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tv   Bill Hemmer Reports  FOX News  September 24, 2020 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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couple spent an average of $28,000 on the ceremony and reception. smaller weddings mean smaller bills and less stress. >> dana: sorry, have to cut that off. hi, bill. >> bill: i like that story. hi, dana. see you later. >> ♪ >> bill: good afternoon. i am bill hemmer. president trump going all in on the campaign trail as protests over the breonna taylor case break out across the country. the president goes to battleground north carolina. then he will speak tonight in jacksonville, florida. he is set to leave the white house. if he comments we will play them for you. the fallout over the grand jury's decision to not charge any of the three officers of killing breonna taylor. two offices shot last night in
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louisville. the police chief there is a suspect in custody. we will get analis with bret baier and reporting from matt flynn in louisville. first john roberts from the north lawn today. >> i can hear the helicopter. no reports yet that the president left the oval office but should soon. he will head to florida and stop in charlotte, north carolina. we will talk to healthcare and talk about how he would replace obamacare in his second term. here's how the press secretary laid it out. >> the president will layout his healthcare vision today. i don't want to get ahead of th that. the president will layout the contest between what obamacare gave us and what the president
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has delivered. i think we have a graphic of that effect. >> she didn't have the graphic. but we have a graphic of things he already talked about. lowering drug costs. telemedicine and lowering the cost of medicare. the president will unveil protections for people with preexisting conditions and an executive order to cover a number of different items. the white house responded to criticism to what the president said last night if he would commit to a peaceful transition of power. he said we will have to see. the press secretary said if the election is legitimate the president will accept the loss. >> the president will accept the results of a free and fair election. >> the supreme court
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announcement. the white house expecting whoever the president picks to replace ruth bader ginsburg will not attract any democratic votes. the chief of staff said if the democrats won't vote for the nominee. why not shorten the whole process. >> maybe you can applaud them for being transparent in the fact they will be partisan and not judge this nominee based on the merits of her resume. if it's going to be a partisan event, i applaud them in saying they won't meet. cast a no vote and let's move it faster. if they had their mind made up, get somebody confirmed. >> this whole thing will be moving at break neck speed. they are talking on capitol hill about getting some hill visits going tuesday of next week. hearings on october 12th and a vote the week of the 26th.
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amy coney barrett is the front runner. when the president head to florida, he is going to miami where barbara lives and may visit with her. he is not sure at this point. >> bill: to louisville. the latest from matt flynn about what happened today. >> at this hour very calm. this city is under a tight lockdown. the national guard is very visible. there are large city trucks and physical barricades blocking a full square mile of downtown louisville. i asked the police chief if they expect more demonstrations tonight and this weekend? the chief said yes. louisville police say the two officers shot last night in the chaos are going to be okay. one was released from the hospital. the other being treated.
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police say this man larynzo johnson is the alleged shooter. charged with 14 count of wanton endangerment on a police officer and two count of assault on a police officer. >> [shouting]. >> shots fired. >> [gunfire]. >> yesterday after the grand jury announcement, protestors took to the streets. for hours marched peacefully but things took a turn for the worse when two officers were shot. police made 127 arrests. our crew watches rioters taunt police and some people started fires. they were challenging law enforcement and violating the curfew. the police warned they would be arrested and they were booked. today the mayor and the police chief of louisville are pleading for peace.
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saying all side are under pressure and destruction and rioting only makes things worse. >> for all of us. it's a very tense and emotional time. our officers are in good spirit given the condition we are in, in the city right now. the question is what do we do with this pain? there is no one answer. no easy answer to that question. i do know this: violence is not the answer. destruction is not the answer. >> fair to say the city of louisville was not caught off guard. there were lots of road blocks and heavy law enforcement presence. the curfew begins tonight at 9 o'clock. >> bill: thank you. the president left the oval office and taking questions from reporters. we want to bring in bret baier. good afternoon.
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there is a good chance on tuesday for the first debate there will be still be riots. one of the categories is race and violence. i wonder how these two men will handle that topic. >> that's a great topic. when chris wallace put out the topics, he got criticism from the left saying it was too focussed on trump's narrative of violence in cities. but race and violence is what we have been looking at in cities across the country. louisville and also the protests in minneapolis and seattle and portla portland. it's a topic to see how the candidates will answer and go at each other. we should look at this as a moment where the moderator,
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and chris is very good at setting up the moment where the two of them go at each other about substance. that's what the debate is all about. >> bill: i expect the president to go after the left. >> absolutely. >> bill: we mentioned the campaign trail. later tonight north carolina first and then florida. i want to look at this. i think what is developing, follow this online too. when the mail-in ballots come back, can you track that based on party. here are the results from 2016. easy 2-1 victory for clinton back in 2016. here's what i find interesting developing: the state of north carolina right now razor tight when you put the averages together. that could be expected at the moment. this, however, is what sticks out to me. these are mail-in ballots accepted us far in north carolina.
