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tv   Bill Hemmer Reports  FOX News  September 22, 2020 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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this institution in this government and the decisions we make. we have to prove it and we do it by living up to our word of four years ago and saying this president shall not choose the nominee to fill the vacancy but the next president whoever it may be will have the opportunity. >> senator murray. >> so there's the democratic leadership on capitol hill chuck schumer saying the voice of democracy hangs in the balance and republicans are rushing through a nominee and doing nothing for the covid response. good afternoon. i'm bill hemmer. let's start with the battle in the supreme court the highest court in the land, senate republicans and democrats launching attacks at one another with historic effects. as we've learned before it's
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about the math. herd what we know now. president trump says he announce his pick on saturday. it appears republicans have moved forward to try to fill the ginsburg seat. moments ago senator mcconnell saying he will bring the nominee before the judiciary committee and likely fight to the finish. i'll speak with republican senator langford out of virginia, first congressional correspondent chad. >> we know they have the votes to try to advance a supreme court nomination this calendar year a presidential election year and the main reason here is that mitt romney the republican senator from utah today signalled he was okay forging ahead. >> i think it's okay to tornado to the qualifications you looshg for someone an expert in the law
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someone that has fairness in judgment continue stint with the law. i prefer a strict constructionist meaning they look at the law itself and the constitution as opposed to looking in the sky an pulling out ideas that may or may not be appropriate to the constitution. >> democrats hold a grudge after republicans block the senate from considering president obama's nomination of merrick garland for months. >> this time the republican leader isn't even hiding his decision. hiding that his decision is nothing, nothing but raw partisan politics. according to the republican lead where the president and senate majority are the same party you can break rules to get justice.
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>> just how fast the republican mayors can move lindsey graham says they're trying to figure out committee hearings an milk malsays it will be up to him once that hearing is complete when they put this on the senate floor there. are advantages and disadvantageses depending what republican you talk to doing this either side of the election but most indications are they're going going to try to do it before the election. keep in mind the government might shut down on september 30 if they don't work out a spending bill. the house of representatives was scheduled to vote on that today. republicans including mitch mcconnell have balked. they're upset about farmers that are not in this legislation. >> off we roll. >> hitting for the cycle. >> no doubt. we know when the president makes his moves chief justice john roberts pictures that part of
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the story. >> the president will announce his nominee saturday. he got a rally in middletown and are told he will keep that on the schedule so it's likely the nomination will come dion sometime in the afternoon and the president head to middleton to praise his new nominee the president also indicating earlier today his mind is almost made up if not fully there who the nominee will be. >> president trump: i'm very close to making decision in my own mind and i'm going to reveal that on saturday and i'm doing that out of respect for justice ginsburg and having a service on thursday so i didn't really want to do anything to cut into the service and we have a lot of time. >> and the frontrunners at this point we are told are judge amy coney barrett seventh circuit court of appeals she's the frontrunner.
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judge barbara lagoa. the white house believes there's plenty of time to get the nominee through the confirmation process before the election but it will take an accelerated timetable and no room for error. democrats say they will do whatever it takes to derail the nomination up to and including launching new impeachment proceedings against the president a threat the white house said sounds laughable. >> i think the american people are looking now and seeing nancy pelosi and chuck schumer talking about impeachment for executing your power in article ii section 2 it's outlandish the things they're suggesting an they seem to be doubling down on their kavanaugh approach. didn't work out with kavanaugh won't work out this election year into the white house insists the president has the constitutional authority to make the nomination with 40 days left
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until the election and the senate has the constitutional duty to advise and consent for the president but no question bill this is going to be a night. >> indeed. thanks john roberts. senator lanford from oklahoma. welcome. >> good to be backs. >> mitt romney not done when do you think it could be happen? >> don't know. there's not a said timetable. we don't know who the nominee is yet. we assume it's somebody that's been vetting before. that's already been confirmed by the senate. these are the top candidates in circuit courts around the country meaning judiciary committees have gone through. they'll do due diligence and bring the vote if it passes the committee so takes weeks to do it but we got to get a candidate first. >> november 3rd election day. dick durbin the republican senator from illinois said
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watching the republicans squirm away from the position four years go. what would you say? >> i would say we are watching democrats squirm away from the decision four years ago because they were saying when the president makes a nomination it is up to the senate to actually do a hearing for those so it's funny to watch us crossing over on it back and forth. realistically historically when there's a senate of a different party an president different party in an election year the senate makes the decision. the president always has the power to nominate. the senate has advice and consent and the senate can choose to do that or not so in 2016 we chose not to and to be able to choose this time. >> senator what is your preference vote before or after election day? >> i want to vote when it's ready. i don't want to rush it one way or foot we are ready for election fine. the president after the election as well as before the senate still is senate before and after
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regardless the outcome of the election so as ruth bader ginsburg said in 2016 there is no constitutional difference between the beginning or the end of a presidential term and so that's the same and i quite frankly believe trump is going to be reelected so they'll show there's no had your any this process. >> two more minutes two more questions your committee is about to release findings on a probe of hunter biden in ukraine. what did you find no. >> i'll allow the report to speak for itself. we tried to gather evidence an information from american sources there are folks that accused of going international and foreign sources. we've gone to american sources to determine what happened during that time period and will release that out soon. >> was there a crime or bad judgement? >> i will how the report to go from there. senate cannot do a criminal investigation. we can just report what we've found. >> does it come out this week?
