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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  September 3, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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confirmed positive cases as we head towards flu season. marcus don't like that. >> normally when you have good news on vaccines that lifts the markets, today's foundry remarks apparently trump that. >> we will be back here tomorrow morning, thank you for joining us everybody. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> we are waiting for the press briefing, we sent questions about president trump ordering a review of federal funding. some cities have seen months of sometimes violent protests, he sent the attorney general and white house budget director a memo yesterday naming democrat run new york city, washington, d.c., seattle, and portland, oregon, as cities that "promote anarchy, violence, and destruction." the president tweeting "my administration will do everything to prevent weak mayors and lawless cities from taking federal dollars while , burn buildings, and ruin lives and businesses.
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we are putting them on notice." new york governor andrew cuomo calling the president's plan illegal and not stopping there. >> you can come back to new york. he can't, he's going to walk on the street in new york? forget body guards, he better have an army. if he thinks he's going to walk on the street in new york. no, new yorkers don't want anything to do with them, and he knows it. >> melissa: he appeared to walk back those remarks later, saying the plan would make the president persona non grata in his hometown. white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany said this. >> it's not often you hear a governor described in vivid detail how he lost control of his state, but there you have governor cuomo saying you can't come to new york without an army. i guess that is the case when you have more than a thousand shootings before labor day.
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it's very rare you hear a mccright governor nakedly admit to failure and that's what he has just done. >> melissa: new numbers from the nypd show a staggering spike in crime, new york city gun violence up 166% last month over august 1 this year compared to august of last year. that's grim. this is "outnumbered" and i melissa francis, here today fox business angry dagen mcdowell, editor katie pavlich, fox news contributor marie harf, and joining us today host of the next revolution here on fox news steve hilton. steve, i'll start with you. i think a lot of us new yorkers thought the exact same thing when we heard what governor cuomo said. i tweeted a picture today that i
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tweeted over the summer, i've a man walking down the street in my neighborhood with no pants on. this is unfortunately a common site. three different men that approached me and my children this summer with just shorts on and no pants, the this is kind f what new york has become under governor cuomo and mayor de blasio. for him to say that the president needs an army to come here, gosh, we all do. what are your thoughts? >> steve: there so much to the story, let's start with the facts as you laid out there. things are falling apart in new york city, they are falling apart everywhere whether democrats have complete control. just yesterday a powerful column in "the new york times" of all places by tom friedman, a strong critic of this president, describing what's going on in his home city minneapolis since
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they voted to defund the police. listening how a mother had eight bullets fired into her car with children in the car, another having shots fired into the front door of her house, the whole place falling apart. african-americans, the black community in minneapolis complaining because there are no police. that's what's going on, and it's true around the country, not just in relation to crime but if you look here in california for example, the poverty, the inequality, the homelessness, the squalor on the streets. it democrats are in charge of all these places. accountability, that's however system works. leaders should be accountable for the policies they implant and decisions they make and when they keep getting bailed out by the federal government for the consequences of their failure, you lose that accountability. that's the same reason i supported getting rid of the state and local tax deduction in the tax reform because that was enabling high spending states
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controlled by democrats to increase spending and taxes and never pay the political price. they need to pay the political price for their failure. we should stop bailing them out. >> melissa: dagan, in so many ways money is the only weapon to turn the cities around. people say to me all the time it doesn't matter who wins this election, because it will have no impact on this city which is going down the tubes so quickly. we have mayor de blasio in power for another year, governor cuomo, people are leaving in droves, i tried to rent a u-haul, you can't get a u-haul here. too many people are trying to leave. and so there's nothing, there's no hope for the cities unless they have a change in leadership which in new york won't come anytime soon. the only weapon anybody on the federal level has its withholding funds. what do you think about this question mark?>> dagen: in termf
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withholding the funds, congress has the power. but who will withhold funds are the residents who are leaving, who are going to other states that you will get a downward spiral in the cities run by people who literally turn a blind eye to the suffering of innocent people and they have no heart and no soul when it comes to what people are experiencing. in terms of governor cuomo, governor cuomo of course he's rolling out his tough guy act. he is one sneeze away from that suit and tie and challenging trump to a pose off, he's single and ready to mingle. i wanted to point out a few things about hank, his bill reform is what started this spie in crime, it started earlier ths year. his nursing home order killed
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thousands of elderly people and he blamed everybody from fox news to mother nature and god for it rather than taking responsibility. now the health department from the can't find the records to show how many nursing home residents died. he also for weeks he dragged his feet, president trump wants to pay out an extra $300 per week for most states and unemployment benefits because the democrats couldn't get on board, he dragged his feet in applying for that extra benefit, he doesn't give a flying damn about the unemployed in new york. there was somebody robbed right underneath our office, a shooting that was two blocks away from here a couple days ago. this is a downward spiral, people are running, cuomo, de blasio, and all of those democrats will pay the price. >> melissa: marie, it's interesting because if you look at the solutions to this problem a really draws the dissension between the right on the left.