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among democrats over 100,000. republicans at 31,000 and no party affiliation which is a growing part of the electorate. it will change every day. we heard some reporting suggesting that democrats who suggested go ahead and mail in your ballot early are backing away from that. what would be the strategy behind that in north carolina? >> well, they are scared that these ballots, people are sending them in. not completing them like they need to be completed. thousands of ballots are thrown out every year because they are not in the proper envelope or the signature is not in the right place. or they don't fill it out correctly. they are pushing all of these voters to get there and send in the ballots as opposed to going to early voting which most
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states also have. in doing that, they are raising the possibility that some of those ballots will get thrown out. they are worried about the possibility. >> bill: my guess is depending on where we are with covid-19 in 40 days that will determine a lot as to who shows up in person and who already requested an absentee ballot already. >> dr. fauci is conservative but says voting is safe. with a mask and social distancing, yes the lines could be long but it's safe. a lot of states are doing early voting and some allow them to call and say should i come in at this certain time? i think that's how a lot of republicans will vote. >> bill: see you at 6 o'clock and in cleveland over the
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weekend. bret bai bret baier "special report." the president taking questions right now. a lot of headlines from the readout ever his answers. we will play that for you in a moment. also this moving today, there is fallout from the hunter biden investigation. republican senators say joe biden's son working for a ukrainian gas company was problematic. there have been books written about it and the author will tell us what he learned. the fight to fill the seat in the highest court. josh hawley sits on the judiciary committee. also there is this to watch. >> [shouting]. >> bill: that's video from louisville showing protestors unloading supplies from a u-haul. we will continue in a moment here. attention veteran homeowners: record low mortgage rates have dropped even lower.
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...i was just fighting an uphill battle in my career. so when i heard about the applied digital skills courses, i'm thinking i can become more marketable. you don't need to be a computer expert to be great at this. these are skills lots of people can learn. i feel hopeful about the future now. ♪ it's official: national coffee day is now national dunkin' day! celebrate with a free medium hot or iced coffee with any purchase on september 29th.
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> we laid out a troubling web with a conflict of interest and extortion risk to the biden campaign. >> bill: that's ron johnson talking into the investigation of hunter biden's word for a ukrainian gas company. it claims obama administration officials ignored the glaring
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warning signs about biden's son. biden's campaign said the investigation was based on a debunked conspiracy theory. i want to bring in author peter. you have seen the report. what can we conclude from this thus far if anything? >> well, there are some interesting revelations in in report. i would say i put the skeleton together in the sense of looking at the fact that the biden family is connected financially to ukraine and china. they put a lot of meat on the bones here. they did that because they had access to the treasury department suspicious activity reports that flag transactions that are suspicious because of who they are coming from or the amount of money. there were numb ruse involving
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hunter biden. i think the report adds a lot of meat. remember, bill, this is only a preliminary report. they expect more down the road. >> bill: "wall street journal" the quote from today: here's my question then, does it just look bad or is there something criminal here? >> that's a good question. part of the problem in washington, d.c. is that politicians can do things that ceo's can't. in the ceo's son was leveraging his father's position, he would be probably be in trouble with the sec. that said, there is more here than just hunter biden bumling around getting these deals. let's remember when you are talking about the chinese or
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oligarch from russia or ukrainians, they are painting hunter biden a lot of money and he has no expertise in this. why did they pay him money and what far. >> that's the big unanswered question. hunter biden had no activity in any of these areas until his father became the vice-president of the united states. >> bill: two more things. a lot to go through. what democrats will argue is there no evidence this influenced policy while joe biden was vice-president of the united states. does that fly? >> well, i don't think it flies. part of the problem is we don't really know -- the senate did not have access, of course, to any of the personal documents involving joe biden's time as
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vice-president. we don't know. i think the point is that awn times you investigate things to figure out exactly what was going on. the fact of the matter is you have a lot of people that have suspicious backgrounds with legal activity. you have 3.5 million dollars going to hunter biden from a russian oligarch with known ties to organized crime. why did she pay hunter biden that money? >> bill: joe biden said he never talked to his son about. that they flew on the same plane on at least one trip and that was to china? >> yes. >> bill: is it a fact he never spoke to his son? >> well, he said that. this report demonstrates with testimony that is simply not true. it shows the state department officials raised these issues with joe biden. that joe biden talked to his son about them. we also have the testimony of
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a chinese executive who said when they took that trip to china together in december of 2013 where joe biden said we never discussed business, the chinese executive told the new yorker he was introduced to joe biden by hunter biden. it seems as if there are major holes in joe biden's explanation. >> bill: do you think the american people are paying attention to this? is some something that president trump brings up during any of the debates? >> well, i think people care about it. when it was the question of alleged russian collusion, that had the national attention. there was not much substance to it. i think people do care. they believe we are electing people to represent us. if they are corrupt, they are not representing us as much as themselves and the interests paying them. >> bill: peter, thank you.
