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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  September 1, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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brink. 40% off costco, barnes & noble, target, walmart. i will be out a few days. i'm going to recharge my batteries for the biggest most important election in our lifetime. see you after labor day. let not your heart be troubled. pete hegseth in for laura. pete, how are you? >> you have earned a break and your book sold more than minded. congratulations. >> sean: i don't care. you look cooler on your cover that i did on mine. if i could match that, i would have put it on the cover. i can't. >> pete: you have another one in you and we will be ready for it. >> sean: no, no, no. >> pete: i've got a guy. a tattoo guy. >> sean: i love seeing you in prime time. it's kind of hard. laura had the president on last night but i'm sure you're going to do great. >> pete: we have more of that interview tonight. thank you very much. the biggest thing i have to get used to is saying good evening instead of good morning. we will start. thank you very much. great show. i will start that way, good
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evening. i am pete hegseth in for laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from new york live tonight. we have a lot more from laura's exclusive interview with the president and just moments. including his concerns about mail-in ballots. will we see melania on the trail? what do you think about joe biden trying to bowling him over football being cancel canceled? the president tells laura why he suggested he and biden be drug tested ahead of the debates. in moments, i will speak to ken cuccinelli about the warning the department of homeland security just sent the city of portland. the lawless city. donald trump jr. is here with the reaction to the president's visit to kenosha today and he will respond to nancy pelosi's hyper hypocritical mask less salon visit. democrats have long ralph that while donald trump may technically be commander in chief, he doesn't try to be the president of all americans. >> these are american cities.
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trump doesn't see himself as president for all of america. >> they see two different america's. they really don't want to do anything more than just focus on these two visions of america. >> it is time for a president that represents all of america, including people in the middle of this country. >> pete: of course the left doesn't want all americans to look to trump for leadership. that would be bad for them politically. so that's why when trump first planned to meet with victims of rioting and looting in kenosha, the media tried framing his efforts as divisive and a distraction. >> right now president trump is wrapping up his visit in kenosha, wisconsin, after defying local officials wishes and visiting the city. >> the president is visiting this afternoon despite repeatedly asked not to come. >> he wasn't invited and local officials that he isn't welcome.
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>> pete: and in typical fashion, the media's narrative about how current notions that want the president to visit, it's not necessarily connected to facts on the groun. seven kenosha county board supervisors sent a letter to the president begging him not to cancel his trip to the besieged city. and then a meeting with the president today, kenosha sheriff said this. >> i said i didn't care who i got help from. i wanted resources here. after it was approved and i got the word that the president said whatever you need it's coming. i probably shouldn't share this but some people that were in portland that weren't treated as good as they were treated here and they said we can't believe what a different place this is because of how we all worked together rather than not wanting to work together at all. >> pete: that's right. they don't want him there. for his part, the president made clear that his administration will not leave this city, its
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businesses, its citizens. >> helping with law enforcement. we're going to be helping you with some economic development. get it back in shape. get kenosha back in shape and we will get it back and i think very quickly. i really think so. >> pete: let's break it down. it's easy to see what's going on. president trump campaigned in the area around kenosha in 2016. in doing so he became the first republican to win the city in 44 years. democrats can't afford to that to happen again. so they and their media lackeys tried their hardest to thwart this trip. they were unsuccessful. joining me now exclusively is donald trump jr., executive vice president of the trump organization and author of the brand-new book "liberal privilege. because what thank you so much for being here. congrats on the book. we will get to it in a moment. it is apparent with the left is trying to do. they want to stand in the way of your father offering support for the cities that democrat leaders refused to address.
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>> 100%, pete. it's disgusting. you've seen democrat states with democratic governors, democrat run cities with democrat mayors and democrat city councils. but is donald trump's fault they had 100 years of failure. it's really crazy. this is the first time in modern american history and probably american history where you get in trouble. you get arrested or you get fined or you could lose your business license for opening up your business to put food on your family's table. but if you loot someone else's business, that's fine. that's totally acceptable. i saw for one week, i watch the dnc. that sort of "i hate america" zoom call that was the dnc and i didn't see one pearson, not one person and they can fact-check me that condemned the riots, condemned the looting or the violence going on in these cities. they didn't address it. you know when they addressed it? when cnn and chris cuomo and don lemons said it's really affecting them at the polling.
