tv Hannity FOX News September 8, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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>> thank you. >> we are out of time. it's been an action-packed show but we will be back tomorrow and every weeknight the show that is the sworn enemy of smugness and groupthink. have the best night. sean hannity takes over from here. >> sean: thank you and welcome to hannity. we begin tonight with the fox news alert. the president just capped off a very busy day on the campaign trail, a huge massive rally and crowd in winston-salem, north carolina. look at this crowd, look at winston-salem tonight. take a long look and ask yourself -- that's not at all the video i wanted to show. how many people feel this way about the week and the frail joe biden? earlier, the president also delivered a speech in jupiter, florida, where he was also met by massive crowds. meanwhile, joe biden spent today
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in his basement bunker doing nothing as per usual and we will have that in a minute. apparently, he needed to rest after a very rough weekend on the campaign trail. more weird gaffes and strange statements, more constant confusion. looked like a deer in the headlights. we will show you the worst moments from this weekend and a critical warning that the rest of the media mob won't tell you about and that is mail and voter fraud this coming from a democratic operative who organized and coordinated mail-in ballot voter fraud in many previous elections and later, brad knew disturbing video from this weekend's far left riots. first, we start with a very important observation about the 2020 race. 56 days from now. as we speak, there is nothing that i could otherwise describe as what is a sickening alignment among so many of the powerful
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elitist groups in this country. you have the democratic party 99.9%, week republicans come of the ones that always demanded if you are a conservative, you have to suck it up and support their candidates, the ones they preferred, you have all the deep state bureaucrats that desperately want trump out, so they can return to their nefarious deeds, than the 99.9% of the mob and the media, 99.9%. "new york times," "washington post," all of them for the most part, nearly every single solitary so-called cable news network, all fake news. every broadcast channel, abc, nbc, cbs and hollywood snobs and elitists and many pro athletes weird they all speak in one voice. all working on the one goal, one outcome on november the 3rd. they want to beat donald trump. now it's time for a hannity history lesson and what we call
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perspective because remember, i know for years have gone by fast but the same exact thing was happening four years ago in 2016, same groups all lined up against donald trump. they lasted donald trump's campaign, mocked him from running and all made the prediction he can't win, almost all of them said no chance of winning. they orchestrated the biggest smear campaign in history and you might remember some of this. >> donald trump has been saying he will run for president as a republican which is surprising because i assumed he was running as a joke. >> do it. just do it. look at me. do it. a campaign check now on behalf of this country which does not want you to be president but badly wants you to run. >> this man has got some momentum and we better be ready for the fact he might be leading
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the republican ticket. >> i know you don't believe that but i'm going to go on. >> a rich republican candidate has the best chance of winning the general election? >> of the declared ones right now, donald trump. [laughter] >> mr. trump, answer your call for political honesty. i just want to say you're not going to be president, all right? it's been fun. >> president obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the united states exclamation point. @realdonaldtrump, at least i will go down as a president. >> donald trump is a candidate for president of the united states. >> let me assure every person here, donald trump will not become president of the united states.
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>> can you imagine donald trump standing up one day and delivering a state of the union address? >> i can imagine in a saturday night skate. >> donald trump we project will win in kentucky with his eight electoral votes. kansas with its six electoral votes, nebraska, five electoral votes, utah, wisconsin, an improbable political journey with an astounding upset victory. >> we learned their collective opinions, predictions, were not only wrong, but they were all meaningless. here is a simple truth. the washington swamp will not decide the selection, neither will those hollywood snobs. the truth is, none of these people matter. they were opinions do not matter. fake news doesn't matter. the power rests with all of you. look at north carolina tonight. that's not the mob, that's not
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the swamp, that's not hollywood elites. that is you, week, the people. you will decide. you get to be the ultimate jerry and just 56 short days. you, the american people, we will decide on the future of this great country. the stakes have never been higher. by the way for informational purposes only on, we have an interactive map that shows you everything you need to know about where to vote in your district, when you get to register, when is the registration, windows early voting start, when does it end, and so much more. who was running for congress, is there a senate race in your state, be sure to check out for all the details and information you could ever want. this is the single most consequential election of our lifetime and the media, the mob, the democrats, hollywood elites and all of their allies are not telling you the truth.
