tv Watters World FOX News September 26, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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edition live. thanks to walter kirn joe concha tyrus and kat. i love you america. g that g. i have just come from the rose garden at the white house way just nominated judge amy coney barrett for the united states supreme court. judge: a victory lap after nominating a third person to the highest court in the land. hello and welcome to justice i am judge jeanine pirro thank you for being with us. the fight ahead will be ugly
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but today ceremony in the rose garden was historic as president trump officially nominated amy coney barrett to the supreme court. >> if we understand this is a momentous decision for president. and if the senate does me the honor to confirm me i pledge to discharge the responsibilities of this job to the very best of my ability. i love the united states and i love the united states constitution. judge: we will talk about it but first my open. we are in the fight of our lives. it is a fight between good and evil, truth and lies, freedom and anarchy, law and order in the future of the greatest experiment in democracy, the united states. president trump's nomination today of amy coney barrett a
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brilliant scholar, jurist in context list and mother of seven with an unblemished reputation will cement the conservative leaning of the supreme court for decades to come. this alone will put the left over the edge. judge coney barrett's upcoming confirmation will make justice cavanagh look like child's play. in the continuing effort to up and the system to prevent the nomination they will say or do anything to convince you it is not proper including these three things. number one the president has no right to do this now. that is a lie. article two, section two makes clear that the president shall appoint by and with the advice and consent of the senate to the supreme court. no talk of discretion or delay or procrastination waiting for the next guy. it is shall not may .
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ruth bader ginsburg herself says the president does not cease to be our president any time during his four years and joe biden even assuming he can remember this said in 2016 the president should proceed even if he only has a few months before the election and obama at that time was a lame-duck at least here donald trump may very well continue to be the president. tonight joe biden has a different tune. >> [inaudible] >> number two the people must determine by way of the next presidential election for the next supreme court candidate should be. that is not only a lie, it is stupid. we have a president and he appoints. not the people many have voted
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for president trump because he will select conservative justices and he did what he said he would do. deal with it. election have consequences. remember? number three. nancy pelosi says appointing a supreme court nominee at this time is an abuse of power and now she threatens impeachment. you already know article two section two says she is wrong but the constitution has never stopped nancy before. she has threatened she has other arrows in her cover. this is nothing better grab the for raw political power then aoc says we are playing with fire . really cracks what kind of power - - fire? to burn number buildings like burning down another court house with these locked in the building like portland?
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that is nothing but the attack on the judges catholic religion will be unrelenting. let's be clear the left is about abortion first and second and third term even after birth which i call infanticide in order to stop in charge. to protect abortion they would go after her religion and the fact she belongs to a group within the catholic church call people a reason convince you her religion disqualifies her i will you to article six of the constitution religion is never a disqualification from holding public office. now the left will segue to affordable care in addition to religion and abortion into thinking that is a god fearing mother of seven who says she loves the united states, the constitution, second amendment, public safety and religious liberty will take away your healthcare.
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they try to scare you on two fronts so it doesn't seem it is all about religion. i am telling you it is all about religion and abortion. donald trump was always honest when he gave us a list repeatedly of potential nominees to the supreme court. joe biden will not even give us a list in june he said he would. this is less about motivating people than protecting the vacancy for a new president it would be too divisive for the left to admit and identify the nominee because the moderates would never accept what they intend to choose what is the one place the democratic
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governor and mayor consistently tried to prevent us from the pandemic? church when the brothers outside of church the police were directed to pick it because they would take it with their mask the left has vandalized churches and even tried to burn a church down. folks, here is the bottom line we are a nation founded on judeo-christian ethics and in most courtrooms on the potential the words under god really displayed the left is offended this is an all-out war from centuries ago there is a trojan horse among us joe biden is the trojan horse he will talk most days in general or after 10:00 a.m. and will take questions and if he does it appears he's reading from a teleprompter especially when
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heels move it up last week and kamala harris talked about the harris administration with biden as president then the next day he said the harris administration. she never said i misspoke. sometimes when people tell you who they are you need to leave them. but what is inside the trojan horse is the most angry efforts to take down america as we know it. we were in the fight of our lives. thirty days the choice between a man with uncommon stamina and perseverance to fight the dark forces that seek to tear down mankind's greatest experiment of freedom where the trojan horse that improves
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the america you have witnessed without respect for law and order and the constitution and first and second amendment and without respect for freedom of religion. that is my open. we do you think on facebook and twitter #judge jeanine. my new book don't lie to me is now available to buy can go to amazon or judge jeanine i think you'll like it. here with reaction to the president's nomination of judge the me coney barrett to the supreme court lindsey graham chair of the senate judiciary committee who actually holds the hearing. good evening senator graham. thank you for being with us tonight. you will chair the committee that conducted the hearing when you expect these hearings to start?
