tv Hannity FOX News September 28, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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tonight. the show at 8:00 p.m. eastern, kicking off a great preview. we will see you tomorrow. sean hannity standing by in new york city. >> sean: tucker, big night tomorrow and we will have the super bowl like ratings all over the place when it's all counted up. a big moment, thank you, tucker. welcome to "hannity," and 24 hours from right now the nation will be watching the very first the debate between president trump and, yes, bunker joe biden. needless to say, joe spent in the basement bunker since before 10:00 a.m. this morning trying to cram again for tomorrow's big nights. he has all this lines to memorize that 70 elves wrote for him and i will give you my very unique take. what i believe is actually going on and has been going on in the basement bunker all season long. much more coming up. we play the very latest lowlifes from just pathetic weekends on
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the campaign trail and the breaks that he takes in the campaigns and also tonight, we have major breaking news reportn ballot harvesting, vote buying in minnesota and it's all caught on tape. wait, i thought the media mob and the democrats told us it cannot happen? even though the heritage foundation rode out so that people are convicted of voter fraud. we will play at night on "hannity," but on the eve of the presidential debate with just 36 days away from what i believe by far is the most consequential election and our lifetime, well, the time for urgency and all hands on deck is right now. i've said many, many times, elections you need to take nothing for granted and if you haven't registered to vote, guess what, i have a special part of my website,, information how do you register, what does voting start in your state, who's running through the congressional seat? you have a senate race this year.
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when his early voting starts and when does it stop and what about if you want to vote absentee this year? all the information you could want. go to the polls and exercise this incredible god-given right. a lot is literally hanging in the balance. if you care about our kids in the future of the country, you must do your part. every major institutional force in this country, in the d.c. swamp, and the mob and the media, the 99.9% of state run newspapers, state run broadcasts, state run cable, are completely invested in defeating president trump as they have been -- well, from the second he come down the escalator with melania trump. of the stakes have never been higher. we look at the we deserve. joe's policies are the most radical, out of the mainstream of any major political party nominee in the history of this country.
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it radical socialism, higher and higher taxes redistribution eliminating the fossil fuels, free health care for illegal immigrants to become the united century states of the america and by the way, foreign policy appeasement. they might get $150 billion and nothing for it. this entire campaign joe biden and his campaign have been hiding from you, we come in the american people. if joe biden almost never takes questions from the press and when he does the reporters are preselected by members of the campaign. it today, he officially retired to his basement and a whopping 9:52:00 a.m. which marks the 11th time that just in this months of september, that the biden campaign put a lead on any more events before noon. this is not normal. they are clearly trying to hide things from we, the people. have you ever seen a presidential candidate call it a
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day before ten at 10:00 a.m., weekend and week out for months. just weeks away, 36 days until a very important presidential election. meanwhile, running mates, senator, la harris made a rare public appearance herself today. naturally, she raced off stage before taking questions from the press. zero transparency from people running for the highest office in the land. their friends, the media mob, they cover it and they are the great enablers, the great supporters in the largest contributors to democratic socialism. thankfully tomorrow, we might actually get a chance to hear from joe on several important issues that he is here to refuse to address. for example, joe, do you support packing the supreme court being threatened by leaders of your party. what judge would you appoint to the highest court in the land if
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there is a vacancy when you where president? president trump, well, he published the long list of prospective judges. is he getting rid of the electoral college and why did joe biden's running mate promotes a fond of that build up violent criminals and rioters out of jail? whited, l why did you say police become the enemy? why did you support reallocating, just a way of saying defunding funds away from the police? why the silence as the nation watched night after night after night, looting, assault, bend as zone, hijacking in taking over or ground demand burning to the ground police precincts. all that's happened that rocked the country to the core all summer long. did not mention it at your own convention. when you were vice president, there's 4,000 homicides in your
