tv Hannity FOX News September 1, 2020 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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sincere enemy of lyingng pomposity, smugness, and i groupthink. obviously if you can operate a dvr, go aheadk and do that. have a great evening. sean hannity takes over from new york. we are tracking developing stories including this one from san francisco. what get your screen. fox news has exclusively obtained this the security footage showing nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house, at least in name only, getting her hair done out up san francisco at a salon. forcing all salons to remain close because of coronavirus concern. as per usual, the rules do not apply peto nancy pelosi. the owner of that's a lot is infuriated. we have all of those details an video coming up and also tonigh evidence sohas emerged that i a others were illegally monitored
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by our government, full details and a full report from john sullivan. also tonight we will do something the mob in the media will never do, a special and at the investigation into the democrats radical socialist agenda. we will take a deep dive tonigh into depth bernie/by manifesto and we will unravel the latest fears from the media mob. of course, the number one donor to the democratic party. tonight it is clear democrats are terrified and we all know h is weak and feeble and the radical platform is the most extreme. the riots, it all out wouldn't say a negative thing about, lie about, denied and even happenin and they told us they were peaceful and, of course, they try to ignore them and as a result of their lives, their failure of leadership, well, this is now completely out of control. these cities and states that have been controlled for decade
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and now war zones, america ever background and demographic and race, they are playing the democratic party in droves tonight. the democratic enclave of portland, oregon, it's just experience another night of rioting and mayhem. this time writers attempting to burn to a large building where portland support and meriden, that is near to head wheeler. lives. i wonder if cnn considers the -- you see the pictures critic of that picture a mostly peaceful writing. the police were forced to declare to bryant andd not befo arsonist starting to feed the flames with debris and a wooden picnic table andta fireworks an no to keep in mind that doesn't of innocent men and women and children live in that building andt guess what, these far lef and demonstrators, peaceful protesters better known as the
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anarchists, they tried to burn it to the ground. many other buildings in the are for also vandalizedd. businesses looted. and we're watching this for ove 100 nights and it was just another night, typical day, typical evening and portland, oregon, city who still had a fa left mayor and governor and reviews all attempt -- refusal attempted help and was taking them to help restore law and order and the president keeps saying he stands ready to help any american city or state in every way possible but he is usually let's see it, folks, th insurrection ask for their supposed as cam. typically this is how it works. governors and mass -- devon errs and mayors, they asked four help or the presiden has offered it back, give it al to that means mobilizing national guard in terms of lawlessness this. we know how to be back protesters. there are tools of police at hi
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disposal. tear gas, pepper spray, dozens of democratic mayors and and governors apparently would rather watch their cities burn than their coordinate with president trump. it is sad, it is a heady and propulsive and disgusting, elis will consequences including depth and destruction in cities where it will help has been requested. the violence has been squashed britta has been done over. kenosha, wisconsin, for example the latest example, well, order has now been restored with the help of donald trump and the ma national guard and either kenosha's democratic mayor admitted that the national guar has been helpful. by the way, portland, new york, seattle, chicago, los angeles, san francisco, learn from the mayor of kenosha. >> i will tell you that the national guard has been extremely helpful and we feel comfortable that we can keep th president safe and keep the public safe. mostly we need to try to make
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sure that there is called in th community and that is what we are hoping to maintain. >> and after a request the president was able to restore law and order and safety and security in minnesota and, of course, our nation's capital, washington dc. the president did his job to keep people safe and secure. stapley kenosha before the guar was called in an order was restored, dozens of businesses for absolutely wrecked with man completely burned to the ground. today the president, he toured the devastation and announced his administration was allocating a million dollars fo local law enforcement, 4 millio at eight to the businesses that were destroyed and 42 million t the state of wisconsin to bolster public safety efforts. stay with one store owner had this to say about the president 's visit that the mob in the media and democrats are saying can't happen, it can't happen. it happened and it went along fine. take a look.
