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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  September 3, 2020 6:00am-9:00am PDT

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the show. emotion look, thank you for fulg in for ainsley. i guess steve you have four seconds to say goodbye. >> see you tomorrow, everybody. >> sandra: fox news alert. house speaker nancy pelosi is refusing to apologize for visiting a shuttered salon earlier this week klaij it was a setup. the salon owner is firing back. >> she has been coming in there. the fact that she came in and didn't have a mask on. i just thought about my staff and people not being able to work and make money and provide for their families and she is in there comfortably without a mask and feeling safe, why are we shut down? why am i not able to have
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clients come in? >> sandra: pelosi faced a lot of backlash being caught on camera without a mask walking around the san francisco salon that was closed under coronavirus restrictions. more on that in just a moment. and we're just 61 days out to election day and president trump and democrat you can nominee joe biden are back on the trail today. the two opponents hitting a paur of battleground states amid the nationwide conversation on racial justice and the surge is urban violence. i'm sandra smith. >> trace: good morning, i'm trace gallagher. the former vice president heading to kenosha, wisconsin today expected to meet with the father of jacob blake. black's shooting at the hands of kenosha police sparked rioting. >>
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>> sandra: it shows the president trailing by four points in north carolina. the president's law and order message is resonating. >> when he saw violence in kenosha, wisconsin, it was a different story. violence can happen anywhere if democrat leadership is left untethered. you know, democrats may want to talk about coronavirus but the fact of the matter is violence is out of hand in these democratic goff rned cities and states. we're forced to talk about it. it is an issue on the top of voters' minds. >> sandra: john roberts is live on the north lawn this morning. what do we expect to hear from the president on the campaign trail today? >> good morning. first of all the president will be heading to western pennsylvania. it was a stronghold of support for him in 2016 spes i have you canly. he will be going to the home of rolling rock beer.
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polls have said biden has a 4 point lead but the president will talk about law and order accusing biden to stand up to the left wing anti-police wing of the democratic party and urge states to accept federal help and not tell police to step down and also talk about restoring american manufacturing, a big issue in the heartland. that part of pennsylvania also very reliant on fracking and the energy industry despite what biden said the other day about not wanting to ban fracking. the president will paint biden as an opponent of drilling. you can't campaign as a friend of working people and then say you will kill an industry. the trump campaign criticizing biden's trip to kenosha, wisconsin saying the president bought federal help for businesses and poll us on tuesday. biden is only bringing politics.
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>> with joe biden's visit in kenosha today the president was there early yr in the week as president of the united states. vice president biden is there today as a candidate. as a poll -- political candidate. not the time to inject politics in a situation that the president helped solve. >> the trump campaign feel good about pennsylvania. in 2016 he won it by a half percent. it was close back then and likely close again this year. they think they will pull this one out of their hat. >> sandra: john, what about the trump administration's lead pushed to defund so-called lawless cities. >> among all the calls to defund the poll us. if you have an lawless city and not doing anything about it the federal government might defund you. he signed a memorandum last night taking aim at seattle, portland, new york city and
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washington, d.c. instructing federal agencies to identify federal funds directed toward those cities that could be withheld unless they quell the lawlessness and rioting. it says the trump administration will hold lawless jurisdictions accountable by reviewing federal funds provided to them restricting their eligibility where certain federal grants and redirect the funds to jurisdictions that -- he says if you don't restore law and order we'll take the federal money due you and give it to people who are taking steps to combat lawlessness. >> sandra: we'll have kayleigh mcenany coming up on that and more. john roberts, thank you. [shouting] >> trace: protests overnight in washington, d.c. after poll us shot and killed a man.
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18-year-old kay ran when officers tried to question him about reports of an armed man in the area. when officers chased him they say kay pulled out a gun and one of the officers shot him. that officer has not been you dent filed. the police department says the body cam footage is being reviewsed and all officers involved are now on leavement meantime the florida man arrested for attacking a washington, d.c. -- a man kicked the officer's bicycle and punch him in the face. the man was released following arraignment. if convicted on assault of a police officer he could spend six months in jail. >> sandra: brand-new fox news polling showing joe biden leading president trump in arizona, north carolina and wisconsin. the president won all three of those states in 2016.
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let's bring in charlie hurt. washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor. all right. broadly speaking, state of the race 61 days out from election day. that is the latest we're seeing in the polling. what can you tell us? >> well, certainly more broadly speaking we see the polls close considerably here in the last week or so. but certainly president trump has his work cut out for him. a tough environment for an incumbent. whether the economy, the economic collapse or pandemic or now these riots. a tough environment for an incumbent and why you are going to see and are seeing the trump campaign focus on the fact that president trump has been here for four years. joe biden 48 years and white house for 8 years. that's profitable ground for them to make up this difference. all that said i think it is
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important to remember that polling is very fluid and very kind of -- i'm very skeptical of polling in this kind of environment. when you have a situation where people are leaving the convention, republican convention and getting attacked in public over their political beliefs, it causes people to be a little reluctant to speak honestly with strangers who call them up at home and ask them what their political views are. i'm very skeptical of all polling right now. i think the trends are -- it is important to look at trends. >> sandra: you can be skeptical and i'll still ask you about it. fox news polling is turning up on the president and joe biden's handling on criminal justice. pop it on the screen. it shows that biden still leads the president in handling criminal justice in arizona and wisconsin. the president still leading by a point in north carolina. but when it comes to the
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economy, charlie, i'll put the other full screen up. arizona he still leading on the economy, north carolina got a big margin where he is leading there. wisconsin he is about even with joe biden. but clearly the polling shows that his strength is still the economy. he has been spending a lot of time on the law and order message. should he pivot -- or pivot back? >> no, i think that his focus on the economy is the most important thing. nothing matters more than the economy in terms of getting the country going back into a direction that people feel confident about. that said, i also think that if there are questions about polling, the questions will be most evident in questions about things like the law and order message. but i think that if president trump, without getting into tit-for-tat with joe biden on particular things. as long as he is focused on the
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fact that he believes-in-law and order, equal justice under law and doing everything within his power as president to withhold law and order in these cities and then you can highlight the fact that, of course, everywhere wr owe seeing this rioting is in democrat you can cities and vice president joe biden is not denouncing any of those policies that have led to this stuff. he certainly there is no daylight between him and the democratic leaders governing these places. i think that's valuable but i agree that the economy and i think these polls bear that out, the economy is the most important thing for the president going into the reelection. >> sandra: it took biden a while but he has condemned the violence. more on that coming up. i have to ask you about this back and forth with new york governor andrew cuomo and president trump. president trump fired back responding to andrew cuomo saying this about the president coming to new york. listen. >> he can't come back to new
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york. he can't. he is going to walk down the street in new york. forget bodyguards, he better have an army if he thinks he is going to walk down the street in new york. he is not el come in new york city and he knows that and he will never come back to new yorkers. new yorkers won't forget how mean he has been. >> sandra: you stopped and hear that. i will let you respond. the president just responded moments ago he teated this and hitting cuomo back on the pandemic and his handling of it. he has the worst record on death and china virus. 11,000 people died in nursing homes because of his incompetence. i don't believe this back and forth is over, charlie. your reaction. >> no, i don't think it's over at all but -- i like black and
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white differences between my politicians and we certainly have this stark contrast between of couple of politicians here. it is informative for voters. that said, what governor cuomo was saying about needing an army. that's a very dangerous language and very incendiary. at a time where you have people firebombing police stations and shooting police officers and attacking people for their politics across the country today, i don't think the governor of new york ought to be using that kind of language. it is pretty -- that is a whole new level that we've not seen prior to this and it could lead to only more mayhem and murder and looting and rioting. i think it's very dangerous. >> sandra: we'll get the white house to respond to that in a moment and kayleigh mcenany as well. thank you, charlie. >> as it turns out, it was a
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setup. so i take responsibility for falling for a setup. this salon owes me an apology. >> there is no way i could have set that up. i've had a camera system in there for five years. i didn't turn cameras on when she walked in and set her up. that's absolutely false. >> trace: nancy pelosi wore know facemask and wash and blow-out inside the salon both in violation of confident coronavirus rules. claudia cowan is live in san francisco. we're learning that someone is backing up pelosi's claims. what do we know? >> well good morning, trace. we're outside the now infamous hair salon where speaker pelosi was a regular client along with many others who have wen coming and going getting their hair done inside during the lockdowns from the freelance stylist who did pelosi's hair
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on monday with the permission of the own are not a pelosi fan. police surveillance video has caused an uproar seeing nancy pelosi there not wearing a mask. pelosi claims she was the victim here and the stylist seen following her in the tape is backing her up issuing a statement saying the salon's owner had been allowing clients inside all along but angry about pelosi's opponent and made incendiary comments about the speaker who defended herself yesterday. >> i take responsibility for trusting the word of a neighborhood salon that i have been to over the years many times. and when they said we were able to accommodate people, one person at a time, and that was set up at that time i trusted that. as it turns out it was a setup. so i take responsibility for falling for a setup. >> at 80 years old the third
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most powerful person in government is in a high-risk group. the salon's owner owes her an apology for misrepresenting city health orders. rather than apologizing the owner said she is frustrated that the lockdown positions have pushed small businesses like hers to the breaking point. >> i thought about my staff and people not being able to work and provide for their families and she is in there comfortably without a mask and feeling safe, why are we shut down? why am i not able to have clients come in? >> unstead of answers she has been getting hate mail and death threats from her more liberal neighbors and says she plans to leave san francisco for good. we reached out to other city officials. at this point it is unlikely there will be any investigation or citation issued. back to you.