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hometown, 20,000 shootings. you did nothing and you barely mentioned it. joe biden supporting gun confiscating efforts. yeah, were coming for your a case. or kamala harris believes, well, she could do it by executive fiat. will you support that or support your zero experience sans hunt hunter? and his sketchy overseas business deals with the communist party of china? we learned last week shopping sprees courtesy of china. russian oligarchs, ukrainian oligarchs. wire transfers. all back and forth and now it's all out there. it take a look, joe, do you support that? will you say that you didn't know anything? you didn't leverage $1 billion to get a prosecutor to get him fired? why your son admits on "good morning america" zero experience in oil, gas, energy
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trade. why did they give him millions of dollars? who knows, maybe because you are the vice president, joe. you forcibly place the country on another coronavirus lockdown and where do you stand on mandatory masks because you flip and flop, flop, flip, flail. the american people deserve answers to all of these questions. here's what i believe -- this is my opinion, the opinion part of the show. it has been happening behind the scenes the whole campaign the whole summer, i believe that his campaign team they are seeing what we see. they say that joe biden is weak and that he is frail. that he is struggling cognitively. his staff, they made a conscious decision to hide him. the corrupt media mob of the country allowed him and them to get away with all of this. so, joe biden, he probably spent pretty much hours every single day all summer long with four or five points that he memorizes on every likely issue that will
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come up during the debate and probably one or two scripted attack lines against donald trump. in between, of course, plenty scheduled hot cocoa breaks and naps of course. the democrats, the biden campaign felt it was too risky to point them out on the campaign trail so they put all their eggs in the debate basket and we will see for the first time tomorrow how well the strategy of studying all summer long has worked out. tomorrow, i suspect that all those months of preparation, it will be somewhat effective and you survive the democratic primary debates, but his staff, the democrats, i can tell you for a fact that they are terrified about that these three debates. we know joe will likely take on the same tone, cadence, pitch that he took out with his press conference on fake new cnn with anderson cooper. he should be able to deliver his carefully worded scripted that they've been practicing all summer. even his staff knows how fragile he is. democrats are just terrified of
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letting their own candidates speak off-the-cuff and frankly, they should be and for plenty of good reason. over the weekend, joe could not seem to get anything straight and did you know that he was in the u.s. senate, well, for the first time 180 years ago? like it, 200 million dead from covid-19. like he forgot that he opposed the travel ban. like endowed by the oh, you know, the thing, oh, you'll know, the thing. god appeared and doubted by the creator, god, the creator of everything. mixing up the super thursday or mixing up the states that he's in any given moment. or running for the u.s. senate. >> i made a priority in my career to work closely with you and by the time i got to the senate 180 years ago. i suppose my tenure as vice president. i would make this commitment to you. you will have an access directly to the white house.
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i'm going to be right there with you. >> sean: 180 years ago, joe, really? actually, that's probably the closest he got to an honest statement all campaign. his struggles did not end there during a very friendly interview on msdnc, the conspiracy network channel, watch as the hs to painfully stab in and lift them out of trouble. help joe remember his own talking points. this is how corrupt the mob is. take a look. >> 1% of the money has gone out. 1%. 1% of the dash that's not the paycheck, the, the bill for major -- >> may save money. >> the paycheck protection package went out and you know, i think it should be focused on businesses under 15 employees. >> sean: you know, you know
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oh, oh, nobody is here to help me. by the way, that the guy you want representing us on the world stage in this country? you think president putin think that they're going to eat this guy alive? do yowow, you think he's capablf leading the free world? i don't. tomorrow is theater for joe. joe will be regurgitating his memormemorized attack lines. reentering five different ways to get through the two minute answer, the 92nd answer. by the way, he had the entire summer to practice and who knows who's going to show up tomorrow. you have to vote for him because nazi germany and fidel castro. to listen to this vicious attack. >> i'm not sure anybody had already made it, but he's like joseph goebbels. if you keep it saying the line,
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it becomes, knowledge. people see very clearly between me and donald trump. trump, trump's clearing protests in front of the white house that are peaceful. with the military. at this guys more castro than churchill. >> sean: really? joe biden comparing president trump to the world's two most terrible monsters. he informed the media mob that no one is allowed to attack joe for his gaffes. i guess i missed the memo because we're just calling it like we see it and showing you the truth so you can decide. i take a look. >> your husband has been known to make the occasional gaffe. >> oh, you can't even go there, after president trump, you cannot even say the word to gaffe. >> i can't say the word gaffe? >> no come on down. it's gone. >speak of the gaffe issue is over.