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you hear people on the right saying it's about feckless spending, we are not spending on the right things, mayor de blasio has doubled his spending on homelessness. he's spending more than any mayor has ever spent in the history of this city, and it's in worse shape than ever. if you listen to vice president biden yesterday, he was talking about solving a lot of the problems with more money. what do you make of that divergence? >> katie>> marie: with more monr dialogue or better spent money, cities are facing a problem. it's puzzling to me why donald trump would try to cut funding, which he can't do legally. but that's why joe biden has been clear he does not support defunding the police. look, we all live in cities here and we know that in our cities crime has gone up since last year. it's gone up from historic lows which is important to remember. but it's still gone up. i think the challenge here is we
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in these cities want to do better, we want our cities to be safer, but the rhetoric under the policies coming from the president don't match that. talking tough and threatening to cut off funding that you can't actually do isn't helpful. there's so many factors at play here, including the fact that so many people are unemployed right now and so i think we in the cities want to fix this, but it's going to take better dialogue, better policies, and not empty rhetoric. >> melissa: katie. >> katie: i think that people are really tired of talking in dialogs that go nowhere. bill de blasio still refuses to let restaurants have indoor dining, he has no plans for the winter, he could care less if all these restaurants went under. the people who pay the taxes in new york are fleeing in droves, as melissa pointed out. and the president is simply asking the department of justice and other federal government agencies to look and see whether
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some of the programs that these cities and politicians and local jurisdictions signed up for in terms of law enforcement for example, cooperation with federal law enforcement to solve crimes. whether that is going unused, that money can be used elsewhere to tackle these problems. bill de blasio doesn't have a plan to address race in the middle of the day, attempted rapes in subway platforms, he doesn't care about the victims of these crimes. who, by the way come on, are minorities. the very people democrats claim to be standing up for. the president continues to try to find solutions, democrats continue to attack him and say that he's all about rhetoric when they've offered no solution to solve the problem. >> melissa: thank you, we await the white house press briefing at a ministrations reaction to joe biden heading to kenosha, wisconsin, today, two
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days after president trump surveyed the damage from violent protests in that cities. those remarks coming up. ♪ attention veterans with va loans. record low mortgage rates have now fallen even lower. by refinancing, you can save $3000 a year with one call to newday usa. our team is standing by right now to take your call. and from start to finish, you can do it all without ever leaving the house. with our va streamline refi, there's no income verification. no appraisal. and no out of pocket costs. nobody works harder for veterans than my team at newday usa.
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>> melissa: joe biden is expected to arrive in wisconsin shortly, where he plans to meet with community leaders, law enforcement, and jacob blake's family in kenosha. the democratic nominee looking to cast himself as a unifying figure, and contrast himself with president trump who on tuesday but toured parts of kenosha damaged in protests over the police shooting of blake. yesterday, biden laid out his priorities for the visit. >> we've got to heal, we have to put things together, bring people together. my purpose in going will be to
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do just that, to be a positive influence on what's going on my talk about what may be done, and try to see if there's a mechanism to bring the folks together. >> dagen: nous fox news poll shows biden with a narrow lead on trump, who likely wisconsin voters trust to do a better job on policing and criminal justice. steve, is joe biden making headway here after the spirit condemning the violence we've seen in many cities? >> steve: in practical terms, the answer to that is no. i was just reading about a focus group in the last day or so saying that people there feel overlooked by joe biden, he's not interested in them, he's only interested in supporting the black lives matter protests and so on. i think we have to say, the polite word to use for joe biden's remarks there would
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be disingenuous. an accurate word would be lies about what he was doing there would be line. he's interested in going there to try and shore up his political position. the thing that really disgusts me about the way this is being talked about, not just by biden and the democrats but by most of the media as well is that one president trump talked about the source of the violence, he's called divisive and fanning the flames. when joe biden does exactly the same thing on the other side where he goes in and blames president trump for the violence, that's what he's been doing to after day, i'm sure he will do it again today. that's described as bringing the country together, it's completely ridiculous. biden is being divisive on this issue, the way i believe it is to say actually m over the words of someone who's been directly affected, the mother in the family. julia jackson, an incredibly powerful speech where she said we have to use our hearts, our