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they've lied to you for four straight plus years and as we speak, they are turning a blind eye to the obvious and serious concerns about the whole country is talking about it, they talk about it behind closed doors, democrats even tell me. media mob people even tell me. joe biden's strength, stamina, alertness, mental acuity, they are all worried about it just like the riots. it's a myth, it's not happening. they are ignoring a walking disaster invited and they know it. they are so desperate to beat donald trump that they are willing to put this country literally in the position of supporting somebody who would be elected president at his, that is frail, that is obviously a candidate that is not up to the job, the hardest job in the entire world, president of the united states, leader of the free world. for example, during one virtual event on monday, biden struggled
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mightily to answer a question without a teleprompter. actually, with a teleprompter. take a look. >> i would like to know what will your administration do to help give us that chance? thank you. >> move it up here. there used to be a basic bargain in this country. workers shared in the wealth that work helped create. >> sean: last week, the biden town hall in kenosha, wisconsin, one person had to complain she was being forced to read off a written script. just think if this was donald trump, think for a minute. take a look. >> i was told to go off this paper, but i can't. we need the truth, and the truth of the matter is, we are heavily angry. not angry as to where people say
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they are protesting, it's a different between a protester and a rider. a very big difference. >> sean: the biden campaign should be ashamed of it if this was any republican, the media mob would have a field day and instead, they cover up the truth, act like reality is not happening. they have zero moral compass, intellectual honesty or curiosity. is such a disservice to you, we, the american people. is a dereliction of duty. now let's go back to the video i promised you earlier in the show. this is the president as the crowd in north carolina. i want you to take a deep long, hard look at this video. we are going to keep running in total. looked at this crowd and ask yourself good joe biden ever get a crowd like this this massive, this much energy on the ground because if you listen to the mob and the media and if you watch
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fake news broadcast news, they are corrupt to the core. they've been lying to the american people for four plus years. biden's campaign staff even preselected reporters during last week's brief so-called press conference. we all know why, the reason is obvious. when biden goes off script, disaster ensues. he needs a teleprompter to answer questions. he doesn't know at times what office he's running for, what day of the week he is or what positions family members have had. his struggles have become so bad the former white house stenographer is now speaking out warning us telling us the truth, the free beacon pointing out that he is not the same joe biden that his mental acuity having deteriorated. he is not the only person by the way hiding from the press. on monday, his radical extreme
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to the left of even bolshevik bernie sanders, kamala harris could not be bothered to take a single question. instead, she avoided reporters with one of her famous and awkward laughing fits. let's look at this crowd. look at that crowd. ask yourself, can joe biden get that crowd in winston-salem, north carolina, like the president did tonight? looks pretty big to me. anyway, watch her. >> i will pass it back over to you. take some questions before you get out of here. >> thank you. we are going to head out the same way we came. >> thank you, guys. >> sean: no questions, i can't do that. why she is left to bolshevik bernie, might have to answer why
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she doesn't support any choice for health care. it's no wonder the polls are turning in the president's favor. this includes the all-important state of florida, brand-new nbc poll has president trump tied with joe biden. yesterday, turned out in force, one of the largest boat parades we have ever seen and there's been a lot of big ones. notably, no biden parades that i've noticed around the country. that would be called an enthusiasm gap and in fact you'd be hard-pressed to find a large gathering of biden supporters like this anywhere. the contrast between the two campaigns is massive. look at these images from winston-salem where the president was on offense against his democratic challengers. take a look again. the mob won't show you this. take a look. >> joe biden devoted his career to off showing your jobs, filling open your borders, dragging us into endless foreign wars along with some of his other friends and surrendering
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our children's future to countries like china. very simple to remember. biden wins, china wins. you see these mobs all over the place, states and cities, democrat states, if the mobs win. >> sean: joining us now with a brand-new book liberal privilege, joe biden and the democrats defense of the indefensible, donald trump jr. prayer the reason why i wanted to do this history lesson is because all of the predictions by all the same people were all laughing at the idea that your dad was even running, that he can get the nomination, can beat 16 other well-known republicans and then win the general election against the clintons worried now i'm looking at tonight's crowds and saying donald trump jr., i would say there's a lot of enthusiasm for
