tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News August 31, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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oh, i said... uh, this is my floor. nooo! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ that's "the story." we will see you tomorrow. have a great evening, everybody. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." this is one of those moments when there's so much lying, so much relentless, bewildering lying, but it's worth taking three steps back and considering the obvious, and here's the most obvious thing. for three months, joe biden's our country.rashed they polluted our cities, burned buildings, beaten and killed thousands of people. for three months, joe biden and his advisors have done their best to ignore it all, pretend it wasn't happening. the same people who will lecture you that silence is violence said virtually nothing about the riots in our streets.ll
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if the threatened anyone who talked about them, who mentioned the arson, the stealing, vandalism, anyone who in any way questioned the tactics of the mob. when the show persisted in criticizing the behavior of blm, a coalition of left-wing activist groups tried to pull the show off the air. in the end it didn't work, even at democratic presidential campaign could only deny reality for so long. most people, no matter who they vote for, despise crime and they despise violence.ow even now, after months of unending propaganda, the average person has a far higher opinion of the police than thes politicians, and for good reas reason. voters have started to blame joe biden for the chaos they sen outside. the democratic leaders are very worried about just as during the iraq war our political class promoted violence to achieve regime change, then they lost control of their proxies and destroyed an entire country. now they are frantically trying to distance themselves from the terror they created. soundry familiar?
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they have no moral regrets about any of it. if they are just worried that getting blame might cost them power so they are working to shark that blame. today joe biden's handlers flew into pennsylvania so he could "denounce violence." they gave him a short speech to reach, allowed no questions afterward. he blamed trump voters for everything, all the violence, allte the writing, presumably fr all the defaced and destroyed statues. they did it. it must've been trump supporter's who spray-painted kill whitey on the francis scott key monument in san francisco, course it was, right-wingers, always trying to erase america's history. biden's 12 minutes pennsylvania may have been the most thoroughly dishonest speech ever given by presidential candidate. virtually every word of it was the opposite of the truth, literally beyond belief. but there was at least one honest line in that speech, we want to highlight it for you because that line reveals what all of this is really about. here it is. >> his failure to call in his
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own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is. does anyone believe there'd be less violence in america if donald trump is reelected? >> tucker: oh. think there will be less violence if he is reelected? got it? a nice country you have here, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it. that's not observation, obviously, it's a threat. and it wasn't a mistake, it's not a line he just blurted out, that was in his prepared remarks, his campaign tweeted out later, they were proud of it. this is the official message of the biden campaign. if you dare reelect donald trump, prepare for more rioting. you think the voters are dangerous now, wait till you see them in trump's second term. would love to pretend that's another lie from the speech, buc it's not a lie, it's likely true and biden was right about it, pretty much everyone understands that it is true, but still, what a thing to say out loud. what country is this?
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vote for me or my people will keep blocking traffic and setting fires and hurting people? yes, that's exactly what they're saying. all never put it quite that way of course, but the threat of violence is implied in everything they do. it started to become clear why the people who run the democratic party -- people who by the way are not at all stupid -- realized very early that joe biden was a perfect presidential candidate.he the rest of us were mocking him for being senile, but they knew they had the right guy. biden can say things like what you just heard without scaring you. that's a rare talent. biden doesn't seem like an extremist becausesn personally e is not an extremist. ask anyone who knows joe biden. biden is a corporate lobbyist who. were present presented a tiny state in the senate for 40 years. joe biden doesn't want to revolution, he just wants to live in a big house and have strangers love him. at this point, biden is too slow to be radical anyway. the people who control joe biden understand this perfectly well and today they had him break the
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fourth wall and say it out loud, watch. >> ask yourself, do i look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? really? >> tucker: do i look like a radical socialist? no, you look like a glad-handing shell for the credit card company, because that's exactly who you are and that's why you're such an effective front man. the people behind you are radical and we are not guessing about that. biden's running mate, president in waiting kamala harris openly solicited donations for rioters in minneapolis. "if you're able to, chip and now to the minnesota freedom fund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in minnesota." amazingly, that tweet is still up. at least 13 members of joe biden's staff sent money to the rioters in minneapolis. so what did the minnesota freedom fund do with the cash they got? they freed a person who is being held for trying to kill the cops, murder them. they also bailed out and accused