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love, and our intelligence to work together, show the rest of the world how humans are supposed to treat each other. if only our politicians could live up to that standard. >> marie: what joe biden is actually meeting with the blake family, and with law enforcement. he's meeting with activists from black lives matter, he's meeting with the people that have been touched by police brutality and he's meeting with law enforcement. i know joe biden, i've worked for joe biden, i believe him that he is genuine when he said he's going there to bring people together. that's why he's meeting with such a diverse group of people. when donald trump went there he just focused on law enforcement, he did not make any steps to even emphasize with jacob blake's family, with the situation, he only talked with law enforcement. i think will be interesting to see joe biden's message today and that's why i'm glad you mentioned the fox news poll, even on this issue keeping
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people safe and dealing with racial justice on a number of issues, joe biden even post jacob blake shooting is still beating donald trump by a small margin. >> dagen: what do you make of that, in that initial speech that joe biden made about the violence in cities he was very quick to condemn more than once white supremacists. did he uttered the word antifa? nope. >> katie: president trump didn't just meet with law enforcement, he also toured of businesses that had been burned to the ground and people's lives have been destroyed and offered up millions of dollars in federal aid if they have a tough time making up the difference and insurance companies don't cover all the damage. the people that joe biden is not meeting with is the woman who called 911 on jacob blake, who was scared because previously she had been allegedly sexually assaulted by this man who was criminally trespassing.
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nobody is meeting with her to get her side of the story. so joe biden continues to follow president trump around, whether it's physically on the campaign trail after he's already visited them, offering up the same policy ideas president has implanted for months, so joe biden can go there, president trump went as the president of the united states to really offer real support, not just to gain political points. >> dagen: katie touches on something i had said repeatedly, what about the life and livelihood of all the people in all of the cities that have been destroyed? this has been allowed by these democratic leaders in the citi cities, and there's not even empathy from joe biden to them. >> melissa: no, and even if it fits the narrative. as katie said, all of a sudden women don't matter when it doesn't fit the narrative. nobody's talking about you
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believe all women or you don't in the case of jacob blake, you don't hear any democrats talking about the woman who accused jacob blake. i find that part of the story really appalling. i also think that i sat through that whole news conference with joe biden yesterday, it was another one that was pretty tough to watch. go back and watch him try to answer the question in his first facing the media and answering questions in more than a month. i don't know, he's got to get out there more or he needs more coffee, some caffeine, something. dagen. >> dagen: i leave you for tha that. melissa. >> melissanancy pelosi firing be owner of the salon where she got her hair done this week, the speaker says her stylist said the owner had authorized the appointment. >> when they said we were able to accommodate people, one person at a time.
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to keep his breath smelling great, all day long. (combative yelling) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. >> melissa: some of our top stories at the bottom of the hour, the federal anti-crime effort operation legend has led to more than 2,000 arrests since its launch in july. nearly 150 of those suspects were wanted for murder. this is according to the u.s. attorney for the northern district of ohio. the trump campaign is suing montana's democratic governor to try to stop expanded mail-in voting in the state. the lawsuit accuses governor steve bullock of a "brazen power grab" by ordering universal mail-in voting because of the coronavirus pandemic. montana normally allows voting by mail only at the voters request. in detroit, a sheriff's corporal
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is dead after officials say an inmate attacked him at the wayne county jail wednesday night. 15-year-old bryant was pronounced dead at a local hospital, an investigation is underway. >> i take responsibility for trusting the word of the neighborhood salon that i've been to over the years many times, that when they said we are able to accommodate people one person at a time, and we can set up that time i trusted that. as it turns out, it was a set up. i take responsibility for falling for a set up. the salon owes me an apology for setting me up. >> melissa: nancy pelosi on the controversy over her getting her hair done without a mask in a san francisco salon that has been shuttered during the coronavirus pandemic. the salon owner pushing back at
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the speaker, watch this. >> there is no way i could have set that up, and i had a camera system in there for five years. i didn't go in there and turn cameras on as soon as she walked in to set her up. that's absolutely false. >> melissa: steve, we've always known about this extreme right-wing group in san francisco, the hairstylist of northern california. they are hard right. i can see them setting this up. what are your thoughts, should we investigate? >> steve: definitely, i'm worried i may have been going to get my haircut and exposing myself to this danger. you know me, i tried to be positive and smile and everything but these stories make me so angry just think about what nancy pelosi has been up to, just in the last few da days. she wants to cancel the debate
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to save the skin of her and adequately caffeinated candidates, then she goes around saying her political opponents are enemies of the state. now she's falsely blaming a struggling small business owner for her own entitlement and massive hypocrisy, i've never seen a politician so cynical, so divisive and hateful as pelosi. the impact on the democracy and political culture, i think it's pure poison. >> melissa: katie, what's amazing about this story, it's not that she went into the salon and it's not that she wasn't wearing a mask. it's the hypocrisy when she is there as their moral superior saying how dare you not wear a mask, how dare you try and go into these businesses or want businesses to open when you are risking people's health. but then there she is and when she gets caught, she throws the