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president trump on his way to north carolina. he spoke to reporters on the way out. those remarks from the white house in a matter of moments. new developments in the race for a covid vaccine. i will talk to dr. marc siegel about the timeline and more next.
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i want to make it absolutely clear. rioting is not protesting. looting is not protesting. it's lawlessness, plain and simple. and those who do it should be prosecuted. fires are burning, and we have a president who fans the flames. he can't stop the violence because for years he's fomented it. but his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is. violence will not bring change, it will only bring destruction. it's wrong in every way. if i were president, my language would be less divisive.
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i'd be looking to lower the temperature in this country, not raise it. donald trump is determined to instill fear in america because donald trump adds fuel to every fire. this is not who we are. i believe we'll be guided by the words of pope john paul ii, words drawn from the scriptures. be not afraid. i'm joe biden and i approve this message. since your ancestors served in world war two. many of their stories remain untold. find and honor the veterans in your family. their stories live on at ancestry. ♪ you know limu,g after all these years it's the ones that got away that haunt me the most.
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> we believe by december we will as many as 100 million doses of vaccine that would be fda approved. we would target that vaccine initially in the most vulnerable people. then in january we will continue to produce hundreds ever millions of doses.
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>> bill: the race is on. health secretary said pfizer and moderna could submit vaccine for approval next month. dr. marc siegel, we might get interrupted by the president. what does this mean if you submit results next month? where does that put us? >> it means that the fda advisory committee, they are meeting on october 22nd. they will go over this data. from what secretary azar is saying they will talk about the two new vaccine never tried before in humans. they are coming to the end of phase-3 trials. we know they can cause flu like symptoms but the question is how
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much infection is prevented in the 60,000 people that got it. those two vaccine will be talked about. will there be enough data for approval. high risk groups first including healthcare workers treating covid. >> bill: if you submit data next month, what timeline does that set us up for? >> what is unprecedentsed in history is the manufacturing is already good year up. meaning 100 million doses might be available in november and december. once the approval is there the manufacturing is already there. that's never been done before. you usually get the approval and then the manufacturing ramps up. the trick is convincing people this is a safe vaccine and needs
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to be considered because it can help decrease the spread of the virus. that's going to be difficult. the science to me looks like it's being done in the right way. >> bill: thank you. the president from moments ago at the white house. >> the obamacare disaster. we have a lot of incredible things, positive things and very good things and money saving things on hefrlth. -- healthcare. then we are going to florida. we will have a tremendous number of people. jennifer, go ahead. >> [inaudible]. >> they are working to see if they can make a deal. if they make a deal, they will have to bring it to me. i will either approve it or not. to me safety is the predominant
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factor. >> mr. president, [inaudible]? >> so, we have to be very careful with the ballots. that's a big scam. they found 8 ballots if a waste paper basket in some location. it was reported in a newspaper they found a lot of ballots in a river. they throw them out if they have the name trump on them, i guess. >> no name was on them. >> well, they still found them in a river. the others had a trump name on it and they were thrown into a waste paper basket. we want to make sure the election is honest. i am not sure it can be. i don't know that it can be with this whole situation of unsolicited ballots. millions sent to everybody.
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hillary clinton just a week ago told joe biden to not accept the results of election under any circumstances. you don't ask her that question. you only ask me the question. go ahead. >> you didn't answer my question. >> [inaudible]. >> i don't want to comment on that. we will make our decision on saturday. i won't comment on. that i will say this. i think saturday afternoon 5 o'clock is going to be a very important day in the history of our country. it will be a very good choice. >> breonna taylor? >> [inaudible]. >> i am getting very close to a final. >> [inaudible]?