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murderer and a twice convicted rapist, among many others. evkamala harris has never apologized for doing this. biden of course didn't mention itbi in his speech, but why woud he mention it? is not against it, he officially supports the idea behind it. the biden campaign has called bail "a modern day debtors prison."n joe biden's pledge and, if elected, to end cash bail nationally in every state. what would that look like? what would happen if joe biden did that? we know the answer, we don't have to guess because democrats have already eliminated cash bail in new york city and what happens? you know what happens. criminals immediately flooded the streets. hundreds of thousands of residents fled the city. not right-wingers, joe biden's, they left, they had to, because violence urged out of control. over the weekend, one savage tried to rape a woman at 11 in the morning in public view. you may have seen it on video. it happened on the upper
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eastside, one of the prettiest neighborhoods in the country, a beautiful, formerly safe t neighborhood. but it's not just new york, democrats control things all over the country look like this now. there's no denying it. spent an hour and look at real estate prices. people are literally running away from cities one by democrats and their going to places that aren't. that's not a guess, it's not a g talking point. it's. true. yet according to the biden campaign, this has nothing to do with the democratic party, no. it's all donald trump's fault. watch. >> it's exactly the opposite of what we've been seeing from trump, who's been trying to incite violence this whole summer. >> just wait a second -- i will get to violence in a second. i'm thinking in real time. the president is inciting violence? >> absolutely, heit has. he has encouraged his supporters to go out, to be aggressive.
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>> tucker: trump is inciting violence.oh right, he's the one screaming at you in the car on the way home and spray painting the f word on federal buildings, smashing windows and torchinghi wendy's, those are all trump voters. t this is lunacy. it's totally false. there are lots of things you could blame trump for, for sure. if that's not one of them. so will a single person believe these lies? the thoroughly beta mayor of portland is hoping they will. wheeler is blaming federal authorities for permanent rioting in his city. it's gone on all summer, which covered it virtually every night. people are now beingle shot in portland. ted wheeler wants you to know that's trump's fault too. >> your campaign of fear is as antidemocratic as anything you've done to create hate and vitriol in our beautiful count country. you've tried to divide us more than any other figure in modern history. and now you want me to stop the
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violence that you helped create. >> tucker: this guy, so many like this. what a total mediocrity. in his defense, he probably imagined when he was elected mayor that it would be all upset, he never have hard decisions to make, he'd never have to keep chaos under control but he does and he's failed. now is blaming others. portland is as liberal a city as we have in this country. democrats run everything in portland. donald trump got 17% of the vote in the entire county in last election. yet somehow ted wheeler wants you to know trump is controlling the political climate in portland, oregon. that's always the opposite -- s always, the opposite is true. trump supporter's are in fact no longer allowed in the city, on saturday, one of them was murdered in downtown portland, apparently for supporting donald trump. the governor of oregon, kate brown, promptly blamed the dead man --la excuse me -- blamt the dead man for his own murder.
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patriot prayer was in town, brown declared, "looking for a fight." another way of saying this man was expressing his alnstitutionally protected political views and that's no longer allowed in portland thanks to be polite kate brown and ted wheeler, you can get murdered for doing what this mad was buried here is video of the killing. note that someone called out the victims location just prior to his execution. in other words, it was a coordinated hit, watch. >> [indiscernible]. >> tucker: we got another right here, he screams. another trump supporter. just in case there was any question about the nature of the execution you just saw -- and we are sorry for airing that -- but it happened, we thought you shouldld know. in case there was any question about what it was about, the main suspect in that murder literally has a blm symbol tattooed on his neck.
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if you watch the democratic nnational convention, you may e familiar with blm, the group democrats promoted from the stage all week. they are the movement corporate america will fire you for daring to criticize. that the reason you're not allowed to acknowledge that all lives matter, you get fired for that too. many have been. this is the actual armed militia of the democratic party and they are held to very different standards from the ones you live under. in fact, the suspect in this murder in portland is beenn arrested twice just this summer for unlawfully carrying a loaded gun. he never went to jail. in one case, the one in portland, the same people tell you how much they are poor gun violence let this man go, then he apparently murdered someone. joe biden did not mention this today. blm was happy about the killingt it blm does not believe that all lives matter, they don't say they do, and they don't. they believe people who oppose them shouldho be killed.e we are not making this up. watch them celebrate the man's murder in portland.