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>> i'll be able to let the chairman release that. >> your committee is on the russia probe issue of unmasking. do you owe the american people an answer on this or are you finding out the deeper you go there's not much to it? >> the american people are owed an answer on this. we have a history as american one transitions he helps the next president be successful that was broken under president obama where they were planting time bombs for president trump to be able to undercut him in that transition. that was a dramatic shift from the historical normgs on that we want each president to be successful because the american people are successful when that president is successful and we should have peaceful transition not try to under cut them from the ground. >> understood your answer on that but it's been four years. >> it has been four years but obviously there's been a lot that happened around with criminal investigations an other things. we are specifically looking at just this area of presidential
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transitions. it's one thing our committee has oversight for. there's been a lot that's come out with the mueller investigation with different documents with the fbi hand inspector-general that once those things started coming out we saw a pattern in the last few months of the obama presidency. >> you said time bomb. give an example. >> for instance the different accusations, all the we are not going to give the next administration information about russia. we are going to try to under cut the national security advisor at the very beginning so he can't be successful at the start. those are things that set up the next administration to not be successful or to be able up future investigations for the president, which we now know were not warranted and at the time even the fbi knew they were not warranted for instance the famous dossier that so much of the investigation at that time period was based on before the election even in 2016 the fbi knew that that was a hit piece from the clinton campaign and
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dnc and continued to use it as if it was fact when they knew it was not. >> do we deserve do the american people deserve to hear about that finding before the election? will that happen? >> we are pulling as fast as we can to get the initial information out and to get those details out. obviously we can't finish the investigation before that. >> that's not a yes. that's not a guarantee. >> yes we will get the preliminary information out as much as we possibly can but there are a lot of people we are still visiting with to be able to go through the process to make sure this is right. this is not just about this election. it's about every presidential transition from here on out we got to make sure is right. >> senator thanks very much. james langford from oklahoma. sheldon from the white house will weigh in talk to him coming up. donald trump and joe biden trying to drum up support in the midwest, karl rove breaks it down
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jack keenum on dealing with iran an president trump's message to china. >> president trump: only when you take care of your own citizens will you find a true basis for cooperation. as president i have rejected the failed approaches of the past and i am proudly putting america first. no appraisal, no out of pocket costs and no va paperwork for you. you can start the process right over the phone. refi now and cut $3000 a year off your mortgage payments. loans can close in as little as 30 days. little things can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream.
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but first always going for a run or going to the gym. i love reading. i love cooking healthy. it's super important to me. i was noticing that i was just having some memory loss. it was really bothering me. so i tried prevagen and it started to work for me. i wish i had taken prevagen five or ten years ago. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> president trump: the people of dayton know better than
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everyone the terrible damage biden has inflicked over his nearly 50 years, 47 years to be exact. can you believe it? for 47 years joe biden shook the hands of american workers and then stabbed them in the back. >> so there's the president making his pitch in yesterday to blue collar workers, joe biden making his own pitch to working class americans saying the president forgot about them. fox news contributor karl rove. i want to give our viewers an understanding what the strategy is for trump and biden and where these campaign stops are being made today. i mentioned ohio yesterday. the president yesterday was in dayton, so that's montgomery county around here. he flipped that county four years ago karl. i'll show knew 2012 president obama won that county by 5 points. later last night he went up to santa ana's, columbus, cleveland here. this is toledo, ohio.