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>> well, we have numerous companies. johnson and johnson and pfizer and others too. the best companies in the world. i think you are putting the people of new york at great risk and he's done that if you are look at the nursing homes. 11,000 people died needlessly. that's very sad. we will see. we will have to see. these are great companies. these are being done by probably some of the greatest companies in the world with pfizer and johnson and johnson. they are getting very close. they are in final testing right now. phase 3 but final. they have given shots to thousands and thousands of people. so far it looks very good. it looks like it could happen fairly quickly. >> what do you say to the family of breonna taylor, sir? >> it's a sad thing.
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i give my regards to the family of breonna taylor and it's so sad what is happening with everything about that days including law enforcement. so many people suffering. so many people needlessly suffering but with respect to breonna taylor, we give our regards to the family. >> what do you think the protestors are fighting for? >> [inaudible]? >> well, it was an honor to be nominated for two nobel prizes. we will see what is happening. i know that china now and india are having difficult, substa substantial difficulty. we would love to help.
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>> [inaudible]? >> well, i think it was just a political chant. we could hardly hear it. somebody said there was chanting. they were right next to the media. we could hardly hear too much. >> sir, what do you think the peaceful protestors are fighting for? >> well, i think the peaceful protestors, number 1, it's fine to do that in a peaceful manner. when it gets less than peaceful as you see all over, that's unacceptable. that's when law and order is necessary and where law enforcement is very important. >> you didn't answer my question. sir! what are they fighting for. >> [inaudible]?
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>> well, we are speaking with a lot of people about that. i am doing very well in maine. what i have done with maine i freed up 5,000 area miles of ocean taken away by president obama and for the lobster, for the people to get us those great lobsters we all like so much, i freed that whole business up and the fishermen too. we freed it up. i have done more for maine than anybody in many, many years. i am doing well in maine. i have not seen polls on susan, but i hope she does well. >> thank you. >> bill: a couple of things now. we will sign an executive order to sign pre-existing conditions in charlotte, north carolina, his first stop. he said he is getting close to a supreme court decision.
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with regard to what is happening in louisville in and the grand jury decision on breernlt. -- breonna taylor. the president said it's sad and i give my regards to her family. two police officers were shot there. i want to bring in geraldo rivera. and lee terrell, welcome to our broadcast today. it's thursday. your reflections on what we watched yesterday. we were discussing this live when the protests started to develop. overnight, we had seen other cities where it was worse. but the two cops that were shot, they will live. one was already released from the hospital. what do you see this going now. a debate next tuesday night,
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race and violence in american s cities is one of chris wallace's topics in your town cleveland, ohio. >> as well it should be. we thank you for having us on. this is a tragedy. she was collateral damage in the drug war. they wanted her ex-boyfriend who was arrested for drug trafficking a month after breonna taylor was killed. when you read the supporting documents, there was a compelling case. glover one location with him they had cocaine ready for sale. they had pictures of him leaving breonna taylor's apartment. they shared bank accounts.