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>> october 12th 15 days for the nomination and 24 of the 42 supreme court justices who have had hearings were done within 16 days kennedy 14, stevens ten powell 12, rehnquist 12, but and 14, chief justice burger 11. sixteen days from now we will start the hearings on octobe oc. monday introduction opening statement by the nominee tuesday was a are question days and thursday we will the markup process. judge: senator you are involved in the judiciary chair during the kavanaugh hearing listen to what you said then. >> you all want i hope you never get it i hope the american people can see through the sham.
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judge: do you think, senator the ease hearings for amy coney barrett number one will be as bad as they were for kavanaugh? number two and what can you do to stop that quick. >> number one the nominee will be challenged and that is appropriate. but if they treat judge barrett like they did kavanaugh that will pull up in their face. why is that conservatives are treated this badly? judge alito and justice thomas if they continue this pattern to demean this outstanding nominee the american people will push back hard. kavanaugh really did help republicans pick up senate seats because they went too far. judge: there was talk initially the democrats may boycott the hearing do you expect that to be the case?
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>> [laughter] it would make them quicker. [laughter] we will have hearings. half of the supreme court nominations have had hearings within 16 days justice burger was confirmed in 17 john paul stevens 19 days. there is nothing unusual about the time. we've never confirmed anyone in the election year after july but i expect they will show up and challenge judge barrett about the law and ask her questions about her faith and if it influences her decision-making the government can establish a religion we all like them thinking one religion over another they camp their faith or not at all and the constitution guarantees to religious preference cannot be used against you if you are chosen
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for a job like this i expect those to fall in place and i expect her to be confirmed. judge: how long before you think she will be confirmed? >> i hope to get her out of the committee by october 26 to follow the normal rules will have to ask mitch mcconnell what to do under that we will have four days of hearing then hold over the committee and then it's up to mitch mcconnell. judge: quickly have you spoken with judge barrett since the nomination? >> yes. she called me and senator feinstein. a very pleasant conversation. i congratulated her on such an achievement in her life she
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has worked hard everybody who knows or understands she is a superstar when it comes to the law elections have consequences. >> thank you for being with us tonight. joining me now with a historic and the chief legal resident and supreme court expert who knows everything about the law of the supreme court. how bad will this be? >> these will be difficult confirmation hearing they were
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both public and appointees replacing republican appointees everybody knows this is a real shift with jurisprudence and ideology. and somebody who was sitting on the bench of the opposite party. and then democrats have said they will use every tool they have they are promised to do that and they may fire up the base in the presidential election in the process. judge: if they go after justice spirit do they go after her for their religion and at their peril. >> you remember in 2017 the hearing that got her to the seventh circuit there was a lot of attention that senator feinstein and she was not the
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only one the constitution says there cannot be a religious test but they say were not going after her religion but on the issue they talk specifically on abortion and roe vs wade it looks like a delineation not her faith that the issue that's the message they want to be careful to send. judge: yes it can backfire. if she is voted in before the election then it's quite possible she will be involved if there is an appeal to the supreme court in a case involving the president i suspect democrats will say she has to recuse herself because she was nominated by the
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president. what do you say? >> that was tricky then you have to say justice gorsuch and justice kavanaugh have to have the same standard nobody can ask them to recuse only they can make that decision is different from very - - from the other courts only the justices alone can decide to recuse justice spirit was forced to step down simply by being the nominee that takes out three justices i don't think they would do that as they look to the affordable care act case that's what democrats will point to and say healthcare is at stake a successful woman across the ideological spectrum say she is qualified and the mother of seven her courts have said i cannot take that away from her they want to go after the affordable care act and abortion.
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judge: shannon bream thank you so much and our coverage of this historical day is just getting started rnc chairman is just ahead but next senator thom tillis sits on the judicial committee and we will when you're through with powering through, it's time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. powerful relief so you can restore and recover. theraflu hot beats cold.
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judge: welcome back the democrats want to pack the court once the nominee is confirmed let's talk about that and more with senate judiciary committee member senator thom tillis thank you for being here we are thrilled to have you tonight. you have been a member of the senate judiciary and actually were there during the hearings of judge barrett nominated to the second circuit court of appeals. what is your take on judge barrett? >> she is extraordinarily. summa cum laude at notre dame, first in her class, highly recommended by a bipartisan group of people that have worked with her as a clerk i think she will do well in the hearings.
