tv Hannity FOX News September 16, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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i think it is a fair point you may. eddie scarry, thank you for coming on >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: amazingly it went so fast. we will be back tomorrow night, and every night, 8:00. the show that's the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. and guess what is next, that's not all because sean hannity takes over live. >> sean: last minute prep, you caught, thanks, tucker. anyway, welcome to "hannity." tonight, the more joe biden p leaves his basement bunker, the worst tickets for joe, confusing statements, weird, bizarre calfs come along, meandering rants about the ladies sections and department stores, and today, he toted a conspiracy theory about the coronavirus vaccine. we are going to show you the very worst moments coming up, typical, though. also, we will get reaction to my from jared kushner, the architect karl rove, senator lindsey graham will break news with us tonight, it also, you will meet two high school students, one is the son of a police officer, the other thee son of a firefighter. both proud of their parents.
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they were both suspended from school and school when you find out why, the only thing i will stay as it will make your blood boil. but first, we begin tonight, prepared to crawl out of your skin, becausee yesterday, joe biden was trying so hard to pander for hispanic-americans to vote for him in florida, that he actually started a speech by playing, well, it's a song called "despacito," which is on his cell phone. that is a well-known song, great singers there. a little interesting story behind it. watch this. >> iti just have one thing to s. hang on here. [laughs] ♪ >> there you go, dance a little bit. [laughter] >> i tell you what, if i had the
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talent of any one of these people, i would be elected president by acclamation. [laughs] >> sean: correct it, "despacito." [speaking spanish] "despacito" literally means "slowly" in spanish, and the lyrics are about breathing on someone's neck and whispering in their ears and kissing themhi slowly. in other words, you get the picture here? he is describing creepy joe biden's favorite activity among people he doesn't know. take a look. ♪ >> i got hairy legs that turn --
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that turn blonde in the sun. ♪ >> the kids used to come up and reach inom the pool and rub my g down, so it was straight, and then watch the hair come back up again. sickle musical ♪ [laughter] >> sean: makes your skin crawl. the creepiness with younger people is even worse. the only reason i'm not going to show you that tape -- you can find it on the internet if you want, it's all over the place --
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see how upsetting it is to children. it's upsetting. it's unnerving, even. one unintended benefit of social distancing and mask wearing, if you can find one, is that the american people are not safe from joe biden's unsolicited creepy touching and kisses and hair sniffing. now, joe stays far, far away from other people. he you usually find him hiding, cowering in his basement bunker like a recluse, maybe start calling him howard he was joe. of course, when he finally makes a rare trip out of the house and basement bunker, he hides behind his trusty teleprompter as he is carefully scripted events, and biden's access has become so restricted his campaign even preselect c reporters that joe s allowed to calll on during the rare occasion that he actually takes a few questions from the press. look at what happened today. take a look. >> i'd be happy to take some questions now, if that's okay. let me get my list here. where everybody is sitting.
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okay. abc, mary. number five, have to call out my hometown paper, meredith? t >> sean: oh, sorry. the biden campaign is obviously terrified of letting their own candidate speak forvi himself or answer tough questions. wonder how many red bowls and cups of coffee he will have before the debate on the 29th. it's all for good reason, it's so obvious to everyone, everybody sees it, everybody asks me about it. biden is clearly struggling. he is weak, he is frail, he is also clearly, well, i'm trying to be charitable, very confused. ask yourself this question -- be honest with yourself, it's okay to be honest. do you really think that joe biden could manage, let's say, a busy mcdonald's come or work the late night shift at a busy restaurant? by the way, hard jobs.
