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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  September 21, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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door. others blaring horns, shouting. harassment, mob rule, not acceptable. no republican senator should ever have to deal with this. all right, tough times. that's all the time we have left. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham, big show tonight. >> laura: hey, hey, hannity. this is the left gone wild but they wanted to try to ride into victory on november 3rd, the democrats and we warn them that this was going to happen and that's exactly where we are all ad. they are going to burn it all down if they don't get their w way. >> sean: the equivalent of a political temper tantrum with real-life consulates is. >> laura: yeah, and there's people's lives at stake. we've had people lose their lives. the craziness has taken place for months. it's at a fever pitch and this is what happens when you have a politicized court. where going to get all these angles tonight. >> sean: i would vote vote vote only once of course, don't want to be lawless like they are but i'd listen, i would tell
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you, this is a transformative tipping point election of all elections. >> laura: everyone has to get out and vote, bring ten friends. remember obama used to say, get your cousin pookie. we need our cousin pookie. we named our cousins are developers sean, awesome show, great is here. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. another round ofrounof impeachm, well, yeah. packing the courts and a forced government shutdown. those are just some of the little moves the democrats have floated to disrupt that supremt justice confirmation. senator ted cruz, former supreme court clerk himself is here with insight. also the trump doj has just designated multiple american cities as anarchist jurisdictions. victor davis hanson tells us what that actually means. and white had to come to this. plus, how do joe biden kill off two-thirds of the country?
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raymond arroyo explains it in "seen and unseen." but first, riots at the court. that's the focus of tonight's angle. for decades and decades, conservatives have been disappointed by the supreme court's turn from being a fairly apolitical institution that calls balls and strikes and leaves most of the big policy decisions to elected officials to in activist body pressing liberal social goals on the rest of us. reading miranda rights under the constitution, that was one thing. but in 1973, everything changed with roe vs. wade. just as harry blackmun and six others used the due process clause of the 14th amendment to strike down a state law prohibiting abortion. which then took the issue away from all 50 states. and nothing has been the same since. more than any other, that case set the precedent for the quartet act is kind of a super
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legislature to impose a new social order on the american people. one unelected life tenured judges ended up taking power away from the people and exercising it themselves, that created a huge fissure in america. our framers never envisioned that a handful of unaccountable jurists would have such outsized influence. that's exactly what happened. conservatives have been patiently waiting and patiently working to repair this damage to our constitutional system for as long as i have been alive, they have been trying. they emerged, raise money, we have all voted for candidates who promised to restore the separation of powers to its rightful place. but often we have come up short. too often, justice is by republicans and up evolving to the left. from william brennan and eisenhower know many to warren burger, one of nixon's
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picks, to david souter, of bush 41 fame, and john roberts, bush 43 appointee. in seminal cases they have abandoned the principle of judicial restraint enjoying the activist liberals. one of my earliest memories as a young reagan administration staffer was watching the robert bork hearing back in 1987. what they did to him was vicious political blood sport. republicans weren't ready then to fight back. a few years later, he warned about judges becoming social justice warriors. >> there's two kinds of justices. one, the kind that judges should be concerned with his justice under law which means applying the law fully and fairly. there's a higher justice which is justice according to morality. that's really not for judges. as for legislators and for ourselves to enact our principles of morality into law which the judges should respect
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and applied. >> laura: democrats savaged him because they didn't like the fact that he was a strict constructionist. they were motivated solely by their desire to protect their holy grail of abortion. they rejected his nomination. anthony kennedy went to the court instead. justice kennedy was a very nice man but he'd spent decades disciplining the voters who put reagan in office. conservatives soldiered on within the constitutional framework and we were told we had to get control of our own party and then win at the ballot box to affect change of the court. that's what we did. we did it with trump's victory in 2016. and now that we have a chance to put a fifth judicial conservative on the court, i know longer count roberts as one, democrats are threatening to blow up the entire system. hence the title of "the ankle." riot at the court. they claim if they win the senate they will pack the car by adding new justices, expanding it, something that hasn't been threatened and tried since 1937
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what fdr tried and failed to mold court in his favor. >> let this moment radicalizing. if mitch mcconnell is not going to honor rbg's final wish, we will. sticker democrats are saying that we will pack the courts. what with the impact be? >> you've essentially cheated and stole an two seats, and i think they'd be well within their rights to do so. >> justices need to be placed o, additionally. >> laura: unbelievable, outrageous. ruth bader ginsburg passes away the age of 87. the constitution gives the sole right to nominate her replacement to the sitting president who is donald j. trump, period. if his party has control of the senate, they have the power to move a nominee to a full senate vote. they didn't get these powers by
