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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  September 10, 2020 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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target, books a million,rn barnes & noble, you name it. we do a virtual town hall tomorrow with newt gingrich. 53 days as of midnight tonight, two hours from now, you are the ultimate jury. let not your heart be troubled.d laura ingraham is standing by. >> laura: giant numbers last night. congratulations. congratulations being the number one show and all of television in august. congratulations. >> sean: this only happens for one reason. the american people make that happen. >> laura: you bet. >> sean: the ultimate number one for me. i'm not sick of winning, laura. in 54 days, the stated agenda of biden, kamala, and company scare the hell out of me because it'll destroy everything. >> laura: we are back at it.
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i'm having a flashback from 2016 when you and i were the only ones -- >> sean: it was you, i, and newt. >> laura: people arere now saying that i always knew in 2016 trump was going to win. let's drop that pretense. great show tonight. >> sean: laura, take it away. >> laura:ra this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. in moments congress in moments candace only tell us what the congressional black caucus tells us about. first, dems declare war on the that's the focus of tonight angle. does joe biden look like he's having fun to you? >> it seems to me that there are things, things can and should change. for the first time, unions are
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respected more. >> down like my was around the general motors factory. he didn't own it, he ran it. >> down like everything that was done has been designed -- you know, wall street investors didn't built this country. we are down with how many days left? this slow joe... i shouldn't laugh about it. >> laura: okay, that's just from the last few days. yshe kind of reminds me of an elderly person who is being dragged around by relatives to events he neither has the energy nor the interest.
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this road flares and backers want the rest of us to be neutral too. pelosi, schumer, cuomo, de blasio, mayor ted wheeler in portland, mayor lori lightfoot in chicago. how much joy have they been spreading lately? >> sad times. so much going on. my state of california, then we had the sadness of kenosha. >> republicans are the enemy of the good. >> we don't want them here. t we have and ask them here. we want them to leave. >> any school that goes over 119 covid-19 positive cases are going to be close down the do remote learning. >> at some point all of these characters pulling the strings in the biden puppet show, theyep forgot our declaration of independence guarantees not just life and liberty, but also the pursuit of happiness. those rights are available.e, meaning government can't take them away or shouldn't be able to take them away.
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yet everywhere you looking blue state america, they are trying to keep you from living, from exercising your freedom, from deciding your own path to happiness. sorry.ou unless you are rioting against trump andem systemic racism, in which case you are free to set fires, beat people up, harassed diners and restaurants, or harass suburbanites as they sleep. i actually remember when california was r fun. under liberal gavin newsomth though, they've gone from surfing usa to shut in usa. remember the hustle and bustle of new york city? broadway, the gallows, the hopping restaurant scene? how they treat everyone like children and ground us for absolutely no reason at all.
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these super spreaders of despair absolutely hate the fact that americans inns red states refusd to submit and are choosing to live their lives to go to school, to play sports come out to go to work and attend church on sunday. the latest lie of the anti-fun coalition is a study that the sturgis motorcycle rally last knot south dakota wasa a reckles covid spreading event that resulted in 250,000 cases when in reality and state officials could only trace 260 cases to the biking event. an egregious and oft repeated lie goes unchecked. the media, they don't care about pesky facts and irritating and inconvenient data. they merely exist to echo these kind of malicious falsehoods to damage trump and his allies. they do all they can to ensure that funding is no longer an option for americans. so why are they doing this?