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the next day all of a sudden we went from a narrative of these are all peaceful protests. there are no riots, to these riots are somehow donald trump's fault. it's asinine but that's the problem. that's why i wrote "liberal privilege." it talks about exactly that. if you're a democrat you can do and say anything. you will not be held accountable. you can flip-flop whenever you want in the media will carry your water and tell you that you are right and sell it to the american people. >> pete: we are going to get a portion of it in a moment. nancy pelosi in san francisco. it's amazing. joe biden is trying to flip the script. he was in pittsburgh saying, does anyone believe that there will be less violence in america i've donald trump is reelected? he is saying hey, he's the commander in chief. there is violence happening therefore it must be his fault. of course the media will echo that. what's the strongest rhetoric to that? >> i think it's insane. nobody said that about obama when you have the ferguson riots
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or orlando with the numerous riots there. they will do anything that's negative against donald trump. the reality is no bite and said nothing about these things. he sat there. there must be tacit acceptance. these are biden voters. these are democrat voters that are out there doing this. you don't see the conservatives burning down businesses. you don't see conservatives getting attacked, attacking others for wearing a maga had. imagine wearing a maga had in portland. you could wear biden had any city in the country no one would do anything. that's the difference. that's double standard. joe biden himself said the other day he was going to sting in his basement bunker for another ten days before addressing it. until the polling issue came out and then all of a sudden he said they may have to leave the bunker ten days early. ten days? to act as a president? this guy wants to lead our country? he couldn't lead a kindergarten class. >> pete: the bible of the left-wing double standard of
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course is the failing "new york times." they ran this shameful story. "as right wing groups increasingly moved to confront protesters in u.s. cities demonstrators are assessing how to keep themselves safe. because what help me with this. don't you feel sorry for the left-wing anarchist who just want to riot and now murder in peace? >> 100%. obviously i don't feel bad for the business owner, the small business owners family business of four years was burned down. they deserve it. npr, national public radio, your tax funded dollars aren't going to someone who wrote an article on npr saying that the defense of looting, they are trying to justify it. these are not conservatives doing this. they are joe biden voters burning down their cities. and then we are supposed to be sympathetic to a looter, a writer, and arsonist? not the small business that was
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destroyed, whose livelihood was ruined? again if the first time in american history when you get ticketed for going to church but not for going to commit arson or felony crime. >> pete: not even that but you might get the biden campaign or kamala harris' staff to donate to your fund to get you out of jail. you can't make this stuff up. >> 100%. kamala harris was encouraging it. >> pete: i don't know how nancy pelosi could explain this one. she is in san francisco. everyone is locked down. salons are closed and you have to wear a mask but she went to her own private salon without a mask to get her hair blown out. caught on tape because the salon owner who was a single mom, two kids, no income right now, has been shut down and says i've got to release this tape because i can't believe that she would -- he called it a slap in the face. this type of behavior is exactly the theme of your book. it's exactly -- they can get away with whatever they want but you, the average person, no salon for you.
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>> no. there is a different set of rules and that's the reality. the media has decided to be activists for the left. they are not objective. they don't even have a pretense about objectivity anymore. so when you look at joe biden's 50 year career in washington, d.c., 50 years. it's half a century. they are pretending like there's nothing there. between the brain and your sums which can probably extend why he can't remember where he is 50% of the time, we can touch that. the terrible decisions on racial issues. the terrible decisions on trade, tdp, nafta. permanent trade status for china and the world trade organization. joe biden has done more damage and destruction to the american middle class in american manufacturing than beckley any human being alive and yet he is treated as though he's somehow a hero of the people. it is liberal privilege at its finest. the book was there to talk about all the things that the media should be doing, should be telling the american people. but they refuse because they
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realize it's -- it would work against their leftist narrative. i figured someone had to put pen to paper and write it for americans. this is more for independence, and who haven't made up their mind. once you realize how flagrant the hypocrisy is, how bad it is, bad this guys policies events, you're honestly going to be a trombone. >> pete: yeah. and one you missed which we don't have time to get to his fracking. he's going to the trail saying i never said then there's mountains of tape of him talking about how he wants to end fracking. the book is "liberal privilege." what's your website? folks can buy it directly. >> don it's available everywhere. don for those who don't want to go to the big tech guys. i did that people have really liked it. >> pete: an option to go somewhere else. thank you very much. congrats. for more than three must come apart and has been under siege from left-wing radicals. what has mayor ted wheeler done about it? nothing. worse than nothing. he's gone out of his way to attack the president and he is