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accident. it wasn't a mistake. they got them from the voters who gave president trump over 300 electoral votes and who gave republicans 5 53 senators in the senate. that's how our system works. now the left would have us ignore the entire constitutional system because of something the deceased justice supposedly said in her final days? >> her last wish, for the voters to decide who will be the next president before pushing ahead to fill her seat. >> she said my most fervent wish is that i will not be replaced until a new president is installed. we believe that. >> defying that dying wishes of mormon spent her life devoted to realizing the full promise of the constitution. >> laura: the full promise of the constitution is in the constitution. imagine if we took that attitude at any of the, i don't know, 500
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occasions when we lost a big case of the court or when bork's nomination went south or maybe after they horribly mistreated brett kavanaugh. imagine if we had reacted like they did. the democrats would have been screaming bloody hell. oh and by the way since they don't like the fact that the g.o.p. has a majority, they are also threatening to pack the senate. that's something that's never been attempted. >> they can abolish the filibuster. they can grant statehood. to d.c. and puerto rico. >> court reform, statehood for d.c., puerto rico. >> none of that happens if the democrats do not take back the senate. >> what we will do is very simple. we will add d.c. and puerto rico puerto rico as states. that's four new senators. speak >> laura: why stop at four? keep it going. oh, by the way, gets worse. if those threats fail their
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surrogates will try old-fashioned physical threats as well. >> we need to be out in the streets. we need protest everything all day. >> laura: remember what i said back in january of 2019 about alexandria ocasio-cortez? i think it's a mistake for conservatives not to take her seriously, to brush her off this kind of a flash in the pan or an upstart. she is as close to a thought leader at the democratic party has today. this entire unhinged response to the rbg replacement is being driven by the far left of the party, aoc plus three plus whatever else she's going to drag along with her. biden was basically hiding most of the weekend. the man doesn't even know what to do. surely the leader of the senate democrats isn't appearing with a freshman congresswoman on a matter that the house has zero authority over. wouldn't do that, right? chuck schumer. oh, yes, he would. >> would you be in support of
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potentially redoing hearings against the attorney general or the president. >> we must consider all the tools available to our disposal. all these options should be entertained and on the table. >> laura: schumer is embarrassing himself and so was everyone else in the party. they are so obsessed with beating trump and his voters that they are willing to destroy our entire system of checks and balances to do so. allowing the radical left to call all the shots. we predicted here on "the angle." biden can't get control of these people. he is an empty vessel to be filled with radical policies by radical politicians who hate our history, hate most of our traditions, and hate most of our people. he is too weak to control the young bolsheviks. he doesn't have a short mystery direct their efforts. and now his entire party is going off the rails. the real choice in this election has nothing to do with biden.
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it's a choice between president trump and the hard left. this confirmation battle will show us just how crazy the other side is. republicans are doing what they promised to do for decades, to put originalists and textualist on the court. we have never proposed packing the court are trying to add new states. those threats are only coming from one side. the democratic party is no longer the party of clinton or even obama for that matter. it is the abortion party. it is aoc's party. for that, they are willing to destroy everything we americans built together over 244 years. one issue. let that sink in for a moment. that's "the angle." joining me now is rob lighter, former clarence thomas clerk. also harmeet dhillon, civil rights attorney and cochair of
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lawyers for trump. rob, given with the democrats are threatening, do you believe this confirmation battle will be unclear, if that's possible, then justice kavanaugh? >> i don't think it will be uglier. justice kavanaugh's was a pretty ugly and personally ugly confirmation. i do think that it will be just as contested if not more so. the states are higher at this point. six votes will cement a conservative majority for decades. i always say that for conservatives to get five votes at the supreme court, they probably need six or seven justices to get that on any issue. from that end, he will present a shift and i think the democrats will fight with everything they have. there tools are very limited because in prior decisions they made in terms of breaking the filibuster. i do think it will be ugly. i think it will be as ugly as
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the previous confirmations but i think it also shows how much the level of politics has been injected into the judicial system. >> laura: something that certainly some of our founders didn't want at all. alexander hamilton didn't want this. he saw that this is not what the roll of the court should be. by the way, harmeet, this is what justice ginsburg herself said about court packing just last year. >> nine seems to be a good number and it's been that way for a long time. there are some people on the democratic side who would like to increase the number of judges. if anything would make the court appear partisan, it would be that. >> laura: your response to that. >> absolutely. justice ginsburg was right. i don't know what her dying words or wishes were but they are not constitutionally relevant with all due respect. i disagree with robin. i think this confirmation is