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because it's the opposite of trump's plan. just look at how much funds be trump and his voters were having tonight. >> opened up your state, madam governor. open up your state. tell your governor to open up your state! let's play big ten football, right? does anybody want to have somebody from antifa as a member and resident of your suburb? i don't think so. darling, who moved in next door? oh, it's a resident of antifa. let's get out of here. >> laura: when you looked at the faces in the crowd, these people were there because they wanted the freedom to pursue
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their own happiness. they were enjoying themselves. but democrats, they hate this scene. people living their lives. they want to make all your decisions for you. it's all about power and all about control. they have worked hard to shut down schools, shutdown sports, and they proclaim now that football is not essential. parents, players in connecticut, my own home state disagree. >> let us play! let us play! >> laura: the high schoolers and parents decided enough wasto enough and delivered a powerful message to liberal governor ned lamont. it's too bad they can't all move texas. we will talk about that issue later on in the show. the l.a. counter belmont county health director gave up the entire game of what they are doing with schools, and this
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audio recording of when schools might see in person learning again. >> we anticipate that we are moving either to tear two at least until after the election. it seemsio to us more realistic approach to think that we would be here where we are now until after the >> laura: can you believe that? they are now admitting -- he probably didn't know that we get broadcasted, they admit this is all about politics. i hope you in l.a. are happy with your leader. while we believe though in the pursuit of happiness, they believe in the pursuit of guilt. both sides believe in sin, i guess, but only one side
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believes in forgiveness. god may forgive you, but aoc never will. remember the old '80s film classic? >> how did you account for the proliferation these days, it's obscene! rock 'n' roll music with its gospel of easy sexuality and relaxed morality. >> laura: hollywood was portraying a middle american christian town as anti-fun, anti-dancing. it's liberal governors like michigan's gretchen whitmer and a bigme biden ally, no large gatherings. keep your distance, kids. 6 feet, 8 feet, 10 feet. pretty much everything in theld left's ideal world comes with a lecture these days. kids, let's watch the local sports team! >> i think i'm just embarrassed as a white person.
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speak on behalf of the national football league... >> this is what us players like to say... >> we ca condemn racism and thei systematic oppression of black people. >> it hard to understand because i'm white. i have white privilege. >> laura: let's go see a show or maybe a movie. >> his instinct is always to stoke the fires of racism and bigotry and xenophobia. >> i'din expect this kind of white house to say anything to heal the nation. he's incapable of doing that. >> laura: let's read "harry potter." >>ot went on to encourage fans f harry potter not to let rowling's comments to ruin the series for him. ten now that people feel the expense of the books tarnished or diminished, deeply sorry for the pain this comment has caused you. >> laura: they are even going after j.k. rowling!
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who are these people to lecture us on anything? they lost most moral authority on most issues and they've done so for instance when they sell communist chinese party where they became fanatics for abortion and gender morphing. joe biden tethered himself to the new church of radicalism which seeks to enforce its dogma on america by any means necessary. imagine being audited by biden's bureau of cancellation and condemnation? it's coming. we can't give them that power. it'd be absurd. right now you can escape new york and california and move to free states were you can retain your freedom to define your own happiness. under president biden though, there will be no escape. e only fun free domination. and that is the angle. as part of a left campaign to punish americans, senate democrats today blocked another much-needed covid relief bill. democrats want you to feel the
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pain might choke you off from all relief all the way until the election. here to respond is house minority leader kevin mccarthy. congressman, the anti-fun party, the democrats always want to s portray themselves as the anti-prudes, they will let you be free and determine your own destiny. but that isut completely out the window in these blue states including your own. >> i see it every day. what's interesting is they don't want anybody to have fun or do anything but they don't want to live by those rules.n you watch nancy pelosi, no one can get their hair done but her. watch governor pritzker of illinois, no one can go anywhere but his wife. in michigan, the governor says you can put the boats in but hee husband wants to. you hit it on the head tonight. if you believe tomorrow is going to be better than today, they won't allow you to be in the democrat party. they want to make sure everything is shut down until after the election. some how science works after
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that. but what the democrats did today, the people have to understand, yes. >> laura: i want to ask you and get y to your point, sorry o you.rupt i first want to get your comment on that just unearth audio from our friends over at kfi radio. barbara pereira in l.a. county, the health director d there, thy say that schools conceivably cannot open until after the election. how do you tie covid to the election unless it's all political at this point? >> once the election passes, science will say covid goes away inside her mind. i don't understand that. they don't believe in this and ifng you watch everything has to stay shut down until the election. but what's the sad part is, joe biden will continue to shut everything down and if you watch what he's doing, look at what the democrats did today, the majority in the senate voted to
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pass hb 26 bill to help america. but the democrats despise this president so much, they'd rather see america suffer then see the president succeed at something so they are going to bring more pain on this country just because they despise him. what'ses interesting, remember what they called us last time? deplorables. now they believe we are enemies of the state. it's not just you, it's me, everyone who believes in the pursuit of happiness and you watch the contrast between the president's rally and four people sitting around joe biden. which america do you want to live in? >> laura: congressman, tonight was in his own.rg he gets his energy off of crowds. this was the best rally i've seen and i don't know how long. all year, for sure. he was having fun from a very substantive on china, nafta, which biden has lied about again today. it was very substantive yet very
11:15 pm i think people want to see that joy again from their political leaders. common sense on the virus and the economy and foreign policy. we are supposed to have freedom to pursue our own happiness. the democrats want to shut that down. >> if you put that rally up with the round with joe biden and put no sound from a people can pick easily where they want to be. joe biden has been in washington more than 47 years. this is a true fact. joe biden has been in washingtor for so long. when you first serve in the senate he was serving with people who were born in the 1800s. he claims president bush tricked him voting for nafta? that was a lie because it was bill clinton and he voted for it. he said he opposed tracking, and though he supports it. he doesn't know where he is at any given time. >> laura: we thought john kerry was a flip-flopper in the 2004 election.
