tv The Five FOX News September 2, 2020 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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the race is tightening up. in the back drop, markets are racing ahead. dow over 20,000 since back in february and a percentage point away from a brand new record tis. -- itself. >> here's "the five." >> i am greg gutfeld and juan williams and emily. remember all of those righteous times going after trump for not wearing a mask. he is a role model. he is killing people. of course away from the cameras they were doing something else. that's the different between trump and politicians. with trump when you see is what you get. the others, well they are politicians like nancy pelosi caught at a hair salon despite laws keeping them closed to the
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public. nancy said this. >> the white house by bringing all of those people there, no masks and the distancing. he slaps science right in the face and what a bad example that was. >> what a bad example. she should know. and the philadelphia mayor caught eating inside a restaurant while his city danned indoor dining. -- banned. why do people seek political power? it's to increase their quality of life to allow them immunity from the laws they enforce. it's the special pass for the best seat in the house and to be able to run red lights to get the gym across town. if you talk the talk, there is no need to walk the walk. ask joe biden. politics gets you perks and
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fame. look at the clinton brood who expected and got millions after languishing in taxpayer funded property. and the obamas netflix cat fats. what is trump in this did the media ask that? no they were trying to score tickets to hamilton. we have a tape of nancy pelosi responding to hair-gate. that sounds like a product we would sell at 2 a.m. >> [laughing]. >> just roll the tape and i will shut up. >> the salon owes me an apology for setting me up. a set up by a neighborhood salon i have gone to for years. >> she is taking responsibility for being screwed over by the
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salon. that's interesting. >> i have to clap for her. >> is this sexist? to criticize nancy pelosi over this or sexist to believe she deserves exemption because of her sex and not crititize it? very difficult question to answer? >> i will criticize it. i didn't see this one coming. i didn't see this excuse coming. that's absolutely shameless brilliant! matt whitlock, follow him on twitter. he put her press conference to the sound of a credit near the end. unbelievable. i think it's also interesting she goes on to give an interview saying if the president is not wearing a mask he will kill people.
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it proves they are just like us. they want to be better than us but they are not. they have to get their haircut. i think a lot of the data coming in saying that the lockdowns were not productive and nancy pelosi is overseeing a legislation negotiation where salons like she went to would not get any money. she is forcing them to open just for her. in addition, the ruling class notion -- if you are part of the ruling class, the rules don't apply to you which is weird. i don't know in that's an oxymoron but it should be. >> i thought i made that clear in the monologue. i will try better next time. emily, i wonder if beauty parlor hair is over-rated. why do we demand women of
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a certain age to go to a beauty parlor and put under massive machines. i will show you pictures. they are frightening. look at this! i find this quite disturbing. where do you stand on this scandal that is breaking the worldwide open right now? >> well, i am grateful for each and every one of those machines. these guys have surfed the hypocritical waves for decades. those who makes the laws and those who have to follow them. rules don't apply to congress. laws don't apply to congress. it's the reason why the mayor here of seattle gets a 24-hour off-duty security police detail and residents go law enforcement
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field. and mayor de blasio in new york rolls in a caravan to the gym and the rest have to comply with environment ethices. this is transparent. we expect it. last month our approval rate of congress was 21%. there is a record low of 17. we talk about privilege and people who have it. this is no more privileged group in this country than those entrenched incumbents on the hill. >> you're absolutely right. juan, do you agree with me that nancy pelosi should go to jail and serve 3 to 5 years for what she's done? >> [laughing]. >> you know what, you are so kind. i think you are going easy on her. >> yes. >> to me, i thought, boy, if she walked through that parlor and was holding a pint of ice cream that would really set her off. the president ran an ad about
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it. look nancy pelosi and the elite are eating fancy ice cream. she opened herself to this charge of hypocrisy. emily, i think the rich are the ones who are privileged in american society by far. they are the ones that get to the front of the line at disney. to my mind, she did a service to right wing commentators who say nancy pelosi you are a hypocrite. i will say, she didn't put anybody else at risk. that's the best argument. i don't like what she said about the salon. take responsibility! but he doesn't put anybody else at risk. i can't say that about the republican national convention at the white house. i can't say that about the rally in tulsa are people got sick. >> or the massive protests and
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the rioting? >> i don't know -- >> no politician was leading that. the biggest hypocrisy of the day goes to melania trump using private email server at the white house. i think hillary clinton is eating ice cream and laughing. >> she didn't acid wash it. >> she was the secretary. >> yes. >> jesse, i realize you are anti-what? on one hand this is great for trump and bad for the democratic national committee. -- the democrats. >> i want to wade into the sexism thing. if dana will virtually hold my hand. i will make an announcement. it is true that women are more beautiful than men. and that women because they are more beautiful maybe spend more time maintaining their beauty.