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i worked in busy restaurants. guess what? i don't believe that joe biden would be up to any one of those jobs. never mind being the leader of the free world, the hardest job in the world. even on the lightest schedule possible, with a lot of breaks, his ability to campaign just keeps getting worse and worse, and we have the videotape. as they would say, let's go to the videotape. >> what will your administration them that them give chance? thank you. >> move it up here. you know, there used to be a basic bargain in this country. i carry with me -- i don't have it, i gave it to my staff -- i carry with me, in my pocket, a -- do i have that around, anyone? where's my staff? >> the harris-biden
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administration is going to relaunch that effort. if you take it to a quarter massacre, you can sure take care running a department store, the second for thed ladies department, you knw what i mean? >> sean: quartermaster, department store, ladies department, you know what i me mean. ask yourself, is that someone youu want? someone to represent us on the world stage? it is a dangerous world, a hard is that someone you want negotiating with other world leaders? how is that going to do against putin or president xi or the mullahs in iran already took $150 billion. is that someone you trust with complex issues? look, we have to be honest. make no mistake, nobody is excited about joe biden. but his radical socialist base aree now even saying it. they know they can manipulate him and use him as a mere vessel to carry out their insane
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agenda. and agenda trumps everything for them, no pun intended, and don't take my word for it, just listen to congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, the leader of the squad to. >> what is most important is to make sure we ensure a democratic victory in november and we continue t to push vice presidet biden on issues from marijuana to climate change to foreign policy, and making sure that we continue to fight for a progressive agenda in our future. >> what would be the main issue, you think it is climate where he needs to be more progressive, or is there another one that you think is at the top of the list? >> you know, i think overall, we can likely push vice president biden in a more progressive direction across policy issues. >> sean: now, i don't agree with or because you're cortez, but she is absolutely telling you the truth. in 48 days, this is what is at stake here.
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i ask you to ask yourself this question: do you want a frail, empty shell of a human being getting pushed around by self-proclaimed socialists? or do you want free market capitalism, law, order, safety, security, would you prefer a fierce negotiator, a real dealmaker who will rebuild america's economy and is doing it again? this choice has never been more clear. with more, the architect himself, karl rove. karl, there's almost a part of me, and i'm going to get killed for saying this, i'm going to get killed, i know i'm going to get killed, i'll take it. that feels sorry for him. it's almost, allowing him to do this to him, but there is a small part of me beginning to say, all right, guys, everybody sees it. >> well, look, he wants this, and he wants it badly, so maybe he has gotten into a race he shouldn't get into, but i want to clarify something right here
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at the beginning, and i'm going to rely on the hello kitty board -- >> sean: [laughs] >> i wasar not a quartermaster f the ladies department, but i was a sales clerk the men's department at the downtown store salt lake city. i dome know what a salesclerk is in the men's department. i just want to clarify that here at the beginning. >> sean: by the way, karl rove, thank you for that clarification, inquiring minds want to do no. thank you. >> okay, good. let's start where you started, "despacito." first of all, don't ask me about popular culture, please don't, but because he raised the issue, i did a little research, i went isto billboard, and you know how to introduce the song? they said "less than innocent lyrics," and i read the lyrics, they're pretty colorful. this is not dean martin singing "baby it's cold outside" or the
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latest from michael buble, let's just say it is not that. but there is something in here that is clearly referring to joe biden and what he does to a us. it is "until i provoke your screams,s uh, oh, uh, oh," and then it goes [bleep], [bleep], [bleep]. until i provoke your screams. like, god, what is going on? >> sean: [laughs] i don't know what is worse, my spanish or you reading a lyric. >> but look, the real news today isis aoc, because she is saying what a lot in the progressive left wing, the fringe of the democratic party believe, and they've got a lot ofnd evidenceo believe it. he won the nomination by being a traditional democrat, basically saying, "i'm not with those guys over there," and he won nomination propelled by a lot of support in south carolina from african-american voters who are typically more moderate in nature than the average
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democrat. particularly if you are a southern democrat black democrat. but then he turned around and said, you know what, rather than staying in the middle of the democratic party or maybe even moving to the center of american politics, i'm going to go left. he files the unity commissions with bernie sanders, eight members of panels on a whole range of issues, five of them selected by biden, three of them selected by bernie, cochairmanem from each, if you want to read a scary document, really 130 pages of the unity commission and see all of the nutty, left wing nonsense printed page after page after page, so if i were aoc, sitting there saying he didn't needd to give up the platform to us, and then we rolled him at his people time and time again in that process, she was one of the cochairs of the climate committee, and you look at the lunatics bernie sanders put on there, and see what shows up in that document, it is clear that the biden people on those committees were told "don't