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poor business owner who's been shuttered, who hasn't had any income, who's fighting for their life, that's who she throws under the bus and she claims she's on the side of the working person. i mean if that's what it's about, it's about the staggering hypocrisy. what do you think? >> katie: i wouldn't be going anywhere to get my hair done, they be coming to my mansion to do my hair for me, she should have done that. but it's absolutely about the elitist attitude that people in washington, d.c., make the rules and they don't have to follow them, they get special treatment. she keeps saying the salon owners set me up, they could have said no, i would have allowed them into the building, she should know better. anybody else who had done i could have been prosecuted, they could have been charged with a fine, they could have been put in prison. these mask mandates that we've seen all across the country come with very stiff fines for
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regular people who dare to venture out on their own with their dog and not wear a mask. nancy pelosi and her advisors and a lot of democrats are trying to justify this, there are bigger problems in america on the nancy pelosi's hair. this isn't about nancy pelosi's hair, this is about nancy pelosi's attitude and the solution to this for her could have easily been looks, we should allow more businesses to open. i felt safe in this environment to do so, but instead she continues on capitol hill to hold up a relief aid package for people just like the salon owner who she's now throwing out of the bus, continuing to lecture the rest of us about how we must follow the rules and we are bad people putting fellow americans in jeopardy. >> melissa: we are bad people. marie, do you believe she was set up? >> marie: first of all, nancy pelosi passed a relief package in may, let's start there. it appears now that the salon
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has been taking individual clients since april, that the salon owner said she could come in while also expressing that she really didn't agree with nancy pelosi politically. and then magically somehow the video of nancy pelosi gets leaked in a way that will hurt her politically? that's the definition of a set up, melissa. i just want to be very clear. i think everyone should follow the rules, i think everyone should follow the rules but it's a liberal salon owner had done something like this to ivanka trump or kellyanne conway, all of these republicans who are screaming about nancy pelosi would lose their minds over the salon. it does seem like she kin kind f got set up here, and i think we all need to take a breath, not worry about nancy pelosi's hair, all of us follow the rules, and all of us move on. >> marie: i'm not worried about nancy pelosi's hair, this is classic pelosi. i am not going to dignify you peasants, i will do as i see
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fit, i will not have you challenging my status and authority. you know what the dead giveaway is? it's not the ice cream in her freezer, it's not the clock clock clock, thousand dollar crumbs bonuses that are pathetic. it's the fact that she talks with the back of her hand like this, as if she's been studying film from the queen of england. very suspect. >> steve: exactly right. >> dagen: because she's royalty, she will hand down rules and everybody else has to follow them if she doesn't. >> steve: the great thing about the queen of england never really says anything, and if nancy pelosi could follow that example i think we'd all be a lot better off. >> melissa: seattle police chief stepping down but not without some parting shots for lawmakers who slashed the department's budget while the city has to confront violence,
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plus we are minutes away from the white house briefing where he could learn more about the president's threat to cut off funding to cities that he says have descended into anarchy. ♪ this is the frels family's land. they grew their first tomatoes right here. and when it snows, the kids go sledding right there. the frels family runs with us on a john deere 1 series tractor. because this is more than just land, it's home. search "john deere 1 series" for more. ♪ ♪
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>> melissa: fox news alert, you were looking at jill and joe biden who are arriving right now in wisconsin, they are going to be going and meaning with the family of jacob blake and they are also going to be talking to community leaders. they have now landed, we see the doors open. we expect them to go around the community, we don't have a lot of details but this of course comes a few days after the president made the same visit. originally we had heard that former vice president joe biden was not going to the area but then his plans changed, now he's
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there on the ground. marie, you had said that you expected -- we don't have a lot of details, you expect this to be a different visit. the president visited a lot of burned-out businesses and he went and talked to law enforcement officials there is wealth. what do you expect from former vice president joe biden? >> marie: vice president biden has been that he is someone who has suffered personal hardships, personal tragedy and who is a politician who is very focused on empathy and bringing people together in difficult situations. that is the message i think you will hear from joe biden when he talks to jacob blake's family. he also is bringing law enforcement into the conversation and community leaders who are focused on the business aspect of it, because i do think he will make the case today that he has made in the past few days, melissa, donald trump only cares about