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>> the person who died was a patriot prayer person. he was a [bleep] nazi. our community held its own and took out the trash. >> tucker: our community held its own and took out the trash. these are biden voters celebrating the murder of a man who they hate because heni supports a different political candidate.e. again, we are not making it up, you just saw the video. he was a trump supporter, therefore they deserve to die. they all cheer. why didn't joe biden mentioned this in his speech today? not a word about the killing, nor did biden say anything about the elderly republicans who were attacked outside the white house after the rnc. we showed you that tape too. he didn't mention the trump supporter's who were shot at inm south carolina, didn't mention the shooting in los angeles yesterday that targeted trump voters. he didn't mention the blm rally over the weekend, he considers murdering people the next frontier in civil rights. here it is. >> to the point where i'm ready to [bleep] [bleep] -- i'm at the
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point where i want to burn [bleep] [indiscernible]. i want to take it -- i want to take it to the congress. i want to take the fight to them and at the end of this day, if they ain't done a harris, we [bleep] the same way i bust police in the head in new york, i will bust police and the head in d.c. >> tucker: this is everywhere. if that was just this weekend. it gets no coverage whatsoever. the media pretends it is not happening, but it is happening, and it's's lunacy. there's a massive cost for all of us who allowing it to go unchallenged. it is unchallenged. it's never challenged. blm can say and do whatever it wants. democrats will never criticize blm because democrats never criticize their own voters, period. that's the one hard and fast rule, one way they are very
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different from the republican party. no matter how dangerous the words of the behavior becomes, democrats won't say anything if iit's coming from someone who might vote for them. so we shouldn't be surprised when their voters take the cue and become more radical and more violent. last week in georgia a man was arrested for stabbing an autozone employee. he didn't know the guy. he told police he "felt the need to find a white male to kill." joe biden didn't mention that today. nor did he say anything about this. this happened yesterday in baltimore, watch. >> [bleep] [indiscernible]. [bleep]. >> tucker: that clip showed up on social media with the note the white don't matter. joe biden didn't mention that.s there's no sign he disagrees, the media of course will never cover this. we are at cnn, which is now devoted full-time to covering for the rioters. one analyst tweeted that only "desperate" republicans claim we
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have rights. amazingly because the person who tweeted it is not very smart, it contained a photograph of a burning building. the building was burning in a riot, but whatever, ignore that. riots aren't real. there's not much violence, you have to beuc a racist to think there was. watch.e >> they do make this point and it's important over ande over, there's very little rioting. that's actually -- there's very little violence. it's magnified by donald trump and it's magnified by republicans to convince people that people are coming for them and that's just simply nuts not what's happening. >> tucker: it's not what's happening and you're a bad person if you think it w does. to be fair, that cliff i think was recorded four days ago, three or four days ago, before the official line changed, which is actually there are riots and eric trump riots. trump is responsible for all this, so we've gone three months browbeating anyone who acknowledges the obvious -- what's on video, what's in your city, what you may be affected
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by personally, the reason you're moving to texas. can't acknowledge it. now we've turned and we are blaming it on trump. ignore the evidence. ignore the evidence. your eyes are lying to you. there's only one reason you may have concluded that this is happening -- you've been misled and you've been lied to. you've been had a diet of fake news by agents of hostile foreign power that among other things secretly controls facebook. that's right, ladies and gentlemen. russia faked the riots and blamed joe biden, just like the moon landing but more diabolical. watch mr. adam schiff explained. >> the russians, four years ago, exploited black lives matter. they set up their own false flags online to try to divide people along racial lines. >> are they doing it now? >> they are once again doing their best in social media, overt media and other means to grow these divisions again.