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irritate your sanders compatriots, and give as much as you can," and what has happened since then? he was against medicare for all, now he is foremost -- mostly all of medicare for all. he was the architect and the author of a bankruptcy protection bill when he was in the senate. his principal critic is a elizabeth warren, and he now says she was right and i was wrong to pass that bill. we know what he did in 1994 in the crime bill, he now says that was a big mistake, and i will go just the opposite, so they got him on the run, and he gets in, we are going to be able to pressure that guy. he is feckless, and we can take advantage of him all day long. that is not exactly with the american people want, they want somebody who, regardless of where you are, beliefs and what you believe and arele willing to stand and fight for it. this guy and sort of like, okay, the wind is blowing to the left, i have to go over there and be with the fringis. >> sean: karl rove, you've been on your a game, great
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analysis, we will see later this week. also tonight, multiple covid-19 vaccines in final phase of testing, nine to be exact, and according to estimates, it will only be a matter of months before a vaccine is readily available across theea country. of course, this will be your own personal decision as to whether or not you and your loved ones want to get the vaccine. now, i do not support mandatory vaccinations. i don't. of doctors and scientists say it is safe, my personal inclination will be to take it after i read the studies, consult with my own personal doctors, make my own informed decision. i i choose to get the flu shot every year, some of my friends think i am nuts. i believe in freedom. i believe in personal choice. but make no mistake, the vaccine is not a political ploy by the trump campaign. there is no arterial motive he here.te that is warp speed put in place by donald trump, all about preventing the spread of
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covid-19 and saving lives, the best doctors and scientists are working on this critical and crucial inoculation. that is not stopping joe biden from spreading a reckless anti-vaccination conspiracy theory to smear donald trump. >> let me be clear, i trust vaccines. i trust the scientists, but i don't trust donald trump. and at this moment, the american people can't, either. >> sean: and i don't trust you. moments ago, president trump responded to biden's reckless, idiotic conspiracy theory. take a look. >> i'm calling on biden to stop promoting his anti-vaccine theories, because all they are doing is hurting the importance of what we are doing, and i know that if they were in this position, they would be saying how wonderful it is. they are recklessly endangering lives. you can't do that, and again,
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this is really a case, they are only talking -- just started talking a little bit negatively, and that is because they know we have it, or we will soon have it, and the answer to that is very soon. >> sean: facts are facts. joe biden, he is a swamp politician. 50 years in the swap. he has accomplished nothing remarkable in 50 years and will say anything to win back the selection. when it comes to covid-19, well, joe biden was behind the curve e every single step of the way. and i remember, first case identified in united states, january 21st. this year. january 31st, 10 days later, donald trump puts the travel ban in effect. than a quarantine, the first in over 50 years, and then subsequent travel bands. february february 1st come after the president announced his life-saving travel ban to and from china 11 days after the first case identified in the u.s., biden tweeted that the travel ban was hysterical, xenophobia, and fearmongering. joe continued calling the ban
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hysterical, xenophobia, and fearmongering, as late as march the 18th. wow. all the while, biden was still holding indoor rallies through march, wasn't talking about social distancing, wasn't wearing his beloved masks, wasn't coordinating an aggressive use of the defense production act or sourcing ppe. he was totally missing in action. carrying only that the chinese not be mad at us for putting a p travel ban in effect. his fellow democrats also missing in action on any response to covid-19. late february, nancy telling people to go to san francisco san francisco's chinatown. march 2nd, comrade de blasio, "get out on the town, here are my recommendations for the next week" bureau in march, formal, he said the virus wouldn't be as bad in new york because "excuse you arrogance new yorkers, and speak for the mayor, also, we think we have the best thhealth care system on the plat
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right here, new york." okay, wasn't until april 3rd, via a campaign surrogate, supported donald trump's travel ban two months and three days too late, joe. trump had already handled it all for you. it wasn't until june 26th at biden first supported the "national mask mandate." late again, joe. then in september, oh, yeah, the polls aren't good on this, that he said he didn't support the federally mandated mask wearing, but now, today, once again, he flips, flops, and flails again. take a look. >> the university ofls washingtn model shows if there is universal masking, these desks s could be cut in half. i would call all of the governors to the white house and say, because there is a question, i think it can be answered in the positive, a question whether i can mandate over state lines at every single
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state has to comply. our legal team thinks i can do thatou based upon the degree to which there is a crisis in those states. >> sean: this is a guy that hit in his basement bunker the whole time, flipping and flopping and flailing, and now we are supposed to believe he supports fracking? no matter how much he lies to your face, biden hasn't lead on anything, his entire 50 years as a swamp creatures, certainly not coronavirus, not the far left of riots wreaking havoc on we, the american people. not the violence in america's major cities run by liberal democrats, 50 years in the swamp, what do you have to show for your efforts, joe? tell us your great accomplishments. eight years as vice president, 13 million more americans on food stamps, 8 million more in poverty, what did you dos to stp violence in obama's hometown of chicago when you are the vice president? and 4,000 homicides happened in yourur period come under your