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one thing and that's law and order and law enforcement and doesn't focus on the rest. i am here to bring all of you together. obviously trump and biden have very, very different tones, i don't think anyone would disagree with that and you'll see that contrast today. i think joe biden is going to very squarely say look, if i am president, i will help you together to solve these problems because all we've seen from the last three years is division from the president. that's what you'll hear today i think melissa. >> melissa: okay, so katie, steve said earlier that he thinks it's interesting that you see former vice president biden stand there and talk about very harsh things about president trump and lay all of this at his feet. but then when you see the recounting among the press and democrats they say that he is bringing everyone together. bringing everyone together against the president is a unifying message, then maybe
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that is the case. your thoughts. >> katie: i think that's a false narrative being pushed around by joe biden is somehow this great unifier, especially since he is already indicted police officers in the shooting of jacob blake as guilty, saying they need to be charged even though the facts do not backup that assessment. when it comes to being in wisconsin, joe biden needs to get on the ground, he needs to catch up to keep the bowling gap between him and president trump but the truth is presidents delmac democrats didn't care about this until the poll started changing, they didn't talk about it at the dnc convention, to say that president trump doesn't care abm or keeping law enforcement accountable is just not true. police reform legislation ready to go, democrats are the one that blocked it. the president has done a lot of work on this across the aisle, reached out multiple times to no
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avail. >> melissa: we are looking right now, there you see resident candidate and former vice president joe biden is exig the plane with dr. jill biden going over and being greeted, they will now go in and meet with the family of jacob blake, on the heels of the president to ring the area just a couple days ago. you brought up the point of the president going and visiting small business owners, talk about the people who get forgotten in all of this. i saw this morning and african-american salon owner, a woman in minneapolis who was talking about the fact that her salon was torched and burned to the ground. that there was so much chaos, the police no never responded because there was so much going on. no one has come to help her, no one has said anything to her. and she had pictures of her
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business totally burned out after this coronavirus pandemic had already knocked her to her knees. and here she is, these businesses are represented by real human beings. this is their life, this is their hope for their family and for the future. they've been crushed in the undertow of all of this, dagen. what about those people? >> dagen: they were perfectly innocent, portland and seattle as well, but they literally come of their posture i hate donald trump so anything goes in the city. they think that they're going to get away with it, they literally have sent the message all rioters are welcome. it's our pleasure to allow you to destroy these businesses and livelihoods, i hate donald trump
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so i get a pass, feel free to light them up. that's the way it comes across, i've heard interview after interview of people who don't even know where to turn. let's have some empathy and sympathy for these individuals. i just want to point out one thing in these poll's from fox news, that president trump -- he's trailing joe biden in arizona and north carolina and wisconsin, these are states that he won but more voters are proof his job performance then back his reelection, that's how you improve your reelection chances is you start talking to those people who think you're doing a good job. >> melissa: interesting. steve, every day at 4:00 p.m. eastern on the business channel we talk to small business owners who like dagen said perfectly, they don't know where to turn. they are either shut down and not allowed to reopen, or their
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store has been looted or burned. so many different situations where their kids are going back to school, they just don't even know where to turn at this point. you see politicians fighting, and there's regular people feeling really helpless. how do we get the focus back on those people? >> steve: i think in the end it comes back to the point we started the show with, i think it's about accountability. it's about people understanding that very often these decisions are made locally, that's what the constitution says that the state and local level. we've got to hold them accountable. you of this one-party rule in many parts of the country where you're seeing the worst effectiveness. to build on what katie said earlier, it's not just the fact that on this vital issue of police reform, which i've been a strong advocate for, president trump has been on the side of that backing tim scott. president trump is also the only player at the federal level who is actually doing anything about
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police reform since george floyd, he actually brought in what he could in terms of a database of police officers across the country, he's actually acted while the democrats have blocked it. going back to the point about local importance, it's not just democrats in congress, crucially they are blocking it at the local level. why? because democrats in places like los angeles and chicago, across the country they are funded by the police union. when it comes to negotiating the contract, democrats are complicit in that because they are paid off by the local union. that's got to be addressed too. >> melissa: the white house press briefing is just minutes away. with press secretary kayleigh mcenany likely to face questions on the presidents threat to pull federal funds. he says cities aren't doing enough to stop the violence, plus reaction to joe biden visiting wisconsin today. we will bring you that life.