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this takes flip-flopping to a new level. we actually have the videotape.e republicans trying to get relief to the american people. democrats don't want to givet t to them. thank you for explaining it to all of us tonight. great to see you. and while joe biden's mental decline is painfully clear, is there a better way to campaign against the former vp question mike my next guest says there is. a fact for nearly 50 years biden has been playing working-class americans for fools. so he will happily slap people on the back, but when he's back in d.c., well, he snuggles up to the lobbyists and the political hacks the end of destroying the livelihood of the middle class and shipping those jobs to china. joining me now is nash desousa, conservative author and filmmaker and the producer of two films coming out in two weeks, "infidel," and "be a five
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card." did nash, focusing on biden's graft, the mental decline, but the actual record is well-established. >> we tend to focus on his mental incompetence which is very visible and obvious to see, over most of his career, biden has actually in the area of corruption demonstrated great confidence. this confidence is how hey orchestrates the corruption. everywhere he went under the obama years, he would take a family member with him. his brother frank biden, his other brother james biden, his son hunter biden. he tookit james biden with him o iraq and james biden got a contract on the federal contract, till build 100,000 homes in iraq. $1.5 billion. then biden was made point man by
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obama for costa rica. he went to costa rica, his brother frank biden was in tow. frank biden subsequently got green energy deal contracts even though none of these guys have any experience in these areas. when vice president biden went to china, he took hunter biden. while biden was having official meetings, hunter biden making deals with the chinese government worth $2 billion to the shanghai free-trade zone to get all sorts of investments in the chinese economy includingin buying american companies and moving american jobs from places like michigance to china. so this is the actual long track record of corruption that has created gargantuan wealth for the bidens. >> laura: here's what they had to say about joe biden's son hunter. >> revealed that partly owned by biden son hunter biden. a leading chinese military defense contractor.
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biden spent his entire career selling michigan jobs to china. and the biden family got paid a lotnd of money. >> laura: isn't that the kind of story that needs to be told and retold? >> i i think it's critically important. biden knows he's under disclosure requirements. when you get a foreign contract, he's going to disclose it. but there are no disclosure requirements for family members. long-standing practice of extending deals to family members in exchange for favorable treatments from foreign leaders. biden recognizes this, sarah typically became a part of it. this is a powerful theme that the trump campaign should look at in the days leading up to the election. >> laura: finally on nafta, a very telling exchange between jake tapper and joe biden. his initial support of nafta, watch. >> when you ran for president
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and when barack obama ran for president, you both said you would renegotiate nafta. you didn't. he did. does he deserve credit for that? >> he's not the one who pushed that particular one to pass. the house amended the bill. >> so he would negotiate a nafta and you didn't is the point. >> we have a republican congress -- >> the usmca is better than nafta. >> it is better than nafta. >> laura: ten seconds. >> here you have a guy, joe biden, who quite frankly doesn't know where he is. he floats around, he goes with whatever position he opportunistically thinks he needs to say, but i think behind what he's saying, the brain is at this point completely a fog. >> laura: thanks so much. i'm going to expose the faces of real privilege, those who arero destroying our cities. plus a new generation of radicals taking over the congressional black caucus. candace owens tells us what it
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really means. up next.
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♪ >> white americans are >> white americans are waking up to thehe privilege that they hae that this is not right. >> will you stop your privilege to get in the way to work with us, for our liberation?