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going to be nastier. already is. the kavanaugh situation, we didn't have mobs threatening violence in the streets over these issues. read enough picketing of the senate judiciary committee's home. to pressure him physically. and loudly and we did not have senate packing. we did not have some of the other threats that they are throwing at us. court packing is in fdr long time ago they been saying that. it's going to be everything on the table and i hope it's everything other people from the republican side. i say that as a republican. too many people on our side are talking about the rules of croquet when the other side is coming to this with mobs and nunchucks and weapons. >> laura: rob, i want to hit on that. i was spending time taking a walk down memory lane earlier today watching the bork hearings. i was young kid in washington at the time and i was transfixed by
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them. he warned of exactly what's happening now. he warned of this type of chaos. they crucified him for it. they crucified robert bork. that was the beginning of a confirmation battle being turned into a political circus. the only thing we didn't have, and harmeet is right, the real threat of violence. they are preparing for civil unrest in washington. they are preparing for it in new york and l.a. authorities are preparing for it. >> i mean, i tend to think optimistically we won't have that kind of civil unrest. i do think it's important -- >> laura: where have you been all summer? i mean, have you seen what's happening in the country? it's already happening. >> there will definitely be protesting some of them will get out of hand. i don't think it will be quite to the level that some may fear. what i do think is important to
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emphasize is that we are a country that's literally divided over what the rule of law means. this is really the confirmation, where it comes to a head. republicans and democrats have two totally different views on what the rule of law is. do you follow the text and the original intentions of the framing generation? or does the constitution evolve, and do you mix law with empathy? not disputing that this will be intensely fought and i think it will be intensely fought because the stakes are so high. it's a constitutional moment. >> laura: rob, you are too young. go back and watch '87. joe biden decided to bork. joe biden was the chairman of the judiciary committee. he looked at robert bork and he said this is a pivotal vote. this is going to be a pivotal confirmation because if everything were facing meaning overturning roe vs. wade. harmeet this is a snippet of
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what biden, who has been around town for a long time said watch. >> my colleagues and i, yourself and others will be engaged in a historic discussion. that could affect the direction of our country. i think it would be a disservice to the american people if we allow the debate to be clouded by the rhetoric of the far left or the far right. such inflammatory statements only distract from the central focus of these hearings. >> laura: that was a lie then. can you believe how long biden has been around? half of those people are dead that were on the committee. biden says no strident rhetoric. they destroyed bork. 33 years later it's even worse. >> biden himself later in the proceedings went on to claim publicly that there would be women dying in the streets of back alley abortions, et cetera, et cetera, if robert bork became a supreme court justice. i was so disoriented he was able
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to speak in full sentences and, some clauses. that's not the joe biden of today. the joe biden of today. the same lack of principle but now they are bringing violence. we are seeing in every city in america. you are frankly not paying attention if you don't think it's going to happen to pressure senators on the fence, to pressure members of the public. to make us stay home. if there's one good thing about covid, laura, it's that there aren't going to be a gallery full of these leftists pressuring in person. that's one good thing. stakes are very high. you know and i'm sure going to be talking about it. covid litigation. our liberty, so many important issues beyond abortion that have to be placed at the highest level. >> laura: we can have it. rob, how important is a demo vote before the election or is it feasible in your mind? >> it's definitely feasible i think it's crucial for
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legitimacy. president trump is a mandate that runs to the election. from a legitimacy perspective it's much better that someone be confirmed now before the election. you don't know what will happen in the election i do think there will be legitimate concerns if the republicans confirm somebody in terms of capability, they can do it. justice stevens took two weeks from nomination to confirmation. it's not a problem. no required process and the senate they have to drag it out. the senate has to take a vote and the committee will take about. how long the hearings are up to the senators. if they don't do it, if republicans don't confirm somebody come it will be one of the great political blunders of the early 21st century. >> laura: i couldn't agree with you more and i would say we have enough blunders on the judicial confirmation front. we don't need more. panel, thanks so much.
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great to see both. as president trump chooses rbg's replacement, we will hear from someone on the short-list of potential nominees. senator ted cruz joins us with can't miss analysis of how the president should proceed in reaction to all the hyperventilation and threats from the left. don't go away.