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>> we are so thankful that we have oogot the federal troops tm . once i got here, things calm down quite a bit. and our city and fire departments are awesome. they work harder than you can believe. >> and looking your screen, loo at the crowds of supporters all in wisconsin. they line the streets, street after street and mile after mil to see president trump's motorcadeee drive by. joe biden never bothered to visit kenosha. he hasn't left the east coast and a long time. if you're in wisconsin, attention, 672 days since he last visited the great state of wisconsin and by the way, he took a long break from campaigning. he needed to have rest and relaxation. after briefly stepping out of his bunker yesterday, deliverin extremely long 24 minutes beat speech from an empty room from
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teleprompter and followed by hi hero, questions from his press, the media mob, better known as state run media. and again biden is suddenly nd condemning the violent ride it -- riots. it's a little late. he said he absolutely wants to defined funds away from police. he didn't have a nice thing to say about any of that brave men land women that put their live on the line daily and that the pleas that protect and serve in very difficult circumstances an 99% of good cops, the biden campaign staffers exley donated to a fund that help get rioters out of jail and he promises tha he will have a no bail's, just like new york. kamala harris promoted this idiotic fun. now all of a sudden they are backtracking 63 days before an election and joe and kamala are attempting an election time
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conversion. .-dot because they really care about the violence and destruction instead, for them it's all about the polls. look at this. according to pugh -- >> brand-new poll shows that are in a dead heat. the present closing the gap among suburban voters and minorities. and that president's polling 24 of african-american voters. that is three times the support that he garnered in 2016. if that number holds, this election, re-election is over. ofr. course, the media mob, the are working overtime to help rescue joe and his struggling ng campaign. the lastpa 24 hours, they absolutely fresh president trum for daring to visit the destruction and kenosha. the president restore order. he did it in minnesota. he can do it in new york, chicago, portland a, and seattl if they would just let him. take a look.
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>> as protest enter their secon we, the city braces for a controversial presidential visit . and officials bracing for the president's plan visit tomorrow. >> and days of peace, quiet, people getting along. a lot of community right now in the city and the biggest concer is that the president, here is just going to turn the all i think that they are bracing for what is calm. >> and there it fake news at cnr , the panic is really setting in without a shred of evidence, they have one of their so-calle political analyst, probably the dumbest press secretary in history, joe lockhartcr, a new conspiracy theory that the president of the united states suffered a series of mini strokes and is hiding from the american ropeople in broad
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daylight, out every day and answering questions. just more lies, more fake news and more conspiracy theories from cnn. the president's doctors today said 1000% falls. so where is the apology for yet more lies and more hoaxes and more conspiracies from cnn? they are just repulsive. lockhart, the left, they are stricken entering anything and everythinghr up the wall in the hopes that something sticks. look what they allowed this lying to say about nicholas sandman. i hope that lynnwood sues cnn again.. he's already gotten a lot of money. by the way, dr. lockhart, your candidate, the week joe biden, if you are so intelligent and business guys seem very mentall alert to you? let's take a look at the videotape. >> i want to thank you all -- i tell you what, i am rushing had on. we hold these truths to be self evident.d
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all by the -- you know the saying. do you agree with me? go to joe 30330. >> we choose threes over back. make sure the television and radio and you have the record player on at night. make sure the kids here words. >> hey, dr. lockhart, what is your diagnosis there. the mob in the media and the democrats, they are in full panic mode and sam in the next 63 days, i promise you it will only get worse. just listen to what president trump had to say about the mob earlier today. a the pressure be ashamed of and the press is fielding this, even more so than biden. because biden is and always alive. the presses really fueling it horribly. you're doing a great disservice to your country.