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so over. >> sean: so over! i've been in the senate 100 and0 years. hard-hitting journalism and fake new cnn. real journalists might be seemingly more concerned with the so-called gaffes and his numbers to my troubles with numbers, remembering the days of the week, the office is running for, and the extremely light campaign schedule, and the complete blackout of the media. he won't answer any questions and more troubles by the way, troubling joe's trouble with the group and he lied about his grades in school and lied about having 3 degrees from college. lied about getting a full ride from law school and where he came in his class in terms of graduating. it lied about getting arrested in the apartheid south africa
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and on his way to visit nelson mandela and lied about marching in the civil rights movement in 1960s, but he prays the former klansman that filibustered the civil rights act against the voting rights act of than he did. he partnered with the farmer clansmen and why, because he did not want integration of the public schools because he didn't want his kids going t to the schools were racial jungles. he attended a were historically black university, another whopper. >> hbcus. i got started out of there. at delaware state. if i don't want to hear anything negative about delaware state here, okay? they are my folks. >> sean: problem is delaware state university denied that joe was ever a student at the historically black university. instead of attending, the school joe got his start, well, the u.s. senate to working with the segregationists to stop integration of schools. according to joe, did not want the kids, growing up in the
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racial jungle. joe biden has been has been on the phone for nearly 50 years where lying is just a way of life. it did i his plagiarism quiz the?he will do or say anything a vote and when you think about it, he has not accomplished hardly anything and nothing i can think of that has benefited the people in 47 years. donald trump likes to say all talk, all talk, all promises, new promises. how did the obamacare promises work out? worst of all, he's controlled by the radical base of his party and they're bragging about controlling him like a oc. if elected, they'll carry his bidding and successful they will rip the country of hard to and the gate to the very freedoms that we have enjoyed for entire history. 36 years, you get to determine -- well, guess what, what the government deserves. current texas congressional
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candidates, dr. ronnie jackson. at dr. jackson good to have you back. >> thank you, sean, sean. >> sean: he doesn't answer questions and i think the gaffe issue is actually a real problem. the president has been asking, is he taking any medicines that would be medical transparency. i think that's a fair question the mob and the media only want to talk about is transparency on all things donald trump. what you think the media is giving him a pass and allowing him not to answer questions and hiding in his basement. probably preparing all summer for the debate? >> obviously, sean, the media, it's a communications branch for the democratic party and we know that at this point. they're aggressively trying to cover for him. but something's going on with this man at this point in keeping locked away for 97% of the time and then having a little window where they think he might be able to put a few sentences together and they break him out and have him read from the teleprompter. as soon as it's over, they just dismiss them right away without
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taking any questions. of course, unless they are scripted questions he has prepared to answer. then he sort of got the answers for. i think that there's definitely something going on here and it's reasonable for him to ask to see if he's being medicated because he's had a few times where he's come out and looked a little bit more energetic and typically looked over the last few months and it could be having good days and bad days. that's how the cognitive declines usually happens, and happens -- you will have good and bad days. but i think it's reasonable to ask if he's taking medications to help him with his alertness and his memory. that certainly should be asking donald trump that in his former position, they were relentless in the pursuit of me and anything that might even be conceived as something that president trump might have been taken. they wanted all the answers and yet when it comes to former vice president joe biden, it seems like that nobody cares. on the note, we care, but the press does not care. >> sean: thank you, dr. ronnie