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your dad. >> it feels pretty good and it sort of ironic those are the same people that out of 150000000 american democrats, joe biden who can't remember where he is 50% of the time is the best they've got. honestly, it would be sad if it wasn't so scary for our country. what's going on in that campaign, the inability to articulate a thought, the inability to do events without having to go back into his basement borough and hide and i don't mean to make light of cognitive decline has so many other people have pointed out. all you have to do is go back and look at a tape of him in the senate 20 years ago and realize it's not the same guy. i don't mean to make light of that. that's something that everyone knows someone who is dealing with an issue like that. we are just not trusting that person with the nuclear codes or trusting the person with our children's and our grand children's futures. that's what they are doing, doing it because joe biden is
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the perfect camouflage for the mainstream media to force their radical leftist agenda into middle america. they couldn't go to ohio and pennsylvania and say it's moderate joe but you're not a moderate with his platform, not a moderate with the people he's chosen to surround himself with but as to the enthusiasm gap, it was incredible. i was at the boat parade yesterday in florida. went for 20 miles. every restaurant on the water had people, hundreds of them. just look at my instagram page, cheering and screaming. the democrats are going to have to play a lot of games to pull the wool over the eyes of the american people with this one but they will. they are not bothering to set up a ground game, not bothering with constituents. they are staffing up lawyers so they can try to win this thing after election day and not on it. >> sean: we will talk about that in a second here. hillary clinton saying don't concede. then of course, "the daily beast" writing there's a whole resistance if they don't get the result that
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they want. it's a little scary that this is now the most radical mainstream party ticket in history. >> i wrote a book about it. it's pretty amazing. liberal privilege is basically what i did for four months during these government lockdowns where you couldn't go to work, church, or school. the lighting and routing, no problem. but since i am not going to go, i was able to look at his 50 years of failure. i was able to document all of these things that if donald trump did, they would be career ending. would be over whether it's brain surgeries, whether it's the disastrous trade policies supporting nafta, china's permanent status in the world trade organization. joe biden as a politician has probably done more damage to the american middle class and to american manufacturing than any other person alive and yet the media will allow him to run middle america like he will be
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the savior. you will be the savior of anything, why did he wait 50 years? why didn't he do this already? that the reality. when you have the mainstream media that refuses to be journalists and just wants to be activists, it creates a problem because all of the things that are biden's major flaws they don't have any interest in. took someone like me to sit there and look at this 50 year track record of failure. whether it's through his positions in government, through his family, the brother ran the government contract, minor details, never built a home before. these are things that would be huge news. >> sean: or the former klansman. >> if i did what hunter did, i would be in jail so we talk a lot about privilege these days. liberal privilege is the ability to be able to flip-flop on every major decision in your life but joe biden is the camouflage for the radical left. the media doesn't love
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joe biden. they think he's as incompetent as you and i think he is but he is a way to get kamala harris and bernie sanders and the rest of the squad and get their policies in there because those aren't his policies at this point. all of those suppose in moderate policies are out the window, endorsed the platform and this is a radical leftist agenda. they can sell to the american people as low it's not and the radical left loves it. the last six months has allowed them to accelerate their disastrous plans for america to lockdowns, through all the disasters we see in the media today and don't pretend t to be objective anymore and that's what we are up against and why we have to fight so hard. a guy like me shouldn't be the only person in america writing down what's going on about biden's history. people who weren't sure and around the fence, check out liberal privilege because it's all there and if we had on his journalist, i wouldn't have to
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do that job. >> sean: there protecting and defending the indefensible. your book is right. thank you. tonight, democrats continue to advocate for widespread mail-in ballots 56 days before an election don't seem to care about the risks of fraud and those possibilities. some completely deny that fraud even exists and they are once again lying to the american people. just like on russia, just like on obstruction and quid pro quo joe. they have been 1,285 proven cases of voter fraud in america. the state of new jersey, one city councilman, three others recently charged with a mail-in voter fraud scheme. it resulted in a new election, 2018, for cases caused two elections to be overturned and georgia's june primary, 1,000 people illegally voted twice in "the new york post" just
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conducted a shocking interview with a top democratic operative who spent a career committing voter fraud. mail-in voter fraud is a matter of fact. look at the post. he not only changed ballots himself over the years but lead teams of fraudsters and mentored at least 20 operatives in new york, new jersey, and pennsylvania. is this how you want the 2020 election decided because make no mistake, this is what the democrats are now pushing for. here with moore, former white house press secretary and fox news contributor ari fleischer along with mike huckabee. nearly 1,000 convictions would say is a real danger. >> it is a real danger and what we all have to fear on election night and states that have never done it before and now have ballot harvesting. that's the biggest problem out there. licensing people from the parties particularly the democrat party that does this go