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>> trace: the blow-out blowup won't be over. thank you. >> sandra: fox news alert. the trump campaign trying to close the gap with joe biden and women voters. but is he taking the right approach? we'll ask white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany. she will respond to that and more coming up. the cdc now telling health officials across the u.s. to prepare doses of a possible covid-19 vaccine. how soon could we see that? we'll have that for you straight ahead. >> we're not going to be able to get this behind us until we get a vaccine. we're in the middle of what could best be described as a manhattan project focus on trying to get a vaccine. to severe psoriasis,
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>> sandra: republicans devoted a night at the rnc last week to winning support for president from female voters. the latest fox news polls show biden with a double digit lead over trump among women in three key battleground states. let's bring in kayleigh mcenany. good morning to you and we remember the big show of support from women inside the republican party last week but
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this latest fox news polling shows that the president is still struggling with the female vote. in fact, the gap seems to be getting bigger. why is the president having such a hard time with the female voters? >> interestingly it was in 2016 around the time of the convention that the same narrative was being articulated about him being behind with women when he far outperformed the polling around the time of the convention in 2016. we believe the president has a lot of support among women. doesn't always show up in these polls. but we believe it's there. we see it in our polls and we believe that the president will do extremely well with women come election day. >> sandra: any regret with the use of the suburban housewife that the president used in a tweet last month saying the suburban housewife will be voting for me? lily adams from the biden campaign put out a tweet. trump thinks the suburbs are out of leave it to beaver and they aren't buying.
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>> that's something being peddled by the media. they take offense for the democrats to allow lawlessness in the city. kenosha and portland. there is one person stopping the violence from pouring into suburbs and communities around the country, that is president trump. >> sandra: bloomberg article earlier this week takes on the gender gap risks becoming a chasm and talks about female voters objecting to his persona and his preference heavy military response to racial justice protestors. i want to play this sound from a business owner who joined us on this program yesterday. she was making a very passionate plea for help on the ground there. a subway franchise owner and fears she will eventually have to close her doors. listen. >> just want to see an end to
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it. that's the main goal now. just stop the violence. make it end today. so that we can just all move on and recover. we can't hold on much longer. some of us are already gone. we're doing the best that we can. but why would we want to stay in portland when things can't be controlled and we can't feel safe and provide a safe environment for our employees? >> sandra: what is your message to that female business owner who fears for her safety, her employees' safety and the survival of her business? >> that president trump and republicans will help and protect you. i saw on fox this morning another business owner, a minneapolis woman with a hair salon. her business was destroyed. look what happens when cities have requested the help of the federal government. in kenosha within 24 hours we brought peace to the streets. in minneapolis within 24 hours federal law enforcement brought peace to the street. contrast that with portland and new york city who demonize law
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enforcement calling them troops and federal law enforcement called troops. they demonize them and harm business owners. there is a human cost in loss of life. it is deeply irresponsible what mayor light foot has done and mayor wheeler by not accepting federal help when they lack the ability to control their streets. >> sandra: the president is now threatening to defund the lawless cities. tell us more about that. first here is andrew cuomo the governor of new york reacting to that in a message for president trump. >> he can't come back to new york. he can't. he is going to walk down the street in new york. forget bodyguards, he better have an army if he thinks he is going to walk down the street in new york. he is not welcome in new york city and he knows that and will never come back to new york. new yorkers will never forget
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how mean he has been. >> sandra: new york the hometown of the president. how is the president responding to that? >> not often you hear a governor talk about losing control of his state. you can't come to new york without an arm ear. i guess that's the case when you have more than 1,000 shootings before labor day and a 277% increase in shootings in a one-month period over the year prior. it is rare you hear a democrat governor admit to failure. that's what governor cuomo has just done for us. >> sandra: president trump took heat. >> president trump: on your ballot, if you get the unsolicited ballot. send it in and go make your --
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[inaudible]. they calculate it late. they will see you voted and it won't count. send it in early and then go and vote. >> sandra: obviously if that's the suggestion that would be against the law. why did the president say that? >> the president is not suggesting anyone do anything unlawful. make sure your vote is tabulated. if it is not, then vote. when you get an absentee ballot and send it in there are poll books and it records that you have voted and if you show up at a polling site they sait your vote has been counted. he wants verification. the democrats want the mail-in voting. democrats are saying trust us but don't verify. the president is saying verify your vote. >> sandra: send it in early and then go and vote. isn't that telling someone to go vote twice? >> he said send it in early. go and see if it has been
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tabulated. if it hasn't then vote. the democrats say we want a system full of fraud and no verification that you voted. hundreds of thousands of ballots were not counted before the fraudulent system were not counted. >> sandra: final thoughts on nancy pelosi refusing to apologize and insisting the salon owner apologize for what she is calling a setup when she walked through that salon shut due to coronavirus restrictions with no mask on. is the president saying anything pes is -- anything about this? >> yes, the out of touch remarks of nancy pelosi tell you all you need to know about speak are pelosi. she demands an apology from this salon owner, a single mom who started a business? she is so breathtakingly out of touch. that video and her response to that video exposes that. >> sandra: please come back soon. >> trace: the weekly jobless
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claims are out. is the economy headed in the right direction? plus this. we brought you the video earlier this week when an ohio police officer saved a young girl trapped inside an overturned car. we'll talk to that officer live straight ahead. ♪ book two separate qualifying stays and earn a free night. the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at andnow that the rent's due, but they've cut your pay..
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now that the virus has cost lives but your healthcare costs too much. now that our president has had months but he still doesn't have a plan. what happens now? joe biden knows how to lead through a crisis because he's done it before. when our economy was on the verge of collapse, joe biden led the largest economic stimulus in a generation and saved millions of jobs. now joe biden is ready to lead us through this crisis. he knows rebuilding our economy starts with fighting the virus, increasing testing, getting more protective gear for healthcare workers and calling for mask mandates nationwide. as president, he'll get working families back on their feet by lowering healthcare costs and helping small businesses recover. so what happens now? we elect a president who will build back better. i'm joe biden and i approve this message. "ok, so, magnificent mile for me!" i thought i was managing...
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>> sandra: the bottom of the hour. time for our top stories. president trump and joe biden hitting the trail today in battleground states. the democratic nominee visiting kenosha, wisconsin expected to meet with jacob blake's father. the president will give a campaign speech in pennsylvania where he is trailing joe biden by single digits. >> trace: 880,000 americans applied for jobless benefits last week. a slight drop from the week before. 60 million people have filed for unemployment since march. >> sandra: speaker nancy pelosi says she is the victim of a setup. pelosi facing backlash over footage of her getting her hair done at a salon in san francisco. salon has been closed because of coronavirus rules and own are denying it was a setup. >> trace: the way for coronavirus vaccine could be getting closer to ending. the cdc telling states to make preparations to distribute doses as early as october.
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jonathan serrie live in atlanta home to the cdc. how will this work? >> good morning, trace. cdc direct for robert redfield sent a letter to the nation's governors to streamline regulations so vaccine distribution centers can be fully operational by november 1. he assures the governors the requirements you may be asked to waive will not compromise the safety and integrity of the products being distributed. potential vaccines in clinical trials cdc planning documents suggest the initial supply will be limited and expand significantly in 2021. prioritize which groups to vaccinate first. experts say these initial vaccines are likely to go to healthcare workers and nursing home residents. most vulnerable. the world health organization is recommending the use of --
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eight clinical trials suggest an anti-inflammatory drug significantly reduced fatalities. take a listen. >> if you translate this it would take treating 14 patients to save one life. so this is an important reduction. lifesaving reduction in mortality and lifesaving intervention. >> who points out cortiko steroids are not recommended for those with more minimal symptoms. >> sandra: warning to our viewers, this video is disturbing. it shows rochester police putting a hood over that man's
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head before he stopped breathing. laura engel is live from that area in new york. what more are we learning from this new video footage? >> this video is certainly disturbing. the body cam video that was released this week is shedding new light and amplified the call for justice from the man's family and community members if rochester in an incident that happened over five months ago but just brought to light for the public this week. as we get into it here according to his family members daniel, a 41-year-old black man was suffering a mental health episode march 23. the family calls police for help. body cam footage shows police interact with the man who is unarmed, agitated and naked in the street around 3:00 a.m. at first police are trying to get him to calm down. they place him in handcuffs and put a spit hood over his head and kneel on him and reportedly push his face into the ground until he stops moving.
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he died seven days later. he had traces of pcp in his system the death was ruled a homicide. warning here, this video is disturbing. >> calm down. calm down. calm down. are you good, man? >> he wasn't good. daniel's family holding a press conference yesterday. the man lashed out at police for his brother's death. >> i placed a phone call because my brother needed help. not so my brother could be lynched. >> yesterday protestors demanded justice as the mayor and chief of police say they've taken the investigation
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seriously from day one. they turned the case over to stay law for the new york attorney general's office. the officers involved in the man's death are still working today and haven't been put on administrative leave. activists are calling for them to be fired and charges to be filed in this case. >> sandra: laura engel on that story for us. thank you. >> trace: as portland nears 100 straight nights of protest data details how some have been arrested more than once. joe biden going to kenosha, wisconsin meeting with blake's family and say he hopes to help the community heal. >> we have the heal and put things together and bring people together. my purpose in going will be to do just that. be a positive influence on what is going on. [camera man] actually anyone 50 or over is at increased risk for shingles.