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watch, 20,000 people in chicago alone shot, and for eight years, both you and barack barely mentioned it, why didn't you pass criminal justice reform? oh, to stop your so called, your word, "predators." why didn't you do police reform after ferguson, baltimore, cambridge, set record lowem unemployment for every demographic group in the country, you name it, they have it, why didn't you broker a peace deal in the middle east, joe? why didn't you give $150 billion to mullahs in iran that got nothing in return? $150 billion, and you got nothing, joe. answer to all of these questions is simple: biden is not just incompetent, because he is a career politician, the ultimate swamp creatures who says and talks and talks and talks and does nothing. the same guy that prays to the former that filibustered the civily rights act that was against the voting rights act, he partnered in the late '70s with the same form of
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klansman to stop the integration of public schools because he didn't want his own kids going to public schools tht he called a racial jungles. he said those words. now, even though biden's record is terrible, the swamp, they have only rewarded him. his bank account, hunter's bank account, his brother's bank account get bigger and bigger. 48 days, you get to decide. we will get the government we deserve. here now, someone who helped broker that historic middle east peace deal, white house senior advisor jared kushner. i would argue biden-obama and the 150 billion and nothing in return pave the way for a lot of these peace deals. why? because all of these countries are now aligned against iranian hegemony, and i wrong? >> well, i think the betrayal that was felt in the middle east, they talk about how donald trump would ruin alliances, donald trump has had to rebuild a lot of the alliances that were shattered by the previous administration. all the countries in the t middle east felt abandoned by america, instability, remember
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in 2017 isis was running rampant and iran was very involved in nuclear weapons, and donald trump came in and saw things for what they he went and spoke with everyone, listen, brought everyone together onry his first foreign trip, said if we are going to solve the middle east, america can't dooi it for you, we have o all come together, and his leadership and strategy the last three years is what resulted in yesterday's signing of two peace deals in the middle east, the last was 26 years ago, just this past month, donald trump was nominated twice for the nobel peace prize thanks to his leadership, so you have two decades of failed middle east policy in washington, which means more wars, more troops, more threats of terror, and donald trump has come in and done a very rational, nonwashington approach, and we've been criticized for the last 3 1/2 years, but obviously it is yielding results, that is what i this race is going to coe down to. someone who is good at criticizing and talking about the problems, but someone and donald trump was come in and taken an unorthodox approach and brought in a lot of
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unconventional people,s but he continues to take problems head on, and i tell him all the time, onif you weren't making so much change, if you weren't so effective, if you weren't getting so much done, they g wouldn't be attacking he was hard as they are. >> sean: yeah. i laid out the timeline of biden on covid. i would imagine, you are up to your eyeballs making sure we had enough ppe, ventilators, hospitals built, covid converted, 70%, the dopey governor of new york did in use, i would suspect it might kind of anger you as revisionist history. i'm a little more hotheaded. >> the i magnitude of the problm we were facing as a world come as a country at the time, it was unprecedented, the magnitude, the uncertainty, and president trump ran into the every single challenge that seemed impossible at the time, that everyone thought there would be no way to accomplish, whether it was getting enough ventilators for people, getting
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them produced, getting them distributed correctly, getting ppe to the front line workers, we took all thosese challenges n and were able to meet them and make sure people's worst fearsur didn't come to pass, and obviously,y, you see now, our economy is rebounding very, very well, better than the g7 countries, because of president trump's leadership. we have the right economic interventions, and even the vaccine, todaye i saw president trump -- what you said a couple musil, 30 months to get a vaccine, now only five months later ended phase three trials for three different vaccines. and he says, look, we watched operation warp speed, moving as quickly as we can to save lives and the american economy. what i am seeing coming out of this, coming out of this pandemic, as we have found out a lot about what our country is capable we will have a much stronger medical system because of it and i think we will emerge with a stronger economy than we ever had before. >> sean: jared kushner, promising news, hope, on the
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virus and everything else. congratulations on a peace deal, very important. when we come back, new reports on how the riots are costly, the american people, more than we ever imagine. trey gowdy weighs in. later, you'll meet two high school students, when the son of a police officer, the other the son of a firefighter, suspended from school athletics. and wait until you hear why, it will make your blood boil. ♪ well, i was invited. not by me, mate. something's not right. they're calling all the shots. what do you want? we've got to get him out. not a chance. the days of entebbe are long over. it's not his fault. this is terrorism. the world will see how guilty you are. i should go. we're not afraid to die. that's why we're going to win. what have you done to him? i'm not afraid either. infidel. rated r.