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out and subject voters to possible intimidation. to collect votes from the republican area and not turn them in, round them up and turn them in. there is no accountability, no tracing or tracking on these violence, that's a real problem. the other just to be quick in states that have deadlines way too close to election day. he won't get it in time and all the lawyers are going to be empowered to demand every vote the ones that came in after election day. >> sean: i've seen a lot of elections in my lifetime, 33 years in radio and i'm in my 25th year here at fox. i've never seen an alignment of the left against one person more than this president. we sought in 2016. how do you read this? >> i think it's important to note that there is no enthusiasm whatsoever for joe biden. it's just that they hate donald trump and they want to do anything they can to keep him from being elected and frankly,
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they don't care who gets elected as long as it isn't donald tru donald trump. when he said, i think he's one of the most important and helpful people to the president, he is always spot on. >> sean: he's okay. we kind of like him. >> is a great guy. he's terrific. i love being on with him but i wanted to just mention. >> the check is in the mail. >> make it a big one. in the past, we worried about people voting from the graveyard. i have to be honest with you, there were times in arkansas used to say that if you can't get the cemetery vote, there's no way you can win. now it's not a matter of the people who are dead, it's a matter of how many people are going to vote more than once because they will get a ballot in a lot of places voting people from nursing homes and senior centers and all sorts of ways, and that's what i think we need to be worried about. donald trump has to have an army of people to go vote, and
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ideally go vote in person and if the river is flooding, swim the river at flood stage but do not sit this one out. >> sean: my advice is simple, poll watchers everywhere. double checking the signatures, lawyers everywhere. your thoughts? >> he also needs an army of lawyers. they will need an army of lawyers to go up against the democrat army of lawyers. i hate this because i went through the recount in 2000. is not good the country. take a look at what happened in the 2008 race between al franken and norm coleman. norm coleman won on election day and then through democrat lawyers, they start to engineer every kind of trick on the book that you can find, 25 precincts in minneapolis had more ballots cast than they were voters registered. and when it was brought to the attention of the judge looking at the recount, he said there's nothing we can do about it, it's
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too late. we can't on count those votes. donald trump by the republicans better have that army of lawyers ready to go toe-to-toe with the democrat lawyers who will try to change every rule in the book to give themselves the advantage. >> sean: 30 seconds and looking at life pictures of air force one at joint base andrews right there. governor? >> the simple thing is once again, this is one of the few times that i'm really going to be hoping for lots of lawyers. normally i think the fewer the better but in this case on election day, calling all lawyers who are fair-minded, hopefully republican, be on the lookout and stand up. >> sean: i don't want my lawyers to hear this but the only good one is at the bottom of the ocean, ouch. protesters continue to harass people literally stealing their drinks while they are dining. this should shock the conscience
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investigating all of this. remember, this is the behavior they wouldn't criticize. democrats even ignored what was happening, denied it for months. this is the behavior of the anarchists, the mob, the media told you it didn't exist. up in rochester in new york, it gets even worse. protesters they are turned chaotic last friday in response to troubling body cam footage being released in the daniel prude case. again, look at your screen. rioters descending onto a restaurant to harass innocent diners before later marching directly in the neighborhoods and according to reports, trying to enter an apartment building. was a scene of complete lawlessness and total anarchy. it's been going on over 100 days now. just breaking come of the city's entire police command staff including the police chief are leaving, they are retiring. can of you blame the heroes, you
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are prevented from doing their jobs and they are unfairly demonized and subject to vicious assaults, and this is happeningn every big liberal city and state across the country. we will continue following all these stories, the new extreme left is so unhinged, so out of touch, so dangerous even, al sharpton is sounding the alarm and having his election year conversion 66 days out of the election. obviously al sharpton is looking at the same folding data and on the same focus groups that scared cnn's fake news don lemon. in not doing it because they believe it, but doing it because we may lose because of it. take a look. >> i got a lot of attention when i did the eulogy for george floyd's funeral but i also would for one of the kids in brooklyn who was killed by a stray bullet. to take all policing off is something i think a lot of
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liberals may go for as they sit around the hamptons discussing this at some academic problem but people living on the ground need proper policing. >> sean: 1-year-olds, 7-year-olds, other teenagers, 19-year-olds in the summer of love zone, only singing this tune at this point because they know biden is collapsing, america is watching. let me be clear. the violence you are seeing playing out on city streets is what you can view as a preview of coming attractions. in other words, if joe biden is elected president. they get their way in november. this is part of their radical agenda and part of the radical base. they are already laying the groundwork for even more election chaos. our left groups are getting ready for "a massive public on the rest if they don't like the election result on november 3rd.