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>> tucker: false flag by russia! seriously? you'd like to think in the late summer of 2020, people would laugh at that, it is hilarious in a way. on the other hand, an awful lot of blue check democrats on twitter believe that the first time, so who knows, they probably will again but you've got to give adam schiff some credit, at least he's consistent, but was obviouslyhe completely insane, in desperateo need of care, that man is hurting, but he's one man and a big party, what about everyone else running the democratic party? they are not insane, they are not crazy in the slightest, they're just liars and their more ruthless than you can even understand. they will burn down your cities and tell you that you did it and if you don't accept that judgment, maybe they will send blm to your house. ♪ acting homeland security secretary chao 12 is here to reaction to the most dishonest speech ever given by a major candidate, straight ahead. ♪
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public security, the acting secretary, we are happy to have him on tonight, thanks so much for coming on. joe biden threatened, announced, predicted, choose your verb, that if the president is reelected we will see more violence. are you worried about that? >> i'm not, tucker. i n would say that's a delusionl statement buried the ideal of the president or this administration or the department of homeland security is somehow the reason or the cause behind this violence is just absurd. look, the department has been at this since earlyce july. particularly in portland, addressing some of this violent rioting and looting that was occurring in anarchists targeting a federal building in portland, so we've been at this for some time. we understand we've been caused -- or having been described as causing this t violence. we know that's not thes case. and now before they ignored it, it then became dhs's problem and now they're saying if the administration, so all of these
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statements are absurd, they're not true. i think most reasonable americans understand what's going on out there and really the cause of all this is local officials, state officials not taking this seriously enough from day one. when this violence in your community, you need to restore law and order righte away. we've seen that. it will work. we've seen it in kenosha after several days, it's working.t' places like portland and other places need to take that same advice. they need to bring that law and order back to the streets. if residents of those cities can feel safe as they go about their business every day. >> tucker: i think that's exactly right. in the meantime, do you think the department of moment security is getting the help it needs from the justice department? why haven't we seen the leaders of antifa and blm arrested and charged for conspiracy under, say, rico like the heads of the mafia families were? >> this is something i talked to the ag personally about and i know that they are working on it.ok would sing about 300 arrests across this country regarding
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civil unrest and protesting, violent protesting i would say, criminal protesting, criminal rioting occurred, about 300 arrests, about a third of those or hundreds of those have been important specifically at another justice department has charged about 7475 individuals for different federal crimes and we will continue to see how those investigations are going. if the department of justice is also targeting and investigating the head of these organizations, the individuals that are paying for these individuals to move across the country. what we know is that we have seen groups and individuals mov from portland to other parts of theto country. we had about 175 arrests in kenosha. t almost 100 of them were from out of state. we know there moving around, we've seen them in d.c. and sacramento and elsewhere. a they are organized, we've seen similar tactics being used from portland across the country as well. we know there's organization, it know the department of justice is also looking at that as well. >> tucker: you're not allowed to fund crime, of course.
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but we have domestic terrorism on a greater scale than we had in my lifetime, 50 years, and the [indiscernible] of this haven't been exposed and they haven't been punished and that confused as to why. >> again, i would say that again the department of justice, who has the lead in all of those investigations, are certainly moving as quickly as possible.t something i talk with the attorney general about almost on a weekly basis. department of homeland securityt and we are doing our role, making sure that the investigations that we are involved in, we are getting that information over to the department of justice, to the fbi, the criminal investigators that are doing their job. like you, tucker, i wish that moved in a little quicker fashion. but again, this administration, this president is committed to holding individuals accountable. i think once folks start to realize that if you want to riot, you want to loot, to some of these other criminal acts that we see around the country, there's going to thehe
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consequences for that and we are going to continue to move down that road. >> tucker: mr. secretary, thanks for joining us tonight. appreciate it. y >> thank you. >> tucker: i have to. say, when they don't like some buddy, justice moves very swiftly. or when there's something that, i don't know, the [indiscernible] wantsts them to do, they don't waste time. some nascar driver said he was the victor of a hate crime because his garage door pole looked like a noose. the center doesn't fbi agents to talladega, they didn't waste time. why are they taking so long? while, left-wing groups now are trying to find the jail cell where kyle rittenhouse is being held, the kenosha teenager charged with first-degree murder in the killing of two men during the riots last t week. video evidence suggests that this is a much more complicated case then cnn has told you. kyle rittenhouse's lawyer joins us at the break buried by the way, laura ingraham's show tonight, 10:00 p.m. eastern, interviews the president of the