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>> the first black police chief in seattle's history of officially her post yesterday, but not before blasting the city council which flashed millions from the budget and
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trimmed 100 officers from the floors. a common best telling mpr "i believe 100% they were putting me in a position destined to fail, cutting a police department that already has low staffing numbers that was already struggling to keep up with demand. how are we going to provide for adequate public safety in that environment?" her last few months saw the antipolice protests after the death of george floyd in which protesters took over a six block autonomous zone in downtown seattle for weeks. so steve, the warriors for racial justice have forced a resignation of that city's first black police chief. that's the world in which we live. >> steve: and the warriors for gender equality. it's just so sad to see this. and it's been repeated all around the country. because what is happening is a legitimate issue, into many cases you see police officers
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abusing their power, we don't want to see that happen ever. they have a huge position of trust and authority in our country, we want to make sure that's handled properly. it is in the vast majority of cases, the police in our country are there to protect him chaos and anarchy and crime and pain and violence, they aren't paid y much, they are incredibly brave and what they are seeing all around the country is people exploiting them for political purposes. why should i do this if you are not going to protect me when i put myself out there to protect our community? you're seeing it all across the country, police officers leaving and that's a total disaster. i think we'll see a complete reaction to this over the months and years ahead and you're going to see democrats losing the political argument across the country because of what they've done with policing. >> dagen: the city council over and over again, katie, ignored what carmen best was telling them, that zone was
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preventing me policed from responding to reports of violent crime. stopping the police from doing our job by limiting our use of tear gas and pepper spray to control crowds. can you condemn the protesters marching on my home? they couldn't even do that. and she said goodbye. >> katie: it really is just such a shame, because she was bridging the gap between the past with racial problems and the future of getting rid of that and really keeping community safe. her main point was that this isn't about funding cuts, it's about the fact that you have disrespected the men and women who caught everything will die and risk their lives for this community. you have police officers resigning or retiring in droves, then you have an entire class of new police officers being
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completely canceled. leaving cities without the resources they need in terms of fighting crime, and again it affects the very people that democrats claim they are standing up for. they've now gotten rid of the first black police chief in seattle who happens to be a woman, they've also made it so that 81% of black americans want more police or the same number of police in their communities to combat violent crimes, it makes it impossible for them. >> dagen: this can't be the desired outcome from the city council of seattle or democrats, liberals. >> marie: democrats including myself don't think city council should do across-the-board cuts, they think they should look at how to better use funding but don't support actually what seattle is doing. joe biden certainly doesn't. we also need to remember more police officers have been killed this year by covid than on
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patrol, if we care about law enforcement and care about our first responders it's been a tough year in a lot of ways, we should focus on that. >> melissa: if you look at new york for example, the majority of the police force is minority, is black and brown. we have a white mayor who has alienated that police force. i think these issues are really complicated, and there are a lot of people getting caught in the undertow who aren't responsible for any of this. >> dagen: common best resigning, that's a loss. we are moments away from the white house press briefing with reaction to joe biden's trip to kenosha, wisconsin, plus possible comments on speaker pelosi calling her visit to a san francisco hair salon a set up. she wants an apology! that's live top of the hour. it's the ones that got away that haunt me the most.
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>> melissa: thank you katie pavlich, marie harf, and steve hilton. there you go, harris is out, melissa is in for her today. >> melissa: fox news alert for you now, the white house press briefing with kayleigh mcenany is set to begin any moment as president trump threatens to cut funding for some democratic led cities that he says are allowing anarchy, violence, and destruction. this is "outnumbered overtime," i'm meliss melissa francis. white house budget office yesterday, the president ordered a review of federal funds that go to cities like portland and seattle where recent protests have turned violent or even deadly. the memo reads in part "my administration will not allow federal tax dollars to fund cities that allow themselves to deteriorate


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