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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  September 15, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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as we mentioned we were planning to bring you joe biden in florida, he was going to take the stage at 6:30, it's now almost 8:00. that is "the story." we will get you there tomorrow. good night, everybody. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." it's one of the deepest paradoxes of the moment that we are living in. all of a sudden nobody believes anything and yet nobody is allowed to ask questions about anything. so in a moment like this it's worth reminding ourselves that skepticism is the essence of science. scientists challenge every assumption, they test every hypothesis. scientists believe nothing until they can prove it. the scientific method doesn't just occur israel was questioning of everything, it requires that. scientists who simply believe
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what they are told aren't scientists at all, they are dangerous posers. suddenly we have a lot of those in this country. for months as a strange new disease brought the american way of life to a halt, our scientific establishment ignored the most basic question of all, where did this illness come from? to this day we still don't know the answer to that. in place of verifiable facts are leaders accepting the story they've been handed by propagandists in the chinese government. the virus came from a food market in the industrial city of wuhan where somehow it jumped from an animal, possibly a bat coming to a human being. that's what the chinese government told our leaders and that's what our leaders told us. there was never any evidence it was true. they called the new virus covid, short for coronavirus disease. they wanted the most generic possible name for it, they wanted to obscure any relationship between this new
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virus and the chinese governme government. from its very first days, this pandemic was shrouded in lives. scientists who asked too many question were swiftly punished, some appear to have been killed. >> china is required to rewrite history and claimed it was transparent all along. just two weeks ago the head of emergency at wuhan central hospital, dr. fife income also went public, she has now disappeared, whereabouts unkno unknown. >> tucker: sat in the united states in 2020 we have to play the tape from the strong in his organization to get close to what's really happening in the world. in a few minutes we will try to get even closer, we will speak to a chinese virologist who is one of the first people in the world to study this new
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coronavirus early in the outbreak. what she found shocked her and she did not stay quiet about it. for that reason in late april she was forced to flee china and they came instead of from a laboratory in wuhan. the chinese government does not want you to know that and neither does the american left. they refused, and then that's a problem for the left in the country. that's why they are trying to shut them down. she is living testament to the fact that everything progresses claim that america is, genocidal, totalitarian, systematically racist and environmentally destructive. china actually is, their ally is everything that we claim we are.
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tom cotton was one of the few american politicians who refuse to believe what the gu chinese government said. no expert here had thought to do, he looked at what specialists call a map. notice something interesting on that map. the wuhan wet market where we were told to coronavirus originated was very close to a chinese laboratory that worked on exotic virus research. >> here's what we do, this virus did not originate in the wuhan animal market. that's researching human infectious diseases. we don't have evidence of this disease originated there but because of china's duplicity and dishonesty from the beginning we need to at least ask question. >> tucker: we need to at least ask the question, senator cotton says. what, explained our media stooges?
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no questions allowed. the chinese have spoken. anyone who questions the chinese government is by definition deranged. >> tom cotton a couple of days ago spotted a conspiracy theory that the chinese made this fire is. in the 1980s, i remember when the far left traffic in rumors about hiv which hasn't been invented in cia labs. >> tucker: why are these people all of them with college and high paying? and trying to get good with their new leaders.
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it's scary. if you keep asking questions, we will attack you as a mentally ill and we will lie as we do it, as they always do. they knew that tom cotton never claimed the virus was invented in a laboratory. he asked if it originated there and it's not a crazy question. maybe an animal transmitted to researchers and then the chinese government to quarantine those researchers. that's as reasonable as any other explanation, but to the news networks in this country, it was a little awkward when in march, the chinese foreign ministry accuse the united states of inventing coronavirus. in fact it may be the u.s. army who brought the epidemic to wuhan. be transparent and make the public your data. the spokesman who brazenly said that went on to argue that anyone who suggested the virus
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had anything to do with china is extremely irresponsible. >> so the media says that china virus, we are tracing the origin of the virus. so ask yourself as you watch that, is that how innocent people talk? no it's not. that's how guilty people try to wipe away their crimes. but our media class to see a problem with that at all and more to the point they understood their marching orders. they argued the chinese communist party, a group that puts minority populations in concentration camps was actually the victim of racism.