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the pain, the burning! my husband had to do everything for weeks. and the thing is, there's nothing you can do about it! [camera man] well, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaat? [camera man] prevented. you can get vaccinated. frank! they have shingles vaccines! -whaaat? -that's what i said. we're taking you to the doctor. not going through that again. [camera man] you can also get it from your pharmacist! talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. ♪ ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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>> sandra: the man knowns as
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the greatest man of all time has died. tom sever, three cy young awards. he earned the name tom terrific after leaving the mets in last place in 1968 to a world series championship the following season. he did of complications from covid 1 and dementia. he was 75 years old. >> he was a great one. joe biden heading to kenosha, wisconsin later today expected to meet with the family of jacob blake. the nominee's visit coming on the heels of president trump's stop two days ago and following comments from attorney general bill barr last night denying there are two justice systems for black and white americans saying systemic racism is not a factor in police shootings of
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unarmed black men. >> i think the narrative that the police are on some epidemic of shooting unarmed black men is simply a false narrative and also the narrative that it's based on race. >> trace: let's bring in juan williams and co-host of the five. you have a lot to say about the attorney general. i want your quick take on joe biden's actions of the past several days. he was criticized for not condemning violence and he is condemning violence. he was criticized for not going to wisconsin, he goes to wisconsin. he was criticized for not talking to reporters and yesterday he talked to reporters. >> you could certainly say it seems like he is changing his strategy. now, the thing is we are approaching labor day and that really is the final sprint if you are in a long race here.
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our presidential races are extend. we're at the sprint and final phase here. what you are seeing is joe biden responding, i think, to pressure coming in part from the trump campaign but just if general even from inside the democratic party that says you need to be a little bit more out going. you need to be on the same and you need not -- i underline -- to allow all of trump's charges to sit there. you need to absolutely punch back. and i think going to kenosha -- remember, he is not going to generally wisconsin but to kenosha to deal with the idea of racial unrest and the president's law and order claims is very important. >> trace: i want to put these on the screen. attorney general bill barr says there is not an epidemic of unarmed black men being shot by police. several studies show more white people than black people are being shot by police but only
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13% of the population is black. that means that black people are about 3 1/2, maybe 4 times more likely to be shot by police officers than white people. of course, taken into context is the fact that black americans come in contact with police more than white americans. it seems the shootings are going down. 2015, 38. 2020 we had 9 shootings. what did you make of the attorney general's comments? >> you know, i guess at this point it's all political. you can't get away from it, trace. but to me the idea that black americans especially black men are not dealt with in a more aggressive, even brutal way by police is just as if you have blinders on or you prefer not to see reality. i just don't know how you get away from it. even if the numbers you just presented -- i think they have
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the patina of appearty -- optimism because you see a decline but you see black americans more likely to be dealt with in a violent manner, shooting is what you were pointing to by police. but in general just in the way they are treated, the american people in poll after poll. black people, white people, hispanic people all say it that black men are dealt with by police in the most hostile manner. >> trace: good insight. thank you, sir. >> have a good day and a great labor day. >> sandra: thank you. rushing to the rescue, a police officer saves a girl from a wrecked car. what was going through his head during these crucial moments? he will join us live next. is ja.
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>> sandra: a city council meeting in lincoln, nebraska taking an unexpected turn when one man stepped to the microphone and made a passionate plea to rename boneless chicken wings. >> i propose we as a city remove the name boneless wings from our menus and our hearts. nothing about boneless chicken wings come from the wing of a chicken. boneless chicken wings are just chicken tenders which are already boneless. >> sandra: his suggestion for a new name. wet tender -- i don't order
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boneless club sandwiches. it was a serious plea to change the name. >> trace: i'm offering advice here. i would steer clear of saucy nugs. i would stay clear. a remarkable scene in pittsburgh, ohio. watch. >> i got her, i got her. >> trace: a police officer caught rescuing a 4-year-old girl stuck in a car. the officer joins me now. we don't hear enough. officer, about hero cops. you by all accounts, sir, are a hero cop. you crawl inside this car which is mangled. you can see that a little girl's legs are turning a different color. what happens next, sir? >> during that time we saw the legs were turning off color. losing color. we were thinking she prob will
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you was not breathing. couldn't get her car seat free. at that point i cut the seat belt and noticed that the bench seat was pressing against the car seat and i was unable to see her head. you sat inside the vehicle. you crawled in and created a gap between the seat and car seat itself. >> trace: you a -- amazing stuff. you have kids in desperate need. the clock is ticking. what is going through your head as you energy there? >> i got there and my first thought is there when somebody had said that the girl was possibly not breathing, it was sheer terror thinking for the little girl try to get her out as soon as possible. knowing that people were trapped and my initial thought
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along with the other officer we tried to get her free. >> trace: the mother says immediately my children how do i get them out and make sure everybody is okay? i heard them all screaming so i knew none of them were dead. it was very scary. i don't know. i owe that officer my life. it has to make you feel good. >> it does. it does. >> trace: and i just lastly want to know, officer, what is it like to be a police officer these days? we don't hear enough about the hero cops. what is it like for you to be on the streets and a police officer these days? >> i would say it's very stressful. it is unique times we're in right now. but lucky to be in a very good community that is still very supportive of police officers and the department and a good group of people that i work with. so i still enjoy every single day going to work with my
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canine partner and providing a service for the city of twinsburg. >> trace: officer, thank you for your service. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> sandra: fox news alert now. joe biden set to visit kenosha, wisconsin later today expected to meet with the family of jacob blake. this just days after president trump traveled there. we'll have a live report and update on all that coming up next. given my unique lifestyle, that'd be perfect! let me grab a pen and some paper. know what? i'm gonna switch now. just need my desk... my chair... and my phone. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> sandra: the president has threatened to cut federal funding to those anarchist cities and the governor of new york, andrew cuomo, has fired back. >> the best thing he did for new york city was leave. good riddance. new yorkers don't want to have anything to do with him. >> i take responsibility for trusting the word of the neighborhood salon that i had been to over the years. as it turns out it was a setup. so i take responsibility for falling for a setup. >> the appointment was already booked. there was no way i could have set that up. >> i'm also providing nearly $4 million to support the small businesses. >> our town is completely destroyed. it looks like a war zone. i have never seen anything like it. >> sandra: more on all those stories coming up. we begin on the campaign trail
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where president trump and joe biden will head to battleground states 61 days before the election. hard to believe, trace. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm sandra smith. >> trace: good morning. i'm trace gallagher. president trump speaking in western pennsylvania and joe biden and his wife jill head to kenosha, wisconsin to days after president trump went there. the bidens plan to meet with civic leaders, law enforcement and the family of jacob blake as violent protests over police shootings have become a campaign issue. here is trump 2020 campaign manager earlier on "fox & friends." >> you see a lot of revisionist history from mr. biden. he talked about going back onto the campaign trail. keeping his supporters and americans safe because of his concerns about coronavirus. then the polls tightened and then he announced a trip 10 days down the road to states
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like arizona, pennsylvania, wisconsin and minnesota. all four places the president visited. it's convenient for the vice president and revisionist history. pure politics are really what's at play here. >> sandra: garrett kenny in kenosha, wisconsin. what are leaders saying about biden's visit later today? >> they're not really saying anything at all. which is notable given how vocal local and state leaders were about the president's visit and asking him not to come until this community has more of a chance to heal. earlier this week kenosha's mayor said it was too soon for either presidential nominee to visit. biden yesterday told reporters he has spoken with the governor's office and other local officials in wisconsin about his plans and they encouraged him to make the trip. >> there has been overwhelming requests that i do come because
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we have to heal. we have to put things together, bring people together. and so my purpose in going will be to do just that. be a positive influence on what is going on. >> the bidens are scheduled to hold a community meeting this afternoon and will speak with local business leaders, law enforcement and community leaders. they will also be meeting with some of the family members of jacob blake including his father who did not meet with president trump earlier this week. here is what the elder blake and the family's attorney said they hope to hear today. >> we're about reform and de-escalation. i will let my lawyer ask that. >> we'll hopefully have vice president demonstrate leadership because as america deals with covid pandemic we in black america are dealing with the covid 1619 pandemic of
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racism and discrimination. >> this trip is joe biden's first to the state since he launched his campaign and comes two weeks to the day that he was supposed to be up the road in wisconsin -- or in milwaukee we dnc to accept his party's nomination. >> sandra: how is the presidential race looking in wisconsin? >> wisconsin will be one of the number of key swing states that president trump won in 2016 that could decide the 2020 election. 2016 president trump won the state by 23,000 votes. in the latest fox news poll joe biden is leading in the badger state by 8 points among likely voters, outside the poll's margin of error. biden is leading in two other key states arizona and north carolina. this comes as the bide than campaign says it raised more than $300 million in august during and following the dnc, sandra. >> sandra: notable scene behind
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you. can you describe where you're standing? >> yeah. i'll step out of the way to give you a view. this is some of the damage and destruction we saw early last week following the shooting of jacob blake. this is a local car dealership. you can see dozens of cars that have been completely burned out. there are a couple of scenes like this in kenosha just a little taste of some of the rebuilding and healing that needs to happen over the months to come. >> sandra: garrett tenney, thank you. trace. >> trace: joe biden says the police officers who shot jacob blake and breonna taylor should face criminal charges. >> i think we should let the judicial system work its way. i do think at a minimum they need to be charged, the officers. let the judicial system work. let's make sure justice is done. >> trace: kenosha officer shot blake seven times in the back.