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>>im i want them to a road that privilege throughout their life. >> i want you to meet one of the products of that kind of woke upbringing. her name is clara claver my a white 20-year-old her parents a former columbia university professor own and $1.8 millionll new york city home and a second one in connecticut. reportedly attends rice university where tuition, room and board, a whopping $65,000 a year. nearly 60% more than the average black family makes in a year. all of which clara apparently reviled because she's decided to help black lives matter marxists trashed new york city in the name of racial justice. how does vandalizing businesses actually help black americans? i doubt even a committed and are cast like clara the answer to that? all she seems to know is that
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she needs to atone for her privilege by destroying america. and she's not alone. the left has a long, illustrious history of convincing rich college educated kids to go out c and commit crimes. what do today's revolutionaries look like? nypd released mug shots of clara and six other of her comrades a arrested last week and after allegedly going at us though front window smashing spree in the flatiron district. five of clara's partners in crime reportedly also have played really privileged backgrounds. he was charged with rioting and possession of a graffiti instrument. then there is a 20-year-old student at the 72 year $72,000 college sarah lawrence.
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got to make sure she can instagram all the storefronts she's masses. there is this fashion model, spent the summer in europe. how lovely. and finally there is elliott rucker, son of tv writers both who have tv deals. do they sound like revolutionaries to you or just privileged poorly educated kidsh hell-bent on punishing the rest of the country over this concept they learned of white guilt? they didn't get this way on their own of course. they are the product of bad parenting, bad schooling, and ao poisonous ideology that's been propagated by the left b for decades. one that for many years has peddled the idea that america is a vile, racist, and irredeemable country that needs to be torn down and remade. and now, we are seeing the fruits of the left labor of ha hate.
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and speaking of radical extremists, there is a rising generation of far left democrats taking over the congressional black caucus? really? one of them is congressional candidate cory cori bush, she unseat lacy clay in last month's primary. after her win, she has this message for her future colleagues . >> we have to expand the squad. we are bringing, you know, a different flavor, aggressive values, standing what we belie believe, and we are bringing our experiences. >> laura: here to walk us i through all that means and the up evil that it will cause, candace owens, founder of the black set blexit movement and author of "the black out." the squad is getting a lot of people wins in these primary contests throughout america.
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>> the civil war wages on and the far left is winning. the perfect bedtime story. first they came for donald trump and the republicans and the democrat party leaders cheered. then they came for our border patrol officers and their democratic leaders cheered. they turn around and come for the police officers, and now they areey going after for the democrat party leaders themselves and they don't know what to do and that's because they are realizing that this is not the party of equality. this is the party of entitlement. kids live through absolutely nothing but want absolutely everything and they are ready to take it by any means necessary. rioting, looting, burning things down from acting like toddlers. this is what happens when youli can vandalize an entiree generation of young voters. in my opinion, they are reaping what they should sow. >> laying out his agenda on msnbc back in june. >> we need action similar to the
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new deal that was fomented by fdr. our democracy cannot be healthy and thrive at this level of racism and economic equality existing within all of america's institutions. >> laura: candace, bowman says w that joe biden is aligned with these views. is he? >> absolutely. joe biden is going to say whatever he can to get elected. even though it's the exactt opposite of what he did the day before pit he'll align themselves with the radicals just like nancy pelosi lines up in line with these radicals, like joe schumer aligns with the radicals until they wake up and the radicals do not want the moderates. we are watching a literalap civil war happening amongst the democrat party and they are not going to recognize his party by the end of this election. there are a bunch of politicalge refugees that don't know what this party is and what it stands for and let me tell you i believe that in november all of those people are going to be voting for donald j. trump.
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>> laura: the corporate money, candace, pouring into black lives matter? that is helping fund all of this. >> o where is the money going? nobody can answer the question. when you donate to black lives matter, billions and billions of dollars, where does the money go? there is no campus, school, office, corporate structure, how do they raise billions and not be forced to tell you where the money is going? it's suspicious. we have an idea of where it's going. we don't know why people why people are able to protest nine to five, >> laura: it so great to see you. come back soon. why is the media not telling the truth of what's going on with covid in europe? we are going to tell you. high school players and studen students, one of the players and
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his dad are here with me next.