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they are letting him get away with that. but not your heart be troubled, the mob, the media, guess what, they are not in control of the future. a you, the american people, you have the power. i don't have it. here with more, someone who deals with the mob every single day and not enough money printe by the government to actually b worth doing this job. white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany is with us. i did not know the story of you personal story that you shared at the convention. and i want to applaud you because t obviously i'm sure th wasn't an easy thing to do, but i'm also certain that you help lot of people. my mom suffered stage four cancer and she survived it, barely. and she's has since passed away
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from something else but i thought it was very brave and i think you're going to help a lo of people by doing that. >> thank you. your mom a fighter. women across this country are fighters. was my honor to share the story inhe my honor that president tr with one who encouraged me to d it. , i watch these crowds and it is not just kenosha, wisconsin, it is everywhere the president goes, lining the streets, mile after mile after mile. i actually had a secret source inside the motorcade that sent me video that i can't air. if mile after mile. you had a chance to speak to people. you saw the reaction. kenosha was so glad the president came versus what the media would say, he can't go, h can go. well, he went and he is helping kenosha out any also restored law and order there. >> that's right. of course the media will share this but wehat' literally broke 15 miles and literally, person after person with pro trumps signs showing their support in
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their districts. that is a democratic district that no one since richard nixon has won for president trump did and then we arrive in kenosha a a business that was burned down and they have been open for 109 years and they were burned down. and i saw this woman and she wa a little shy, talking to us marshals and i moved on i came back after the president pass through and there is this woman crying. there was a woman who was a little shy and nervous, crocodileit tears. i said what happened over here and they said president trump came over and spoke to her, gav her a little bit in from the white house and she is stunned and humbled and honored that edis is what that the commander-in-chief did for a woman from jackson, mississippi. that's the respect this president hasas for men and wom in this country and every day. >> i'm looking at this video
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right now of one of the burned down businesses. and i'm looking, i know friends that have business every single thing they have in lifee, they usually throw it to that business, including their heart -- their hearts, sweat equity, and soul predicate burns to the ground. kenosha got the help, a little late but they got the health an the present restored law and order. the president did it in dc and in minnesota. he has been baking new york, chicago, seattle, portland, la the help and they keep refusing the. why would k people have lives destroyed and people are dying. >> it's a great question. governor edwards finally did request the help but as a said today, what if he had requested a 24 hours earlier. this business that has been ope for more than a century would still be there. that irresponsible near in portland that is seen by less for 100 days had requested that
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help, that beautiful look young boy the lost his life was sough out and done down by a 100% antifa individual that is lawlessness and governors and mayors need to step it up. >> i want to add to what i said. after you got this test, 84% in some point you would have had breast cancer. i'm notut a doctor but if you h that in your family, no people hear that message. kayleigh mcenany. >> joining us with more news, dan bongino, the host of justice , judge jeanine pirro. i wouldn't lie to you because your opening monologues scare me . i say that. we are such good friends and allowed to say that. but in reality i'm tiredie of being lied to. they have lied to us about russia that they care about it but they didn't care about the
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dossier and they care about extraction but not hillary president e-mails and they careful quid pro quouo quote bu not joe. they don't care but a present o being spied on and a candidate being spied on. they lie about violence that we see with our very eyes. they lie every day, every singl day. i would like you or judge judy, for that matter. >> well, you know, they also li about their love for black live because the only black lives that matter in their mind our lives that are lost at the hand of law enforcement. the lies, we could go on for an hour, i want to talk about what the president did today. when joe biden spokesperson say that trump going to kenosha is like pouring gasoline on a tens situation, that is just such no only ally, but it denies the reality. if the only pouring --g people pouring gasoline when i was going on in this country of
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the anarchists anarchist, the people on the left, antifa, and the movement, the anarchist organization. they come into the cities and then the immediate and these political operatives compensate you can't come into our city, you're going to make it worse. that is nonsense. when the president said for the police and law enforcementsi, america loves you, that's what they needed to hear. there is a reason why the polls are changing. american doesn't need to clist to the media and to the left telling them not to believe they're lying eyes. america just needs to l look at what is going on. we will are starting to walk th streets. they're free to leave their businesses. this is that what our founding fathers had in mind. people are not going to tolerat nor should day. and joe biden, his response is to hide in the basement. is that going to do you any goo could just like everything his people are saying about himth. he is in tthere just waiting to
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make sure everything is -- it's not going to happen for joe . daylight and a dollar short. didn't support the travel ban, quarantine, subsequent travel man, democrats are too busy wit their impeachment trial, dan bongino, the president was acting. dave were nowhere to be found. sendinges covert 19 into nursin homes in many books on leadership. they were not here. they denied the violence. they actually are telling us it is a myth and the mob and the media for telling us that it is feasible. we t have eyes to see. we are not and blind and yet they continue to lie, they have lied for four years. now the question is what will the american people do about it and 63 days.ys >> sean for there are three big lies now. just like the defense secretary the said that joe biden had bee the wrong side of every foreign-policy decision. you can add the wrong side of everyic domestic's decision.