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he is on administrative leave and not been charged. state and federal investigations are underway. as for the shooting death of breonna taylor in louisville during a drug raid. one officer involved was fired. two others on leave as that investigation continues. >> sandra: president trump meanwhile ordering a review of federal funds to cities he said have descended into an arc see. my administration will do everything in its power to prevent weak mayors and lawless cities from taking federal dollars while they let anarchists ruin lives and businesses. we're putting them on notice today. one of those cities, new york. governor andrew cuomo said the president's plan would be illegal and not stopping there. he went on and there is a continued back and forth this morning between the governor and president and spoke with white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany last hour. she responded to that here on
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"america's newsroom." listen. >> it's not often you hear a governor describe in vivid detail how he has lost control of his state. it is very rare you hear a democrat governor nakedly admit to failure and that's what governor cuomo has just done for us. >> sandra: the other cities are washington, seattle and portland, oregon. >> if i think the narrative that the police are on some epidemic of shooting unarmed black men, that's simply a false narrative and also the narrative that it's based on race. the fact of the matter is it's very rare for an unarmed african-american to be shot by a white police officer. >> trace: the attorney general pushing back against widespread claims of systemic racism in police departments as protestors across the country demand change. griff jenkins, the attorney general getting to the heart of an issue that has divided our
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country right now. >> good morning. he sure is. tensions running so high in kenosha where he just visited with the president on tuesday, barr would not comment on the jacob blake case but he shot down the notion that there are two systems of justice in america and refuted the suggestion that systemic racism was to blame for black people being treated differently by white people if law enforcement. >> no, to me the word systemic means that it is built into the institution. and i don't think that's true. i think our institutions have been reformed in the past 60 years and if anything has been built in it's bias to non-discrimination and safeguards against them. >> his comments getting a strong reaction. tammy baldwin took aim at his comments. >> again, it stokes division
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and weaponizes information that hasn't been confirmed the leads people to dig in their heels and take sides. >> we might hear more about this when vice president biden travels to kenosha today. >> trace: not his only comment take raised a few eyebrows. >> one of them was november's election condemning state's use of mail-in voting and how it could -- >> this is playing with fire. we're a closely divided country here. if people have to have confidence in the results of the election and legitimacy of government and people trying to change the rules through this methodology which as a matter of logic is very open to fraud and coercion is reckless and dangerous. and people are playing with fire. >> he was asked about the president's suggestion that voters cast two ballots in november.
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he said he didn't know what the president was talking about but the point the president was saying it will be hard to monitor this system. >> trace: griff, thank you. >> sandra: getting arrested does not seem to be slowing some protestors in portland. a new analysis of data shows police have arrested at least 24 people more than once in nearly 100 straight nights of protests there. those demonstrations no sign of stopping. matt finn is live in portland for us with the latest on that first to get that city under control. matt, good morning. >> we had a brief moment of calm here tuesday night but last night the chaos picked back up. police say this time a group of demonstrators intentionally blocked a critical street that police squad cars use to get in and out of their precinct to respond to emergency calls. police say they warned the group for hours to clear that street but they did not. arrests were made. portland is now inching closer
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to the 100-day mark of unrest here and so far the governor and mayor have rejected the president and homeland security's office for federal help to end almost nightly protests that often turn violent. the head of the portland police union said elected officials are handcuffing officers' ability to effectively do their job and they feel undermined by a district attorney who has already said he won't prosecute some of the people police are arresting. >> we are afraid with the political dynamics of our city and lack of support from our political elected leaders to be able to do our job and end this violence. >> portland's district attorney has faced criticism for not prosecuting protestors arrested for potential criminal behavior. he has explained his office will not prosecute crimes like interfering with an officer, disorderly conduct or felony rioting unless there is evidence the person also committed offenses like assault
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or arson. fox news correspondent dan springer who has extensively covered portland now reports the portland police bureau has made 682 arrests in relation to the ongoing demonstrations and here in portland federal prosecutors yesterday charged three people with the rare federal charge of civil disorder for alleged violent attacks on police. it is reportedly the first time in recent memory that federal prosecutors used that charge and more could be on the way. sandra. >> sandra: matt finn on the ground in portland. >> trace: a growing movement in washington, d.c. leads the city's mayor to call for name changes to several local monuments and why she is walking some of it back after pushback from the trump administration. nancy pelosi playing defense over her hair salon controversy. >> this salon needs to
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>> trace: washington, d.c. mayor bowser backing down a bit from her recent suggestion to rename or move some monuments in the nation's capital because some of the figures they honor had ties to slavery. secretary of the interior says renaming is just not in the
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cards. >> no one will be removing or renaming the washington monument or the jefferson memorial. none of that is going to happen. it is just simply nutty, to be frank. >> some of the monuments if question are on federally owned property and therefore outside of the mayor's jurisdiction. she has adjusted her list. >> i take responsibility for trusting the word of the neighborhood salon that i have been to over the years many times. and when they said we were able to accommodate people one person at a time and that we can set up that time, i trusted that. as it turns out it was a setup. so i take responsibility for falling for a setup. and that's all i'm going to say on that. >> sandra: house speaker nancy pelosi giving her side of the story about getting her hair done at that san francisco
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salon. she wore no mask, went there despite local ordinances keeping salons closed amid the pandemic but she said she was told she could go in for an indoor appointment by the owner. dan henninger is the deputy editor of the "wall street journal" editorial page. shouldn't she know the rules like everybody else is expected to? >> she should absolutely know the rules, sandra. indeed she must have known the rules. she does live in san francisco, doesn't she? i think what we have to do here is try -- there is a very serious issue at the center of this. it has been raised by the salon owner herself. she lives in san francisco and she said in an interview on fox that look, she and the people who work for her have been having a very difficult time producing revenue. these lockdowns whether it's salons in san francisco or restaurants in new york city have been going on for six
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months now. can you imagine a salon owner going without revenue for six months? and so the message here is that nancy pelosi should somehow recognize the reality of that rather than simply trying to take advantage of it as a celebrity and go in through the back door to get her hair done. these people need some ability now, some flexibility to open their businesses or they are simply going to sink beneath this coronavirus. but it does show how far removed a democrat like nancy pelosi can be from the everyday needs of shop owners along the street. she is railing against -- constantly against big corporations. she doesn't even understand the needs of people who own nail salons or restaurants. it is pathetic. >> sandra: not only is she not apologizing for doing this she is now demanding an apology from the salon owner. she went on with tucker last
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night and responded. listen. >> the appointment was already booked so there is no way i could have set that up. i've had a camera system in there for five years. i didn't go in there and turn cameras on as soon as she walked in and set her up. that's absolutely false. >> sandra: it is written care privileges the emblematic is the entire campaign to shoe horn joe biden into the white house. the kind of hypocrisy from the washington establishment that got donald trump elected. rules for thee and not for me. i don't think it goes away any time soon. what do you think? >> i don't think so. it is a big incident. the speaker of the house turning it around and demanding an apology from the salon owner.
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the democrats never mention the urban violence and when they speak up they say it's all donald trump's fault. this sets new standards in trying to change the political subject. >> sandra: interesting. your piece very interesting in the "wall street journal." the culture wars are back. you are writing this. which war is more unsettling, the one in the streets or the one inside donald trump? you say rather than let mr. biden and the democrats struggle inside the ideological trap they set for themselves mr. trump is now threatening to do to the protests what he did in the coronavirus early days, insists he is the story and overhypes anything he does. what mistake are you saying that the president is making? >> well, let's run through this. i think if the president lose -- the two big events of 2020 overhanging this election are the coronavirus pandemic and the urban protests.
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i think if president trump loses the election, it will have had a lot to do with his press briefings during the early days of the coronavirus which were catastrophe. he made them all about him. public opinion disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus rose to 59% when it was over 60% for many governors. if the democrats and joe biden lose, it is going to be as i just suggested because of these widespread disturbing urban protests for which they had no answer. and about which many undecided independent and suburban voters i think are on the fence reconsidering their vote for -- that they may vote for donald trump because of the democrats' inability to address this violence. i'm afraid that if the president overplays his hand and simply bludgeons, if he
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departs from his good demeanor at the republican convention. many of these undecided voters will revert their vote to joe biden. i'm saying steady as she goes for the president. i'm a little afraid he will overplay the protests the way he overhyped his response to the coronavirus. >> sandra: here we are 61 days out. you went on to say he has blasted portland, oregon mayor as whacky. instead he should make mr. wheeler honorary co-chairman of the trump reelection campaign. thanks for being here this morning. >> trace: folks in kenosha, wisconsin still in shock at the scale of destruction from rioting. >> our uptown is completely destroyed. it looks like a war zone. >> we'll talk to one of the small business owners who lost everything as the community comes together to rebuild. florida real estate booming as
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buyers trade city living in the age of covid for life in the sunshine state. >> a combination of the lockdown with covid, combination of the crime in the city.
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you try to stay ahead of the but scrubbing still takes time. now there's powerwash dish spray it's the faster way to clean as you go just spray, wipe and rinse it cleans grease five times faster dawn powerwash. spray, wipe, rinse. >> trace: bottom of the hour. time for top stories. police arrest a man accused of attacking a police officer who was attacking rand paul at the last night of the republican national convention. he is charged with assaulting a law enforcement officer. >> sandra: joe biden going to kenosha, wisconsin following trump's visit there on tuesday. business owners say they plan to rebuild from the damage done by violent protests there. >> trace: tributes are pouring in for the new york mets pitcher who led the team to their first world series crown died monday at the age of 75.wi.