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>> tucker: a 17-year-old called kyle rittenhouse has been charged with two counts ofas first-degree murder for shooting that took place in kenosha, wisconsin, recently. there's a lot of confusion about what exactly happened. l but in at least two of the shootings, video shows him running away being attacked and then firing. what does this add up to? well, some on the left don't want to o know. antifa, according to accounts online, trying to figure out what cell he's being held in, presumably so they can kill him. so what's the state of the case? 's lawyers argue when it does go to court, we are speaking tonight john pierce, representing kyle rittenhouse we are happy to have a montagnais. thanks so much for coming on. >> hi, tucker, thank you so much for having us to get the true story out of what happened in
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kenosha. >> tucker: i'm eager to knoww because this is one of the stories that obviously has intense partisan interest in there's a lot of confusing video, but what is broadly speaking the defense that you will mount on behalf of kyle rittenhouse? >> this is 100% self-defense, tucker. kyle, he's a good kid, he is a lifeguard. kenosha was burning down. actually when he got done with work that day, he went to the high school with some friends to try to remove some graffiti. after that, they got a call from a local business person who owns three businesses in downtown kenosha. two of those three businesses have been burned to the ground and this business owner simply wanted too desperately protect what was left of his life's work, so he asked for help. kyle and his friends decided that no one was doing anything to protect that community and they decided they would answer that call and help to protect that business. kyle actually took a first aid
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kit downtown because he was concerned that there would be wounded protesters downtown and in fact he took a firearm because kenosha had become a war zone. any sensible person would take that and him and his friendsd stayed on the premises unprotected that property and then some events started to unfold whereby he was trying to treat medically wounded protesters and ultimately he got trapped out on the street out in the open because the riot police had moved line far enough down that they were between himself and that premises. >> tucker: so i have read that he brought a firearm as a juvenile 17 across state lines -- a lot of people brought -- that's incorrect? >> that is incorrect. that is incorrect. that firearm never crossed state lines. that is a legal firearm in the state of wisconsin. wisconsin is an open carry state. that charge is incorrect as a
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matter of state law. as a 17-year-old he was legally entitled to have that firearm in his possession. moreover, we are going to be arguing that the second amendment in title ten, section 246 of the united states code renders that charge and any ordinance that charge would be based on blatantly unconstitutional. >> tucker: that's really a tertiary charge anyway because there are other -- let me ask you about the first shooting. the second, one man was shot in the arm, the other was shot in the midsection and died, both of them clearly, and it's obvious on video, attacked him. but the first shooting, was he fired upon before he fired? did he believe he was fired upon, what were the circumstances of that shooting? >> absolutely. "the new york times" has a report and has analyzed this very closely. there was a shot that was fired as kyle was retreating actually from a mob that had become enraged that he was trying to put out fires that the arsons
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had set and because he was trying to protect property. the mob became enraged. they began screaming that kyle needed to. be killed and they were going to kill him. if they started relentlessly hunting him as pray as he ran down the street attempting to retreat. as he ran out of room to retreat, a shot was fired from behind him. "the new york times" has clearle shown that. shortly after that, the individual, who was leading the attack on him, set upon him immediately, began to assault him from behind. attempted to take his weapon, take his firearm, and kyle, when he turned, he instantaneously had no choice but to defend himself by firing, because he wasn in imminent danger of serious bodily harm or death. >> tucker: so that was the first shooting. so that happened, called a friend on the phone, said i
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think i've killed someone and then he begins to run. >> i'm actually -- let me clarify. let me clarify that. so actually, kyle actually attempted to stop and to check on the individual who had been shot. he did make a call to his friend. he said to his friend that he had shot someone. he immediately had to retreat from that area because the mob that was -- the rioters that were chasingsi him who had witnessed this immediately calledit him out for the shooti, which of course was in self-defense, but they called him out for the shooting. they began saying that he needs to be -- that he essentially needed to be killed. he began retreating back down the street, and impact on the police line to try to get to safety. again, the mob relentlessly and viciously pursued him. and he was struck as he was running from behind by one of
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the rioters.he he tripped and fell to the o ground. and then one of o the rioters ws right over him with a glock, the other one was attempting -- both of them were attempting to disarm him, to take his ar-15. he was successful in being able to fight that off and he had no choice but to then immediately defend himself. he was in fear of serious bodily harm or death. he fired and disarmed the individual who had the glock by hitting him in thee arm. he shot and killed the othert person who was attacking him. and i've got to tell you, youll know, one thing if you really think about this, tucker, in this war zone, in this chaos, occurring in a city in america in the middle of wisconsin, kyle, the only individuals that kyle shot where the three individuals that were attacking him and putting him at risk of serious bodily harm or this is a 17-year-old kid. this is amazing.