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judge: today i understand you were there in the rose garden and had an opportunity to talk to members of her family. >> i did i talked to liam her 11 -year-old son and asked if it is true that his dad made his favorite dish and he confirmed that was true. she has a great family. seven kids, two adopted from haiti. they are great parents the children are great to talk to a great mother, brilliant jurist and will be a great addition to the supreme court. judge: do you think the democrats will take this down the religious path in their efforts that roe vs wade is never touched? >> i hope i'm wrong that i said i think this may look the brett kavanaugh hearing look like a pep rally but i think
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they will go after her not of her scholarship or work for purely political purposes and we will have to stand there to make sure her record is very clear. it is solid and a great academic interest record she deserves to be treated fairly in the committee i'm just not sure that will happen. i think there will be religious overtones i think personally is disgusting. >> i happen to agree with and senator dianne feinstein and what many consider religious attacks we know what her response was what was her persona or her body language and what did you learn from that how she will handle attacks within the hearing itself?
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>> that's what she will be great she was poised people are asking unfair question that particular question insulted me as a roman catholic. we think she demonstrated ways and understands she is there to answer questions related to law and nothing more i think the personal tax will bother her she will stay focused she is disciplined and brilliant and i will come across in the hearing hearings. i will be there for the duration. i am looking forward to it . i think she will do very well. it will be unfair in many cases but at the end of the day the american people were watching will see we have someone who is an extraordinary pick for the us supreme court. >> given that some democrats voted for her in her appointment we will see if they do at this time thank you for joining us senator tillis
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>> i'm ashley strohmier. it's official judge amy coney barrett's president from space to replace ruth bader ginsburg on the nation's highest corporate the presence is revealing his nominee earlier today despite objections from democrats. confirmation hearings are slated to begin october 12 and could last three to four days. the 48-year-old says her philosophy is much like her mentor antonin scalia served as a clerk for the late supreme court justice. eric graduated first in her class at notre dame law school. the mother of seven calls herself a parent carpool driver and birthday party planner. it would give the cord is 6-3 conservative majority. democrats say that threatens obamacare and abortion rights. i'm ashley strohmier. now back to justice was judged janine. get your headlines on the
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judge: let's not waste any time with vicious personal attacks at amy coney barrett my next guest spoke with her sister and spoke specifically about the christian group people of phrase that she is criticized to be a part of. >> and those very friends that i have grown up with so what people need to know it is not a crazy group my experience has been these are people who deeply care about one another and other people. judge: fox news contributor joins me now with more. raymond i understand you went to new orleans and actually interviewed amy coney barrett sister and you have some interesting connections. >> we grew up in the same town which is a suburb of new orleans not only do we know
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the same people i found out tonight that judge amy coney barrett was in a play in high school with my brother and what he said that i heard from so many of her friends that she is the kindest person i've ever encountered she has a sense of love and caring for other people she is brilliant that this slander her parents were a member of the group but it hasn't been confirmed the judge is a member of the group herself is a charismatic group they praise the scriptures they help the poor it is hardly the handmaid's tale with a cultlike group as depicted in the pages of newsweek and other places that is crazy. judge: you also found the information about amy coney barrett and her being in a
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play? tell us about that. >> she was in a play with my brother in high school but her friends told me how innovative she was the vice president of the dominican body that they said make sure everybody is included she didn't like clicks i've seen people who teach with her at notre dame the same thing very inclusive she spends time cultivating relationships and makes it very difficult as this moves forward to attack her a mother of seven she adopted two haitian children and one is a special needs child out of he saw them leaving the house today getting seven people to dress correctly and have everything in place. [laughter] and for this moment to do that and she was in total control and drove the car to the airport herself. so much that she is subjugated to her husband this will not
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work with her. judge: you covered washington 25 years how bad will this battle be? because you heard from senator tell us it will be brutal. i think she is the perfect person to withstand it. she has grace, she's grounded and knows where she's coming from and not part of the washington elite as others were worried how things would play that is not her style i think attacking her as a mother plays badly particularly with kamala harris sitting there is a member of the judiciary. judge: very quickly in terms of senator harris how will she handle her?