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joe biden travels to kenosha and other cities are dealing with the financial impacts of violent protests. many businesses are moving out of prime areas there. grady is live on the ground in chicago for us. what is pushing those businesses away? >> sandra, the pandemic has been crippling for businesses across the country. but here in chicago and other cities they've been dealt a one-two punch. dealing with the pandemic as well as the unrest and violence that we've seen lately. in san francisco the chamber of commerce estimates restaurant sales are down 84% compared to a year ago. many restaurants still closed. some people are choosing not to eat out and many more have left the city entirely. looking more broadly more than half of all store fronts in san francisco are still closed. the number is greater than 75% for entertainment venues and bars. the chamber at tributes all of that to the pandemic, not
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unrest. it sent many large businesses packing. others are letting their employees work remotely which means they don't have to stay in san francisco. in portland, coronavirus is part of the problem but rioting that has been going on for weeks is an even bigger problem. one downtown developer blames local officials for not getting a handle on the lawlessness sooner and says it is causing big tech companies like google, microsoft and airbnb to skip town. he sent a letter to the mayor or city council. give a retailer and ask them how many clients they have that are trying to leave. the number is like nothing i have seen in 42 years of doing business downtown. and here in chicago we don't know of any businesses that have decided to leave just yet but we do know several alder
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men and business officials said if you don't get a handle on the violence it will happen. >> sandra: for those of us who love the city. we'll continue to watch that story. thank you. >> trace: florida has long been a vacation destination for many living in new york and new jersey but the pandemic seems to be pushing more people to permanently relocate to the sunshine state. phil keating live for us in miami. phil, sounds like a seller's market down there? >> absolutely. the miami real estate market right now is pretty hot. a lot of properties on the market and people interested in buying these properties who don't live in florida but they are actually coming from out of state of florida like the northeast and elsewhere. one family in particular is the bon jovi family. they moved to melbourne, florida from new york. one of the many families swamping moving companies to
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get their boxes and belongings out of the old and into new. working from home and virtual learning from home the pandemic the norm right now it made sense for his family to come to a state where there is no state income tax and abundant sunshine. popular reasons why people move to florida. >> it was a combination of the lockdown with covid. combination of again the crime in the city, the way they are running the city. the way the governor is running the state. taxes are going to be very, very high. >> according to real miami is the top market for people in the northeast looking to move. miami, bridge port, connecticut, philadelphia, tampa, and orlando also in the mix. for real estate agents like this, all of it has been a surge in interest from the northeast in particular. this house is a three bed, two bath on the market. he says there is real estate
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companies has seen an increase in activity online for people who are fed up with densely packed big cities and looking for a single family house with a yard and amenities that you can drive or walk to. >> i think the big apple has become the big orange. people are taking notice of all the benefits here in south florida from the beaches to the lifestyle to the cost of living. tax haven. i can go on and on and on and on why people are flocking here more than ever. >> real estate stats show south florida in particular is a seller's market and the apartment vacancy rate in new york city is significantly higher than it has been if years past. another big motivator for people wanting to move and buy new properties, low, low interest rates reportedly the lowest they've been in about 40 years. trace. >> trace: all around cost of living. phil keating in miami. >> sandra: millions of
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americans are expected to hit the road for the labor day weekend despite coronavirus concerns. one travel app saying florida is the most popular destination this year but dr. anthony fauci is pleading with people to please be careful. >> we know from prior experience that when you get into holiday weekends, the fourth of july, memorial day, there is a tendency of people to be careless somewhat with regard to the public health measures. i really want to use this opportunity almost to have a plea to the people in this country to realize that we really still need to get our arms around this and to suppress these types of surges that we've seen. >> sandra: dr. fauci also says new coronavirus cases are unacceptably high as we get closer to flu season. >> trace: fox news alert. another big storm moving through the caribbean where this one is expected to head next. plus joe biden having a change of heart about shutting down the country to deal with the
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coronavirus. money man charles payne joins us next on what another shutdown could go to the economy.
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call now so you can... retire better >> sandra: hurricane nana now downgraded to a tropical storm after making landfall over the coast of mexico and guatemala. >> if you're sworn in come january and we have coronavirus and the flu combining which many scientists have said is a real possibility. would you be prepared to shut this country down again? >> i would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus. >> trace: that's joe biden last month saying he would be willing to shut down the u.s. economy as president to control
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the coronavirus. now the democratic presidential nominee appears to be walking back those comments a bit. charles payne is the host of making money on the fox business network and joins us now. when the vice president was making those comments the president, of course, pounced quickly, charles. listen to the president what he said about that. watch. >> president trump: if we had listened to joe hundreds of thousands more americans would have died. instead of following the science, joe biden wants to inflict a painful shutdown on the entire country. >> trace: as you've said many times, charles, the numbers show these lockdowns have decimated small businesses across the country and unemployment numbers. >> now doubt about it and also health ramifications, physical and mental health. despair. the list goes on and on. it has been awful. so when you start talking about saving lives, healthy economy goes a long way towards that as
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well. and obviously we know it is a delicate balancing act but the notion of shutting down the entire economy and applying the same sort of rules to every single place in this country when we know things are different everywhere, it was a bad statement. joe biden has realized that and is trying to walk it back. we're grappling with that right now obviously. and we've learned that sometimes the cure can be worse than the illness and it is tough, trace. but what we've seen from this lockdown has also been extraordinarily devastating and continues to be devastating as well. >> trace: i want to put this on the screen from "the new york times." they write loose talk of nationwide shutdowns plays into the fears of voters who feel they have been both impoverished. he promised to hand over his decision making authority to
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whatever their virtues haven't gained the trust of fence sitting voters. you look deeper and the nancy pelosi scuttlebutt, hair salon thing is at the heart of this. politicians making these decisions who are getting their paychecks and have forproblem shutting down businesses who are not. >> just think about it. you are getting a hair blow-out? california of all places? you have to be kidding me. they received more ppp money than any other state. small businesses are going out of business. schools aren't opening up. it is an absolute wreck. they want money from the federal government which is why we can't get a deal on capitol hill and she goes to a salon and upset at the salon owner? you have to be kidding me. the hubris there is mind-boggling and painful. the political miscalculation
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there, beyond that, what it means to be a resident of california and you permanently lost your job in large part because of the forced shutdowns. we're learning how to work and to live and to even thrive with the virus as we work our way towards a vaccine. >> trace: i want to put the numbers on the screen. you can comment on these. talking about jobless claims. 881,000, that's down from the previous week of a million. not significantly down but down. what do you make of that, charles? >> i take it as a big step in the right direction, trace. let's not forget. 6.867 million one week in pay initial jobless claims. a tough time getting under the 1 million now. we're there now. continuing claims coming down. these numbers are mind-boggling. outside of 2020 you would have never imagined that a number like this was possible. no one alive has dealt with
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this situation before. so on one hand it is a big step in the right direction but what brothers me in this sense. it might give congress the notion they can continue to twiddle their thumbs when it comes to additional fiscal aid for get a hair blow-out. don't get comfortable with the numbers. some of them have been great. you guys had report on housing. the clock is still ticking. we still need the help, the extra move, that bridge to keep us going as we survive this. >> trace: you are a big advocate for congress doing something to help people in the country. americans receiving jobless benefits 13,300,000. that number is significant, charles. >> all of these numbers are significant. we've never dealt with them before. the fact that we have held up to the degree we have is a huge testament to the american
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spirit. it really is to our economy. the economic juger nut as a people. we need help and we all pay taxes. we all pay tolls. we all pay everything. they nickel and dime us to death. the one time they need to step up. they did a great job but now they're blowing it. >> trace: there has been a flurry of articles coming up including the "wall street journal" how the lockdowns weren't that effective. always good to see you. thank you. >> sandra: the city of kenosha is reeling. one business owner says it looks like a war zone after violent protests there. she will join us live next on her efforts to rebuild. and up, up and away. david blaine hanging on tight high above the arizona desert.
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>> trace: a story not for the faint of heart. david blaine flying high over the arizona desert using helium balloons. he says it's the most ambitious feat he ever pulled off. >> sandra: if he handed you those balloons and said hold on tight. would you do it, trace? >> trace: i would absolutely
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not do it. but you know -- >> sandra: i know there was a backup plan. good video. after more than a week of sometimes violent protests over the police shooting of jacob blake parts of kenosha, wisconsin are still damaged. our next guest says the city looks like a war zone. we have a business owner from kenosha. our heart goes out to business owners like you struggling through this. what has happened to your business? >> well, i was one of the fortunate ones to be honest. i just received some minor damage on my building and our downtown area was hit that first night. so that was an unbelievable scene, windows blown out, some of my friends who lost everything. took all the clothes off the mannequin. but then to also see on the
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flip side people i didn't know cleaning the graffiti off my windows and people coming from the woodworking shop to board up my windows. i don't know how to do that and i have giant picture windows. the outpouring of support right off the bat was great. it was truly amazing. on the second night that is when the true devastation began and we lost our entire uptown community. those are the businesses that are my friends that lost absolutely everything. not only their business and all the things inside of it but the history of some of these buildings that are hundreds of years old are now just rubble on the ground. and you never think you'll see something like this in small town america. we're a tiny little town in wisconsin and our entire city looks like a war zone. >> sandra: you are born and raised in wisconsin from green bay operating your business out of kenosha. we can hear you passionately speaking from the heart.