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he made a stop in fulton, ohio which he carried sizably in 2016 but did not carry lucas county where toledo is. conversely and i'll allow to you see this we watched joe biden go up here not talk about the supreme court he was east of green bay in a county where the president dominated in 2016. so i turn it over to you, the master of this to try and help us understand what's going on between the trump campaign and the biden campaign strategy now karl? >> look. you're right. the president yesterday want to fulton county, which is a deep red county outside three oechlt toledo is in northwest ohio, the blueberry in a red sea. the president wanted to be toledo tv and the margin that he's got in fulton henry wood
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ottawa and sandusky all of which are around toledo more than off set what hillary clinton got in lucas and in toledo. >> so he is going there to drive up the votes that he picked up in 2016 and try and drive it harder this year? >> that's right and he's doing so by going into a market where the dominant center of the media market is blue but all the surrounding areas red so he appears in the red area and get the benefit from appearing there and still gets the television coverage that eminates from toledo. >> i'm going to a count where trump got 60 percent of the vote. why do i do that? >> a couple reasons. one you want to go back to green bay later and that's in the green bay media market. kanawa county east of it and then manitowoc southeast of green bay. so what he's doing is going into
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the green bay market, getting on green bay tv but reserving the right to get in and out of green bay later on in the campaign. it's also manitowoc is where historically there was a big shipyard there. the shipyard many years ago north to door country into sturgeon bay tlut there is a lot of blue collar in manitowoc an he's trying to grab some of those working class people voted for donald trump bring them back to the democratic column. >> so biden goes there on a day when the supreme court dominated the news and doesn't mention it in his speech. he mentioned later with an affiliate out of green bay but during his speeches wearing a mask the entire time his message was about covid, karl. is his campaign seeing something in the numbers with regard to covid? >> we know this. more people consider covid to be a health event the more likely for biden.
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binded campaign is based on one big message, donald trump bungled the response to covid and deserves to be tossed out on that the seaboard national messages are swing suburbanites and a subordinate message to the democratic party i will be quote the most progressive president since fdr. look at the stances i'm taking in the unity commission and my call for big tax cuts and more government. i'm going to be a progressive but those two last messages are subordinate to the big message which he's trying to run the clock out on that guy bungled the coronavirus response. i'm mystified why he didn't address the supreme court yesterday so shortly after the death of ruth bader ginsburg.
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>> we were curious. karl well down. we will brink you back in a couple days and go through more. >> good deal. >> covid numbers 200,000 today. u.k. responding to a surge in new cases with new restrictions. also back here at home, tourism is off 60 percent in las vegas. that town is one step closer to getting back to normal. we'll explain why in a moment. ♪ ♪ it's official: national coffee day is now national dunkin' day! celebrate with a free medium hot or iced coffee with any purchase
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on september 29th. i'm a delivery operations manager in san diego, california. we were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of electric vehicles. we're striving to deliver a package with zero emissions into the air. i feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. we have two daughters and i want to do everything i can to protect the environment so hopefully they can have a great future. i can to protect the environment i will send out an army to find you in the middle of the darkest night it's true, i will rescue you oh, i will rescue you
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my wife and daughter had been killed in an automobile crash, and lying in the bed were my two little boys. i couldn't have imagined what it would've been like if i didn't have insurance to cover them immediately and fully. forty years later, one of those little boys, my son beau, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, given months to live. i can't fathom what would have happened if the insurance companies had the power to say, "the last few months, you're on your own." the fact of the matter is health care is personal to me. obamacare is personal to me. when i see the president of the united states try to eliminate this health care in the middle of a public health crisis, that's personal to me too. we've got to build on what we did because every american deserves affordable health care. i'm joe biden and i approve this message.