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♪ >> sean: tonight we are seeing even more evidence of the real cost of the lawlessness, the rioting, and the destruction the barely there joe biden called mostly peaceful and never discussed at the dnc over the last 100 plus days. for example, "axios" reporting that the $1 billion in riot damage that might go as high as $2 billion is the most expensive in insurance history.
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these are real human lives, real businesses, real harm done, real suffering for our fellow americans, and the worst part, the new, radical, extreme socialist left is doing everything they can do to show even more hatred, more division, more violence, just 48 days before the election. here is the attorney general bill barr laying it all out earlier this week, listen closely. >> there undoubtedly are many people in the government to surreptitiously work the administration and turn now to the mob violence, and the countenancing of mob violence, is another very disconcerting development because i think, increasingly, the message of the democrats appears to be "biden
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or no peace." that is ruled by the mob. the president is going to stay in officent and sees power -- ie never heard of that crap. i'm the attorney general, you think i would have heard about that. they are creating in incendiary situations. a close vote, people will say -- someone, the president won nevada, wait a minute, we discovered 100,000 ballots, every vote must be counted! we know what all of these freaking votes came from. >> sean: it sounds like more accountability is coming, because the attorney general told prosecutors on a conference call last week, even consider charging violent riders with sedition, meaning a plot to overthrow the government to coms and get this, even far left democrats may be starting to see the dangerous effects of their lawless agenda and party. onefe minneapolis city council member saying a recent meeting, "residents are asking where are
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the police?" oh, the ones you defunded? calls from cops as the city suffers from rising crime, shocker, as if that wasn't predictable. here with reaction to all of this, fox news contributor, formeron republican congressman now reformed, filled it on the show, i don't watch the show, otherwise i'm not off, trey gowdy, good to see you. when you look at the rhetoric of joe, please become the enemy, and we are going to redirect funds, and kamala saying applauding 150 million caught in the l.a.p.d., now assassinating -- attempting to assassinate police officers,sa thousands injured, 45 cups dead this year on the job, do you believe that rhetoric has an impact? >> of course it does. the media wants us to believe that only republican rhetoric -- that's the only thing that can incite violence. sean, we've had 10,000 arrests this year connected with the
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rioters, $2 billion innd propery damage, mobs chanting "we hope you die" to two police officers almost executed in the line of work while you have other folks blocking emergency medical care for those deputies, and get "the new york times" and "washington post" and those on the left want us to believe that these protests are mostly peaceful, if $2,000,000,000.10000 arrests and chanting "we hope you die" is mostly peaceful, i hope it does not ever get violent. >> sean: but the reality -- how do you have an entire convention and not mention the violence and city streets, how do they -- somehow, bifurcate their twisted socialist brains, into denying what we see before our eyes happening, and reject the help the president isg es begging them to take, he begged again last night on that idiotic interview with george e.
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>> they are terrified of their base, and it was only when it became apparent that they are losing, you know, independent voters, middle of the road voters because they refused to acknowledge that the country is on, fire, they don't want to alienate their base, they do not want to alienate the people setting things on fire and looting innocent property and store. owners, so that is the conundrum they have. do we speak out against this and alienate our base? the only reason joe said anything is because the polls are tightening and they are losing on the issue of public safety. they thought they could run the pandemic all the way through the election, not a country is on fire and you have cops almost being assassinated and mobs chanting "we hope you die," even joe can't ignore that. >> sean: well, i'm not really sure, because it doesn't seem exactly there. i don't know if you're getting the same questions i'm getting, everywhere i go, people agree,,w disagree, what's up with joe? i don't know, i hire a lot of
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people, if you want to work in this industry, you better have some urgency to work on my radio or tv show, because this is a hard job, you've got to be on your game. i don't think i would hire joe biden to work on this show because i don't think he has the energy to keep up. i don't think has the energy to work at a busy restaurant. are you getting the same questions i'm getting? >> i am getting that question, but more than anything, i am getting, "who is kamala harris?" because i think there is a real likelihood she will have a disproportionate role in the administration if he wins. we have seen pelosi put coronavirus relief on hold, people are familiar with chuck schumer, even if joe biden were to win back, he will not be running government. you can watch an interview -- and it's painful to watch -- he will not be running the country, even if he prevails in novemberu >> sean: ocasio-cortez, i think she gave a very honest statement, pretty much admitting, we can manipulate the hell out of him.