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>> tucker: let me ask you this and i think that's a fair point. he didn't shoot indiscriminately and i'm taking your word for it on the first one because i haven't seen the video but in the second two i have seen the video. one guy attacked and the other guy was pointing a gun at him. there's my question, he shot that man in the arm and the man backed that man survived. that man has not been charged. he came at a 17-year-old with a gun. why has he not been charged? >> so here's a question that i have, tucker. where are the charges for aggravated assault against kyle rittenhouse? where are the charges for arson in our cities? where are the charges for rioting? where are the charges for crossing state lines, and where are the charges against the people who are funding this activity and financing it? and why is kyle rittenhouse, a 17-year-old lifeguard who was attempting to protect the businesses in his community and attempting to help wounded i
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protesters, and was protecting his own life while kenosha was burning. why is he the one sitting in jail tonight as forces within this country sickeningly attempt to find a way to bring harm to him while he's in detention? >> tucker: it is sick. mr. pierce, thanks for coming on tonight and giving your side of this, which has not been heard -- i haven't heard it, anyway. i appreciate it. >> thank you for letting us tell the truth here, i appreciate it. >> tucker: rural told the beginning of this pandemic that science was going to lead us out of the darkness. science requires transparency. knowing what the facts are. but the media, from day one, and political forces, from day one, have fought to keep important data from you. there's new data tonight, and we are going to tell you about it after the break. ♪
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them have comorbidity, serious other illnesses. some of those comorbidities related to the viruslike respiratory failure, but many others were not. those are the facts. but you're not allowed to air them on social media, twitterwe deleted a tweet with the date of the president retweetedd today. why would it be forbidding to tweet cdc data? what are they hiding, and why shouldn't we be nervous about that? marc siegel is a fox news medical contribute her, joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. why would it be crime to tweet cdc numbers? >> well, tucker, it's because of the misinformation campaign, isn't it? i want to give you something about the lessons of history tonight, let's start with the spanish flu, 1918. back then over 15 million people died in over 50% of the deaths were listed as pneumonia, but guess what we found out? it was actually bacterial pneumonia that killed people,
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the vast majority of the time. it wasn't the spanish flu. now flash forward, 2020, covid-19, over 20% of deaths, over 68,000 deaths occurring in nursing homes among our elderly, obesity -- if you have obesity, your 50% more likely to die if you get covid-19 and as tuckerai said, diabetes, heart disease,is lung disease, all other diseasee that are going along with this. the president tweets this -- i believe you tweeted this to reassure people that had none of these conditions that might be younger. back in 1918 the average age of death was between 20 and 40 years old. well, that's not true now, isn't it? so it's reassuring to know that if you're young and healthy, you might not actually be at great risk. so i have a message tonight for our college students out there. remember this when you're going to a party. remember 1918, remember the ages of around 20 years old, the average age was 28 when people
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were dying. right now, college students, 80% of the deaths are going for people over 65 -- and you're not in their group, remember this, college students. that they are for the grace of god go i. tucker. there but for the grace of god go i. l >> tucker: i feel that way about a lot of things but it's very distressing when people are afraid of data, because that's of course the opposite ofth science. really dark agesda stuff. >> it's coming to know that only 6% are covid-19 that's actually killing people. that 94% of the time another condition is involved which causes the information that you're dying from, not the virus, tucker. >> tucker: let's shutdown the country. dr. siegel, thank you. >> thank you. speeone's a lot of kids, probably your kids if you've got kids in school, are learning online and virtual classrooms. the thing is, you can listen in
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and a lot ofis teachers don't le that because the things they're saying they don't want you to hear. we will tell you what they're saying, next. ♪ when the first snow fell, the kids went sledding right there. this used to be a shed. now, it's where they get breakfast. this is more than just land. it's home. the frels family run with us on a john deere 1 series tractor. this land isn't the only thing that should live on for generations. nothing runs like a deere. search john deere 1 series for more. get a 1 series tractor starting in ninety nine dollars per month.