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jackson, good luck in your race too. we will pay close attention. coauthors of the book "trump america first, president succeeds against all odds." corey lewandowski, corey bossi, good to see you both. starting with you, cory, i believe that -- considering he's been hiding this whole time, he's been preparing. do you agree? >> look, this is exactly the playbook hillary clinton used four years ago when she took a week off the campaign trail to get ready for donald trump. she lost the debate and president trump was out doing for, five, six rallies a day and asking people for their votes in the same playbook that joe biden is using. >> sean: he's been out all over the country and being president and doing peace deals and everything else in between. >> he is the hardest working man i think cory and i have ever
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been around and he's high energy, he shows that on the campaign trail and shown in 2016. nobody's going to outwork in. the american people, sean, don't give the presidency to just anybody. you've got to come and earn it. that's what they are same with president trump and they are seeing him do his day job and get around the country for rallies. the intensity is just enough pickup over the last seven days until we got to election. >> sean: the question is, the plazpresident doesn't have a lof time to prepare and in 2016 he did not want spend a lot of tie preparing. you're smiling. truth to that cause back this is what he deals with every day and he deals with a hostile media every day. >> that's what i was just about to say. this president is a preparing every single of the day being president. you can deal with the issues that are important to the american people. but he's going into the press
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room and taking tough questions from a hostile press. he is doing it on the way to the helicopter, on his way to air force one. these are things that joe biden is not doing answer that is part of this presidents debate prop. he understands the issues inherently because he is so ingrained in the policy every single day. >> sean: cory, and little bit of prep for the president could go a long way. you don't want to fill any candidates mindful of facts and figures that they would not normally use and he's using it all in the campaign trail familiar with the material. but there has to be some prop. agree, disagree? >> he's propping. look, he made a serious of promises to the american people for years ago and he will fulfill the promises and now he's ready to put the record up against joe biden. 47 months in office compared to 47 years. this president achieved more in his first term that any other president in modern history. he's bringing the record to the
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american people to vote on. >> sean: does there come a point of the president goes after biden hard that he almost turns biden into a victim? corey? >> you went into this arena and the ring and you have to be expect to be punched in the face in this president is a great counter puncher. joe biden is not meant to lead to, he doesn't have the mental acuity to stand on the same stage. as soon as he walks on, the media will save the greatest performance since jfk and we know that's what the media is going to do to prop up joe biden but people we see it differently. you have to hold you accountable for his lack of any accomplishments in washington. >> sean: good 15 seconds. they bossi, real quick. >> this is a bouts of the attacks in more regulation, open borders, races donald trump and donald trump wins every time. >> sean: congrats, both of yo
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>> sean: all right, unfortunately unfortunately tonight, the left wing smear machine launching baseless and e smears against the president's nominee. of refusing to meet with her. if liberals are so honest and on minded. aren't they? so giving and caring, loving, and smears, and slid the max lander, and besmirch men. always, of course, judge barrett and her family unfortunately. >> i will not be meeting with her because he would entry to the process is legitimate which is not. >> will you meet with her which is a courtesy in the number two democrat he said that he would give her that courtesy. >> i will not meet with her and i will take the opportunity to question her when she's under oath. >> justice ginsburg must be turning over in her grave up in heaven.