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refuse federal help to try to restore law and order. the trump administration's finally had enough and is firin. dhs secretary chad wolf writing this in a letter to wheeler. "i urge you to prioritize public safety and request federal assistance to restore law and order in portland. president trump and made it abundantly clear that there will be a point wherein state and local officials failed to protect its citizens from violence. the federal government will have no choice but to protect our american citizens." remember those, citizens? they should be protected. joining me now is ken cuccinel ken cuccinelli. how close is portland to the point where federal officers will have to be sent to actually end the riots? >> you know, we saw the governor brown make a sort of stab at it at least telling us there was a plan. it fell apart quickly. the fact that she's even moving now when she hasn't in three
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months employed her national guard. over 7800 national guardsmen in the oregon national guard. you saw how quickly that worked in kenosha. it's been available all along, and in fact even portland's terrible mayor, ted wheeler, requested the guard in early june. governor brown turned him down. they have the tools they are. we are seeing movement by the governor who is clearly getting uncomfortable now for all the reasons you've already cited earlier tonight. that we think maybe we are going to finally get some action that will stick. she sent state troopers and for two weeks and then they left and we have seen the continuing of rioting, even attacks on mirror wheeler's own condo. >> pete: we have indeed. you alluded to the previous plan. two counties were asked to send law enforcement said there's no political support for public safety. we are not going to send additional law enforcement if they're not going to be properly backed. attorney general bill barr was in kenosha today talking about the deeper aspects of
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investigations into what's happening. we will play what bill barr had to say. >> picking up information with these violent instigators were coming to kenosha. they were coming from california, washington state. a lot from chicago. out of 175 arrests, 100 were from out of town. these are the same people using the same tactics that have been used in various cities. washington, d.c., atlanta, chicago, now kenosha, portland. >> pete: can come of these anarchists, antifa black lives matter activist, whatever label you want to use, if they are crossing state lines does it make it a federal issue and cane dhs step in. >> it begins in federal jurisdiction. in portland while over 90% of the arrests are of people who
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live in that area. very high percentage. you just heard the attorney general talk about the fact that over half of the arrests in kenosha are not from kenosha. in fact, many of those most of those are from other states andg straight lines, if you're communicating across state lines. for the purpose of setting up rioting, that does invoke federal jurisdiction. the department of justice has advanced over 200 officers to kenosha. we have some from dhs there. it's a major factor in expanding federal opportunities for investigation. i should note there are already hundreds of investigations running related to the violence all over the country. >> pete: the democrats are in hyperdrive trying to place the blame somewhere else. here is democrat congresswoman from california. >> donald trump is the sitting president of the united states. the violence and chaos that we
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are seeing in portland in kenosha, wisconsin, is happening under his watch. you can draw a straight line between some of his actions and words in the violence. >> pete: how do you address the issue when the other side is blaming the president who is clearly and consistently said i want to bring law and order and end it. >> truth is an awfully tough opponent for congressman lieu. you look at the narratives. in portland they said the feds showed up and so they caused the violence. well, there had been five weeks of riots. who declared them riots? the local police. that didn't work. they said it was getting better and it was getting worse because they came within you look at ted wheeler's own words on july 3rd calling for an end to the violence. and it was spiking before anybody even knew that we had more officers there. it's one narrative after another and you have congressman lose latest narrative and its falls,
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false, false. i have great faith in the wisdom and vision of the american people. 2020 clarity. i believe they see through this even when the mainstream media tries to help people like congressman lieu paddle this trash. it doesn't help when you got people like the speaker of the house out there calling the law enforcement officers nazis. >> pete: yeah. doesn't remotely pass the smell test. ken cuccinelli, thank you very much. people see through. part two of laura's exclusive interview with president trump is just moments away. why he suggested biden should be drug tested before the debates and will we see melania on the trail? the president has answers. that's next.
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now that's simple, easy, awesome. say xfinity sports zone into your voice remote today. >> president trump: i was investigated practically from the time i came down the escalator with our great first lady. i was under investigation, and it's a disgrace and it should never be allowed to happen again. i say this openly. bill barr can go down as the greatest attorney general in history of our country, or he can go down as just another guy. it depends. they have all the stuff. you don't need anything else. they want everything. you don't need anything else.