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it was not an arbitrary police action. it was a tragedy. her current boyfriend fired at the cops and hitting one of them as they burst into the room. he used deadly force and they did and she was killed. i understand the out rage but the law is clear. not every tragedy is a crime. this is one of those cases. i think the president's tone was right and expressing his condolences to the family. i just wish the president would be like that about the peaceful transition of power like about breonna taylor. just say it! >> bill: lee leo, where does it
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topic fall in? >> this is part of the democratic playbook. they want to play the race card up until the day of the election. the shooting of the officers goes to the democratic playbook because they want to call trump a racist. this tragedy drove me away from the democratic party. the grand jury got it right. there were no criminal charges of murders against these officers. but you will have protests not only in louisville but across the country. the democrats want the blacks to be upset and angry. they are not looking at the facts. they don't care about the facts. we learned a lot about this case yesterday. those officers knocked before they came in and aannounced themselves. the boyfriend fire first.nnounc
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themselves. the boyfriend fire first. they are using these issues as race pandering. it's all race, bill. >> bill: i have a minute left. roll the video of the u-haul that apparently rolled into the parking lot. they started unloading shields and supplies and signs for the protestors. it was pre-staged. there are accusations of this since it began. you didn't have video of it until this. >> there is the proof right in front of our eyes. someone is paying for this. this is not a spontaneous outburst. many people are spontaneously moved by the case. but there is some hard-core organized, funded protests to do what leo said. cause as much destruction on a racial basis as possible
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between now and november 3rd. >> bill: i remember new york in back in april when things were going back. leo, this was no evidence of it. >> that's direct evidence. that's an organized conspiracy to create chaos. admissible in trial. that u-haul truck. there is an organization behind this. you will have this for the next 40 days, bill hemmer. >> bill: thank you. florida's ag calling an investigation of michael bloomberg's plan to help convicted felons vote. >> pro-athlete including lebron james kicked in money to clear these debts. two years ago florida voters
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passed this amendment by 65% that allows felons who have served their time to resume their voting process which they were denyed in florida for decades. the only exceptions sex offenders and murderers. all of these convicted felons have to pay all of their owed fines to the victims. many can't afford it. thus that means they can't vote. the form are new york city mayor michael bloomberg pledged $16 million to help these felons pay their debts. mainly black and hispanics are targeted here under the presummition they will be likely
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to vote democrat. in florida every vote matters. the florida attorney general this morning. >> so when you hear words like targeted certain voters and investing and adding to a particular column, that doesn't matter what party it is. that triggers florida law. under florida law you can't give anything of value to persuade or entice a vote. >> she is suggesting that bloomberg's people are violating state campaign laws. a bloomberg spokesman said this political ploy is just an example of... allowing florida's felons to vote was battled out in the court for the entire past two years. ever since this was passed by florida voters. while the felons won most of the
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lower court rulings, the florida republican governor ron desantis appealed it to the 11th circuit court of appeals and won. that court said state law was okay. >> bill: thanks. we will follow it from here. president trump saying moments ago he is close to a final choice on his supreme court nominee. then will the gloves come on off on the hill. senator josh hawley is live after this. who is usaa made for? it's made for him a veteran who honorably served and it's made for her she's serving now we also made usaa for military spouses and their kids become a member. get an insurance quote today.
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it's official: national coffee day is now national dunkin' day! celebrate with a free medium hot or iced coffee
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> there is no reason to confirm a supreme court justice simply to resolve the election.
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this is not normal. there ought to be an ability of the american people to have a voice and a say. that means the next president and the next senate. >> bill: that's richard bloomenthal. democrats pushing back on the timeline to vote on a supreme court justice prior to the election. republican senator josh hawley sits on that committee. i want to work through a couple of things. lindsey graham is trying to have something ready. have hearings on the 12th of october and have a vote by halloween. >> that sounds right, bill. think we could go even faster than halloween. that include a full set of public hearings, as well as a full 30 hours of debate on the senate floor. that's what the senate rules call for a supreme court
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nominee. we could be ready to vote before the election. >> bill: do you believe you need a ninth justice before november 3rd? >> absolutely. on november 4th, you have a key religious case before the court. the day after the election. i hope that the courts are not involved at all in this election, but if they are, we need a full complement of justices on the court. above all, this is about republicans keeping their promise, especially republican senators. they said they would fight to confirm pro-constitution justices. let's get after it. >> bill: the president suggested you need a ninth justice because he believes the election will go there. are you of that mind? >> i hope it does not, but it's certainly possible. you look at how close the election visit been the last several cycles, stretching back to the 2000election that dead
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locked. the court sits in october. they have major cases on the docket. you want them with 9 justices. >> bill: bernie sanders today, he called for all states to count the mail-in ballots now or do it before elected day. is that something you would support? >> well, whatever the state law s. i do not support changing state law. my state of missouri has laws that govern when the mail-in ballots are sent out and collected and counted. i think state law needs to be followed here. it should not be changed for democrats but it's important that everybody's vote count. we heard disturbing reports about folks who are conservatives and overseas and soldiers whose votes are not being counted. we want to make sure that everybody's votes get counted. >> bill: the tricky thing. you hear that from both sides.
