tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News September 17, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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ah, they're getting so smart. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." it's hard to believe that the coronavirus has been in this country for about nine months now, since january. since the day the doctors discovered the first case within our borders, our leaders have assured us that the only care about our safety, that's what this is all about, our safety. they told us that every decision they make as they fight this pandemic they make in our interest. every restriction they impose they tell us they based on science alone. most americans want to believe that because most americans want to trust their government. but if you still do. there's too much evidence that
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the covid regime is political and our leaders are lying about it. tonight there was conclusive proof of that. our markable story. a reporter with the fox 7 team tv station in nashville, a man called dennis, caught that city's top officials hiding key health statistics and for no justifiable reason. he uncovered a series of emails between the mayor's office, nashville mayor john cooper, who is a democrat, and the city of estevez health department. in those emails city officials discussed the fact that only a very low a number of coronavirus cases have been traced to bars and restaurants. as of june 30th of this year, for example, nursing homes and construction sites in nashville, each produced more than 1,000 cases of the coronavirus. bars and restaurants, just 22 cases total. numbers like this could be great news of the city of nashville. bars and restaurants have been suffering there for months under crushing covid restrictions. thousands of workers have been laid off, many businesses have gone under, many more are on the
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brink. over the summer, the mayor, mayor cooper, used the economic damage from his shutdown to justify a massive 34% property tax increase on residents of nashville. so quarantines effort that city quite a bit. residents would have been thrilled to learn that bars and restaurants were safe once aga again. but the mayor refused to tell them that. he had that information. after reviewing the new health numbers from bars and restaurants, woman from the health department called leslie waller emailed this to mayor cooper festiva's office. "this isn't going to be publicly released, right? just info for the mayor's office." a senior advisor responded this way. "correct, not for public consumption." not for public consumption? why would that be? these aren't the nuclear codes, this is a national security information, it's public health data where it should be public. a month later, a reporter in nashville heard rumors that bars and restaurants that were safer than the city was admitting
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there were so he emailed the health department to find out exactly what was going on, what are the numbers. emails now show the behind the scenes, this simple request transparency panicked city officials. they schemed among themselves to hide with a knew. "we have certainly refused to give counts per bar, wrote one." why would they refuse to give those numbers? here's the answer, and this is a direct quote. "because those numbers are low per site. oh. the numbers are low, so we hide them. hide all good news, that's the policy. otherwise the fear might subside and our power along with it. today reporter dennis try to get more information from the mayor. why did the mayor's office lie about health information that could have helped the people of nashville? the mayor wouldn't answer the question of course, so instead he sent his minion, dominic to scold him for daring to ask that question.
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watch. >> you did ask for context yesterday and we are told not just no comment, but [indiscernible] and that doesn't really feel like it we are all in this together comment. >> what you should have done was to come back, tell me that you had validated those emails in whatever way that you did -- >> you gave us, you said go through legal channels to extract this information. >> sir -- >> i will argue with him all day but you're not going to talk to me like this and walk away, i will talk back to you. the same tone -- this is america and people have the right to know the real -- don't shake your head. >> tucker: finally a real reporter somewhere. what you should have done was go back and tell me you validated the emails said the flak. rather than respond to the substance of the story much less apologize and beg forgiveness from lying, the mayor's minion delivers a lecture about the proper protocol required before the public and asked the question of the mayor, don't
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question overlord, we you will take the data we give you. why are they so afraid to tell us the real numbers? you know the answer. the more data you have about the virus, the more facts, the more science, the less frightened you may be, and that's why they always emphasize how many people have died, almost 200,000, but most never who died. if you knew the details, you might realize that getting a drink at a bar in nashville or for that matter sending your children to school in person poses very little risk to anyone. as of tonight, covid-19 remains what it has always been, overwhelmingly a threat to the elderly and to people who are already sick. the median age of coronavirus deaths in his country as of jun. 90% of all deaths have occurred among people over 55, americans under the age of 44 account for just 2.7% of coronavirus deaths. this does not mean that covid-19