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they all lied to congress. they were liars. they were cheaters. they were treasonous. there was treason. >> laura: bill barr you're saying has to prosecute all of these individuals to be a great attorney general? he's one of the most talented attorney general's. >> president trump: i really like him a lot but i will let you know about that. right now if i just read the newspapers, even the bad ones, even the ones that are fake news. there's a case. book, there was a 78 page report about comey done by horowitz. i have to tell you, inspector general horowitz, i have to tell you that report was one of the most brutal reports i've ever seen. let's see what happens with it. the report on mccabe was one of the most brutal. i actually read them. one of the most brutal reports i've ever seen. let's see what happens with th them. if i get another report, if i were a democrat, this whole thing would've been so
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different. people would be in jail now. two years ago for 50 year terms because this was treason. this was subversion. this was the overthrow of a country. >> laura: have they ever stopped trying to take you out before the election, meaning the protests, the impeachment. it has been a constant drama. >> president trump: the protests were interesting because they thought the protests would be good for them. it's all democrat stirred up and lead. they thought, and cities they lost control. they've lost control. they thought the protests would be good for them and it turned out to be very bad. >> laura: melania, you mentioned the first lady. she got rave reviews for her speech, so many speeches at the rnc. are we going to be seeing more of her on the campaign trail? i know a lot of women especially in middle america are desperate to get to know her better. >> president trump: and the like her. we love her style, her class, or grace. i thought she gave an incredible
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speech. you have to understand it's not her first language. how many people could come over and make a speech to the world? >> laura: not i. >> president trump: she data incredible job. >> laura: will we see her on the campaign trail? >> president trump: she wants to be very much involved. >> laura: massive success in "the apprentice." everybody knows it. why do you think there's a push for massive any logical conformity in hollywood, the entertainment industry, comedians. everyone. why is that happening? why are they so unhinged? >> president trump: they are unhinged. a lot of those people are going to vote for me because they don't want to lose their money. they know if biden could get send come of the stock market is going to crash and learn to lose their money. the people in beverly hills california or i had a home. i live there for a while. you know, on and off because i was doing a project out there. beverly hills california. many, many people voted for me.
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i see them on television saying bad things. and they say you know that person voted for you. a large percentage of people. >> laura: they are afraid to say so. >> president trump: you have but they don't want to lose their wealth. they are very, they are greedy people. they don't want to lose their wealth. they will talk one way they're going to vote another way. i think, i saw one poll. 62% of the people said they were lying about the polls. >> laura: the polls were right in 2018. republicans lost a lot but you weren't on the ballot. >> president trump: 2018 i wasn't on the ballot. they tried to take me with that. you're going to win the house near going to get rid of pelosi. win here. the senate is going to be tough but i think were going to come through what you're going to win the house because people are angry. 2018, they tried so hard. i wasn't on the ballot. they went out and did polls on that too. many people said i'm not voting if trump is not on the ballot.
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watch what happens. the level of enthusiasm, for this campaign is far greater. hey, crazy michael moore said at the best. he said i've never seen anything like it. the level of enthusiasm now. >> laura: do you think -- >> president trump: more than 2016. spoon people say it's important for you to win the popular vote. it sends a message to the country. if conservatives or republicans and blue states. saying it doesn't matter if i vote. what do you tell them? >> president trump: i think i could win. i think i did win the popular vote in a sense. there was tremendous cheating california and new york and other places. if you take a look at the libertarian. they talk about jill stein. jill stein took half a percent. i am somewhat libertarian i have to be honest with you. rand paul will tell you that. i have a libertarian candidate on that got 4.5%.