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that women's hair is longer than men's hair and needs to be maintained more and as you mature, perhaps you may need to color said hair more often. am i doing okay so far? >> yes. >> dana didn't squeeze me. >> as someone who goes on tv almost daily as nancy pelosi does and as a very powerful woman, she needs to maintain that look. we also agree that gavin newsom shutting down hair salons seems excessive. as the numbers show on cable news, perks come along with that. we all love our perks. we also know that each of us maybe has gone astray when it comes to the regulation and let our mask slip down below our mouth on occasion. we understand what nancy pelosi did.
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she is just like the rest of us, greg. the only difference is she doesn't walk the walk. because he she is a hypocrite. >> hang on, greg. i want to know what perks nancy is getting. i am not getting any perks. >> your wife is a perk. >> [laughing]. >> next up biden takes questions from the media as now polls show the race tightening. >> tech: when you've got auto glass damage...
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campaign trail in delaware and taking questions from the press. it comes as president trump looks to be closing the polling gap. the democrat's lead narrowed by 5 points since june. biden still has a lead and a second poll shows biden comfortably ahead. he took shots at president trump. >> i think my message is getting out based on what the polling data shows and the millions of people who watched what i have had to say and the circumstances in which i said it. i would like to get out more. i have begun to prepare by going over what the president said and the multiple lies he's told. i would love a crawler at the bottom of the screen, a fact checker. >> president trump responded holding a duelling campaign
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event in north carolina. >> next year will be one of the best economic years our country has ever had. >> [cheers and applause]. >> i say that with a caveat. biden wants to raise your taxes by 4 times. it's crazy. >> dana, let's talk politics. the national polling average has biden up by 7% after the convention. no change basically in most of the battleground states. what do you make of all of this? >> well, i think there is changes in the battleground states and tightening. i don't think you have to look at the polls to know that. you can look at joe biden's activity. you know when a campaign is changing tactics and strategy that they have seen something in the polls that makes them concerned or they want to
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capitalize on. in this case it's concern. if you think about it, the trump campaign has been on offense and forcing joe biden into doing a couple of things. he went to pennsylvania to do that event and took questions today. he will go to kenosha tomorrow. that's different than even just 3 weeks ago when they seemed comfortable to do this campaign by zoom. that's not going to work. joe biden took questions today. it takes a while to shake out the cobwebs. we should do more of that before the debates. he will see if he can keep the lead it has but it will tighten. partisans always come home. the president is putting his front foot forward -- is that like a boxing thing? probably. he's on offense. that's also a sports term. he is running away with the ball. i will leave it there. >> [laughing]. >> i think we got the message.
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jesse, there are new ads out. trump is sending a law and order message in his ad. biden is charging trump with provoking violence and failing to condemn right wing white supremacy. do you think the ads will move the needle? >> i do but this race is tightening lightning fast. it began in mid july when the president held coronavirus briefings and focussed on law and order and got fresh blood in the campaign. biden looks defensive. following trump to kenosha after saying he would not do that and now a panicked 45 million dollars ad buy to defend himself against the law and order attacks that evaporated his polling lead in the battleground states. biden doesn't look comfortable talking about this. he wants to talk about the
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virus. he didn't want to talk about violence right now. he looks like he is shifting his message back and forth. first sponsored the violence then ignored it and then blamed trump for it. he bombed his sister soldier moment. he is unwilling to stand up to the left wing radical mob. he is losing women, hispanics, blacks because of black lives matter and antifa violence. the message of his campaign is illogical. is this is a riot why did you call it peaceful all summer? if you care about black lives why did you say nothing about 50 people shot in chicago? if trump is fanning the blames of violence why he is urging democratic mayors and governors to accept the national guard to stop the violence?