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to see that the person that they chose seems to be intent on undoing all the things that ginsberg did. >> sean: all, i guess chuck is an authority on this things and it gets worse. if cnn's contributor under fire suggesting that judge barrett, of their white parents adopt black children to use as "props?" while max. conservatives and republicans, all standing strong and they are ready to do anything and everything to defendant judge barrett from the lies and smears, and slander, besmirch meant and character! assassination. hearing side to begin on october the 12th and confirmation vote expected to be for halloween. here with reaction, author of the brand-new book "one vote away those quotes. it comes out tomorrow and now on in the texas senator, constitutional scholar in his
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own right, ted cruz with us and the timing very interesting. he's slated to meet with amy coney barrett tomorrow. your colleagues on the democratic side, so collegiate, so warm. i don't remember slander, smears against justice ginsburg, elena kagan, sonya saw so the money order, i don't remember democrats working our clarence thomas thing or cabin eyeing anybody? >> it's one-sided , and last thing they do is scorched-earth warfare. you start with robert bork when joe biden played an integral part and ted kennedy, they went after and smeared and defamed him. so much so that his name is now a verb. clarence thomas, it was despicable what they did to
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justice thomas. sam alito, they went after him and smeared him. justice kavanaugh and now, they are starting with judge barrett. i fully expect to the confirmation hearing to be a political circus and i expect the democratic t base demands ad we will see a cory booker spartacus moments. we are already seeing them target judge barrett's young kids which is really despicable. kids should be off-limits on the merits, she's a very strong choice. i'm sure that senate will confirm her and will do so by the end of the month. >> sean: 29 times in presidential years, there's been openings on the supreme court. you discuss this in the column anand i want you to expend what happened historically because all 29 times, the president's nominated people and that would be the norm. >> it that's exactly right and
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in our country history, 29 times there have been supreme court vacancies during presidential election years. presidents nominate someone, 29 times whether democrats or republican, the president nominates someone. there's a clear historical pattern and precedent. 19 times, the ascendant has been in the same party and confirmed. ten times the senate and the president have been from the same parties and they confirmed the two of the nominees so the clear president is is that you're the same party, you go forward and here it's especially central because 2016 with 2016a referendum. i have a book coming out and how the single supreme court seeking change history and it starts with the death of justice glia in february of 2016. with the book does, sean, as you know before i was in the sand that i was in the supreme court
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to mitigate her and what i did early was arguing cases in front of the u.s. supreme court. each chapter of the book addresses a different constitutional liberty so there's a chapter on's free speech, religious liberty, u.s. sovereignty. democracy and election talking about bush versus gore and harry helped represent george w. bush and bush versus gore and we may well see that same kind of litigation this election. and it tells war stories from inside and it takes leaders behind. you want to understand what's going on with the supreme court and who the justices are, what's really striking, and is that it goes through the big landmark cases and many of which i helped mitigate. one after the other, after another, 5-4 and one vote away from losing the fundamental liberties. if in the book, i read it this summer i didn't know we would have a vacancy but i knew would have an election in november, front and center and it's also
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front and center if you want to understand the fight we are having over judge barrett right now. the book, one vote away helps explain it. >> sean: you're right about that too. listen to the threats and we will try to get rid of the electoral colleges. we will get rid of the legislative filibuster, we can impeach the president any day of the week for anything. this is the crazed rhetoric that has come out since the vacancy. >> exactly right. part of it is because the courts or how the left is implemented the agenda. they want judges that decree left-wing outcomes the voters would not accept. what's interesting, sean, the democratic talking point that all the democrats are using and they've got amazing message discipline, they are all saying it's about health care, pre-existing conditions which is nonsense because all the republicans agree that we're going to protect pre-existing conditions. what is fascinating is that the
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democrats don't want to talk about free speech because one more left justice would take away your and my free speech rights. they don't want to talk about religious liberties, the zealots they are, they don't want to talk about the second amendment and you look at a case like color versus district of columbia which i represented texas and 30 other states litigating. they upheld the individual rights to bear arms and the centers, they did not argue that some was okay and to reasonable people on that. the floor senate argued that there is no individual rights at all in the second amendment that the governments can make it for you or me to own a single firearm and no american would have a right to challenge that and that's radical, extreme and hillary clinton pledged every justice they appoint would vote for that position. it that's how dramatic the threat is and it is why the
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stakes of the nomination of judge barrett, might be the most important thing that president trump has done in his first term. it's a big reason why we need to elect him in november. >> sean: senator, congrats. the book is on it's a must read and people need to understand and this is deep, profound, impact the country for generations. not only the senator, but sent to my constitutional scholar. books open anywhere tomorrow. the mob has been salivating over covering the new york toilet paper times and president trump's taxes. but they don't seem to care about the hunter biden report on deep-sea corruption. yesterday, president trump called out the media for their clear bias. take a look. >> i think there's only one reason and then you have to say what about joe's involvement? why did they not give the
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billion dollars over to your crane until they let go of a prosecutor that was investigating the company that his son was involved with. those are some bad questions and don't think they have answers. if we had a media that was fair, and reasonable, this would be the biggest story for years and years, and years. then you'd really be entitled to real political crisis. >> sean: meanwhile, the times made a stunning omission in the reporting of a woman who has been charged with a attempted murder after driving her car into a crowd on saturday. build to mention that she was a blm protester targeting trump supporter's. here with mark, former white house press secretary, contributor ari fleischer, former acting director ric grenell. if you caught the ball rolling and we learned that i did just in recent weeks, they would not sign the pfizer application.