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those are all republican voters. they are wasting their vote. >> laura: but this time the popular vote would be a huge message to the country. >> president trump: there wasn't a libertarian on the ticket, i would win the popular vote. i would've won at last time. >> laura: finally, mr. president. >> president trump: the biggest risk we have is this whole crazy thing where they are sending out 80 million ballots to people that i don't even know what a ballot is. they are sending them all over. where are they sending them? they are sending 80 million ballots to everybody. there is tremendous cheating going to go on. as sure as you are sitting there and all you have to look at is look at the recent races. single biggest problem that there is. everybody wants an honest election. i want an honest election. >> laura: how do you know in michigan if you're down by 50,000 votes. if they are down by 50,000
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votes, the democrats, then the next week governor whitmer is going to say we found 50,000 votes. people are worried about it. what can you say about a question mark >> president trump: many courts and hopefully the courts will stop it. if you take a look at what's going on with that when they are sending unsolicited -- i came up with a new name. they are unsolicited. you're sending out 80 million ballots unsolicited. then you have solicited. absentee ballots. it's the biggest problem. you look at new york. carolyn maloney. they gave her a victory. they don't know where the ballots are. you look at, take a look at what's happening in new jersey. take a look at what's happened in virginia. take a look at what's happening all over. these are small little races that are easy. they can't find the ballots. the ballots are a fraud. now we are sending 80 million ballots. >> laura: hillary says you're not going to leave office if you lose. you're knuckling leave office. how do you respond?
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>> president trump: honestly she is deranged. remember the famous debate where she said will you respect the wishes of the voter? i didn't say yes or no. i didn't give an answer. but it was like she was saying you must respect. she didn't. she lost. she wanted to get it again this time as you know when she got defeated then too. she wanted very badly behind the scenes. she wanted to be vice president behind the scenes. hillary is a sick person. she's just take it nice and easy, relaxed. go out, vote. maybe she should go to the poll instead of sending out an unsolicited ballot. the biggest problem we have in this country is going to be this election with the unsolicited ballots. because even a small little district race, small little congressional race. carolyn maloney. they should do that race over again. they should do that race over again. there is fraud. there is deception. what they've done with the ballots, there are seven different things are happening. the other thing, who are they
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sending them to? >> laura: are you going to be ready with lawyers? are you going to have lawyers all across the country ready to challenge? they have a lot of lawyers. >> president trump: they have more lawyers than any human being is ever hired. we are in pennsylvania right now. we're in nevada. we are in all different states fighting. everybody knows including the democrats, they know more than anybody else. look and then they harvest. harvesting is illegal. except in california. they do ballot harvesting. >> laura: why did you ask for a drug test before the debate? what prompted that with you and joe biden? >> president trump: i watched biden in the previous debates and he was horrible. i watched him in the bernie debate and he was normal. he wasn't winston churchill but he was normal. it was like and even deal. he got it. i said it was a different guy then the guy that was in the debates where kamala just took him apart. kamala is terrible. she went down from 15.
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i watched her drop like a rock. she never even got to iowa. she never even -- because she was so low. that's the person. she was really mean to him. she said the worst things. >> laura: but on biden, why the drug test? what do you think he's on? >> president trump: he is on some kind of enhancement in my opinion. i should take a drug test. so should he. we don't have a situation where a guy is taking some kind of -- >> laura: like athletes? >> president trump: no, no. i'll take one. he'll take one. we should both take a drug test. >> pete: good stuff. more from laura's newsmaking exclusive. the president reacts to biden blaming him for college football getting partially canceled. he also lays out his plans for making china pay for unleashing covid on america. that and more when we return.
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>> laura: joe biden has put out a commercial trying to turn the tables on you on the question of football. let's watch it. >> good weather by opening day. we are going to be in the 60s. enjoy the game. and now, please join in the singing of our national anthem. ♪ >> laura: why is football so important especially with the big ten, all these moms, players. they want to play. are they safer playing than not? >> president trump: it shows you the lie of the democrats. i'm the one who says play football. they are young, strong people where they are not going to have a problem with covid or the china virus or whatever you want to call it. i'm the one. they didn't like my narrative so they made up the narrative. if you look, michigan is closed. all the states that are closed. north carolina's close. these tapes are closed are run by democrats. the reason they are closed is
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because we have an election on november 3rd. they don't want the opening of the states and they don't want the income. they want to keep it nice and close. you take a look at what, the states that are close, it's terrible what they've done. you discuss it a lot and so do i. there's a lot of death, depression, drug addiction on the other side. when you keep it close, i think you're losing more people than -- it's terrible what you're doing to people than when you open it. so i'm the football guy. i'm the one that wants tap football. i put it out all the time. i'm very upset with big ten. big ten. they should've opened it. i'm the one that wants the football. everybody knows it. they saw it and they said trump -- these people just -- >> laura: they have players suing now to play on their parents are really upset. michigan state, penn state, minnesota. ohio state. could've been the national champions this year, ohio state. >> president trump: absolutely. a number of them in that category.