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nothing that biden says makes sense. people see it and now it is registering. >> greg, what we know about money in politics is that it's really important. biden raised $364-million in august breaking records. his favorability is up in the polls. >> that is a lot of money. i want to congratulation chris wallace after declining the offer to moderate the debate, i wish the second choice all the best. >> [laughing]. >> i have some tips for him. i was told that joe's handlers told him the gap was closing and he got depressed because that's where he gets his pajamas. >> [laughing]. >> we made a big deal about him answering questions but 84 were what happened to your pants? the remaining 47 was why are
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they on your head? a great tweet from donald trump today. the dow industrial average closed above 29,000. you are so lucky to have me as your president. this is an amazing tweet! it's got emojis. he is breaking new ground. the way he uses those contrasted to the stiffness of joe biden when he tweets. it's done a flack who didn't know what day it is. i am excited as you can tell. i will shut up. >> that's all right. i had not seen that emoji. emily, a lot of this is about attracting suburban voters, especially women. i looked at the numbers. biden has a strong lead maintaining it by 57-37. in the suburbs, overall, not
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just among women biden is up 58-35. what can the president do to improve his standing with suburban women? >> i think what is interesting is the timing and the trend of that lead. i have to say as greg was talking i envisioned this college course of presidential use of emojis and students analyzing how that's used. i think it's clear that after the convention biden did not enjoy a bounce in the polls. that's not atypical. but it seems clear that trump did. i think that going into labor day there is a tightening in the polls. he enjoyed a solid performance at the rnc and coupled with law and order issues in battleground states like wisconsin and minnesota, tithink it will be tight moving forward. if he picks up minnesota, the
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democrat's electoral map will be in chaos. >> portland mayor ted wheeler is looking for a new place to live to avoid protestors targeting his home. that's next on "the five." chicago! "ok, so, magnificent mile for me!" i thought i was managing... moderate to severe crohn's disease. yes! until i realized something was missing... you ok, sis? my symptoms kept me- -from being there for my sisters. "...flight boarding for flight 2007 to chicago..." so i talked to my doctor and learned- ...humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief... -and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,- -, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor... ...if you've been to areas
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> portland has the city's mayor looking for a new place to live. ted wheeler is moving out of his condo after rioters tried to light the building on fire on his birthday. wheeler emailing his neighbors to apologize for the chaos and saying it's best for everyone's safety if he leaves. juan williams, give us your best shot. how is this trump's fault? >> he is the one provoking a lot of this. >> no!
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how? how? >> how? oh, my gosh. i could get into how he said nice and loving things about go out there and he put people with guns out there at the convention. >> antifa is inspired by the rnc convention? >> most of this violence comes from the right wing militia types and the proud boys. >> that's such a lie! >> [overlapping talking]. >> i don't think there is any question about it. >> oh god, help us. >> they said 90%a -- i think wheeler was being pressured by the fact he lives in a condo and not a house. all of his neighbors were impacted in terms of getting into the building and going through the protestors. okay he will be a nice guy about
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it. it's easier if you are living in the white house in a bunker. the park in front of your house is boarded off. mayors don't have that protection, and that's the big difference. >> good thing wheeler will never be in the white house. greg, the president tweeted about this. did not use an emoji. he said mayor wheeler got harassed out of his own home by friendly protestors. the looters treat him horribly even though he is nice and respectful to them. criminals only understand strength. >> let's set the table with facts here. this began well before anything having to do with trump saying anything at the rnc. antifa has been around and has been doing this. the left and the democrats and the media denied which allowed
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it to blossom. an antifa loser was busted with a flame thrower. already out on bail on a prior violent act assaulting a cop. he got out on bail. gets arrested with the flame thrower. this loser and they give him a lower bail. he is out now. how is that not connected with the cowards a -- cowardice, of this now? he makes gumby look rigid. going back to joe biden and kamala harris, they created a bail fund. a woman accused of murdering a friend and a convicted sex offender charged with kidnapping and assault. you can't link this to anything republican or trump. all trump wanted to do was help
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these damn cities out. they didn't want to be seen with trump so they let their citizens suffer. people hit by stuff. it's beyond my reason to listen to that! >> emily, they said when the department of homeland security essentials left portland everything would go back to peace and quiet. that hasn't happened, has it? >> of course it hasn't. mayor wheeler doesn't need a new home. he needs a new job. that's why there is a recall to get him out of office. he is failing the people in portland. a specific data point. two months ago he decided to remove the gun violence reduction team from the police department. he thought there were no gang issues in portland. the next month there were 99 shootings. the july prior to that there were 21. this past august 116 shootings. last august there were 41. this guy continues to fail at
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every step and law enforcement and small business owners and the residents are drowning there with no support. he said from is no safety and no peace in the building while he is living there. there is no safety and peace in the town of portland while he is mayor. >> dana, a new game the media is playing. they will go to a place like portland in the middle of the day and take a picture of a beautiful park where it's sunny and say, see, everything is fine in portland. the minute the sun goes down it blows up into flames. >> and the chamber of commerce at portland will use those for their brochures next year to get businesses to come back. he will not only lose neighbors, he will lose voters. this is the ultimate in privilege. if you can move from your situation to a better situation. >> right. >> that means you are the one that is privileged. you are the one able to get out of yourself situation.