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♪you know limu,ug after all these years deserves affordable health care. it's the ones that got away that haunt you the most. [ squawks ] 'cause you're not like everybody else. that's why liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. what? oh, i said... uh, this is my floor. nooo! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> study showing that some colleges may have caused thousands of covid by reopening. "wall street journal" reporting researchers say the biggest spikes came from areas near
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campus offering in person classes. studies co-authored a journal saying it does not mean they could not reopen. boris johnson announcing restriction as covid-19 cases double every day in the u.k. he warns lives may not get back to normal six months. greg on that. >> hey bill. that's right. covid-19 is back with a vengeance and british prime minister boris johnson is acting. as officials talk about more infections, more deaths, more hospitalizations, more cases, he went on the air speaking to the nation tonight just a couple minutes ago. here is his grim warning. >> unless we take action, the risk is that we will have to go for tougher measures when the deaths have mounted and we have
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a huge case load of infection such as we had in the spring. >> measures right now pubs bars restaurants closing earlier people working from home, backed up with stiff fines police even the army getting involved. the prime minister tell folks who are chasing a covid restriction this is not a full lockdown but many are worried the restriction could hit the economy. finally yes johnson echoing what his scientists around officials say this could be in place six months maybe about the time people say a vaccine could be in place too. we will see. >> thank you greg. we are watching it for you. thank you in london today.
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>> las vegas inching toward normalcy, nightclubs closed. sandra welcome. you have the close you open you closed again and sunday night what happened? >> sunday night the governor's mitigation task force did vote to allow bars taverns and wineries to reopen in clark county and statewide that allow all bars to be opened with 50 percent occupancy and we have a mandate for facial covering. >> we will see how it goes. so far so good but it's early. how do you know when to turn tail on this decision if you will? >> you know i think that nevadans should be commended. two months ago in january we had a 15.4 percent percentage positivity rate. when gaming reopened in june it was less than 5. we are at a point we are at mid 7 percent. so nevada residents and
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businesses should be commended for jointly adhering to guidelines and wearing face coverings. that got us to a point we tried to reopen the economy. >> let me share with viewers here. unemployment tourism off 60 percent. how do you handle that. >> we have made a concerted effort. we know the importance of our tourism industry. we have state legislation that includes worker protections and also additional protections for businesses. we know how important tourism economy is to nevada and we are working very hard to insure we are going to get to a point where we can slowly start having larger gatherings an constant conventions come back. it is definitely a team effort not only a state but local jurisdictions and gaming industry.
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we are positive it will come back. >> other cities might be watching your example what do you think they need to know? what have you learned so far you would like them to know? >> you know, we are a small state of 3 million. we have tested 967,000 people and our resort have actually tested 105,000 employees. we know that we worked with our local hospitals to have a robust testing mechanism. we had assistance from the federal government but it was a truly collaborative effort so we are testing with contact tracing an isolating and that is how we were able to get our merge positive down. our resorts are very highly regulated and they have a license and know that so they're taking precautions seriously. we all know when we come back we will lead the way. >> hope do you that sandra morgan thank you for time in las
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vegas. my best to you. >> thank. >> senator mitch mcconnell decideing what happens next in the battle over. sheld sheldon whitehouse is next on that. verification, no appraisal and no out of pocket costs. one call can save you $3000 a year. $3000! that's a big deal.
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>> you know they tried to destroy brett kavanaugh. >> lindsey graham talking with sean. senator good afternoon to you. thank you for your time on our program today. >> good to be with you bill. >> can you stop this or can democrats stop this now? >> you know, i don't think we have a triple secret procedural device in our back pocket that
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we didn't use during the gorsuch or the kavanaugh proceedings it's really a question shedding light making sure everybody understands what the consequences are. >> you seem to be resigned to the inevitable. >> the public gets the voice so it turns out in a lot of races this is coming up that is really hurting republican senate candidates there may be some modification of positions along the way. but there's no procedural trick that of we've been holding in our back pocket all the time. >> so you're watching poll then between now antonov third keeping an eye on the races. >>. >> i suspect where there's a contest but i don't have a list.
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it's going to be important to show people what is at stake here. >> where are you on changing the composition of the court in terms of numbers? >> i haven't said a thing about it and i don't intend to. we have an immediate question which is what we do about this vacancy and how do we fill it. what i have said is my republican colleagues if they run this through contrary to the precedent they set they've forfeited their stand to go complain about future procedural efforts that senate democrats might make. you can't have a situation where senate rules tradition and norms get broken when one side is in power and then they get the blow the whistle when the other side does the same thing. that's not a promise what we are going. that's a warning to republicans
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if you want the senate to be that way keep acting the way you're act budget if you want it normal be normal. >> if the senate were to flip democrats changed the filibuster rule. are you on board that if it comes to? >> i don't know that we need to go there. we don't have a majority at this point. i think there are probably a broad arrays of views in the caucus how to proceed. everybody has used budget reconciliation before. there may be specific cases where we run into such intransigence we got to find some extraordinary measure but i would put that well ahead of coming in and saying we are done with floodgates -- filibuster, this is a new world. >> you heard about the brett kavanaugh experience. what do you think of that?