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how did you like hosting the show? >> waiting for the chance. >> not as easy as it looks? >> if jason chaffetz can do it,e can do it. >> sean: that's a great point, i'm going to tell him he said that. thank you, congressman, host, i don't know what the hell to call you at this point. anyway, when we come back, lindsey graham, breaking news in our quest for equal justice. and later, you will meet two high school football players, one a son of a cop, the other the son of a fireman, and they have been suspended from their team. when you find out why, i bet it is going to anger you. ♪
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when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food.
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become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. that's less than a dollar a day. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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homeland security chair ron johnson has authorized subpoenas for obama-era officials tied to the russia hoax, including brennan, clapper, strzok, page, the self-proclaimed super patriot, mr. higher honor, lower in reality, himself, james comey, and others in the deep state cabal. now, this is very welcome news, and remember, just last week marie learned members of mueller's team, they all accidentally, okay, wiped their phones clean, including andrew weissmann, with two phones, that is robert mueller's pitbull, handing those phones oe inspector general. yeah, i would like to see an investigation. speaker in name only nancy pelosi continues to play political games with coronavirus relief, but whatever moderate democratser might be left, they are afraid how that might impact the election. here now with more, senator lindsey graham come about to break some news about who you have invited to your
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committee. >> yeah, the day of reckoning is upon us when it comes to crossfire hurricane. james comey has agreed to appear before the senate judiciary committee september the 30th withouthe a subpoena. i appreciate mr. comey coming before the committee. he will be respectfully treated but ask hard questions. we are negotiating with mccabe. mr. mccabe, we're hoping to get him without a subpoena. time will tell. mueller has declined the invitation of the committee to appear and explain his report. after the horowitz report. he says he doesn't have enough time. but september the 30th, we will have mr. comey before the committee, and i look forward to it. >> sean: are you going to accept that answer from robert mueller, in light of 27 phones we believe were erased because everyone accidentally put in the wrong passcode repeatedly? and by the way, i never heard that locks up a phone or a race is a phone, have you ever heard of that?
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i have dropped phones in the ocean, i've dropped one and a toilet. i never used bleach bit. and i've had to replace phones because i lose them, actually lost phones. e >> it sounds fishy, we will ak the people who did the erasing. i've been telling your viewers for a long time, we are trying to have an accounting for what happened with crossfire hurricane, how did it get so off the rails, how was the fisa court misled multiple times, that day is coming, i'm proud of our company. we will also interview the people who interviewed the sub source, and we are getting to the bottom of what happened, and we will have a hearing on september the 30th with mr. comey, and hopefullyly mr. mccabe will come in, he is all over the place. we have invited strzok to come, he is selling the book, we will see if mr. strzok will come without a subpoena, but i look forward to the hearing, we think it will be important to the american people.