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he is lying right now. he's telling you if you are metal catalyzed viewer of fox t use, he said he is that going t hike your taxes, but that in th exact same sentence he said it' going to repeal the tax cuts. did he not google but trump tax cuts? i do not done an internet search . n the rates went down from 15 to 12 for people in the lower middle classwe and your taxes a going to go out. he is lying about frakking. stop says i'm going to frakking. no, no, you said it, joe, on tape. have you ever heard of youtube. joe biden, i'm going to ban frakking. and listen to joe say it.ra he said, well, i never said it was going to redirect funding away from the police. yes, he absolutely did. you're asked that question abou redirecting funding, which is a synonym for the funding, taking money away from the rib -- from the liberals listening and
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redirecting funding away. you said absolutely. you can see it yourself. now with joe biden, was he lyin down or is he lying now when he says i don't want to be fun the police because w one of the joe bidens' line. old joe or new joe. >> and just like you said, i'm not going to stop frakking, he said three times he's going to and frakking. andra joe biden the literally attacked the president today for , you didn't condemn the kkk. yes he did, over and over again. i will tell you what the president didn't do, he didn't support and praise the former klansman who filibustered the civil rights act andn then partner with that same klansman to stop school integration because he didn't want the kids to go to schools at a racial jumbo, judge. n >> there's no question about that. all you need to do right now is look at the numbers as it relates to african-americans an the bumps that the president ha
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gotten from them from the republican national convention, because they saw african americans from all walks of lif talking about how donald trump has impacted their lives, whether it was alex johnson or herschel walker or the married of people in kentucky. these were real life people, everyday people, and now even j.p. morgan is telling investor don't be so sure that joe biden is going to win. what you thought -- what you saw at that convention with the reality of what this president has done to make this country a better and safer plac for all of us. and they can dance and scream and yell however they want, it' not going to work to their benefit. thee truth is out there. >> every american needs safety and security and law and a orde. dan bongino set -- think you both. joe biden tried to distance himself from his own radical positions. hannity investigation, we will
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expose the very things he promised to do if elected. that's right, the bernie/biden manifesto, a deep dive,. and later tonight, the video evidence of speaker of the hous nancy pelosi is a huge hypocrit when it comes to covid restrictions. she's in abo slide. nobody else can go but she went. i don't see a mask on either. we will get the bat and they di monitor people like me and others illegally. we have the evidence. welcome, today's discussion will be around sliced meat. moms want healthy... and affordable. land o' frost premium!!! no added hormones either. it's the only protein i've really melted with. land o' frost premium. fresh look. same great taste.
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the media denied even existed. don't forget he even flip-flopped on the president's china travel ban that he called hysterical, xenophobic and fearmongering. well, three months later, may be a good idea. a little late, joe, as always. it's all because biden doesn't actually believe in anything does he? he's a professional politician. he is a product of washington. biden is the embodiment of all things the swamp, the sewer of d.c., all talk, zero accomplishments. in 50 years in that swamp. his polls are collapsing. after embracing bolshevik bernie's economic socialism agenda. the radical green new deal. he says his plan is even more extreme. choosing the number one socialist senator, even left of bernie sanders, kamala harris. he is now being forced to try to erase his past positions, all of them pretty much. wants to pretend 63 days out of an election like he never, ever forcefully condoned the rioting and he's pretending like he never endorsed redirecting funds
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from police departments. and pretty much denying that he said police become the enemy and is pretending like he's actually accomplish something after being in the swamp for all these decades. he's now racing away from his repulsive racial past, the one of praising a farmer klansman partnering with a former klansman to stop integration of schools so his kids wouldn'tme o tosc schools that are "racial jungles." the good news is this show is continuing to do the job that the mob and the media won't do. we will do it here, and that is what will vet the biden-harris ticket. we will tell you the truth and expose to you just how radical and extreme and out of touch and out of the mainstream they are and how destructive these policies would be if ever implemented. biden's manifesto with bolshevik bernie and lays it out in great detail the new radical socialist lawless democratic party's plans. it's 110 pages. it outlines massive tax increases.