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if you are somebody who puts all of your savings into your family business and now it's destroyed and no one is there to help you, you can't leave. you are stuck there. this is one of the reason yes former governor of pennsylvania said that the biden campaign is concerned about voters saying i don't like donald trump but i want to be safe and perhaps making that decision. campaigns move quickly. issues move quickly. this started over 100 days ago. i don't think you can pin it on the rnc convention. >> online learning outrage. one school tells parents they can't watch their kids remote classes. ♪
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a tennessee school district is underfire after forcing parents to sign a waiver saying they don't eavesdrop on virtual classes claiming the parents could overhear confidential information. one mom doesn't buy it. >> what are they trying to hide? what is the problem? why won't they let us listen in? that's so hip ritical. -- hypocritical. they are data mining our children for years. >> the school district now says parents can help the kids during virtual classes but can't record the lessons. jesse, you have kids. what say you? >> the left's logic you can eavesdrop on the trump campaign but not your own kid. police wear body cat-and-mouse.
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-- cams. "the five" we do our job with everybody watching. when i drop rookie off at the doggie daycare they have a live feed to see what he is doing. it makes me feel better. i know why everyone is toppling these statues. teachers have been telling our kids the founding fathers are war criminals. we need to see the indoctrination to stop it. >> one teacher tweeted out he saw conservative parents as a chief concern. conservative parents might throw a wrench in their attempts. i would never sign that waiver. if teachers are concerned about parents overhearing their kids classes they should do more to
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get back into the classroom. that would solve it. >> can't walk into your kids classroom. i think we for an on line world. the real concern is kids are trying to learn stuff and making mistakes and embarrassing themselves. they have a right if the parents wants to help their own child the questions about seeing other children in the classroom. it's just like a normal classroom. i think biden spent much of today going after trump on this lack of school openings and national emergency. >> biden was against the school opening last month.
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>> [laughing]. >> no. >> [overlapping talking]. >> trump doesn't at any point to be safe. he wants the children to enter into a bottom less pit with spikes and we pour covid on top of them and bury them. that's what he wants. >> yeah. >> he wants to pretend there is no problem. >> that's why he did the shutdown. >> [overlapping talking]. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> let me do the argument. >> ♪ >> ♪ they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need.
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iran or going to discuss their medical records. this is a cover for a fear of accountability. that's what jesse said. they are scared that you might hear what they are brain washing your kids with. the police suck and republicans are evil. the point is to make education great again, they need to reform it with accountability and competition and remote learning. it's the only way forward. that's all. >> already. good points. now it's time for this. the fastest-7. first up it's a bird, a plane, a guy in a jet pack. watch. >> [radio chatter]. we just passed a guy on a jet pack. >> okay. left side or right side? >> the left side maybe 300 yards or so. >> [radio chatter]. >> the fbi investigating after a pilot reported seeing a person
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in a jet pack flying 3,000 feet above los angeles and into the path of jet at lax. juan, you fly a lot. if you saw that what might you do? >> well, first, dana you stole my line. it's a bird, it's a plane. in this case it's a bird and a plane and like jetson up there. i think it's dangerous. if i was in the plane, i would be scared. that could cause the plane to crash. this is a prank gone way off the rails. he is putting other people in jeopardy. >> greg, what should the punishment be for this? >> death. >> [laughing]. it's a terrorist action. that should be death. when i see technology married to terror. whether it's drones or jet packs. on the lighter side, how upset is david blaine?