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you've seen the response at the federal level. the president was on the ground there tuesday, joe biden traveling there today along with jill biden. what do you want to hear? what do you need to hear to gain confidence in your town? >> yeah. i think first of all i definitely feel honored to be the spokesperson if you will for kenosha as a whole and definitely all of downtown and uptown that were so -- hit so horribly. so i hope i speak on behalf of everyone when i say i think we definitely need healing. and all the communities need healing. we definitely need the financial support to rebuild our town. the things that i have seen i sometimes close my eyes and i still see them in the back of my mind and nobody wants to have memories like what we have seen. so truly we just need healing and we need the financial
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support to rebuild. i think i can speak confidently on behalf of everyone when i say that. >> sandra: i know business owners talk to other business owners. what are they saying about the ability to rebuild and come back from this? >> well, the positivity and the hope is amazing. four or five days ago i may not have been able to say that if you had asked is everyone going to rebuild. every business owner that i stood next to on tuesday was confident and optimistic and their answer was yes to the question will you rebuild. some of these people are rebuilding history, you know, buildings that are over 100 years old like i mentioned. so last night was a full moon and i believe that full moons represent a cleanse and they can suddenly release sadness in your heart and i just hope that going forward that that is what is going to happen for kenosha and all of my uptown and downtown small business owners. >> sandra: our best to you.
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the name of your store authentic gifts. wl owe pay a visit and try -- >> the outpouring of that type support has been amazing. aside from people volunteering and wanting to sweep glass we've seen people all over the country go to our website and try to help that way, too. we appreciate it so much. >> sandra: our best to you, kimberly. >> thanks for having me. >> trace: the race for a coronavirus vaccine could be picking up steam as the cdc tells states to prepare for possible vaccination by november. plus brand-new fox news polls on the state of play with the election only two months away. [camera man] actually anyone 50 or over is at increased risk for shingles. the pain, the burning! my husband had to do everything for weeks. and the thing is, there's nothing you can do about it! [camera man] well, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaat? [camera man] prevented. you can get vaccinated.
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frank! they have shingles vaccines! -whaaat? -that's what i said. we're taking you to the doctor. not going through that again. [camera man] you can also get it from your pharmacist! talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. ♪ ♪ ♪ the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at ♪
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so you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, all beds are on sale. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 36 months & free premium delivery when you add a base. ends labor day. >> sandra: cdc is preparing for a possible coronavirus vaccine telling state health officials to be ready to distribute it by november 1st. some public health experts say the timeline raises questions about whether politics is driving a rush to a vaccine. we'll have more on that coming up. >> trace: house speaker nancy pelosi was supposed to be facing reporters right about now but her weekly news conference abruptly canceled without explanation. it comes as pelosi faces a lot of flak for this video showing her in a salon not wearing a mask, both violations of san francisco's coronavirus rules. critics call it hypocrisy. she calls it a setup.
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now she wants an apology. much more on that coming up. >> sandra: we begin looking a little more than eight weeks out from election day. they are hitting battleground states that could decide the race for the white house. good morning, everyone. i'm sandra smith. >> trace: good morning to you. trace gallagher. the president heading to pennsylvania and joe biden travels to kenosha, wisconsin where protests turned violent after the police shooting of jacob blake. biden plans to meet with blake's family. something the president he didn't do a few days ago. he met with local police. the white house says the president's focus on law and order will win over voters between now and november. >> they've taken offense to the democrats' plans to allow lawlessness in our cities when
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we saw the violence in kenosha and portland. that's what women in this country stay about. one person is stopping the violence from pouring into the suburbs and that is president trump. >> trace: john roberts live with more. john. >> we're getting a preview of one of the lines of attack the president will likely use in pennsylvania tonight hitting back against joe biden for biden's criticism of his response to the coronavirus crisis. sleepy joe hideen was acknowledged to do a terrible job on a much situation on swine flu. they failed badly on this and he sits back if his basement and criticizes every move we make on the china virus. doing great job. in pennsylvania tonight the president is expected to continue his push on law and order. he will accuse weak to stand up leftist anti-police wing of the democratic party. the president will again urge
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states to accept federal help and not ask police to step down. they indicate the president will make law and order the top issue in this campaign. listen here. >> democrats may want to talk about coronavirus, but the fact of the matter is violence is out of hand in these democrat governed cities an states and we're forced to talk bit. it is an issue on the top of voters' minds. >> the president singled out some cities and the president to identify federal funds that can be withheld unless their cities take steps to quell the lawlessness and rioting taking place. the president saying last night the trump administration will hold lawless jurisdictions accountable by reviewing federal funds provided to them, restricting their eligibility for certain federal grants where permissible and working to redirect those funds to
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jurisdictions that protect communities. the president will be talking about manufacturing tonight. a big issue in the heartland and he will be attacking joe biden again claiming he wants to end fracking even though joe biden carefully said he doesn't want to end fracking. he does want to end it on federal lands. the president will say 600,000 jobs in the keystone state depend on fracking. joe biden wants to end those jobs. probably hear from the biden campaign about that attack. >> trace: i'm sure we will. thank you. >> sandra: new york governor andrew cuomo warning president trump to stay in florida and don't set foot in new york city reacting to the president looking to pull funding. the president says they let anarchists take over and struck a nerve with cuomo. >> he can't come back to new york, he can't. he will walk down the street in
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new york? forget bodyguards, he better have an army. he couldn't step foot in new york city. so he moves to florida because florida is a swing state and he thinks if he establishes a residence there it will make him more attractive in the presidential election. >> sandra: president trump fired back on twitter saying new york governor cuomo should get his puppet new york prosecutors who have been illegally after me and my family for years to investigate his handling of the china virus and all the debts caused by this incompetence. it is a nursing home scandal 11,000 dead, he writes. the president is referring to an order to make nursing homes accept coronavirus patients. thousands died from the virus in new york nursing homes. more on that coming up. >> trace: controversy now over the president's suggestion he might deploy federal agents to polling places while the acting
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homeland security secretary chad wolfe didn't seem he had the authority to do that but the attorney general disagrees. >> there was a specific investigative danger that we detected some problem and risk. >> did he raise that possibility with you to send law enforcement to polling places on election day, november 3, as a precaution? >> no. sometimes they have been in the past to enforce civil rights. we have done so in the past to make sure people weren't being harassed. >> they say the feds presence at polling places will intimidate would be voters. >> sandra: fox news polls in critical battleground states. president trump won four years ago showing joe biden with the edge. wisconsin, north carolina and arizona. biden's lead ranging from 4 to 9 points. dana perino is joining us now. good morning to you and it is great to see you.
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the biggest lead in those states is arizona where joe biden is leading the president by nine points. what do you make of the new polls? >> i think that the battlegrounds are the battlegrounds are the battlegrounds. we have been saying it for four years. we knew these would be states where it would be close. arizona is an interesting one because you also have a big senate race there. martha mcsally is the senator tr and running against mark kelly. she is running behind but she has had $80 million of negative ads dumped on her and able to hold on. i think the president would be smart to continue to go to arizona. remember, his first trip when he could travel after the shutdown was to arizona. there is also a huge amount of military and seniors that are there in arizona and i know he doesn't like mail-in voting. people will do it and so focusing a little bit of attention there and helping her out will probably make sense. same in north carolina. look at where the candidates are going. arizona, north carolina,
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wisconsin, pennsylvania and they are on a loop ore and over again going to those states. thom tillis could use the president's help in north carolina and he could help the president there as well. >> sandra: what's standing out as we are expecting joe biden to land there in wisconsin, he will be on the ground in kenosha a few minutes from now is this polling in wisconsin. who do you trust to do a better job on? on coronavirus joe biden is pulling way above the president. policing and criminal justice stands out where joe biden is leading the president on that issue about even with the economy and the president is leading on china. policing and criminal justice. what does it mean to see joe biden pulling 5 points ahead of the president on that issue that the president has been spending so much time and energy on? >> well, one that you have to figure out a way to make your strongest point salient. so before the civil unrest what you saw was that people said
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the number one issue was coronavirus. that was the most salient issue and seemed to favor joe biden. when it comes to policing and law enforcement and criminal activity in our cities, i think that president trump would probably have the edge but needs to figure out a way to make the issue more salient. he has done so partly on the merits it is happening. you see joe biden traveling to kenosha today. it takes a little time for that kind of messaging to take hold. we aren't even to labor day yet. it happens on monday. people are starting to pay attention. and joe biden has a little bit of a lead but the president has closed some of that lead from where we were in the early summer. >> sandra: i want to ask you about karl rove's prediction that there will be a mess that stretches well beyond election night. he is writing about it in a "wall street journal" piece. what could go wrong on election day? he says state ballot rules may cause delays even if the post
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office performs flawlessly. i know you had a chance to look at this. what is his warning? >> i always read karl rove and he will be on the daily briefing today. i think it's really important that people start to condition themselves to understand that we might not have an election result by midnight or 1:00 a.m. on election day. it just might stretch out a little longer. if this race is as tight as we expect it to be you can imagine there will be challenges. karl's point is not that the post office will be a problem but the rules to the state how late can you turn in your ballot for it to count. if you send in a mail-in ballot the signatures have to be checked and it could take a while and you could bet there would be legal challenges. what karl is trying to do what we should all be doing. telling friends, neighbors, viewers election night will be very exciting. unless there is a landslide on either side it could be a few more days before we actually know the results. as upsetting as that might be. i love to celebrate either way
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on election night. i love election night. i think we'll have election week or maybe election month. >> sandra: probably more exciting than normal this year. i want to ask you about the from the president in north carolina yesterday about voting twice. here is the president. >> president trump: if you get the unsolicited ballots, send it in and then go -- you just vote and then if they calculate it very late they will see you voted so it won't count. so send it if early, and then go and vote. >> >> sandra: kayleigh mcenany and we pressed her. is the president saying to vote twice? no and she clarified. what are you taking away from that? >> it is one man, one vote. the way it should be. that's the way the laws are. that's what everybody should expect and everyone should try.