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♪ >> would you be prepared >> would you be prepared to shut this country down again? t >> i would do whatever it takes to save lives. we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus. >> so if the scientists are saying shut it down? i would shut it down. >> laura: the idea that more lockdowns are the answer tod covid is a discredited fever dream. case in point, the little reported news that the european union has become the world's coven covid hot spot. reported 27,233 new cases compared to just 26,015 in the u.s. as you can see in the charts here, europe's caseload is clearly climbing while ours is in decline. joining me now is phil kerpen, president of the committee to unleash prosperity. there is a couple of issues here
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but the left held up europe and its 90% lockdown as this paradigm of how it should be done and biden went on to basically echo what europe did and promised lockdowns in the future. what would that do at this point to get control of covid? >> it would have zero benefit in terms of controlling the spread of the disease and it would be economically devastating yet again. that should clearly be the thing with europe, the hard lockdown was worth it even though they have mass devastation and you look and you say, nope, the case of one right back up anyway. it accomplished nothing for all that it cost. >> laura: when you look at the world, their website, deaths in europe, not just in the deathszo in places like arizona and texas seem to come close to herd immunity, not close to herd immunity, they are very low when it comes to the peak.
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every death is traffic, we mourn every loss of life.e. that hospitalization rate, is that the news question marks because that's the good news, has much lower morbidity then we saw what the wave in march and april. that's certainly a huge, huge positive. i think that's related to the fact that they are not in lockdown, they aren't in panic, they don't have mass anxiety and disarray and people overflowing in the hospitals with fear and anxiety and putting put on ventilators when they shouldn't be or other mistakes being made. i think the president was right that you want to stay calm in a mcrisis and not panic and it. seems to me we have the worst possible response in both europe and the u.s. when we are locking down and in disarray and handling things much, much better now without that. >> laura: barbara pereira who is the l.a. county health director was caught on tape at a conference call with nurses from various schools and other officials when she was pressed about when schools could reopen.
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she says, oh, it's not conceivable until after the election. how is that a metric for determining when schools should open? what does that show us about all of this? >> that's the most honest health official in americam because all of them are using this poor politics. extremely damaging to children, we are punishing and harming the people least at risk of statistically viewer risk, no greater risk in school than they would be at home. more risks from flu, they were punishing them, why, other than to paralyze society and try tos, score political points. the only difference between that health official and all the ones doing the same thing is she didn't know you were supposed to say it. >> laura: all these places, all these schools should be open five days a week. i i think it's child abuse. i'm going to say it's child abuse. thank you so much. i really appreciate it.
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as i mentioned in my angle, the left doesn't want you to have any fun at all. the latest example, the decision by the connecticut interscholastic athletic conference distance cancel high school football despite a huge decline with big cases in may. only 85 new infections were reported in the entire state ofo connecticut yesterday and zero deaths. givenn these numbers, it's not surprising what happened next. high school players, coaches, and parents stormed the state capital. it's about time to demand a football season. >> let us play! let us play! let us play! >> laura: joining me now is one of the players who kick started this entire movement. senior at louisville high school and his father greg, there are those whosh will say football is
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an essential. if there is any risk of any spread, there is too much risk and you shouldn't go back on the field. what do you say to them? >> football is essential to many players all around the country. it helps you with your mental health, it's good stress relief. it's really a brotherhood. you can't really take away something like that from the kids. >> laura: greg, we have breaking news tonight that the governor perhaps heard you all and he is scheduling a meeting tomorrow with officials to re-examineia when sports can opn inin the state. we hope that decision is in your favor. i used to play field hockey and softball and basketball in high school in glastonbury so i know how important sports are two young people. but what do you say to parents across the country who have been silent in the face of this lockdown of sports?
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>> just like anything else in today's world, you've got to voice your opinion. everyone has comments, concerns. i dressed it in michigan,ig addressed it about a month ago and they were able to get their state overturned and reinstate the game of football. >> josh, you are a senior. i assume you want to go on the college. how does this affect you and other players's ability to play at the collegiate level if you can't play football thisve fall? >> well, my senior year will be a great year to get added film. obviously the junior year is the most important year. i already handle all my business in terms of b that. but we are deafly looking to get some added film and help my chances playing college. for all the juniors in my school and all around the state, they were looking to get their recruiting classes started. >> laura: everyone across the i know you know this.