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is not dangerous, of course it is. it is dangerous, it's just not dangerous to the overwhelming majority of people who are being destroyed by the covid-19 restrictions, and that is unforgivable. there's no justification for it, they don't even want to talk about it, so they don't. as of tonight, the restrictions, terrible policy decisions made by stupid and dishonest politicians like john cooper of nashville and many more like him are causing far more harm to this country and its population than the virus itself is caused. for example, this summer, deaths attributed to alzheimer's and dementia have risen to more than 20% above what is normal. experts say that's because stress and isolation are contributed to those pictures dominic figures, they are killing them. we have the 12% of coronavirus deaths were ages 1-24 include cash from reporting from the cdc, intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning and other adverse events. those are comorbidities in their deaths. those of the real story in other
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words. but many americans because of the information encouraged by the left, which is misinformation, that's propaganda, have no idea that any of this is going on, they don't know what this pandemic actually looks like. they are told lies and they believe them. study after study has shown that peer to one repeatable study found that americans "overestimate the risk of death from covid-19 for people age 24 and younger by a factor of 50 and they think the risk for people age 65 and older is half of what it actually is." in other words, this is a disease that overwhelmingly threatens the elderly, but most people don't know that. why is that? why don't they know nine months in? and might have something to do with a barrage of dishonest propaganda from national media organizations. watch cnn's chief body building expert explain what you must say inside indefinitely as he goes out to harass bicyclists in the hamptons. >> so while most americans are staying inside, or should be,
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right, if they are not out protesting like fools -- >> because they are not happy about being told to stay home. staying home saves lives. >> and the rest of us should be staying at home so the people that we love -- to keep us farther apart, will ultimately bring us closer together through this cause. no matter where the virus goes, the way to stop it will always be the same, our collective conscientious actions, staying home. >> tucker: staying farther apart will bring us closer together. but it hasn't brought us closer together. it has atomized us, it has kept us apart. it has ripped apart our society in ways that will be very difficult to fix. the media have abetted this. multiply what you just saw the hundreds of broadcasts on all the major networks for months and you begin to understand why so few people know anything about the facts of coronavirus. they are ignorant. it's sad to say, but it's true
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and they certainly show it. why? because their ignorance serves the purposes of the politicians who spread it. terrified populations are easier for them to control. if you're frightened to go outside, by definition are also distracted. so you're less likely to wonder, for example why the governor of new york killed all those old people by forcing coronavirus patients into nursing homes. not thinking about that suits the governor of new york just fine. watch him blame you for putting the elderly at risk. >> my mother is not expendable. and your mother is not expendable. and our brothers and sisters are not expendable. and we are not going to accept a premise that human life is disposable. >> tucker: thank you, father cuomo. andrew cuomo should have been impeached for what he did in the nursing homes in the state of new york if not criminally charged for what he did. but he wasn't, he never will be.
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what's amazing is he is still lecturing you for your supposed shortcomings. he's guilty personally, but he's every bit as self-righteous and never under any circumstances is he ashamed. none of them are ashamed. just like weeds farber ferrera admit it out loud without a trace of embarrassment that her entire lockdown scheme is tied to the national political calendar. kids must suffer, she said, until "after the election." >> we don't realistically anticipate that we would be moving even tier two or being opening in 12 schools -- k-12 schools at least until after the election. it seems to us the more realistic approach to this would be to think that we are going to be where we are now until we get after it -- until we are done with the election. >> tucker: until we are done with the election. so at least it's clear now, they
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are not pretending. until you learn to vote the right way, america, your businesses will dry, your children will be educated, your population will cower alone. let that be a lesson to you. in the meantime, don't ask questions. glover is a city councilmember in the city of nashville and we're happy to have inaugurated thanks so much for coming on. very straightforward question, it's your city, an elected official within the city, why can't you and the population of nashville get a straight answer about what the basic coronavirus data are? >> so i will give you what i think is probably a simple answer. i believe that the mayor happens to substitute his wisdom on a regular basis for those who are in the health department along with the professionals that he has around him in his own office and constantly inserts his own wisdom versus those outside and there seems to be a heavy-handed