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trillions as a matter of fact. trillions in new spending for this new green deal madness. open borders, amnesty. it's essentially all encompassing, a welfare state where everything is free. which means it will be funded by you, the american taxpayer. these are biden's stated promises. he has put them in writing. look at page 17. he makes clear that housing is a human right, that no one should have to spend more than 30% of their income for housing. okay. how do we guarantee that fairness? as written by what congresswoman ocasio-cortez? the document proves that bidenum shares a vision similar to bolshevik bernie on health care. establishing a heavily subsidized option. kamala harris would give you know option. biden vowing to implement a version of this new green deal including actually putting ocasio-cortez on the climate unity task force. eliminating fossil fuels, the lifeblood of the world's economm in 15 years, the manifesto also
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promising more massive government mandates and subsidies for wind and solar projects. we have already wasted trillions, and while the plan doesn't expressly call for dismantling the police, well biden, bernie, and kamala harris, they want their civilian core of unarmed first responders. w i can tellbe you right now, that won't work. they want their community policing. fine, that's not going to do the job either. what any of this means, you tryi to decipher all that. it sounds like defunding the police. in reallocating funds. on the immigration front, biden again doubling down open borders, outright amnesty, the american taxpayer footing the bill for health care, educationt and everything else in between. the manifesto calls for an end to the president's remain in mexico policy. that's reduced asylum fraud, and by the way, in other words, we will become the united sanctuary states of america. of course along with their 100 day moratorium on deportations.
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even criminal aliens, they want to be deported. biden-harris, they are doing everything they can do to pander to the radical left which they are, and they are running the party. by the way, all of this is on the ballot in 63 days. here with reaction senator tom cotton. the stated policies, okay bolshevik bernie, socialist economic plants, trillions for a new green deal and biden promises his new green deal will go further than ocasio-cortez. okay, no choice for health care open borders and amnesty american taxpayer pays for it ,all. senator? >> yeah, sean, you're exactly right. it's the most radical platform y on which anyone has ever run for the office of that's one reason why you didn't have the democrats talk about their ideas two weeks ago at their convention. all they wanted to do is launch ad hominem personal attacks
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against the president. as you say, joe biden would raise your taxes by more than $4 trillion, open-air borders by decriminalizing illegal border crossings, and he would give illegal immigrants health care while taking away your health insurance on the job. these are radical ideas that we exposed last week at the republican conventional convention. that's why you see joe rushing out of his basement yesterday to give a slapdash speech in which he refused to condemn violent rioters on the radical left like antifa.nt or some elements of the black lives matter movement. he knows that his agenda for america is being exposed by president trump and the republicans. >> sean: okay. this speech was 24 minutes senator. seriously. you know, donald trump is on the road every day. donald trump answers questions every day. this guy has only answered less than 50 questions since march. how does he get away with that? >> he gets away with it because the media wing of the democratic party has their partisan jersey on and its deep blue and they are going to cover
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for joe biden and his radical agenda. look, that speech yesterday wase given to an empty room. it may have looked like it wasch in a factory with lots of people watching but it was to an empty room. to give you a little bit of peek inside the curtain, today they put a lid on 9:00 a.m. that's when they tell reporters there will be no more news, nor public appearances. with this president, the lid doesn't come down until 11:00 or midnight when he is traveling. with joe biden they say at 9:00 a.m. there will be no more news. they are trying to run out the clock using the media wing of the democratic party to concealu the radical agenda for america. we started to expose it last week and will keep doing so over the next nine weeks.s. >> sean:n: it also means, tell me if i'm wrong, senator. it also means that when peoplele are voting, they might really want to pay close attention to their local congress congressional races and senate races. cory gardner for example. martha mcsally. even susan collins who gave aav
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phenomenal speech on kavanaugh. because i'm thinking democrats would want to impeach this president 400 more times if god forbid he is reelected and it's not a republican house and senate. >> yeah, sean, that's right. it's not as vital that we reelect the president but thats we win back the senate and take back the house. as you say, susan collins provided a critical vote to confirm justice kavanaugh. cory gardner passed a great conservation bill. our senators have done a great job. if the democrats take back the senate, you know what radical agenda they are going to propose along with joe biden. >> sean: thank you for being aow with us. when we come back, hypocrisy on display. nancy pelosi, yup, hair salons in san francisco, they are forced out for the little people and they are shut down because of covid and that didn't stop nancy pelosi. her salon open just for her and there she is. got a hair wash, blow out and oh, no mask either. also believe it or not, myself
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and others, yep, illegally monitored and we have the evidence. coming up. so what's going on? i'm a talking dog. the other issue. oh...i'm scratching like crazy. you've got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours, whether it's a new or chronic problem. and apoquel's treated over 8 million dogs. nice. and...the talking dog thing? is it bothering you? no...itching like a dog is bothering me. until dogs can speak for themselves, you have to. when allergic itch is a problem, ask for apoquel. apoquel is for the control of itch associated with allergic dermatitis and the control of atopic dermatitis in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs less than 12 months old or those with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chance of developing serious infections and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or pre-existing cancers to worsen. do not use in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. most common side effects are vomiting and diarrhea. feeling better? i'm speechless. thanks for the apoquel.