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we learned that the sub source of the bought and paid for hillary dossier, they have known for a decade as a russian operative. there was an election interference to help the election. then you've got oligarchs in ukraine, the soviet union and wire transfers, china national's russian nationals, ukrainian nationals. he was all joe biden making money and wire transfers to prove it. what else is coming? >> look, you hit it on the head, sean. this is the way of washington and you've got to get your own separate rules. the media plays by the rules and they've covered it up. as you say, from the beginning, we knew that russia propaganda was influencing the steele dossier. from the beginning. if not only did we know that, career politicians --
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intelligence officials at the intelligence agencies knew this and they raise their hands and they said that this is a probled not be going down the road it. this is filled with a russian. what did the leaders of the fbi and other agencies do? they silenced of those people, they classified their comments, they push them aside. some documents are still out there and we've been calling for them to come forward and to be declassified let the public read them. there's a whole group of people in washington that doesn't want the public to read these because they don't trust the public. they would like to spoon-feed the public and only certain information. if we are getting to the point where the public is demanding these and i'm encouraging everybody to keep talking about the things and i don't care if it's the day before the election or the day after. people need to be held accountable and we've got a whole bunch of more information that needs to come out. transparency is not political.
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>> sean: lindsey graham is hinting at something big and you know what it is? speak out there's multiple reports, sean, that are still classified. the agency heads have been told specifically by me, specifically by the president, specifically by other people and i'll leave it at that, to say come clean. we've heard every excuse in the book about why these reports are coming out. >> sean: director ray, do your job. >> all sorts of crazy stuff enough got to tell you people are getting very impatient and we need transparency in washington. the outsiders are disbandin demg transparency from the insider. >> sean: we have a debate in less than 40 hours, less than 23 hours. we will be having the debate. advised your precedent, you are great debater. >> most important thing to me,
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smoke amount. force joe biden to sta and say s positions where joe biden does not want to take the stand. abolish the electoral college, and it's not enough to say that he will be influenced by alexandria ocasio-cortez and hillary clinton, he needs to make him take the stance. when chris wallace asks a question and biden ducks and dodges, that's when trump has the opening and say, joe, what's the matter? can you answer the question. i'm up against packing the court and are you for or against it? smoke him out and force them to take the stance and that's his most important job tomorrow night. >> sean: he got away with saying a couple times now i'm not going to be distracted and that i would stack the cord. that's not a hard question, joe. >> writes, it's hard to get away with that one when the candidate
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standing nex right next to you. that's what the debater can do and you can force the other guy to take a stand or make it so obvious to everybody that the guys not strong enough to take a stand. therefore, he will be influenced by the left. >> sean: what other the smoke amount on? >> smoke amount on the far left issues of raising taxes and raise taxes twice as much as hillary clinton and you want the public option and barack obama did not go for a public option. how far left are you going to take america. force them to unite with the bernie sanders of the domestic policies and that's where you want to go and you're on deal too. when he can show is how weak joe biden is across the board. so week, he no longer adheres to the positions he won't take. we have to see how strong he is to stand on stage at 9:00 at night to 10:30 at night.