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>> leader mcconnell and the republican senate majority have no right to fill it, no right. there is only one way, one way for this chamber to retain its dignity and that is for four brave senate republicans to commit to rejecting any nominee until the next president is installed. >> laura: dignity. isn't that a funny word coming from chuck schumer? four years ago, he was saying just the opposite. don't expect the media to tell you that. the fact is democrats will say or do anything they need in order to keep president trump from putting another constitutional originals on the court. they spent the last three decades ruthlessly breaking precedent to do so. this time around they are trying to intimidate the more moderate republicans with threats of court packing and d.c. statehood. while this has worked on some
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squishy g.o.p. senators, majority leader mitch mcconnell, he's not having any of it. >> the american people's strength in the senate majority to keep confirming this president's judicial nominees who respect our constitution and understand the proper roll of a judge. we are going to keep our word. once again. we're going going to vote on this nomination on this floor. >> laura: joining me now senator ted cruz, senate judiciary committee member, former clerk to the late supreme court justice william rehnquist, one of the greats. also the author of "one vote away: how a single supreme court seat can change history." it's slated for release this month. pretty good timing. senator cruz, great to see you. reports are that cory gardner of colorado, up for reelection, now voicing support for the nomination late tonight. are you confident you're going to have the votes to win? >> laura, i am.
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i think this is exactly why president trump was elected. he was elected to nominate to nominate principled constitutionalist of the supreme court. this is why the american people elected a republican majority. they did so repeatedly. they elected a republican geordie in the senate in 2014 and 2016 and in 2018, they grew our majority in the senate. the voters have the issue of what kind of justices are going to go to the court. joe biden and hillary clinton, they embraced radical leftists. who want to undermine the constitution and the bill of rights. president trump promised to nominate justices in the mold of scalia and thomas. you mention my book, we are moving the date of. he was going to come out octobe. it's now coming out next tuesday. you can preorder it right now on amazon. the entire book is talking about the stakes of this election and one vote on the supreme court.
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everyone of our rights, free speech. we are one vote away from losing our fundamental protections on free speech. religious liberty. the right to worship according to our faith and conscience. where one vote away from losing it. right after right after right, it comes down to the court and the president is going to make the nomination this week. i believe we will have the votes in the senate to confirm this justice. critically to confirm the justice before election day. >> laura: explained that. senator, explained that. rob leiter who clerked for justice thomas, and harmeet, both agree with you. why in your view is it so critical that that 4-4 tide not the possible postelection. >> laura, there are a lot of reasons but the most important is we know this is a country that's divided, there's a lot of anger. joe biden has been exquisite that if he doesn't win on election day, he will challenge
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legitimacy of the election. he's hired lawyers. all of us remembered in the 2000 election. i was part of the legal team representing george w. bush. i think what we saw in florida in bush versus gore, litigation challenged in the election. if joe biden loses we will see all over the country not just one statement multiple states and if the democrats succeed in keeping the seat vacant, there would be only eight justices on the supreme court. if they divide 4-4, they cannot make a decision. the court has no majority. remember the 36 days of uncertainty, chaos that played out in bush versus gore without filling the seat. this election could last weeks or months. with the kind of chaos we are seeing, that constitutional crisis i think would be incredibly unhealthy for the
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country. >> laura: senator, i have to get your reaction to this tweet from newt gingrich. he said every person he seeks to intimidate coors threaten or punish senators and their staff and families during the supreme court nomination process should be arrested and prosecuted because it's a felony punishable by five to ten years. many of us have been frustrated that more hasn't been done to protect people and places. landmarks. president trump obviously pushed through that. his executive order and attorney general barr is doing what he said he can. you'rthey're going to senators . you could be vulnerable. >> that's right, we are seeing violence and riots and chaos. we are seeing democratic jurisdictions will allow you to go on and on. portland or new york or chicago or seattle. forcing the hard left. they're trying to threaten people directly. they have gone to multiple
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senators homes on the senate judiciary committee. they are angry and the threat of violence is in the air. i can tell you the capitol police is already very concerned in the midst of brett kavanaugh you had angry protesters who would confront senators, try to intimidate senators. i am very concerned that the next two months will see things get even worse. we can't let that intimate us. we have a job to do. our job is to honor the promise we made to the voters. i'm telling you right now, laura, i believe we will have the votes and we will confirm principled constitutionalist to the court before election day. >> laura: senator cruz, i know you are texting friends, buddies with eric holder so you probably already know this but this is something he said i guess today. sorry, saturday. about the current court majority. watch. >> you would have a conservative majority on the court.