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that snacking of his xenophobia. and where he thinks the only path now is where we declared virus public enemy number one. >> at such a common thing, it's incredibly dangerous and it's problematic and it's scary and we just really want to call that out. >> why do you keep calling it the chinese virus? >> president trump: is not racist at all. it comes from china. that's why. >> tucker: really, of all the outrages committed by armed the class in the last four years that may be the one it was the longest. and it causes a machine. that is essentially betraying your country right there. so there is a reason cnn published a piece in january, that's an example of trump
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administration's lack of diversity. the same reason that the joe biden campaign and meanwhi meanwhile, the layers kept lyi lying. public radio boasted that half a dozen scientists have research on how coronavirus is conducted it, there is virtually no chance that the new coronavirus was released as a result of a laboratory accident in china or anywhere else. so tom cotton must be a mental patient. strangely, npr forgot to mentioned the two releases of
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the sars virus, no chance and it never happens. they mostly ignored the 2018 state department report that concluded china's wuhan laboratory, a serious shortage of appropriate leaks trained technicians and investigators needed to seemingly operated this high containment app laboratory. no chance, ignore the data. otherwise, you are racist. the early coronavirus patients in wuhan had no connection whatsoever to the met wet market. watch. >> from the very beginning throughout december it was spreading and we now know it was spreading human to human. but the official line of the chinese government was, this is all related to an animal market
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and once they closed the market it would all go away. >> did they know differently at that time? >> absolutely. we were seeing cases coming into the hospitals but it had nothing whatsoever to do with the animal market. >> tucker: it had nothing whatsoever to do with the animal market. oh, okay. no chance. the associated press meantime found that top chinese officials knew they were facing a pandemic for nearly a week in january but didn't tell anyone. instead the chinese government hosted a banquet for tens of thousands of people and millions came in, and they spread all around the world about the virus with them. for them to blame the united states, they blame the united states for everything. this was all bad news, better ignore it.
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worth learning about because we don't want another pandemic if we can prevent it. science is the only answer. subverting science will make it much more likely that we get sick again. but even now, months later only beginning to fully understand the levels of economic and cultural damage, that this virus from china did to this country and to the world and we are only just beginning to understand the extent to which our own politicians and our media class were complicit in that. the only way to get to the truth as always is to keep asking questions no matter what they say. and we will do that again right now. gleaming young is the virologist says she has evidence about where this pandemic ever came from. doctor, thanks so much for coming on. >> tucker: i know you are publishing more research soon. give us a summary of why you believe this virus came from a
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lab in wuhan? >> briefly from a first report, this virus -- actually is not from nature. it is a man-made virus created in the lab based on the very unique bat coronavirus which cannot affect people but after the modifications becomes a very harmful virus. so i have evidence to show why they can do it. what they have done, how did they do it. >> tucker: it's what you're saying is much more sinister even then what we have suggested on the show. you are saying that the chinese government manufactured this
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virus, if i'm hearing you correctly? is that when you are saying? >> yes exactly. based on the virus genome, it's basically like our fingerprint so you can see the very unusual characters in their genome. which could be based on the other evidence, we can finally see that come from their own special coronavirus. >> tucker: what you are alleging is shocking even more than i anticipated when we invited you on. so i want to ask the most obvious question which is this genome that presumably is in possession of many researchers around the world, why is nobody saying this if it's true? >> it's because of the big suppression coming from the chinese community, the government and also their
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friends in the scientific world. so basically this is very clear, and those things, like basically a cow, dear have and rabbits here and monkeys. so they can never get it from the nature. that's the last in the genome. the scientific -- also work together with the chinese communist party. they don't want people to know the truth. also, that's why i got suspended suspended, i got -- the chinese communist party won't be feared. >> tucker: if you are a brave person and i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. it's not like twitter would shut you down or why you are being ignored.
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why would the chinese government intentionally create a virus like this? >> if you want to know the exact motive, the exact idea, asked the communist party why they do the eta because they are the ones who do a day. we cannot always understand their evil thinking. you have to come to ask them. but what we see already proves that they have found that, everyone in the world leads to the historic pandemic and involves everyone. >> tucker: how do you believe this virus made its way from the lab in wuhan to the rest of the world? >> first, i have scientific evidence and also my next report will come out soon. the other thing is, i work in
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the w.h.o. reference lab which is the top virus lab in the world to come at the university of hong kong. i get investigation from the very beginning of this outbreak, i have my intelligence because i also get my own unique network in china with the hospital and also -- i work with that type top coronavirus virologist in the world. this is from the template owned by china, and also it has spread to the world to make such damage. >> tucker: do you believe that the chinese government to release this intentionally, on purpose? did they do this?