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approach to his management sty style. >> tucker: yeah, this doesn't seem to be guided by science in the slightest. if you had 22 cases in bars and restaurants, then that suggests maybe they shouldn't be locked down. why would he hide that information? what's in it for him when the population of nashville suffers? >> i mean, the problem is all you're going to do is speculate on this. and you said it, nashville, a great city. >> tucker: yes, it is. >> it is absolutely a great city. we've got great people who live here. we have people who embrace one another, who love one another and we are also so very fortunate and blessed that we have great tourists that come and visit us and by the way, spend a lot of money in nashville. >> tucker: i know. >> the major problem is we don't have a city problem here in nashville. we have a lack of leadership problem in nashville and i don't -- i mean, i think you're asking the right question, forgive me for not being able to give you the answer in a
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definite manner. i don't understand why we're doing this. we are destroying the downtown area, literally. not only the economic engine for nashville, but also an economic engine for the state of tennessee. governor lee is opening the state back up. it's time we did the same thing for nashville. >> tucker: so, you just had a reporter catch the mayor of your city, one of the fastest growing cities in the country, hiding critical health data for political reasons. why not impeach him? why should he still be your mayor for a single more day? that seems unforgivable to me. >> well, so, i don't know the exact legal answer to that. i will tell you, talker, over the last 24 hours, life is been a little hectic here because of this. i started working with a group, a smarter, about a month ago and we started looking at this data and as they brought it -- because they are a lot smarter than i am. as they brought the stated to me, i looked at it -- because
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nothing ever added up, but this is the same in any one of these cities that are run by the far left liberal group and so the problem was none of the data made sense. well, there are some wonderful people here that live in nashville, very, very smart people. i mean gosh, you want to talk about a hospital area. nashville is blessed to have wonderful hospitals but they couldn't get the right hospital data. they couldn't get the number of beds. they report i see you, they these other things and are going okay, based on what? it never was factual or actual as to what the real numbers were purity >> tucker: i hope you can find a way to get rid of them because there's no way a city like nashville should be held hostage by a liar like cooper. thank you, godspeed on that. as we just told you, the elderly have suffered more than any other group by far. it's not in close and many are suffering extreme stress during
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these lockdowns. if they are trapped alone, many have died alone. why is nobody talking about this? why does nobody seem to care mike we talked about it a couple of times, how consistent life ethic and unitive fractured people, what a great title. thanks so much for coming on. so we've talked before, and i don't think we can talk enough about the effect of older people -- on older people of these lockdowns. what do you think it's been so far? >> what i think we've done is we've become utilitarians during the pandemic. in my classes we talk about how utilitarianism takes a number of values and pushes it down to one value, pleasure or pain or something like that. lowering the chance of infection rates is the only value we care about. and when we do that we end up with 11,000 more dead people with dementia in nursing homes. that was the big story over the last 24 hours and nobody seems
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to care. except those who want to resist this utilitarian wave of thinking. >> tucker: so it's the isolation that's contributed to the progression of dementia and alzheimer's? >> that's right. people who are already in this vulnerable situation become even more vulnerable. hey you will be by yourself for six months, your older stressed working staff will be able to help you out. just chill for six months. we seen the results. decay and mortal loneliness. >> tucker: this is what we do to violent prisoners. i just wonder whether hasn't been some national effort to think how can you help older people trapped alone in complete isolation in a holding tank basically, which is what these places are, why has nobody made an effort to do that i wonder?
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>> tucker, the new -- we talked about this before, the new news is what we're doing doing particular to those with dementia and here is an important point i think that needs to be made. we have decided -- 40 years ago we decided that not every human being matters the same. if you had to have certain traits, rationality, self-awareness, memory, langua language. massive brain injury don't count. i'm starting a new book that's going to argue the next shoe to drop is people with dementia and we have to be ready for it. i thought it was going to be a predictive book. it's turning out to be a descriptive book based on these numbers. >> tucker: you're one of the people talking about this and we appreciated. thank you very much, good to see you. >> thank you. >> tucker: so last month, former trump advisor steve bannon, who ran the 2016 campaign, was indicted and charged with fraud. tonight he joins us for his first interview since that happen. we will be right back. ♪ o's there?