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>> you had a candidate for the united states supreme court about whom during the process a credible allegation of sexual assault was made by a woman who was a college profess who was willing to come to the senate and testify. the idea that anybody was going to turn away from that and sweep it under the rug is crazy so the notion these things are devices for destroying the candidate isn't so. we were under obligation to try to get to the bottom of what happened. >> you know your colleagues think you tried to rip his life apart. you mentioned the election. i'm short on time. there are those who suggest with so much happening with regard to the economy and covid and
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everybody lives upside down in the midst of a campaign 43 days away the supreme court job doesn't have the ripple effect it would have before. have you thought about that? >> i think the big issues for the public are still the economy getting our arms around covid as we go through the 200,000th death and i think a question of kind of tone out of the oval office. i think there's a lot of exhaustion and vice-president biden is working hard to play a decency card and i think those are probably the stronges things to lead w. i think if you look at the way candidates are baifgs in close races and our nominee is behaving that's confirmed by the way they're behaving. >> perhaps that's why joe biden's speech was about covid yesterday and nothing about the supreme court. senator i appreciate your house. senator from rhode island.
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more ahead on this fight to fill the open seat on the high court. what does a 4-4 voement mean in an election battle and beta is on the move after slamming the texas coast as a tropical storm. we will have that next coming up here. night it's true, i will rescue you oh, i will rescue you
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>> tropical storm beta causing flooding downgraded to a tropical depression. that storm expected to bring more heavy rain and moves to a place that doesn't need it. forecasters say tornadoes are possible on parts of the texas louisiana coast. jeff reports from galveston. how are they doing down there jeff?
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>> it's sunny. that speaks to how unpredictable this storm is. as of right now the main concern even though this has been downgraded to a depression it was always going to be a rain event and the big question remains how long will the rain stick around. we have heard reports in houston where they've seen up to 10 inches of rain that's caused headaches in traffic and all sorts of cars being stranded in the water over there so it is eventually supposed to move north and east. they've had a busy storm season. >> thank you jeff. the supreme court may be called on to settle a contested election and there is concern it could be split 4-4.
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"wall street journal" rights this. the judge is here nap oh what do you think about the 4-4 possibility? start there judge. >> well, one would hope that since the supreme court has the final say on the meaning of the constitution an the meaning of federal laws it wouldn't be a 4-4 tie. if it is a 4-4 tie either because the president's nominee has not yet been seated or because she recuses because of her proximity to the president during the confirmation hearings that would fireman what the courts below ruled. "wall street journal" editorial
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there are 13 appellate courts and we don't know in which area these disputes are going to arise. the chief justice can assign all appeals to one federal appellate court whichever one he choose so there is one set of thinking one group of judges resolving this in case the supreme court does have a 4-4 tie. we have had that before. it's very unusual. particularly with where chief roberts is a master at consensus. >> do you think it's a danger weather a 4-4 court with legal challenges that may go on for some time? pennsylvania says you can count votes three days after the election. wisconsin says you can count six days after the election. what do you believe would be the best course for the country? >> well, this counting votes after the election is
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understandable but dangerous. the constitution says all slows shall be cast on the same day. it doesn't mean all votes should be counted on the same day. i think the supreme court will rule and i know the trump campaign is challenging that pennsylvania ruling. it will probably challenge the wisconsin ruling. the supreme court this year in 2020 has been taking a hands off approach and letting the states devise their own rules so if pennsylvania needs a few more days for the ballots to arrive from the mail and open them up and count them i think the supreme court is going to let them do that. i don't think it's dangerous to go into the election with eight members of the court but it's risky because the public might not put credibility into a final decision that is a tie which basically up holds the court
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below. >> florida is our best example 537 votes. supreme court had a crack at that eventually they ruled stop counting because you can't determine voter intent, judge. what have we learned from 20 years ago. >>. >> well there were three rulings in that case. principal one said stop counting because the constitution requires the electoral college to vote in the next week and just assign florida's electoral votes to whoever is ahead in the county. you know what that supreme court ruling was? unanimous. there were other rulings in that case that were not unanimous but the main one was. hopefully, because that will unite the country, whatever the the outcome, if the supreme court rules unanimously it will have tremendous credibility amongst the people. >> first time we heard audio of the arguments.