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>> yes, it's intentionally. even though there is more evidence you can already see what they have tried to cover up from the very beginning as i reviewed in different media before, and also what else they have done, like making the fabricated virus, censorship, and also trying to make people like me talk about the truth get disappeared. >> tucker: you know, it's hard to be shocked in a moment like this but you have succeeded in shocking me. unfortunately this is not the form for the details of your research, i don't have the grounding to ask you the right question but this is where you wish for a functioning media because what you just said to completely changes everything we think we know about the pandemic that is wrecking our country. i hope sincerely that there will be many different interviews for
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the media and explain this. >> thank you. everyone needs to know the truth. >> dr. marc siegel joins us to assess what we know. doctor, you just heard an eminent chinese virologist say that this was manufactured intentionally in the lab, it's genome proves that and it was released intentionally by the chinese government unleashed on the world. your reaction to that? >> tucker, i remain skeptical but i think she has great credentials and i also want to tell you that from the very beginning, i wondered why is this virus making people so sick? why are all of the organs of the body involved? it looks mild until he gets into the body and then it does things that no viruses ever done before. the blood clotting, scientists all over the world are shaking their heads. then i want to tell you another
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thing that's very important. if you recall, this virus was discovered by another doctor, 33 years old who had the chinese police visit him in the middle of the night and demanded that he retract this. it would be called covid's 2,020 or covid 2,021. that's why we believe anything coming out of china and suddenly we want to believe it came from a wet market for him a question mark why wouldn't we believe anything we were told. dr. fauci and dr. redfield have great relationships with chinese scientists and they assured us of the beginning that it wasn't doctors don't like transmissible, only 85% of the time it was supposed to be mild. then, i traveled all the way to europe and the president tried to block travel, but it traveled into the united states and the rest of the pandemic. so here's the point. we can't believe anything coming
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out of china and i'm willing to listen very carefully to think the scientists have to say the very suspicious situation, tucker. >> tucker: this is one of the first people on the planet to study this violent stomach virus last december. i hope that others get on this with tenacity and get some answers because the world deserves them. i think. dr. marc siegel, thank you. >> this behaves differently than any virus we've ever seen. the chinese government or scientists have said about this, they were wrong all along. it's been amazing. thank you. so much going on. last night we showed you footage from a shooting, the attempted assassination up to l.a.'s sheriff's deputies. the sheriff now in los angeles has challenged nba activist lebron james to double the reward money to capture the shooter. lebron james says he is
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opposed to violence. is he responding to that? we have an update with candace owens after the break. ♪
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bottom line is, mom's love that land o' frost premium sliced meats have no by-products. (his voice) "baloney!" (automated voice) has joined the call. (voice from phone) hey, baloney here.
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i thought this was a no by-products call? land o' frost premium. fresh look. same great taste.
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>> tucker: a manhunt for the gunmen who tried to ambush and assassinate to sheriff's deputies in compton, california,
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the happen saturday night. we are responding to everything swirling around that story. first an update. we are are at the hospital where those two deputies are being treated. >> tucker, good evening to you. they are both sit stable and both expected to make it one is the 31-year-old mother of six rolled child on the other as of 24-year-old male. they were transit services bureau at the metro station we do know the ideas of both of those deputies however, the family of those deputies and this sheriff's department are asking to keep that private for their safety concerns. we have a new video we will show you, the female deputy had been shot in the jaw and the male
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deputy have been shot and his forehead and they were both shot in their arms. the female deputy bravely applying a tourniquet to her partner and also putting out a radio call for help. it's pretty incredible video, and the at last check, the reward money for this is exploding, over $300,000. and lebron james has been asked to match reward money, but nothing yet. >> a few weeks ago, kamala harris told jacob blake that she was proud of jacob blake, the one who is shooting sparked the riots. kamala harris has not been
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visited meanwhile, lebron james hasn't responded to requests, but they help with the reward money to catch the shooters. so what conclusions can we draw from their reticence? candace owens is the author of "black out, i'll black america can make it second escape from the democratic plantation." thanks for coming on. have lebron james first. someone who has a way to end a lot on the riots and the demonstration, and help bring the shooter to justice. i spoke out against this immediately, and that, think
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about that statement and what it sends out to what kind of a bat signal it sends out to black americans and young black men come when someone of his caliber and his status as saying that we are literally being hunted. if you are literally being hunted, that would mean you either have to run to survive or, what we are seeing in l.a. is a natural progression of the left increasingly deranged rhetoric. this criminal will eventually be brought to justice, it's an entire ecosystem of guilt. s brought up the signal that it's okay to be criminal, not okay to be a law enforcement officer. there are so many people involved that create a situation like the one that is playing out today in l.a. county. >> tucker: can i just back up
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for a second, am i misremembering this, partially attacked for daring to cal i cad a racist by lebron james? i've been called a white supremacist, because i call out the truth. these athletes have a responsibility, you cannot just signal to these young men that they are being hunted to, that's not true. we are not in a race war, the leftist media is trying to create that simulation because they are at the destruction of america and i truly and deeply believe that. >> tucker: if you are absolutely right, the evidence is so overwhelming at this point that i don't think there's much of a debate about it. you've been brave, candace owens, and i appreciate that and i appreciate you coming on our show. >> thank you. >> tucker: joe biden is deeply concerned about climate change. you did it and he feels bad
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about it. he said so on monday. but then in amazing turnaround, joe biden just tweeted a picture of himself and it proves he doesn't care about climate change. we will show it to you after the break.