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>> sean: i would like jim comey two, on my radio and tv show, i've set a lot of questions. he was warned the dossier was dirty before he signs the first warrant, that hillary paid for it, it said verified but we now know i it is unverifiable, after he signed it was verified, in october, he told donald trump in december, president-elect, that it was salacious and unverified, so he lied either in november or december, and we also know for sure, don't we, the sub stores of steele said none of this was true, and in january 2017, and comey went on to sign two more warrants, is not a fact, senator? >> it is a fact in january of 2017, march of 2017, the russian sub source told the fbi that it was bartok, hearsay, not verified. we know that happened. who did the intel land with and the case agent fail? we're going to talk to them in
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the next week to ten days. but here's my point. i appreciate mr. comey coming in, we've been asking a lot of questions, it's about time to ask the people in charge what the hell happened. that day is coming. i promised your viewers we would get to this day, and stay tuned -- >> sean: about time. >> we will know a lot more. >> sean: if i told you that i erased my phone, put in the wrong password, do you believe that cockamamie story from robert mueller's team? because i don't believe a word of it. >> well, common sense would tell you multiple people erasing phones that are under investigation is suspicious as hell. horowitz is doing a review of crossfire hurricane, and this could be obstruction of justice. if you know that your phone is going to be looked at for investigative purposes, you erase it, then you have a problem. we will see what happens with
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there, too. >> sean: i didn't know you could erase everything. i know what bleach bit is, i know what a hammer is, i know what a sim card is, that is about as far -- i can't even download an app, i will probably drop this one in the toilet after the show. >> that is probably why you are not in charge of investigation. >> sean: that is true. good point. all right, senator, thank you. when we come back, this will make your bloode boil, two high school football players suspended from their team, one the son of a police officer, the other the son of a firefighter. what happened here is despicable, repulsive, will make your blood boil.pu if you can take the high blood pressure, stay with us. ♪
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football players actually suspended, their crime, their terrible a deed, carrying flags honoring our brave first responders onto the field prior to the game on the 19th anniversary of september the 11th. brady williams is with us, he is the son of a police officer. he carried a thin blue line mc lag. jeered bluntly, the son of a firefighter, carried a thin rede suspended from athletics as the school denied them permission to carry those flags honoring heroes who lost their lives on 9/11. they'll return the suspension yesterday, we reached out to the school for their stupidity come of it that we did not hear back. players at the center of the story, brady williams in gray and jared bentley in green, i think, if i can see properly, i am blind and deaf as i get old older.
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first, thank your fathers for what they do. 19 years ago those guys went up, they knew -- a lot of them knew the chances were high they would lose their life. brady, let's start with you. talk about, why -- what is the reasoning behind this? beco i mean, i wanted to honor the people who ran towards danger instead of running from it 19 years ago because i believe that nowadays we don't really honor them the same way as we did 19 years ago, or anything like that, because i feel like we started to forget about what happened, that is why i wanted to do it. >> sean: yeah. and jared? your answer? >> basically the same as brady. i wanted to honor the people that gave their lives 19 years ago trying to save those people. >> sean: yeah.
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i've got -- my son is going to be 22, of all days, on election day, and i have a 19-year-old daughter. if yould are my son or daughteri would be proud of you. how are your parents reacting, brady? >> they were really supportive. they told me they would support my decision whether i did it or not. and i'm really happy i have them. they stood behind me were not many kids did at first, so i am just really glad they were there for me. >> sean: jared? >> yeah, my parents were super supportive and proud of our decision, even though we thought not very many people would support it, just because of what has been going on lately. >> sean: brady, you know, let me ask you, you just referred to some students wouldn't support you, so you are saying you took heat from fellow students over
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this? >> absolutely. well, i really haven't had anything sent to me, but i know that i brought the team together before i made this decision, because i wanted to see whatto everyone's opinion on it was, and if i even heard one person say no, i wouldn't have done it, but i brought everybody together, i stood up and told them what i wanted to do, why i did it, what happened and all of that, and everybody decided -- everyone was 100% behind me. they were all backing me up, and that is really what led to my decision to what i did. >> sean: jared? >> yeah, i haven't gotten anything directly, and brady called the team into the locker room, turned the music d, laid out his plans, and we were all for it. >> sean: all right, now, most important question, did you win the game?
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>> no, sadly, we didn't. >> we did not. >> sean: oh, boy. well, they reversed the decision. please tell both your parents that america -- most of america -- appreciates the risks they put out every day in their jobs. risking their lives to protect and serve their communities, just like the hero cops and firemen, first responders did in new york city on 9/11 '01. you guys may not have even been born then, or somewhere close aroundit then. you know, very tough times. you both should be very proud of your parents, thank you for being with us. more "hannity" after this. ♪ so what's going on?
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11:00 pm, 40% off. deep discounts as costco and wal-mart. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham, your show is on target every night. doing a great job. >> laura: back at you. >> sean: sincerely. not a don't-be hand-off. >> laura: i was thinking about you today because the hypocrisy that you pointed out on the radio and tv for all of these years of the news networks. the other channels that run biden -- any biden event in its entirety. trump has an actual covid briefing and they don't carry it at all. it's like they don't even -- thc pretense of any shed of
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