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i remember quite well. nice to see you judge. you look good. thanks. >> agenda jack keenum weighs in on the president's address coming up next. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ on day one we'll implement the national strategy i've been laying out since march. we'll develop and deploy rapid tests with results available immediately. we'll make the medical supplies and protective equipment that our country needs. we'll make them here in america. we'll have a national mandate to wear a mask, not as a burden, but as a patriotic duty to protect one another. in short, we'll do what we should have done
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our current president has failed in his most basic duty to the nation. he's failed to protect america. and my fellow americans, that is unforgivable. as president, i'll make you a promise. i'll protect america. i will defend us from every attack seen and unseen, always without exception, every time. i'm joe biden and i approve this message. ♪you know limu,ug after all these years every time. it's the ones that got away that haunt you the most. [ squawks ] 'cause you're not like everybody else. that's why liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. what? oh, i said... uh, this is my floor. nooo! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> as we pursue this bright future, we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague on to the world, china. >> bill: president trump blasting china accusing them to stop the spread of covid-19. he made the comments during a prerecorded address to the united nations. doesn't happen this way but these are covid times. going to bring in jack keane, chairman of the institute for war and former army chief of staff. nice to see you today. normally you're up in new york. a big spread at the united nations. the president would be second or
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third and make a big speech. as it is, lasted seven minutes taped at the white house divided in two. what was his message for china, general? >> the speech as you know it was uncharacteristically short for president trump. normally, a listing of all of the challenging the united states and the globe is facing, the adversaries and what the plans are ahead. long speech is a result. what the president wanted to do is not diffuse the issue by doing any of that. the main issue he wanted the world to understand -- this is the first forum where he is really speaking publicly to the world since covid. he clearly wanted everybody to know what i think the world generally knows, and that is china lied about the human-to-human transfer and
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while they protected china itself from flights coming out of wuhan city because that's where the epidemic was, he permitted international flights from that very same place for weeks, likely with the purpose to make certain that western democracies in the united states suffered a set back similar to what he had himself. absolutely -- >> bill: beijing had to know that was coming. has there been any response and would you expect that from china and president xi? >> this whole relationship as shifted because of xi's action. why is that? this president believes in personal diplomacy more than any i have seen. despite the very significant differences we have with the chinese communist party, he had what he believed was a very good relationship with president xi. that is gone. i think it's likely not recoverable if there's a second
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administration for president trump. that is the reality of what we're facing. the chinese communist party's behavior is egregious, gross negligence and a lawyer could make the case its criminal. >> bill: wow. strong language there. with regard to iran, 90 seconds. what do you think tehran heard in that message today? >> they heard a very strong president. they recognize this for some time. they're not doing anything that will aggravate this president until this election is held. they're holding all of their punches. that's why they have not sought retribution for the killing of soleimani. they will do that for sure at some point. they don't want to deal with this president over that issue. they're back on their heels more than i've ever seen in their 40 years of their existence. they're now openly admitting that there's espionage and sabotage going on in their country. they're not accidental
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explosions. the centrifuge plant they believe was blown up by people in their own country. that is a serious statement taking place there. that is a low level insurgency taking place. there's significant issues here dealing with the iranian regime. >> bill: when you hear president trump talking about a new deal, do you buy that? >> i buy the fact that he wants that deal. i buy the fact that he thinks he can get better terms out of the iranians because of the pressure he has on them and he won't bow and make concessions like the previous administration did. i don't believe the iranians are as receptive to making a deal yet. i think it's going to take more convincing for that to happen. i think we're going to need more multilateral coalition to put pressure on iran if there's a second administration for president trump. >> bill: really interesting
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stuff. thanks, general, for taking us around the world on that. jack keane, good to see you again. joe biden is in north carolina tomorrow. the president is in pittsburgh tonight. we're back at 3:00 tomorrow. set your dvr. "your world" with neil starts right now. >> neil: thank you, bill. we're focused on supreme court air watch, if you will. all indications are a go that the president will aselect among the four women you see as soon as saturday. we still don't know the timing of it all. all of this comes amid big developments among republicans, some of who are doing this right now, but it's stopped at two because mitt romney a wild card in this said he thinks it's a good idea to proceed with the confirmation process and indicated he would support doing it right now. the fact that lamar alexander feels the same way, cory gardner
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feels t


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