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>> tucker: this is a fox news alert. water levels are rising off the florida panhandle's hurricane sally bears down on the gulf coast. meteorologist adam clock is tracking this as the storm progresses. adam? >> we are beginning to see the heaviest bands of rain reaching the florida panhandle, wins are at 80 miles per hour with this one and it is absolutely crawling. that's the part of this big story behind us, such a slow mover which means if you are in these wins that are in some cases up to 40, or 50 miles per
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hour, and even though it's sitting right on the coast, likely i will not making landfall until tomorrow morning, thinking 8-10:00 a.m. so this will just be hovering there. what does this mean? by and large it means a lot of rain. i want to leave you with this tucker, this will be what people are talking about in the next few days. rain in some cases 20 or 30 inches along the coastline which will cause a whole lot of flooding in a nightmare for a lot of folks. back out to you. >> tucker: thanks so much for that. if there's one thing in this world that joe biden cares about above all other than an early dinner, its climate change. so given that, it seems a little strange when the people and joe biden's campaign team who can operate computers tweeted out an image showing joe biden hopping onto a private jet. the note said it, wheels up!
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just like a teenager on instagram. but it shouldn't surprise you. after all according to joe biden, only donald trump can part the claimant. >> we have four more years of trumps climate denial. how many suburbs will be burned in wildfires? how many suburban neighborhoods will have been flooded out? how many suburbs will have been blown away in super storms? if you give a client arsonist four more years in the white house, why would anyone be surprised that we have more america blazed? >> tucker: really, joe biden? and why did you just buy a beach house if you really believe that? because you don't. what they tell us is, that's why they call it global warming. the wild fires are burning the western half of this county because claimant change.
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they are not affecting canada which is also on the globe. cannot i in fact is experiencing right now a steep decline in wildfires. about 1450 hecti 1450 hectares. so it's going down even though climate change is getting worse. how does canada by an exemption from global climate change? i'm going to watch that. so is it because canada has a progressive prime minister in justin trudeau that they have opted out of climate change? how do they do this? >> it's very simple, they have
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missed out on the drought. so the finger of carbon dioxide didn't affect canada but it focused on california for some reason. what joe biden said is you can vote yourself better weather, president obama said the same thing in 2,012 and people did vote. they voted them back in, but guess what, we still have extreme weather. so voting for obama didn't help and i don't know how voted for an walls topic stream weather. >> tucker: the fires are real and people who care about actual forest and animals and nature, and there are very few of those in the progressive side to come like to see its end. it seems like a cover for the mismanagement of natural resources and democrats in charge of the state of california. >> it's not just california, its other states in other parts of the west. this sort of no use for a strict policy relieve all the deadwood,
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it makes it a tinderbox. even governor newsom admitted that in his meeting with president trump, admitted responsibility to ministe managd forests better. you see the images and everything, and this is not an unprecedented fire. "new york times" 20 years ago in 1994 had an article, california had droughts of up to 200 plus years that have lasted centuries. recent times and california are nothing compared to the past of where it's been and globally, droughts are not increasing according to the u.n., wildfires are not. there is no way, this is climate ambulance chasing at its core, weaponizing weather events to say, look. there's a bad weather event here and we need a green new deal and they are using science to lobby for politics. vote for me and i will make the weather better. >> tucker: and ten seconds i will ask the question that i've always wanted to ask joe biting and people like joe biden. they say that climate change is destroying our climate.
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this is a very old planet. what. in the history of this planet had the ideal climate? >> that's a great question to ask them. another question would be what's the ideal temperature? they just want you to be afraid. in the case of biden, he actually said we will all die if we don't stop fossil fuel use and be put executives in jail but meanwhile he still using private jets. >> tucker: and they are still destroying the environment. california is dirtier than it was three years ago. democrats have a plan for how to get joe biden into the white house. it doesn't have a lot to do with democracy, it has a lot to do with lawyers. our investigation into what they are planning a november after the break.
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prop 15 raises property taxes $11 billion every year.
