disrupt it. the good news is the public is very wise to it. they see what is happening and they are wise to it. i think they are acting accordingly. left-wing rioters are repeating the same false narrative that you hear about, really you hear this from people, what they are
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saying, how are they are saying it, the violence is terrible. and again, democrat politicians. i don't know they are sparing it were afraid to stop it. in any event, we are there to help and get things under control. what they did on thursday night at the white house just outside of the white house to people that came all over the world is a disgrace. it is a disgrace. and frankly, the mayor, democrat mayor, mayor bowser should have done a better job and had a very poor job. at the same time, the police were brave. i guess it started off and they took a beating. if you can believe this, they took some heavy hits. one went down but got right up. and two weathers joined them, and they were able to get paul rand and kelly through. but it was a terrible thing to witness but other people went through similar not to the extent in terms of tapes.
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we don't have the tapes, but some people went through from what i heard bad or worse. the violent rioters shared biden talking points and share the same agenda for our nation. and even his strange speech today that he made in pittsburgh, he didn't mention the fact, and he didn't mention the far left. the far left from what i saw. i don't believe he mentioned the word antifa. ntp is a criminal organization, and they didn't mention antifa. but mostly to blame the police and law enforcement. aunt went on point after point after point, and even talked about those on the right but he didn't talk about those on the left. those on the left are the problem, antifa, the the rioters, joe biden aside. the site of the radical left. and that is so obvious. and until that neutralizes, you will never have safe areas and
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those democrat run areas. for once, joe biden has given moral aid and comfort to the vandals repeating that these were peaceful protesters. they are not peaceful protesters. that is anarchy. that is agitators. you look at the looters, you look at the rioters, that is not a peaceful protest. they keep using the term and it's so nice, peaceful protest but behind the report, the cities are burning. we could solve it very quickly if they ask us to come in like we did in minneapolis. and like we just did in wisconsin and where we are going tomorrow. at least the governor asked me if i could. i said you've got to get the national guard. he finally agreed to even a small number, but they were willing to take care of things. that was about five days ago, six days ago. ever sense, it has been very good. 13 members of biden's staff
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campaign donated to bail and rioters, getting them out of jail, looters. they got them out of jail. and his running mate kamala harris urged to support to do the same thing. it is outrageous. they are now seeking to shift the blame for the mayhem. and they really want to put it on the backs of the police. i see it. the police are, there is just a war on law enforcement in this country. without law enforcement, we wouldn't have a country. we have very talented people. they are not allowed to do their job. if you give the radical left power, what you see in the democrat run cities would be every city in this country. they have that power, every city in this country could be potentially another portland or another chicago where they've had such problems. two to pete them, we must jail lawbreakers, and we must defeatr hateful ideology about this
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country come about america. we must teach our children america is an exceptional free, preserving to protect and that is what we want to do. we want to destroy the country. they will destroy our suburbs, but i think i've got a long way from allowing that to happen appear at the suburbs protected especially with the role [boos] changes i made taking them out of obama administration. it would have been made worse. what we are witnessing is left-wing indoctrination in our nation's schools and universities. many young americans have been fed lies about america being a wicked nation plagued by racism. indeed, joe biden and the party spent the entire with destructive message while refusing to say one word about the violence. and even discuss law enforcement to the police. those words warrant mention, two words taken out where the words
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"under god," two important words in the pledge of allegiance and their caucus. they did it twice. they took it out of the pledge of allegiance. i heard it the one time and i said, that is strange. i forget, maybe they made a mistake or something happened? they made [boos] they didn't make a mistake. they did it later on. essentially they took the word god out of a pledge of allegiance. we are not taking the word of god out of anything. we are not taking it out of the pledge of allegiance and the word of god out of anything. at our convention we highlighted law enforcement heroes and repeated to emphasize violence has no place in american, political. the left police history and values is tearing the country apart which is what they want. they think it is good but it's gotten out of control. they are unable to control this radical left, crazy movement. but we can control it very quickly, very, very quickly
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indeed. the only path to unity and domestic unity is uncommon american values of which we have plenty. this includes restoring patriotic education and our nation's schools where are trying to change everything that we have learned. what we have learned and in fact, they want to change it. they want to change it for whatever reason. cancel culture, whatever you want to call it. at the same time, we must strictly and fully enforce our law and have no tolerance for anarchy and no tolerance from a zero for violence. in anyone who breaks the law should be arrested, prosecuted and this includes targeting law enforcement. efforts to focus on antifa. the left-wing domestic terrorist organization. the mission of antifa is to spread terror and the population with a goal of getting americans to give up to their agenda. this is how terrorist
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organizations have always operated. biden won't even say the name antifa. i don't believe he said it today. he made a speech, and he didn't mention it. he mentioned others but he didn't mention antifa. he mentioned law enforcement, the police, but he didn't mention antifa. i wonder why. and if he cannot name the problem, there is no way he will solve the problem. you don't name it, you don't solve it. in fact biden would give antifa what they want far left policy that they are asking for and if that happens, we don't he much of a country left. if you give violent extremists what they want, the violence doesn't go away. they gain new power to spread the terror nationwide. most of our nation is extremely safe by the way. you only see the bad, portland, chicago and you see what happened in new york just in a very short period of time. it is horrible what happened in new york. i love new york and i come from
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new york. when i see four years when i left, i can see there was problems under this mayor. he has a terrible mayor, one of the worst my can't say the worst because i have witnessed portland, hard to top him. but he is certainly one of the worst. when i look at what is happening in new york and i look at what is happening in the city, it happened so quickly it is a shame. biden strategy is to surrender to the left-wing mob, which is exactly what he is doing. i don't think he knows what he's doing. give them control over every level of power in the united states government. but when you surrender, you don't get freedom but fascism. that is what happens in all cases. take a look at venezuela, look at what has gone on there and other places. biden is using mafia token points, the mafia relief, if you give them what you want. that is what it is. the mob will leave you alone if you give them what you want.
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it doesn't work that way. because once you give them, they keep taking >> and that's what's happening with the democrats. i think they lost control of the use radical left maniacs. i think they lost control because i don't think they feel that's helping them when new york and chicago and portland and you look at oakland and you look at baltimore and you look at so many different places, and what's going on there. the top ten are all run by democrats. you can go down the list. in america, we will never surrender to mob rule because of the mob rules, democracy is indeed dead, the reason we are continuing to see violence and left-wing cities today is that liberal politicians, mayors, prosecutors, and judges are refusing to enforce the law and put the rioters in jail these are


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