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voting in person is ideal because those votes don't ever get thrown out. when you send in a mail-in ballot sometimes the signatures don't match. that's not as secure. we're in the middle of pandemic. the fraud that the president suggested has not happened as much as he has said. there are some states that have handled it well but had years to figure out the process. i think that it's not smart to suggest people vote twice. it is also according to the north carolina election official down there it is illegal to suggest that people vote twice. i think that maybe that one i would scratch off the talking point list if i were them. >> sandra: you'll be covering that and more on your show. we'll look for karl rove as well. he will be your guest when he joins you and other great guests at 2:00 p.m. eastern time today. we'll see you later. >> trace: after 2016 research showed the polls got it wrong partly because many people were afraid to share their political views and former white house
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counselor kellyanne conway says the same thing is happening again. this time the president has even more supporters like that. watch. >> hidden under cover trump voter in 2016, there are more and they will surprise you who they are this time. you see the polls. they aren't free to express themselves. they express themselves at the ballot box. >> trace: kellyanne conway has left her job in the administration. >> sandra: protests in our nation's capital overnight. [shouting] >> sandra: crowds surrounding a d.c. police station demanding justice after an officer shot and killed an 18-year-old black man and the content mark zuckerberg will not let anybody post on facebook in the days
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before the election. brand-new information there. plus what political risk does joe biden run by how he is addressing the violent protests across the country? tom bevan is here to weigh in on that next. >> the violence can happen anywhere if democrat leadership is left untethered. three thousand dollars!! that's how much veteran homeowners can save every year by using their va benefits to refinance at newday. record low rates have dropped to new all time lows. with the va streamline refi there's no appraisal, no income verification, and no money out of pocket. one call can save you $3000 a year.
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mom's love that land o' frost premium sliced meats have no by-products. (his voice) "baloney!" (automated voice) has joined the call. (voice from phone) hey, baloney here. i thought this was a no by-products call? land o' frost premium. fresh look. same great taste.
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>> sandra: facebook is banning election ads a week before election day. with our nation so divided and election results taking days or weeks to be finalized there could be an increased risk of civil unrest across the country. the platform will stop accepting both political and issue ads that week. the company also won't let existing ads be edited. >> trace: as joe biden heads to kenosha, wisconsin, what are the political risks for him if he condemns the rioting? for biden riots present only bad options. if he promises to put them down he risk alienating the base of
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his party. the "wall street journal" op-ed says he has three options. ignore the riots and violence he and the democrats. they did that for a while and even had jerrold nadler saying no, antifa, violence is a myth. you can blame the president, which they're in the process of doing now. or you can solve it but he goes on to say the problem with that quoting here democratic politicians can't keep order when rioting erupts from the political left. if they apply a light touch it encourages more mob aggression. cracking down on disorder insures a furious response from the left wing of their party. it may not be the majority but the most impassioned, intense, angry and organized faction. your thoughts on that, tom? >> i think john carlson, the author of that piece is right. it is a needle that joe biden is trying to thread here because what you've seen. a poll out this morning that shows asked the question are
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you supportive of the protests and demonstrations? didn't say riots, protests and demonstrations going on in kenosha? democrats were generic democrats were more supportive of the protests than black voters. i think what it shows you some of the most progressive and radical elements of the democratic party are white voters. joe biden is trying to -- even when he said that most police are good, he caught some flak over that comment from some of the folks on the far left of his party. he is trying to thread the needle. he will need every vote he can get in november particularly in these swing states and can't afford to alienate any piece of his base. it will be interesting to watch him try to thread the needle. >> trace: it's a tight rope. either way you will alienate somebody. you have people offended by talking about the cops and it will disrupt somebody. i want to put up the poll and see how you square this. this is biden versus the
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president on who better handles policing and criminal justice. you see in some of the battleground states arizona, biden leads 47-42. north carolina the president has a 1 point aej. in wisconsin 47-42 in joe biden's favor. what do you make of those numbers? >> those are interesting numbers in terms of president trump has been pushing this law and order message and he has been doing it for a while. it didn't seem to gain traction prior to the conventions and to the escalation of violence we saw in kenosha and portland. it seemed to have gotten some traction at the convention but polls seem to dispute that. i don't know exactly what to make of them. i think if that is true and the president's law and order message is not resonating with folks in those battleground states it will be a real problem for him. >> trace: it's tricky. maybe he needs to swing back to the economy. what do you make of these never
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trumpers trying to come back into the mix. michael krause writes i found donald trump boreish and i was dumbfounded he had captured the gop nomination. he writes later notwithstanding these weaknesses i believe the trump presidency has been to a large extent successful. you have never trumpers coming back into the fold and you think what about that, tom? >> well, look, president trump lost 8% of republicans in 2016 who voted for hillary clinton. the polls he won 88% of republicans. more than mitt romney. the data shows president trump is doing better among republicans in the 92% range and the number of republicans saying they'll vote for joe biden is cut in half. about four or five percent. the never trumpers have been
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organized and vocal, the reality is they've shrunk over time. >> trace: those numbers you match them up a bit. if he gets 92, 93% of republicans democrats need a big turnout. >> they do. trump won the independent vote in 2016. he is trailing among independents right now. >> trace: good to see you. thank you. >> thank you. >> sandra: fox news alert now. a big sell-off on wall street. it seems to be taking a turn for the worse here. stocks were down to start the day but then sold off several hundred more points in the last half hour or so. now the dow is down 745 points. our sister network the fox business network is attributing a lot of the sell-off from dr. fauci having coronavirus
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unacceptably high heading toward the flu season. the dow right now is on pace for its worst day since june. the s&p 500 and nasdaq are hard hit as well here. 720 points to the down side for the dow. we'll continue to watch that for you and bring you news from the markets as we get it. fox news alert. chaos overnight in washington, d.c. [shouting] >> sandra: protestors surrounding a police station after an officer shot and killed an 18-year-old black man. police say they were investigating of reports of a man armed with a gun while kay was killed. a group of protestors went to the home of the d.c. mayor demanding she release body cam ra video of the deadly shooting. >> trace: three members of a
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police advisory board in portland, oregon resigned. it pointed to rising tensions as a reason. one former member calling violent incidents over the past weekend a tipping point. another slamming officers for using excessive force. meantime the city council wants to scrap the review board and replace it with a new system to investigate complaints against police. >> sandra: looting may not be punishable depending how badly you need the stuff that you are stealing is the message from a district attorney in california ordering her prosecutors to consider a looter's needs when deciding whether or not they should be charged with a crime. the d.a. oversees cases in antioch, california. inland from the san francisco bay. her order has prosecutors considering several elements of a looter's motivation like whether they stole something for financial gain or because of a personal need. the mayor is blasting the order saying businesses should not be destroyed of some looter's
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personal needs. the d.a. spokesman said the policy was put in place because of the pandemic. seattle's top cop just stepped down after first announcing her resignation last month when the city council made good on its promise the slash millions from the police budget. best saying the cuts put her in a position destined to fail. she spent nearly three decades in the department and was seattle's first black police chief in history. >> trace: nancy pelosi says she is the one who deserves apology. >> it was a setup. i take responsibility for falling for a setup. >> trace: what the salon owner is saying now plus if you need some air while you are driving, you roll down the window, right? if you're on an airplane it is
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a bit more complicated. one woman found a way and we have the pictures to prove it.
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no-obligation reverse mortgage loan guide. access tax-free cash and stay in the home you love. of course, you can use it to pay some bills, cover medical costs, update or repair your home. but best of all, it eliminates those monthly mortgage payments so you get more cash in your pocket, every month. learn how you can use a reverse mortgage loan to cover your expenses, pay for healthcare, preserve retirement savings, and so much more. a lots changed since 1961... since then over a million older americans have used a reverse mortgage loan to finance their retirements. it meant so much to nellie, maybe it could mean as much to you... call now and get your free infokit >> trace: top headlines at the bottom of the hour. both presidential campaigns taking the show on the road
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hitting the campaign trail in swing states. president trump will stump this afternoon in pennsylvania while joe biden is headed to wisconsin where he will make a stop in kenosha. >> sandra: cdc telling states to get ready to give out vaccines by start of november. it doesn't mean there will actually be a vaccine. they doubt it will be ready by then and the current trials must continue for up to seven months. >> trace: nancy pelosi wants an apology after the house speaker was caught on camera getting her hair fixed in a closed salon and walking around without a mask. critics call it the height of hypocrisy. pelosi says the salon should say sorry for setting her up. she was supposed to have a news conference but two hours before it was canceled without explanation and claudia cowan is live in san francisco for us.