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if you are the parent of a student athlete, that just requires so much dedication and we should be encouraging more of that. not less of it. greg, final thoughts? >> there are ways to mitigate it. we reporting it today. it's less than 5% to my kids should be back to school 500%. they should be back playing sports. all the students, all the s athletes, they are masking up, they are practicing social distancing. football has the most gear out of all contact sports. >> laura: gentlemen, there is risk info football, there is rik in any sport, there is risk in life. i couldn't be more proud of you, josh, for helping spearhead this effort in my old home state. i hope everyone across the country is buoyed by what you b did and i hope for a good result for you. go louis mills. you guys take care.
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>> thank you, laura. >> laura: a wounded army vet is demanding democrats to stop using his image to prop up their anti-trump ads. he joins me in moments with an "the ingraham angle" exclusive. you do not want to miss this. get your real hair back! see results in as little as 4 months! with the ext program from hair club! clinically proven to regrow your hair! even forrest griffin turned to hair club! - hair club presented me a bunch of personal options that are directly tailored to my needs and my actual head. i wish i came in a couple years ago! - [announcer] call or go online for your free consultation, plus a $250 digital gift card toward any qualifying hair club program.
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>> stop using me for your >> stop using me for your propaganda, for your agenda. i don't know what trump said but i'm sure he didn't call me a h loser. i c didn't hear him call me a loser. stop using my image. >> laura: the man you just saw is bobby hemline, an iraq war vet who did four tours of duty and is the lone survivor of an iud blast in 2007. you would think his admirable, heroic service would earn them some respect from the left. instead they are using him as a pawn to try to hurt the president by pushing a widely disputed story pushed by the "atlantic" that the president made disparaging remarks about our wounded warriors. what bothers you the most out of all this, the democrats usinghe your image without the consent, or the fact that they attacked the president with that? >> there's so much to this.
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with out the consent, attacking the president with lies, it's wrong in so many different waysw you know, this is mental health awareness month, september, we talk about 22 veterans a day killing themselves. they don't know who that was that they used in the image. what if i was out in a depressed month isolated because of covid, my ptsd kicking in, depressed about life. i'm looking at social media, and i see that the president called me a loser. how am i going to take that? i'm already in a depressed mood. they don't know what that situation the veteran is in and they just throw the picture out like that and they do not know how it's going to affect them for they could've been a veteran who just killed themselves last week. here they just reminding the family about it and you threw it out there using it as a prop.
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have been many things wrong with it. i'm glad they got my face out there. it- is not something i want to do. and i'm not a political person, i'm not a man of fancy words. it's wrong to do that type of thing and we've got to get it to stop and that's my main purpose. you look on there. if you see a post like that and that person's name, they aren't getting tagged in there? most likely they aren't knowing abouton it. do not share that stuff. w >> we are going to keep this -- i want people to continue to see you and the images of your tours and your heroism, but i have toa ask you, tammy duckworth herself aa wounded vet, a hero in her on right, responded to the bogus t allegations against trump. watch. >> apparently i too am a loser and a sucker in trump's group, he doesn't understand honor and
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duty and loyalty because he himself has never displayed those type of actions himself and his own personal conduct. it is shameful that he is the commander in chief of this military. >> laura: a lot of folks out there taking tammy duckworth's words as gospel. >> no, don't. i mean, the sources are anonymous. stop right there. don't spread the lies anymore. if they wanted to come come out as true, this is -- nobody is coming out and saying that. even general kelly's assistant says the words weren't true. >> laura: we are going to continue with you next week on the mental health awareness issue. thank you so much for joining us tonight and thank you. >> appreciate it. thank you.
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>> donald trump gave >> donald trump give supporters in michigan a rare glimpse of his soft side.
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[crowd chanting. >> don't say that, i will start to cry, that wouldn't be good for my image, you don't want to see me cry. >> it is okay to show that side of you. it's quite charming. that is all-time we have tonight. shannon bream, take it from here. >> we will have more highlights from that coming up. the president may take executive action to move forward with coronavirus relief after senate democrats blocked the latest remind package offered by republicans. what is next for the white house? sarah sanders joins us at the white house. a judge has just barred a amaga church from services. trump campaign legal eagle genitalis will join us live. we are


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