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senator sanders said there should be a non-partisan commission to oversee the election. if there is this level of concern prior to would that be a smart idea? >> i don't know what he means by a non-partisan commission. it sounds like a federal take over the constitution allows the states to set the time, place and manner of elections which means the states are in charge of administering the election each in their own state. that's very important. we elect people in the states who are accountable. in my state it's the secretary of state accountable to the voters for how he administering the election. we have to make sure that the election is fair. that the election is safe and votes are count asked laws are followed. >> bill: last point here. do you have a preference for the next justice? >> well, my preference is for
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somebody who is going to be a strong, staunch defender of the constitution. somebody who understands that roe vs. wade was wrongly decided. someone who will defend religious liberty. i think the president will nominate a justice that fills that description. >> bill: does that bring roe v. wade front and center? >> i think it will be regardless. i think president promised to appoint pro-life justices. i think he will keep his pledge. >> bill: josh hawley, thanks for your time. in a moment here covid-19 affected amusement parks around the country. disney executives making a push to reopen the california parks. can they get that by the governor? that's next. bill belichick! really? you're right, i s-should get a delicious footlong from subway. that would be better. (scissors cutting) now you look better too.
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now get a free footlong when you buy two, because it's footlong season!
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...i was just fighting an uphill battle in my career. so when i heard about the applied digital skills courses, i'm thinking i can become more marketable. you don't need to be a computer expert to be great at this. these are skills lots of people can learn. i feel hopeful about the future now. ♪ my wife and daughter had been killed in an automobile crash, and lying in the bed were my two little boys.
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i couldn't have imagined what it would've been like if i didn't have insurance to cover them immediately and fully. forty years later, one of those little boys, my son beau, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, given months to live. i can't fathom what would have happened if the insurance companies had the power to say, "the last few months, you're on your own." the fact of the matter is health care is personal to me. obamacare is personal to me. when i see the president of the united states try to eliminate this health care in the middle of a public health crisis, that's personal to me too. we've got to build on what we did because every american deserves affordable health care. i'm joe biden and i approve this message. deserves affordable health care. we'll look back and remember the moment that things, for one strange time in our lives, got very quiet.
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some lost work and invented new ways to get by. others were busier than ever, and found strength they never knew they had. we sheltered with the people who matter most, sometimes finding how far apart we'd drifted. we worried over loved ones, over money, over our planet. and over take-out. and we found a voice one the noise out there had kept quiet. when the world starts spinning again, let's remember this time where none of us felt secure, and fight for a future where everyone can. because when the world seems like it's standing still... that's the perfect time for us to change it.
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>> bill: gavin newsom getting guidance to reopen theme parks. disney world in florida has reopened already. ready to rumble live outside of six flags and gurnee, illinois, north of chicago. grady, what's the story there? >> it is still closed, it missed a popular summer season and that there is no time frame for reopen. in fact here as part of the reopening plan theme parks aren't included until essentially like this back to normal and there is a vaccine widely available. in california, disneyland and other theme parks remain closed and they are waiting for guidelines from the state government. of those disney executives urging gavin newsom to let them reopen. as you can see from this discussion today, we are ready. and more importantly, it's time. >> it is important to note that
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there has been no outbreak traced back to the theme parks in the country and disney has been able to reopen parks in florida with capacity limits, mask requirements into social distancing rules. even at those parks attendance is way down between 60 and 80%. a pandemic is responsible for an estimated 40% decline in revenue across all theme parks in the u.s. and losses totaling $18,000,000,000.125000 jobs. it's not just a parks and the companies that run them that are affected by this but it's also the community is that these theme parks are in. six flags accounts for about 10% of the entire revenue of the town that we are in, gurnee. >> bill: while they need that money anyway. best of luck there north of chicago. cdc is warning against traditional trick or treating this year, the agency is following guidelines recommend delete individually wrapped gift bags in your driveway instead.
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what a gear. folks also being told to stay away from boozy costume parties but the pandemic doesn't seem to be stopping americans from eating sweets. data from one marketing research firm shows the sales following candy are already up 13% this year so you can pack that on with your covid tend so far in 2020. also news in new york city, times square will drop the ball this year but no one will be in attendance. what a reverse of fortune that is. normally you have people all over the world who come into ring and the new year and when it does arrive 2020 will look better than ever. we will kiss 2020 goodbye in grand fashion when it's time. coming up, talking about health care and, and they will sign an executive order to help that get done. later tonight we have a rally in
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florida and we watch all of that for you from here. in the meantime we are here monday through friday at 3:00 eastern. in the meantime, the dow was all over the joint, up and down. here is neil. >> neil: thank you. we were all over on wall street today and a lot of that has to do with the growing angst, the issue whether we have a free and safe election kayleigh mcenany saying if it is indeed a fair and free election he will accept the results. does anyone ask joe biden that same question? just curious. welcome to neil cavuto, this is "your world." the big send-off in north carolina and tonight the president of course looking to re-win that state


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