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get the security, unlimited daa and wifi coverage you need. plus, xfi customers can add xfi complete for $11 a month. click, call or visit a store today. ♪ >> tucker: so far about a year we've been talking about the presidential election out there somewhere on the horizon and you wake up this morning and realize it's 47 days away, less than a month from right now we will be
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the first tuesday in november and we are going to vote for atu new president. this has been by far the most intense presidential election season in the lifetime of anyone watching it, but it feels like we're moving towards something even more intense.. what's going to happen on election day been in the days following? the people who have been thinking most clearly about this on both sides of the people who have done it before, who have been involved that a high level on the presidential campaign. steve bannon has done that and is one of the people who ran donald trump's 2016 effort. he was recently back in the news. last month he was indicted on fraud charges related to a nonprofit, it built the wall nonprofit he was running. he hasn't been on television sense and hasn't given any interviews on advice of counsel but we wanted to hear what he thinks is going to happen as we move towards november and we also wanted to ask him about the charges against him. he agreed to, tonight we are happy to have him. thanks a lot for coming.
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>> thanks, tucker, thanks for having me. >> tucker: you reemerged in the national consciousness in a fairly big way in august when you are rested on fraud charges. you haven't responded publicly that i'm aware of to those charges, so i want to give you a chance to sum up your views on it. >> well you know, bill brooks, my attorney, i think is the best attorney in d.c. come he said hey, you should lay off this but look, i got to come forward. attorney general barr said this is headhunting of high-profile political targets that are associated with president trump. it's not random that it was four years almost of the day that i took over the campaign that this indictment came out. what these guys wanted to do was criminalize political speech, make sure i didn't go back to the campaign. i was never going back to the campaign. the campaign is in great shape. they are doing a great job for president trump on november 3rd, because of my work and warned the pandemic, the
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[indiscernible] in january, we understood what your opening segment was about. the democratic party has traumatized their base.ti they're not going to come up to vote, and so they have to concoct some effort to steal the selection because they are not going to get people to come out and vote on game day the 3rd of november from this year. i was never going back to the campaign and that's where these guys suck. my platform is bigger now, my voice is bigger, i've got more resources and all we are focused on is to make sure that the progressive left that the progressive left -- cannot steal the election for donald trump. >> tucker: want to drill down briefly because this is a t complex topic and you're going to have an opportunity to respond in court, but the sort of macro charge is that you defrauded people who sent youop money to build a if you said you wouldn't take any money, the charges claim that you did. what's your response to that? >> my c4 -- if you read the
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indictment, had a one million-dollar contract. to kind of be the d.c. office, oversee the wall construction, to do seminars, conferences. if you want to see it, go to vice news, go to bbc, go to the opening season of showtimes -- the circus, opening episode of the 19th season. they are traveling on the country following us on his townhouse, conferences. we built a wall, two-thirds of a mile of wall up a mountain in el paso within a hundred days of starting. i was a contractor and ran an advisory board that brought together the best and brightest of all the wall people, so they're not going to criminalist -- they are not going to shut me down by talking with the wall, they are not going to criminal is talking with thee wall. regarding [indiscernible] and sharp car, so that's what the indictment failed to say, but all that will come on in court. >> tucker: it will. >> the key thing is they are not going to -- they want to criminalize political speech. i'm more focused than ever,
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we're kicking off a national tour on monday called the plot to steal 2020. they are not going to stop my voice in assisting president trump in making sure that this election that is going to win on the third is not stolen from him. >> tucker: big tech is clearly taking a side in the selection. they have unprecedented levels of power over what people know and i'm wondering how you think they will use that power as we approach the election'm specifically. >> you sought the other night, you had the doctor from china, a fact witness on the weapons over there. and also about this amazing paper. what twitter did is rip your twitter account right away, they took her off baseball when i had to replay or show that was on fire throughout the b world. but they allowed the chinese commonest party to beat down on her every second with all of their running dogs. that's what you're going to see. that's a preamble to what you're going to see. they are talking about it. they are already saying, both facebook and twitter, that they