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>> sean: he is been readjusting his peak cognitive hour to 9:00 p.m. and what do i know though, right? all right, that's great advice. rick, as shocking as the country has had to wait for four years and we don't have the full story of 2016. it's sad, wrong, we need justice and equal justice. thank you both. up next, truly disturbing. project veritas. the latest undercover video which shows valid harvesting in minnesota. we have some breakin breaking nd reports out that this video may have sparked an open investigation. if straight ahead. ♪
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♪ >> sean: all right, breaking the nine to a report that should scare every american. at about the integrity of her electoral process and a new video released undercover project veritas is laying out evidence of ballot harvesting fraud. a local race and congresswoman omar's district in minnesota. now, what you will see is the apparent scheme where campaign worker is in fact this is proveg ballots from the elderly and allegedly.
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we believe in the presumption of innocence on the program committing acts of voter fraud. fox news is not independently verified to the contents of the video and we will look and let you decide. indistinct an[indistinct] >> it was video, you can see the video out and about that he had the ballots in his car and talking about the only way that you can win is with money. they were not his. they were blank. >> who's filling out the absentee ballots? >> where did they pay the money? >> they sign and that's where you can pay. >> you and got money, you should not be here, period.
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>> okay. and they took every ballot. >> every ballots? >> every single ballot. >> they didn't pay for them? >> sean: we reached out to congresswoman omar's office for comment. it was a right wing to campaign and break into nights, the minneapolis police appointed to say there investigate the alleged scheme which is one impoten incident or fraud. they chronicled 182,00 182,000 f proven voter fraud. 1,000 people convicted. new jersey, one city councilman and charged with mail in voter fraud schemes. right here in new york, new york, posted a video where a democratic operative performed of voter fraud. >> ceo and founder of the project veritas, james o'keefe,
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thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me on, sean. >> sean: my car is full. if he's talking about ballots. when you get paid to come out paid after you fill out the ballot? it seems pretty before my eyes. >> this is incontrovertible evidence in the first time we've ever seen the deeds being done on tape. the media says there is no evidence in the director of the fbi said there's no evidence of voter fraud and there you have it. the state crime you can't have more than three ballots in your possession in minnesota and it's a federal crime because he's going around residential buildings in minneapolis pressuring people for the ballots and taking them away from the elderly. this is a story that may change thing and it's all on tape and they can no longer deny it. >> sean: now, we know the minneapolis police department is investigating it. as he pointed out, we just got
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304 jamaal osman and he has 300 ballots in my car right now, numbers don't lie. my car is full. all here are absentee ballots. that's what they are saying on tape. >> yeah, i mean, this is a clearly violation of the law and we reached out to the county attorney in they told us it's illegal but not just the state law. it's the federal law. president trump as the u.s. attorneys to investigate, sean. this is a violation of federal law. to fill out blank ballots to pay people to vote, this is what the ballot harvesters were on tape and on video saying. they were told to look for ilhan omar and this is an open secret in the somali community in minneapolis. nobody told the story because nobody could get access to the community. people felt like they were victims and somebody needed to tell their story. we gave them hidden cameras and we reported all the ballot harvesters saying that they line people up, bring them to the
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polls, and vote for them. this is a systemic thing happening for them and just the one guy in the car with 300 ballots, that's one day. this is the first time we've ever seen it before, sean. >> sean: people can see the whole tape for themselves on, is it? people want to look at it? >> and if you're an insider, its veritas that's how we got the hidden camera in the community. >> sean: i hope the attorney general of the united states is watching and watching the video. jason o'keefe, thank you for sharing that important news. we will continue. ♪ i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late. or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor,
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11 p.m. eastern. i will be in cleveland. we hope you set your dvr, 9 eastern on the fox news channel. laura ingraham is next. predictions for tomorrow? >> laura: biden will have a few tricks up his sleeve. >> sean: yes, that he's been practicing all summer. i agree. >> laura: there will be a few tricks and i think wiley old trump will have a few tricks as well. sean, at midnight, i follow you. we are rolling late. >> sean: we will be rolling. we are on later so we ask our audience to stay up later. >> laura: that's fine. >> sean: i will watch you after i watch me. >> laura: i am
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