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illegitimate conservative majority of the court. we need to think about court reform. as part of that reform package, i think additional justices need to be placed on the supreme court. >> laura: obviously the future court majority. court packing, very quickly. >> it's clear the democrats if they get the majority they're going to try to pack the court. history is abundantly clear that when the president and the senate are of the same party, the senate confirms an election-year vacancy. it's happened 29 times in our nations history. 19 of them were when the president and senate were of the same party. 17 of those were confirmed. on the other hand when the president and senate are of different parties, that's happened ten times. the senate has confirmed twice. it explains the difference between 2016 and 2020. the american people elected president trump and a republican majority because we want the constitution and bill of rights protected. that's our job and that's what we need to do. >> laura: senator, i hope your
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book is required reading for high school students and college student certainly who don't understand the constitution and don't know it. i almost don't even blame them for saying what they do because they never learned it. i look forward to having you back when your book comes out. thank you so much. thursday night we brought you a story from a fox affiliate out of nashville. the station reported in internal emails reporting the mayor's office had covered up data on the very low number of covid cases and bars restaurants. those case numbers were in fact low. mayor john cooper push back against the notion that there was any type of cover up saying this information was released to the public over the summer and a streaming event. fox 17 retracted their story late friday night but added that they were very concerned about the lack of overall transparency from cooper's office. we will keep you updated on any developments should they come. still i had, joe biden made a desperate request of anderson cooper? raymond arroyo has it all. "seen and unseen" next.
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so what's going on?
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>> laura: it's time for our "seen and unseen" segment where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. we are joined by raymond arroyo, fox news contributor. biden had one brief appearance over the weekend in philly. he seemed a little tuckered out as he began. well, until the shouting started. >> have the great privilege of being a guest. if donald trump has his way, the complications from covid-19, which are well beyond what they should be. it's estimated that 200 million people have died. probably by the time i finish this talk.
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>> laura: we can report. >> we can report with certainty that two-thirds of the american population have not perished due to covid. it is moments like that which caused the president to comment on joe biden's recent appearances over the weekend. he put it this way. >> they gave him a big fat shot in the ass and he comes out. period for two hours, he's better than ever before. >> the president seems to be suggesting that biden is on a stimulant or enhancer. trump is asking that both he and biden take drug tests before the debates, believe it or not. biden today gave a speech with a mask on. i don't know if he's going to also debate with a mask on. that will be interesting. >> laura: it will be like this. i can never hear anyone on a mask. can you? you hear schumer with aoc. they are like mommies. i can hear what they are saying.
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here's a bit of the biden cnn drive-in town hall. this is like a throwback to happy days except it was unhappy days. >> the bugs can't seem to get enough of biden. he's always chasing bugs. >> drug abuse doesn't cause mental illness. mental stress and mental illness because drug abuse. we have learned so much and we can change so much and that's why we have to make sure that the super wealthy start paying their fair share. >> one of the things i have done, anyway, i'm going on too much about cancer. >> laura, biden has replaced clarity with indignant's. he runs through kind of a scattershot spray of issues and never really answers the question at hand. this was anderson cooper throwing softballs. imagine with the debates are
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going to look like. >> laura: that was one of the odder campaign events i've seen. all of them, even the ones that were decent questions, biden kind of reverts back to the golden oldies. i guess every candidate does. but it's more pronounced with biden. he always does that thing where he says but no, no, no i'm not going to get into that. don't want to bore you with that. it's a campaign. what are you talking about? >> the saddest moment of the event, the drive-in town hall, probably biden's hot mic at the end of the town hall. listen closely. >> think you for hosting us. stay tuned for cuomo prime time coming up. >> can i see my family? >> can i see my family? this is what you hear the eldercare unit when they disobey
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the people taking care of them? i felt awful when i heard this. it's a terrible thing for a presidential candidate to be asking a host for his family. >> laura: he always seems like he's wincing. you mentioned passing a kidney stone or something. he winces through every answer. to me the saddest moment was when jill and kamala harris' husband tried to stage a car. to compete with those trump both parades. car parades across the nation. this was shared by dr. biden's spokesperson. >> there are three cards. >> laura: that's the trump boat parade. where's the car? >> three vehicles and they are waving like it's the rose bowl parade. i'll watch the sound room and there was once the emmy awards last night. terrible. they were less about television
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than the next election. they should've had a hashtag. emmy's so political. >> this is so freaking weird. have a voting plan. be a good human. rest in power, rbg. >> black lives matter. lowder, jimmy. black lives matter. lowder, jimmy. say it so that mike pence can hear it. >> black lives matter. >> go out and vote because that's the only way were going to have some love and acceptance out there. please do that. i am so sorry for making this political but i had to. >> laura, daniel leavy, he's canadian. he's telling people to vote in america. as the american academy of television arts and sciences just gave his canadian series the best comedy series emmy. if that's not love and acceptance, i don't know what it is. partisan ship coupled with shattered viewing drove the emmy's to its lowest all-time rating.