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are not going to announce a winner. chris was going to happen, donald j. trump is going to win the vote on the only day that matters, that's november 3rd. it's going to win the reelection and the way we've done it with secret ballots, people going into a booth. by that evening, he will be the winner and what they are going to do is between the law fair they've got with 800 attorneys, the mob they've got with antifa and the radical elements of black lives matter, but most importantly, the digital muscle of facebook and twitter, they are going to sit there and not declared from the winner. >> tucker: you were right there running the campaign four years ago today. looking at the phone numbers now as objectively as you can, as compared to the numbers you were looking at four years ago today, do you think the president's reelect looks? >> i think the team is done a great job. when i look at these numbers and the crosstabs, when i drill down on them, i think the president
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has got not just a great shot, i think you will be the winner onw november 3rd. i think the campaign is totally focused. i think biden is a cipher. he can't draw a crowd, so i think right now -- i think the campaign is doing great, the president is doing great. i see a victory on november 3rd and got to tell him back in august '16. >> tucker: and then maybe the real contest begins. steve bannon, i'm glad thathe yu came on, thank you very much. >> that's when the war starts. >> tucker: i'm beginning to think that's true. appreciate it, thank you. >> thank you sir. >> tucker: c may have the sense, particularly if you've got m kids in school that things are completely out of control in schools. teaching things that are flat out propaganda. blm propaganda. it turns out you're right. we have lesson plans that will shock you right after the break. ♪ shock you, right after the
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spiel and the president today announced the creation of something called the patriotic education commission. it would be designed to combat something called critical race theory, which is the lunatic lie teaches our children some people are inherently worse than others, some are morally tainted because of their skin color. if that is the definition of propaganda. it's hard to believe that exists in our country but it's flourishing. the president said that explicitly, watch. >> critical race theory, the 1619 project and a crusade against american history is toxic propaganda, ideological poison that if not removed will dissolve bonds that tie us together, will destroy our country. that is why recently banned trainings and this prejudiced ideology from the federal government and banned it in the
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strongest manner possible. >> tucker: well, the usual partisans were outraged by this, needless to say don buyer, a car dealer somehow became a member of congress said it was fascism but the geniuses were silent in june when the people behind the 1619 project, the bible of critical race theorists, encouraged rioters to destroy private property in the name of racial justice. >> violence is when an agent of the state kneels on a man 'a snack until all of the left is leached out of his body. b destroying property which can be replaced is not violence, and to put those things -- to use the exact same language to describe those two things i think really is not -- it's not moral. >> tucker: when did domke violent people get so much power in this country? by the way, if that woman's private property was destroyed i bet she'd be saying something
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very different. the president's decision to ban critical race theory, definitions of the federal agencies earlier this month was an important step, but you'd be wrong if you thought this poison is confined only to the u.s. s government. just about every single k-12 school in america has ramped up their propaganda effortsnd this year to kee teach children thisa fundamentally bad country, but people are fundamentally flawed from the way they look and that the whole american experiment is basically essentially racist and therefore immoral. even though the 6019 project contains fundamental and verifiable historical falsehoods, it's garbage, it's not real history, teachers in chicago, new york, new jersey and washington are already using it in their classrooms. no one is stopping them so they are. we are going to look back on this in shame and horror. even schools we haven't specifically adopted the 1619 project are taking a similar approach. sometimes they are even more radical. this show has obtained a lesson plan from the buffalo public school system that goes far
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beyond teaching about history andd deliberately advances the agenda of black lives matter, if a political organization. for example, one lesson plan teaches fourthth and fifth grads to question the importance of their parents, of their own mothers and fathers. the lesson plan instructs teachers to discuss various "guiding principles" with students, including so-called black villages that assist in the "disruption of western nuclear family dynamics and return to the collective village that takeses care of each other" they are teaching us to your kids, that your family should be destroyed. why are we allowing this? you know what this is, it's an all-out war on the most important thing we have, which is the american family. the one thing that could help bring back some of our corroding cities. nothing helps has worked, we have spent over a trillion dollars, that's demonstrable. families do work and anyone who was emerged from a place like that of any background or color can tell you families are essential and yet they are