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other liberal activists are setting the stage for a ballot bonanza and that could tie it up for litigation for weeks if not months and they just care about themselves on their agenda and don't forget back in august, we learned in election war game scenario refusing to concede the race. hillary clinton recently said that biden should refuse to concede even after losing. an op-ed in the washington compost's haying americans should prepare to war if biden doesn't win in a landslide. ththe m.o. of radical status, socialists around the globe if they don't get their way, "the daily beast" laying out plans for progressive groups to sew even more division, more chaos if biden loses. buckle up because democrats are making it clear, they intend to drag this out for as long as possible and so was much chaos as possible from now until november and beyond.
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here with reaction, leo terrel, fox news contributor dan bongino. i happen to believe in law and order and the peaceful transition of power. seems to me donald trump wins by a landslide, people have other plans in place. >> first of all, everything you just showed, i'm embarrassed to have been a democrat this year. i'm embarrassed and i apologize. what has gone on in pittsburgh is just unbelievable. doesn't make a difference what you were color is. they are attacking black people, attacking americans and they don't have a reason to do so. they are not even fit to be criminals. in rochester as a black mayor and a black police chief. systemic discrimination? where? from who? i would hope every police chief just resign, leave these democratic left-leaning cities, put al sharpton in charge. he is trying to talk again now.
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put al sharpton as a police chief because these individuals are hurting american citizens. they went for that same guy, i saw all the video. we only have one choice because these democrats have just made a deal with the devil. these left-wing criminals who don't register to vote, who don't care are trying to burn our cities down, it's an embarrassment to be a democrat. >> sean: put up the video we just aired, people eating outside, finally people want to be able to dine, get life back to normal. with bullhorns and neighborhoods, get out of our house, that's my room, get out now when other people own those homes. >> i've got to tell you, i think this segment you're doing it now not because i'm on it but the content you're covering is probably the most important segment you have done in the
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long time. what you're seeing right now is going to be "sesame street" after the election of donald trump wins. you may say oh, my gosh, i'm sure the left wing lunatic watchers love to check conspiracy theories. i encourage you to read and to look at the left's own material and what they plan to do after election day. you think this chaos is bad now? here's a little homework. i want you to look up the transition integrity project run by rosa brooks who you just had up in your segment there. i want you to look up who she is affiliated with and it will open your eyes. they are planning for your words, not mine, this is in the event that joe biden loses. they are planning for a street fight after the election. just to be clear in case you're thinking people throw that term around a lot, they are very clear they don't mean a legal one. they say a street fight, not a legal one and the very same sentence. ladies and gentlemen, this is a
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group of supposedly liberal intellectual elitists telling you about the chaos they want to plan. combine that with hillary clinton saying don't concede under any circumstances and another project, check out defeat this info. that's another leftist group. do you know what they're doing? using people like stanley mcchrystal and others, military and people experienced in attacking foreign governments and sewing uncertainties overseas using the same tactics right here. don't take my word for it, just look up with the group is actually doing. go do that homework tonight and you will be stunned you are witnessing a proposed coup with your very eyes right now. not my words, this is what they are proposing. >> people are being hurt right now, we have no choice, we have to vote for donald trump. they are too extreme, period. >> sean: we give you absolution, leo.
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you're okay. >> on one of these republican lawyers now for the president. i'm a lawyer. i can help the president. >> sean: they're going to need them based on what they're saying. coming up, another example proves just how hypocritical san francisco officials are when it comes to covid restrictions. nancy pelosi and the mayor of los angeles widely mocked this weekend after suggesting his residence turn off major appliances, rolling blackouts. would call that? a preview of joe biden's america god forbid he is elected straight ahead.
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garcetti was mocked for a tweet urging residents to conserve energy amid rolling and massive blackouts. the tweet reads in part "it's almost 3:00 p.m. time to turn off major appliances. set your thermostat to a whopping 78 degrees or he was a fan instead of an air conditioner. turn off excess lights. turn off any appliances you are not using" otherwise, a preview of coming attractions under biden while his plan goes further than the green new deal, trillions he is committed in san francisco, the government buildings have been allowed to stay open despite privately owned gyms being forced to stay close due to covid. this is nancy pelosi san francisco but the speaker ignore the states coronavirus restriction to get her hair done and accuse the salon owner of a conspiracy theory and setting her up. here with reaction, nationally syndicated radio host, larry
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elder and dave rubin. rolling blackouts, open borders, higher taxes, no more energy independence, appeasing anarchists and a candidate i would describe as a cognitive decline to say it mildly, but there you go. >> besides all that, usually pretty decent when it's not. you can put all that stuff aside. right now while he is telling us to put our thermostats to 78, my office and studio is at a cool 68, your other guests, you are welcome to come here and chill out. so consistent with everything that progressives do. eric garcetti, you are my mayor and welcome to come in here and i will ask you these questions face-to-face but what have you done for the power grid and done anything turning on fans and unplugging appliances, things
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that we know that you when gavin newsom won't do yourselves and they're telling us to do, what have you done to make sure the grid can keep us and it is so cal and it does get hot occasionally. >> sean: you live in southern california. i would think 78 degrees this kind of hot. >> it is kind of hot and to follow up on what dave said, here is the end result of living in a one-party state. there isn't a single republican, the democrats don't have just majorities in the assembly. they have super majorities so they don't need to show up to go to work and they were not invested in the power grid. forget about building power plants in the idea of nuclear completely off the chart and as a result, we have fuel prices higher than they otherwise would be and guess who this will hurt? the very low income people that these environmentalists claim that they care about.