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5 million people down from 7 million last year and that was a dissent. nobody's watching. >> laura: i like that last guy, he's a really good actor. he had a cute skirt on. reminded me of one of my old field hockey kilt. it was like a wolf all number. >> to each his own. my legs aren't good enough for that. >> laura: think so much. by the way, it was a special day yesterday. wasn't there a special day yesterday. >> i can remember, laura. ♪ >> laura: there was a fire alarm pulled at the raymond arroyo residence. >> i thought i might get out of it. the public humiliation. >> laura: happy birthday, all right. doj declares three cities dens
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of lawlessness and anarchy as peaceful protesters storm the suburbs. the media told you it wouldn't happen of course. it was a librarian victor davis hanson next. in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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>> laura: you have heard of sanctuary cities but what about
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anarchist jurisdictions question right that's the designation of the doj leveled on three dems run cities. new york, seattle, portland, they could lose federal funding if they continue to allow antifa, black lives matter radicals to run wild. "new york times" reported portland protesters are storming the suburbs including one instance where they were triggered, triggered by an american flag. according to portland resident, they said take it down. they wouldn't leave. they said they are going to come back and burn the house town. joining me now is victor davis hanson. victor, why was this designation so important and why now? >> i think attorney general barr is trying to do two things. trying to recreate deterrents to stop so we don't have these riots going all summer long, all
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fall along and endangering the election in the aftermath of the election. more importantly he is trying to reestablish a principal that a citizen of minnesota or washington or oregon is first a u.s. citizen and second a state resident. they have inherent civil rights. he's looking back at the history of the old confederacy, if you will, and he is saying just as lincoln protected federal property in 1859 in '60 at '61, i'm going to do the same thing. he's looking at civil rights. when jfk said to alabama, if you're not going to support free and open housing to people regardless of race, we are going to cut off aid. alabama, lbj in '64 said if you do not disperse welfare funds equitably and you continue to discriminate, the federal government isn't going to give you any reimbursements at all. it was very effective. in addition, they look to
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individuals that were crossing state lines with weapons that were conspiring to commit riots and mayhem and they charge them with racketeering, conspiracy. >> laura: it change the dynamic. >> yeah. it was a multifaceted way of restoring order by recreating deterrence and it was predicated on the idea that people have inherent rights as u.s. citizens and they are not stripped away just because they live in a particular state. the irony of it is it was very effective, and barr has sort of recalibrated and applied it not to segregationists but the anarchists. they are really surprised at it because it's quite ironic. >> laura: victor, this is how the new york, new york, attorney general letitia james responded to the doj's designation today. >> the president in the past has indicated he would punish new york for whatever reason. it's arbitrary, capricious, it may not even happen. this president is doing nothing
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more than saber rattling, rattling to his base. using words and phrases that unfortunately are filled with racial overtones. >> laura: 15 seconds, victor. this is where they always go. back to racism. >> yeah, all he's doing is doing, all barr and trump are doing are doing exactly what jfk and lbj did to george wallace and said you can't run alabama in a chaotic fashion. this time the shoe is on the other foot and they don't like it. >> laura: i love it, great history lesson needed today. coming up, the pelosi malfunctions on live tv. the last bite explains.
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>> laura: nancy pelosi talked about the forthcoming scotus pick. if someone on her staff
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attempted to reboot her mid-interview. >> but to be clear, are not taking any arrows out of your quiver or ruling anything out? >> good morning. it's sunday morning. we have a responsibility, we take an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the united states. >> laura: oh, wow. that's all the time we have tonight, shannon bream and the fox news at 19 take off from here. >> shannon: we are all exhausted, it's a busy news cycle. >> laura: good night, good night. sleep on it's monday. [laughs] okay, thanks laura. breaking tonight, he was a long republican to convict president trump on the articles of impeachment and tonight he holds a vote for the next supreme court justice. he says he will not announce his position until he


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