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>> well, the blow-out blowup has taken a new twist with nancy pelosi's freelance hairstylist supporting her claim that the video leak was a setup while the owner of the hair salon is refusing to apologize for anything and she continues to slam nancy pelosi. this is the owner on the screen. she was tired of the speaker coming into her salon repeatedly when no one else could because of lockdown orders that have been economically devastating. she released the surveillance tape because she feels like small businesses, especially salons, have been abandoned by elected officials including the third most powerful person in government who lectured others on the importance of wearing masks and staying home. >> look at your people in your neighborhood and in your city that have worked their lives to build what they have. >> pelosi is doing damage control claiming she was told the salon could accommodate one
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client at a time. >> as it turns out it was a setup. so i take responsibility for falling for a setup. this salon owes me an apology. >> the man seen following pelosi in the video agrees. in a statement he says stylists have been encouraged to operate in defiance of shutdown orders for months and when he told the owner about the booking sunday night the salon owner made comments before allowing the appointment to happen. he says now given a review of her political leanings. a lot of finger pointing here and backlash growing not just against nancy pelosi who has represented san francisco for more than three decades but also against the long time salon owner. she has been getting hate mail
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and deaths threats and had enough of san francisco and tells fox news she plans to move her business somewhere else. back to you. >> trace: claudia live from san francisco. thank you. >> sandra: for more on this let's bring in the former spokesperson obama 2008 campaign and joe biden surrogate. how do you think nancy pelosi has handled this? >> well, i think in a lot of respects it is a he said she said. i don't think nancy pelosi's hair is the most pressing issue in america. >> sandra: we have video of her not wearing a mask inside a salon. >> i understand that. the fact that the state regulations in san francisco say that you can have indoor salons with conditions right now. when she contacted the salon she was told it was one person at a time. backed up by the stylist. she followed that. with that said, though, do i think she is owed an apology. i don't think so. realistically it is not the most important issue that's facing america right now with
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unemployment and a number of other issues. i don't think nancy pelosi's hair is the topic dejoour. >> trace: >> sandra: nowhere in the ordinance did i see that. just a couple days ago they changed to be able to operate outdoors. but outdoors only. and then the no mask policy. all of this just gets to people. i'll read a tweet from our own brit hume. he says this incident is minor in the larger scheme of things but its politically dangerous and something everyone can understand. hypocrisy of it is so flamingly obvious. don't you really wonder and worry about the political implications of this double standard, mask up, wear your mask and then she just walked through a salon with people around her and you say you read the code as well that you must wear a mask in a public place
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even when no one is present. >> i agree with that. we have to keep masks on indoors. california state guidelines are clear on that and i think san francisco and city guidelines are very clear on that. i think that is something that should be acknowledged by the speaker that a mask should have been worn indoors. what i'm saying is the state has been modifying guidelines on a regular basis and last friday the governor had a press conference outlining new guidelines for salons which included this ability for indoor operations with conditions across the state. there is no question there is a lot of confusion county by county. i don't think that the haircut is the biggest issue for america. >> sandra: she should know the rules is the problem. i was able to ask kayleigh mcenany from the white house earlier and here was her response. >> the elitism of nancy pelosi. the out of touch remarks of nancy pelosi tell you all you need to know about her of the she is demanding an apology
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from the salon owner, a single mom who started a business sf no, she owes an apology to the american people. she is so breathtakingly out of touch and her response to the video exposes that. >> sandra: i appreciate your acknowledgement you believe she should have been wearing a mask. it is not that easy. there are livelihoods at stake. other people are playing by the rules. they wish they could go into the salon, too. she is living by different rules and she didn't own up to it. she pointed fingers at the salon owner and accused her of a setup. >> well again there are two things here. the press secretary comment on the rnc having unmasked people outside of the white house for the rnc convention? we know this issue is much broader than this one individual situation. but i agree with you and brit's comment that this could have
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some political issues. we're talking about it right now. i also think, though, that it just isn't the most important issue. i don't think we should be focusing this much time on television talking about it when we should be talking with coronavirus and other issues impacting americans. >> sandra: i think people hear you and they see her defense of it rather than acknowledgement of what she did wrong. they see excuses. i don't know if story goes away then. she canceled the scheduled press conference and she will have to take a lot more questions but she didn't want to yesterday. she said that's it. thank you for coming on and talking about it. >> trace: stunning pictures from an airport tarmac in ukraine showing a woman coming back from trip to turkey opening an emergency exit and walking on the wing of the plane. she said she was too hot and needed air. she was traveling with her husband and two children at the time.
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she is now banned from flying on ukraine international airlines and the truth is i don't want her flying with me, either. >> sandra: that's a stunning image, okay. >> trace: they aren't supposed to open. they don't open unless there is an emergency and there it goes. out she went on the wing. >> sandra: the push is on for a vaccine. states are on notice to get ready to deliver supplies as soon as they are available. the new timeline. it's just months away. china's military power growing fast. new warning from the pentagon. general jack keane will join us live on that next. >> 40 years and coming. frankly, america slept while china grew. by refinancing at newday you can save $3000 a year every year. with their va streamline refi, there is no income verification, no appraisal, no out of pocket costs and no va paperwork for you.
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>> sandra: it turns out some antifa activists may not be so tough. police in wisconsin say when they busted a suspect taking a flame thrower to a protest he
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burst into tears and collapsed into the al position. he also had fireworks. he was accused of biting and kicking an officer along with pointing a loaded gun at an officer earlier. >> professional *izing their military and building capacity to be effective to create power that can reach across the globe. then they are using other countries to build bases around the world. it has been going on for far too long. >> trace: it is sparking concerns at the pentagon, state department and white house. the defense department saying china plans full dominance in the next 30 years. let's bring if general jack keane, the chairman of the institute for the study of war and senior strategic analyst. always good to see you. we talk about them getting ahead. china has more ships and
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missiles than we have and better air defense. couple that with militarizing the south china sea and the aggression against hong kong. where does it all lead, general? >> certainly this is a formidable capability that the chinese have been developing for years. they are the fastest growing military in the world and have held that status for largely over 10 years. so what are we talking about here? one, they do have larger navy, a larger army. they have a larger coast guard force. they have a larger rocket and missile land base force. all of this by comparison to the united states. and when it comes to air forces in the region, not globally, they have a larger force there. but -- this is a big but here. we have 11 aircraft carriers, they have two. ours are better. we have more nuclear submarines, ours are better.
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our army and ground force is not as large as there ours is more modernized and considerably better and experienced combat veterans to boot on top of that. but china gives us huge concerns as secretary pompeo is talking about because they have a global plan here. they want to replace the united states as the world's global leader to achieve that end, one they intend to be number one economically, two, they intend to be number one militarily. they are on a path to achieve that as their goal. and the reality is they have a ways to go. we have lots of bases around the world. they only have a couple. but -- a big but again. we've been here before. we stood up against the soviet union's ideology. got like minded countries together to do that. that's what we have to do that. administration is attempting to do that with japan, australia, with india, with the european
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union countries all like minded democracies. if we find the will to do that and build the capabilities to do that, we'll be fine. they cannot dominate countries like that collectively. >> trace: you mention the soviet union, now russia. pivot to them now. the poisoning of the kremlin critic navalny one of the latest allegations germany said it was poisoning. the quote from the president and chief executive in the center for european policy. she says russia's approach is to always push the envelope just a bit and wait for a response. this ongoing pattern of russian behavior means we haven't imposed serious consequences to prevent aggressions where the russians are seeking to. this is a bold allegation against russian security forces and the threat they pose around the world. >> yeah. there are two things going on with russia and it's been a pattern of behavior for the 20 years putin has been in power.
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he granted himself a fraudulent election and changing the constitution. he has 16 more to go. the thing that concerns him the most just like the chinese come files party and civil unrest. bring in navalny. that's why you try to kill him like he has in the past. he has taken advantage of covid and his aggression. you are right. it has increased in syria, in iraq. it has increased against the united states in alaska. he is pressuring the european countries to be sure. and that is about a pattern of influence he wants to achieve given the covid experience. >> trace: general, always good to hear from you, sir. thank you. >> good talking to you, trace. >> sandra: a covid-19 vaccine could be here within months according to the feds.
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just ahead who gets first dibs on that vaccine and the encouraging treatment that doctors say is helping some patients survive.
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>> trace: covid-19 hitting hard in gamecock country. the university of south carolina reporting more than 1,000 cases. it almost doubled in one week and one of the highest counts at a college so far. in response usc suspended several students and punished some frats and sororities for having parties. >> sandra: cdc telling states to prepare to distribute coronavirus vaccine by november. jonathan serry is live with more. >> they are asking states to streamline the approval process
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for a potential covid-19 vaccine. in a letter the director robert redfield asks the nation's governors to waive requirements that would prevent these by becoming fully operational by november 1. health and human services secretary alex azar says safety standards will determine the vaccine's approval and the timing of its release has nothing to do with politics. >> that came out of the career people of cdc working to do the planning here. it has nothing to do with elections. the has to do with delivering vaccines to the american people as quickly as possible and saving people's lives. >> the world health organization is recommending the use of corticosteroid in treating patients with severe cases of covid. it suggests the anti-inflammatory drug significantly reduced fatalities. treatment with this is not recommended for people with mild cases. back to you.
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>> sandra: jonathan serrie on that for us. thank you. taking a quick break and we'll be right back. go go go ♪ go go go go on a real vacation. visit go or your nearest rv dealer. ♪you know limu,ug after all these years go on a real vacation. visit it's the ones that got away that haunt you the most. [ squawks ] 'cause you're not like everybody else. that's why liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. what? oh, i said... uh, this is my floor. nooo!
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>> fox news alert, we are looking at the dow on this thursday morning. a significant sell-off on the dow, 607 points on the downside is there is concern as we headed to the fall about some words from dr. anthony fauci suggesting that the virus is at on acceptable levels of
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confirmed positive cases as we head towards flu season. marcus don't like that. >> normally when you have good news on vaccines that lifts the markets, today's foundry remarks apparently trump that. >> we will be back here tomorrow morning, thank you for joining us everybody. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> we are waiting for the press briefing, we sent questions about president trump ordering a review of federal funding. some cities have seen months of sometimes violent protests, he sent the attorney general and white house budget director a memo yesterday naming democrat run new york city, washington, d.c., seattle, and portland, oregon, as cities that "promote anarchy, violence, and destruction." the president tweeting "my administration will do everything to prevent weak mayors and lawless cities from taking federal dollars while
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, burn buildings, and ruin lives


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