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look at pennsylvania. you have a democratic governor. you have a democrat north carolina. you have a democrat michigan. they are all democrats. those are the states. i do believe the governors are telling those colleges we don't want it. >> laura: that's an important point for americans to understand. you think the governors are putting their foot down and saying no. the sec, they are going to try to play. acc is playing. when you think it's political, mr. president. >> president trump: the governor of pennsylvania, the governor of michigan, the governor of north carolina. they control both teams directly or indirectly. so much money, so much aid, so many of the things including traffic signs and everything else that they have to get. there was governors control those schools. that's all done by democrats. to show you how they lie and how they cheat and the biggest problem you have, i want football back. by the way, are you watching? i want football. joe biden as they can know football.
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joe biden doesn't know he's alive. let's see how it all turns out. let's see how it all turns out. the very sad thing. i will say this. we have tremendous potential. we closed it up. we are opening and appeared we're doing record numbers. as you saw over 9 million people employed now over the last three months, that's a record in the history of our country. we have a chance of having one of the best years we've ever had next year. unless somebody comes in and wants to read your taxes, put back regulations. i'm not sure. i gave the biggest tax decrease in these d of our country and were going down lower. i'm not sure i think the regulation cuts that i did which were the biggest in the history of our country might have been even more important than the tax cuts. >> laura: you said joe biden is china's candidate to win. they want him badly. he said the rnc speech, you said i know it but i'm not going to tell you why. without compromising national security. tell us a little bit more about it.
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>> president trump: walking away with a billion and a half dollars. joe doesn't even criticize china. i've never even heard him criticize china. he was the one is that giant is wonderful. china's this and that china is not the enemy and they are not the problem. i have taken billions and billions, tens of billions of dollars out of china. >> laura: taking the tariff solved, sure. >> president trump: the arabs are going to come off. billions of dollars in tariffs. that would destroy us because it gives them an unfair competitive advantage. we are taking in billions. i get along very well with president xi although i must tell you since the covid situation i've not exactly been talking to him too much. >> laura: can you make them pay for them? >> president trump: they are paying a lot now. >> laura: how could they pay? >> president trump: in terms of death in people and i'm not talking about just us, you're talking with the world. what they've done to this country in the world. in terms of death. economically at some point maybe you can catch up. but you're talking about a lot of good trade deals. i made an unbelievable trade
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deal. they frankly, they ordered more corn last week than any time at any time in the history of this country. >> laura: are they taking advantage of this pandemic with what they have done to hong kong, what they are trying to do in the philippines? choking off some of the south china sea? >> president trump: i think they are hurt much worse than people think. they are having a very hard time in china. china's going very bad inside, the real numbers. >> laura: manufacturing has gotten back to par. >> president trump: it's not. they are doing poorly. china is doing very poorly and they lost tens of thousands of people, more than any other country. they just don't report it. >> laura: how do you know that? >> president trump: by the way i saw statistic the other day talking about only 6% of the people actually died from covid which is a very interesting -- that they died from other. >> laura: they had comorbidities which you have gotten criticized for because there are comorbidities in the italian showed a 70 something percent have 32 comorbidities.
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but covid might've been the key morbidity but the bottom line. >> president trump: it's an interesting statistic. >> laura: mr. president, are you still having fun doing this? >> president trump: i'm having a good time. we are doing a job just about nobody else is ever done and nobody ever challenges me on it, i'll say it again. this administration despite all the fake russia, russia, russia and hoaxes and impeachments. we have done more in this administration than any president in the history of our country. you look at our military is rebuilt. if you look at choice for the vets and if you look at accountability for the vets and i protective the second amendment. which by the way if they got in, your second amendment is gone. your taxes are tripled. your second amendment is gone. your religious liberty forget it. they are keeping the church is closed on purpose. you have churches that still aren't open but you're allowed to go to a casino. it's terrible. >> laura: a lot of people
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don't know how funny you are but you're one of the funnier people i know but you're also in a very serious time. >> president trump: it is very serious. it's not time for games. people say he comes across as a little bit rough for a little bit direct. i don't have time not to be. i really don't have much time not to be. we have to get things done. we are getting them down like no president has ever -- despite the obstruction. they are up structures. despite the tremendous obstruction. we are getting them done like nobody's ever done before and that makes me happy. >> laura: mr. president, it's always great to see you. thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> pete: are you watching? i want football. laura, great job. speaking of the big ten football lawsuits mentioned in that interview, university of nebraska football player and his attorney joined us exclusively in moments of the details of their lawsuit against the league. what will it mean for college sports. we will ask after the break. is dr. harold katz.