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teaching children that families -- their families -- are the problem. another lesson plan explained to second third and fourth graders that "the need for the blm movement." okay. you might think a marxist organization that destroys private property and wants to replace parents is a bad thing, but that's not what your children are learning. other lesson plans actually teach students the specifics of the blm platform, which rejects western family structures. another lesson plan for grades 2-4 explains why all lives matter is a problematic phrase. all lives don't matter. this is insane and it doesn't help at elementary school -- stop at elma driscoll. the goal is to redefine education at all levels and turn it into a shell for propaganda. at the thomas jefferson school for science and technology, probably the best public school in the united states, officials are limiting their merit-based admission system. why? in the name of diversity. they replaced a rigorous
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application process with the random lottery system. will the school survive? no, of course not. it will not be the best school in the country, they just wrecked it. in a few years that might not be any top schools left in this country. critical race theory will probably favors to my flourish and at the point. why are we letting this happen to our children? [indiscernible] is a senior fellow at the max -- thanks so much for coming on. how widespread is this poison, and it is poison? >> yeah, you know, it's hard to get a good grasp of exactly how widespread it is, you see things on social media, you would like to think their anecdotes. when you see a school district like buffalo just put that out there as if they're proud of it, it's cause for deep alarm. that came from the cold district of austria's department culturally responsive education and new york state adopted statewide standards. the architect of which was an education professor who has literally said that his white supremacist and to accept don't like expect black students to
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read and speak american standard english.t just the other week and other superintendent in new york said we shouldn't teach the success stories of black americans because doing so somehow denies or undercuts the ideas of systemic racism. i think we can expect this is a form on -- states have committed to it, individual teachers whoua have a sense of social justice defined by critical race theorye going to take it into their own hands even though it's not necessarily on the school district website. >> tucker: so let's get to the core idea that i think we should work to fight and that is the idea of blood guilt, but some people are born with guilt, some people are born inferior or born superior, we rejected that as a nation a long time ago. we have a monument on the wall as a testament to the fact thatt we rejected it. how common is that lie in our schools? >> yeah, well i think -- this really ties into the 1619 project, which, you discuss the falsehoods of it, but i think
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this isn't just being adopted in major school districts, peopletr are taking it into their own hands -- i teachers are taking t into their own hands and the true purpose of this according to nicole hannah jones is to advance reparations and she has said further from that that's her goal because she decided that it was more realistic than, and i quote, "how can we stop white americans from being white"? curriculum can't affect skin color. what this is aboutut is what you're saying, it's about blood' guilt. it's about this criticalid ideology that takes things that you and i and most americans think our virtues, things like the nuclear family, things like a sense of urgency, delayed gratification, defines them as whiteness and tells your kids that it's your job to dismantle whites andid pharmacists. d >> tucker: they have a right to do this. they have no right to destroy our children, they have no right to destroy our schools and we s are going to put an email address on our screen starting tomorrow and going forward for
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any parents who have seenan examples of this, please send them to us. i agree with you, max, that this is likely ubiquitous and until we know its extent we really can't find accents know mike h her, which we should t do. thanks you. >> thank you. >> tucker: a city council of minneapolis decided to defund the police. what could happen next? [laughs] crime went up, it turned out, in minneapolis. guess was upset about it? people who defund the police, and guess what they are blaming? the police.ey one of the great stories ever, stay tuned. ♪
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♪ >> tucker: june is a month redolent with possibility. the flowers of opened, the birds are singing, anything is possible. it was back in june at the minneapolis city council decided to defund the police. they were pretty excited about at that time. city council president went on cnn and said anybody who disagreed with defund the
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police, and this seemed plausible in june, is probably a racist. >> do understand that the word dismantle our police also make some people nervous, for instance, what if in the middle of the night my home is broken into? who do i w call? >> yes, i mean, i hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors and i know -- and myself too and i know that comes from a place of privilege because for those of us for whom the system is working, i think we need to step back and imagine what it would feel like to already live in that reality were calling the police may mean more harm done. >> tucker: you. calling the police means more harm done. yeah. that seemed possible in june. another city council member for minneapolis, a guy called philippe cunningham lamented that money was flowing to the cops instead of people with sociology degree's or master's feminist dance.