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>> sean: democratic hypocrisy at an all-time high as they refuse to abide by coronavirus restrictions they have implemented for all of us. we the little people. yesterday nancy pelosi caught on camera, security camera visiting a hair salon, indoors without wearing a mask despite local ordinances. yep, those salons all of them inside and outside yesterday hat to be closed. it's so angered the salon owner who said it felt like "a slap in the face" that she feels she could just go in and get her "
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stuff done while no one else can go in and i can't work. she has a family. here with reaction, civil rights attorney leo terrel. fox news contributor tammy bruce. you know, tammy, i look at this. i can sympathize with the salon owner. she violated the very rules. now she actually claimed in a statement through a spokesman that she always wears a maybe i'm blind. i have my glasses on. maybe i'm blind.d. i don't see a mask on her at all right now on her. do you see a mask? the ordinance is clear. >> it's on her neck but that's not the rule. what is shocking here is every woman, if you're over 40 especially, you know the rules are. she also claims, her office does, that she didn't know that she was doing anything wrong. she knows exactly what the rules are, especially in california they are draconian. these are small businesses.
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they are suffering extensively. the people that left pelosi in the salon rent a station in that salon which is why the salon owner is particularly shocked. the last time there was major news about someone not following the covid restrictions was a household that had a party and they got their electricity shut off by the state.ho i think we should shut off nancy pelosi's electricity. see what she thinks about it. obviously her ice cream would melt because her fabulous kitchen wouldn't be powered. it's beyond the hypocrisy.n' this is about us being fodder for their volcano power. they has laws that they have no intention of following and it tells you even more seriously sean, that they don't even believe what it is they are telling us and the restrictions that are driving people into poverty. they know that it won't affect them, and people like that salon owner, a friend of mine owns a salon in los angeles. it's their dream that's being destroyed. it may never be recovered, and
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so their futures will be lost as nancy pelosi doesn't care apparently. >> sean: leo. >> thank you, sean. i have so upset. you have nancy pelosi who is controlling the democratic party and there's a double standard. as tammy just said. here's the part.ramy the democrats are trying to destroy the economy at thee expense of trying to win the election. people are suffering right now and it's the same nancy pelosi who won't work with donald trump to get more relief in the hands of people. but yet she lives in a special unique situation. what i find amazing is that her clyburn, pelosi, they are ancient history. there is a double standard andnd they want their people to be dependent on herself all nancy pelosi is concerned about is her hair and her 22 flavors of ice cream and it's insulting to the average american. one last point, donald trump really does care about the american citizen. nancy pelosi, chuck schumer
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joe biden. all they want is power. power so that people will have to depend on them. it's outrageous. >> sean: 125 swamp years of experience. pelosi, biden, and schumer. a lot at stake, tammy, how do you see this going down in 63 days? we have 40 seconds each. >> we have already seen the polls shift dramatically to president trump's favor. and it is regardless of what you think of him personally, people are recognizing with the choices here. a choice to go backwards where you are reliant on government. people who don't give a damn about you or going for and where there is freedom, economic freedom, economic success where your dreams are actually reachable.uc that is the decision. that's the choice, and i think we are in good shape. i am more than 100% confident about the president. the senate matters.nt get nancy pelosi out of a position of power. we have to take the house. >> sean: leo. >> mr. president, please.
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i want to go to michigan. i want to go to wisconsin. i want to go to pennsylvania. work on the battleground states to get people of all colors tons shift and vote for you. i have to be there in this battleground states. i want to help you 24/7. we cannot let pelosi and those dinosaurs run this country for the next four years. >> sean: we may need a "hannity" leo 2.0. larry elder and tammy tour across america, every swing state. >> we need it right now. >> sean: maybe we can borrow nancy pelosi's private jet to get there. make a big fat carbon footprint. thank you, all. when we come back, disturbing details, illegal monitoring that took place against me, otherce people in the press. 12 other people to be exact. john solomon, including him, he has all the details in a shocking situation in the windy city. the fbi is now reportedly warning chicago police street gangs have formed a pact to gun down the police.