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he used to worry about how to fix the world's oral health problems. - i think i've got it. - [narrator] then he invented therabreath formulas. - you want fresh breath? i'll give you a fresh breath. - [narrator] for fresh breath, healthy gums, dry mouth, and healthy smiles. - whoa, that's fresh. - [narrator] now, the world's mouths have never been healthier. (sighs contentedly) - works for 24 hours, i guarantee it. therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. - [narrator] available at walmart, target and other fine stores. >> pete: welcome back. you heard the president tell laura he wants to get football back no matter what it takes. the past few weeks, college football players in the big ten conference have taken it upon themselves to try to force the
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issue. suing the conference for the right to play. here now is someone who is doing just that, joining me now exclusively is university of nebraska football player brig banks and his attorney, mike flood. do you think a majority of players th feel the way you do? >> i do. i think the players in the big ten are very proud to be part of the big ten. with that we do want transparency from our leaders. we want them to be accountable for their decisions. i do know one thing. this is actually unifying the big ten more than anything before. there are players from every team reaching out saying thank you for standing up. that's a great thing. >> pete: a common foe will do just that. brig mention transparency. there was a vote 11-3 again starting the season. you're not satisfied. what do you need see?
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>> come the vote was taken allegedly you had presidents or chancellors from minnesota and michigan state that either said they didn't think there was a vote or they couldn't recall if there was a vote or there wasn't a vote. so basically it does boil down to transparency. what was the vote and who made the motion and who made the second? how did each individual president and chancellor vote and what information did they use to make that decision six days after they had issued the fall football schedule? everything changed. you have these football players spending the better part of four or five months following every rule. staying low to the ground, doing with their coaches said, doing what the university of nebraska medical center guidelines were. suddenly the rug was pulled out from underneath them. i don't think it's too much to ask, how did it work? how did they vote? >> pete: brig, why do you want to play so bad? is it about professional opportunities? missing the opportunity of the season? folks in the media will point out covid-19, health restrictions.
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people are affected. what's the reason that you're coming forth so strongly? >> well, to make it at this point, each one of us has trained a majority of our lives and put in a lot of time to be where we are. to have even just the opportunity to choose to play taken away from us is kind of something that really hit home for each one of us. so yeah. >> pete: absolutely. you want to be in a place like nebraska. the top of the top when it comes to college football. you want to be on the field. dan patrick tweeted this today about the possibility of the big ten. he said "from a source, if conference can pass updated safety measures and procedures, big ten targeting october 10 to start the football season." mike, if i could. nebraska athletic director said there is no truth to this report. could the big ten come up with a plan that would satisfy you dropping this lawsuit?
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>> will obviously want our kids to play football. that's what they want to do. safety is as important in nebraska as it is in ohio. they will tell you, football players will tell you they never felt more safe. in fact, during the time when they were getting ready to play they were being closely monitored. now because of this decision, the training has been closed down. services have been closed down. they are on the dorm floor with all the other athletes. the question is what is more safe? is it more safe to play football in a very strict environment? or not play football and i will tell you the players they and their parents say they are safer playing football. >> pete: these are young men also. brig, good luck. thank you for joining us this evening. thank you both. final thoughts when we return. so what's going on?
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>> that is just about other time we have very congratulations, laura, for a fantastic interview with the president. if you have a moment pick up a
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copy of my book, american chris ate our fight to stay free wherever books are called. and bright and of course, selfishly don't miss myself in the crew saturday and sunday mornings on fox and friends weekend starting at 6:00 a.m. mike emanuel and the fox news crew in washington, dc take it from here. >> best of luck with the book. >> thank you. the trump administration a moratorium on evictions for low income renters. they plan who cannot make payments due to lost income due to the garonne virus pandemic. the trump administration is not only looking at but election day with top campaign officials proclaiming the president will win north of 40 percent of the hispanic vote by the president tonight returning from kenosha, wisconsin where he about the jacob blake shooting and announced a million dollars for kenosha police, $4 million to support local busines


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