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watch. >> all that money has been going to the police department and what have we gotten in return? pain, trauma, and hurt. it isn time for us to get behind community and get behind the strategies that we know work. >> tucker: it's time to get behind community and with that in mind, the city council of the city of minneapolis voted to defund the police. and then something happened that nobody could have expected. all the cameras, all the cnn crews come all the activists, they all went home. but for those who were stuck in minneapolis, they noticed it was getting dangerous. really dangerous. so you know what happened? you canan guess. at a meeting this week, the same city council that voted to defund the police demanded answers from the police chief, why weren't the police doing more to stop criminals? watch. >> i would appreciate some more information on how we are addressing the carjackings. i know thatrm there's been a number of them the community and they've really terrorized residents. >> gun violence, drug dealing,
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intimidation, extortion, people who aren't having to pay to get out of their alleys. >> last night i had yet another 17-year-old murdered in my ward. i would say that i don't have an exact number but it's been at least five 17-year-olds have been murdered in my ward. >> tucker: city council president lisa bender was at the meeting. in june she admitted she had privilege. there she still have that privilege? she didn't address that withl this week but she didn't seem to think that calling the cops was quite as racist as she used to think it was. in fact, this week she asked the police how do we get this under control? [laughs] it's too good. i'm warmer to my former armyct ranger sniper has more ideas for how we might get this under control in minneapolis. great to see you. i should stipulate that most of the city council of us have been immune from the effect of their own policies of course because they have stuck taxpayers with
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the bill for private security, but for everyone else in minneapolis wondering why did the city go to hell, what do you think happened to minneapolis? any ideas? >> shocking, tucker, that this could happen. defund the police empowers criminals. i don't know what is worst, that they thought of the idea to defund the police or that they are surprised by the results. i can't keep this happening in blue states withs blue governors and blue cities with blue mayors and blue d.a.s, many of whom by the way have had their campaigns funded by george soros and other left-wing activists that just want to watch america burn, they are getting what they paid for. it is so laughable that they are shocked with this result and it's so sad that these are real people being affected by this. >> tucker: you're absolutely right. he did pay for a lot of this and he's definitely getting return for his money and he does. but i wonder all the kind of normal sweet people in minneapolis, a lot of whom are
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liberal, theyal didn't notice until memorial day weekend that their police department was systemically racist they possessed privilege? this all seemed to kind of come out of nowhere. how did that happen. exactly? and is it going at? have they been awakened to, reality yet do you think? >> i think we have good signs that people are being awakened to reality. the fact that they are calling out here and trying to figure out what's wrong, little too late but at leastei maybe they'e getting the signal now. when i look at our gun sales, we had record gun sales, more than any other month we've ever had in recorded history, and that's not because of gun owners like me. that's because off some of these liberals that may be weren't gun owners before that are realizing their safety is their responsibility. i've been told by anti-gunners all the time, i don't need a gun because we have the police. while, i think that's absurd on its face. i still have a fire extinction or even though i have a fire department, but i think police are majority heroes, great
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people, but you're stuck facing the problem before the police even get called and having a firearm, people are realizing that not only that can they not rely on the police to stop his attacks,e when you defund the policeto that are not there anymore, you're responsible for your own safety. >> tucker: i think that's exactly right. it's all very obvious now, biden has pledged to take your guns. they are going to go after the ammo. we are going to do a segment on that when we can find a guess to explain it. i hope you'll come back, great to see you. the show is not over yet, donald trump about to takee the stage at a t rally in the statef wisconsin. stay with fox news for more reality. we will be right back. ♪ - hello, i'm michael youssef.
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you know, history has shown that when a nation turns to god, broken families are healed, people break free from addictions and alcoholism, crime rates plummet. in the welsh revival last century, all across wales, police and judges had nothing to do. why? because there was no crime and it can happen here by god's grace, when you come to him. - [narrator] when nations turn to god, they find their societal problems disappear. there is hope for this broken world, if you just know where to look. won't you consider looking to the one who made you? visit to learn more about his plan for your life. again, that's
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there is air force one on the screen. hope you have the best night with the ones you love. we will hand it off to the great sean hannity about 11 seconds early but generosity. >> tucker: you can either fill the time or just throw it to hannity, no big deal. >> tucker: you caught me. >> sean: well i could keep going but now you are almost two seconds late. [laughs] fox news alert, we are awaiting president trump's remarks as you just saw on tucker's show, air force one pulling up in central wisconsin and we will aike you there live as he steps to the podium. massive crowds showing up days and hours in advance to see the president who is expected to speakay any moment. now that 2020 election correspondent and investigative reporter lawrence jones is on site and he will join us with a full report t moments away. also tonight we have a special "hannity" investigation into what is rampant fraud to surrounding mail in inval
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