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>> sean: an alarming story we've been tracking for months has now broken wide open after new memos now revealed that the social media accounts of at least 13 prominent americans including, yep, people in the press, including yours truly some reason i was number one on the list were monitored by the obama state department ambassador in kiev. fox news contributor john solomon has the full report. we expect this and more also for some time. did i really get labeled number one? was i first on the list? really? why couldn't you be first on the list? you were on the list. sara was on the list. don jr. was on the list
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laura ingraham was on the list. >> don jr., yeah. when you look at this 30,000-foot eyes, this was an enemies list. this was a group of journalists that has raised questions about russia and then about the conduct of things like joe biden. when the embassy was monitoring us not for national security w reasons but the reasons about the reputations of people in the past administration, the obama-biden clinton administration. it smacks of an enemies list and here is something. i read through these documents 320 pages made available by judicial watch. there is evidence i believe that there was more than social media monitoring going on, sean, i believe there may be other communications that were monitored based on things i see in the documents tonight. >> sean: we suspected this. all ofht this is illegal, isn't it? >> it is. the state department and the i embassy was told these actions violated the privacy act of the 13 americans whose accounts were monitored and the real question now is, is this the only thing they did?d
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i have grave concern and i call on the state department. if you have any evidence that journalists were being monitored to please come forward and let the american people know. >> sean: 45 pages.ic 302s. mueller and weissmann's pit bulls asking about me, myt own 1300 personal text messages released. what happened to privacy? where are the other people in the media saying you know what i may not like hannity but that shouldn't happen to any of us. all right, john solomon. we will stay on it. thank you. sad. in a disturbing development then fbi's warning chicago area police, look at this. reported gang pact to shoot on sight any cop that has a weapon drawn on any suspect. one strong voice defending america's police has been senator lindsey graham who recently received the endorsement of the south carolina fraternal order of police. his upcoming senate reelection race in 63 days.
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senator graham, there is literally millions and millions of dollars. i want the good people of south carolina to understand this. that would be gamecock fans and usc fans and clemson. all of them. there are millions of dollars being spent to smear, slander besmirch you. but it ain't coming from south carolina, that money. >> no, it's not. i wear this as a badge of honor. every liberal in the country hates my guts for two reasons. i stood up for kavanaugh when he was having his life ruined and i helped get him through. i am proud of that. i am proudly supportingg president trump, the unpardonable sin of the left. south carolina is not for sale. my opponent is going to raise $25 million, the most of any democrat in the country in this cycle, three months. if you want to help me lindsey
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you mentioned something about a strong voice. the strongest voice in america for the law enforcement community is president trump.t in his convention,ce he showcasd the cops, victims of crime. family members who had lost their loved one serving as a police officer. this is the most dangerous time in american history to be a cop because criminals have no fear. liberal prosecutors and politicians have no respect for the police. god bless you, president trump.. law and order is on the ballot and we are going to kick their ass for the men and women in blue. >> sean: some of the famous people that don't live in south carolina that are donating to get you ousted from south carolina? i have to imagine my friends in south carolina, they are not going to like this list. >> right. >> sean: who is on the list? >> rosie o'donnell. barbra streisand. you name every liberal in hollywood. they want to take me out. they want to flip the senate.
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south carolina is not for sale. there is not enough money you can print to convince south carolinians to buy into the socialist agenda. president trump is going to win and i'm going to win. law and order is on the ballot. god help this country if we lose. we t arere in a fight for the ht and soul of the country. i hope you get that. i know your audience does.s. stand up and be counted. respond. if you can give, give to me. give to other senators fighting the good fight. stand behind this process. this president is doing what he needs to do. lindsey >> sean: all right, senator. >> get on the internet. i am there. >> sean: the day that barbra streisand and rosie o'donnell influence south carolina, we are doomed. we will continue. more "hannity" after this.
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the brain." 40% off on, target, walmart. i'm going to be out a few daysng been going to recharge my batteries for the biggest, most important election of a lifetime for i will see you after labor day. pete hegseth in for laura. how are you? >> pete: the book sold more congratulations mine congratulations. >> sean: you look aak lot more cooler undercover than i. >> pete: if i could only match that, i put it on the cover. i can't stop that. another on one in you. >> sean: no, no, no. no. i lovedse seeing you on prime time. it's kind of hard. laura had the president on but i'm sure you're going to be great. >> pete: we have more of the interview tonight. the hardest is having to say good evening instead of new
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