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>> they already said she will take the lead to oppose amy coney barrett that my personal take is if she leans into hard she will hurt her ticket joe biden is advertising himself to bring decency and up the back to washington. amy coney barrett is the enemy of that if paris tries to rough up suburban working woman mother that undermines were little argument they have at this point but we will see what happens. judge: thank you for being here tonight. three days into what would be the most watched to be in history we are here next to discuss that plus more plus the attacks on amy
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judge: a historic nomination the final weeks of the most critical campaign of a lifetime in the first presidential debate between trump and biden is tuesday let's jump right into the panel i want to ask about amy coney barrett and what she will be facing but listen to this first. >> she is a nut. religion i was right about that sorry, but amy coney barrett catholic, really catholic i mean really really catholic like speaking in tongues. judge: dan bongino they are already calling her a nut on
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television? >> that's a way to convince voters i wonder who the focus groups are sitting around with a bunch of lunatics and say i have a great idea do you know those catholics here's just a few of them let's call them losers and morons and then call them deplorable's nation put it on a campaign sign who advises these people where do they go for their advice? don't you find that odd? but isn't it weird the same party that is out there those that want to defend the police and late-term abortion with maxis of tax hikes wait let me get this straight they are
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calling us crazy? if there was ever a moment to look in the mirror it is right now. >> sometimes they don't care what they think that they get together and have a hate fest. >> you are right one of the reasons i left. they are haters it is confusing jfk catholic joe biden catholic speaker pelosi is catholic why is this catholic wrong? vicious that they hate if they don't have an argument they make one up as a lawyer makes no sense at all i cannot take it any longer i had to get a way from the asylum i escaped and i am not going back.
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>> this debate is coming up some days he cannot read the teleprompter others cannot remember sentence what about tuesday if he shows up? >> put this out there this is really important joe biden in no way shape or form or fashion is running a presidential campaign his name may be on the ballot he barely talks to the media he never gets out of the basement he rarely leaves his house and doesn't ask for people's votes he doesn't shake hands he's doing nothing know what i would like to see in the debate i said mr. president please nail this guy down on his lies he keeps saying it
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will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 but then the next sentence he says i will repeal the trump tax cuts those who make under $400,000. >> we know joe biden is running against his self and his own record but will he show up how do they get help from great that he can't talk or walk. >> the union president then why are all the police union supporting president trump? why do you deny school choice for people of color and systemic discrimination by black minorities because he is
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controlled by the left. judge: show the should the president talk to joe biden at hunter biden sucking up money from the ukraine and china? can joe handle that they should call him judge hoover biden if you are an enemy of the american over biden and to the rescue bring it in at the hypersonic missile i will do it in my bucket you know this if his name was hunter trump he would be at the guillotine
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>> is sleepy joe came here those circles whoever does it does a nice job. [laughter] those big circles he has five of them and then stands far back. i don't get the whole deal. judge: president trump add a rally the battleground state of pennsylvania ready to debate sleepy joe next week rnc chairwoman joins me now. good evening madame chair i understand that after every rally you get a rally report that includes all the data from that nights rally. so tonight in pennsylvania you have information? can you share? >> half-and-half women and men for 15 percent of the people
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attended were democrat and more than that, 14 percent did not vote in the last election. these are voters who will turnout to make sure we can get them to vote on election day if they come to a rally and stand in line chances are they will vote for donald trump. judge: that is amazing he is energizing the people who did not vote and 2016 and the crossovers they are showing up at the rally. that is incredible that is a testament i love the united states and the constitution
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everybody is a racist and murder it is like music to my ears a true american. >> it's such a special day and to see her family there and talk about loving this country and have our president talk about someone who reveres the constitution i know the democrats will tear her down and attack her religion even a harvard lawyer liberal has said she is overqualified and well-qualified immensely capable i know how they will tear a woman down like amy coney barrett. judge: one better. she has seven children.
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school-age children. and a justice on the united states supreme court and running a house and she was so gracious to her husband in spite of his busy schedule. she seems like such a warm and real person and i suspect based on what i have heard she will bring a lot of people along with her in spite that they will do to her. >> absolutely agree. there are women and young women looking at her and to go beyond the supreme court i can do this. she is a trailblazer he put the best candidate on the bench but what a remarkable candidate she is and if democrats start attacking her
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judge jeanine: the wait is over. my new book don't lie to me is finally out and available at bookstores everywhere. if you don't have your copy yet you can order tonight on amazon or at judge jeanine dotzler. you can even buy a t-shirt, sweatshirt or a more coffee stupid mug, coffee mug could get yours today.
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thanks for watching. i'm judge jeannine pirro advocating for true justice and the american way on this historic night. president trump nominates the third person to the supreme court justice amy coney barrett woman of exceptional caliber intellect and poise. goodnight. greg: today's lesson is in contrast to delusions and reality. the delusions are actually delusions are nightmares, conducted by the democrats pretending the end of days, whatever trumps predicting better time. he sees the creation and looks to the cabins and meteor strikes. reality? actual daily filings israel preserved by dems and their children parents whose dismissal of rioting and looting keeps it alive. that's the contrast. you will never approves, another of
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