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small businesses that are already struggling will be hit with higher rents and tax bills. that means higher prices for gas, food, utilities and healthcare. increasing the cost of living for a family by $960. and supporters admit homeowners are next, changing prop 13 and raising property taxes on people's homes. it's the wrong time to raise taxes on californians. vote no on prop 15.
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>> tucker: nation wild mail-in balloting isn't an invitation to voter fraud. but, more important perhaps is a
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guarantee in november we will see a swarm of lawyers arguing which votes should be counted. it will be a question of who got the most votes but a question of who has the most lawyers and that is a contest democrats think they can win. it's happened several times this year by the way in various races around the country and a new yorker recent congressional primary, mail-in votes meant -- count votes that were postmarked late or arrive late. the democratic operatives of this of course which is why they are trying to tell you you are not allowed to criticize mailing voting. anything that increases their power, you may not question. in this case they want the uncertainty over the outcome of the election so they can many play the results. we are not even really trying to hide this. the campaign recently created what is called a special litigation unit which needless to say is staffed with hundreds of lawyers to handle election disputes. this is the party of lawyers,
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and that's one thing they have a lot of. mark elias has spent the year fighting ballot harvesting which is me being the most egregious thing that we allow in this country. it's a practice that allows the political operatives to collect ballots from people and turn them in en masse, it's an invitation to fraud which is why democrats wanted to be national policy. darren beatty is a former speechwriter for president trump and works now at revolver news at the website. he says this is part of us familiar plan. in a recent piece, revolver argued that operatives including some just buy during the impeachment proceeding are adopting the same tactics that the u.s. intel agencies use to start so-called color revolutions in places like the ukraine. darren beatty joins us tonight. darren, thanks so much for coming on. so for our viewers who are not
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familiar with the color revolutions in eastern europe state as clearly as you can what you think is going on right now in this election, what's the game for democrats? >> thanks for having me. many of us describe the actions taken against trump as a coup. this is certainly correct but it's a little bit general and vague. what's unfolding before our eyes is a very specific type of coup called the color revolution. it's a model saved by many international security apparatus particularly against eastern european countries to overthrow target regimes that they don't like. one model that is not the color revolution model is purely sending a bunch of troops into a country and removing by military force the leader that you don't like. the color revolution model is a little bit more delicate and subtle and has several
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characteristics, but the chief characteristics of it is a combination of an engineered contested election scenario combined with massive localized protests which they call as a term of art, peaceful protests and acts of civil disobedience. if that sounds familiar, it gets even better. it's not only the same strategies and tactics used against trump that is used against eastern european dictators that are national security apparatus doesn't like. it's literally the same people who are color revolution professionals who have a long history of using the same tactics against foreign leaders that they don't like to use against democratically elected president donald trump. it's the same people using the very same playbook. i'd like to talk about one of the key figures in the operation, a nexus point not
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only between color revolutions overseas and the color revolution against trump but a nexus point between law fare and mass mobilization so-called peaceful protests. this is a man by the name of norm eisen. norm eisen is a key legal hatchet man, democrat operative, former obama ethics czar, believe it or not. and he is also a key architect of nearly every effort to censor, soup, impeach and overthrow the president. he is the author of, in fact, a color revolution playbook literally called the playbook. and one of the items he calls fofor in his playbook to overthw regimes overseas he doesn't like it is fraud scenarios using election fraud to engineer mass protests to question the
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legitimacy of the target leader. norm eisen has a long and checkered history going way back to his days at crewe which is a l'affaire harmon and he's been behind over 180 lawsuits against trump. he authored ten articles of impeachment before the president's phone call was even made. the special counsel to democrats for the impeachment process. he was literally involved in every aspect of this color revolution against trump. his latest act and perhaps his greatest act coming up is to use a l'affaire order to overturn the 2020 election using various legal theories, principally his theory about -- >> tucker: remember that name. i'm sorry, we are out of time.
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i appreciate that, thank you. his goal flushin
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>> tucker: amazingly, we are out of time. we are back tomorrow with some breaking news and new tape, never before seen off the top. the show that's the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. and, it's a great sean hannity. >> hannity: welcome to "hannity." tonight we are tracking multiple major breaking stories including history of made of the house for the groundbreaking peace accord between israel, the uae and bahrain. president trump is calling at the dawn of a new middle east, media mob democrats predictably and noticeably upset, apparently their hatred of all things trump is clearly more important than world peace especially in the middle east and we will explain all this coming up tonight. plus hannity 2020 election correspondence, our own lawrence lawrence jones on the ground in front of a bite an event where supporter is turned


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