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regarding the 78 degrees, i live in hollywood hills. would not get anything under it even though i had it on because of the inefficiencies here. so it didn't matter. in >> sean: but they are saying no more oil, no more gas, it's in writing. the bolshevik burning biden manifesto. >> that's right, they are basically telling us we don't know how to govern so you will have to cut back on the american way of life. that's not to say we should all be wasting resources endlessly but we all should be able to go about our lives in the way we've always gone about it and since we have a one-party system in effect here in california, when you ask the average californian something is wrong here and then you remind them that the governors on the state assembly men on the the mayors are all democratic, you have to get that light to go off in their head
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and didn't have to change something here. >> sean: if they make and in-n-out burger too hot, it'll kill me when i go out there. >> it's only going to get worse. right now, 30% of our energy has to come from renewable sources and in ten years, goes up to 60%. whether or not it's cost-effective, 60%. >> sean: thank you both. sarah sanders, got to give her credit, something i wouldn't bother doing. went on the view today and couldn't take it when setting the record straight about the president's accomplishment. that great moment straight ahe ahead. it was just a get together with friends. no big deal.
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>> sean: sarah sanders, great courage today going on the view as some of the cohost didn't want to hear any of it when sarah spoke about the mob violence, democratic run cities for decades. too much for joyless to handle. take a look. >> the worst places we have these problems are where democrats have been allowed to lead. we are finally starting to clean this mess up, starting to make things better. this is a president who has empowered the african-american community. we have the lowest unemployment for black americans, historic funding, opportunity zones. >> it's only an hour show. >> sean: here and now come off a brand-new book just out today, speaking for myself, faith, freedom, and the fight for our lives inside the trunk white house. fox news contributor sarah sanders. i don't know how you did your job as press secretary.
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i don't know how kayleigh mcenany does it. couldn't pay me all the money in the world but then you take it to the view, really? a lot of courage there. and i didn't like it very much when i reminded them as i was talking about the problems of all these major cities who was the one that was leading those major cities? it was very interesting that they started naming off all the accomplishments and all the things that the president has done to empower the black community, they quickly cut me off and it was time to move on. let's not forget that one of the hosts of that show actually called the president a terrorist despite the fact -- >> sean: which one was that? i probably missed that. >> the one you called joyless. yes. despite the fact that the president did the last four
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years wiping the most dangerous terrorist off the face of the pe definition of hypocrisy and they've decided that they hate this president more than they love this country and it has never been more evident than the fact that they can't be happy about the positive things that this president has done to help all americans particularly black americans across this country. >> sean: i look at the enthusiasm in north carolina tonight, and i don't see that for joe biden. i look at the accomplishments, they can't acknowledge a single thing donald trump has done well because biden and obama didn't set record low unemployment, didn't do opportunity zones, joe's record on race, 13 million more americans on food stamps, 8 million more in poverty, the lowest participation rates and see '70s and then the iranian deal, 150 billion. i don't think that's a good
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record to run on. >> not at all and if you don't believe me, just listen to joe biden during the primaries, actually pointed out how bad joe biden's record was when it came to race relation during his almost five decades in public service. he has done nothing and almost 50 years to help black americans. why should we expect him to do that now? the contrast is clear and donald trump needs to be reelected in november. >> sean: and bringing us inside the white house on the real donald trump read i read the book cover to cover this weekend. well done,,, bookstores everywhere. more after this. even if you're on a statin? statins may lower some risks, but may not be enough. that's why science delivered vascepa. for people who have persistent cardiovascular risk factors and take a statin only vascepa is clinically proven to provide 25% lower risk
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