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>> tucker: a lot of kids are learning online the downside is they're not learning anything right, the upside is you can listen to what they are learning. that is a huge threat to some ow stheir teachers. they are worried that normal people might discover thatte they're not teaching the kids they are indoctrinating them. some teachers are openly tweeting about using text chats and voice chats so that parents can't hear what's going on bird what can parents do about this? senior and ureter of post- millennial.te thanks so much for coming on. teachers our upset that there might be some transparency in the classroom and parents might know the lies they are telling to their quote kids? are they saying this out loud? >> they are saying this out loud. their was a school district in tennessee that made parents promise that they would not look in on the zoom calls, that they wouldn't be monitoring them
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paired they made them sign off on a paper. their was a teacher in philadelphia into critical race and gender theory and when i noticed that my sons teachers were doing the same kind of indoctrination about white privilege and critical race theory and all of this. they were dismayed to discover i was paying attention and i wanted to know what the deal wal with all of this stuff. parents need to be paying attention to what their kids are learning in school, plus i think for too long, parents have just been trusting that the educational system is teaching history in teaching science andp teaching normal things. the infrastructure from the top down, in new york city it begins with the chancellor,e they are pushing the stuff into the classrooms, they're pushing it to teachers and onto students. what they're telling students is
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that they are not equal, that some students are oppressors, and other students are victims. that they are responsible for entire system of racism, they are meant to do something about this in a systemic way. they are completely forgetting that what kids need to learn as to be kind to each other commit to treat everybody with respect, and to learn the accurate history of our nationth into len about literature and books and mythology and all of these things without the overarching lens of racismab shading everything. if you cover everything with the idea that it's racist, that's all you're going to see. that's all the kids are going to learn. >> if we had a functioning civil rights department, they would check this down immediately because it's racist lies. its abuse, but let me ask you, now that parents know that this is going on, that the required to pay for it and not allowed to intervene in any way, the kids aren't learning x anything. many kids are totally ignorant
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of facts, will this system continue now that we know what it consists of?ac s >> i certainly hope it doesn't continue, but i don't have any faith that it won't. i don't have any faith it will be disrupted, i was telling my son just today that when he does go back to school, when education starts up again, he should pay attention h to math d science and that me and his dad will teach him everything else. and that's what he should be paying attention too. my intention is to teach him art and history, and civics, and religion and the things that i think are important to being and functioning human being and i basically told him not to pay attention to anything his teachers say other than basic math and science. >> tucker: i think that's wise. thank you so much for coming on, and for your wisdom. >> thanks for having me. >> tucker: at the end of friday
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show we let you know about a recording of a phone call between cna and anger michael cuomo, we told you on that tape he sounds nothing like he does not at all. his site the conversation raises a number of questions about his personal behavior off the air. we believe in straight forward journalism we sent a copy ofof that reporting to cnn, we sent a note to and the kid that got the media show on the weekend since he covers thet media. we asked both of them to respond to a series of specific queries based on the recording of cuomo and cohen. we haven't heard back yet, we will wait for tonight to respond and then we will update you tomorrow paired we hope they will respond. we are out of time. so much going on, it's hard to get to all of its. we haven't, that is why we are back tomorrow night. we will be here at 8:00 p.m., they show that is the sworn enemy oft lying, smugness, and groupthink. all of which are in epidemic
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proportion now across the country. as we told you earlier, at 10:00 p.m. tonight the president doing an interview on the laura ingraham show, so we hope you will tune in for that. sean hannity awaits from new york. >> sean: welcome to hannity, a lot of covers tonight. biden's basement bunker, pulls a rapidly changing before our eyes, the media mob is now more. nervous than ever. former first lady michelle obama stoking division as she makesur claims of racism for when she was first lady. the far left smear campaign in full gear tonight. we are just 64 days away from you being the ultimate jury, and that is election day november 3rd. this season of lying and smears is well underway per usual, democrats and complacent partners in the mob in the media they speak with one voice. first remember they told their followers to take to the streets and resist rate in one voice they called fole
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