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today he through over arizona tied to a big thing of balloons and everybody is talking about the jet pack. he planned a year for this! i don't know if that's true. there he goes. there he goes. >> i joked on twitter i would get you on one of these balloons after the show. save that for another day. jesse watters, what do you think? >> greg could grab like 3 balloons and fought up in the air. greg is calling for element during other people's blocks. how do you get that kind of authority? [laughing]. >> i email them. >> i am watching. >> [laughing]. >> i agree with greg and juan. if you have a jihadist with a jet pack and explosives and zip in somewhere, i am glad the fbi is looking at that instead of election things in the trump
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campaign. >> emily? >> just that it was mind boggling how mission control didn't clarify. he was like, oh, roger, copy that. >> i know. >> i could not believe he didn't repeat it. let me make sure i have it straight was just said. >> what is your pandemic obsession. people forced new ways to spend their time. ufo sightings are spiking with 20% happening when the country was locked down in april. people are just making this up. there are no ufos out there. >> in the pandemic i have been obsessed with ufo, the band. one of the greatest live albums ever. if you are a fan of good hard
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metal, check out ufo. >> okay. i don't think i will be doing that. jesse, what about you? >> hmmm, my new obsession during the pandemic is this. i have been watching from 7 to 8 o'clock besides martha, i have been watching jeopardy and wheel. it changed my life. i am a nicer person and i think you can all agree. >> yes. >> jesse, do you win when you play jeopardy? >> only college jeopardy i'm competitive. >> [laughing]. >> emily, do you have an obsession during the pandemic? >> buying and collecting books i am telling myself i will read in along i will learn. it's not happening yet. >> juan? i know you love your ice cream? what else? >> i love that and it doesn't
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matter win. i hear lots of people talking about seeing animals because they are home in the neighborhood and walking around. my obsession is old movies. a lot of movies came out way back and i never saw them. this week i saw a river runs through it with a young brad pitt. wow, that was a good movie. >> a great movie. >> we have been watching travels with my father on netflix with jack whitehall and his dad. funny stuff. "one more thing" up next. >> tech: at safelite, we're committed to taking care of you and your car. >> tech: we'll fix it right with no-contact service you can trust. >> tech: so if you have auto glass damage, stay safe with safelite. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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what happened to dana's shirt? two weeks ago, dana wore this bright pink shirt on "the five." it was kind of hideous. she hasn't worn it since. i was able to track it down, do we have tape? this is a little bush baby, otherwise known -- had actually stolen dana's shirt and is wearing it while commuting to her job where she does telemarketing. she's a little bit worried because she's clinging. i had rest, what dana does when she's driving -- not driving, as a passenger because we realize she doesn't really have a driver's license. just so you know, that's where your shirt ended up. >> i almost wore that today. >> you will never wear it again. jesse. >> all right, so last week you might remember i wish my parents a happy 50th wedding anniversary and my sister and i showed some photos that my mom was appalled by. she texted me "good lord,
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children, wherever did you find those awful pictures"? so my parents sent me some other pictures on their 50th. this saturday, they were the outfits that they actually wore when they got engaged 50 years ago. now they are -- there's my dad. >> that's amazing! >> in a jacket, looking really tough, and that's my mom in her wedding dress, so there they are, nice looking pictures, happy anniversary again, you guys. >> good living! >> incredible. >> having a responsible son. >> all right, so a lifeboat crew had a very unique experience in the u.k., take a look. >> come here, come here! what are you doing? >> [indiscernible] hello. >> so that dog was picked up off the coast after swimming way too far out, like almost a mile out
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because he was chasing a seagull. he was very committed to chasing the seagull and he got all disoriented and so the lifeboat institution, it's called the royal national lifeboat institution, it's been around for 150 years and they rescue that little pup from chasing that seagull. >> it looked like the boat got water dogged. dana. a little morning tv humor. where my? juan. >> all right. so: -- call him precocious, call him the music man, take a look at the 8-year-old from baton rouge, louisiana, who dreams of becoming a drum major. yep, this video comes from [indiscernible] who says the boy diligently practices his marching skills, twirling a baton every day. according to neighbors the youngster wants to go to southern university and lead their famous marching band. talk about knowing what you want to do in life at a young age.
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he's dedicated, way to go, kid. >> i love a marching band. >> interesting. very interesting. where am i? emily. >> okay. do you guys are member the blue dress, gold dress thing where people thought each was a different color? i had my own moment. i looked at a picture of my family's pink tractor and half of you guys thought it was gre green, so go to "the five"'s instagram and vote and tell me if you see a pink tractor or a green tractor. >> interesting. >> emily, i need to make an intervention here. you're posting a lot on instagram. i need to discuss this with you. you used some really interesting filter that makes everything look different. that could probably be hot pink, but we will never know because of that crazy filter you're doing. it's very confusing. >> it's definitely pink because we named a rose after it. pink tractor rose. there's no question, i promise it's pink. it's all up to what your eyes
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see. >> pink tractor, i think i've ordered one of those online. came in a brown paper bag. that's it -- >> i was complement to emily's boots. they go they were nice boots. we got to go, "special report" is up next. hello, bret. >> bret: it was a pink tractor. breaking tonight, we are releasing brand-new fox poll's. the president is trailing joe biden in head-to-head matchups among likely voters, not registered, likely voters. joe biden leads president trump in arizona by 9. in wisconsin by 8. and in north carolina by 4. this comes on a massive day on wall street as the dow breaks through the 29,000-point barrier for the first time since february. there you take a look at the polls. the dow crossing that since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. the s&p 500 and the nasdaq continuing to set daily record
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